Source code for pycbc.results.pygrb_postprocessing_utils

# Copyright (C) 2019 Francesco Pannarale, Gino Contestabile, Cameron Mills
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
# Preamble
# =============================================================================

Module to generate PyGRB figures: scatter plots and timeseries.

import os
import logging
import argparse
import copy
import numpy
import h5py

from scipy import stats
import ligo.segments as segments
from import reweightedsnr_cut
from pycbc import add_common_pycbc_options
from import HFile

logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.results.pygrb_postprocessing_utils')

# All/most of these final imports will become obsolete with hdf5 switch
    from ligo.lw import utils
    from ligo.lw.table import Table
    from ligo.segments.utils import fromsegwizard
    from glue.ligolw import lsctables as glsctables
    from glue.ligolw.ligolw import LIGOLWContentHandler
except ImportError:

# =============================================================================
# Arguments functions:
# * Initialize a parser object with arguments shared by all plotting scripts
# * Add to the parser object the arguments used for Monte-Carlo on distance
# * Add to the parser object the arguments used for BestNR calculation
# * Add to the parser object the arguments for found/missed injection files
# =============================================================================
[docs]def pygrb_initialize_plot_parser(description=None): """Sets up a basic argument parser object for PyGRB plotting scripts""" formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=formatter_class) add_common_pycbc_options(parser) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-file", default=None, help="Output file.") parser.add_argument("--x-lims", action="store", default=None, help="Comma separated minimum and maximum values " + "for the horizontal axis. When using negative " + "values an equal sign after --x-lims is necessary.") parser.add_argument("--y-lims", action="store", default=None, help="Comma separated minimum and maximum values " + "for the vertical axis. When using negative values " + "an equal sign after --y-lims is necessary.") parser.add_argument("--use-logs", default=False, action="store_true", help="Produce a log-log plot") parser.add_argument("-i", "--ifo", default=None, help="IFO used for IFO " + "specific plots") parser.add_argument("-a", "--seg-files", nargs="+", action="store", default=None, help="The location of the buffer, " + "onsource and offsource segment files.") parser.add_argument("-V", "--veto-files", nargs="+", action="store", default=None, help="The location of the CATX veto " + "files provided as a list of space-separated values.") parser.add_argument("-b", "--veto-category", action="store", type=int, default=None, help="Apply vetoes up to this level " + "inclusive.") parser.add_argument('--plot-title', default=None, help="If provided, use the given string as the plot " + "title.") parser.add_argument('--plot-caption', default=None, help="If provided, use the given string as the plot " + "caption") return parser
[docs]def pygrb_add_injmc_opts(parser): """Add to parser object the arguments used for Monte-Carlo on distance.""" if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-M", "--num-mc-injections", action="store", type=int, default=100, help="Number of Monte " + "Carlo injection simulations to perform.") parser.add_argument("-S", "--seed", action="store", type=int, default=1234, help="Seed to initialize Monte Carlo.") parser.add_argument("-U", "--upper-inj-dist", action="store", type=float, default=1000, help="The upper distance " + "of the injections in Mpc, if used.") parser.add_argument("-L", "--lower-inj-dist", action="store", type=float, default=0, help="The lower distance of " + "the injections in Mpc, if used.") parser.add_argument("-n", "--num-bins", action="store", type=int, default=0, help="The number of bins used to " + "calculate injection efficiency.") parser.add_argument("-w", "--waveform-error", action="store", type=float, default=0, help="The standard deviation " + "to use when calculating the waveform error.") for ifo in ["g1", "h1", "k1", "l1", "v1"]: parser.add_argument(f"--{ifo}-cal-error", action="store", type=float, default=0, help="The standard deviation to use " + f"when calculating the {ifo.upper()} " + "calibration amplitude error.") parser.add_argument(f"--{ifo}-dc-cal-error", action="store", type=float, default=1.0, help="The scaling " + "factor to use when calculating the " + f"{ifo.upper()} calibration amplitude error.")
