# Copyright (C) 2021 Thomas Dent
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
A set of helper functions for evaluating event rates, densities etc.
See https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T2100060/public for technical explanations
from os.path import basename
import bisect
from itertools import chain as it_chain, combinations as it_comb
import numpy as np
from pycbc import conversions as conv
from pycbc import events
from pycbc.events.coinc import mean_if_greater_than_zero as coinc_meanigz
from pycbc.events import triggers
from pycbc.io.hdf import HFile
def filter_bin_lo_hi(values, lo, hi):
in_bin = np.sign((values - lo) * (hi - values))
if np.any(in_bin == 0):
raise RuntimeError('Edge case! Bin edges', lo, hi,
'value(s)', values[in_bin == 0])
return in_bin == 1
def filter_tmplt_mchirp(bankf, lo_mchirp, hi_mchirp):
with HFile(bankf) as bank:
mchirp = conv.mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(bank['mass1'][:], bank['mass2'][:])
# Boolean over template id
return filter_bin_lo_hi(mchirp, lo_mchirp, hi_mchirp)
def read_full_data(fullf, rhomin, tmplt_filter=None):
"""Read the zero- and time-lagged triggers identified by a specific
set of templates.
File that stores zerolag and slide triggers
File with template mass/spin information
rhomin: float
Ranking statistic threshold
tmplt_filter: array of Booleans
Filter over the array of templates stored in bankf
containing foreground triggers and background information
with HFile(fullf, 'r') as full_data:
# apply template filter
tid_bkg = full_data['background_exc/template_id'][:]
tid_fg = full_data['foreground/template_id'][:]
bkg_inbin = tmplt_filter[tid_bkg] # Boolean over bg events
fg_inbin = tmplt_filter[tid_fg] # Boolean over fg events
zerolagstat = full_data['foreground/stat'][:][fg_inbin]
zerolagifar = full_data['foreground/ifar'][:][fg_inbin]
# arbitrarily choose time from one of the ifos
zerolagtime = full_data['foreground/time1'][:][fg_inbin]
cstat_back_exc = full_data['background_exc/stat'][:][bkg_inbin]
dec_factors = full_data['background_exc/decimation_factor'][:][bkg_inbin]
# filter on stat value
above = zerolagstat > rhomin
back_above = cstat_back_exc > rhomin
return {'zerolagstat': zerolagstat[above],
'zerolagifar': zerolagifar[above],
'zerolagtime': zerolagtime[above],
'dec_factors': dec_factors[back_above],
'cstat_back_exc': cstat_back_exc[back_above],
'file_name': fullf}
def read_full_data_mchirp(fullf, bankf, rhomin, mc_lo, mc_hi):
tmp_filter = filter_tmplt_mchirp(bankf, mc_lo, mc_hi)
return read_full_data(fullf, rhomin, tmp_filter)
def log_rho_bg(trigs, counts, bins):
trigs: zerolag event statistic values
counts: background histogram
bins: bin edges of the background histogram
log of background PDF at the zerolag statistic values,
fractional uncertainty due to Poisson count (set to 100% for empty bins)
trigs = np.atleast_1d(trigs)
if len(trigs) == 0: # corner case
return np.array([]), np.array([])
assert np.all(trigs >= np.min(bins)), "can't have triggers below bin lower limit"
N = sum(counts)
log_rhos = []
fracerr = []
