Convenience classes for accessing hdf5 trigger files
import h5py
import numpy as np
import logging
import inspect
import pickle
from itertools import chain
from io import BytesIO
from lal import LIGOTimeGPS
from ligo.lw import ligolw
from ligo.lw import lsctables
from ligo.lw import utils as ligolw_utils
from pycbc.io.ligolw import (
from pycbc import events, conversions, pnutils
from pycbc.events import ranking, veto
from pycbc.events import mean_if_greater_than_zero
logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.io.hdf')
class HGroup(h5py.Group):
""" Low level extensions to the h5py group object
def create_group(self, name, track_order=None):
Wrapper around h5py's create_group in order to redirect to the
manual HGroup object defined here
if track_order is None:
track_order = h5py.h5.get_config().track_order
with h5py._objects.phil:
name, lcpl = self._e(name, lcpl=True)
gcpl = HGroup._gcpl_crt_order if track_order else None
gid = h5py.h5g.create(self.id, name, lcpl=lcpl, gcpl=gcpl)
return HGroup(gid)
def create_dataset(self, name, shape=None, dtype=None, data=None, **kwds):
Wrapper around h5py's create_dataset so that checksums are used
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and not data.dtype == object:
kwds['fletcher32'] = True
return h5py.Group.create_dataset(
class HFile(HGroup, h5py.File):
""" Low level extensions to the capabilities of reading an hdf5 File
def select(self, fcn, *args, chunksize=10**6, derived=None, group='',
return_data=True, premask=None):
""" Return arrays from an hdf5 file that satisfy the given function
fcn : a function
A function that accepts the same number of argument as keys given
and returns a boolean array of the same length.
args : strings
A variable number of strings that are keys into the hdf5. These must
refer to arrays of equal length.
chunksize : {10**6, int}, optional
Number of elements to read and process at a time.
derived : dictionary
Dictionary keyed on argument name (must be given in args), values
are a tuple of: the function to be computed, and the required
datasets. The function must take in a dictionary keyed on those
dataset names.
group : string, optional
The group within the h5py file containing the datasets, e.g. in
standard offline merged trigger files, this would be the IFO. This
can be included in the args manually, but is required in the case
of derived functions, e.g. newsnr.
return_data : bool, optional, default True
If True, return the data for elements passing the function.
premask : array of boolean values, optional
The pre-mask to apply to the triggers at read-in.
indices: np.ndarray
An array of indices of elements passing the function.
return_tuple : tuple of np.ndarrays
A variable number of arrays depending on the number of
args provided,
If return_data is True, arrays are the values of each
If return_data is False, this is None.
>>> f = HFile(filename)
>>> snr = f.select(lambda snr: snr > 6, 'H1/snr')
# Required datasets are the arguments requested and datasets given
# for any derived functions
derived = derived if derived is not None else {}
dsets = [a for a in list(args) if a not in derived]
for _, rqd_list in derived.values():
dsets += rqd_list
# remove any duplicates from req_dsets
dsets = list(set(dsets))
# Get the pointers to the h5py Datasets,
# check they can all be used together
refs = {}
size = None
for ds in dsets:
refs[ds] = self[group + '/' + ds]
if (size is not None) and (refs[ds].size != size):
raise RuntimeError(f"Dataset {ds} is {self[ds].size} "
"entries long, which does not match "
f"previous input datasets ({size}).")
size = refs[ds].size
# Apply any pre-masks
if premask is None:
mask = np.ones(size, dtype=bool)
mask = premask
if not mask.dtype == bool:
# mask is an array of indices rather than booleans,
# make it a bool array
new_mask = np.zeros(size, dtype=bool)
new_mask[mask] = True
mask = new_mask
if not mask.size == size:
# You get here if you are using a boolean premask which
# isn't the same size as the arrays
raise RuntimeError(f"Using premask of size {mask.size} which "
f"does not match the input datasets ({size}).")
# datasets being returned (possibly)
data = {}
indices = np.array([], dtype=np.uint64)
for arg in args:
data[arg] = []
# Loop through the chunks:
i = 0
while i < size:
r = i + chunksize if i + chunksize < size else size
if not any(mask[i:r]):
# Nothing allowed through the mask in this chunk
i += chunksize
if all(mask[i:r]):
# Everything allowed through the mask in this chunk
submask = np.arange(r - i)
submask = np.flatnonzero(mask[i:r])
# Read each chunk's worth of data
partial_data = {arg: refs[arg][i:r][mask[i:r]]
for arg in dsets}
partial = []
for a in args:
if a in derived.keys():
# If this is a derived dataset, calculate it
derived_fcn = derived[a][0]
partial += [derived_fcn(partial_data)]
# otherwise, just read from the file
partial += [partial_data[a]]
# Find where it passes the function
keep = fcn(*partial)
# Keep the indices which pass the function:
indices = np.concatenate([indices, submask[keep] + i])
if return_data:
# Store the dataset results that pass the function
for arg, part in zip(args, partial):
i += chunksize
if return_data:
return_tuple = tuple(np.concatenate(data[arg])
for arg in args)
return_tuple = None
return indices.astype(np.uint64), return_tuple
class DictArray(object):
""" Utility for organizing sets of arrays of equal length.
Manages a dictionary of arrays of equal length. This can also
be instantiated with a set of hdf5 files and the key values. The full
data is always in memory and all operations create new instances of the
def __init__(self, data=None, files=None, groups=None):
""" Create a DictArray
data: dict, optional
Dictionary of equal length numpy arrays
files: list of filenames, optional
List of hdf5 file filenames. Incompatibile with the `data` option.
groups: list of strings
List of keys into each file. Required by the files option.
