Source code for pycbc.neutron_stars.eos_utils

# Copyright (C) 2022 Francesco Pannarale, Andrew Williamson,
# Samuel Higginbotham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
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Utility functions for handling NS equations of state
import os.path
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import lalsimulation as lalsim
from .pg_isso_solver import PG_ISSO_solver

[docs]def load_ns_sequence(eos_name): """ Load the data of an NS non-rotating equilibrium sequence generated using the equation of state (EOS) chosen by the user. File format is: grav mass (Msun), baryonic mass (Msun), compactness Parameters ----------- eos_name : string NS equation of state label ('2H' is the only supported choice at the moment) Returns ---------- ns_sequence : numpy.array contains the sequence data in the form NS gravitational mass (in solar masses), NS baryonic mass (in solar masses), NS compactness (dimensionless) max_ns_g_mass : float the maximum NS gravitational mass (in solar masses) in the sequence (this is the mass of the most massive stable NS) """ ns_sequence_file = os.path.join( NS_DATA_DIRECTORY, 'equil_{}.dat'.format(eos_name)) if eos_name not in NS_SEQUENCES: raise NotImplementedError( f'{eos_name} does not have an implemented NS sequence file! ' f'To implement, the file {ns_sequence_file} must exist and ' 'contain: NS gravitational mass (in solar masses), NS baryonic ' 'mass (in solar masses), NS compactness (dimensionless)') ns_sequence = np.loadtxt(ns_sequence_file) max_ns_g_mass = max(ns_sequence[:, 0]) return (ns_sequence, max_ns_g_mass)
[docs]def interp_grav_mass_to_baryon_mass(ns_g_mass, ns_sequence, extrapolate=False): """ Determines the baryonic mass of an NS given its gravitational mass and an NS equilibrium sequence (in solar masses). Parameters ----------- ns_g_mass : float NS gravitational mass (in solar masses) ns_sequence : numpy.array Contains the sequence data in the form NS gravitational mass (in solar masses), NS baryonic mass (in solar masses), NS compactness (dimensionless) extrapolate : boolean, optional Invoke extrapolation in scipy.interpolate.interp1d. Default is False (so ValueError is raised for ns_g_mass out of bounds) Returns ---------- float """ x = ns_sequence[:, 0] y = ns_sequence[:, 1] fill_value = "extrapolate" if extrapolate else np.nan f = interp1d(x, y, fill_value=fill_value) return f(ns_g_mass)
[docs]def interp_grav_mass_to_compactness(ns_g_mass, ns_sequence, extrapolate=False): """ Determines the dimensionless compactness parameter of an NS given its gravitational mass and an NS equilibrium sequence. Parameters ----------- ns_g_mass : float NS gravitational mass (in solar masses) ns_sequence : numpy.array Contains the sequence data in the form NS gravitational mass (in solar masses), NS baryonic mass (in solar masses), NS compactness (dimensionless) extrapolate : boolean, optional Invoke extrapolation in scipy.interpolate.interp1d. Default is False (so ValueError is raised for ns_g_mass out of bounds) Returns ---------- float """ x = ns_sequence[:, 0] y = ns_sequence[:, 2] fill_value = "extrapolate" if extrapolate else np.nan f = interp1d(x, y, fill_value=fill_value) return f(ns_g_mass)
[docs]def initialize_eos(ns_mass, eos, extrapolate=False): """Load an equation of state and return the compactness and baryonic mass for a given neutron star mass Parameters ---------- ns_mass : {float, array} The gravitational mass of the neutron star, in solar masses. eos : str Name of the equation of state. extrapolate : boolean, optional Invoke extrapolation in scipy.interpolate.interp1d in the low-mass regime. In the high-mass regime, the maximum NS mass supported by the equation of state is not allowed to be exceeded. Default is False (so ValueError is raised whenever ns_mass is out of bounds). Returns ------- ns_compactness : float Compactness parameter of the neutron star. ns_b_mass : float Baryonic mass of the neutron star. """ if isinstance(ns_mass, np.ndarray): input_is_array = True if eos in NS_SEQUENCES: ns_seq, ns_max = load_ns_sequence(eos) # Never extrapolate beyond the maximum NS mass allowed by the EOS try: if any(ns_mass > ns_max) and input_is_array: raise ValueError( f'Maximum NS mass for {eos} is {ns_max}, received masses ' f'up to {max(ns_mass[ns_mass > ns_max])}') except TypeError: if ns_mass > ns_max and not input_is_array: raise ValueError( f'Maximum NS mass for {eos} is {ns_max}, received ' f'{ns_mass}') # Interpolate NS compactness and rest mass ns_compactness = interp_grav_mass_to_compactness( ns_mass, ns_seq, extrapolate=extrapolate) ns_b_mass = interp_grav_mass_to_baryon_mass( ns_mass, ns_seq, extrapolate=extrapolate) elif eos in lalsim.SimNeutronStarEOSNames: #eos_obj = lalsim.SimNeutronStarEOSByName(eos) #eos_fam = lalsim.CreateSimNeutronStarFamily(eos_obj) #r_ns = lalsim.SimNeutronStarRadius(ns_mass * lal.MSUN_SI, eos_obj) #ns_compactness = lal.G_SI * ns_mass * lal.MSUN_SI / (r_ns * lal.C_SI**2) raise NotImplementedError( 'LALSimulation EOS interface not yet implemented!') else: raise NotImplementedError( f'{eos} is not implemented! Available are: ' f'{NS_SEQUENCES + list(lalsim.SimNeutronStarEOSNames)}') return (ns_compactness, ns_b_mass)
[docs]def foucart18( eta, ns_compactness, ns_b_mass, bh_spin_mag, bh_spin_pol): """Function that determines the remnant disk mass of an NS-BH system using the fit to numerical-relativity results discussed in `Foucart, Hinderer & Nissanke, PRD 98, 081501(R) (2018)`_. .. _Foucart, Hinderer & Nissanke, PRD 98, 081501(R) (2018): Parameters ---------- eta : {float, array} The symmetric mass ratio of the system (note: primary is assumed to be the BH). ns_compactness : {float, array} NS compactness parameter. ns_b_mass : {float, array} Baryonic mass of the NS. bh_spin_mag: {float, array} Dimensionless spin magnitude of the BH. bh_spin_pol : {float, array} The tilt angle of the BH spin. """ isso = PG_ISSO_solver(bh_spin_mag, bh_spin_pol) # Fit parameters and tidal correction alpha = 0.406 beta = 0.139 gamma = 0.255 delta = 1.761 fit = ( alpha / eta ** (1/3) * (1 - 2 * ns_compactness) - beta * ns_compactness / eta * isso + gamma ) return ns_b_mass * np.where(fit > 0.0, fit, 0.0) ** delta