Source code for pycbc.inference.models.hierarchical

# Copyright (C) 2022  Collin Capano
#               2023  Alex Nitz & Shichao Wu
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================

"""Hierarchical model definitions."""

import shlex
import logging
import numpy
from pycbc import transforms
from pycbc.workflow import WorkflowConfigParser
from .base import BaseModel

# =============================================================================
#                       Hierarhical model definition
# =============================================================================

[docs] class HierarchicalModel(BaseModel): r"""Model that is a combination of other models. Sub-models are treated as being independent of each other, although they can share parameters. In other words, the hierarchical likelihood is: .. math:: p(\mathbf{D}|\mathbf{\vartheta}, \mathbf{H}) = \prod_{I}^{K} p(\mathbf{d}_I|\mathbf{\vartheta}, H_{I}) Submodels are provided as a dictionary upon initialization with a unique label assigned to each model, e.g., ``{'event1' -> model1, 'event2' -> model2}``. Variable and static parameters that are specific to each submodel should be prepended with ``{label}__``, where ``{label}__`` is the label associated with the given submodel. Shared parameters across multiple models have no labels prepended. To specify shared models over a subset of models, separate models with an underscore. For example, ``event1_event2__foo`` will result in ``foo`` being common between models ``event1`` and ``event2``. For more details on parameter naming see :py:class:`HierarchicalParam <pycbc.inference.models.hierarchical.HierarchicalParam>`. All waveform and sampling transforms, as well as prior evaluation, are handled by this model, not the sub-models. Parameters created by waveform transforms should therefore also have sub-model names prepended to them, to indicate which models they should be provided to for likelihood evaluation. Parameters ---------- variable_params: (tuple of) string(s) A tuple of parameter names that will be varied. submodels: dict Dictionary of model labels -> model instances of all the submodels. \**kwargs : All other keyword arguments are passed to :py:class:`BaseModel <pycbc.inference.models.base.BaseModel>`. """ name = 'hierarchical' def __init__(self, variable_params, submodels, **kwargs): # sub models is assumed to be a dict of model labels -> model instances self.submodels = submodels # initialize standard attributes super().__init__(variable_params, **kwargs) # store a map of model labels -> parameters for quick look up later self.param_map = map_params(self.hvariable_params) # add any parameters created by waveform transforms if self.waveform_transforms is not None: derived_params = set() derived_params.update(*[t.outputs for t in self.waveform_transforms]) # convert to hierarchical params derived_params = map_params(hpiter(derived_params, list(self.submodels.keys()))) for lbl, pset in derived_params.items(): self.param_map[lbl].update(pset) # make sure the static parameters of all submodels are set correctly self.static_param_map = map_params(self.hstatic_params.keys()) # also create a map of model label -> extra stats created by each model # stats are prepended with the model label. We'll include the # loglikelihood returned by each submodel in the extra stats. self.extra_stats_map = {} self.__extra_stats = [] for lbl, model in self.submodels.items(): model.static_params = {p.subname: self.static_params[p.fullname] for p in self.static_param_map[lbl]} self.extra_stats_map.update(map_params([ HierarchicalParam.from_subname(lbl, p) for p in model._extra_stats+['loglikelihood']])) self.__extra_stats += self.extra_stats_map[lbl] # also make sure the model's sampling transforms and waveform # transforms are not set, as these are handled by the hierarchical # model, except for `joint_primary_marginalized` model, because # this specific model needs to allow its submodels to handle # transform with prefix on the submodel's level if != "joint_primary_marginalized": if model.sampling_transforms is not None: raise ValueError("Model {} has sampling transforms " "set; in a hierarchical analysis, " "these are handled by the " "hierarchical model".format(lbl)) if model.waveform_transforms is not None: raise ValueError("Model {} has waveform transforms " "set; in a hierarchical analysis, " "these are handled by the " "hierarchical model".format(lbl)) @property def hvariable_params(self): """The variable params as a tuple of :py:class:`HierarchicalParam` instances. """ return self._variable_params @property def variable_params(self): # converts variable params back to a set of strings before returning return tuple(p.fullname for p in self._variable_params) @variable_params.setter def variable_params(self, variable_params): # overrides