# Check that input fits with how the DictArray is set up
if data and files:
raise RuntimeError('DictArray can only have data or files as '
'input, not both.')
if data is None and files is None:
raise RuntimeError('DictArray needs either data or files at'
'initialization. To set up an empty instance'
'use DictArray(data={})')
if files and not groups:
raise RuntimeError('If files are given then need groups.')
self.data = data
self.groups = groups
if files:
self.data = {}
for g in groups:
self.data[g] = []
for f in files:
d = HFile(f)
for g in groups:
if g in d:
for k in self.data:
if not len(self.data[k]) == 0:
self.data[k] = np.concatenate(self.data[k])
for k in self.data:
setattr(self, k, self.data[k])
def _return(self, data):
return self.__class__(data=data)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data[tuple(self.data.keys())[0]])
def __add__(self, other):
if self.data == {}:
logger.debug('Adding data to a DictArray instance which '
'was initialized with an empty dict')
return self._return(data=other)
data = {}
for k in self.data:
data[k] = np.concatenate([self.data[k], other.data[k]])
except KeyError:
logger.info('%s does not exist in other data', k)
return self._return(data=data)
def select(self, idx):
""" Return a new DictArray containing only the indexed values
data = {}
for k in self.data:
# Make sure each entry is an array (not a scalar)
data[k] = np.array(self.data[k][idx])
return self._return(data=data)
def remove(self, idx):
""" Return a new DictArray that does not contain the indexed values
data = {}
for k in self.data:
data[k] = np.delete(self.data[k], np.array(idx, dtype=int))
return self._return(data=data)
def save(self, outname):
f = HFile(outname, "w")
for k in self.attrs:
f.attrs[k] = self.attrs[k]
for k in self.data:
f.create_dataset(k, data=self.data[k],
class StatmapData(DictArray):
def __init__(self, data=None, seg=None, attrs=None, files=None,
groups=('stat', 'time1', 'time2', 'trigger_id1',
'trigger_id2', 'template_id', 'decimation_factor',
super(StatmapData, self).__init__(data=data, files=files,
if data:
elif files:
f = HFile(files[0], "r")
self.seg = f['segments']
self.attrs = f.attrs
def _return(self, data):
return self.__class__(data=data, attrs=self.attrs, seg=self.seg)
def cluster(self, window):
""" Cluster the dict array, assuming it has the relevant Coinc colums,
time1, time2, stat, and timeslide_id
# If no events, do nothing
if len(self.time1) == 0 or len(self.time2) == 0:
return self
from pycbc.events import cluster_coincs
interval = self.attrs['timeslide_interval']
cid = cluster_coincs(self.stat, self.time1, self.time2,
self.timeslide_id, interval, window)
return self.select(cid)
def save(self, outname):
super(StatmapData, self).save(outname)
with HFile(outname, "w") as f:
for key in self.seg.keys():
f['segments/%s/start' % key] = self.seg[key]['start'][:]
f['segments/%s/end' % key] = self.seg[key]['end'][:]
class MultiifoStatmapData(StatmapData):
def __init__(self, data=None, seg=None, attrs=None,
files=None, ifos=None):
groups = ['decimation_factor', 'stat', 'template_id', 'timeslide_id']
for ifo in ifos:
groups += ['%s/time' % ifo]
groups += ['%s/trigger_id' % ifo]
super(MultiifoStatmapData, self).__init__(data=data, files=files,
groups=groups, attrs=attrs,
def _return(self, data):
ifolist = self.attrs['ifos'].split(' ')
return self.__class__(data=data, attrs=self.attrs, seg=self.seg,
def cluster(self, window):
""" Cluster the dict array, assuming it has the relevant Coinc colums,
time1, time2, stat, and timeslide_id
# If no events, do nothing
pivot_ifo = self.attrs['pivot']
fixed_ifo = self.attrs['fixed']
if len(self.data['%s/time' % pivot_ifo]) == 0 or len(self.data['%s/time' % fixed_ifo]) == 0:
return self
from pycbc.events import cluster_coincs
interval = self.attrs['timeslide_interval']
cid = cluster_coincs(self.stat,
self.data['%s/time' % pivot_ifo],
self.data['%s/time' % fixed_ifo],
return self.select(cid)
class FileData(object):
def __init__(self, fname, group=None, columnlist=None, filter_func=None):
group : string
Name of group to be read from the file
columnlist : list of strings
Names of columns to be read; if None, use all existing columns
filter_func : string
String should evaluate to a Boolean expression using attributes
of the class instance derived from columns: ex. 'self.snr < 6.5'
if not fname: raise RuntimeError("Didn't get a file!")
self.fname = fname
self.h5file = HFile(fname, "r")
if group is None:
if len(self.h5file.keys()) == 1:
group, = self.h5file.keys()
raise RuntimeError("Didn't get a group!")
self.group_key = group
self.group = self.h5file[group]
self.columns = columnlist if columnlist is not None \
else list(self.group.keys())
self.filter_func = filter_func
self._mask = None
def close(self):
def mask(self):
Create a mask implementing the requested filter on the datasets
array of Boolean
True for dataset indices to be returned by the get_column method
if self.filter_func is None:
raise RuntimeError("Can't get a mask without a filter function!")
# only evaluate if no previous calculation was done
if self._mask is None:
# get required columns into the namespace as numpy arrays
for column in self.columns:
if column in self.filter_func:
setattr(self, column, self.group[column][:])
self._mask = eval(self.filter_func)
return self._mask
def get_column(self, col):
Method designed to be analogous to legacy pylal.SnglInspiralUtils
col : string
Name of the dataset to be returned
numpy array
Values from the dataset, filtered if requested
# catch corner case with an empty file (group with no datasets)
if not len(self.group.keys()):
return np.array([])
vals = self.group[col]
if self.filter_func:
return vals[self.mask]
return vals[:]
class DataFromFiles(object):
def __init__(self, filelist, group=None, columnlist=None, filter_func=None):
self.files = filelist
self.group = group
self.columns = columnlist
self.filter_func = filter_func
def get_column(self, col):
Loop over files getting the requested dataset values from each
col : string
Name of the dataset to be returned
numpy array
Values from the dataset, filtered if requested and
concatenated in order of file list
logger.info('getting %s', col)
vals = []
for f in self.files:
d = FileData(f, group=self.group, columnlist=self.columns,
# Close each file since h5py has an upper limit on the number of
# open file objects (approx. 1000)
logger.info('- got %i values', sum(len(v) for v in vals))
return np.concatenate(vals)
class SingleDetTriggers(object):
Provides easy access to the parameters of single-detector CBC triggers.
