# Copyright (C) 2019 Francesco Pannarale, Gino Contestabile, Cameron Mills
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# =============================================================================
# Preamble
# =============================================================================
Module to generate PyGRB figures: scatter plots and timeseries.
import logging
import argparse
import copy
import numpy
import h5py
import igwn_segments as segments
from scipy import stats
from igwn_segments.utils import fromsegwizard
from pycbc.events.coherent import reweightedsnr_cut
from pycbc.events import veto
from pycbc import add_common_pycbc_options
from pycbc.io.hdf import HFile
logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.results.pygrb_postprocessing_utils')
# =============================================================================
# Arguments functions:
# * Initialize a parser object with arguments shared by all plotting scripts
# * Add to the parser object the arguments used for Monte-Carlo on distance
# * Add to the parser object the arguments used for BestNR calculation
# * Add to the parser object the arguments for found/missed injection files
# =============================================================================
def pygrb_initialize_plot_parser(description=None):
"""Sets up a basic argument parser object for PyGRB plotting scripts"""
formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description,
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-file", default=None,
help="Output file.")
parser.add_argument("--x-lims", default=None,
help="Comma separated minimum and maximum values "
"for the horizontal axis. When using negative "
"values an equal sign after --x-lims is necessary.")
parser.add_argument("--y-lims", default=None,
help="Comma separated minimum and maximum values "
"for the vertical axis. When using negative values "
"an equal sign after --y-lims is necessary.")
parser.add_argument("--use-logs", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Produce a log-log plot")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--ifo", default=None, help="IFO used for IFO "
"specific plots")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--seg-files", nargs="+",
default=[], help="The location of the buffer, "
"onsource and offsource txt segment files.")
parser.add_argument("-V", "--veto-file",
help="The location of the xml veto file.")
parser.add_argument('--plot-title', default=None,
help="If provided, use the given string as the plot "
parser.add_argument('--plot-caption', default=None,
help="If provided, use the given string as the plot "
return parser
def pygrb_add_slide_opts(parser):
"""Add to parser object arguments related to short timeslides"""
parser.add_argument("--slide-id", type=str, default='0',
help="Select a specific slide or set to all to plot "
"results from all short slides.")
def slide_opts_helper(args):
This function overwrites the types of input slide_id information
when loading data in postprocessing scripts.
if args.slide_id.isdigit():
args.slide_id = int(args.slide_id)
elif args.slide_id.lower() == "all":
args.slide_id = None
raise ValueError("--slide-id must be the string all or an int")
def pygrb_add_injmc_opts(parser):
"""Add to parser object the arguments used for Monte-Carlo on distance."""
if parser is None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-M", "--num-mc-injections",
type=int, default=100, help="Number of Monte "
"Carlo injection simulations to perform.")
parser.add_argument("-S", "--seed", type=int,
default=1234, help="Seed to initialize Monte Carlo.")
parser.add_argument("-U", "--upper-inj-dist",
type=float, default=1000, help="The upper distance "
"of the injections in Mpc, if used.")
parser.add_argument("-L", "--lower-inj-dist",
type=float, default=0, help="The lower distance of "
"the injections in Mpc, if used.")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--num-bins", type=int,
default=0, help="The number of bins used to "
"calculate injection efficiency.")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--waveform-error",
type=float, default=0, help="The standard deviation "
"to use when calculating the waveform error.")
for ifo in ["g1", "h1", "k1", "l1", "v1"]:
parser.add_argument(f"--{ifo}-cal-error", type=float,
default=0, help="The standard deviation to use "
f"when calculating the {ifo.upper()} "
"calibration amplitude error.")
type=float, default=1.0, help="The scaling "
"factor to use when calculating the "
f"{ifo.upper()} calibration amplitude error.")
def pygrb_add_bestnr_opts(parser):
"""Add to the parser object the arguments used for BestNR calculation"""
if parser is None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-Q", "--chisq-index", type=float,
default=6.0, help="chisq_index for newSNR "
"calculation (default: 6)")
parser.add_argument("-N", "--chisq-nhigh", type=float,
default=2.0, help="chisq_nhigh for newSNR "
"calculation (default: 2")
def pygrb_add_null_snr_opts(parser):
"""Add to the parser object the arguments used for null SNR calculation
and null SNR cut."""
parser.add_argument("-A", "--null-snr-threshold",
help="Null SNR threshold for null SNR cut "
"(default: 5.25)")
parser.add_argument("-T", "--null-grad-thresh", type=float,
default=20., help="Threshold above which to "
"increase the values of the null SNR cut")
parser.add_argument("-D", "--null-grad-val", type=float,
default=0.2, help="Rate the null SNR cut will "
"increase above the threshold")
def pygrb_add_single_snr_cut_opt(parser):
"""Add to the parser object an argument to place a threshold on single
detector SNR."""