[docs]def pygrb_add_bestnr_opts(parser): """Add to the parser object the arguments used for BestNR calculation""" if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-Q", "--chisq-index", action="store", type=float, default=6.0, help="chisq_index for newSNR " + "calculation (default: 6)") parser.add_argument("-N", "--chisq-nhigh", action="store", type=float, default=2.0, help="chisq_nhigh for newSNR " + "calculation (default: 2")
[docs]def pygrb_add_null_snr_opts(parser): """Add to the parser object the arguments used for null SNR calculation and null SNR cut.""" parser.add_argument("-A", "--null-snr-threshold", action="store", default=5.25, type=float, help="Null SNR threshold for null SNR cut " "(default: 5.25)") parser.add_argument("-T", "--null-grad-thresh", action="store", type=float, default=20., help="Threshold above which to " + "increase the values of the null SNR cut") parser.add_argument("-D", "--null-grad-val", action="store", type=float, default=0.2, help="Rate the null SNR cut will " + "increase above the threshold")
[docs]def pygrb_add_single_snr_cut_opt(parser): """Add to the parser object an argument to place a threshold on single detector SNR.""" parser.add_argument("-B", "--sngl-snr-threshold", action="store", type=float, default=4.0, help="Single detector SNR " + "threshold, the two most sensitive detectors " + "should have SNR above this.")
[docs]def pygrb_add_bestnr_cut_opt(parser): """Add to the parser object an argument to place a threshold on BestNR.""" if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--newsnr-threshold", type=float, metavar='THRESHOLD', default=0., help="Cut triggers with NewSNR less than THRESHOLD" + "Default 0: all events are considered.")
# ============================================================================= # Wrapper to read segments files # ============================================================================= def _read_seg_files(seg_files): """Read segments txt files""" if len(seg_files) != 3 or seg_files is None: err_msg = "The location of three segment files is necessary." err_msg += "[bufferSeg.txt, offSourceSeg.txt, onSourceSeg.txt]" raise RuntimeError(err_msg) times = {} keys = ["buffer", "off", "on"] for key, seg_file in zip(keys, seg_files): segs = fromsegwizard(open(seg_file, 'r')) if len(segs) > 1: err_msg = 'More than one segment, an error has occured.' raise RuntimeError(err_msg) times[key] = segs[0] return times # ============================================================================= # Function to load a table from an xml file # =============================================================================
[docs]def load_xml_table(file_name, table_name): """Load xml table from file.""" xml_doc = utils.load_filename( file_name, compress='auto', contenthandler=glsctables.use_in(LIGOLWContentHandler) ) return Table.get_table(xml_doc, table_name)
# ============================================================================= # Function to load segments from an xml file # ============================================================================= def _load_segments_from_xml(xml_doc, return_dict=False, select_id=None): """Read a ligo.segments.segmentlist from the file object file containing an xml segment table. Parameters ---------- xml_doc: name of segment xml file Keyword Arguments: return_dict : [ True | False ] return a ligo.segments.segmentlistdict containing coalesced ligo.segments.segmentlists keyed by for each entry in the contained segment_def_table. Default False select_id : int return a ligo.segments.segmentlist object containing only those segments matching the given segment_def_id integer """ # Load SegmentDefTable and SegmentTable seg_def_table = load_xml_table(xml_doc, glsctables.SegmentDefTable.tableName) seg_table = load_xml_table(xml_doc, glsctables.SegmentTable.tableName) if return_dict: segs = segments.segmentlistdict() else: segs = segments.segmentlist() seg_id = {} for seg_def in seg_def_table: seg_id[int(seg_def.segment_def_id)] = str( if return_dict: segs[str(] = segments.segmentlist() for seg in seg_table: if return_dict: segs[seg_id[int(seg.segment_def_id)]]\ .append(segments.segment(seg.start_time, seg.end_time)) continue