Source code for pycbc.filter.matchedfilter

# Copyright (C) 2012  Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
This modules provides functions for matched filtering along with associated

import logging
from math import sqrt
import numpy

from pycbc.types import TimeSeries, FrequencySeries, zeros, Array
from pycbc.types import complex_same_precision_as, real_same_precision_as
from pycbc.fft import fft, ifft, IFFT
import pycbc.scheme
from pycbc import events
from import ranking
import pycbc

logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.filter.matchedfilter')


[docs] @pycbc.scheme.schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def correlate(x, y, z): err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using the " err_msg += "scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
class BatchCorrelator(object): """ Create a batch correlation engine """ def __init__(self, xs, zs, size): """ Correlate x and y, store in z. Arrays need not be equal length, but must be at least size long and of the same dtype. No error checking will be performed, so be careful. All dtypes must be complex64. Note, must be created within the processing context that it will be used in. """ self.size = int(size) self.dtype = xs[0].dtype self.num_vectors = len(xs) # keep reference to arrays self.xs = xs self.zs = zs # Store each pointer as in integer array self.x = Array([v.ptr for v in xs], dtype=int) self.z = Array([v.ptr for v in zs], dtype=int) @pycbc.scheme.schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def batch_correlate_execute(self, y): pass execute = batch_correlate_execute @pycbc.scheme.schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def _correlate_factory(x, y, z): err_msg = "This class is a stub that should be overridden using the " err_msg += "scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg) class Correlator(object): """ Create a correlator engine Parameters --------- x : complex64 Input pycbc.types.Array (or subclass); it will be conjugated y : complex64 Input pycbc.types.Array (or subclass); it will not be conjugated z : complex64 Output pycbc.types.Array (or subclass). It will contain conj(x) * y, element by element The addresses in memory of the data of all three parameter vectors must be the same modulo pycbc.PYCBC_ALIGNMENT """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): real_cls = _correlate_factory(*args, **kwargs) return real_cls(*args, **kwargs) # pylint:disable=not-callable # The class below should serve as the parent for all schemed classes. # The intention is that this class serves simply as the location for # all documentation of the class and its methods, though that is not # yet implemented. Perhaps something along the lines of: # # # # will work? Is there a better way? class _BaseCorrelator(object): def correlate(self): """ Compute the correlation of the vectors specified at object instantiation, writing into the output vector given when the object was instantiated. The intention is that this method should be called many times, with the contents of those vectors changing between invocations, but not their locations in memory or length. """ pass
[docs] class MatchedFilterControl(object): def __init__(self, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, snr_threshold, tlen, delta_f, dtype, segment_list, template_output, use_cluster, downsample_factor=1, upsample_threshold=1, upsample_method='pruned_fft', gpu_callback_method='none', cluster_function='symmetric'): """ Create a matched filter engine. Parameters ---------- low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the first frequency after DC. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the the nyquist frequency. snr_threshold : float The minimum snr to return when filtering segment_list : list List of FrequencySeries that are the Fourier-transformed data segments template_output : complex64 Array of memory given as the 'out' parameter to waveform.FilterBank use_cluster : boolean If true, cluster triggers above threshold using a window; otherwise, only apply a threshold. downsample_factor : {1, int}, optional The factor by which to reduce the sample rate when doing a hierarchical matched filter upsample_threshold : {1, float}, optional The fraction of the snr_threshold to trigger on the subsampled filter. upsample_method : {pruned_fft, str} The method to upsample or interpolate the reduced rate filter. cluster_function : {symmetric, str}, optional Which method is used to cluster triggers over time. If 'findchirp', a sliding forward window; if 'symmetric', each window's peak is compared to the windows before and after it, and only kept as a trigger if larger than both. """ # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also # delta_f is constant across segments. self.tlen = tlen self.flen = self.tlen / 2 + 1 self.delta_f = delta_f self.delta_t = 1.0/(self.delta_f * self.tlen) self.dtype = dtype self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold self.flow = low_frequency_cutoff self.fhigh = high_frequency_cutoff self.gpu_callback_method = gpu_callback_method if cluster_function not in ['symmetric', 'findchirp']: raise ValueError("MatchedFilter: 'cluster_function' must be either 'symmetric' or 'findchirp'") self.cluster_function = cluster_function self.segments = segment_list self.htilde = template_output if downsample_factor == 1: self.snr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype) self.corr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype) if use_cluster and (cluster_function == 'symmetric'): self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster_symm # setup the threasholding/clustering operations for each segment self.threshold_and_clusterers = [] for seg in self.segments: thresh = events.ThresholdCluster(self.snr_mem[seg.analyze]) self.threshold_and_clusterers.append(thresh) elif use_cluster and (cluster_function == 'findchirp'): self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster_fc else: self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.full_matched_filter_thresh_only # Assuming analysis time is constant across templates and segments, also # delta_f is constant across segments. self.kmin, self.kmax = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh, self.delta_f, self.tlen) # Set up the correlation operations for each analysis segment corr_slice = slice(self.kmin, self.kmax) self.correlators = [] for seg in self.segments: corr = Correlator(self.htilde[corr_slice], seg[corr_slice], self.corr_mem[corr_slice]) self.correlators.append(corr) # setup up the ifft we will do self.ifft = IFFT(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem) elif downsample_factor >= 1: self.matched_filter_and_cluster = self.hierarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster self.downsample_factor = downsample_factor self.upsample_method = upsample_method self.upsample_threshold = upsample_threshold N_full = self.tlen N_red = N_full / downsample_factor self.kmin_full, self.kmax_full = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_full) self.kmin_red, _ = get_cutoff_indices(self.flow, self.fhigh, self.delta_f, N_red) if self.kmax_full < N_red: self.kmax_red = self.kmax_full else: self.kmax_red = N_red - 1 self.snr_mem = zeros(N_red, dtype=self.dtype) self.corr_mem_full = FrequencySeries(zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype), delta_f=self.delta_f) self.corr_mem = Array(self.corr_mem_full[0:N_red], copy=False) self.inter_vec = zeros(N_full, dtype=self.dtype) else: raise ValueError("Invalid downsample factor")
[docs] def full_matched_filter_and_cluster_symm(self, segnum, template_norm, window, epoch=None): """ Returns the complex snr timeseries, normalization of the complex snr, the correlation vector frequency series, the list of indices of the triggers, and the snr values at the trigger locations. Returns empty lists for these for points that are not above the threshold. Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster. Parameters ---------- segnum : int Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction against which to filter. template_norm : float The htilde, template normalization factor. window : int Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples Returns ------- snr : TimeSeries A time series containing the complex snr. norm : float The normalization of the complex snr. correlation: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the correlation vector. idx : Array List of indices of the triggers. snrv : Array The snr values at the trigger locations. """ norm = (4.0 * self.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm) self.correlators[segnum].correlate() self.ifft.execute() snrv, idx = self.threshold_and_clusterers[segnum].threshold_and_cluster(self.snr_threshold / norm, window) if len(idx) == 0: return [], [], [], [], []"%d points above threshold", len(idx)) snr = TimeSeries(self.snr_mem, epoch=epoch, delta_t=self.delta_t, copy=False) corr = FrequencySeries(self.corr_mem, delta_f=self.delta_f, copy=False) return snr, norm, corr, idx, snrv
