Source code for pycbc.types.array

# Copyright (C) 2012  Alex Nitz, Josh Willis, Andrew Miller, Tito Dal Canton
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
This modules provides a device independent Array class based on PyCUDA and Numpy.


import os as _os

from functools import wraps

import h5py
import lal as _lal
import numpy as _numpy
from numpy import float32, float64, complex64, complex128, ones
from numpy.linalg import norm

import pycbc.scheme as _scheme
from pycbc.scheme import schemed, cpuonly
from pycbc.opt import LimitedSizeDict

#! FIXME: the uint32 datatype has not been fully tested,
# we should restrict any functions that do not allow an
# array of uint32 integers
_ALLOWED_DTYPES = [_numpy.float32, _numpy.float64, _numpy.complex64,
                   _numpy.complex128, _numpy.uint32, _numpy.int32, int]
    _ALLOWED_SCALARS = [int, long, float, complex] + _ALLOWED_DTYPES
except NameError:
    _ALLOWED_SCALARS = [int, float, complex] + _ALLOWED_DTYPES

def _convert_to_scheme(ary):
    if not isinstance(ary._scheme, _scheme.mgr.state.__class__):
        converted_array = Array(ary, dtype=ary._data.dtype)
        ary._data = converted_array._data
        ary._scheme = _scheme.mgr.state
def _convert(func):
    def convert(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return convert
def _nocomplex(func):
    def nocomplex(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.kind == 'real':
            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            raise TypeError( func.__name__ + " does not support complex types")
    return nocomplex

def _noreal(func):
    def noreal(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.kind == 'complex':
            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            raise TypeError( func.__name__ + " does not support real types")
    return noreal

[docs]def force_precision_to_match(scalar, precision): if _numpy.iscomplexobj(scalar): if precision == 'single': return _numpy.complex64(scalar) else: return _numpy.complex128(scalar) else: if precision == 'single': return _numpy.float32(scalar) else: return _numpy.float64(scalar)
[docs]def common_kind(*dtypes): for dtype in dtypes: if dtype.kind == 'c': return dtype return dtypes[0]
@schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def _to_device(array): """ Move input to device """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using the " err_msg += "scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg) @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def _copy_base_array(array): """ Copy a backend array""" err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using the " err_msg += "scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg) @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def _scheme_matches_base_array(array): """ Check that input matches array type for scheme """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using the " err_msg += "scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs]def check_same_len_precision(a, b): """Check that the two arguments have the same length and precision. Raises ValueError if they do not. """ if len(a) != len(b): msg = 'lengths do not match ({} vs {})'.format( len(a), len(b)) raise ValueError(msg) if a.precision != b.precision: msg = 'precisions do not match ({} vs {})'.format( a.precision, b.precision) raise TypeError(msg)
[docs]class Array(object): """Array used to do numeric calculations on a various compute devices. It is a convience wrapper around numpy, and pycuda. """ def __init__(self, initial_array, dtype=None, copy=True): """ initial_array: An array-like object as specified by NumPy, this also includes instances of an underlying data type as described in section 3 or an instance of the PYCBC Array class itself. This object is used to populate the data of the array. dtype: A NumPy style dtype that describes the type of encapsulated data (float32,compex64, etc) copy: This defines whether the initial_array is copied to instantiate the array or is simply referenced. If copy is false, new data is not created, and so all arguments that would force a copy are ignored. The default is to copy the given object. """ self._scheme=_scheme.mgr.state self._saved = LimitedSizeDict(size_limit=2**5) #Unwrap initial_array if isinstance(initial_array, Array): initial_array = initial_array._data if not copy: if not _scheme_matches_base_array(initial_array): raise TypeError("Cannot avoid a copy of this array") else: self._data = initial_array # Check that the dtype is supported. if self._data.dtype not in _ALLOWED_DTYPES: raise TypeError(str(self._data.dtype) + ' is not supported') if dtype and dtype != self._data.dtype: raise TypeError("Can only set dtype when allowed to copy data") if copy: # First we will check the dtype that we are given if not hasattr(initial_array, 'dtype'): initial_array = _numpy.array(initial_array) # Determine the dtype to use if dtype is not None: dtype = _numpy.dtype(dtype) if dtype not in _ALLOWED_DTYPES: raise TypeError(str(dtype) + ' is not supported') if dtype.kind != 'c' and initial_array.dtype.kind == 'c': raise TypeError(str(initial_array.dtype) + ' cannot be cast as ' + str(dtype)) elif initial_array.dtype in _ALLOWED_DTYPES: dtype = initial_array.dtype else: if initial_array.dtype.kind == 'c': dtype = complex128 else: dtype = float64 # Cast to the final dtype if needed if initial_array.dtype != dtype: initial_array = initial_array.astype(dtype) #Create new instance with initial_array as initialization. if issubclass(type(self._scheme), _scheme.CPUScheme): if hasattr(initial_array, 'get'): self._data = _numpy.array(initial_array.get()) else: self._data = _numpy.array(initial_array, dtype=dtype, ndmin=1) elif _scheme_matches_base_array(initial_array): self._data = _copy_base_array(initial_array) # pylint:disable=assignment-from-no-return else: initial_array = _numpy.array(initial_array, dtype=dtype, ndmin=1) self._data = _to_device(initial_array) # pylint:disable=assignment-from-no-return def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): inputs = [i.numpy() if isinstance(i, Array) else i for i in inputs] ret = getattr(ufunc, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) if hasattr(ret, 'shape') and ret.shape == self.shape: ret = self._return(ret) return ret def __array__(self, dtype=None): arr = self.numpy() if dtype is not None: arr = arr.astype(dtype) return arr @property def shape(self): return self._data.shape def _memoize_single(func): @wraps(func) def memoize_single(self, arg): badh = str(arg) if badh in self._saved: return self._saved[badh] res = func(self, arg) # pylint:disable=not-callable self._saved[badh] = res return res return memoize_single def _returnarray(func): @wraps(func) def returnarray(self, *args, **kwargs): return Array(func(self, *args, **kwargs), copy=False) # pylint:disable=not-callable return returnarray def _returntype(func): @wraps(func) def returntype(self, *args, **kwargs): ary = func(self, *args, **kwargs) # pylint:disable=not-callable if ary is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented return self._return(ary) return returntype def _return(self, ary): """Wrap the ary to return an Array type """ if isinstance(ary, Array): return ary return Array(ary, copy=False) def _checkother(func): @wraps(func) def checkother(self, *args): nargs = () for other in args: self._typecheck(other) if type(other) in _ALLOWED_SCALARS: other = force_precision_to_match(other, self.precision) nargs +=(other,) elif isinstance(other, type(self)) or type(other) is Array: check_same_len_precision(self, other) _convert_to_scheme(other) nargs += (other._data,) else: return NotImplemented return func(self, *nargs) # pylint:disable=not-callable return checkother def _vcheckother(func): @wraps(func) def vcheckother(self, *args): nargs = () for other in args: self._typecheck(other) if isinstance(other, type(self)) or type(other) is Array: check_same_len_precision(self, other) _convert_to_scheme(other) nargs += (other._data,) else: raise TypeError('array argument required') return func(self, *nargs) # pylint:disable=not-callable return vcheckother def _vrcheckother(func): @wraps(func) def vrcheckother(self, *args): nargs = () for other in args: if isinstance(other, type(self)) or type(other) is Array: check_same_len_precision(self, other) _convert_to_scheme(other) nargs += (other._data,) else: raise TypeError('array argument required') return func(self, *nargs) # pylint:disable=not-callable return vrcheckother def _icheckother(func): @wraps(func) def icheckother(self, other): """ Checks the input to in-place operations """ self._typecheck(other) if type(other) in _ALLOWED_SCALARS: if self.kind == 'real' and type(other) == complex: raise TypeError('dtypes are incompatible') other = force_precision_to_match(other, self.precision) elif isinstance(other, type(self)) or type(other) is Array: check_same_len_precision(self, other) if self.kind == 'real' and other.kind == 'complex': raise TypeError('dtypes are incompatible') _convert_to_scheme(other) other = other._data else: return NotImplemented return func(self, other) # pylint:disable=not-callable return icheckother def _typecheck(self, other): """ Additional typechecking for other. Placeholder for use by derived types. """ pass @_returntype @_convert @_checkother def __mul__(self,other): """ Multiply by an Array or a scalar and return an Array. """ return self._data * other __rmul__ = __mul__ @_convert @_icheckother def __imul__(self,other): """ Multiply by an Array or a scalar and return an Array. """ self._data *= other return self @_returntype @_convert @_checkother def __add__(self,other): """ Add Array to Array or scalar and return an Array. """ return self._data + other __radd__ = __add__