# If any zerolag triggers that are louder than the max bin, put one
# fictitious count in a bin that extends from the limits of the slide triggers
# out to the loudest trigger.
if np.any(trigs >= np.max(bins)):
N = N + 1
for t in trigs:
if t >= np.max(bins):
# For a trigger louder than the max bin, put one fictitious count in
# a bin that extends from the limits of the slide triggers out to the
# loudest trigger. Fractional error is 100%
log_rhos.append(-np.log(N) - np.log(np.max(trigs) - bins[-1]))
i = bisect.bisect(bins, t) - 1
# If there are no counts for a foreground trigger put a fictitious
# count in the background bin
if counts[i] == 0:
counts[i] = 1
log_rhos.append(np.log(counts[i]) - np.log(bins[i+1] - bins[i])
- np.log(N))
fracerr.append(counts[i] ** -0.5)
return np.array(log_rhos), np.array(fracerr)
def log_rho_fg_analytic(trigs, rhomin):
# PDF of a rho^-4 distribution defined above the threshold rhomin
return np.log(3.) + 3. * np.log(rhomin) - 4 * np.log(trigs)
def log_rho_fg(trigs, injstats, bins):
trigs: zerolag event statistic values
injstats: injection event statistic values
bins: histogram bins
log of signal PDF at the zerolag statistic values,
fractional uncertainty from Poisson count
trigs = np.atleast_1d(trigs)
if len(trigs) == 0: # corner case
return np.array([])
assert np.min(trigs) >= np.min(bins)
# allow 'very loud' triggers
bmax = np.max(bins)
if np.max(trigs) >= bmax:
print('Replacing stat values lying above highest bin')
trigs = np.where(trigs >= bmax, bmax - 1e-6, trigs)
assert np.max(trigs) < np.max(bins) # check it worked
counts, bins = np.histogram(injstats, bins)
N = sum(counts)
dens = counts / np.diff(bins) / float(N)
fracerr = counts ** -0.5
tinds = np.searchsorted(bins, trigs) - 1
return np.log(dens[tinds]), fracerr[tinds]
def get_start_dur(path):
fname = basename(path) # remove directory path
pieces = fname.split('.')[0].split('-')
return pieces[2], pieces[3]
def in_coinc_time_incl(f, cstring, test_times):
""" filter to all times where coincs of type given by cstring exist
in_time = np.zeros(len(test_times))
starts = np.array(f['segments/%s/start' % cstring][:])
ends = np.array(f['segments/%s/end' % cstring][:])
idx_within_segment = events.indices_within_times(test_times, starts, ends)
in_time[idx_within_segment] = np.ones_like(idx_within_segment)
return in_time
# what to change for more/fewer ifos
_ifoset = ('H1', 'L1', 'V1')
# all combinations of ifos with length mincount or more
# each returned as a tuple in same order as ifos
def alltimes(ifos, mincount=1):
assert mincount <= len(ifos)
assert len(set(ifos)) == len(ifos) # can't work with duplicates
return it_chain.from_iterable(it_comb(ifos, r) for r in
np.arange(mincount, len(ifos) + 1))
_alltimes = frozenset(alltimes(_ifoset, mincount=1))
_alltimestring = frozenset([''.join(t) for t in _alltimes])
_allctimes = frozenset(alltimes(_ifoset, mincount=2))
def ifos_from_combo(ct):
# extract ifos in alphabetical order from a coinc time string
return sorted([ct[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(ct), 2)])
def type_in_time(ct, cty):
# returns True if the given coinc type can exist in the coinc time ct
return all(i in ct for i in cty)
class EventRate(object):
def __init__(self, args, coinc_times, coinc_types=None, bin_param='mchirp',
bin_lo=None, bin_hi=None):
coinc_times: iterable of strings indicating combinations of ifos operating
coinc_types: list of strings indicating coinc event types to be considered
# allow for single-ifo time although not supported in pipeline yet
if hasattr(args, 'min_ifos'):
self.mincount = args.min_ifos
self.mincount = 2
if hasattr(args, 'network') and sorted(args.network) != list(_ifoset):
self.ifos = sorted(args.network)
self.ifos = _ifoset
self.allctimes = frozenset(alltimes(self.ifos, mincount=self.mincount))
self.allctimestring = frozenset([''.join(t) for t in self.allctimes])
for ct in coinc_times:
assert ct in list(self.allctimestring)
self.ctimes = coinc_times
if coinc_types is None:
# all types possible during given times
self.coinc_types = self.allctimestring
# any coinc type must also be a time (?)
for ty in coinc_types:
assert ty in list(self.allctimes)
self.coinc_types = frozenset([''.join(t) for t in coinc_types])
if args.verbose:
print('Using', self.coinc_types, 'coincs in',
self.allctimestring, 'times')
self.args = args
self.thr = self.args.stat_threshold
self.bin_param = bin_param
self.lo = bin_lo
self.hi = bin_hi
self.bank = None
self.massspins = None
self.tpars = None
self.tmplt_filter = None
self.in_bin = None
self.incl_livetimes = {}
self.livetimes = {}
def add_bank(self, bank_file):
self.bank = bank_file
with HFile(self.bank, 'r') as b:
tids = np.arange(len(b['mass1'][:]))
# tuples of m1, m2, s1z, s2z in template id order
self.massspins = triggers.get_mass_spin(b, tids)
def filter_templates(self):
calculate array of Booleans in template id order to filter events
assert self.massspins is not None
assert self.lo is not None
assert self.hi is not None
if self.args.verbose:
print('Cutting on %s between %f - %f' %
(self.bin_param, self.lo, self.hi))
self.tpars = triggers.get_param(self.bin_param, None, *self.massspins)
self.in_bin = filter_bin_lo_hi(self.tpars, self.lo, self.hi)
def make_bins(self, maxval, choice='bg'):