[docs] def full_matched_filter_and_cluster_fc(self, segnum, template_norm, window, epoch=None): """ Returns the complex snr timeseries, normalization of the complex snr, the correlation vector frequency series, the list of indices of the triggers, and the snr values at the trigger locations. Returns empty lists for these for points that are not above the threshold. Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster. Parameters ---------- segnum : int Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction against which to filter. template_norm : float The htilde, template normalization factor. window : int Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples Returns ------- snr : TimeSeries A time series containing the complex snr. norm : float The normalization of the complex snr. correlation: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the correlation vector. idx : Array List of indices of the triggers. snrv : Array The snr values at the trigger locations. """ norm = (4.0 * self.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm) self.correlators[segnum].correlate() self.ifft.execute() idx, snrv = events.threshold(self.snr_mem[self.segments[segnum].analyze], self.snr_threshold / norm) idx, snrv = events.cluster_reduce(idx, snrv, window) if len(idx) == 0: return [], [], [], [], []"%d points above threshold", len(idx)) snr = TimeSeries(self.snr_mem, epoch=epoch, delta_t=self.delta_t, copy=False) corr = FrequencySeries(self.corr_mem, delta_f=self.delta_f, copy=False) return snr, norm, corr, idx, snrv
[docs] def full_matched_filter_thresh_only(self, segnum, template_norm, window=None, epoch=None): """ Returns the complex snr timeseries, normalization of the complex snr, the correlation vector frequency series, the list of indices of the triggers, and the snr values at the trigger locations. Returns empty lists for these for points that are not above the threshold. Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster. Parameters ---------- segnum : int Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction against which to filter. template_norm : float The htilde, template normalization factor. window : int Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples. This is IGNORED by this function, and provided only for API compatibility. Returns ------- snr : TimeSeries A time series containing the complex snr. norm : float The normalization of the complex snr. correlation: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the correlation vector. idx : Array List of indices of the triggers. snrv : Array The snr values at the trigger locations. """ norm = (4.0 * self.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm) self.correlators[segnum].correlate() self.ifft.execute() idx, snrv = events.threshold_only(self.snr_mem[self.segments[segnum].analyze], self.snr_threshold / norm)"%d points above threshold", len(idx)) snr = TimeSeries(self.snr_mem, epoch=epoch, delta_t=self.delta_t, copy=False) corr = FrequencySeries(self.corr_mem, delta_f=self.delta_f, copy=False) return snr, norm, corr, idx, snrv
[docs] def hierarchical_matched_filter_and_cluster(self, segnum, template_norm, window): """ Returns the complex snr timeseries, normalization of the complex snr, the correlation vector frequency series, the list of indices of the triggers, and the snr values at the trigger locations. Returns empty lists for these for points that are not above the threshold. Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster. Parameters ---------- segnum : int Index into the list of segments at MatchedFilterControl construction template_norm : float The htilde, template normalization factor. window : int Size of the window over which to cluster triggers, in samples Returns ------- snr : TimeSeries A time series containing the complex snr at the reduced sample rate. norm : float The normalization of the complex snr. correlation: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the correlation vector. idx : Array List of indices of the triggers. snrv : Array The snr values at the trigger locations. """ from pycbc.fft.fftw_pruned import pruned_c2cifft, fft_transpose htilde = self.htilde stilde = self.segments[segnum] norm = (4.0 * stilde.delta_f) / sqrt(template_norm) correlate(htilde[self.kmin_red:self.kmax_red], stilde[self.kmin_red:self.kmax_red], self.corr_mem[self.kmin_red:self.kmax_red]) ifft(self.corr_mem, self.snr_mem) if not hasattr(stilde, 'red_analyze'): stilde.red_analyze = \ slice(stilde.analyze.start/self.downsample_factor, stilde.analyze.stop/self.downsample_factor) idx_red, snrv_red = events.threshold(self.snr_mem[stilde.red_analyze], self.snr_threshold / norm * self.upsample_threshold) if len(idx_red) == 0: return [], None, [], [], [] idx_red, _ = events.cluster_reduce(idx_red, snrv_red, window / self.downsample_factor)"%d points above threshold at reduced resolution", len(idx_red)) # The fancy upsampling is here if self.upsample_method=='pruned_fft': idx = (idx_red + stilde.analyze.start/self.downsample_factor)\ * self.downsample_factor idx = smear(idx, self.downsample_factor) # cache transposed versions of htilde and stilde if not hasattr(self.corr_mem_full, 'transposed'): self.corr_mem_full.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full), dtype=self.dtype) if not hasattr(htilde, 'transposed'): htilde.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full), dtype=self.dtype) htilde.transposed[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] = htilde[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] htilde.transposed = fft_transpose(htilde.transposed) if not hasattr(stilde, 'transposed'): stilde.transposed = zeros(len(self.corr_mem_full), dtype=self.dtype) stilde.transposed[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] = stilde[self.kmin_full:self.kmax_full] stilde.transposed = fft_transpose(stilde.transposed) correlate(htilde.transposed, stilde.transposed, self.corr_mem_full.transposed) snrv = pruned_c2cifft(self.corr_mem_full.transposed, self.inter_vec, idx, pretransposed=True) idx = idx - stilde.analyze.start idx2, snrv = events.threshold(Array(snrv, copy=False), self.snr_threshold / norm) if len(idx2) > 0: correlate(htilde[self.kmax_red:self.kmax_full], stilde[self.kmax_red:self.kmax_full], self.corr_mem_full[self.kmax_red:self.kmax_full]) idx, snrv = events.cluster_reduce(idx[idx2], snrv, window) else: idx, snrv = [], []"%d points at full rate and clustering", len(idx)) return self.snr_mem, norm, self.corr_mem_full, idx, snrv else: raise ValueError("Invalid upsample method")
[docs] def compute_max_snr_over_sky_loc_stat(hplus, hcross, hphccorr, hpnorm=None, hcnorm=None, out=None, thresh=0, analyse_slice=None): """ Matched filter maximised over polarization and orbital phase. This implements the statistic derived in 1603.02444. It is encouraged to read that work to understand the limitations and assumptions implicit in this statistic before using it. Parameters ----------- hplus : TimeSeries This is the IFFTed complex SNR time series of (h+, data). If not normalized, supply the normalization factor so this can be done! It is recommended to normalize this before sending through this function hcross : TimeSeries This is the IFFTed complex SNR time series of (hx, data). If not normalized, supply the normalization factor so this can be done! hphccorr : float The real component of the overlap between the two polarizations Re[(h+, hx)]. Note that the imaginary component does not enter the detection statistic. This must be normalized and is sign-sensitive. thresh : float Used for optimization. If we do not care about the value of SNR values below thresh we can calculate a quick statistic that will always overestimate SNR and then only calculate the proper, more expensive, statistic at points where the quick SNR is above thresh. hpsigmasq : float The normalization factor (h+, h+). Default = None (=1, already normalized) hcsigmasq : float The normalization factor (hx, hx). Default = None (=1, already normalized) out : TimeSeries (optional, default=None) If given, use this array to store the output. Returns -------- det_stat : TimeSeries The SNR maximized over sky location """ # NOTE: Not much optimization has been done here! This may need to be # Cythonized. if out is None: out = zeros(len(hplus)) out.non_zero_locs = numpy.array([], dtype=out.dtype) else: if not hasattr(out, 