[docs] def fill(self, value): self._data.fill(value)
@_convert @_icheckother def __iadd__(self,other): """ Add Array to Array or scalar and return an Array. """ self._data += other return self @_convert @_checkother @_returntype def __truediv__(self,other): """ Divide Array by Array or scalar and return an Array. """ return self._data / other @_returntype @_convert @_checkother def __rtruediv__(self,other): """ Divide Array by Array or scalar and return an Array. """ return self._data.__rtruediv__(other) @_convert @_icheckother def __itruediv__(self,other): """ Divide Array by Array or scalar and return an Array. """ self._data /= other return self __div__ = __truediv__ __idiv__ = __itruediv__ __rdiv__ = __rtruediv__ @_returntype @_convert def __neg__(self): """ Return negation of self """ return - self._data @_returntype @_convert @_checkother def __sub__(self,other): """ Subtract Array or scalar from Array and return an Array. """ return self._data - other @_returntype @_convert @_checkother def __rsub__(self,other): """ Subtract Array or scalar from Array and return an Array. """ return self._data.__rsub__(other) @_convert @_icheckother def __isub__(self,other): """ Subtract Array or scalar from Array and return an Array. """ self._data -= other return self @_returntype @_convert @_checkother def __pow__(self,other): """ Exponentiate Array by scalar """ return self._data ** other @_returntype @_convert def __abs__(self): """ Return absolute value of Array """ return abs(self._data) def __len__(self): """ Return length of Array """ return len(self._data) def __str__(self): return str(self._data) @property def ndim(self): return self._data.ndim def __eq__(self,other): """ This is the Python special method invoked whenever the '==' comparison is used. It will return true if the data of two PyCBC arrays are identical, and all of the numeric meta-data are identical, irrespective of whether or not the two instances live in the same memory (for that comparison, the Python statement 'a is b' should be used instead). Thus, this method returns 'True' if the types of both 'self' and 'other' are identical, as well as their lengths, dtypes and the data in the arrays, element by element. It will always do the comparison on the CPU, but will *not* move either object to the CPU if it is not already there, nor change the scheme of either object. It is possible to compare a CPU object to a GPU object, and the comparison should be true if the data and meta-data of the two objects are the same. Note in particular that this function returns a single boolean, and not an array of booleans as Numpy does. If the numpy behavior is instead desired it can be obtained using the numpy() method of the PyCBC type to get a numpy instance from each object, and invoking '==' on those two instances. Parameters ---------- other: another Python object, that should be tested for equality with 'self'. Returns ------- boolean: 'True' if the types, dtypes, lengths, and data of the two objects are each identical. """ # Writing the first test as below allows this method to be safely # called from subclasses. if type(self) != type(other): return False if self.dtype != other.dtype: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False # Now we've checked meta-data, so look at the actual data itself: # The numpy() method call will put a copy of GPU data onto a CPU # array, and could therefore be slow. As noted in the help for # this function we don't worry about that. sary = self.numpy() oary = other.numpy() # Now we know that both sary and oary are numpy arrays. The # '==' statement returns an array of booleans, and the all() # method of that array returns 'True' only if every element # of that array of booleans is True. return (sary == oary).all()
[docs] def almost_equal_elem(self,other,tol,relative=True): """ Compare whether two array types are almost equal, element by element. If the 'relative' parameter is 'True' (the default) then the 'tol' parameter (which must be positive) is interpreted as a relative tolerance, and the comparison returns 'True' only if abs(self[i]-other[i]) <= tol*abs(self[i]) for all elements of the array. If 'relative' is 'False', then 'tol' is an absolute tolerance, and the comparison is true only if abs(self[i]-other[i]) <= tol for all elements of the array. Other meta-data (type, dtype, and length) must be exactly equal. If either object's memory lives on the GPU it will be copied to the CPU for the comparison, which may be slow. But the original object itself will not have its memory relocated nor scheme changed. Parameters ---------- other Another Python object, that should be tested for almost-equality with 'self', element-by-element. tol A non-negative number, the tolerance, which is interpreted as either a relative tolerance (the default) or an absolute tolerance. relative A boolean, indicating whether 