Source code for pycbc.population.live_pastro

import logging
import h5py
import numpy

from pycbc.tmpltbank import bank_conversions as bankconv
from import triggers
from pycbc import conversions as conv
from . import fgmc_functions as fgmcfun

_s_per_yr = 1. / conv.sec_to_year(1.)

logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.population.live_pastro')

[docs]def check_template_param_bin_data(spec_json): """ Parameters ---------- spec_json: JSON dictionary-like object Result of parsing json file containing static data Returns ------- spec_json: dictionary """ # Check the necessary data are present assert 'param' in spec_json assert 'bin_edges' in spec_json # should be a list of floats assert 'sig_per_yr_binned' in spec_json # signal rate per bin (per year) # Do the lengths of bin arrays match? assert len(spec_json['bin_edges']) == \ len(spec_json['sig_per_yr_binned']) + 1 assert 'ref_bns_horizon' in spec_json # float assert 'netsnr_thresh' in spec_json # float return spec_json
def check_template_param_bin_farlim_data(spec_json): """ Parameters ---------- spec_json: JSON dictionary-like object Result of parsing json file containing static data Returns ------- spec_json: dictionary """ # Standard template param bin checks check_template_param_bin_data(spec_json) # In addition, need limiting FAR and SNR values assert 'limit_far' in spec_json assert 'limit_snr' in spec_json return spec_json
[docs]def read_template_bank_param(spec_d, bankf): """ Parameters ---------- spec_d: dictionary Prerequisite data for p astro calc bankf: string Path to HDF5 template bank file Returns ------- bank_data: dictionary Template counts binned over specified param """ with h5py.File(bankf, 'r') as bank: # All the templates tids = numpy.arange(len(bank['mass1'])) # Get param vals'Getting %s values from bank', spec_d['param']) parvals = bankconv.get_bank_property(spec_d['param'], bank, tids) counts, edges = numpy.histogram(parvals, bins=spec_d['bin_edges']) bank_data = {'bin_edges': edges, 'tcounts': counts, 'num_t': counts.sum()}'Binned template counts: %s', counts) return bank_data
[docs]def noise_density_from_far(far, exp_fac): """ Exponential model of noise rate density per time per (reweighted) SNR b(rho) ~ k exp(-alpha * rho), where alpha is the 'index', yields the relation b(rho) = alpha * FAR(rho), where FAR is the integral of b(rho) from rho to infinity. E.g. fits to single-ifo noise typically yield alpha ~ 6 """ return exp_fac * far
def trials_type(ntriggered, nactive): """ The trials factor previously applied to an individual event type FAR For single triggers, the factor is the number of active ifos For coincs, the factor is either 1 (in double time) or 6 (in triple time) 6 accounts for both the trials over coinc type and pvalue (non-)followup %%% NOTE - ONLY VALID FOR 2- OR 3-IFO SEARCH %%% """ if ntriggered == 1: return nactive if ntriggered == 2 and nactive == 2: return 1 if ntriggered == 2 and nactive == 3: return 6 # All valid inputs are exhausted, throw an error raise ValueError(f"I don't know what to do with {ntriggered} triggered and" f" {nactive} active ifos!")
[docs]def signal_pdf_from_snr(netsnr, thresh): """ FGMC approximate signal distribution ~ SNR ** -4 """ return numpy.exp(fgmcfun.log_rho_fg_analytic(netsnr, thresh))
[docs]def signal_rate_rescale(horizons, ref_dhor): """ Compute a factor proportional to the rate of signals with given network SNR to account for network sensitivity variation relative to a reference state """ # Combine sensitivities over ifos in a way analogous to network SNR net_horizon = sum(hor ** 2. for hor in horizons.values()) ** 0.5 # signal rate is proportional to horizon distance cubed return net_horizon ** 3. / ref_dhor ** 3.
[docs]def signal_rate_trig_type(horizons, sens_ifos, trig_ifos): """ Compute a factor accounting for the fraction of signals seen as a given trigger type """ # Single-ifo time if len(sens_ifos) == 1: assert len(trig_ifos) == 1 return 1. # Single trigger in multi-ifo time if len(trig_ifos) == 1: # Sensitive volume scales with horizon^3 # Suppress horizon by sqrt(2) wrt coincs return (horizons[trig_ifos[0]] / 2**0.5) ** 3. /\ sum([horizons[i] ** 3. for i in sens_ifos]) # Double coinc : volume determined by less sensitive ifo # Compare to 2nd most sensitive ifo over the observing network return sorted([horizons[i] for i in trig_ifos])[0] ** 3. /\ sorted([horizons[i] for i in sens_ifos])[-2] ** 3.