'non_zero_locs'): # Doing this every time is not a zero-cost operation[:] = 0 out.non_zero_locs = numpy.array([], dtype=out.dtype) else: # Only set non zero locations to zero[out.non_zero_locs] = 0 # If threshold is given we can limit the points at which to compute the # full statistic if thresh: # This is the statistic that always overestimates the SNR... # It allows some unphysical freedom that the full statistic does not idx_p, _ = events.threshold_only(hplus[analyse_slice], thresh / (2**0.5 * hpnorm)) idx_c, _ = events.threshold_only(hcross[analyse_slice], thresh / (2**0.5 * hcnorm)) idx_p = idx_p + analyse_slice.start idx_c = idx_c + analyse_slice.start hp_red = hplus[idx_p] * hpnorm hc_red = hcross[idx_p] * hcnorm stat_p = hp_red.real**2 + hp_red.imag**2 + \ hc_red.real**2 + hc_red.imag**2 locs_p = idx_p[stat_p > (thresh*thresh)] hp_red = hplus[idx_c] * hpnorm hc_red = hcross[idx_c] * hcnorm stat_c = hp_red.real**2 + hp_red.imag**2 + \ hc_red.real**2 + hc_red.imag**2 locs_c = idx_c[stat_c > (thresh*thresh)] locs = numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate((locs_p, locs_c))) hplus = hplus[locs] hcross = hcross[locs] hplus = hplus * hpnorm hcross = hcross * hcnorm # Calculate and sanity check the denominator denom = 1 - hphccorr*hphccorr if denom < 0: if hphccorr > 1: err_msg = "Overlap between hp and hc is given as %f. " %(hphccorr) err_msg += "How can an overlap be bigger than 1?" raise ValueError(err_msg) else: err_msg = "There really is no way to raise this error!?! " err_msg += "If you're seeing this, it is bad." raise ValueError(err_msg) if denom == 0: # This case, of hphccorr==1, makes the statistic degenerate # This case should not physically be possible luckily. err_msg = "You have supplied a real overlap between hp and hc of 1. " err_msg += "Ian is reasonably certain this is physically impossible " err_msg += "so why are you seeing this?" raise ValueError(err_msg) assert(len(hplus) == len(hcross)) # Now the stuff where comp. cost may be a problem hplus_magsq = numpy.real(hplus) * numpy.real(hplus) + \ numpy.imag(hplus) * numpy.imag(hplus) hcross_magsq = numpy.real(hcross) * numpy.real(hcross) + \ numpy.imag(hcross) * numpy.imag(hcross) rho_pluscross = numpy.real(hplus) * numpy.real(hcross) + numpy.imag(hplus)*numpy.imag(hcross) sqroot = (hplus_magsq - hcross_magsq)**2 sqroot += 4 * (hphccorr * hplus_magsq - rho_pluscross) * \ (hphccorr * hcross_magsq - rho_pluscross) # Sometimes this can be less than 0 due to numeric imprecision, catch this. if (sqroot < 0).any(): indices = numpy.arange(len(sqroot))[sqroot < 0] # This should not be *much* smaller than 0 due to numeric imprecision if (sqroot[indices] < -0.0001).any(): err_msg = "Square root has become negative. Something wrong here!" raise ValueError(err_msg) sqroot[indices] = 0 sqroot = numpy.sqrt(sqroot) det_stat_sq = 0.5 * (hplus_magsq + hcross_magsq - \ 2 * rho_pluscross*hphccorr + sqroot) / denom det_stat = numpy.sqrt(det_stat_sq) if thresh:[locs] = det_stat out.non_zero_locs = locs return out else: return Array(det_stat, copy=False)
[docs] def compute_u_val_for_sky_loc_stat(hplus, hcross, hphccorr, hpnorm=None, hcnorm=None, indices=None): """The max-over-sky location detection statistic maximizes over a phase, an amplitude and the ratio of F+ and Fx, encoded in a variable called u. Here we return the value of u for the given indices. """ if indices is not None: hplus = hplus[indices] hcross = hcross[indices] if hpnorm is not None: hplus = hplus * hpnorm if hcnorm is not None: hcross = hcross * hcnorm # Sanity checking in func. above should already have identified any points # which are bad, and should be used to construct indices for input here hplus_magsq = numpy.real(hplus) * numpy.real(hplus) + \ numpy.imag(hplus) * numpy.imag(hplus) hcross_magsq = numpy.real(hcross) * numpy.real(hcross) + \ numpy.imag(hcross) * numpy.imag(hcross) rho_pluscross = numpy.real(hplus) * numpy.real(hcross) + \ numpy.imag(hplus)*numpy.imag(hcross) a = hphccorr * hplus_magsq - rho_pluscross b = hplus_magsq - hcross_magsq c = rho_pluscross - hphccorr * hcross_magsq sq_root = b*b - 4*a*c sq_root = sq_root**0.5 sq_root = -sq_root # Catch the a->0 case bad_lgc = (a == 0) dbl_bad_lgc = numpy.logical_and(c == 0, b == 0) dbl_bad_lgc = numpy.logical_and(bad_lgc, dbl_bad_lgc) # Initialize u u = sq_root * 0. # In this case u is completely degenerate, so set it to 1 u[dbl_bad_lgc] = 1. # If a->0 avoid overflow by just setting to a large value u[bad_lgc & ~dbl_bad_lgc] = 1E17 # Otherwise normal statistic u[~bad_lgc] = (-b[~bad_lgc] + sq_root[~bad_lgc]) / (2*a[~bad_lgc]) snr_cplx = hplus * u + hcross coa_phase = numpy.angle(snr_cplx) return u, coa_phase
[docs] def compute_max_snr_over_sky_loc_stat_no_phase(hplus, hcross, hphccorr, hpnorm=None, hcnorm=None, out=None, thresh=0, analyse_slice=None): """ Matched filter maximised over polarization phase. This implements the statistic derived in 1709.09181. It is encouraged to read that work to understand the limitations and assumptions implicit in this statistic before using it. In contrast to compute_max_snr_over_sky_loc_stat this function performs no maximization over orbital phase, treating that as an intrinsic parameter. In the case of aligned-spin 2,2-mode only waveforms, this collapses to the normal statistic (at twice the computational cost!) Parameters ----------- hplus : TimeSeries This is the IFFTed complex SNR time series of (h+, data). If not normalized, supply the normalization factor so this can be done! It is recommended to normalize this before sending through this function hcross : TimeSeries This is the IFFTed complex SNR time series of (hx, data). If not normalized, supply the normalization factor so this can be done! hphccorr : float The real component of the overlap between the two polarizations Re[(h+, hx)]. Note that the imaginary component does not enter the detection statistic. This must be normalized and is sign-sensitive. thresh : float Used for optimization. If we do not care about the value of SNR values below thresh we can calculate a quick statistic that will always overestimate SNR and then only calculate the proper, more expensive, statistic at points where the quick SNR is above thresh. hpsigmasq : float The normalization factor (h+, h+). Default = None (=1, already normalized) hcsigmasq : float The normalization factor (hx, hx). Default = None (=1, already normalized) out : TimeSeries (optional, default=None) If given, use this array to store the output. Returns -------- det_stat : TimeSeries The SNR maximized over sky location """ # NOTE: Not much optimization has been done here! This may need to be # Cythonized. if out is None: out = zeros(len(hplus)) out.non_zero_locs = numpy.array([], dtype=out.dtype) else: if not hasattr(out, 'non_zero_locs'): # Doing this every time is not a zero-cost operation[:] = 0 out.non_zero_locs = numpy.array([], dtype=out.dtype) else: # Only set non zero locations to zero[out.non_zero_locs] = 0 # If threshold is given we can limit the points at which to compute the # full statistic if thresh: # This is the statistic that always overestimates the SNR... # It allows some unphysical freedom that the full statistic does not # # For now this is copied from the max-over-phase statistic. One could # probably make this faster by removing the imaginary components of # the matched filter, as these are not used here. idx_p, _ = events.threshold_only(hplus[analyse_slice], thresh / (2**0.5 * hpnorm)) idx_c, _ = events.threshold_only(hcross[analyse_slice], thresh / (2**0.5 * hcnorm)) idx_p = idx_p + analyse_slice.start idx_c = idx_c + analyse_slice.start hp_red = hplus[idx_p] * hpnorm hc_red = hcross[idx_p] * hcnorm stat_p = hp_red.real**2 + hp_red.imag**2 + \ hc_red.real**2 + hc_red.imag**2 locs_p = idx_p[stat_p > (thresh*thresh)] hp_red = hplus[idx_c] * hpnorm hc_red = hcross[idx_c] * hcnorm stat_c = hp_red.real**2 + hp_red.imag**2 + \ hc_red.real**2 + hc_red.imag**2 locs_c = idx_c[stat_c > (thresh*thresh)] locs = numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate((locs_p, locs_c))) hplus = hplus[locs] hcross = hcross[locs] hplus = hplus * hpnorm hcross = hcross * hcnorm # Calculate and sanity check the denominator denom = 1 - hphccorr*hphccorr if denom < 0: if hphccorr > 1: err_msg = "Overlap between hp and hc is given as %f. " %(hphccorr) err_msg += "How can an overlap be bigger than 1?" raise ValueError(err_msg) else: err_msg = "There really is no way to raise this error!?! " err_msg += "If you're seeing this, it is bad." raise ValueError(err_msg) if denom == 0: # This case, of hphccorr==1, makes the statistic degenerate # This case should not physically be possible luckily. err_msg = "You have supplied a real overlap between hp and hc of 1. " err_msg += "Ian is reasonably certain this is physically impossible " err_msg += "so why are you seeing this?" raise ValueError(err_msg) assert(len(hplus) == len(hcross)) # Now the stuff where comp. cost may be a problem hplus_magsq = numpy.real(hplus) * numpy.real(hplus) hcross_magsq = numpy.real(hcross) * numpy.real(hcross) rho_pluscross = numpy.real(hplus) * numpy.real(hcross) det_stat_sq = (hplus_magsq + hcross_magsq - 2 * rho_pluscross*hphccorr) det_stat = numpy.sqrt(det_stat_sq / denom) if thresh:[locs] = det_stat out.non_zero_locs = locs return out else: return Array(det_stat, copy=False)