'tol' should be interpreted as a relative tolerance (if True, the default if this argument is omitted) or as an absolute tolerance (if tol is False). Returns ------- boolean 'True' if the data agree within the tolerance, as interpreted by the 'relative' keyword, and if the types, lengths, and dtypes are exactly the same. """ # Check that the tolerance is non-negative and raise an # exception otherwise. if (tol<0): raise ValueError("Tolerance cannot be negative") # Check that the meta-data agree; the type check is written in # this way so that this method may be safely called from # subclasses as well. if type(other) != type(self): return False if self.dtype != other.dtype: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False # The numpy() method will move any GPU memory onto the CPU. # Slow, but the user was warned. diff = abs(self.numpy()-other.numpy()) if relative: cmpary = tol*abs(self.numpy()) else: cmpary = tol*ones(len(self),dtype=self.dtype) return (diff<=cmpary).all()
[docs] def almost_equal_norm(self,other,tol,relative=True): """ Compare whether two array types are almost equal, normwise. If the 'relative' parameter is 'True' (the default) then the 'tol' parameter (which must be positive) is interpreted as a relative tolerance, and the comparison returns 'True' only if abs(norm(self-other)) <= tol*abs(norm(self)). If 'relative' is 'False', then 'tol' is an absolute tolerance, and the comparison is true only if abs(norm(self-other)) <= tol Other meta-data (type, dtype, and length) must be exactly equal. If either object's memory lives on the GPU it will be copied to the CPU for the comparison, which may be slow. But the original object itself will not have its memory relocated nor scheme changed. Parameters ---------- other another Python object, that should be tested for almost-equality with 'self', based on their norms. tol a non-negative number, the tolerance, which is interpreted as either a relative tolerance (the default) or an absolute tolerance. relative A boolean, indicating whether 'tol' should be interpreted as a relative tolerance (if True, the default if this argument is omitted) or as an absolute tolerance (if tol is False). Returns ------- boolean 'True' if the data agree within the tolerance, as interpreted by the 'relative' keyword, and if the types, lengths, and dtypes are exactly the same. """ # Check that the tolerance is non-negative and raise an # exception otherwise. if (tol<0): raise ValueError("Tolerance cannot be negative") # Check that the meta-data agree; the type check is written in # this way so that this method may be safely called from # subclasses as well. if type(other) != type(self): return False if self.dtype != other.dtype: return False if len(self) != len(other): return False # The numpy() method will move any GPU memory onto the CPU. # Slow, but the user was warned. diff = self.numpy()-other.numpy() dnorm = norm(diff) if relative: return (dnorm <= tol*norm(self)) else: return (dnorm <= tol)
[docs] @_returntype @_convert def real(self): """ Return real part of Array """ return Array(self._data.real, copy=True)
[docs] @_returntype @_convert def imag(self): """ Return imaginary part of Array """ return Array(self._data.imag, copy=True)
[docs] @_returntype @_convert def conj(self): """ Return complex conjugate of Array. """ return self._data.conj()
[docs] @_returntype @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def squared_norm(self): """ Return the elementwise squared norm of the array """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_returntype @_checkother @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def multiply_and_add(self, other, mult_fac): """ Return other multiplied by mult_fac and with self added. Self is modified in place and returned as output. Precisions of inputs must match. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_vrcheckother @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def inner(self, other): """ Return the inner product of the array with complex conjugation. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_vrcheckother @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def vdot(self, other): """ Return the inner product of the array with complex conjugation. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def clear(self): """ Clear out the values of the array. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_vrcheckother @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def weighted_inner(self, other, weight): """ Return the inner product of the array with complex conjugation. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def sum(self): """ Return the sum of the the array. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_returntype @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def cumsum(self): """ Return the cumulative sum of the the array. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_convert @_nocomplex @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def max(self): """ Return the maximum value in the array. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_convert @_nocomplex @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def max_loc(self): """Return the maximum value in the array along with the index location """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def abs_arg_max(self): """ Return location of the maximum argument max """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def abs_max_loc(self): """Return the maximum elementwise norm in the array along with the index location""" err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_convert @_nocomplex @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def min(self): """ Return the maximum value in the array. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_returnarray @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def take(self, indices): err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_convert @_vcheckother @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def dot(self, other): """ Return the dot product""" err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
@schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def _getvalue(self, index): """Helper function to return a single value from an array. May be very slow if the memory is on a gpu. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg) @_memoize_single @_returntype def _getslice(self, index): return self._return(self._data[index]) @_convert def __getitem__(self, index): """ Return items from the Array. This not guaranteed to be fast for returning single values. """ if isinstance(index, slice): return self._getslice(index) else: return self._getvalue(index)
[docs] @_convert def resize(self, new_size): """Resize self to new_size """ if new_size == len(self): return else: self._saved = LimitedSizeDict(size_limit=2**5) new_arr = zeros(new_size, dtype=self.dtype) if len(self) <= new_size: new_arr[0:len(self)] = self else: new_arr[:] = self[0:new_size] self._data = new_arr._data
[docs] @_convert def roll(self, shift): """shift vector """ new_arr = zeros(len(self), dtype=self.dtype) if shift < 0: shift = shift - len(self) * (shift // len(self)) if shift == 0: return new_arr[0:shift] = self[len(self)-shift: len(self)] new_arr[shift:len(self)] = self[0:len(self)-shift] self._saved = LimitedSizeDict(size_limit=2**5) self._data = new_arr._data
[docs] @_returntype @_convert def astype(self, dtype): if _numpy.dtype(self.dtype) == _numpy.dtype(dtype): return self else: return self._data.astype(dtype)
@schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def _copy(self, self_ref, other_ref): """Helper function to copy between two arrays. The arrays references should be bare array types and not `Array` class instances. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg) @_convert def __setitem__(self, index, other): if isinstance(other,Array): _convert_to_scheme(other) if self.kind == 'real' and other.kind == 'complex': raise ValueError('Cannot set real value with complex') if isinstance(index,slice): self_ref = self._data[index] other_ref = other._data else: self_ref = self._data[index:index+1] other_ref = other._data self._copy(self_ref, other_ref) elif type(other) in _ALLOWED_SCALARS: if isinstance(index, slice): self[index].fill(other) else: self[index:index+1].fill(other) else: raise TypeError('Can only copy data from another Array') @property def precision(self): if self.dtype == float32 or self.dtype == complex64: return 'single' else: return 'double' @property def kind(self): if self.dtype == float32 or self.dtype == float64: return 'real' elif self.dtype == complex64 or self.dtype == complex128: return 'complex' else: return 'unknown' @property @_convert def data(self): """Returns the internal python array """ return self._data @data.setter def data(self,other): dtype = None if hasattr(other,'dtype'): dtype = other.dtype temp = Array(other, dtype=dtype) self._data = temp._data @property @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def ptr(self): """ Returns a pointer to the memory of this array """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg) @property def itemsize(self): return self.dtype.itemsize @property def nbytes(self): return len( * self.itemsize @property @cpuonly @_convert def _swighelper(self): """ Used internally by SWIG typemaps to ensure @_convert is called and scheme is correct """ return self;
[docs] @_convert @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def numpy(self): """ Returns a Numpy Array that contains this data """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] @_convert def lal(self): """ Returns a LAL Object that contains this data """ lal_data = None if self._data.dtype == float32: lal_data = _lal.CreateREAL4Vector(len(self)) elif self._data.dtype == float64: lal_data = _lal.CreateREAL8Vector(len(self)) elif self._data.dtype == complex64: lal_data = _lal.CreateCOMPLEX8Vector(len(self)) elif self._data.dtype == complex128: lal_data = _lal.CreateCOMPLEX16Vector(len(self))[:] = self.numpy() return lal_data
