Source code for pycbc.distributions.constraints

# Copyright (C) 2017 Christopher M. Biwer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
This modules provides classes for evaluating multi-dimensional constraints.
import logging
import re
import scipy.spatial
import numpy

from pycbc import transforms
from import record, HFile

logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.distributions.constraints')

[docs]class Constraint(object): """Creates a constraint that evaluates to True if parameters obey the constraint and False if they do not. """ name = "custom" def __init__(self, constraint_arg, static_args=None, transforms=None, **kwargs): static_args = ( {} if static_args is None else dict(sorted( static_args.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True)) ) for arg, val in static_args.items(): swp = f"'{val}'" if isinstance(val, str) else str(val) # Substitute static arg name for value if it appears in the # constraint_arg string at the beginning of a word and is not # followed by an underscore or equals sign. # This ensures that static_args that are also kwargs in function calls are # handled correctly, i.e., the kwarg is not touched while its value is replaced # with the static_arg value. constraint_arg = re.sub( r'\b{}(?!\_|\=)'.format(arg), swp, constraint_arg) self.constraint_arg = constraint_arg self.transforms = transforms for kwarg in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self, kwarg, kwargs[kwarg]) def __call__(self, params): """Evaluates constraint. """ # cast to FieldArray if isinstance(params, dict): params = record.FieldArray.from_kwargs(**params) elif not isinstance(params, record.FieldArray): raise ValueError("params must be dict or FieldArray instance") # try to evaluate; this will assume that all of the needed parameters # for the constraint exists in params try: out = self._constraint(params) except NameError: # one or more needed parameters don't exist; try applying the # transforms params = transforms.apply_transforms(params, self.transforms) \ if self.transforms else params out = self._constraint(params) if isinstance(out, record.FieldArray): out = out.item() if params.size == 1 else out return out def _constraint(self, params): """ Evaluates constraint function. """ return params[self.constraint_arg]
[docs]class SupernovaeConvexHull(Constraint): """Pre defined constraint for core-collapse waveforms that checks whether a given set of coefficients lie within the convex hull of the coefficients of the principal component basis vectors. """ name = "supernovae_convex_hull" required_parameters = ["coeff_0", "coeff_1"] def __init__(self, constraint_arg, transforms=None, **kwargs): super(SupernovaeConvexHull, self).__init__(constraint_arg, transforms=transforms, **kwargs) if 'principal_components_file' in kwargs: pc_filename = kwargs['principal_components_file'] hull_dimention = numpy.array(kwargs['hull_dimention']) self.hull_dimention = int(hull_dimention) pc_file = HFile(pc_filename, 'r') pc_coefficients = numpy.array(pc_file.get('coefficients')) pc_file.close() hull_points = [] for dim in range(self.hull_dimention): hull_points.append(pc_coefficients[:, dim]) hull_points = numpy.array(hull_points).T pc_coeffs_hull = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(hull_points) self._hull = pc_coeffs_hull def _constraint(self, params): output_array = [] points = numpy.array([params["coeff_0"], params["coeff_1"], params["coeff_2"]]) for coeff_index in range(len(params["coeff_0"])): point = points[:, coeff_index][:self.hull_dimention] output_array.append(self._hull.find_simplex(point) >= 0) return numpy.array(output_array)
# list of all constraints constraints = { : Constraint, : SupernovaeConvexHull, }