if select_id and int(seg.segment_def_id) == select_id: segs.append(segments.segment(seg.start_time, seg.end_time)) continue segs.append(segments.segment(seg.start_time, seg.end_time)) if return_dict: for seg_name in seg_id.values(): segs[seg_name] = segs[seg_name].coalesce() else: segs = segs.coalesce() return segs # ============================================================================= # Function to extract vetoes # ============================================================================= def _extract_vetoes(all_veto_files, ifos, veto_cat): """Extracts vetoes from veto filelist""" if all_veto_files and (veto_cat is None): err_msg = "Must supply veto category to apply vetoes." raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # Initialize veto containers vetoes = segments.segmentlistdict() for ifo in ifos: vetoes[ifo] = segments.segmentlist() veto_files = [] veto_cats = range(2, veto_cat+1) for cat in veto_cats: veto_files += [vf for vf in all_veto_files if "CAT"+str(cat) in vf] n_found = len(veto_files) n_expected = len(ifos)*len(veto_cats) if n_found != n_expected: err_msg = f"Found {n_found} veto files instead of the expected " err_msg += f"{n_expected}; check the options." raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # Construct veto list from veto filelist if veto_files: for veto_file in veto_files: ifo = os.path.basename(veto_file)[:2] if ifo in ifos: # This returns a coalesced list of the vetoes tmp_veto_segs = _load_segments_from_xml(veto_file) for entry in tmp_veto_segs: vetoes[ifo].append(entry) for ifo in ifos: vetoes[ifo].coalesce() return vetoes # ============================================================================= # Function to get the ID numbers from a LIGO-LW table # ============================================================================= def _get_id_numbers(ligolw_table, column): """Grab the IDs of a LIGO-LW table""" ids = [int(getattr(row, column)) for row in ligolw_table] return ids # ============================================================================= # Function to build a dictionary (indexed by ifo) of time-slid vetoes # ============================================================================= def _slide_vetoes(vetoes, slide_dict_or_list, slide_id, ifos): """Build a dictionary (indexed by ifo) of time-slid vetoes""" # Copy vetoes if vetoes is not None: slid_vetoes = copy.deepcopy(vetoes) # Slide them for ifo in ifos: slid_vetoes[ifo].shift(-slide_dict_or_list[slide_id][ifo]) else: slid_vetoes = {ifo: segments.segmentlist() for ifo in ifos} return slid_vetoes # # Used (also) in executables # # ============================================================================= # Functions to load triggers # =============================================================================
[docs]def dataset_iterator(g, prefix=''): """Reach all datasets in and HDF file""" for key, item in g.items(): # Avoid slash as first character path = prefix[1:] + '/' + key if isinstance(item, h5py.Dataset): yield (path, item) elif isinstance(item, h5py.Group): yield from dataset_iterator(item, path)
[docs]def load_triggers(input_file, ifos, vetoes, rw_snr_threshold=None): """Loads triggers from PyGRB output file, returning a dictionary""" trigs = HFile(input_file, 'r') rw_snr = trigs['network/reweighted_snr'][:] net_ids = trigs['network/event_id'][:] ifo_ids = {} for ifo in ifos: ifo_ids[ifo] = trigs[ifo+'/event_id'][:] trigs.close() if vetoes is not None: # Developers: see PR 3972 for previous implementation raise NotImplementedError # Apply the reweighted SNR cut on the reweighted SNR if rw_snr_threshold is not None: rw_snr = reweightedsnr_cut(rw_snr, rw_snr_threshold) # Establish the indices of data not surviving the cut above_thresh = rw_snr > 0 num_orig_pts = len(above_thresh) # Do not assume that IFO and network datasets are sorted the same way: # find where each surviving network/event_id is placed in the IFO/event_id ifo_ids_above_thresh_locations = {} for ifo in ifos: ifo_ids_above_thresh_locations[ifo] = \ numpy.array([numpy.where(ifo_ids[ifo] == net_id)[0][0] for net_id in net_ids[above_thresh]]) # Apply the cut on all the data by remove