BaseModel's variable params to store the variable params # as HierarchicalParam instances if isinstance(variable_params, str): variable_params = [variable_params] self._variable_params = tuple(HierarchicalParam(p, self.submodels) for p in variable_params) @property def hstatic_params(self): """The static params with :py:class:`HierarchicalParam` instances used as dictionary keys. """ return self._static_params @property def static_params(self): # converts the static param keys back to strings return {p.fullname: val for p, val in self._static_params.items()} @static_params.setter def static_params(self, static_params): if static_params is None: static_params = {} self._static_params = {HierarchicalParam(p, self.submodels): val for p, val in static_params.items()} @property def _extra_stats(self): return [p.fullname for p in self.__extra_stats] @property def _hextra_stats(self): """The extra stats as :py:class:`HierarchicalParam` instances.""" return self.__extra_stats def _loglikelihood(self): # takes the sum of the constitutent models' loglikelihoods logl = 0. for lbl, model in self.submodels.items(): # update the model with the current params. This is done here # instead of in `update` because waveform transforms are not # applied until the loglikelihood function is called model.update(**{p.subname: self.current_params[p.fullname] for p in self.param_map[lbl]}) # now get the loglikelihood from the model sublogl = model.loglikelihood # store the extra stats mstats = model.current_stats for stat in self.extra_stats_map[lbl]: setattr(self._current_stats, stat, mstats[stat.subname]) # add to the total loglikelihood logl += sublogl return logl
[docs] def write_metadata(self, fp, group=None): """Adds data to the metadata that's written. Parameters ---------- fp : instance The inference file to write to. group : str, optional If provided, the metadata will be written to the attrs specified by group, i.e., to ``fp[group].attrs``. Otherwise, metadata is written to the top-level attrs (``fp.attrs``). """ # write information about self super().write_metadata(fp, group=group) # write information about each submodel into a different group for # each one if group is None or group == '/': prefix = '' else: prefix = group+'/' for lbl, model in self.submodels.items(): model.write_metadata(fp, group=prefix+lbl) # if all submodels support it, write a combined lognl parameter try: sampattrs = fp.getattrs(group=fp.samples_group) lognl = [self.submodels[k].lognl for k in self.submodels] sampattrs['{}lognl'.format(prefix)] = sum(lognl) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cp, **kwargs): r"""Initializes an instance of this class from the given config file. Sub-models are initialized before initializing this class. The model section must have a ``submodels`` argument that lists the names of all the submodels to generate as a space-separated list. Each sub-model should have its own ``[{label}__model]`` section that sets up the model for that sub-model. For example: .. code-block:: ini [model] name = hierarchical submodels = event1 event2 [event1__model] <event1 model options> [event2__model] <event2 model options> Similarly, all other sections that are specific to a model should start with the model's label. All sections starting with a model's label will be passed to that model's ``from_config`` method with the label removed from the section name. For example, if a sub-model requires a data section to be specified, it should be titled ``[{label}__data]``. Upon initialization, the ``{label}__`` will be stripped from the section header and passed to the model. No model labels should preceed the ``variable_params``, ``static_params``, ``waveform_transforms``, or ``sampling_transforms`` sections. Instead, the parameters specified in these sections should follow the naming conventions described in :py:class:`HierachicalParam` to determine which sub-model(s) they belong to. (Sampling parameters can follow any naming convention, as they are only handled by the hierarchical model.) This is because the hierarchical model handles all transforms, communication with the sampler, file IO, and prior calculation. Only sub-model's loglikelihood functions are called. Metadata for each sub-model is written to the output hdf file under groups given by the sub-model label. For example, if we have two submodels labelled ``event1`` and ``event2``, there will be groups with the same names in the top level of the output that contain that model's subdata. For instance, if event1 used the ``gaussian_noise`` model, the GW data and PSDs will be found in ``event1/data`` and the low frequency cutoff used for that model will be in the ``attrs`` of the ``event1`` group. Parameters ---------- cp : WorkflowConfigParser Config file parser to read. \**kwargs : All additional