import numpy as np
from numpy import log
import copy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import quad
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
from pycbc.conversions import mchirp_from_mass1_mass2 as m1m2tomch
from import HFile
_mch_BNS = 1.4/2**.2
_redshifts, _d_lum, _I = np.arange(0., 5., 0.01), [], []
_save_params = ['mass1', 'mass2', 'spin1z', 'spin2z', 'spin1y', 'spin2y',
'spin1x', 'spin2x', 'distance', 'end_time']
for zz in _redshifts:
_dlum_interp = interp1d(_d_lum, _redshifts)
def read_injections(sim_files, m_dist, s_dist, d_dist):
''' Read all the injections from the files in the provided folder.
The files must belong to individual set i.e. no files that combine
all the injections in a run.
Identify injection strategies and finds parameter boundaries.
Collect injection according to GPS.
sim_files: list
List containign names of the simulation files
m_dist: list
The mass distribution used in the simulation runs
s_dist: list
The spin distribution used in the simulation runs
d_dist: list
The distance distribution used in the simulation runs
injections: dictionary
Contains the organized information about the injections
injections = {}
min_d, max_d = 1e12, 0
nf = len(sim_files)
for i in range(nf):
key = str(i)
injections[key] = process_injections(sim_files[i])
injections[key]['file_name'] = sim_files[i]
injections[key]['m_dist'] = m_dist[i]
injections[key]['s_dist'] = s_dist[i]
injections[key]['d_dist'] = d_dist[i]
mass1, mass2 = injections[key]['mass1'], injections[key]['mass2']
distance = injections[key]['distance']
mchirp = m1m2tomch(mass1, mass2)
injections[key]['chirp_mass'] = mchirp
injections[key]['total_mass'] = mass1 + mass2
injections[key]['mtot_range'] = [min(mass1 + mass2), max(mass1 + mass2)]
injections[key]['m1_range'] = [min(mass1), max(mass1)]
injections[key]['m2_range'] = [min(mass2), max(mass2)]
injections[key]['d_range'] = [min(distance), max(distance)]
min_d, max_d = min(min_d, min(distance)), max(max_d, max(distance))
injections['z_range'] = [dlum_to_z(min_d), dlum_to_z(max_d)]
return injections
def estimate_vt(injections, mchirp_sampler, model_pdf, **kwargs):
#Try including ifar threshold
'''Based on injection strategy and the desired astro model estimate the injected volume.
Scale injections and estimate sensitive volume.
injections: dictionary
Dictionary obtained after reading injections from read_injections
mchirp_sampler: function
Sampler for producing chirp mass samples for the astro model.
model_pdf: function
The PDF for astro model in mass1-mass2-spin1z-spin2z space.
This is easily extendible to include precession
kwargs: key words
Inputs for thresholds and astrophysical models
injection_chunks: dictionary
The input dictionary with VT and VT error included with the injections
thr_var = kwargs.get('thr_var')
thr_val = kwargs.get('thr_val')
nsamples = 1000000 #Used to calculate injected astro volume
injections = copy.deepcopy(injections)
min_z, max_z = injections['z_range']
V = quad(contracted_dVdc, 0., max_z)[0]
z_astro = astro_redshifts(min_z, max_z, nsamples)
astro_lum_dist = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z_astro).value
mch_astro = np.array(mchirp_sampler(nsamples = nsamples, **kwargs))
mch_astro_det = mch_astro * (1. + z_astro)
idx_within = np.zeros(nsamples)
for key in injections.keys():
if key == 'z_range':
# This is repeated down again and is so
mchirp = injections[key]['chirp_mass']
min_mchirp, max_mchirp = min(mchirp), max(mchirp)
distance = injections[key]['distance']
if injections[key]['d_dist'] == 'uniform':
d_min, d_max = min(distance), max(distance)
elif injections[key]['d_dist'] == 'dchirp':
d_fid_min = min(distance / (mchirp/_mch_BNS)**(5/6.))