[docs] def compute_u_val_for_sky_loc_stat_no_phase(hplus, hcross, hphccorr, hpnorm=None , hcnorm=None, indices=None): """The max-over-sky location (no phase) detection statistic maximizes over an amplitude and the ratio of F+ and Fx, encoded in a variable called u. Here we return the value of u for the given indices. """ if indices is not None: hplus = hplus[indices] hcross = hcross[indices] if hpnorm is not None: hplus = hplus * hpnorm if hcnorm is not None: hcross = hcross * hcnorm rhoplusre=numpy.real(hplus) rhocrossre=numpy.real(hcross) overlap=numpy.real(hphccorr) denom = (-rhocrossre+overlap*rhoplusre) # Initialize tan_kappa array u_val = denom * 0. # Catch the denominator -> 0 case numpy.putmask(u_val, denom == 0, 1E17) # Otherwise do normal statistic numpy.putmask(u_val, denom != 0, (-rhoplusre+overlap*rhocrossre)/(-rhocrossre+overlap*rhoplusre)) coa_phase = numpy.zeros(len(indices), dtype=numpy.float32) return u_val, coa_phase
[docs] class MatchedFilterSkyMaxControl(object): # FIXME: This seems much more simplistic than the aligned-spin class. # E.g. no correlators. Is this worth updating? def __init__(self, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, snr_threshold, tlen, delta_f, dtype): """ Create a matched filter engine. Parameters ---------- low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the first frequency after DC. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the nyquist frequency. snr_threshold : float The minimum snr to return when filtering """ self.tlen = tlen self.delta_f = delta_f self.dtype = dtype self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold self.flow = low_frequency_cutoff self.fhigh = high_frequency_cutoff self.matched_filter_and_cluster = \ self.full_matched_filter_and_cluster self.snr_plus_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype) self.corr_plus_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype) self.snr_cross_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype) self.corr_cross_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype) self.snr_mem = zeros(self.tlen, dtype=self.dtype) self.cached_hplus_hcross_correlation = None self.cached_hplus_hcross_hplus = None self.cached_hplus_hcross_hcross = None self.cached_hplus_hcross_psd = None
[docs] def full_matched_filter_and_cluster(self, hplus, hcross, hplus_norm, hcross_norm, psd, stilde, window): """ Return the complex snr and normalization. Calculated the matched filter, threshold, and cluster. Parameters ---------- h_quantities : Various FILL ME IN stilde : FrequencySeries The strain data to be filtered. window : int The size of the cluster window in samples. Returns ------- snr : TimeSeries A time series containing the complex snr. norm : float The normalization of the complex snr. correlation: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the correlation vector. idx : Array List of indices of the triggers. snrv : Array The snr values at the trigger locations. """ I_plus, Iplus_corr, Iplus_norm = matched_filter_core(hplus, stilde, h_norm=hplus_norm, low_frequency_cutoff=self.flow, high_frequency_cutoff=self.fhigh, out=self.snr_plus_mem, corr_out=self.corr_plus_mem) I_cross, Icross_corr, Icross_norm = matched_filter_core(hcross, stilde, h_norm=hcross_norm, low_frequency_cutoff=self.flow, high_frequency_cutoff=self.fhigh, out=self.snr_cross_mem, corr_out=self.corr_cross_mem) # The information on the complex side of this overlap is important # we may want to use this in the future. if not id(hplus) == self.cached_hplus_hcross_hplus: self.cached_hplus_hcross_correlation = None if not id(hcross) == self.cached_hplus_hcross_hcross: self.cached_hplus_hcross_correlation = None if not id(psd) == self.cached_hplus_hcross_psd: self.cached_hplus_hcross_correlation = None if self.cached_hplus_hcross_correlation is None: hplus_cross_corr = overlap_cplx(hplus, hcross, psd=psd, low_frequency_cutoff=self.flow, high_frequency_cutoff=self.fhigh, normalized=False) hplus_cross_corr = numpy.real(hplus_cross_corr) hplus_cross_corr = hplus_cross_corr / (hcross_norm*hplus_norm)**0.5 self.cached_hplus_hcross_correlation = hplus_cross_corr self.cached_hplus_hcross_hplus = id(hplus) self.cached_hplus_hcross_hcross = id(hcross) self.cached_hplus_hcross_psd = id(psd) else: hplus_cross_corr = self.cached_hplus_hcross_correlation snr = self._maximized_snr(I_plus,I_cross, hplus_cross_corr, hpnorm=Iplus_norm, hcnorm=Icross_norm, out=self.snr_mem, thresh=self.snr_threshold, analyse_slice=stilde.analyze) # FIXME: This should live further down # Convert output to pycbc TimeSeries delta_t = 1.0 / (self.tlen * stilde.delta_f) snr = TimeSeries(snr, epoch=stilde.start_time, delta_t=delta_t, copy=False) idx, snrv = events.threshold_real_numpy(snr[stilde.analyze], self.snr_threshold) if len(idx) == 0: return [], 0, 0, [], [], [], [], 0, 0, 0"%d points above threshold", len(idx)) idx, snrv = events.cluster_reduce(idx, snrv, window)"%d clustered points", len(idx)) # erased self. u_vals, coa_phase = self._maximized_extrinsic_params\ (,, hplus_cross_corr, indices=idx+stilde.analyze.start, hpnorm=Iplus_norm, hcnorm=Icross_norm) return snr, Iplus_corr, Icross_corr, idx, snrv, u_vals, coa_phase,\ hplus_cross_corr, Iplus_norm, Icross_norm
def _maximized_snr(self, hplus, hcross, hphccorr, **kwargs): return compute_max_snr_over_sky_loc_stat(hplus, hcross, hphccorr, **kwargs) def _maximized_extrinsic_params(self, hplus, hcross, hphccorr, **kwargs): return compute_u_val_for_sky_loc_stat(hplus, hcross, hphccorr, **kwargs)
[docs] class MatchedFilterSkyMaxControlNoPhase(MatchedFilterSkyMaxControl): # Basically the same as normal SkyMaxControl, except we use a slight # variation in the internal SNR functions. def _maximized_snr(self, hplus, hcross, hphccorr, **kwargs): return compute_max_snr_over_sky_loc_stat_no_phase(hplus, hcross, hphccorr, **kwargs) def _maximized_extrinsic_params(self, hplus, hcross, hphccorr, **kwargs): return compute_u_val_for_sky_loc_stat_no_phase(hplus, hcross, hphccorr, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_frequency_series(vec): """Return a frequency series of the input vector. If the input is a frequency series it is returned, else if the input vector is a real time series it is fourier transformed and returned as a frequency series. Parameters ---------- vector : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries Returns ------- Frequency Series: FrequencySeries A frequency domain version of the input vector. """ if isinstance(vec, FrequencySeries): return vec if isinstance(vec, TimeSeries): N = len(vec) n = N // 2 + 1 delta_f = 1.0 / N / vec.delta_t vectilde = FrequencySeries(zeros(n, dtype=complex_same_precision_as(vec)), delta_f=delta_f, copy=False) fft(vec, vectilde) return vectilde else: raise TypeError("Can only convert a TimeSeries to a FrequencySeries")
[docs] def sigmasq_series(htilde, psd=None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None): """Return a cumulative sigmasq frequency series. Return a frequency series containing the accumulated power in the input up to that frequency. Parameters ---------- htilde : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector psd : {None, FrequencySeries}, optional The psd used to weight the accumulated power. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin accumulating power. If None, start at the beginning of the vector. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop considering accumulated power. If None, continue until the end of the input vector. Returns ------- Frequency Series: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the cumulative sigmasq. """ htilde = make_frequency_series(htilde) N = (len(htilde)-1) * 2 norm = 4.0 * htilde.delta_f kmin, kmax = get_cutoff_indices(low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, htilde.delta_f, N) sigma_vec = FrequencySeries(zeros(len(htilde), dtype=real_same_precision_as(htilde)), delta_f = htilde.delta_f, copy=False) mag = htilde.squared_norm() if psd is not None: mag /= psd sigma_vec[kmin:kmax] = mag[kmin:kmax].cumsum() return sigma_vec*norm