keyword arguments are passed to the class. Any provided keyword will override what is in the config file. """ # we need the read from config function from the init; to prevent # circular imports, we import it here from pycbc.inference.models import read_from_config # get the submodels submodel_lbls = shlex.split(cp.get('model', 'submodels')) # sort parameters by model vparam_map = map_params(hpiter(cp.options('variable_params'), submodel_lbls)) sparam_map = map_params(hpiter(cp.options('static_params'), submodel_lbls)) # we'll need any waveform transforms for the initializing sub-models, # as the underlying models will receive the output of those transforms if any(cp.get_subsections('waveform_transforms')): waveform_transforms = transforms.read_transforms_from_config( cp, 'waveform_transforms') wfoutputs = set.union(*[t.outputs for t in waveform_transforms]) wfparam_map = map_params(hpiter(wfoutputs, submodel_lbls)) else: wfparam_map = {lbl: [] for lbl in submodel_lbls} # initialize the models submodels = {}"Loading submodels") for lbl in submodel_lbls:"============= %s =============", lbl) # create a config parser to pass to the model subcp = WorkflowConfigParser() # copy sections over that start with the model label (this should # include the [model] section for that model) copy_sections = [ HierarchicalParam(sec, submodel_lbls) for sec in cp.sections() if lbl in sec.split('-')[0].split(HierarchicalParam.delim, 1)[0]] for sec in copy_sections: # check that the user isn't trying to set variable or static # params for the model (we won't worry about waveform or # sampling transforms here, since that is checked for in the # __init__) if sec.subname in ['variable_params', 'static_params']: raise ValueError("Section {} found in the config file; " "[variable_params] and [static_params] " "sections should not include model " "labels. To specify parameters unique to " "one or more sub-models, prepend the " "individual parameter names with the " "model label. See HierarchicalParam for " "details.".format(sec)) subcp.add_section(sec.subname) for opt, val in cp.items(sec): subcp.set(sec.subname, opt, val) # set the static params subcp.add_section('static_params') for param in sparam_map[lbl]: subcp.set('static_params', param.subname, cp.get('static_params', param.fullname)) # set the variable params: for now we'll just set all the # variable params as static params # so that the model doesn't raise an error looking for # prior sections. We'll then manually set the variable # params after the model is initialized subcp.add_section('variable_params') for param in vparam_map[lbl]: subcp.set('static_params', param.subname, 'REPLACE') # add the outputs from the waveform transforms for param in wfparam_map[lbl]: subcp.set('static_params', param.subname, 'REPLACE') # initialize submodel = read_from_config(subcp) # move the static params back to variable for p in vparam_map[lbl]: submodel.static_params.pop(p.subname) submodel.variable_params = tuple(p.subname for p in vparam_map[lbl]) # remove the waveform transform parameters for p in wfparam_map[lbl]: submodel.static_params.pop(p.subname) # store submodels[lbl] = submodel"") # now load the model"Loading hierarchical model") return super().from_config(cp, submodels=submodels)
[docs] class HierarchicalParam(str): """Sub-class of str for hierarchical parameter names. This adds attributes that keep track of the model label(s) the parameter is associated with, along with the name that is passed to the models. The following conventions are used for parsing parameter names: * Model labels and parameter names are separated by the ``delim`` class attribute, which by default is ``__``, e.g., ``event1__mass``. * Multiple model labels can be provided by separating the model labels with the ``model_delim`` class attribute, which by default is ``_``, e.g., ``event1_event2__mass``. Note that this means that individual model labels cannot contain ``_``, else they'll be parsed as separate models. * Parameters that have no model labels prepended to them (i.e., there is no ``__`` in the name) are common to all models. These parsing rules are applied by the :py:meth:`HierarchicalParam.parse` method. Parameters ---------- fullname : str Name of the hierarchical parameter. Should have format ``{model1}[_{model2}[_{...}]]__{param}``. possible_models : set of str The possible sub-models a parameter can belong to. Should a set of model labels. Attributes ---------- fullname : str The full name of the parameter, including model labels. For example, ``e1_e2__foo``. models : set The model labels the parameter is associated with. For example, ``e1_e2__foo`` yields models ``e1, e2``. subname : str The name of the parameter without the model labels prepended to it. For example, ``e1_e2__foo`` yields ``foo``. """ delim = '__' model_delim = '_' def __new__(cls, fullname, possible_models): fullname = str(fullname) obj = str.__new__(cls, fullname) obj.fullname = fullname models, subp = HierarchicalParam.parse(fullname, possible_models) obj.models = models obj.subname = subp return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_subname(cls, model_label, subname): """Creates a HierarchicalParam from the given subname and model label. """ return cls(cls.delim.join([model_label, subname]), set([model_label]))