d_fid_max = max(distance / (mchirp/_mch_BNS)**(5/6.))
d_min = d_fid_min * (mch_astro_det/_mch_BNS)**(5/6.)
d_max = d_fid_max * (mch_astro_det/_mch_BNS)**(5/6.)
bound = np.sign((max_mchirp-mch_astro_det)*(mch_astro_det-min_mchirp))
bound += np.sign((d_max - astro_lum_dist)*(astro_lum_dist - d_min))
idx = np.where(bound == 2)
idx_within[idx] = 1
inj_V0 = 4*np.pi*V*len(idx_within[idx_within == 1])/float(nsamples)
injections['inj_astro_vol'] = inj_V0
# Estimate the sensitive volume
z_range = injections['z_range']
V_min = quad(contracted_dVdc, 0., z_range[0])[0]
V_max = quad(contracted_dVdc, 0., z_range[1])[0]
thr_falloff, i_inj, i_det, i_det_sq = [], 0, 0, 0
gps_min, gps_max = 1e15, 0
keys = injections.keys()
for key in keys:
if key == 'z_range' or key == 'inj_astro_vol':
data = injections[key]
distance = data['distance']
mass1, mass2 = data['mass1'], data['mass2']
spin1z, spin2z = data['spin1z'], data['spin2z']
mchirp = data['chirp_mass']
gps_min = min(gps_min, min(data['end_time']))
gps_max = max(gps_max, max(data['end_time']))
z_inj = dlum_to_z(distance)
m1_sc, m2_sc = mass1/(1 + z_inj), mass2/(1 + z_inj)
p_out = model_pdf(m1_sc, m2_sc, spin1z, spin2z)
p_out *= pdf_z_astro(z_inj, V_min, V_max)
p_in = 0
J = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z_inj + 0.0005).value
J -= cosmo.luminosity_distance(z_inj - 0.0005).value
J = abs(J)/0.001 # A quick way to get dD_l/dz
# Sum probability of injections from j-th set for all the strategies
for key2 in keys:
if key2 == 'z_range' or key2 == 'inj_astro_vol':
dt_j = injections[key2]
dist_j = dt_j['distance']
m1_j, m2_j = dt_j['mass1'], dt_j['mass2']
s1x_2, s2x_2 = dt_j['spin1x'], dt_j['spin2x']
s1y_2, s2y_2 = dt_j['spin1y'], dt_j['spin2y']
s1z_2, s2z_2 = dt_j['spin1z'], dt_j['spin2z']
s1 = np.sqrt(s1x_2**2 + s1y_2**2 + s1z_2**2)
s2 = np.sqrt(s2x_2**2 + s2y_2**2 + s2z_2**2)
mch_j = dt_j['chirp_mass']
#Get probability density for injections in mass-distance space
if dt_j['m_dist'] == 'totalMass':
lomass, himass = min(min(m1_j), min(m2_j), max(max(m1_j), max(m2_j)))
lomass_2, himass_2 = lomass, himass
elif dt_j['m_dist'] == 'componentMass' or dt_j['m_dist'] == 'log':
lomass, himass = min(m1_j), max(m1_j)
lomass_2, himass_2 = min(m2_j), max(m2_j)
if dt_j['d_dist'] == 'dchirp':
l_dist = min(dist_j / (mch_j/_mch_BNS)**(5/6.))
h_dist = max(dist_j / (mch_j/_mch_BNS)**(5/6.))