def __init__(self, trig_file, detector, bank_file=None, veto_file=None,
segment_name=None, premask=None, filter_rank=None,
filter_threshold=None, chunksize=10**6, filter_func=None):
Create a SingleDetTriggers instance
trig_file : string or os.pathtype, required
HDF file containing trigger information
detector : string, required
The detectior being used, this is used to access the
triggers in trig_file
bank_file: string or os.pathtype, optional
hdf file containing template bank information
veto_file: string or os.pathtype, optional
File used to define vetoes
segment_name : string, optional
Segment name being used in the veto_file
premask : array of indices or boolean, optional
Array of used triggers
filter_rank : string, optional
The ranking, as defined by ranking.py to compare to
filter_threshold: float, required if filter_rank is used
Threshold to filter the ranking values
chunksize : int , default 10**6
Size of chunks to read in for the filter_rank / threshold.
logger.info('Loading triggers')
self.trigs_f = HFile(trig_file, 'r')
self.trigs = self.trigs_f[detector]
self.ntriggers = self.trigs['end_time'].size
self.ifo = detector # convenience attributes
self.detector = detector
if bank_file:
logger.info('Loading bank')
self.bank = HFile(bank_file, 'r')
# empty dict in place of non-existent hdf file
self.bank = {}
# Apply some masks to start off with - here we should try and apply
# them in the order which cuts most things earliest.
# Apply any pre-masks
if premask is None:
self.mask = np.ones(self.ntriggers, dtype=bool)
self.mask = None
if filter_rank:
assert filter_threshold is not None
logger.info("Applying threshold of %.3f on %s",
filter_threshold, filter_rank)
fcn_dsets = (ranking.sngls_ranking_function_dict[filter_rank],
idx, _ = self.trigs_f.select(
lambda rank: rank > filter_threshold,
derived={filter_rank: fcn_dsets},
logger.info("%d triggers remain", idx.size)
# If self.mask already has values, need to take these into account:
if filter_func:
# Apply a filter on the triggers which is _not_ a ranking statistic
for rank_str in ranking.sngls_ranking_function_dict.keys():
if f'self.{rank_str}' in filter_func:
logger.warning('Supplying the ranking (%s) in '
'filter_func is inefficient, suggest to '
'use filter_rank instead.', rank_str)
logger.info('Setting up filter function')
for c in self.trigs.keys():
if c in filter_func:
setattr(self, '_'+c, self.trigs[c][:])
for c in self.bank.keys():
if c in filter_func:
# get template parameters corresponding to triggers
setattr(self, '_'+c,
filter_mask = eval(filter_func.replace('self.', 'self._'))
# remove the dummy attributes
for c in chain(self.trigs.keys(), self.bank.keys()):
if c in filter_func: delattr(self, '_'+c)
logger.info('%i triggers remain after cut on %s',
sum(self.mask), filter_func)
if veto_file:
logger.info('Applying veto segments')
# veto_mask is an array of indices into the trigger arrays
# giving the surviving triggers
logger.info('%i triggers before vetoes', self.mask_size)
veto_mask, _ = events.veto.indices_outside_segments(
self.end_time, [veto_file],
ifo=detector, segment_name=segment_name)
# Update mask accordingly
logger.info('%i triggers remain after vetoes',
def __getitem__(self, key):
# Is key in the TRIGGER_MERGE file?
return self.get_column(key)
except KeyError:
# Is key in the bank file?
return self.bank[key][:][self.template_id]
except (RuntimeError, KeyError) as exc:
err_msg = "Cannot find {} in input files".format(key)
raise ValueError(err_msg) from exc
def checkbank(self, param):
if self.bank == {}:
return RuntimeError("Can't get %s values without a bank file"
% param)
def trig_dict(self):
"""Returns dict of the masked trigger values"""
mtrigs = {}
for k in self.trigs:
if len(self.trigs[k]) == len(self.trigs['end_time']):
if self.mask is not None:
mtrigs[k] = self.trigs[k][self.mask]
mtrigs[k] = self.trigs[k][:]
mtrigs['ifo'] = self.ifo
return mtrigs
def get_param_names(cls):
"""Returns a list of plottable CBC parameter variables"""
return [m[0] for m in inspect.getmembers(cls) \
if type(m[1]) == property]
def apply_mask(self, logic_mask):
"""Apply a mask over the top of the current mask
logic_mask : boolean array or numpy array of indices
if self.mask is None:
self.mask = np.zeros(self.ntriggers, dtype=bool)
self.mask[logic_mask] = True
elif hasattr(self.mask, 'dtype') and (self.mask.dtype == 'bool'):
if hasattr(logic_mask, 'dtype') and (logic_mask.dtype == 'bool'):
# So both new and old masks are boolean, numpy slice assignment
# can be used directly, with no additional memory.
self.mask[self.mask] = logic_mask
# So logic_mask is either an array, or list, of integers.
# This case is a little tricksy, so we begin by converting the
# list/array to a boolean, and then do what we did above.
new_logic_mask = np.zeros(np.sum(self.mask), dtype=bool)
new_logic_mask[logic_mask] = True
self.mask[self.mask] = new_logic_mask
self.mask = list(np.array(self.mask)[logic_mask])
def and_masks(self, logic_mask):
"""Apply a mask to be combined as a logical and with the current mask.
logic_mask : boolean array or numpy array/list of indices
if self.mask_size == self.ntriggers:
# No mask exists, just update to use the given mask
# Use intersection of the indices of True values in the masks
if hasattr(logic_mask, 'dtype') and (logic_mask.dtype == 'bool'):
new_indices = np.flatnonzero(logic_mask)
new_indices = np.array(logic_mask)
if hasattr(self.mask, 'dtype') and (self.mask.dtype == 'bool'):
orig_indices = np.flatnonzero(self.mask)
orig_indices = np.array(self.mask)
self.mask[:] = False
and_indices = np.intersect1d(new_indices, orig_indices)
self.mask[and_indices.astype(np.uint64)] = True
def mask_to_n_loudest_clustered_events(self, rank_method,
"""Edits the mask property of the class to point to the N loudest
single detector events as ranked by ranking statistic.