points with reweighted SNR = 0 trigs_dict = {} with HFile(input_file, "r") as trigs: for (path, dset) in dataset_iterator(trigs): # The dataset contains information other than trig/inj properties: # just copy it if len(dset) != num_orig_pts: trigs_dict[path] = dset[:] # The dataset is relative to an IFO: cut with the correct index elif path[:2] in ifos: ifo = path[:2] if ifo_ids_above_thresh_locations[ifo].size != 0: trigs_dict[path] = \ dset[:][ifo_ids_above_thresh_locations[ifo]] else: trigs_dict[path] = numpy.array([]) # The dataset is relative to the network: cut it before copying else: trigs_dict[path] = dset[above_thresh] return trigs_dict
# ============================================================================= # Detector utils: # * Function to calculate the antenna response F+^2 + Fx^2 # * Function to calculate the antenna distance factor # ============================================================================= def _get_antenna_single_response(antenna, ra, dec, geocent_time): """Returns the antenna response F+^2 + Fx^2 of an IFO (passed as pycbc Detector type) at a given sky location and time.""" fp, fc = antenna.antenna_pattern(ra, dec, 0, geocent_time) return fp**2 + fc**2 # Vectorize the function above on all but the first argument get_antenna_responses = numpy.vectorize(_get_antenna_single_response, otypes=[float]) get_antenna_responses.excluded.add(0)
[docs]def get_antenna_dist_factor(antenna, ra, dec, geocent_time, inc=0.0): """Returns the antenna factors (defined as eq. 4.3 on page 57 of Duncan Brown's Ph.D.) for an IFO (passed as pycbc Detector type) at a given sky location and time.""" fp, fc = antenna.antenna_pattern(ra, dec, 0, geocent_time) return numpy.sqrt(fp ** 2 * (1 + numpy.cos(inc)) ** 2 / 4 + fc ** 2)
# ============================================================================= # Construct sorted triggers from trials # =============================================================================
[docs]def sort_trigs(trial_dict, trigs, slide_dict, seg_dict): """Constructs sorted triggers from a trials dictionary""" sorted_trigs = {} # Begin by sorting the triggers into each slide for slide_id in slide_dict: sorted_trigs[slide_id] = [] for slide_id, event_id in zip(trigs['network/slide_id'], trigs['network/event_id']): sorted_trigs[slide_id].append(event_id) for slide_id in slide_dict: # These can only *reduce* the analysis time curr_seg_list = seg_dict[slide_id] # Check the triggers are all in the analysed segment lists for event_id in sorted_trigs[slide_id]: index = numpy.flatnonzero(trigs['network/event_id'] == event_id)[0] end_time = trigs['network/end_time_gc'][index] if end_time not in curr_seg_list: # This can be raised if the trigger is on the segment boundary, # so check if the trigger is within 1/100 of a second within # the list if end_time + 0.01 in curr_seg_list: continue if end_time - 0.01 in curr_seg_list: continue err_msg = "Triggers found in input files not in the list of " err_msg += "analysed segments. This should not happen." raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # END OF CHECK # # Keep triggers that are in trial_dict sorted_trigs[slide_id] = [event_id for event_id in sorted_trigs[slide_id] if trigs['network/end_time_gc'][ trigs['network/event_id'] == event_id][0] in trial_dict[slide_id]] return sorted_trigs
# ============================================================================= # Extract basic trigger properties and store them as dictionaries # =============================================================================
[docs]def extract_basic_trig_properties(trial_dict, trigs, slide_dict, seg_dict, opts): """Extract and store as dictionaries time, SNR, and BestNR of time-slid triggers""" # Sort the triggers into each slide sorted_trigs = sort_trigs(trial_dict, trigs, slide_dict, seg_dict)"Triggers sorted.") # Build the 3 dictionaries trig_time = {} trig_snr = {} trig_bestnr = {} for slide_id in slide_dict: slide_trigs = sorted_trigs[slide_id] indices = numpy.nonzero( numpy.isin(trigs['network/event_id'], slide_trigs))[0] if slide_trigs: trig_time[slide_id] = trigs['network/end_time_gc'][ indices] trig_snr[slide_id] = trigs['network/coherent_snr'][ indices] else: trig_time[slide_id] = numpy.asarray([]) trig_snr[slide_id] = numpy.asarray([]) trig_bestnr[slide_id] = reweightedsnr_cut( trigs['network/reweighted_snr'][indices], opts.newsnr_threshold)"Time, SNR, and BestNR of triggers extracted.") return trig_time, trig_snr, trig_bestnr
