# Copyright (C) 2012 Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# =============================================================================
# Preamble
# =============================================================================
"""This module contains functions to generate gaussian noise colored with a
noise spectrum.
from pycbc import libutils
from pycbc.types import TimeSeries, zeros
from pycbc.types import complex_same_precision_as, FrequencySeries
import lal
import numpy.random
lalsimulation = libutils.import_optional('lalsimulation')
def frequency_noise_from_psd(psd, seed=None):
""" Create noise with a given psd.
Return noise coloured with the given psd. The returned noise
FrequencySeries has the same length and frequency step as the given psd.
Note that if unique noise is desired a unique seed should be provided.
psd : FrequencySeries
The noise weighting to color the noise.
seed : {0, int} or None
The seed to generate the noise. If None specified,
the seed will not be reset.
noise : FrequencySeriesSeries
A FrequencySeries containing gaussian noise colored by the given psd.
sigma = 0.5 * (psd / psd.delta_f) ** (0.5)
if seed is not None:
sigma = sigma.numpy()
dtype = complex_same_precision_as(psd)
not_zero = (sigma != 0)
sigma_red = sigma[not_zero]
noise_re = numpy.random.normal(0, sigma_red)
noise_co = numpy.random.normal(0, sigma_red)
noise_red = noise_re + 1j * noise_co
noise = numpy.zeros(len(sigma), dtype=dtype)
noise[not_zero] = noise_red
return FrequencySeries(noise,
def noise_from_psd(length, delta_t, psd, seed=None):
""" Create noise with a given psd.
Return noise with a given psd. Note that if unique noise is desired
a unique seed should be provided.
length : int
The length of noise to generate in samples.
delta_t : float
The time step of the noise.
psd : FrequencySeries
The noise weighting to color the noise.
seed : {0, int}
The seed to generate the noise.
noise : TimeSeries
A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise colored by the given psd.
noise_ts = TimeSeries(zeros(length), delta_t=delta_t)
if seed is None:
seed = numpy.random.randint(2**32)
randomness = lal.gsl_rng("ranlux", seed)
N = int (1.0 / delta_t / psd.delta_f)
n = N//2+1
stride = N//2
if n > len(psd):
raise ValueError("PSD not compatible with requested delta_t")
psd = (psd[0:n]).lal()
psd.data.data[n-1] = 0
psd.data.data[0] = 0
segment = TimeSeries(zeros(N), delta_t=delta_t).lal()
length_generated = 0
lalsimulation.SimNoise(segment, 0, psd, randomness)
while (length_generated < length):
if (length_generated + stride) < length:
noise_ts.data[length_generated:length_generated+stride] = segment.data.data[0:stride]
noise_ts.data[length_generated:length] = segment.data.data[0:length-length_generated]
length_generated += stride
lalsimulation.SimNoise(segment, stride, psd, randomness)
return noise_ts
def noise_from_string(psd_name, length, delta_t, seed=None, low_frequency_cutoff=10.0):
""" Create noise from an analytic PSD
Return noise from the chosen PSD. Note that if unique noise is desired
a unique seed should be provided.
psd_name : str
Name of the analytic PSD to use.
length : int
The length of noise to generate in samples.
delta_t : float
The time step of the noise.
seed : {None, int}
The seed to generate the noise.
low_frequency_cutof : {10.0, float}
The low frequency cutoff to pass to the PSD generation.
noise : TimeSeries
A TimeSeries containing gaussian noise colored by the given psd.
import pycbc.psd
# We just need enough resolution to resolve lines
delta_f = 1.0 / 8
flen = int(.5 / delta_t / delta_f) + 1
psd = pycbc.psd.from_string(psd_name, flen, delta_f, low_frequency_cutoff)
return noise_from_psd(int(length), delta_t, psd, seed=seed)