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, fullname, possible_models): """Parses the full parameter name into the models the parameter is associated with and the parameter name that is passed to the models. Parameters ---------- fullname : str The full name of the parameter, which includes both the model label(s) and the parameter name. possible_models : set Set of model labels the parameter can be associated with. Returns ------- models : list List of the model labels the parameter is associated with. subp : str Parameter name that is passed to the models. This is the parameter name with the model label(s) stripped from it. """ # make sure possible models is a set possible_models = set(possible_models) p = fullname.split(cls.delim, 1) if len(p) == 1: # is a global fullname, associate with all subp = fullname models = possible_models.copy() else: models, subp = p # convert into set of model label(s) models = set(models.split(cls.model_delim)) # make sure the given labels are in the list of possible models unknown = models - possible_models if any(unknown): raise ValueError('unrecognized model label(s) {} present in ' 'parameter {}'.format(', '.join(unknown), fullname)) return models, subp
[docs] def hpiter(params, possible_models): """Turns a list of parameter strings into a list of HierarchicalParams. Parameters ---------- params : list of str List of parameter names. possible_models : set Set of model labels the parameters can be associated with. Returns ------- iterator : Iterator of :py:class:`HierarchicalParam` instances. """ return map(lambda x: HierarchicalParam(x, possible_models), params)
[docs] def map_params(params): """Creates a map of models -> parameters. Parameters ---------- params : list of HierarchicalParam instances The list of hierarchical parameter names to parse. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of model labels -> associated parameters. """ param_map = {} for p in params: for lbl in p.models: try: param_map[lbl].update([p]) except KeyError: param_map[lbl] = set([p]) return param_map
[docs] class MultiSignalModel(HierarchicalModel): """ Model for multiple signals which share data Sub models are treated as if the signals overlap in data. This requires constituent models to implement a specific method to handle this case. All models must be of the same type or the specific model is responsible for implement cross-compatibility with another model. Each model h_i is responsible for calculating its own loglikelihood ratio for itself, and must also implement a method to calculate crossterms of the form <h_i | h_j> which arise from the full calculation of <d - h|d - h>. This model inherits from the HierarchicalModel so the syntax for configuration files is the same. The primary model is used to determine the noise terms <d | d>, which by default will be the first model used. """ name = 'multi_signal' def __init__(self, variable_params, submodels, **kwargs): super().__init__(variable_params, submodels, **kwargs) # Check what models each model supports support = {} ctypes = set() # The set of models we need to completely support for lbl in self.submodels: model = self.submodels[lbl] ctypes.add(type(model)) if hasattr(model, 'multi_signal_support'): support[lbl] = set(model.multi_signal_support) # pick the primary model if it supports the set of constituent models for lbl in support: if ctypes <= support[lbl]: self.primary_model = lbl'MultiSignalModel: PrimaryModel == %s', lbl) break else: # Oh, no, we don't support this combo! raise RuntimeError("It looks like the combination of models, {}," "for the MultiSignal model isn't supported by" "any of the constituent models.".format(ctypes)) self.other_models = self.submodels.copy() self.other_models.pop(self.primary_model) self.other_models = list(self.other_models.values())
[docs] def write_metadata(self, fp, group=None): """Adds metadata to the output files Parameters ---------- fp : instance The inference file to write to. group : str, optional If provided, the metadata will be written to the attrs specified by group, i.e., to ``fp[group].attrs``. Otherwise, metadata is written to the top-level attrs (``fp.attrs``). """ super().write_metadata(fp, group=group) sampattrs = fp.getattrs(group=fp.samples_group) # if a group is specified, prepend the lognl names with it if group is None or group == '/': prefix = '' else: prefix = group.replace('/', '__') if not prefix.endswith('__'): prefix += '__' try: model = self.submodels[self.primary_model] sampattrs['{}lognl'.format(prefix)] = model.lognl except AttributeError: pass