Events are clustered so that no more than 1 event within +/-
cluster_window will be considered. Can apply a threshold on the
statistic using statistic_threshold
if statistic_kwargs is None:
statistic_kwargs = {}
sds = rank_method.single(self.trig_dict())
stat = rank_method.rank_stat_single(
(self.ifo, sds),
if len(stat) == 0:
# No triggers at all, so just return here
self.apply_mask(np.array([], dtype=np.uint64))
self.stat = np.array([], dtype=np.uint64)
times = self.end_time
if statistic_threshold is not None:
# Threshold on statistic
keep = stat >= statistic_threshold
stat = stat[keep]
times = times[keep]
if len(stat) == 0:
logger.warning("No triggers after thresholding")
logger.info("%d triggers after thresholding", len(stat))
index = stat.argsort()[::-1]
new_times = []
new_index = []
# Loop through triggers - loudest first
for curr_idx in index:
curr_time = times[curr_idx]
for time in new_times:
# Have we already got a louder trigger within the window?
if abs(curr_time - time) < cluster_window:
# Store if no other triggers within cluster window
if len(new_index) >= n_loudest:
# We have as many triggers as we want now
# For indexing, indices need to be a numpy array, in order
index = np.array(new_index)
# Apply to the existing mask
self.stat = stat[index]
def mask_size(self):
if self.mask is None:
return self.ntriggers
if isinstance(self.mask, list):
return len(self.mask)
return np.count_nonzero(self.mask)
def template_id(self):
return self.get_column('template_id').astype(int)
def mass1(self):
return self.bank['mass1'][:][self.template_id]
def mass2(self):
return self.bank['mass2'][:][self.template_id]
def spin1z(self):
return self.bank['spin1z'][:][self.template_id]
def spin2z(self):
return self.bank['spin2z'][:][self.template_id]
def spin2x(self):
return self.bank['spin2x'][:][self.template_id]
def spin2y(self):
return self.bank['spin2y'][:][self.template_id]
def spin1x(self):
return self.bank['spin1x'][:][self.template_id]
def spin1y(self):
return self.bank['spin1y'][:][self.template_id]
def inclination(self):
return self.bank['inclination'][:][self.template_id]
def f_lower(self):
return self.bank['f_lower'][:][self.template_id]
def approximant(self):
return self.bank['approximant'][:][self.template_id]
def mtotal(self):
return self.mass1 + self.mass2
def mchirp(self):
return conversions.mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(self.mass1, self.mass2)
def eta(self):
return conversions.eta_from_mass1_mass2(self.mass1, self.mass2)
def effective_spin(self):
# FIXME assumes aligned spins
return conversions.chi_eff(self.mass1, self.mass2,
self.spin1z, self.spin2z)
# IMPROVEME: would like to have a way to access all get_freq and/or
# other pnutils.* names rather than hard-coding each one
# - eg make this part of a fancy interface to the bank file ?
def f_seobnrv2_peak(self):
return pnutils.get_freq('fSEOBNRv2Peak', self.mass1, self.mass2,
self.spin1z, self.spin2z)
def f_seobnrv4_peak(self):
return pnutils.get_freq('fSEOBNRv4Peak', self.mass1, self.mass2,
self.spin1z, self.spin2z)
def end_time(self):
return self.get_column('end_time')
def template_duration(self):
return self.get_column('template_duration')
def snr(self):
return self.get_column('snr')
def sgchisq(self):
return self.get_column('sg_chisq')
def u_vals(self):
return self.get_column('u_vals')
def rchisq(self):
return self.get_column('chisq') \
/ (self.get_column('chisq_dof') * 2 - 2)
def psd_var_val(self):
return self.get_column('psd_var_val')
def newsnr(self):
return ranking.newsnr(self.snr, self.rchisq)
def newsnr_sgveto(self):
return ranking.newsnr_sgveto(self.snr, self.rchisq, self.sgchisq)
def newsnr_sgveto_psdvar(self):
return ranking.newsnr_sgveto_psdvar(self.snr, self.rchisq,
self.sgchisq, self.psd_var_val)
def newsnr_sgveto_psdvar_threshold(self):
return ranking.newsnr_sgveto_psdvar_threshold(self.snr, self.rchisq,
self.sgchisq, self.psd_var_val)
def get_ranking(self, rank_name, **kwargs):
return ranking.get_sngls_ranking_from_trigs(self, rank_name, **kwargs)
def get_column(self, cname):
Read columns while applying the mask
# Fiducial value that seems to work, not extensively tuned.
MFRAC = 0.3
# If the mask accesses few enough elements then directly use it
# This can be slower than reading in all the elements if most of them
# will be read.
if isinstance(self.mask, list) or \
self.mask_size < (self.ntriggers * MFRAC):
return self.trigs[cname][self.mask]
# We have a lot of elements to read so we resort to readin the entire
# array before masking.
elif self.mask is not None:
return self.trigs[cname][:][self.mask]
return self.trigs[cname][:]
class ForegroundTriggers(object):
# Injection files are expected to only have 'exclusive' IFAR/FAP values,
# should use has_inc=False for these.
def __init__(self, coinc_file, bank_file, sngl_files=None, n_loudest=None,
group='foreground', has_inc=True):
self.coinc_file = FileData(coinc_file, group=group)
if 'ifos' in self.coinc_file.h5file.attrs:
self.ifos = self.coinc_file.h5file.attrs['ifos'].split(' ')
raise ValueError("File doesn't have an 'ifos' attribute!",
self.sngl_files = {}
if sngl_files is not None:
for sngl_file in sngl_files:
curr_dat = FileData(sngl_file)
curr_ifo = curr_dat.group_key
self.sngl_files[curr_ifo] = curr_dat
if not all([ifo in self.sngl_files.keys() for ifo in self.ifos]):
print("sngl_files: {}".format(sngl_files))
print("self.ifos: {}".format(self.ifos))
raise RuntimeError("IFOs in statmap file not all represented "
"by single-detector trigger files.")
if not sorted(self.sngl_files.keys()) == sorted(self.ifos):
logger.warning("WARNING: Single-detector trigger files "
"given for IFOs not in the statmap file")
self.bank_file = HFile(bank_file, "r")
self.n_loudest = n_loudest
self._inclusive = has_inc
self._sort_arr = None
self._template_id = None
self._trig_ids = None
def sort_arr(self):
if self._sort_arr is None:
if self._inclusive:
ifar = self.coinc_file.get_column('ifar')
except KeyError:
logger.warning("WARNING: Can't find inclusive IFAR!"