[docs] def sigmasq(htilde, psd = None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None): """Return the loudness of the waveform. This is defined (see Duncan Brown's thesis) as the unnormalized matched-filter of the input waveform, htilde, with itself. This quantity is usually referred to as (sigma)^2 and is then used to normalize matched-filters with the data. Parameters ---------- htilde : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. psd : {None, FrequencySeries}, optional The psd used to weight the accumulated power. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin considering waveform power. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop considering waveform power. Returns ------- sigmasq: float """ htilde = make_frequency_series(htilde) N = (len(htilde)-1) * 2 norm = 4.0 * htilde.delta_f kmin, kmax = get_cutoff_indices(low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, htilde.delta_f, N) ht = htilde[kmin:kmax] if psd: try: numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ht.delta_f, psd.delta_f) except AssertionError: raise ValueError('Waveform does not have same delta_f as psd') if psd is None: sq = ht.inner(ht) else: sq = ht.weighted_inner(ht, psd[kmin:kmax]) return sq.real * norm
[docs] def sigma(htilde, psd = None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None): """ Return the sigma of the waveform. See sigmasq for more details. Parameters ---------- htilde : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. psd : {None, FrequencySeries}, optional The psd used to weight the accumulated power. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin considering waveform power. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop considering waveform power. Returns ------- sigmasq: float """ return sqrt(sigmasq(htilde, psd, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff))
[docs] def get_cutoff_indices(flow, fhigh, df, N): """ Gets the indices of a frequency series at which to stop an overlap calculation. Parameters ---------- flow: float The frequency (in Hz) of the lower index. fhigh: float The frequency (in Hz) of the upper index. df: float The frequency step (in Hz) of the frequency series. N: int The number of points in the **time** series. Can be odd or even. Returns ------- kmin: int kmax: int """ if flow: kmin = int(flow / df) if kmin < 0: err_msg = "Start frequency cannot be negative. " err_msg += "Supplied value and kmin {} and {}".format(flow, kmin) raise ValueError(err_msg) else: kmin = 1 if fhigh: kmax = int(fhigh / df) if kmax > int((N + 1)/2.): kmax = int((N + 1)/2.) else: # int() truncates towards 0, so this is # equivalent to the floor of the float kmax = int((N + 1)/2.) if kmax <= kmin: err_msg = "Kmax cannot be less than or equal to kmin. " err_msg += "Provided values of freqencies (min,max) were " err_msg += "{} and {} ".format(flow, fhigh) err_msg += "corresponding to (kmin, kmax) of " err_msg += "{} and {}.".format(kmin, kmax) raise ValueError(err_msg) return kmin,kmax
[docs] def matched_filter_core(template, data, psd=None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, h_norm=None, out=None, corr_out=None): """ Return the complex snr and normalization. Return the complex snr, along with its associated normalization of the template, matched filtered against the data. Parameters ---------- template : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The template waveform data : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The strain data to be filtered. psd : {FrequencySeries}, optional The noise weighting of the filter. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the first frequency after DC. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the the nyquist frequency. h_norm : {None, float}, optional The template normalization. If none, this value is calculated internally. out : {None, Array}, optional An array to use as memory for snr storage. If None, memory is allocated internally. corr_out : {None, Array}, optional An array to use as memory for correlation storage. If None, memory is allocated internally. If provided, management of the vector is handled externally by the caller. No zero'ing is done internally. Returns ------- snr : TimeSeries A time series containing the complex snr. correlation: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the correlation vector. norm : float The normalization of the complex snr. """ htilde = make_frequency_series(template) stilde = make_frequency_series(data) if len(htilde) != len(stilde): raise ValueError("Length of template and data must match") N = (len(stilde)-1) * 2 kmin, kmax = get_cutoff_indices(low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, stilde.delta_f, N) if corr_out is not None: qtilde = corr_out else: qtilde = zeros(N, dtype=complex_same_precision_as(data)) if out is None: _q = zeros(N, dtype=complex_same_precision_as(data)) elif (len(out) == N) and type(out) is Array and out.kind =='complex': _q = out else: raise TypeError('Invalid Output Vector: wrong length or dtype') correlate(htilde[kmin:kmax], stilde[kmin:kmax], qtilde[kmin:kmax]) if psd is not None: if isinstance(psd, FrequencySeries): try: numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(stilde.delta_f, psd.delta_f) except AssertionError: raise ValueError("PSD delta_f does not match data") qtilde[kmin:kmax] /= psd[kmin:kmax] else: raise TypeError("PSD must be a FrequencySeries") ifft(qtilde, _q) if h_norm is None: h_norm = sigmasq(htilde, psd, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff) norm = (4.0 * stilde.delta_f) / sqrt( h_norm) return (TimeSeries(_q, epoch=stilde._epoch, delta_t=stilde.delta_t, copy=False), FrequencySeries(qtilde, epoch=stilde._epoch, delta_f=stilde.delta_f, copy=False), norm)
def smear(idx, factor): """ This function will take as input an array of indexes and return every unique index within the specified factor of the inputs. E.g.: smear([5,7,100],2) = [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,98,99,100,101,102] Parameters ----------- idx : numpy.array of ints The indexes to be smeared. factor : idx The factor by which to smear out the input array. Returns -------- new_idx : numpy.array of ints The smeared array of indexes. """ s = [idx] for i in range(factor+1): a = i - factor/2 s += [idx + a] return numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate(s))
[docs] def matched_filter(template, data, psd=None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, sigmasq=None): """ Return the complex snr. Return the complex snr, along with its associated normalization of the template, matched filtered against the data. Parameters ---------- template : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The template waveform data : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The strain data to be filtered. psd : FrequencySeries The noise weighting of the filter. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin the filter calculation. If None, begin at the first frequency after DC. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop the filter calculation. If None, continue to the the nyquist frequency. sigmasq : {None, float}, optional The template normalization. If none, this value is calculated internally. Returns ------- snr : TimeSeries A time series containing the complex snr. """ snr, _, norm = matched_filter_core(template, data, psd=psd, low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff, h_norm=sigmasq) return snr * norm
_snr = None