def _loglikelihood(self): for lbl, model in self.submodels.items(): # Update the parameters of each model.update(**{p.subname: self.current_params[p.fullname] for p in self.param_map[lbl]}) # Calculate the combined loglikelihood p = self.primary_model logl = self.submodels[p].multi_loglikelihood(self.other_models) # store any extra stats from the submodels for lbl, model in self.submodels.items(): mstats = model.current_stats for stat in self.extra_stats_map[lbl]: setattr(self._current_stats, stat, mstats[stat.subname]) return logl
[docs] class JointPrimaryMarginalizedModel(HierarchicalModel): """This likelihood model can be used for cases when one of the submodels can be marginalized to accelerate the total likelihood. This likelihood model also allows for further acceleration of other models during marginalization, if some extrinsic parameters can be tightly constrained by the primary model. More specifically, such as the EM + GW parameter estimation, the sky localization can be well measured. For LISA + 3G multiband observation, SOBHB signals' (tc, ra, dec) can be tightly constrained by 3G network, so this model is also useful for this case. """ name = 'joint_primary_marginalized' def __init__(self, variable_params, submodels, **kwargs): super().__init__(variable_params, submodels, **kwargs) # assume the ground-based submodel as the primary model self.primary_model = self.submodels[kwargs['primary_lbl'][0]] self.primary_lbl = kwargs['primary_lbl'][0] self.other_models = self.submodels.copy() self.other_models.pop(kwargs['primary_lbl'][0]) self.other_models = list(self.other_models.values()) # determine whether to accelerate total_loglr from .tools import str_to_bool self.static_margin_params_in_other_models = \ str_to_bool(kwargs['static_margin_params_in_other_models'][0])
[docs] def write_metadata(self, fp, group=None): """Adds metadata to the output files Parameters ---------- fp : instance The inference file to write to. group : str, optional If provided, the metadata will be written to the attrs specified by group, i.e., to ``fp[group].attrs``. Otherwise, metadata is written to the top-level attrs (``fp.attrs``). """ super().write_metadata(fp, group=group) sampattrs = fp.getattrs(group=fp.samples_group) # if a group is specified, prepend the lognl names with it if group is None or group == '/': prefix = '' else: prefix = group.replace('/', '__') if not prefix.endswith('__'): prefix += '__' try: for lbl, model in self.submodels.items(): sampattrs['{}lognl'.format(prefix + '%s__' % lbl) ] = model.lognl except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def total_loglr(self): r"""Computes the total log likelihood ratio, .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = \sum_i \left<h_i(\Theta)|d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<h_i(\Theta)|h_i(\Theta)\right>, at the current parameter values :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio. """ # calculate <d-h|d-h> = <h|h> - 2<h|d> + <d|d> up to a constant self.primary_model.return_sh_hh = True sh_primary, hh_primary = self.primary_model.loglr self.primary_model.return_sh_hh = False # set logr, otherwise it will store (sh, hh) setattr(self.primary_model._current_stats, 'loglr', self.primary_model.marginalize_loglr(sh_primary, hh_primary)) if isinstance(sh_primary, numpy.ndarray): nums = len(sh_primary) else: nums = 1 margin_params = {} if self.static_margin_params_in_other_models: # Due to the high precision of extrinsic parameters constrined # by the primary model, the mismatch of wavefroms in others by # varing those parameters is pretty small, so we can keep them # static to accelerate total_loglr. Here, we use matched-filering # SNR instead of lilkelihood, because luminosity distance and # inclination has a very strong degeneracy, change of inclination # will change best match distance, so change the amplitude of # waveform. Using SNR will cancel out the effect of amplitude.err i_max_extrinsic = numpy.argmax( numpy.abs(sh_primary) / hh_primary**0.5) for p in self.primary_model.marginalized_params_name: if isinstance(self.primary_model.current_params[p], numpy.ndarray): margin_params[p] = \ self.primary_model.current_params[p][i_max_extrinsic] else: margin_params[p] = self.primary_model.current_params[p] else: for key, value in self.primary_model.current_params.items(): # add marginalize_vector_params if key in self.primary_model.marginalized_params_name: margin_params[key] = value # add likelihood contribution from other_models, we # calculate sh/hh for each marginalized parameter point sh_others = numpy.full(nums, 0 + 