parser.add_argument("-B", "--sngl-snr-threshold",
type=float, default=4.0, help="Single detector SNR "
"threshold, the two most sensitive detectors "
"should have SNR above this.")
def pygrb_add_bestnr_cut_opt(parser):
"""Add to the parser object an argument to place a threshold on BestNR."""
if parser is None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--newsnr-threshold", type=float, metavar='THRESHOLD',
help="Cut triggers with NewSNR less than THRESHOLD. "
"Default 0: all events are considered.")
# =============================================================================
# Wrapper to pick triggers with a given slide_id
# =============================================================================
# Underscore starts name of functions not called outside this file
def _slide_filter(trig_file, data, slide_id=None):
This function adds the capability to select triggers with specific
slide_ids during the postprocessing stage of PyGRB.
if slide_id is None:
return data
mask = numpy.where(trig_file['network/slide_id'][:] == slide_id)[0]
return data[mask]
# =============================================================================
# Wrapper to read segments files
# =============================================================================
def _read_seg_files(seg_files):
"""Read segments txt files"""
if len(seg_files) != 3:
err_msg = "The location of three segment files is necessary."
err_msg += "[bufferSeg.txt, offSourceSeg.txt, onSourceSeg.txt]"
raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
times = {}
# Needs to be in this order for consistency with build_segment_filelist
keys = ["buffer", "off", "on"]
for key, seg_file in zip(keys, seg_files):
segs = fromsegwizard(open(seg_file, 'r'))
if len(segs) > 1:
err_msg = 'More than one segment, an error has occured.'
raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
times[key] = segs[0]
return times
# =============================================================================
# Function to extract vetoes
# =============================================================================
def _extract_vetoes(veto_file, ifos, offsource):
"""Extracts the veto segments from the veto File"""
clean_segs = {}
vetoes = segments.segmentlistdict()
if veto_file:
for ifo in ifos:
segs = veto.select_segments_by_definer(veto_file, ifo=ifo)
clean_segs[ifo] = segs
if clean_segs:
for ifo in ifos:
vetoes[ifo] = segments.segmentlist([offsource]) - clean_segs[ifo]
for ifo in ifos:
for v in vetoes[ifo]:
v_span = v[1] - v[0]
logging.info("%ds of data vetoed at GPS time %d",
v_span, v[0])
return vetoes
# =============================================================================
# Function to build a dictionary (indexed by ifo) of time-slid vetoes
# =============================================================================
def _slide_vetoes(vetoes, slide_dict_or_list, slide_id, ifos):
"""Build a dictionary (indexed by ifo) of time-slid vetoes"""
# Copy vetoes
if vetoes:
slid_vetoes = copy.deepcopy(vetoes)
# Slide them
for ifo in ifos:
slid_vetoes = {ifo: segments.segmentlist() for ifo in ifos}
return slid_vetoes
# =============================================================================
# Recursive function to reach all datasets in an HDF file handle
# =============================================================================
def _dataset_iterator(g, prefix=''):
"""Reach all datasets in an HDF file handle"""
for key, item in g.items():
# Avoid slash as first character
pref = prefix[1:] if prefix.startswith('/') else prefix
path = pref + '/' + key
if isinstance(item, h5py.Dataset):
yield (path, item)
elif isinstance(item, h5py.Group):
yield from _dataset_iterator(item, path)
# =============================================================================
# Function to load trigger/injection data
# =============================================================================
def load_data(input_file, ifos, rw_snr_threshold=None, data_tag=None,
"""Load data from a trigger/injection PyGRB output file, returning a
dictionary. If the input_file is None, None is returned. data_tag enables
logging information about the number of triggers/injections found, so the
user should not set it to 'trigs'/'injs' when processing the onsource."""
if not input_file:
return None
trigs = HFile(input_file, 'r')
rw_snr = trigs['network/reweighted_snr'][:]
net_ids = trigs['network/event_id'][:]
# Output the number of items loaded only upon a request by the user who is
# expected not to set data_tag to 'trigs'or 'injs' when processing the
# onsource
if data_tag=='trigs':
logging.info("%d triggers loaded.", len(rw_snr))
elif data_tag=='injs':
logging.info("%d injections loaded.", len(rw_snr))
logging.info("Loading triggers.")
ifo_ids = {}
for ifo in ifos:
ifo_ids[ifo] = trigs[ifo+'/event_id'][:]
# Apply the reweighted SNR cut on the reweighted SNR
if rw_snr_threshold is not None:
rw_snr = reweightedsnr_cut(rw_snr, rw_snr_threshold)
# Establish the indices of data not surviving the cut
above_thresh = rw_snr > 0
num_orig_pts = len(above_thresh)
# Output the number of items surviging vetoes with the same logic as above
msg = ""
if data_tag=='trigs':
msg += f"{sum(above_thresh)} triggers "
elif data_tag=='injs':
msg = f"{sum(above_thresh)} injections "
if msg:
msg += f"surviving reweighted SNR cut at {rw_snr_threshold}."