[docs] def match( vec1, vec2, psd=None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, v1_norm=None, v2_norm=None, subsample_interpolation=False, return_phase=False, ): """Return the match between the two TimeSeries or FrequencySeries. Return the match between two waveforms. This is equivalent to the overlap maximized over time and phase. The maximization is only performed with discrete time-shifts, or a quadratic interpolation of them if the subsample_interpolation option is turned on; for a more precise computation of the match between two waveforms, use the optimized_match function. The accuracy of this function is guaranteed up to the fourth decimal place. Parameters ---------- vec1 : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. vec2 : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. psd : Frequency Series A power spectral density to weight the overlap. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin the match. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop the match. v1_norm : {None, float}, optional The normalization of the first waveform. This is equivalent to its sigmasq value. If None, it is internally calculated. v2_norm : {None, float}, optional The normalization of the second waveform. This is equivalent to its sigmasq value. If None, it is internally calculated. subsample_interpolation : {False, bool}, optional If True the peak will be interpolated between samples using a simple quadratic fit. This can be important if measuring matches very close to 1 and can cause discontinuities if you don't use it as matches move between discrete samples. If True the index returned will be a float. return_phase : {False, bool}, optional If True, also return the phase shift that gives the match. Returns ------- match: float index: int The number of samples to shift to get the match. phi: float Phase to rotate complex waveform to get the match, if desired. """ htilde = make_frequency_series(vec1) stilde = make_frequency_series(vec2) N = (len(htilde) - 1) * 2 global _snr if _snr is None or _snr.dtype != htilde.dtype or len(_snr) != N: _snr = zeros(N, dtype=complex_same_precision_as(vec1)) snr, _, snr_norm = matched_filter_core( htilde, stilde, psd, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, v1_norm, out=_snr, ) maxsnr, max_id = snr.abs_max_loc() if v2_norm is None: v2_norm = sigmasq(stilde, psd, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff) if subsample_interpolation: # This uses the implementation coded up in sbank. Thanks Nick! # The maths for this is well summarized here: # # We use adjacent points to interpolate, but wrap off the end if needed left = abs(snr[-1]) if max_id == 0 else abs(snr[max_id - 1]) middle = maxsnr right = abs(snr[0]) if max_id == (len(snr) - 1) else abs(snr[max_id + 1]) # Get derivatives id_shift, maxsnr = quadratic_interpolate_peak(left, middle, right) max_id = max_id + id_shift if return_phase: rounded_max_id = int(round(max_id)) phi = numpy.angle(snr[rounded_max_id]) return maxsnr * snr_norm / sqrt(v2_norm), max_id, phi else: return maxsnr * snr_norm / sqrt(v2_norm), max_id
[docs] def overlap(vec1, vec2, psd=None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, normalized=True): """ Return the overlap between the two TimeSeries or FrequencySeries. Parameters ---------- vec1 : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. vec2 : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. psd : Frequency Series A power spectral density to weight the overlap. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin the overlap. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop the overlap. normalized : {True, boolean}, optional Set if the overlap is normalized. If true, it will range from 0 to 1. Returns ------- overlap: float """ return overlap_cplx(vec1, vec2, psd=psd, \ low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff,\ high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff,\ normalized=normalized).real
[docs] def overlap_cplx(vec1, vec2, psd=None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, normalized=True): """Return the complex overlap between the two TimeSeries or FrequencySeries. Parameters ---------- vec1 : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. vec2 : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. psd : Frequency Series A power spectral density to weight the overlap. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin the overlap. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop the overlap. normalized : {True, boolean}, optional Set if the overlap is normalized. If true, it will range from 0 to 1. Returns ------- overlap: complex """ htilde = make_frequency_series(vec1) stilde = make_frequency_series(vec2) kmin, kmax = get_cutoff_indices(low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, stilde.delta_f, (len(stilde)-1) * 2) if psd: inner = (htilde[kmin:kmax]).weighted_inner(stilde[kmin:kmax], psd[kmin:kmax]) else: inner = (htilde[kmin:kmax]).inner(stilde[kmin:kmax]) if normalized: sig1 = sigma(vec1, psd=psd, low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff) sig2 = sigma(vec2, psd=psd, low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff) norm = 1 / sig1 / sig2 else: norm = 1 return 4 * htilde.delta_f * inner * norm
def quadratic_interpolate_peak(left, middle, right): """ Interpolate the peak and offset using a quadratic approximation Parameters ---------- left : numpy array Values at a relative bin value of [-1] middle : numpy array Values at a relative bin value of [0] right : numpy array Values at a relative bin value of [1] Returns ------- bin_offset : numpy array Array of bins offsets, each in the range [-1/2, 1/2] peak_values : numpy array Array of the estimated peak values at the interpolated offset """ bin_offset = 1.0/2.0 * (left - right) / (left - 2 * middle + right) peak_value = middle - 0.25 * (left - right) * bin_offset return bin_offset, peak_value
[docs] class LiveBatchMatchedFilter(object): """Calculate SNR and signal consistency tests in a batched progression""" def __init__(self, templates, snr_threshold, chisq_bins, sg_chisq, maxelements=2**27, snr_abort_threshold=None, newsnr_threshold=None, max_triggers_in_batch=None): """Create a batched matchedfilter instance Parameters ---------- templates: list of `FrequencySeries` List of templates from the FilterBank class. snr_threshold: float Minimum value to record peaks in the SNR time series. chisq_bins: str Str that determines how the number of chisq bins varies as a function of the template bank parameters. sg_chisq: pycbc.vetoes.SingleDetSGChisq Instance of the sg_chisq class to calculate sg_chisq with. maxelements: {int, 2**27} Maximum size of a batched fourier transform. snr_abort_threshold: {float, None} If the SNR is above this threshold, do not record any triggers. newsnr_threshold: {float, None} Only record triggers that have a re-weighted NewSNR above this threshold. max_triggers_in_batch: {int, None} Record X number of the loudest triggers by SNR in each MPI process. Signal consistency values will also only be calculated for these triggers. """ self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold self.snr_abort_threshold = snr_abort_threshold self.newsnr_threshold = newsnr_threshold self.max_triggers_in_batch = max_triggers_in_batch from pycbc import vetoes self.power_chisq = vetoes.SingleDetPowerChisq(chisq_bins, None) self.sg_chisq = sg_chisq durations = numpy.array([1.0 / t.delta_f for t in templates]) lsort = durations.argsort() durations = durations[lsort] templates = [templates[li] for li in lsort] # Figure out how to chunk together the templates into groups to process _, counts = numpy.unique(durations, return_counts=True) tsamples = [(len(t) - 1) * 2 for t in templates] grabs = maxelements / numpy.unique(tsamples) chunks = numpy.array([]) num = 0 for count, grab in zip(counts, grabs): chunks = numpy.append(chunks, numpy.arange(num, count + num, grab)) chunks = numpy.append(chunks, [count + num]) num += count chunks = numpy.unique(chunks).astype(numpy.uint32) # We now have how many templates to grab at a time. self.chunks = chunks[1:] - chunks[0:-1] self.out_mem = {} self.cout_mem = {} self.ifts = {} chunk_durations = [durations[i] for i in chunks[:-1]] self.chunk_tsamples = [tsamples[int(i)] for i in chunks[:-1]] samples = self.chunk_tsamples * self.chunks # Create workspace memory for correlate and snr mem_ids = [(a, b) for a, b in zip(chunk_durations, self.chunks)] mem_types = set(zip(mem_ids, samples)) self.tgroups, self.mids = [], [] for i, size in mem_types: dur, count = i self.out_mem[i] = zeros(size, dtype=numpy.complex64) self.cout_mem[i] = zeros(size, dtype=numpy.complex64) self.ifts[i] = IFFT(self.cout_mem[i], self.out_mem[i], nbatch=count, size=len(self.cout_mem[i]) // count) # Split the templates into their processing groups for dur, count in mem_ids: tgroup = templates[0:count] self.tgroups.append(tgroup) self.mids.append((dur, count)) templates = templates[count:] # Associate the snr and corr memory block to each template self.corr = [] for i, tgroup in enumerate(self.tgroups): psize = self.chunk_tsamples[i] s = 0 e = psize mid = self.mids[i] for htilde in tgroup: htilde.out = self.out_mem[mid][s:e] htilde.cout = self.cout_mem[mid][s:e] s += psize e += psize self.corr.append(BatchCorrelator(tgroup, [t.cout for t in tgroup], len(tgroup[0])))
[docs] def set_data(self, data): """Set the data reader object to use""" = data self.block_id = 0
[docs] def combine_results(self, results): """Combine results from different batches of filtering""" result = {} for key in results[0]: result[key] = numpy.concatenate([r[key] for r in results]) return result
[docs] def process_data(self, data_reader): """Process the data for all of the templates""" self.set_data(data_reader) return self.process_all()
