Source code for pycbc.dq

# Copyright (C) 2018 Alex Nitz

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
""" Utilities to query archival instrument status information of
gravitational-wave detectors from public sources and/or dqsegdb.

import logging
import json
import numpy
from igwn_segments import segmentlist, segment
from pycbc.frame.gwosc import get_run
from import get_file

logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.dq')

[docs] def parse_veto_definer(veto_def_filename, ifos): """ Parse a veto definer file from the filename and return a dictionary indexed by ifo and veto definer category level. Parameters ---------- veto_def_filename: str The path to the veto definer file ifos: str The list of ifos for which we require information from the veto definer file Returns -------- parsed_definition: dict Returns a dictionary first indexed by ifo, then category level, and finally a list of veto definitions. """ from ligo.lw import table, utils as ligolw_utils from import LIGOLWContentHandler as h data = {} for ifo_name in ifos: data[ifo_name] = {} data[ifo_name]['CAT_H'] = [] for cat_num in range(1, 5): data[ifo_name]['CAT_{}'.format(cat_num)] = [] indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(veto_def_filename, False, contenthandler=h) veto_table = table.Table.get_table(indoc, 'veto_definer') ifo = veto_table.getColumnByName('ifo') name = veto_table.getColumnByName('name') version = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('version')) category = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('category')) start = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('start_time')) end = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('end_time')) start_pad = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('start_pad')) end_pad = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('end_pad')) for i in range(len(veto_table)): if ifo[i] not in data: continue # The veto-definer categories are weird! Hardware injections are stored # in "3" and numbers above that are bumped up by one (although not # often used any more). So we remap 3 to H and anything above 3 to # N-1. 2 and 1 correspond to 2 and 1 (YAY!) if category[i] > 3: curr_cat = "CAT_{}".format(category[i]-1) elif category[i] == 3: curr_cat = "CAT_H" else: curr_cat = "CAT_{}".format(category[i]) veto_info = {'name': name[i], 'version': version[i], 'full_name': name[i]+':'+str(version[i]), 'start': start[i], 'end': end[i], 'start_pad': start_pad[i], 'end_pad': end_pad[i], } data[ifo[i]][curr_cat].append(veto_info) return data
GWOSC_URL = '{}/{}_{}/{}/{}/'
[docs] def query_dqsegdb2(detector, flag_name, start_time, end_time, server): """Utility function for better error reporting when calling dqsegdb2. """ from dqsegdb2.query import query_segments complete_flag = detector + ':' + flag_name try: query_res = query_segments(complete_flag, int(start_time), int(end_time), host=server) return query_res['active'] except Exception as e: logger.error('Could not query segment database, check name ' '(%s), times (%d-%d) and server (%s)', complete_flag, int(start_time), int(end_time), server) raise e
[docs] def query_flag(ifo, segment_name, start_time, end_time, source='any', server="", veto_definer=None, cache=False): """Return the times where the flag is active Parameters ---------- ifo: string The interferometer to query (H1, L1). segment_name: string The status flag to query from GWOSC. start_time: int The starting gps time to begin querying from GWOSC end_time: int The end gps time of the query source: str, Optional Choice between "GWOSC" or "dqsegdb". If dqsegdb, the server option may also be given. The default is to try GWOSC first then try dqsegdb. server: str, Optional The server path. Only used with dqsegdb atm. veto_definer: str, Optional The path to a veto definer to define groups of flags which themselves define a set of segments. cache: bool If true cache the query. Default is not to cache Returns --------- segments: igwn_segments.segmentlist List of segments """ flag_segments = segmentlist([]) if source in ['GWOSC', 'any']: # Special cases as the GWOSC convention is backwards from normal # LIGO / Virgo operation!!!! if (('_HW_INJ' in segment_name and 'NO' not in segment_name) or 'VETO' in segment_name): data = query_flag(ifo, 'DATA', start_time, end_time) if '_HW_INJ' in segment_name: name = 'NO_' + segment_name else: name = segment_name.replace('_VETO', '') negate = query_flag(ifo, name, start_time, end_time, cache=cache) return (data - negate).coalesce() duration = end_time - start_time try: url = GWOSC_URL.format(get_run(start_time + duration/2, ifo), ifo, segment_name, int(start_time), int(duration)) fname = get_file(url, cache=cache, timeout=10) data = json.load(open(fname, 'r')) if 'segments' in data: flag_segments = data['segments'] except Exception as e: if source != 'any': raise ValueError("Unable to find {} segments in GWOSC, check " "flag name or times".format(segment_name)) return query_flag(ifo, segment_name, start_time, end_time, source='dqsegdb', server=server, veto_definer=veto_definer) elif source == 'dqsegdb': # The veto definer will allow the use of MACRO names # These directly correspond to the name in the veto definer file if veto_definer is not None: veto_def = parse_veto_definer(veto_definer, [ifo]) # We treat the veto definer name as if it were its own flag and # process the flags in the veto definer if veto_definer is not None and segment_name in veto_def[ifo]: for flag in veto_def[ifo][segment_name]: partial = segmentlist([]) segs = query_dqsegdb2(ifo, flag['full_name'], start_time, end_time, server) # Apply padding to each segment for rseg in segs: seg_start = rseg[0] + flag['start_pad'] seg_end = rseg[1] + flag['end_pad'] partial.append(segment(seg_start, seg_end)) # Limit to the veto definer stated valid region of this flag flag_start = flag['start'] flag_end = flag['end'] # Corner case: if the flag end time is 0 it means 'no limit' # so use the query end time if flag_end == 0: flag_end = int(end_time) send = segmentlist([segment(flag_start, flag_end)]) flag_segments += (partial.coalesce() & send) else: # Standard case just query directly segs = query_dqsegdb2(ifo, segment_name, start_time, end_time, server) for rseg in segs: flag_segments.append(segment(rseg[0], rseg[1])) # dqsegdb output is not guaranteed to lie entirely within start # and end times, hence restrict to this range flag_segments = flag_segments.coalesce() & \ segmentlist([segment(int(start_time), int(end_time))]) else: raise ValueError("Source must be `dqsegdb`, `GWOSC` or `any`." " Got {}".format(source)) return segmentlist(flag_segments).coalesce()