0.0j) hh_others = numpy.zeros(nums) # update parameters in other_models for _, other_model in enumerate(self.other_models): # not using self.primary_model.current_params, because others_model # may have its own static parameters current_params_other = other_model.current_params.copy() if not self.static_margin_params_in_other_models: for i in range(nums): current_params_other.update( {key: value[i] if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray) else value for key, value in margin_params.items()}) other_model.update(**current_params_other) other_model.return_sh_hh = True sh_other, hh_other = other_model.loglr sh_others[i] += sh_other hh_others[i] += hh_other other_model.return_sh_hh = False # set logr, otherwise it will store (sh, hh) setattr(other_model._current_stats, 'loglr', other_model.marginalize_loglr(sh_other, hh_other)) else: # use one margin point set to approximate all the others current_params_other.update( {key: value[0] if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray) else value for key, value in margin_params.items()}) other_model.update(**current_params_other) other_model.return_sh_hh = True sh_other, hh_other = other_model.loglr other_model.return_sh_hh = False # set logr, otherwise it will store (sh, hh) setattr(other_model._current_stats, 'loglr', other_model.marginalize_loglr(sh_other, hh_other)) sh_others += sh_other hh_others += hh_other if nums == 1: # the type of the original sh/hh_others are numpy.array, # might not the same as sh/hh_primary during reconstruct, # during reconstruct of distance, sh/hh_others need to be scalar sh_others = sh_others[0] hh_others = hh_others[0] sh_total = sh_primary + sh_others hh_total = hh_primary + hh_others loglr = self.primary_model.marginalize_loglr(sh_total, hh_total) return loglr
[docs] def others_lognl(self): """Calculate the combined lognl from all others sub-models.""" total_others_lognl = 0 for model in self.other_models: total_others_lognl += model.lognl return total_others_lognl
[docs] def update_all_models(self, **params): """This update method is also useful for loglr checking, the original update method in base module can't update parameters in submodels correctly in loglr checking.""" for lbl, model in self.submodels.items(): if self.param_map != {}: p = {params.subname: self.current_params[params.fullname] for params in self.param_map[lbl]} else: # dummy sampler doesn't have real variables, # which means self.param_map is {} p = {} p.update(params) model.update(**p)
def _loglikelihood(self): self.update_all_models() # calculate the combined loglikelihood logl = self.total_loglr() + self.primary_model.lognl + \ self.others_lognl() # store any extra stats from the submodels for lbl, model in self.submodels.items(): mstats = model.current_stats for stat in self.extra_stats_map[lbl]: setattr(self._current_stats, stat, mstats[stat.subname]) return logl
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cp, **kwargs): r"""Initializes an instance of this class from the given config file. For more details, see `from_config` in `HierarchicalModel`. Parameters ---------- cp : WorkflowConfigParser Config file parser to read. \**kwargs : All additional keyword arguments are passed to the class. Any provided keyword will override what is in the config file. """ # we need the read from config function from the init; to prevent # circular imports, we import it here from pycbc.inference.models import read_from_config # get the submodels kwargs['primary_lbl'] = shlex.split(cp.get('model', 'primary_model')) kwargs['others_lbls'] = shlex.split(cp.get('model', 'other_models')) submodel_lbls = kwargs['primary_lbl'] + kwargs['others_lbls'] # sort parameters by model vparam_map = map_params(hpiter(cp.options('variable_params'), submodel_lbls)) sparam_map = map_params(hpiter(cp.options('static_params'), submodel_lbls)) # get the acceleration label kwargs['static_margin_params_in_other_models'] = shlex.split( cp.get('model', 'static_margin_params_in_other_models')) # we'll need any waveform transforms for the initializing sub-models, # as the underlying models will receive the output of those transforms # if `waveform_transforms` section doesn't have the prefix of # sub-model's name, then add this `waveform_transforms` section # into top level, if not, add it into sub-models' config if any(cp.get_subsections('waveform_transforms')): waveform_transforms = transforms.read_transforms_from_config( cp, 'waveform_transforms') wfoutputs = set.union(*[t.outputs for t in waveform_transforms]) wfparam_map = map_params(hpiter(wfoutputs, submodel_lbls)) else: wfparam_map = {lbl: [] for lbl in submodel_lbls} # initialize the models submodels = {}"Loading submodels") for lbl in submodel_lbls:"============= %s =============", lbl) # create a config parser to pass to the model subcp = WorkflowConfigParser() # copy sections over that start with the model label (this should # include the [model] section for that model) copy_sections = [ HierarchicalParam(sec, submodel_lbls) for sec in cp.sections() if lbl in sec.split('-')[0].split(HierarchicalParam.delim, 1)[0]] for sec in copy_sections: # check that the user isn't trying to set variable or static # params for the model (we won't worry about waveform or # sampling transforms here, since that is checked for in the # __init__) if sec.subname in ['variable_params', 'static_params']: raise ValueError("Section {} found in the config file; " "[variable_params] and [static_params] " "sections should not include model " "labels. To specify parameters unique to " "one or more sub-models, prepend the " "individual parameter names with the " "model label. See HierarchicalParam for " "details.".format(sec)) subcp.add_section(sec.subname) for opt, val in cp.items(sec): subcp.set(sec.subname, opt, val) # set the static params subcp.add_section('static_params') for param in sparam_map[lbl]: subcp.set('static_params', param.subname, cp.get('static_params', param.fullname)) # set the variable params: different from the standard # hierarchical model, in this JointPrimaryMarginalizedModel model, # all sub-models has the same variable parameters, so we don't # need to worry about the unique variable issue. Besides, # the primary model needs to do marginalization, so we must set # variable_params and prior section before initializing it. subcp.add_section('variable_params') for param in vparam_map[lbl]: if lbl in kwargs['primary_lbl']: # set variable_params for the primary model subcp.set('variable_params', param.subname, cp.get('variable_params', param.fullname)) else: # all variable_params in other models will come # from the primary model during sampling subcp.set('static_params', param.subname, 'REPLACE') for section in cp.sections(): # the primary model needs prior of marginlized parameters if 'prior-' in section and lbl in kwargs['primary_lbl']: prior_section = '%s' % section subcp[prior_section] = cp[prior_section] # similar to the standard hierarchical model, # add the outputs from the waveform transforms if sub-model # doesn't need marginalization if lbl not in kwargs['primary_lbl']: for param in wfparam_map[lbl]: subcp.set('static_params', param.subname, 'REPLACE') # save the vitual config file to disk for later check with open('%s.ini' % lbl, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: subcp.write(file) # initialize submodel = read_from_config(subcp) if lbl not in kwargs['primary_lbl']: # similar to the standard hierarchical model, # move the static params back to variable if sub-model # doesn't need marginalization for p in vparam_map[lbl]: submodel.static_params.pop(p.subname) submodel.variable_params = tuple(p.subname for p in vparam_map[lbl]) # similar to the standard hierarchical model, # remove the waveform transform parameters if sub-model # doesn't need marginalization for p in wfparam_map[lbl]: submodel.static_params.pop(p.subname) submodels[lbl] = submodel"") # remove all marginalized parameters from the top-level model's # `variable_params` and `prior` sections # here we ignore `coa_phase`, because if it's been marginalized, # it will not be listed in `variable_params` and `prior` sections primary_model = submodels[kwargs['primary_lbl'][0]] marginalized_params = primary_model.marginalized_params_name.copy() for p in primary_model.static_params.keys(): p_full = '%s__%s' % (kwargs['primary_lbl'][0], p) if p_full not in cp['static_params']: cp['static_params'][p_full] = "%s" % \ primary_model.static_params[p] for section in cp.sections(): if 'prior-' in section: p = section.split('-')[-1] if p in marginalized_params: cp['variable_params'].pop(p) cp.pop(section) # save the vitual config file to disk for later check with open('internal_top.ini', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: cp.write(file) # now load the model"Loading joint_primary_marginalized model") return super(HierarchicalModel, cls).from_config( cp, submodels=submodels, **kwargs)
[docs] def reconstruct(self, rec=None, seed=None): """ Reconstruct marginalized parameters by using the primary model's reconstruct method, total_loglr, and others_lognl. """ if seed: numpy.random.seed(seed) if rec is None: rec = {} def get_loglr(): # make sure waveform transforms have been applied in # the top-level model if self.waveform_transforms is not None: self._current_params = transforms.apply_transforms( self._current_params, self.waveform_transforms, inverse=False) self.update_all_models(**rec) return self.total_loglr() rec = self.primary_model.reconstruct( rec=rec, seed=seed, set_loglr=get_loglr) # the primary model's reconstruct doesn't know lognl in other models rec['loglikelihood'] += self.others_lognl() return rec