"Using exclusive IFAR instead ...")
ifar = self.coinc_file.get_column('ifar_exc')
self._inclusive = False
ifar = self.coinc_file.get_column('ifar_exc')
sorting = ifar.argsort()[::-1]
if self.n_loudest:
sorting = sorting[:self.n_loudest]
self._sort_arr = sorting
return self._sort_arr
def template_id(self):
if self._template_id is None:
template_id = self.get_coincfile_array('template_id')
self._template_id = template_id.astype(int)
return self._template_id
def trig_id(self):
if self._trig_ids is not None:
return self._trig_ids
self._trig_ids = {}
for ifo in self.ifos:
self._trig_ids[ifo] = self.get_coincfile_array(ifo + '/trigger_id')
return self._trig_ids
def get_coincfile_array(self, variable):
return self.coinc_file.get_column(variable)[self.sort_arr]
def get_bankfile_array(self, variable):
return self.bank_file[variable][:][self.template_id]
except IndexError:
if len(self.template_id) == 0:
return np.array([])
def get_snglfile_array_dict(self, variable):
return_dict = {}
for ifo in self.ifos:
# Make sure we don't change the internal cached trig_id array
tid = np.copy(self.trig_id[ifo])
# Put in *some* value for the invalid points to avoid failure
lgc = tid == -1
tid[lgc] = 0
# Get the appropriate variable dataset
group = self.sngl_files[ifo].group
if not len(group.keys()):
# There are no groups to consider - move on to next IFO
dataset = group[variable]
# Convert the trigger ids into a boolean aray so that we can
# read only the triggers we want directly from the file
mask = np.zeros(dataset.size, dtype=bool)
mask[tid] = True
needed_data = dataset[mask]
# Get order and duplicate information back that was lost in
# the boolean mask assignment
_, order_duplicate_index = np.unique(
curr = needed_data[order_duplicate_index]
except IndexError:
if len(self.trig_id[ifo]) == 0:
curr = np.array([])
lgc = curr == 0
return_dict[ifo] = (curr, np.logical_not(lgc))
return return_dict
def get_active_segments(self):
self.active_segments = {}
for ifo in self.ifos:
starts = self.sngl_files[ifo].get_column('search/start_time')
ends = self.sngl_files[ifo].get_column('search/end_time')
self.active_segments[ifo] = veto.start_end_to_segments(starts,
def get_end_time(self):
times_gen = (self.get_coincfile_array('{}/time'.format(ifo))
for ifo in self.ifos)
ref_times = np.array([mean_if_greater_than_zero(t)[0]
for t in zip(*times_gen)])
return ref_times
def get_ifos(self):
List of lists of ifo names involved in each foreground event.
Ifos will be listed in the same order as self.ifos
# Ian thinks this could be coded more simply and efficiently
# Note also that effectively the same thing is done as part of the
# to_coinc_hdf_object method
ifo_or_minus = []
for ifo in self.ifos:
ifo_trigs = np.where(self.get_coincfile_array(ifo + '/time') < 0,
'-', ifo)
ifos_list = [list(trig[trig != '-'])
for trig in iter(np.array(ifo_or_minus).T)]
return ifos_list
def to_coinc_xml_object(self, file_name):
outdoc = ligolw.Document()
ifos = sorted(self.sngl_files)
proc_table = create_process_table(
proc_id = proc_table.process_id
search_summ_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable)
coinc_h5file = self.coinc_file.h5file
start_time = coinc_h5file['segments']['coinc']['start'][:].min()
end_time = coinc_h5file['segments']['coinc']['end'][:].max()
except KeyError:
start_times = []
end_times = []
for ifo_comb in coinc_h5file['segments']:
if ifo_comb == 'foreground_veto':
seg_group = coinc_h5file['segments'][ifo_comb]
start_time = min(start_times)
end_time = max(end_times)
num_trigs = len(self.sort_arr)
search_summary = return_search_summary(start_time, end_time,
num_trigs, ifos)
sngl_inspiral_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglInspiralTable)
coinc_def_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincDefTable)
coinc_event_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincTable)
coinc_inspiral_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincInspiralTable)
coinc_event_map_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincMapTable)
time_slide_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.TimeSlideTable)
# Set up time_slide table
time_slide_id = lsctables.TimeSlideID(0)
for ifo in ifos:
time_slide_row = lsctables.TimeSlide()
time_slide_row.instrument = ifo
time_slide_row.time_slide_id = time_slide_id
time_slide_row.offset = 0
time_slide_row.process_id = proc_id
# Set up coinc_definer table
coinc_def_id = lsctables.CoincDefID(0)
coinc_def_row = lsctables.CoincDef()
coinc_def_row.search = "inspiral"
coinc_def_row.description = \
"sngl_inspiral<-->sngl_inspiral coincidences"
coinc_def_row.coinc_def_id = coinc_def_id
coinc_def_row.search_coinc_type = 0
bank_col_names = ['mass1', 'mass2', 'spin1z', 'spin2z']
bank_col_vals = {}
for name in bank_col_names:
bank_col_vals[name] = self.get_bankfile_array(name)
coinc_event_names = ['ifar', 'time', 'fap', 'stat']
coinc_event_vals = {}
for name in coinc_event_names:
if name == 'time':
coinc_event_vals[name] = self.get_end_time()
coinc_event_vals[name] = self.get_coincfile_array(name)
sngl_col_names = ['snr', 'chisq', 'chisq_dof', 'bank_chisq',
'bank_chisq_dof', 'cont_chisq', 'cont_chisq_dof',
'end_time', 'template_duration', 'coa_phase',
sngl_col_vals = {}
for name in sngl_col_names:
sngl_col_vals[name] = self.get_snglfile_array_dict(name)
sngl_event_count = 0
for idx in range(len(self.sort_arr)):
# Set up IDs and mapping values
coinc_id = lsctables.CoincID(idx)
# Set up sngls
sngl_mchirps = []
sngl_mtots = []
net_snrsq = 0
triggered_ifos = []
for ifo in ifos:
