Source code for pycbc.inference.models.single_template

# Copyright (C) 2018 Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

"""This module provides model classes that assume the noise is Gaussian.

import logging
import numpy
import itertools

from pycbc import filter as pyfilter
from pycbc.waveform import get_fd_waveform
from pycbc.detector import Detector

from .gaussian_noise import BaseGaussianNoise
from .tools import DistMarg

[docs] class SingleTemplate(DistMarg, BaseGaussianNoise): r"""Model that assumes we know all the intrinsic parameters. This model assumes we know all the intrinsic parameters, and are only maximizing over the extrinsic ones. We also assume a dominant mode waveform approximant only and non-precessing. Parameters ---------- variable_params : (tuple of) string(s) A tuple of parameter names that will be varied. data : dict A dictionary of data, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the data (assumed to be unwhitened). All data must have the same frequency resolution. low_frequency_cutoff : dict A dictionary of starting frequencies, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the starting frequencies for the respective detectors to be used for computing inner products. sample_rate : int, optional The sample rate to use. Default is 32768. polarization_samples: int, optional Parameter to specify how finely to marginalize over polarization angle. If None, then polarization must be a parameter. \**kwargs : All other keyword arguments are passed to :py:class:`BaseGaussianNoise`; see that class for details. """ name = 'single_template' def __init__(self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, sample_rate=32768, marginalize_phase=True, **kwargs): variable_params, kwargs = self.setup_marginalization( variable_params, marginalize_phase=marginalize_phase, **kwargs) super(SingleTemplate, self).__init__( variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, **kwargs) sample_rate = float(sample_rate) # Generate template waveforms df = data[self.detectors[0]].delta_f self.df = df p = self.static_params.copy() for k in self.static_params: if p[k] == 'REPLACE': p.pop(k) if 'distance' in p: _ = p.pop('distance') if 'inclination' in p: _ = p.pop('inclination') hp, _ = get_fd_waveform(delta_f=df, distance=1, inclination=0, **p) # Extend template to high sample rate flen = int(round(sample_rate / df) / 2 + 1) hp.resize(flen) # Calculate high sample rate SNR time series = {} self.hh = {} self.snr = {} self.det = {} for ifo in flow = self.kmin[ifo] * df fhigh = self.kmax[ifo] * df # Extend data to high sample rate[ifo].resize(flen) self.det[ifo] = Detector(ifo) snr, _, norm = pyfilter.matched_filter_core( hp,[ifo], psd=self.psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=flow, high_frequency_cutoff=fhigh)[ifo] = 4 * df * snr self.snr[ifo] = snr * norm self.hh[ifo] = pyfilter.sigmasq( hp, psd=self.psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=flow, high_frequency_cutoff=fhigh) self.waveform = hp self.htfs = {} # Waveform phase / distance transformation factors self.dts = {} # Retrict to analyzing around peaks if chosen and choose what # ifos to draw from self.setup_peak_lock(snrs=self.snr, sample_rate=sample_rate, **kwargs) self.draw_ifos(self.snr) @property def multi_signal_support(self): """ The list of classes that this model supports in a multi-signal likelihood """ # Check if this model *can* be included in a multi-signal model. # All marginalizations must currently be disabled to work! if (self.marginalize_vector_params or self.marginalize_distance or self.marginalize_phase):"Cannot use single template model inside of" "multi_signal if marginalizations are enabled") return [type(self)]
[docs] def calculate_hihjs(self, models): """ Pre-calculate the hihj inner products on a grid """ self.hihj = {} for m1, m2 in itertools.combinations(models, 2): self.hihj[(m1, m2)] = {} h1 = m1.waveform h2 = m2.waveform for ifo in flow = self.kmin[ifo] * self.df fhigh = self.kmax[ifo] * self.df h1h2, _, _ = pyfilter.matched_filter_core( h1, h2, psd=self.psds[ifo], low_frequency_cutoff=flow, high_frequency_cutoff=fhigh) self.hihj[(m1, m2)][ifo] = 4 * self.df * h1h2
[docs] def multi_loglikelihood(self, models): """ Calculate a multi-model (signal) likelihood """ models = [self] + models loglr = 0 # handle sum[<d|h_i> - 0.5 <h_i|h_i>] for m in models: loglr += m.loglr if not hasattr(self, 'hihj'): self.calculate_hihjs(models) # finally add in the lognl term from this model for m1, m2 in itertools.combinations(models, 2): for det in hihj_vec = self.hihj[(m1, m2)][det] dt = m1.dts[det] - m2.dts[det] + hihj_vec.start_time if dt < hihj_vec.start_time: dt += hihj_vec.duration h1h2 = hihj_vec.at_time(dt, nearest_sample=True) h1h2 *= m1.htfs[det] * m2.htfs[det].conj() loglr += - h1h2.real # This is -0.5 * re(<h1|h2> + <h2|h1>) return loglr + self.lognl
def _loglr(self): r"""Computes the log likelihood ratio Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio. """ # calculate <d-h|d-h> = <h|h> - 2<h|d> + <d|d> up to a constant p = self.current_params phase = 1 if 'coa_phase' in p: phase = numpy.exp(-1.0j * 2 * p['coa_phase']) sh_total = hh_total = 0 ic = numpy.cos(p['inclination']) ip = 0.5 * (1.0 + ic * ic) pol_phase = numpy.exp(-2.0j * p['polarization']) self.snr_draw(snrs=self.snr) for ifo in dt = self.det[ifo].time_delay_from_earth_center(p['ra'], p['dec'], p['tc']) self.dts[ifo] = p['tc'] + dt fp, fc = self.det[ifo].antenna_pattern(p['ra'], p['dec'], 0, p['tc']) f = (fp + 1.0j * fc) * pol_phase # Note, this includes complex conjugation already # as our stored inner products were hp* x data htf = (f.real * ip + 1.0j * f.imag * ic) / p['distance'] * phase self.htfs[ifo] = htf sh =[ifo].at_time(self.dts[ifo], interpolate='quadratic') sh_total += sh * htf hh_total += self.hh[ifo] * abs(htf) ** 2.0 loglr = self.marginalize_loglr(sh_total, hh_total) return loglr