# Do not assume that IFO and network datasets are sorted the same way:
# find where each surviving network/event_id is placed in the IFO/event_id
ifo_ids_above_thresh_locations = {}
for ifo in ifos:
ifo_ids_above_thresh_locations[ifo] = \
numpy.array([numpy.where(ifo_ids[ifo] == net_id)[0][0]
for net_id in net_ids[above_thresh]])
# Apply the cut on all the data by removing points with reweighted SNR = 0
trigs_dict = {}
with HFile(input_file, "r") as trigs:
for (path, dset) in _dataset_iterator(trigs):
# The dataset contains search information or missed injections
# information, not properties of triggers or found injections:
# just copy it
if 'search' in path or 'missed' in path:
trigs_dict[path] = dset[:]
# The dataset is trig/inj info at an IFO: cut with the correct index
elif path[:2] in ifos:
ifo = path[:2]
if ifo_ids_above_thresh_locations[ifo].size != 0:
trigs_dict[path] = \
trigs_dict[path] = numpy.array([])
# The dataset is trig/inj network info: cut it before copying
trigs_dict[path] = dset[above_thresh]
if trigs_dict[path].size == trigs['network/slide_id'][:].size:
trigs_dict[path] = _slide_filter(trigs, trigs_dict[path],
return trigs_dict
# =============================================================================
# Function to apply vetoes to found injections
# =============================================================================
def apply_vetoes_to_found_injs(found_missed_file, found_injs, ifos,
veto_file=None, keys=None):
"""Separate injections surviving vetoes from vetoed injections.
found_missed_file: injections results File
found_injs: dictionary of found injections
ifos: list of interferometers to use in vetoing
veto_file: vetoed segments File (optional)
keys: list of desired dataset names (optional)
found_after_vetoes: dictionary of injections surviving vetoes
missed_after_vetoes: dictionary of vetoed injections
found_idx: numpy.array of indices of surviving injections
veto_idx: numpy.array of indices of vetoed injections
keep_keys = keys if keys else found_injs.keys()
if not found_missed_file:
return (dict.fromkeys(keep_keys, numpy.array([])),
dict.fromkeys(keep_keys, numpy.array([])),
None, None)
found_idx = numpy.arange(len(found_injs[ifos[0]+'/end_time'][:]))
veto_idx = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.int64)
if veto_file:
logging.info("Applying data vetoes to found injections...")
for ifo in ifos:
inj_time = found_injs[ifo+'/end_time'][:]
idx, _ = veto.indices_outside_segments(inj_time, [veto_file], ifo, None)
veto_idx = numpy.append(veto_idx, idx)
logging.info("%d injections vetoed due to %s.", len(idx), ifo)
idx, _ = veto.indices_within_segments(inj_time, [veto_file], ifo, None)
found_idx = numpy.intersect1d(found_idx, idx)
veto_idx = numpy.unique(veto_idx)
logging.info("%d injections vetoed.", len(veto_idx))
logging.info("%d injections surviving vetoes.", len(found_idx))
found_after_vetoes = {}
missed_after_vetoes = {}
for key in keep_keys:
if key == 'network/coincident_snr':
found_injs[key] = get_coinc_snr(found_injs)
if isinstance(found_injs[key], numpy.ndarray):
found_after_vetoes[key] = found_injs[key][found_idx]
missed_after_vetoes[key] = found_injs[key][veto_idx]
return found_after_vetoes, missed_after_vetoes, found_idx, veto_idx
# =============================================================================
# Detector utils:
# * Function to calculate the antenna response F+^2 + Fx^2
# * Function to calculate the antenna distance factor
# =============================================================================
def _get_antenna_single_response(antenna, ra, dec, geocent_time):
"""Returns the antenna response F+^2 + Fx^2 of an IFO (passed as pycbc
Detector type) at a given sky location and time."""