# If this ifo is not participating in this coincidence then
# ignore it and move on.
if not sngl_col_vals['snr'][ifo][1][idx]:
triggered_ifos += [ifo]
event_id = lsctables.SnglInspiralID(sngl_event_count)
sngl_event_count += 1
sngl = return_empty_sngl()
sngl.event_id = event_id
sngl.ifo = ifo
net_snrsq += sngl_col_vals['snr'][ifo][0][idx]**2
for name in sngl_col_names:
val = sngl_col_vals[name][ifo][0][idx]
if name == 'end_time':
sngl.end = LIGOTimeGPS(val)
elif name == 'chisq':
# Use reduced chisquared to be consistent with Live
dof = 2. * sngl_col_vals['chisq_dof'][ifo][0][idx] - 2.
sngl.chisq = val / dof
setattr(sngl, name, val)
for name in bank_col_names:
val = bank_col_vals[name][idx]
setattr(sngl, name, val)
sngl.mtotal, sngl.eta = pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_mtotal_eta(
sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2)
sngl.mchirp, _ = pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_mchirp_eta(
sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2)
sngl.eff_distance = (sngl.sigmasq)**0.5 / sngl.snr
# If exact match is not used, get masses from single triggers
sngl_mchirps += [sngl.mchirp]
sngl_mtots += [sngl.mtotal]
# Set up coinc_map entry
coinc_map_row = lsctables.CoincMap()
coinc_map_row.table_name = 'sngl_inspiral'
coinc_map_row.coinc_event_id = coinc_id
coinc_map_row.event_id = event_id
# Take the mean if exact match is not used
sngl_combined_mchirp = np.mean(sngl_mchirps)
sngl_combined_mtot = np.mean(sngl_mtots)
# Set up coinc inspiral and coinc event tables
coinc_event_row = lsctables.Coinc()
coinc_inspiral_row = lsctables.CoincInspiral()
coinc_event_row.coinc_def_id = coinc_def_id
coinc_event_row.nevents = len(triggered_ifos)
# NB, `coinc_event_row.instruments = triggered_ifos does not give a
# correct result with ligo.lw 1.7.1
coinc_event_row.instruments = ','.join(sorted(triggered_ifos))
coinc_inspiral_row.instruments = triggered_ifos
coinc_event_row.time_slide_id = time_slide_id
coinc_event_row.process_id = proc_id
coinc_event_row.coinc_event_id = coinc_id
coinc_inspiral_row.coinc_event_id = coinc_id
coinc_inspiral_row.mchirp = sngl_combined_mchirp
coinc_inspiral_row.mass = sngl_combined_mtot
coinc_inspiral_row.end = LIGOTimeGPS(coinc_event_vals['time'][idx])
coinc_inspiral_row.snr = net_snrsq**0.5
coinc_inspiral_row.false_alarm_rate = coinc_event_vals['fap'][idx]
coinc_inspiral_row.combined_far = 1./coinc_event_vals['ifar'][idx]
# Transform to Hz
coinc_inspiral_row.combined_far = \
coinc_event_row.likelihood = coinc_event_vals['stat'][idx]
coinc_inspiral_row.minimum_duration = 0.
ligolw_utils.write_filename(outdoc, file_name)
def to_coinc_hdf_object(self, file_name):
ofd = HFile(file_name,'w')
# Some fields are special cases
logger.info("Outputting search results")
time = self.get_end_time()
# time will be used later to determine active ifos
ofd['time'] = time
if self._inclusive:
ofd['ifar'] = self.get_coincfile_array('ifar')
ofd['p_value'] = self.get_coincfile_array('fap')
ofd['ifar_exclusive'] = self.get_coincfile_array('ifar_exc')
ofd['p_value_exclusive'] = self.get_coincfile_array('fap_exc')
# Coinc fields
for field in ['stat']:
ofd[field] = self.get_coincfile_array(field)
logger.info("Outputting template information")
# Bank fields
for field in ['mass1','mass2','spin1z','spin2z']:
ofd[field] = self.get_bankfile_array(field)
mass1 = self.get_bankfile_array('mass1')
mass2 = self.get_bankfile_array('mass2')
ofd['chirp_mass'], _ = pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_mchirp_eta(mass1, mass2)
logger.info("Outputting single-trigger information")
logger.info("reduced chisquared")
chisq_vals_valid = self.get_snglfile_array_dict('chisq')
chisq_dof_vals_valid = self.get_snglfile_array_dict('chisq_dof')
for ifo in self.ifos:
chisq_vals = chisq_vals_valid[ifo][0]
chisq_valid = chisq_vals_valid[ifo][1]
chisq_dof_vals = chisq_dof_vals_valid[ifo][0]
rchisq = chisq_vals / (2. * chisq_dof_vals - 2.)
rchisq[np.logical_not(chisq_valid)] = -1.
ofd[ifo + '_chisq'] = rchisq
# Single-detector fields
for field in ['sg_chisq', 'end_time', 'sigmasq',
vals_valid = self.get_snglfile_array_dict(field)
except KeyError:
logger.info("%s is not present in the "
"single-detector files", field)
for ifo in self.ifos:
# Some of the values will not be valid for all IFOs,
# the `valid` parameter out of get_snglfile_array_dict
# tells us this, and we set the values to -1
vals = vals_valid[ifo][0]
valid = vals_valid[ifo][1]
vals[np.logical_not(valid)] = -1.