# allow options to be strings describing bin formulae as well as floats?
linbw = getattr(self.args, choice + '_bin_width')
logbw = getattr(self.args, choice + '_log_bin_width')
except AttributeError:
if linbw is not None:
n_bins = int((maxval - self.thr) / float(linbw))
bins = np.linspace(self.thr - 0.0001, maxval, n_bins + 1)
elif logbw is not None:
n_bins = int(np.log(maxval / self.thr) / float(logbw))
bins = np.logspace(np.log10(self.thr) - 0.0001, np.log10(maxval),
n_bins + 1)
raise RuntimeError("Can't make bins without a %s bin width option!"
% choice)
if self.args.verbose:
print(str(n_bins) + ' ' + choice + ' stat bins')
return bins
def get_ctypes(self, tdict):
# tdict is a ifo -> trigger time dictionary
ifotimes = zip(*[tdict[i] for i in self.ifos])
cty = []
for ts in ifotimes:
# if an ifo doesn't participate, time is sentinel value -1
cty.append(''.join([i for i, t in zip(self.ifos, ts) if t > 0]))
# return is array of coinc types strings
return np.array(cty)
def moreifotimes(self, ctstring):
# get list of coinc times with more ifos than ctstring
allctime_moreifos = [ct for ct in self.allctimestring if
len(ct) > len(ctstring)]
# only return those when at least the same ifos are operating
ret = []
ifos = ifos_from_combo(ctstring)
for act in allctime_moreifos:
if all(i in act for i in ifos):
return ret
def in_coinc_time_excl(self, f, cstring, test_times):
""" filter to all times where exactly the ifos in cstring are observing
if len(cstring) == max(len(s) for s in self.allctimestring):
# ctime string already uniquely specifies time
return in_coinc_time_incl(f, cstring, test_times)
in_time = in_coinc_time_incl(f, cstring, test_times)
# if 'more-ifo' coinc times exist, exclude them
for combo in self.moreifotimes(cstring):
in_moreifo_time = in_coinc_time_incl(f, combo, test_times)
# subtract one if in more-ifo time
in_time -= in_moreifo_time
# if subtraction yields anything other than 1, set to 0
np.putmask(in_time, in_time != 1, 0)
return in_time
def get_livetimes(self, fi):
with HFile(fi, 'r') as f:
for ct in self.ctimes:
# 'inclusive' time when at least the ifos specified by ct are on
fgt = conv.sec_to_year(f[ct].attrs['foreground_time'])
# index dict on chunk start time / coinc type
self.incl_livetimes[(get_start_dur(fi)[0], ct)] = fgt
# subtract times during which 1 more ifo was on,
# ie subtract H1L1* time from H1L1; subtract H1* time from H1; etc
for combo in self.moreifotimes(ct):
if len(combo) == len(ct) + 2:
fgt -= conv.sec_to_year(f[combo].attrs['foreground_time'])
# index dict on chunk start time / coinc time
self.livetimes[(get_start_dur(fi)[0], ct)] = fgt
class ForegroundEvents(EventRate):
def __init__(self, args, coinc_times, coinc_types=None, bin_param='mchirp',
bin_lo=None, bin_hi=None):
EventRate.__init__(self, args, coinc_times, coinc_types=coinc_types,
bin_param=bin_param, bin_lo=bin_lo, bin_hi=bin_hi)
self.thr = self.args.stat_threshold
# set of arrays in parallel containing zerolag event properties
self.starttimes = []
self.gpst = np.array([])
self.stat = np.array([])
self.ifar = np.array([])
self.masspars = np.array([])
self.start = np.array([])
self.ctime = np.array([], dtype=object) # allow unequal length strings
self.ctype = np.array([], dtype=object)
self.bg_pdf = np.array([])
self.sg_pdf = np.array([])
def add_zerolag(self, full_file):
start = get_start_dur(full_file)[0]
with HFile(full_file, 'r') as f:
# get stat values & threshold
_stats = f['foreground/stat'][:]
_keepstat = _stats > self.thr
# get templates & apply filter
_tids = f['foreground/template_id'][:]
# we need the template filter to have already been made
assert self.in_bin is not None
_keep = np.logical_and(_keepstat, self.in_bin[_tids])
massp = self.tpars[_tids][_keep] # filtered template params
# assign times and coinc types
_times = {}
for i in self.ifos:
_times[i] = f['foreground/' + i + '/time'][:][_keep]
# if an ifo doesn't participate, time is sentinel value -1
# event time is mean of remaining positive GPS times
meantimes = np.array([coinc_meanigz(ts)[0]
for ts in zip(*_times.values())])
_ctype = self.get_ctypes(_times)
if len(_ctype) == 0:
if self.args.verbose:
print('No events in ' + start)
# filter events
in_ctypes = np.array([cty in self.coinc_types for cty in _ctype])
meantimes = meantimes[in_ctypes]
# get coinc time as strings
# (strings may have different lengths)
_ctime = np.repeat(np.array([''], dtype=object), len(meantimes))
for ct in self.allctimestring:
intime = self.in_coinc_time_excl(f, ct, meantimes)
_ctime[intime == 1] = ct
if self.args.verbose:
print('Got %i events in %s time' % (len(_ctime[intime == 1]), ct))
# store
self.stat = np.append(self.stat, _stats[_keep][in_ctypes])
try: # injection analyses only have 'ifar_exc', not 'ifar'
self.ifar = np.append(self.ifar,
except KeyError:
self.ifar = np.append(self.ifar,
self.gpst = np.append(self.gpst, meantimes)
self.masspars = np.append(self.masspars, massp)
self.start = np.append(self.start, int(start) *
self.ctime = np.append(self.ctime, _ctime)
self.ctype = np.append(self.ctype, _ctype[in_ctypes])
def get_bg_pdf(self, bg_rate):
assert isinstance(bg_rate, BackgroundEventRate)
self.bg_pdf = np.zeros_like(self.stat) # initialize
# do the calculation by chunk / coinc time / coinc type
for st in self.starttimes:
for ct in self.allctimestring:
for cty in self.coinc_types:
if not type_in_time(ct, cty):
_idx = np.logical_and((self.ctime == ct), (self.ctype == cty))
_idx = np.logical_and(_idx, (self.start == int(st)))
_vals = self.stat[_idx]
if len(_vals) == 0:
# evaluate bg pdf for specific chunk, coinc time & type
_pdf = bg_rate.eval_pdf(st, ct, cty, _vals)
# store
self.bg_pdf[_idx] = _pdf
if self.args.verbose:
print('Found bg PDFs for ' + cty + ' coincs from ' + st)
def get_sg_pdf(self, sg_rate):
assert isinstance(sg_rate, SignalEventRate)
self.sg_pdf = np.zeros_like(self.stat)
for st in self.starttimes:
for ct in self.allctimestring:
for cty in self.coinc_types:
if not type_in_time(ct, cty):
_idx = np.logical_and((self.ctime == ct), (self.ctype == cty))
_idx = np.logical_and(_idx, (self.start == int(st)))
_vals = self.stat[_idx]
if len(_vals) == 0:
# norm of PDF is chunk-dependent so need the chunk start time
_pdf = sg_rate.eval_pdf(st, ct, cty, _vals)
# store
self.sg_pdf[_idx] = _pdf
if self.args.verbose:
print('Found sg PDFs for %s coincs in %s time from %s' %
(cty, ct, st))
class BackgroundEventRate(EventRate):
def __init__(self, args, coinc_times, coinc_types=None, bin_param='mchirp',
bin_lo=None, bin_hi=None):
EventRate.__init__(self, args, coinc_times, coinc_types=coinc_types,
bin_param=bin_param, bin_lo=bin_lo, bin_hi=bin_hi)
self.thr = self.args.stat_threshold
# BG values in dict indexed on tuple (chunk start, coinc type)
self.bg_vals = {}
self.bg_dec = {}
# BG livetimes
self.bg_livetimes = {}
# BG hist stored as bin heights / edges
self.bg_hist = {}
# Expected counts of BG events
self.exp_bg = {}
# Total expected BG count
self.norm = 0
def add_background(self, full_file):
start = get_start_dur(full_file)[0]
with HFile(full_file, 'r') as ff:
# get stat values and threshold
_bgstat = ff['background_exc/stat'][:]
_keepstat = _bgstat > self.thr
# get template ids and filter
_bgtid = ff['background_exc/template_id'][:]
# need the template filter to have already been made
assert self.in_bin is not None
_keep = np.logical_and(_keepstat, self.in_bin[_bgtid])
_bgstat = _bgstat[_keep]
_bgdec = ff['background_exc/decimation_factor'][:][_keep]
# assign coinc types
_times = {}
for i in self.ifos:
# NB times are time-shifted between ifos
_times[i] = ff['background_exc/' + i + '/time'][:][_keep]
_ctype = self.get_ctypes(_times)