fp, fc = antenna.antenna_pattern(ra, dec, 0, geocent_time)
return fp**2 + fc**2
# Vectorize the function above on all but the first argument
get_antenna_responses = numpy.vectorize(_get_antenna_single_response,
def get_antenna_dist_factor(antenna, ra, dec, geocent_time, inc=0.0):
"""Returns the antenna factors (defined as eq. 4.3 on page 57 of
Duncan Brown's Ph.D.) for an IFO (passed as pycbc Detector type) at
a given sky location and time."""
fp, fc = antenna.antenna_pattern(ra, dec, 0, geocent_time)
return numpy.sqrt(fp ** 2 * (1 + numpy.cos(inc)) ** 2 / 4 + fc ** 2)
# =============================================================================
# Construct sorted triggers from trials
# =============================================================================
def sort_trigs(trial_dict, trigs, slide_dict, seg_dict):
"""Constructs sorted triggers from a trials dictionary for the slides
requested via slide_dict."""
sorted_trigs = {}
# Begin by sorting the triggers into each slide
for slide_id in slide_dict:
sorted_trigs[slide_id] = []
for slide_id, event_id in zip(trigs['network/slide_id'],
if slide_id in slide_dict:
for slide_id in slide_dict:
# These can only *reduce* the analysis time
curr_seg_list = seg_dict[slide_id]
# Check the triggers are all in the analysed segment lists
for event_id in sorted_trigs[slide_id]:
index = numpy.flatnonzero(trigs['network/event_id'] == event_id)[0]
end_time = trigs['network/end_time_gc'][index]
if end_time not in curr_seg_list:
# This can be raised if the trigger is on the segment boundary,
# so check if the trigger is within 1/100 of a second within
# the list
if end_time + 0.01 in curr_seg_list:
if end_time - 0.01 in curr_seg_list:
err_msg = "Triggers found in input files not in the list of "
err_msg += "analysed segments. This should not happen."
raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
# Keep triggers that are in trial_dict
num_trigs_before = len(sorted_trigs[slide_id])
sorted_trigs[slide_id] = [event_id for event_id in
if trigs['network/end_time_gc'][
trigs['network/event_id'] == event_id][0]
in trial_dict[slide_id]]
# Check that the number of triggers has not increased after vetoes
assert len(sorted_trigs[slide_id]) <= num_trigs_before,\
f"Slide {slide_id} has {num_trigs_before} triggers before the "\
f"trials dictionary was used and {len(sorted_trigs[slide_id])} "\
"after. This should not happen."
return sorted_trigs
# =============================================================================
# Extract trigger properties and store them as dictionaries
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Function to extract ifos from hdfs
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Function to load timeslides
# =============================================================================
def load_time_slides(hdf_file_path):
"""Loads timeslides from PyGRB output file as a dictionary"""
logging.info("Loading timeslides.")
hdf_file = HFile(hdf_file_path, 'r')
ifos = extract_ifos(hdf_file_path)
ids = numpy.arange(len(hdf_file[f'{ifos[0]}/search/time_slides']))
time_slide_dict = {
slide_id: {
ifo: hdf_file[f'{ifo}/search/time_slides'][slide_id]
for ifo in ifos}
for slide_id in ids}
# Check time_slide_ids are ordered correctly.
if not (numpy.all(ids[1:] == numpy.array(ids[:-1])+1) and ids[0] == 0):
err_msg = "time_slide_ids list should start at zero and increase by "
err_msg += "one for every element"
raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
# Check that the zero-lag slide has time_slide_id == 0.
if not numpy.all(numpy.array(list(time_slide_dict[0].values())) == 0):
err_msg = "The slide with time_slide_id == 0 should be the "
err_msg += "zero-lag-slide but it has non-zero slide values: "
err_msg += f"{time_slide_dict[0]}."
raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
return time_slide_dict
# =============================================================================
# Function to load the segment dicitonary
# =============================================================================
def load_segment_dict(hdf_file_path):
Loads the segment dictionary with the format
{slide_id: segmentlist(segments analyzed)}
logging.info("Loading segments.")
# Long time slides will require mapping between slides and segments
hdf_file = HFile(hdf_file_path, 'r')
ifos = extract_ifos(hdf_file_path)
# Get slide IDs
slide_ids = numpy.arange(len(hdf_file[f'{ifos[0]}/search/time_slides']))
# Get segment start/end times
seg_starts = hdf_file['network/search/segments/start_times'][:]
seg_ends = hdf_file['network/search/segments/end_times'][:]
# Write list of segments
seg_list = segments.segmentlist([segments.segment(seg_start, seg_ends[i])
for i, seg_start in enumerate(seg_starts)])
# Write segment_dict in proper format
# At the moment of this comment, there is only one segment
segment_dict = {slide: seg_list.coalesce() for slide in slide_ids}
return segment_dict
# =============================================================================
# Construct the trials from the timeslides, segments, and vetoes
# =============================================================================
def construct_trials(seg_files, seg_dict, ifos, slide_dict, veto_file,
"""Constructs trials from segments, timeslides, and vetoes"""
logging.info("Constructing trials.")