[docs]def template_param_bin_pa(padata, trdata, horizons): """ Parameters ---------- padata: PAstroData instance Static information on p astro calculation trdata: dictionary Trigger properties horizons: dictionary BNS horizon distances keyed on ifo Returns ------- p_astro, p_terr: tuple of floats """ massspin = (trdata['mass1'], trdata['mass2'], trdata['spin1z'], trdata['spin2z']) trig_param = triggers.get_param(padata.spec['param'], None, *massspin) # NB digitize gives '1' for first bin, '2' for second etc. bind = numpy.digitize(trig_param,['bin_edges']) - 1 logger.debug('Trigger %s is in bin %i', padata.spec['param'], bind) # Get noise rate density if 'bg_fac' not in padata.spec: expfac = 6. else: expfac = padata.spec['bg_fac'] # FAR is in Hz, therefore convert to rate per year (per SNR) dnoise = noise_density_from_far(trdata['far'], expfac) * _s_per_yr logger.debug('FAR %.3g, noise density per yr per SNR %.3g', trdata['far'], dnoise) # Scale by fraction of templates in bin dnoise *=['tcounts'][bind] /['num_t'] logger.debug('Noise density in bin %.3g', dnoise) # Get signal rate density per year at given SNR dsig = signal_pdf_from_snr(trdata['network_snr'], padata.spec['netsnr_thresh']) logger.debug('SNR %.3g, signal pdf %.3g', trdata['network_snr'], dsig) dsig *= padata.spec['sig_per_yr_binned'][bind] logger.debug('Signal density per yr per SNR in bin %.3g', dsig) # Scale by network sensitivity accounting for BNS horizon distances dsig *= signal_rate_rescale(horizons, padata.spec['ref_bns_horizon']) logger.debug('After horizon rescaling %.3g', dsig) p_astro = dsig / (dsig + dnoise) logger.debug('p_astro %.4g', p_astro) return p_astro, 1 - p_astro
[docs]def template_param_bin_types_pa(padata, trdata, horizons): """ Parameters ---------- padata: PAstroData instance Static information on p astro calculation trdata: dictionary Trigger properties horizons: dictionary BNS horizon distances keyed on ifo Returns ------- p_astro, p_terr: tuple of floats """ massspin = (trdata['mass1'], trdata['mass2'], trdata['spin1z'], trdata['spin2z']) trig_param = triggers.get_param(padata.spec['param'], None, *massspin) # NB digitize gives '1' for first bin, '2' for second etc. bind = numpy.digitize(trig_param,['bin_edges']) - 1 logger.debug('Trigger %s is in bin %i', padata.spec['param'], bind) # Get noise rate density if 'bg_fac' not in padata.spec: expfac = 6. else: expfac = padata.spec['bg_fac'] # List of ifos over trigger threshold tr_ifos = trdata['triggered'] # FAR is in Hz, therefore convert to rate per year (per SNR) dnoise = noise_density_from_far(trdata['far'], expfac) * _s_per_yr logger.debug('FAR %.3g, noise density per yr per SNR %.3g', trdata['far'], dnoise) # Scale by fraction of templates in bin dnoise *=['tcounts'][bind] /['num_t'] logger.debug('Noise density in bin %.3g', dnoise) # Back out trials factor to give noise density for triggered event type dnoise /= float(trials_type(len(tr_ifos), len(trdata['sensitive']))) logger.debug('Divide by previously applied trials factor: %.3g', dnoise) # Get signal rate density per year at given SNR dsig = signal_pdf_from_snr(trdata['network_snr'], padata.spec['netsnr_thresh']) logger.debug('SNR %.3g, signal pdf %.3g', trdata['network_snr'], dsig) dsig *= padata.spec['sig_per_yr_binned'][bind] logger.debug('Total signal density per yr per SNR in bin %.3g', dsig) # Scale by network sensitivity accounting for BNS horizons dsig *= signal_rate_rescale(horizons, padata.spec['ref_bns_horizon']) logger.debug('After network horizon rescaling %.3g', dsig) # Scale by relative signal rate in triggered ifos dsig *= signal_rate_trig_type(horizons, trdata['sensitive'], tr_ifos) logger.debug('After triggered ifo rate rescaling %.3g', dsig) p_astro = dsig / (dsig + dnoise) logger.debug('p_astro %.4g', p_astro) return p_astro, 1 - p_astro
[docs]def template_param_bin_types_farlim_pa(padata, trdata, horizons): """ Parameters ---------- padata: PAstroData instance Static information on p astro calculation trdata: dictionary Trigger properties horizons: dictionary BNS horizon distances keyed on ifo Returns ------- p_astro, p_terr: tuple of floats """ # If the network SNR and FAR indicate saturation of the FAR estimate, # set them to specified fixed values trdata = padata.apply_significance_limits(trdata) # Now perform standard calculation with event types return template_param_bin_types_pa(padata, trdata, horizons)
__all__ = [ "check_template_param_bin_data", "read_template_bank_param", "noise_density_from_far", "signal_pdf_from_snr", "signal_rate_rescale", "signal_rate_trig_type", "template_param_bin_pa", "template_param_bin_types_pa", "template_param_bin_types_farlim_pa", ]