[docs] def process_all(self): """Process every batch group and return as single result""" results = [] veto_info = [] while 1: result, veto = self._process_batch() if result is False: return False if result is None: break results.append(result) veto_info += veto result = self.combine_results(results) if self.max_triggers_in_batch: sort = result['snr'].argsort()[::-1][:self.max_triggers_in_batch] for key in result: result[key] = result[key][sort] tmp = veto_info veto_info = [tmp[i] for i in sort] result = self._process_vetoes(result, veto_info) return result
def _process_vetoes(self, results, veto_info): """Calculate signal based vetoes""" chisq = numpy.array(numpy.zeros(len(veto_info)), numpy.float32, ndmin=1) dof = numpy.array(numpy.zeros(len(veto_info)), numpy.uint32, ndmin=1) sg_chisq = numpy.array(numpy.zeros(len(veto_info)), numpy.float32, ndmin=1) results['chisq'] = chisq results['chisq_dof'] = dof results['sg_chisq'] = sg_chisq keep = [] for i, (snrv, norm, l, htilde, stilde) in enumerate(veto_info): correlate(htilde, stilde, htilde.cout) c, d = self.power_chisq.values(htilde.cout, snrv, norm, stilde.psd, [l], htilde) chisq[i] = c[0] / d[0] dof[i] = d[0] sgv = self.sg_chisq.values(stilde, htilde, stilde.psd, snrv, norm, c, d, [l]) if sgv is not None: sg_chisq[i] = sgv[0] if self.newsnr_threshold: newsnr = ranking.newsnr(results['snr'][i], chisq[i]) if newsnr >= self.newsnr_threshold: keep.append(i) if self.newsnr_threshold: keep = numpy.array(keep, dtype=numpy.uint32) for key in results: results[key] = results[key][keep] return results def _process_batch(self): """Process only a single batch group of data""" if self.block_id == len(self.tgroups): return None, None tgroup = self.tgroups[self.block_id] psize = self.chunk_tsamples[self.block_id] mid = self.mids[self.block_id] stilde =[0].delta_f) psd = stilde.psd valid_end = int(psize - valid_start = int(valid_end - * seg = slice(valid_start, valid_end) self.corr[self.block_id].execute(stilde) self.ifts[mid].execute() self.block_id += 1 snr = numpy.zeros(len(tgroup), dtype=numpy.complex64) time = numpy.zeros(len(tgroup), dtype=numpy.float64) templates = numpy.zeros(len(tgroup), dtype=numpy.uint64) sigmasq = numpy.zeros(len(tgroup), dtype=numpy.float32) time[:] = result = {} tkeys = tgroup[0].params.dtype.names for key in tkeys: result[key] = [] veto_info = [] # Find the peaks in our SNR times series from the various templates i = 0 for htilde in tgroup: if hasattr(htilde, 'time_offset'): if 'time_offset' not in result: result['time_offset'] = [] l = htilde.out[seg].abs_arg_max() sgm = htilde.sigmasq(psd) norm = 4.0 * htilde.delta_f / (sgm ** 0.5) l += valid_start snrv = numpy.array([htilde.out[l]]) # If nothing is above threshold we can exit this template s = abs(snrv[0]) * norm if s < self.snr_threshold: continue time[i] += float(l - valid_start) / # We have an SNR so high that we will drop the entire analysis # of this chunk of time! if self.snr_abort_threshold is not None and s > self.snr_abort_threshold:"We are seeing some *really* high SNRs, let's " "assume they aren't signals and just give up") return False, [] veto_info.append((snrv, norm, l, htilde, stilde)) snr[i] = snrv[0] * norm sigmasq[i] = sgm templates[i] = if not hasattr(htilde, 'dict_params'): htilde.dict_params = {} for key in tkeys: htilde.dict_params[key] = htilde.params[key] for key in tkeys: result[key].append(htilde.dict_params[key]) if hasattr(htilde, 'time_offset'): result['time_offset'].append(htilde.time_offset) i += 1 result['snr'] = abs(snr[0:i]) result['coa_phase'] = numpy.angle(snr[0:i]) result['end_time'] = time[0:i] result['template_id'] = templates[0:i] result['sigmasq'] = sigmasq[0:i] for key in tkeys: result[key] = numpy.array(result[key]) if 'time_offset' in result: result['time_offset'] = numpy.array(result['time_offset']) return result, veto_info
[docs] def followup_event_significance(ifo, data_reader, bank, template_id, coinc_times, coinc_threshold=0.005, lookback=150, duration=0.095): """Given a detector, a template waveform and a set of candidate event times in different detectors, perform an on-source/off-source analysis to determine if the SNR in the first detector has a significant peak in the on-source window. The significance is given in terms of a p-value. See Dal Canton et al. 2021 ( for details. A portion of the SNR time series around the on-source window is also returned for use in BAYESTAR. If the calculation cannot be carried out, for example because `ifo` is not in observing mode at the requested time, then None is returned. Otherwise, the dict contains the following keys. `snr_series` is a TimeSeries object with the SNR time series for BAYESTAR. `peak_time` is the time of maximum SNR in the on-source window. `pvalue` is the p-value for the maximum on-source SNR compared to the off-source realizations. `pvalue_saturated` is a bool indicating whether the p-value is limited by the number of off-source realizations, i.e. whether the maximum on-source SNR is larger than all the off-source ones. `sigma2` is the SNR normalization (squared) for the given template and detector. Parameters ---------- ifo: str Which detector is being used for the calculation. data_reader: StrainBuffer StrainBuffer object providing the data for the given detector. bank: LiveFilterBank Template bank object providing the template related quantities. template_id: int Index of the template in the bank. coinc_times: dict Dictionary keyed by detector names reporting the coalescence times of a candidate measured at the different detectors. Used to define the on-source window of the candidate in `ifo`. coinc_threshold: float Nominal statistical uncertainty in `coinc_times`; expands the on-source window by twice the given amount. lookback: float Nominal amount of time to use for the calculation of the onsource and offsource SNR time series. The actual time may be reduced depending on the duration of the template and the strain buffer in the data reader (if so, a warning is logged). duration: float Duration of the SNR time series to be reported to BAYESTAR. Returns ------- followup_info: dict or None Results of the followup calculation (see above) or None if `ifo` did not have usable data. """ from pycbc.waveform import get_waveform_filter_length_in_time tmplt = bank.table[template_id] length_in_time = get_waveform_filter_length_in_time(tmplt['approximant'], tmplt) # calculate onsource time range from pycbc.detector import Detector onsource_start = -numpy.inf onsource_end = numpy.inf fdet = Detector(ifo) for cifo in coinc_times: time = coinc_times[cifo] dtravel = Detector(cifo).light_travel_time_to_detector(fdet) if time - dtravel > onsource_start: onsource_start = time - dtravel if time + dtravel < onsource_end: onsource_end = time + dtravel # Source must be within this time window to be considered a possible # coincidence onsource_start -= coinc_threshold onsource_end += coinc_threshold # Calculate how much time is needed to calculate the significance. # At the minimum, we need enough time to include the lookback, plus time # that we will throw away because of corruption from finite-duration filter # responses (this is equal to the nominal padding plus the template # duration). Next, for efficiency, we round the resulting duration up to # align it with one of the frequency resolutions preferred by the template # bank. And finally, the resulting duration must fit into the strain buffer # available in the data reader, so we check that. trim_pad = data_reader.trim_padding * data_reader.strain.delta_t buffer_duration = lookback + 2 * trim_pad + length_in_time buffer_samples = bank.round_up(int(buffer_duration * bank.sample_rate)) max_safe_buffer_samples = int( 0.9 * data_reader.strain.duration * bank.sample_rate ) if buffer_samples > max_safe_buffer_samples: buffer_samples = max_safe_buffer_samples new_lookback = ( buffer_samples / bank.sample_rate - (2 * trim_pad + length_in_time) ) # Require a minimum lookback time of twice the onsource window or SNR # time series (whichever is longer) so we have enough data for the # onsource window, the SNR time series, and at least a few background # samples min_required_lookback = 2 * max(onsource_end - onsource_start, duration) if new_lookback > min_required_lookback: logging.warning( 'Strain buffer too short for a lookback time of %f s, ' 'reducing lookback to %f s', lookback, new_lookback ) else: logging.error( 'Strain buffer too short to compute the followup SNR time ' 'series for template %d, will not use %s for followup. ' 'Either use shorter templates, or raise --max-length.', template_id, ifo ) return None buffer_duration = buffer_samples / bank.sample_rate # Require all strain be valid within lookback time if data_reader.state is not None: state_start_time = ( data_reader.strain.end_time - data_reader.reduced_pad * data_reader.strain.delta_t - buffer_duration ) if not