trial_dict = {}
# Get segments
segs = _read_seg_files(seg_files)
# Separate segments
trial_time = abs(segs['on'])
# Determine the veto segments
vetoes = _extract_vetoes(veto_file, ifos, segs['off'])
# Slide vetoes over trials: this can only *reduce* the analysis time
for slide_id in slide_dict:
curr_seg_list = seg_dict[slide_id]
# Fill in the buffer segment list if the onsource data must be hidden
seg_buffer = segments.segmentlist()
if hide_onsource:
for ifo in ifos:
slide_offset = slide_dict[slide_id][ifo]
seg_buffer.append(segments.segment(segs['buffer'][0] -
segs['buffer'][1] -
# Construct the ifo-indexed dictionary of slid veteoes
slid_vetoes = _slide_vetoes(vetoes, slide_dict, slide_id, ifos)
# Construct trial list and check against buffer
trial_dict[slide_id] = segments.segmentlist()
for curr_seg in curr_seg_list:
iter_int = 1
while 1:
trial_end = curr_seg[0] + trial_time*iter_int
if trial_end > curr_seg[1]:
curr_trial = segments.segment(trial_end - trial_time,
if not seg_buffer.intersects_segment(curr_trial):
intersect = numpy.any([slid_vetoes[ifo].
for ifo in ifos])
if not intersect:
iter_int += 1
total_trials = sum(len(trial_dict[slide_id]) for slide_id in slide_dict)
logging.info("%d trials generated.", total_trials)
return trial_dict, total_trials
# =============================================================================
# Find max and median of loudest SNRs or BestNRs
# =============================================================================
def sort_stat(time_veto_max_stat):
"""Sort a dictionary of loudest SNRs/BestNRs"""
full_time_veto_max_stat = list(time_veto_max_stat.values())
full_time_veto_max_stat = numpy.concatenate(full_time_veto_max_stat)
return full_time_veto_max_stat
# =============================================================================
# Find max and median of loudest SNRs or BestNRs
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Function to determine calibration and waveform errors for injection sets
# =============================================================================
def mc_cal_wf_errs(num_mc_injs, inj_dists, cal_err, wf_err, max_dc_cal_err):
"""Includes calibration and waveform errors by running an MC"""
# The efficiency calculations include calibration and waveform
# errors incorporated by running over each injection num_mc_injs times,
# where each time we draw a random value of distance.
num_injs = len(inj_dists)
inj_dist_mc = numpy.ndarray((num_mc_injs+1, num_injs))
inj_dist_mc[0, :] = inj_dists
for i in range(num_mc_injs):
cal_dist_red = stats.norm.rvs(size=num_injs) * cal_err
wf_dist_red = numpy.abs(stats.norm.rvs(size=num_injs) * wf_err)
inj_dist_mc[i+1, :] = inj_dists / (max_dc_cal_err *
(1 + cal_dist_red) *
(1 + wf_dist_red))
return inj_dist_mc
# =============================================================================
# Function to calculate the coincident SNR
# =============================================================================
def get_coinc_snr(trigs_or_injs):
""" Calculate coincident SNR using coherent and null SNRs"""
coinc_snr = numpy.array([])
if 'network/coherent_snr' in trigs_or_injs.keys() and \
'network/null_snr' in trigs_or_injs.keys():
coh_snr_sq = numpy.square(trigs_or_injs['network/coherent_snr'][:])
null_snr_sq = numpy.square(trigs_or_injs['network/null_snr'][:])
coinc_snr = numpy.sqrt(coh_snr_sq + null_snr_sq)
return coinc_snr
def template_hash_to_id(trigger_file, bank_path):
This function converts the template hashes from a trigger file
into 'template_id's that represent indices of the
templates within the bank.
trigger_file: HFile object for trigger file
bank_file: filepath for template bank
with HFile(bank_path, "r") as bank:
hashes = bank['template_hash'][:]
ifos = [k for k in trigger_file.keys() if k != 'network']
trig_hashes = trigger_file[f'{ifos[0]}/template_hash'][:]
trig_ids = numpy.zeros(trig_hashes.shape[0], dtype=int)
for idx, t_hash in enumerate(hashes):
matches = numpy.where(trig_hashes == t_hash)
trig_ids[matches] = idx
return trig_ids