@property def dtype(self): return self._data.dtype
[docs] def save(self, path, group=None): """ Save array to a Numpy .npy, hdf, or text file. When saving a complex array as text, the real and imaginary parts are saved as the first and second column respectively. When using hdf format, the data is stored as a single vector, along with relevant attributes. Parameters ---------- path: string Destination file path. Must end with either .hdf, .npy or .txt. group: string Additional name for internal storage use. Ex. hdf storage uses this as the key value. Raises ------ ValueError If path does not end in .npy or .txt. """ ext = _os.path.splitext(path)[1] if ext == '.npy':, self.numpy()) elif ext == '.txt': if self.kind == 'real': _numpy.savetxt(path, self.numpy()) elif self.kind == 'complex': output = _numpy.vstack((self.numpy().real, self.numpy().imag)).T _numpy.savetxt(path, output) elif ext == '.hdf': key = 'data' if group is None else group with h5py.File(path, 'a') as f: f.create_dataset(key, data=self.numpy(), compression='gzip', compression_opts=9, shuffle=True) else: raise ValueError('Path must end with .npy, .txt, or .hdf')
[docs] @_convert def trim_zeros(self): """Remove the leading and trailing zeros. """ tmp = self.numpy() f = len(self)-len(_numpy.trim_zeros(tmp, trim='f')) b = len(self)-len(_numpy.trim_zeros(tmp, trim='b')) return self[f:len(self)-b]
[docs] @_returntype @_convert def view(self, dtype): """ Return a 'view' of the array with its bytes now interpreted according to 'dtype'. The location in memory is unchanged and changing elements in a view of an array will also change the original array. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy dtype (one of float32, float64, complex64 or complex128) The new dtype that should be used to interpret the bytes of self """ return self._data.view(dtype)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return copy of this array """ return self._return(
def __lt__(self, other): return self.numpy().__lt__(other) def __le__(self, other): return self.numpy().__le__(other) def __ne__(self, other): return self.numpy().__ne__(other) def __gt__(self, other): return self.numpy().__gt__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return self.numpy().__ge__(other)
# Convenience functions for determining dtypes
[docs]def real_same_precision_as(data): if data.precision == 'single': return float32 elif data.precision == 'double': return float64
[docs]def complex_same_precision_as(data): if data.precision == 'single': return complex64 elif data.precision == 'double': return complex128
def _return_array(func): @wraps(func) def return_array(*args, **kwds): return Array(func(*args, **kwds), copy=False) return return_array
[docs]@_return_array @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def zeros(length, dtype=float64): """ Return an Array filled with zeros. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs]@_return_array @schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def empty(length, dtype=float64): """ Return an empty Array (no initialization) """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using " err_msg += "the scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs]def load_array(path, group=None): """Load an Array from an HDF5, ASCII or Numpy file. The file type is inferred from the file extension, which must be `.hdf`, `.txt` or `.npy`. For ASCII and Numpy files with a single column, a real array is returned. For files with two columns, the columns are assumed to contain the real and imaginary parts of a complex array respectively. The default data types will be double precision floating point. Parameters ---------- path : string Input file path. Must end with either `.npy`, `.txt` or `.hdf`. group: string Additional name for internal storage use. When reading HDF files, this is the path to the HDF dataset to read. Raises ------ ValueError If path does not end with a supported extension. For Numpy and ASCII input files, this is also raised if the array does not have 1 or 2 dimensions. """ ext = _os.path.splitext(path)[1] if ext == '.npy': data = _numpy.load(path) elif ext == '.txt': data = _numpy.loadtxt(path) elif ext == '.hdf': key = 'data' if group is None else group with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f: array = Array(f[key]) return array else: raise ValueError('Path must end with .npy, .hdf, or .txt') if data.ndim == 1: return Array(data) elif data.ndim == 2: return Array(data[:,0] + 1j*data[:,1]) raise ValueError('File has %s dimensions, cannot convert to Array, \ must be 1 (real) or 2 (complex)' % data.ndim)