ofd[f'{ifo}_{field}'] = vals
snr_vals_valid = self.get_snglfile_array_dict('snr')
network_snr_sq = np.zeros_like(snr_vals_valid[self.ifos[0]][0])
for ifo in self.ifos:
vals = snr_vals_valid[ifo][0]
valid = snr_vals_valid[ifo][1]
vals[np.logical_not(valid)] = -1.
ofd[ifo + '_snr'] = vals
network_snr_sq[valid] += vals[valid] ** 2.0
ofd['network_snr'] = np.sqrt(network_snr_sq)
logger.info("Triggered detectors")
# Create a n_ifos by n_events matrix, with the ifo letter if the
# event contains a trigger from the ifo, empty string if not
triggered_matrix = [[ifo[0] if v else ''
for v in snr_vals_valid[ifo][1]]
for ifo in self.ifos]
# Combine the ifo letters to make a single string per event
triggered_detectors = [''.join(triggered).encode('ascii')
for triggered in zip(*triggered_matrix)]
ofd.create_dataset('trig', data=triggered_detectors,
logger.info("active detectors")
# Create a n_ifos by n_events matrix, with the ifo letter if the
# ifo was active at the event time, empty string if not
active_matrix = [[ifo[0] if t in self.active_segments[ifo]
else '' for t in time]
for ifo in self.ifos]
# Combine the ifo letters to make a single string per event
active_detectors = [''.join(active_at_time).encode('ascii')
for active_at_time in zip(*active_matrix)]
ofd.create_dataset('obs', data=active_detectors,
class ReadByTemplate(object):
# Default assignment to {} is OK for a variable used only in __init__
def __init__(self, filename, bank=None, segment_name=None, veto_files=None,
self.filename = filename
self.file = HFile(filename, 'r')
self.ifo = tuple(self.file.keys())[0]
self.valid = None
self.bank = HFile(bank, 'r') if bank else {}
# Determine the segments which define the boundaries of valid times
# to use triggers
key = '%s/search/' % self.ifo
s, e = self.file[key + 'start_time'][:], self.file[key + 'end_time'][:]
self.segs = veto.start_end_to_segments(s, e).coalesce()
if segment_name is None:
segment_name = []
if veto_files is None:
veto_files = []
for vfile, name in zip(veto_files, segment_name):
veto_segs = veto.select_segments_by_definer(vfile, ifo=self.ifo,
self.segs = (self.segs - veto_segs).coalesce()
if self.ifo in gating_veto_windows:
gating_veto = gating_veto_windows[self.ifo].split(',')
gveto_before = float(gating_veto[0])
gveto_after = float(gating_veto[1])
if gveto_before > 0 or gveto_after < 0:
raise ValueError("Gating veto window values must be negative "
"before gates and positive after gates.")
if not (gveto_before == 0 and gveto_after == 0):
autogate_times = np.unique(
self.file[self.ifo + '/gating/auto/time'][:])
if self.ifo + '/gating/file' in self.file:
detgate_times = self.file[self.ifo + '/gating/file/time'][:]
detgate_times = []
gate_times = np.concatenate((autogate_times, detgate_times))
gating_veto_segs = veto.start_end_to_segments(
gate_times + gveto_before,
gate_times + gveto_after
self.segs = (self.segs - gating_veto_segs).coalesce()
self.valid = veto.segments_to_start_end(self.segs)
def get_data(self, col, num):
"""Get a column of data for template with id 'num'.
col: str
Name of column to read
num: int
The template id to read triggers for
data: numpy.ndarray
The requested column of data
ref = self.file['%s/%s_template' % (self.ifo, col)][num]
return self.file['%s/%s' % (self.ifo, col)][ref]
def set_template(self, num):
"""Set the active template to read from.
num: int
The template id to read triggers for.
trigger_id: numpy.ndarray
The indices of this templates triggers.
self.template_num = num
times = self.get_data('end_time', num)
# Determine which of these template's triggers are kept after
# applying vetoes
if self.valid:
self.keep = veto.indices_within_times(times, self.valid[0],
# logger.info('applying vetoes')
self.keep = np.arange(0, len(times))
if self.bank != {}:
self.param = {}
if 'parameters' in self.bank.attrs:
for col in self.bank.attrs['parameters']:
self.param[col] = self.bank[col][self.template_num]
for col in self.bank:
self.param[col] = self.bank[col][self.template_num]
# Calculate the trigger id by adding the relative offset in self.keep
# to the absolute beginning index of this templates triggers stored
# in 'template_boundaries'
trigger_id = self.keep + \
self.file['%s/template_boundaries' % self.ifo][num]
return trigger_id
def __getitem__(self, col):
""" Return the column of data for current active template after
applying vetoes
col: str
Name of column to read
data: numpy.ndarray
The requested column of data
if self.template_num is None:
raise ValueError('You must call set_template to first pick the '
'template to read data from')
data = self.get_data(col, self.template_num)
data = data[self.keep] if self.valid else data
return data
chisq_choices = ['traditional', 'cont', 'bank', 'max_cont_trad', 'sg',
'max_bank_cont', 'max_bank_trad', 'max_bank_cont_trad']
def get_chisq_from_file_choice(hdfile, chisq_choice):
f = hdfile
if chisq_choice in ['traditional','max_cont_trad', 'max_bank_trad',
trad_chisq = f['chisq'][:]
# We now need to handle the case where chisq is not actually calculated
# 0 is used as a sentinel value
trad_chisq_dof = f['chisq_dof'][:]
trad_chisq /= (trad_chisq_dof * 2 - 2)
if chisq_choice in ['cont', 'max_cont_trad', 'max_bank_cont',
cont_chisq = f['cont_chisq'][:]
cont_chisq_dof = f['cont_chisq_dof'][:]
cont_chisq /= cont_chisq_dof
if chisq_choice in ['bank', 'max_bank_cont', 'max_bank_trad',
bank_chisq = f['bank_chisq'][:]
bank_chisq_dof = f['bank_chisq_dof'][:]
bank_chisq /= bank_chisq_dof
if chisq_choice == 'sg':
chisq = f['sg_chisq'][:]