for cty in self.coinc_types:
self.bg_vals[(start, cty)] = _bgstat[_ctype == cty]
self.bg_dec[(start, cty)] = _bgdec[_ctype == cty]
# get bg livetime for noise rate estimate
# - convert to years
self.bg_livetimes[(start, cty)] = conv.sec_to_year(
# make histogram
bins = self.make_bins(np.max(_bgstat[_ctype == cty]), 'bg')
# hack to make larger bins for H1L1V1
if cty == 'H1L1V1':
if self.args.verbose:
print('Halving bg bins for triple bg hist')
bins = bins[::2].copy() # take every 2nd bin edge
self.bg_hist[(start, cty)] = \
np.histogram(_bgstat[_ctype == cty],
weights=_bgdec[_ctype == cty], bins=bins)
# get expected number of bg events for this chunk and coinc type
self.exp_bg[(start, cty)] = _bgdec[_ctype == cty].sum() * \
self.incl_livetimes[(start, cty)] / \
self.bg_livetimes[(start, cty)]
def plot_bg(self):
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
for chunk_type, hist in self.bg_hist.items():
print('Plotting', chunk_type, 'background PDF ...')
xplot = np.linspace(self.thr, self.args.plot_max_stat, 500)
heights, bins = hist[0], hist[1]
logpdf, _ = log_rho_bg(xplot, heights, bins)
plt.plot(xplot, np.exp(logpdf))
# plot error bars at bin centres
lpdf, fracerr = log_rho_bg(0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]), heights, bins)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]), np.exp(lpdf),
yerr=np.exp(lpdf) * fracerr, fmt='none')
plt.xlim(xmax=self.args.plot_max_stat + 0.5)
plt.ylim(ymin=0.7 * np.exp(logpdf.min()))
plt.xlabel('Ranking statistic')
plt.ylabel('Background PDF')
plt.savefig(self.args.plot_dir + '%s-bg_pdf-%s' %
(chunk_type[1], chunk_type[0]) + '.png')
def get_norms(self):
for count in self.exp_bg.values():
self.norm += count
def eval_pdf(self, chunk, ctime, ctype, statvals):
# given statistic values all in the same data chunk and coinc type,
# evaluate the background pdf normalized over all chunks & types
assert self.norm > 0
chunk_type = (chunk, ctype)
# fraction of expected noise events in given chunk & coinc type
frac_chunk_type = self.exp_bg[chunk_type] / self.norm
# fraction of inj in specified chunk, coinc type *and* time
frac_in_time = self.livetimes[(chunk, ctime)] /\
# unpack heights / bins from bg hist object
local_pdfs, _ = log_rho_bg(statvals, *self.bg_hist[chunk_type])
return local_pdfs + np.log(frac_chunk_type * frac_in_time)
class SignalEventRate(EventRate):
def __init__(self, args, coinc_times, coinc_types=None, bin_param='mchirp',
bin_lo=None, bin_hi=None):
EventRate.__init__(self, args, coinc_times, coinc_types=coinc_types,
bin_param=bin_param, bin_lo=bin_lo, bin_hi=bin_hi)
self.thr = self.args.stat_threshold
self.starts = [] # bookkeeping
# for the moment roll all inj chunks together
# but sort both by coinc time and coinc type
self.inj_vals = {} # dict indexed on tuple (coinc time, coinc type)
self.fg_bins = {}
self.norm = 0
def add_injections(self, inj_file, fg_file):
# fg_file only needed for coinc time info :/
with HFile(inj_file, 'r') as jf:
# get stat values and threshold
_injstat = jf['found_after_vetoes/stat'][:]
_keepstat = _injstat > self.thr
# get template ids and filter
_injtid = jf['found_after_vetoes/template_id'][:]
assert self.in_bin is not None
_keep = np.logical_and(_keepstat, self.in_bin[_injtid])
_injstat = _injstat[_keep]
# assign coinc types
_times = {}
for i in self.ifos:
_times[i] = jf['found_after_vetoes/' + i + '/time'][:][_keep]
meantimes = np.array([coinc_meanigz(ts)[0]
for ts in zip(*_times.values())])
_ctype = self.get_ctypes(_times)
# get coinc time as strings
# (strings may have different lengths)
_ctime = np.repeat(np.array([''], dtype=object), len(meantimes))
for ct in self.allctimestring:
# get coinc time info from segments in fg file
intime = self.in_coinc_time_excl(
HFile(fg_file, 'r'), ct, meantimes)
_ctime[intime == 1] = ct # do we need this?