# ============================================================================= # Function to extract ifos from hdfs # =============================================================================
[docs]def extract_ifos(trig_file): """Extracts IFOs from hdf file""" # Load hdf file hdf_file = HFile(trig_file, 'r') # Extract IFOs ifos = sorted(list(hdf_file.keys())) # Remove 'network' key from list of ifos if 'network' in ifos: ifos.remove('network') return ifos
# ============================================================================= # Function to extract IFOs and vetoes # =============================================================================
[docs]def extract_ifos_and_vetoes(trig_file, veto_files, veto_cat): """Extracts IFOs from HDF files and vetoes from a directory""""Extracting IFOs and vetoes.") # Extract IFOs ifos = extract_ifos(trig_file) # Extract vetoes if veto_files is not None: vetoes = _extract_vetoes(veto_files, ifos, veto_cat) else: vetoes = None return ifos, vetoes
# ============================================================================= # Function to load timeslides # =============================================================================
[docs]def load_time_slides(hdf_file_path): """Loads timeslides from PyGRB output file as a dictionary""" hdf_file = HFile(hdf_file_path, 'r') ifos = extract_ifos(hdf_file_path) ids = numpy.arange(len(hdf_file[f'{ifos[0]}/search/time_slides'])) time_slide_dict = { slide_id: { ifo: hdf_file[f'{ifo}/search/time_slides'][slide_id] for ifo in ifos} for slide_id in ids} # Check time_slide_ids are ordered correctly. if not (numpy.all(ids[1:] == numpy.array(ids[:-1])+1) and ids[0] == 0): err_msg = "time_slide_ids list should start at zero and increase by " err_msg += "one for every element" raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # Check that the zero-lag slide has time_slide_id == 0. if not numpy.all(numpy.array(list(time_slide_dict[0].values())) == 0): err_msg = "The slide with time_slide_id == 0 should be the " err_msg += "zero-lag-slide but it has non-zero slide values: " err_msg += f"{time_slide_dict[0]}." raise RuntimeError(err_msg) return time_slide_dict
# ============================================================================= # Function to load the segment dicitonary # =============================================================================
[docs]def load_segment_dict(hdf_file_path): """ Loads the segment dictionary with the format {slide_id: segmentlist(segments analyzed)} """ # Long time slides will require mapping between slides and segments hdf_file = HFile(hdf_file_path, 'r') ifos = extract_ifos(hdf_file_path) # Get slide IDs slide_ids = numpy.arange(len(hdf_file[f'{ifos[0]}/search/time_slides'])) # Get segment start/end times seg_starts = hdf_file['network/search/segments/start_times'][:] seg_ends = hdf_file['network/search/segments/end_times'][:] # Write list of segments seg_list = segments.segmentlist([segments.segment(seg_start, seg_ends[i]) for i, seg_start in enumerate(seg_starts)]) # Write segment_dict in proper format # At the moment of this comment, there is only one segment segment_dict = {slide: seg_list.coalesce() for slide in slide_ids} return segment_dict
# ============================================================================= # Construct the trials from the timeslides, segments, and vetoes # =============================================================================
[docs]def construct_trials(seg_files, seg_dict, ifos, slide_dict, vetoes): """Constructs trials from triggers, timeslides, segments and vetoes""" trial_dict = {} # Get segments segs = _read_seg_files(seg_files) # Separate segments trial_time = abs(segs['on']) for slide_id in slide_dict: # These can only *reduce* the analysis time curr_seg_list = seg_dict[slide_id] # Construct the buffer segment list seg_buffer = segments.segmentlist() for