elif chisq_choice == 'traditional':
chisq = trad_chisq
elif chisq_choice == 'cont':
chisq = cont_chisq
elif chisq_choice == 'bank':
chisq = bank_chisq
elif chisq_choice == 'max_cont_trad':
chisq = np.maximum(trad_chisq, cont_chisq)
elif chisq_choice == 'max_bank_cont':
chisq = np.maximum(bank_chisq, cont_chisq)
elif chisq_choice == 'max_bank_trad':
chisq = np.maximum(bank_chisq, trad_chisq)
elif chisq_choice == 'max_bank_cont_trad':
chisq = np.maximum(np.maximum(bank_chisq, cont_chisq), trad_chisq)
err_msg = "Do not recognize --chisq-choice %s" % chisq_choice
raise ValueError(err_msg)
return chisq
def save_dict_to_hdf5(dic, filename):
python dictionary to be converted to hdf5 format
desired name of hdf5 file
with HFile(filename, 'w') as h5file:
recursively_save_dict_contents_to_group(h5file, '/', dic)
def recursively_save_dict_contents_to_group(h5file, path, dic):
h5py file to be written to
path within h5py file to saved dictionary
python dictionary to be converted to hdf5 format
for key, item in dic.items():
if isinstance(item, (np.ndarray, np.int64, np.float64, str, int, float,
bytes, tuple, list)):
h5file[path + str(key)] = item
elif isinstance(item, dict):
recursively_save_dict_contents_to_group(h5file, path + key + '/', item)
raise ValueError('Cannot save %s type' % type(item))
def load_hdf5_to_dict(h5file, path):
h5py file to be loaded as a dictionary
path within h5py file to load: '/' for the whole h5py file
dictionary with hdf5 file group content
dic = {}
for key, item in h5file[path].items():
if isinstance(item, h5py.Dataset):
dic[key] = item[()]
elif isinstance(item, h5py.Group):
dic[key] = load_hdf5_to_dict(h5file, path + key + '/')
raise ValueError('Cannot load %s type' % type(item))
return dic
def combine_and_copy(f, files, group):
""" Combine the same column from multiple files and save to a third"""
# ensure that the files input is stable for iteration order
assert isinstance(files, (list, tuple))
f[group] = np.concatenate([fi[group][:] if group in fi else \
np.array([], dtype=np.uint32) for fi in files])
def name_all_datasets(files):
assert isinstance(files, (list, tuple))
datasets = []
for fi in files:
datasets += get_all_subkeys(fi, '/')
return set(datasets)
def get_all_subkeys(grp, key):
subkey_list = []
subkey_start = key
if key == '':
grpk = grp
grpk = grp[key]
for sk in grpk.keys():
path = subkey_start + '/' + sk
if isinstance(grp[path], h5py.Dataset):
subkey_list += get_all_subkeys(grp, path)
# returns an empty list if there is no dataset or subgroup within the group
return subkey_list
# =============================================================================
# Checkpointing utilities
# =============================================================================
def dump_state(state, fp, path=None, dsetname='state',
"""Dumps the given state to an hdf5 file handler.
The state is stored as a raw binary array to ``{path}/{dsetname}`` in the
given hdf5 file handler. If a dataset with the same name and path is
already in the file, the dataset will be resized and overwritten with the
new state data.
state : any picklable object
The sampler state to dump to file. Can be the object returned by
any of the samplers' `.state` attribute (a dictionary of dictionaries),
or any picklable object.
fp : h5py.File
An open hdf5 file handler. Must have write capability enabled.
path : str, optional
The path (group name) to store the state dataset to. Default (None)
will result in the array being stored to the top level.
dsetname : str, optional
The name of the dataset to store the binary array to. Default is
protocol : int, optional
The protocol version to use for pickling. See the :py:mod:`pickle`
module for more details.
memfp = BytesIO()
pickle.dump(state, memfp, protocol=protocol)
dump_pickle_to_hdf(memfp, fp, path=path, dsetname=dsetname)
def dump_pickle_to_hdf(memfp, fp, path=None, dsetname='state'):
"""Dumps pickled data to an hdf5 file object.
memfp : file object
Bytes stream of pickled data.
fp : h5py.File
An open hdf5 file handler. Must have write capability enabled.
path : str, optional
The path (group name) to store the state dataset to. Default (None)
will result in the array being stored to the top level.
dsetname : str, optional
The name of the dataset to store the binary array to. Default is
bdata = np.frombuffer(memfp.read(), dtype='S1')
if path is not None:
dsetname = path + '/' + dsetname
if dsetname not in fp:
fp.create_dataset(dsetname, shape=bdata.shape, maxshape=(None,),
elif bdata.size != fp[dsetname].shape[0]:
fp[dsetname][:] = bdata
def load_state(fp, path=None, dsetname='state'):
"""Loads a sampler state from the given hdf5 file object.
The sampler state is expected to be stored as a raw bytes array which can
be loaded by pickle.
fp : h5py.File
An open hdf5 file handler.
path : str, optional
The path (group name) that the state data is stored to. Default (None)
is to read from the top level.
dsetname : str, optional
The name of the dataset that the state data is stored to. Default is
if path is not None:
fp = fp[path]
bdata = fp[dsetname][()].tobytes()
return pickle.load(BytesIO(bdata))
__all__ = ('HFile', 'DictArray', 'StatmapData', 'MultiifoStatmapData',
'FileData', 'DataFromFiles', 'SingleDetTriggers',
'ForegroundTriggers', 'ReadByTemplate', 'chisq_choices',
'get_chisq_from_file_choice', 'save_dict_to_hdf5',
'recursively_save_dict_contents_to_group', 'load_hdf5_to_dict',
'combine_and_copy', 'name_all_datasets', 'get_all_subkeys',
'dump_state', 'dump_pickle_to_hdf', 'load_state')