Source code for pycbc.inference.entropy

""" The module contains functions for calculating the
Kullback-Leibler divergence.

import numpy
from scipy import stats

[docs] def check_hist_params(samples, hist_min, hist_max, hist_bins): """ Checks that the bound values given for the histogram are consistent, returning the range if they are or raising an error if they are not. Also checks that if hist_bins is a str, it corresponds to a method available in numpy.histogram Parameters ---------- samples : numpy.array Set of samples to get the min/max if only one of the bounds is given. hist_min : numpy.float64 Minimum value for the histogram. hist_max : numpy.float64 Maximum value for the histogram. hist_bins: int or str If int, number of equal-width bins to use in numpy.histogram. If str, it should be one of the methods to calculate the optimal bin width available in numpy.histogram: ['auto', 'fd', 'doane', 'scott', 'stone', 'rice', 'sturges', 'sqrt']. Default is 'fd' (Freedman Diaconis Estimator). This option will be ignored if `kde=True`. Returns ------- hist_range : tuple or None The bounds (hist_min, hist_max) or None. hist_bins : int or str Number of bins or method for optimal width bin calculation. """ hist_methods = ['auto', 'fd', 'doane', 'scott', 'stone', 'rice', 'sturges', 'sqrt'] if not hist_bins: hist_bins = 'fd' elif isinstance(hist_bins, str) and hist_bins not in hist_methods: raise ValueError('Method for calculating bins width must be one of' ' {}'.format(hist_methods)) # No bounds given, return None if not hist_min and not hist_max: return None, hist_bins # One of the bounds is missing if hist_min and not hist_max: hist_max = samples.max() elif hist_max and not hist_min: hist_min = samples.min() # Both bounds given elif hist_min and hist_max and hist_min >= hist_max: raise ValueError('hist_min must be lower than hist_max.') hist_range = (hist_min, hist_max) return hist_range, hist_bins
[docs] def compute_pdf(samples, method, bins, hist_min, hist_max): """ Computes the probability density function for a set of samples. Parameters ---------- samples : numpy.array Set of samples to calculate the pdf. method : str Method to calculate the pdf. Options are 'kde' for the Kernel Density Estimator, and 'hist' to use numpy.histogram bins : str or int, optional This option will be ignored if method is `kde`. If int, number of equal-width bins to use when calculating probability density function from a set of samples of the distribution. If str, it should be one of the methods to calculate the optimal bin width available in numpy.histogram: ['auto', 'fd', 'doane', 'scott', 'stone', 'rice', 'sturges', 'sqrt']. Default is 'fd' (Freedman Diaconis Estimator). hist_min : numpy.float64, optional Minimum of the distributions' values to use. This will be ignored if `kde=True`. hist_max : numpy.float64, optional Maximum of the distributions' values to use. This will be ignored if `kde=True`. Returns ------- pdf : numpy.array Discrete probability distribution calculated from samples. """ if method == 'kde': samples_kde = stats.gaussian_kde(samples) npts = 10000 if len(samples) <= 10000 else len(samples) draw = samples_kde.resample(npts) pdf = samples_kde.evaluate(draw) elif method == 'hist': hist_range, hist_bins = check_hist_params(samples, hist_min, hist_max, bins) pdf, _ = numpy.histogram(samples, bins=hist_bins, range=hist_range, density=True) else: raise ValueError('Method not recognized.') return pdf
[docs] def entropy(pdf1, base=numpy.e): """ Computes the information entropy for a single parameter from one probability density function. Parameters ---------- pdf1 : numpy.array Probability density function. base : {numpy.e, numpy.float64}, optional The logarithmic base to use (choose base 2 for information measured in bits, default is nats). Returns ------- numpy.float64 The information entropy value. """ return stats.entropy(pdf1, base=base)
[docs] def kl(samples1, samples2, pdf1=False, pdf2=False, kde=False, bins=None, hist_min=None, hist_max=None, base=numpy.e): """ Computes the Kullback-Leibler divergence for a single parameter from two distributions. Parameters ---------- samples1 : numpy.array Samples or probability density function (for the latter must also set `pdf1=True`). samples2 : numpy.array Samples or probability density function (for the latter must also set `pdf2=True`). pdf1 : bool Set to `True` if `samples1` is a probability density funtion already. pdf2 : bool Set to `True` if `samples2` is a probability density funtion already. kde : bool Set to `True` if at least one of `pdf1` or `pdf2` is `False` to estimate the probability density function using kernel density estimation (KDE). bins : int or str, optional If int, number of equal-width bins to use when calculating probability density function from a set of samples of the distribution. If str, it should be one of the methods to calculate the optimal bin width available in numpy.histogram: ['auto', 'fd', 'doane', 'scott', 'stone', 'rice', 'sturges', 'sqrt']. Default is 'fd' (Freedman Diaconis Estimator). This option will be ignored if `kde=True`. hist_min : numpy.float64 Minimum of the distributions' values to use. This will be ignored if `kde=True`. hist_max : numpy.float64 Maximum of the distributions' values to use. This will be ignored if `kde=True`. base : numpy.float64 The logarithmic base to use (choose base 2 for information measured in bits, default is nats). Returns ------- numpy.float64 The Kullback-Leibler divergence value. """ if pdf1 and pdf2 and kde: raise ValueError('KDE can only be used when at least one of pdf1 or ' 'pdf2 is False.') sample_groups = {'P': (samples1, pdf1), 'Q': (samples2, pdf2)} pdfs = {} for n in sample_groups: samples, pdf = sample_groups[n] if pdf: pdfs[n] = samples else: method = 'kde' if kde else 'hist' pdfs[n] = compute_pdf(samples, method, bins, hist_min, hist_max) return stats.entropy(pdfs['P'], qk=pdfs['Q'], base=base)
[docs] def js(samples1, samples2, kde=False, bins=None, hist_min=None, hist_max=None, base=numpy.e): """ Computes the Jensen-Shannon divergence for a single parameter from two distributions. Parameters ---------- samples1 : numpy.array Samples. samples2 : numpy.array Samples. kde : bool Set to `True` to estimate the probability density function using kernel density estimation (KDE). bins : int or str, optional If int, number of equal-width bins to use when calculating probability density function from a set of samples of the distribution. If str, it should be one of the methods to calculate the optimal bin width available in numpy.histogram: ['auto', 'fd', 'doane', 'scott', 'stone', 'rice', 'sturges', 'sqrt']. Default is 'fd' (Freedman Diaconis Estimator). This option will be ignored if `kde=True`. hist_min : numpy.float64 Minimum of the distributions' values to use. This will be ignored if `kde=True`. hist_max : numpy.float64 Maximum of the distributions' values to use. This will be ignored if `kde=True`. base : numpy.float64 The logarithmic base to use (choose base 2 for information measured in bits, default is nats). Returns ------- numpy.float64 The Jensen-Shannon divergence value. """ sample_groups = {'P': samples1, 'Q': samples2} pdfs = {} for n in sample_groups: samples = sample_groups[n] method = 'kde' if kde else 'hist' pdfs[n] = compute_pdf(samples, method, bins, hist_min, hist_max) pdfs['M'] = (1./2) * (pdfs['P'] + pdfs['Q']) js_div = 0 for pdf in (pdfs['P'], pdfs['Q']): js_div += (1./2) * kl(pdf, pdfs['M'], pdf1=True, pdf2=True, base=base) return js_div