# Copyright (C) 2017 Christopher M. Biwer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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""" This modules provides functions for evaluating the Gelman-Rubin convergence
diagnostic statistic.
import numpy
def walk(chains, start, end, step):
""" Calculates Gelman-Rubin conervergence statistic along chains of data.
This function will advance along the chains and calculate the
statistic for each step.
chains : iterable
An iterable of numpy.array instances that contain the samples
for each chain. Each chain has shape (nparameters, niterations).
start : float
Start index of blocks to calculate all statistics.
end : float
Last index of blocks to calculate statistics.
step : float
Step size to take for next block.
starts : numpy.array
1-D array of start indexes of calculations.
ends : numpy.array
1-D array of end indexes of caluclations.
stats : numpy.array
Array with convergence statistic. It has
shape (nparameters, ncalculations).
# get number of chains, parameters, and iterations
chains = numpy.array(chains)
_, nparameters, _ = chains.shape
# get end index of blocks
ends = numpy.arange(start, end, step)
stats = numpy.zeros((nparameters, len(ends)))
# get start index of blocks
starts = numpy.array(len(ends) * [start])
# loop over end indexes and calculate statistic
for i, e in enumerate(ends):
tmp = chains[:, :, 0:e]
stats[:, i] = gelman_rubin(tmp)
return starts, ends, stats
def gelman_rubin(chains, auto_burn_in=True):
""" Calculates the univariate Gelman-Rubin convergence statistic
which compares the evolution of multiple chains in a Markov-Chain Monte
Carlo process and computes their difference to determine their convergence.
The between-chain and within-chain variances are computed for each sampling
parameter, and a weighted combination of the two is used to determine the
convergence. As the chains converge, the point scale reduction factor
should go to 1.
chains : iterable
An iterable of numpy.array instances that contain the samples
for each chain. Each chain has shape (nparameters, niterations).
auto_burn_in : bool
If True, then only use later half of samples provided.
psrf : numpy.array
A numpy.array of shape (nparameters) that has the point estimates of
the potential scale reduction factor.
# remove first half of samples
# this will have shape (nchains, nparameters, niterations)
if auto_burn_in:
_, _, niterations = numpy.array(chains).shape
chains = numpy.array([chain[:, niterations // 2 + 1:]
for chain in chains])
# get number of chains, parameters, and iterations
chains = numpy.array(chains)
nchains, nparameters, niterations = chains.shape
# calculate the covariance matrix for each chain
# this will have shape (nchains, nparameters, nparameters)
chains_covs = numpy.array([numpy.cov(chain) for chain in chains])
if nparameters == 1:
chains_covs = chains_covs.reshape((nchains, 1, 1))
# calculate W the within-chain variance
# this will have shape (nparameters, nparameters)
w = numpy.zeros(chains_covs[0].shape)
for i, row in enumerate(chains_covs[0]):
for j, _ in enumerate(row):
w[i, j] = numpy.mean(chains_covs[:, i, j])
if nparameters == 1:
w = w.reshape((1, 1))
# calculate B the between-chain variance
# this will have shape (nparameters, nparameters)
means = numpy.zeros((nparameters, nchains))
for i, chain in enumerate(chains):
means[:, i] = numpy.mean(chain, axis=1).transpose()
b = niterations * numpy.cov(means)
if nparameters == 1:
b = b.reshape((1, 1))
# get diagonal elements of W and B
# these will have shape (nparameters)
w_diag = numpy.diag(w)
b_diag = numpy.diag(b)
# get variance for each chain
# this will have shape (nparameters, nchains)
var = numpy.zeros((nparameters, nchains))
for i, chain_cov in enumerate(chains_covs):
var[:, i] = numpy.diag(chain_cov)
# get mean of means
# this will have shape (nparameters)
mu_hat = numpy.mean(means, axis=1)
# get variance of variances
# this will have shape (nparameters)
s = numpy.var(var, axis=1)
# get V the combined variance of all chains
# this will have shape (nparameters)
v = ((niterations - 1.) * w_diag / niterations +
(1. + 1. / nchains) * b_diag / niterations)
# get factors in variance of V calculation
# this will have shape (nparameters)
k = 2 * b_diag**2 / (nchains - 1)
mid_term = numpy.cov(
var, means**2)[nparameters:2*nparameters, 0:nparameters].T
end_term = numpy.cov(
var, means)[nparameters:2*nparameters, 0:nparameters].T
wb = niterations / nchains * numpy.diag(mid_term - 2 * mu_hat * end_term)
# get variance of V
# this will have shape (nparameters)
var_v = (
(niterations - 1.) ** 2 * s +
(1. + 1. / nchains) ** 2 * k +
2. * (niterations - 1.) * (1. + 1. / nchains) * wb
) / niterations**2
# get degrees of freedom
# this will have shape (nparameters)
dof = (2. * v**2) / var_v
# more degrees of freedom factors
# this will have shape (nparameters)
df_adj = (dof + 3.) / (dof + 1.)
# estimate R
# this will have shape (nparameters)
r2_fixed = (niterations - 1.) / niterations
r2_random = (1. + 1. / nchains) * (1. / niterations) * (b_diag / w_diag)
r2_estimate = r2_fixed + r2_random
# calculate PSRF the potential scale reduction factor
# this will have shape (nparameters)
psrf = numpy.sqrt(r2_estimate * df_adj)
return psrf