[docs] def query_cumulative_flags(ifo, segment_names, start_time, end_time, source='any', server="", veto_definer=None, bounds=None, padding=None, override_ifos=None, cache=False): """Return the times where any flag is active Parameters ---------- ifo: string or dict The interferometer to query (H1, L1). If a dict, an element for each flag name must be provided. segment_name: list of strings The status flag to query from GWOSC. start_time: int The starting gps time to begin querying from GWOSC end_time: int The end gps time of the query source: str, Optional Choice between "GWOSC" or "dqsegdb". If dqsegdb, the server option may also be given. The default is to try GWOSC first then try dqsegdb. server: str, Optional The server path. Only used with dqsegdb atm. veto_definer: str, Optional The path to a veto definer to define groups of flags which themselves define a set of segments. bounds: dict, Optional Dict containing start-end tuples keyed by the flag name which indicate places which should have a distinct time period to be active. padding: dict, Optional Dict keyed by the flag name. Each element is a tuple (start_pad, end_pad) which indicates how to change the segment boundaries. override_ifos: dict, Optional A dict keyed by flag_name to override the ifo option on a per flag basis. Returns --------- segments: igwn_segments.segmentlist List of segments """ total_segs = segmentlist([]) for flag_name in segment_names: ifo_name = ifo if override_ifos is not None and flag_name in override_ifos: ifo_name = override_ifos[flag_name] segs = query_flag(ifo_name, flag_name, start_time, end_time, source=source, server=server, veto_definer=veto_definer, cache=cache) if padding and flag_name in padding: s, e = padding[flag_name] segs2 = segmentlist([]) for seg in segs: segs2.append(segment(seg[0] + s, seg[1] + e)) segs = segs2 if bounds is not None and flag_name in bounds: s, e = bounds[flag_name] valid = segmentlist([segment([s, e])]) segs = (segs & valid).coalesce() total_segs = (total_segs + segs).coalesce() return total_segs
[docs] def parse_flag_str(flag_str): """ Parse a dq flag query string Parameters ---------- flag_str: str String to be parsed Returns ------- flags: list of strings List of reduced name strings which can be passed to lower level query commands signs: dict Dict of bools indicating if the flag should add positively to the segmentlist ifos: dict Ifo specified for the given flag bounds: dict The boundary of a given flag padding: dict Any padding that should be applied to the segments for a given flag """ flags = flag_str.replace(' ', '').strip().split(',') signs = {} ifos = {} bounds = {} padding = {} bflags = [] for flag in flags: # Check if the flag should add or subtract time if not (flag[0] == '+' or flag[0] == '-'): err_msg = "DQ flags must begin with a '+' or a '-' character. " err_msg += "You provided {}. ".format(flag) err_msg += "See" err_msg += " for more information." raise ValueError(err_msg) sign = flag[0] == '+' flag = flag[1:] ifo = pad = bound = None # Check for non-default IFO if len(flag.split(':')[0]) == 2: ifo = flag.split(':')[0] flag = flag[3:] # Check for padding options if '<' in flag: popt = flag.split('<')[1].split('>')[0] spad, epad = popt.split(':') pad = (float(spad), float(epad)) flag = flag.replace(popt, '').replace('<>', '') # Check if there are bounds on the flag if '[' in flag: bopt = flag.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] start, end = bopt.split(':') bound = (int(start), int(end)) flag = flag.replace(bopt, '').replace('[]', '') if ifo: ifos[flag] = ifo if pad: padding[flag] = pad if bound: bounds[flag] = bound bflags.append(flag) signs[flag] = sign return bflags, signs, ifos, bounds, padding
[docs] def query_str(ifo, flag_str, start_time, end_time, source='any', server="", veto_definer=None): """ Query for flags based on a special str syntax Parameters ---------- ifo: str The ifo to query for (may be overridden in syntax) flag_str: str Specification of how to do the query. Ex. +H1:DATA:1<-8,8>[0,100000000] would return H1 time for the DATA available flag with version 1. It would then apply an 8 second padding and only return times within the chosen range 0,1000000000. start_time: int The start gps time. May be overridden for individual flags with the flag str bounds syntax end_time: int The end gps time. May be overridden for individual flags with the flag str bounds syntax source: str, Optional Choice between "GWOSC" or "dqsegdb". If dqsegdb, the server option may also be given. The default is to try GWOSC first then try dqsegdb. server: str, Optional The server path. Only used with dqsegdb atm. veto_definer: str, Optional The path to a veto definer to define groups of flags which themselves define a set of segments. Returns ------- segs: segmentlist A list of segments corresponding to the flag query string """ flags, sign, ifos, bounds, padding = parse_flag_str(flag_str) up = [f for f in flags if sign[f]] down = [f for f in flags if not sign[f]] if len(up) + len(down) != len(flags): raise ValueError('Not all flags could be parsed, check +/- prefix') segs = query_cumulative_flags(ifo, up, start_time, end_time, source=source, server=server, veto_definer=veto_definer, bounds=bounds, padding=padding, override_ifos=ifos) mseg = query_cumulative_flags(ifo, down, start_time, end_time, source=source, server=server, veto_definer=veto_definer, bounds=bounds, padding=padding, override_ifos=ifos) segs = (segs - mseg).coalesce() return segs