data_reader.state.is_extent_valid( state_start_time, buffer_duration ): '%s strain buffer contains invalid data during lookback, ' 'will not use for followup', ifo ) return None # We won't require that all DQ checks be valid for now, except at # onsource time. if data_reader.dq is not None: dq_start_time = onsource_start - duration / 2.0 dq_duration = onsource_end - onsource_start + duration if not data_reader.dq.is_extent_valid(dq_start_time, dq_duration): '%s DQ buffer indicates invalid data during onsource window, ' 'will not use for followup', ifo ) return None # Calculate SNR time series for the entire lookback duration htilde = bank.get_template( template_id, delta_f=bank.sample_rate / float(buffer_samples) ) stilde = data_reader.overwhitened_data(htilde.delta_f) sigma2 = htilde.sigmasq(stilde.psd) snr, _, norm = matched_filter_core(htilde, stilde, h_norm=sigma2) # Find peak SNR in on-source and determine p-value onsrc = snr.time_slice(onsource_start, onsource_end) peak = onsrc.abs_arg_max() peak_time = peak * snr.delta_t + onsrc.start_time peak_value = abs(onsrc[peak]) bstart = float(snr.start_time) + length_in_time + trim_pad bkg = abs(snr.time_slice(bstart, onsource_start)).numpy() window = int((onsource_end - onsource_start) * snr.sample_rate) nsamples = int(len(bkg) / window) peaks = bkg[:nsamples*window].reshape(nsamples, window).max(axis=1) num_louder_bg = (peaks >= peak_value).sum() pvalue = (1 + num_louder_bg) / float(1 + nsamples) pvalue_saturated = num_louder_bg == 0 # Return recentered source SNR for bayestar, along with p-value, and trig peak_full = int((peak_time - snr.start_time) / snr.delta_t) half_dur_samples = int(snr.sample_rate * duration / 2) snr_slice = slice(peak_full - half_dur_samples, peak_full + half_dur_samples + 1) baysnr = snr[snr_slice]'Adding %s to candidate, pvalue %s, %s samples', ifo, pvalue, nsamples) return { 'snr_series': baysnr * norm, 'peak_time': peak_time, 'pvalue': pvalue, 'pvalue_saturated': pvalue_saturated, 'sigma2': sigma2 }
[docs] def compute_followup_snr_series(data_reader, htilde, trig_time, duration=0.095, check_state=True, coinc_window=0.05): """Given a StrainBuffer, a template frequency series and a trigger time, compute a portion of the SNR time series centered on the trigger for its rapid sky localization and followup. If the trigger time is too close to the boundary of the valid data segment the SNR series is calculated anyway and might be slightly contaminated by filter and wrap-around effects. For reasonable durations this will only affect a small fraction of the triggers and probably in a negligible way. Parameters ---------- data_reader : StrainBuffer The StrainBuffer object to read strain data from. htilde : FrequencySeries The frequency series containing the template waveform. trig_time : {float, lal.LIGOTimeGPS} The trigger time. duration : float (optional) Duration of the computed SNR series in seconds. If omitted, it defaults to twice the Earth light travel time plus 10 ms of timing uncertainty. check_state : boolean If True, and the detector was offline or flagged for bad data quality at any point during the inspiral, then return (None, None) instead. coinc_window : float (optional) Maximum possible time between coincident triggers at different detectors. This is needed to properly determine data padding. Returns ------- snr : TimeSeries The portion of SNR around the trigger. None if the detector is offline or has bad data quality, and check_state is True. """ if check_state: # was the detector observing for the full amount of involved data? state_start_time = trig_time - duration / 2 - htilde.length_in_time state_end_time = trig_time + duration / 2 state_duration = state_end_time - state_start_time if data_reader.state is not None: if not data_reader.state.is_extent_valid(state_start_time, state_duration): return None # was the data quality ok for the full amount of involved data? dq_start_time = state_start_time - data_reader.dq_padding dq_duration = state_duration + 2 * data_reader.dq_padding if data_reader.dq is not None: if not data_reader.dq.is_extent_valid(dq_start_time, dq_duration): return None stilde = data_reader.overwhitened_data(htilde.delta_f) snr, _, norm = matched_filter_core(htilde, stilde, h_norm=htilde.sigmasq(stilde.psd)) valid_end = int(len(snr) - data_reader.trim_padding) valid_start = int(valid_end - data_reader.blocksize * snr.sample_rate) half_dur_samples = int(snr.sample_rate * duration / 2) coinc_samples = int(snr.sample_rate * coinc_window) valid_start -= half_dur_samples + coinc_samples valid_end += half_dur_samples if valid_start < 0 or valid_end > len(snr)-1: raise ValueError(('Requested SNR duration ({0} s)' ' too long').format(duration)) # Onsource slice for Bayestar followup onsource_idx = float(trig_time - snr.start_time) * snr.sample_rate onsource_idx = int(round(onsource_idx)) onsource_slice = slice(onsource_idx - half_dur_samples, onsource_idx + half_dur_samples + 1) return snr[onsource_slice] * norm
[docs] def optimized_match( vec1, vec2, psd=None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, v1_norm=None, v2_norm=None, return_phase=False, ): """Given two waveforms (as numpy arrays), compute the optimized match between them, making use of scipy.minimize_scalar. This function computes the same quantities as "match"; it is more accurate and slower. Parameters ---------- vec1 : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. vec2 : TimeSeries or FrequencySeries The input vector containing a waveform. psd : FrequencySeries A power spectral density to weight the overlap. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to begin the match. high_frequency_cutoff : {None, float}, optional The frequency to stop the match. v1_norm : {None, float}, optional The normalization of the first waveform. This is equivalent to its sigmasq value. If None, it is internally calculated. v2_norm : {None, float}, optional The normalization of the second waveform. This is equivalent to its sigmasq value. If None, it is internally calculated. return_phase : {False, bool}, optional If True, also return the phase shift that gives the match. Returns ------- match: float index: int The number of samples to shift to get the match. phi: float Phase to rotate complex waveform to get the match, if desired. """ from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar htilde = make_frequency_series(vec1) stilde = make_frequency_series(vec2) assert numpy.isclose(htilde.delta_f, stilde.delta_f) delta_f = stilde.delta_f assert numpy.isclose(htilde.delta_t, stilde.delta_t) delta_t = stilde.delta_t # a first time shift to get in the nearby region; # then the optimization is only used to move to the # correct subsample-timeshift witin (-delta_t, delta_t) # of this _, max_id, _ = match( htilde, stilde, psd=psd, low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff, return_phase=True, ) stilde = stilde.cyclic_time_shift(-max_id * delta_t) frequencies = stilde.sample_frequencies.numpy() waveform_1 = htilde.numpy() waveform_2 = stilde.numpy() N = (len(stilde) - 1) * 2 kmin, kmax = get_cutoff_indices( low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, delta_f, N ) mask = slice(kmin, kmax) waveform_1 = waveform_1[mask] waveform_2 = waveform_2[mask] frequencies = frequencies[mask] if psd is not None: psd_arr = psd.numpy()[mask] else: psd_arr = numpy.ones_like(waveform_1) def product(a, b): integral = numpy.sum(numpy.conj(a) * b / psd_arr) * delta_f return 4 * abs(integral), numpy.angle(integral) def product_offset(dt): offset = numpy.exp(2j * numpy.pi * frequencies * dt) return product(waveform_1, waveform_2 * offset) def to_minimize(dt): return -product_offset(dt)[0] norm_1 = ( sigmasq(htilde, psd, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff) if v1_norm is None else v1_norm ) norm_2 = ( sigmasq(stilde, psd, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff) if v2_norm is None else v2_norm ) norm = numpy.sqrt(norm_1 * norm_2) res = minimize_scalar( to_minimize, method="brent", bracket=(-delta_t, delta_t) ) m, angle = product_offset(res.x) if return_phase: return m / norm, res.x / delta_t + max_id, -angle else: return m / norm, res.x / delta_t + max_id
__all__ = ['match', 'optimized_match', 'matched_filter', 'sigmasq', 'sigma', 'get_cutoff_indices', 'sigmasq_series', 'make_frequency_series', 'overlap', 'overlap_cplx', 'matched_filter_core', 'correlate', 'MatchedFilterControl', 'LiveBatchMatchedFilter', 'MatchedFilterSkyMaxControl', 'MatchedFilterSkyMaxControlNoPhase', 'compute_max_snr_over_sky_loc_stat_no_phase', 'compute_max_snr_over_sky_loc_stat', 'compute_followup_snr_series', 'compute_u_val_for_sky_loc_stat_no_phase', 'compute_u_val_for_sky_loc_stat', 'followup_event_significance']