ifo in ifos: slide_offset = slide_dict[slide_id][ifo] seg_buffer.append(segments.segment(segs['buffer'][0] - slide_offset, segs['buffer'][1] - slide_offset)) seg_buffer.coalesce() # Construct the ifo-indexed dictionary of slid veteoes slid_vetoes = _slide_vetoes(vetoes, slide_dict, slide_id, ifos) # Construct trial list and check against buffer trial_dict[slide_id] = segments.segmentlist() for curr_seg in curr_seg_list: iter_int = 1 while 1: trial_end = curr_seg[0] + trial_time*iter_int if trial_end > curr_seg[1]: break curr_trial = segments.segment(trial_end - trial_time, trial_end) if not seg_buffer.intersects_segment(curr_trial): intersect = numpy.any([slid_vetoes[ifo]. intersects_segment(curr_trial) for ifo in ifos]) if not intersect: trial_dict[slide_id].append(curr_trial) iter_int += 1 return trial_dict
# ============================================================================= # Find max and median of loudest SNRs or BestNRs # =============================================================================
[docs]def sort_stat(time_veto_max_stat): """Sort a dictionary of loudest SNRs/BestNRs""" full_time_veto_max_stat = list(time_veto_max_stat.values()) full_time_veto_max_stat = numpy.concatenate(full_time_veto_max_stat) full_time_veto_max_stat.sort() return full_time_veto_max_stat
# ============================================================================= # Find max and median of loudest SNRs or BestNRs # =============================================================================
[docs]def max_median_stat(slide_dict, time_veto_max_stat, trig_stat, total_trials): """Deterine the maximum and median of the loudest SNRs/BestNRs""" max_stat = max([trig_stat[slide_id].max() if trig_stat[slide_id].size else 0 for slide_id in slide_dict]) full_time_veto_max_stat = sort_stat(time_veto_max_stat) if total_trials % 2: median_stat = full_time_veto_max_stat[(total_trials - 1) // 2] else: median_stat = numpy.mean((full_time_veto_max_stat) [total_trials//2 - 1: total_trials//2 + 1]) return max_stat, median_stat, full_time_veto_max_stat
# ============================================================================= # Function to determine calibration and waveform errors for injection sets # =============================================================================
[docs]def mc_cal_wf_errs(num_mc_injs, inj_dists, cal_err, wf_err, max_dc_cal_err): """Includes calibration and waveform errors by running an MC""" # The efficiency calculations include calibration and waveform # errors incorporated by running over each injection num_mc_injs times, # where each time we draw a random value of distance. num_injs = len(inj_dists) inj_dist_mc = numpy.ndarray((num_mc_injs+1, num_injs)) inj_dist_mc[0, :] = inj_dists for i in range(num_mc_injs): cal_dist_red = stats.norm.rvs(size=num_injs) * cal_err wf_dist_red = numpy.abs(stats.norm.rvs(size=num_injs) * wf_err) inj_dist_mc[i+1, :] = inj_dists / (max_dc_cal_err * (1 + cal_dist_red) * (1 + wf_dist_red)) return inj_dist_mc
# ============================================================================= # Function to calculate the coincident SNR # =============================================================================
[docs]def get_coinc_snr(trigs_or_injs): """ Calculate coincident SNR using coherent and null SNRs""" coh_snr_sq = numpy.square(trigs_or_injs['network/coherent_snr'][:]) null_snr_sq = numpy.square(trigs_or_injs['network/null_snr'][:]) coinc_snr = numpy.sqrt(coh_snr_sq + null_snr_sq) return coinc_snr
[docs]def template_hash_to_id(trigger_file, bank_path): """ This function converts the template hashes from a trigger file into 'template_id's that represent indices of the templates within the bank. Parameters ---------- trigger_file: HFile object for trigger file bank_file: filepath for template bank """ with HFile(bank_path, "r") as bank: hashes = bank['template_hash'][:] ifos = [k for k in trigger_file.keys() if k != 'network'] trig_hashes = trigger_file[f'{ifos[0]}/template_hash'][:] trig_ids = numpy.zeros(trig_hashes.shape[0], dtype=int) for idx, t_hash in enumerate(hashes): matches = numpy.where(trig_hashes == t_hash) trig_ids[matches] = idx return trig_ids