elif dt_j['d_dist'] == 'uniform':
l_dist, h_dist = min(dist_j), max(dist_j)
mdist = dt_j['m_dist']
prob_mass = inj_mass_pdf(mdist, mass1, mass2,
lomass, himass, lomass_2, himass_2)
ddist = dt_j['d_dist']
prob_dist = inj_distance_pdf(ddist, distance, l_dist,
h_dist, mchirp)
hspin1, hspin2 = max(s1), max(s2)
prob_spin = inj_spin_pdf(dt_j['s_dist'], hspin1, spin1z)
prob_spin *= inj_spin_pdf(dt_j['s_dist'], hspin2, spin2z)
p_in += prob_mass * prob_dist * prob_spin * J * (1 + z_inj)**2
p_in[p_in == 0] = 1e12
p_out_in = p_out/p_in
i_inj += np.sum(p_out_in)
i_det += np.sum((p_out_in)[data[thr_var] > thr_val])
i_det_sq += np.sum((p_out_in)[data[thr_var] > thr_val]**2)
idx_thr = np.where(data[thr_var] > thr_val)
thrs = data[thr_var][idx_thr]
ratios = p_out_in[idx_thr]/max(p_out_in[idx_thr])
rndn = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(ratios))
idx_ratio = np.where(ratios > rndn)
inj_V0 = injections['inj_astro_vol']
injections['ninj'] = i_inj
injections['ndet'] = i_det
injections['ndetsq'] = i_det_sq
injections['VT'] = ((inj_V0*i_det/i_inj) * (gps_max - gps_min)/31557600)
injections['VT_err'] = injections['VT'] * np.sqrt(i_det_sq)/i_det
injections['thr_falloff'] = np.hstack(np.array(thr_falloff).flat)
return injections
def process_injections(hdffile):
"""Function to read in the injection file and
extract the found injections and all injections
hdffile: hdf file
File for which injections are to be processed
data: dictionary
Dictionary containing injection read from the input file
data = {}
with HFile(hdffile, 'r') as inp:
found_index = inp['found_after_vetoes/injection_index'][:]
for param in _save_params:
data[param] = inp['injections/'+param][:]
ifar = np.zeros_like(data[_save_params[0]])
ifar[found_index] = inp['found_after_vetoes/ifar'][:]
data['ifar'] = ifar
stat = np.zeros_like(data[_save_params[0]])
stat[found_index] = inp['found_after_vetoes/stat'][:]
data['stat'] = stat
return data
def dlum_to_z(dl):
''' Get the redshift for a luminosity distance
dl: array
The array of luminosity distances
The redshift values corresponding to the luminosity distances
return _dlum_interp(dl)
def astro_redshifts(min_z, max_z, nsamples):
'''Sample the redshifts for sources, with redshift
independent rate, using standard cosmology
min_z: float
Minimum redshift
max_z: float
Maximum redshift
nsamples: int
Number of samples
z_astro: array
nsamples of redshift, between min_z, max_z, by standard cosmology
dz, fac = 0.001, 3.0
# use interpolation instead of directly estimating all the pdfz for rndz
V = quad(contracted_dVdc, 0., max_z)[0]
zbins = np.arange(min_z, max_z + dz/2., dz)
zcenter = (zbins[:-1] + zbins[1:]) / 2
pdfz = cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(zcenter).value/(1+zcenter)/V
int_pdf = interp1d(zcenter, pdfz, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
rndz = np.random.uniform(min_z, max_z, int(fac*nsamples))
pdf_zs = int_pdf(rndz)
maxpdf = max(pdf_zs)
rndn = np.random.uniform(0, 1, int(fac*nsamples)) * maxpdf
diff = pdf_zs - rndn
idx = np.where(diff > 0)
z_astro = rndz[idx]
return z_astro
def pdf_z_astro(z, V_min, V_max):
''' Get the probability density for the rate of events
at a redshift assuming standard cosmology
return contracted_dVdc(z)/(V_max - V_min)
def contracted_dVdc(z):
#Return the time-dilated differential comoving volume
return cosmo.differential_comoving_volume(z).value/(1+z)
##### Defining current standard strategies used for making injections #####
def inj_mass_pdf(key, mass1, mass2, lomass, himass, lomass_2 = 0, himass_2 = 0):
'''Estimate the probability density based on the injection strategy
key: string
Injection strategy
mass1: array
First mass of the injections
mass2: array
Second mass of the injections
lomass: float
Lower value of the mass distributions
himass: float
higher value of the mass distribution
pdf: array
Probability density of the injections
mass1, mass2 = np.array(mass1), np.array(mass2)
if key == 'totalMass':