if self.args.verbose:
print('Got %i ' % (intime == 1).sum() + 'inj in %s time' % ct)
# filter by coinc type and add to array
for cty in self.coinc_types:
if not type_in_time(ct, cty):
my_vals = _injstat[np.logical_and(_ctype == cty, intime == 1)]
if self.args.verbose:
print('%d ' % len(my_vals) + 'are %s coincs' % cty)
if (ct, cty) not in self.inj_vals: # initialize
self.inj_vals[(ct, cty)] = np.array([])
if len(my_vals) > 0:
self.inj_vals[(ct, cty)] = \
np.append(self.inj_vals[(ct, cty)], my_vals)
del intime, my_vals
def make_all_bins(self):
for ct in self.allctimestring:
for cty in self.coinc_types:
if not type_in_time(ct, cty):
vals = self.inj_vals[(ct, cty)]
# get norm of fg histogram by taking bins out to max injection stat
binmax = vals.max() * 1.01
self.fg_bins[(ct, cty)] = self.make_bins(binmax, 'inj')
def plot_inj(self):
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
for ct in self.allctimestring:
for cty in self.coinc_types:
if not type_in_time(ct, cty):
print('Plotting ' + cty + ' signal PDF in ' + ct + ' time ...')
samples = self.inj_vals[(ct, cty)]
bins = self.fg_bins[(ct, cty)]
xplot = np.logspace(np.log10(self.thr),
np.log10(samples.max()), 500)
logpdf, _ = log_rho_fg(xplot, samples, bins)
plt.plot(xplot, np.exp(logpdf))
# plot error bars at bin centres
lpdf, fracerr = log_rho_fg(0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]),
samples, bins)
plt.errorbar(0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]), np.exp(lpdf),
yerr=np.exp(lpdf) * fracerr, fmt='none')
# zoom in on the 'interesting' range
plt.xlim(xmin=self.thr, xmax=2. * self.args.plot_max_stat)
plt.ylim(ymin=0.7 * np.exp(logpdf.min()))
plt.title(r'%i injs plotted, \# of bins %i' %
(len(samples), len(bins) - 1))
plt.xlabel('Ranking statistic')
plt.ylabel('Signal PDF')
plt.savefig(self.args.plot_dir + '%s-fg_pdf-%s' % (ct, cty)
+ '.png')
def get_norms(self):
for vals in self.inj_vals.values():
# injections don't have weights/decimation
self.norm += float(len(vals))
def eval_pdf(self, chunk, ctime, ctype, statvals):
# given statistic values in the same chunk, coinc time and coinc type,
# evaluate the signal pdf normalized over all chunks, times and types
assert self.norm > 0
time_type = (ctime, ctype)
# fraction of inj in specified coinc time and type
frac_time_type = float(len(self.inj_vals[time_type])) / self.norm
# total livetime for specified coinc time
total_coinc_time = sum([self.livetimes[(ch, ctime)] for ch in self.starts])
# fraction of inj in specified chunk *and* coinc time/type
this_norm = frac_time_type * self.livetimes[(chunk, ctime)] / \
local_pdfs, _ = log_rho_fg(statvals, self.inj_vals[time_type],
return local_pdfs + np.log(this_norm)
__all__ = ['filter_bin_lo_hi', 'filter_tmplt_mchirp', 'read_full_data',
'read_full_data_mchirp', 'log_rho_bg', 'log_rho_fg_analytic',
'log_rho_fg', 'get_start_dur', 'in_coinc_time_incl', 'alltimes',
'ifos_from_combo', 'type_in_time', 'EventRate', 'ForegroundEvents',
'BackgroundEventRate', 'SignalEventRate']