# Returns the PDF of mass when total mass is uniformly distributed.
# Both the component masses have the same distribution for this case.
# Parameters
# ----------
# lomass: lower component mass
# himass: higher component mass
bound = np.sign((lomass + himass) - (mass1 + mass2))
bound += np.sign((himass - mass1)*(mass1 - lomass))
bound += np.sign((himass - mass2)*(mass2 - lomass))
idx = np.where(bound != 3)
pdf = 1./(himass - lomass)/(mass1 + mass2 - 2 * lomass)
pdf[idx] = 0
return pdf
if key == 'componentMass':
# Returns the PDF of mass when component mass is uniformly
# distributed. Component masses are independent for this case.
# Parameters
# ----------
# lomass: lower component mass
# himass: higher component mass
bound = np.sign((himass - mass1)*(mass1 - lomass))
bound += np.sign((himass_2 - mass2)*(mass2 - lomass_2))
idx = np.where(bound != 2)
pdf = np.ones_like(mass1) / (himass - lomass) / (himass_2 - lomass_2)
pdf[idx] = 0
return pdf
if key == 'log':
# Returns the PDF of mass when component mass is uniform in log.
# Component masses are independent for this case.
# Parameters
# ----------
# lomass: lower component mass
# himass: higher component mass
bound = np.sign((himass - mass1)*(mass1 - lomass))
bound += np.sign((himass_2 - mass2)*(mass2 - lomass_2))
idx = np.where(bound != 2)
pdf = 1 / (log(himass) - log(lomass)) / (log(himass_2) - log(lomass_2))
pdf /= (mass1 * mass2)
pdf[idx] = 0
return pdf
def inj_spin_pdf(key, high_spin, spinz):
''' Estimate the probability density of the
injections for the spin distribution.
key: string
Injections strategy
high_spin: float
Maximum spin used in the strategy
spinz: array
Spin of the injections (for one component)
# If the data comes from disable_spin simulation
if spinz[0] == 0:
return np.ones_like(spinz)
spinz = np.array(spinz)
bound = np.sign(np.absolute(high_spin) - np.absolute(spinz))
bound += np.sign(1 - np.absolute(spinz))
if key == 'precessing':
# Returns the PDF of spins when total spin is
# isotropically distributed. Both the component
# masses have the same distribution for this case.
pdf = (np.log(high_spin - np.log(abs(spinz)))/high_spin/2)
idx = np.where(bound != 2)
pdf[idx] = 0
return pdf
if key == 'aligned':
# Returns the PDF of mass when spins are aligned and uniformly
# distributed. Component spins are independent for this case.
pdf = (np.ones_like(spinz) / 2 / high_spin)
idx = np.where(bound != 2)
pdf[idx] = 0
return pdf
if key == 'disable_spin':
# Returns unit array
pdf = np.ones_like(spinz)
return pdf
def inj_distance_pdf(key, distance, low_dist, high_dist, mchirp = 1):
''' Estimate the probability density of the
injections for the distance distribution.
key: string
Injections strategy
distance: array
Array of distances
low_dist: float
Lower value of distance used in the injection strategy
high_dist: float
Higher value of distance used in the injection strategy
distance = np.array(distance)
if key == 'uniform':
# Returns the PDF at a distance when
# distance is uniformly distributed.
pdf = np.ones_like(distance)/(high_dist - low_dist)
bound = np.sign((high_dist - distance)*(distance - low_dist))
idx = np.where(bound != 1)
pdf[idx] = 0
return pdf
if key == 'dchirp':
# Returns the PDF at a distance when distance is uniformly
# distributed but scaled by the chirp mass
weight = (mchirp/_mch_BNS)**(5./6)
pdf = np.ones_like(distance) / weight / (high_dist - low_dist)
bound = np.sign((weight*high_dist - distance)*(distance - weight*low_dist))
idx = np.where(bound != 1)
pdf[idx] = 0
return pdf