# Copyright (C) 2013 Ian Harry, Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# =============================================================================
# Preamble
# =============================================================================
import logging, numpy
from pycbc.types import Array, zeros, real_same_precision_as, TimeSeries
from pycbc.filter import overlap_cplx, matched_filter_core
from pycbc.waveform import FilterBank
from math import sqrt
def segment_snrs(filters, stilde, psd, low_frequency_cutoff):
""" This functions calculates the snr of each bank veto template against
the segment
filters: list of FrequencySeries
The list of bank veto templates filters.
stilde: FrequencySeries
The current segment of data.
psd: FrequencySeries
low_frequency_cutoff: float
snr (list): List of snr time series.
norm (list): List of normalizations factors for the snr time series.
snrs = []
norms = []
for bank_template in filters:
# For every template compute the snr against the stilde segment
snr, _, norm = matched_filter_core(
bank_template, stilde, h_norm=bank_template.sigmasq(psd),
psd=None, low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff)
# SNR time series stored here
# Template normalization factor stored here
return snrs, norms
def template_overlaps(bank_filters, template, psd, low_frequency_cutoff):
""" This functions calculates the overlaps between the template and the
bank veto templates.
bank_filters: List of FrequencySeries
template: FrequencySeries
psd: FrequencySeries
low_frequency_cutoff: float
overlaps: List of complex overlap values.
overlaps = []
template_ow = template / psd
for bank_template in bank_filters:
overlap = overlap_cplx(template_ow, bank_template,
low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff, normalized=False)
norm = sqrt(1 / template.sigmasq(psd) / bank_template.sigmasq(psd))
overlaps.append(overlap * norm)
if (abs(overlaps[-1]) > 0.99):
errMsg = "Overlap > 0.99 between bank template and filter. "
errMsg += "This bank template will not be used to calculate "
errMsg += "bank chisq for this filter template. The expected "
errMsg += "value will be added to the chisq to account for "
errMsg += "the removal of this template.\n"
errMsg += "Masses of filter template: %e %e\n" \
%(template.params.mass1, template.params.mass2)
errMsg += "Masses of bank filter template: %e %e\n" \
%(bank_template.params.mass1, bank_template.params.mass2)
errMsg += "Overlap: %e" %(abs(overlaps[-1]))
return overlaps
def bank_chisq_from_filters(tmplt_snr, tmplt_norm, bank_snrs, bank_norms,
tmplt_bank_matches, indices=None):
""" This function calculates and returns a TimeSeries object containing the
bank veto calculated over a segment.
tmplt_snr: TimeSeries
The SNR time series from filtering the segment against the current
search template
tmplt_norm: float
The normalization factor for the search template
bank_snrs: list of TimeSeries
The precomputed list of SNR time series between each of the bank veto
templates and the segment
bank_norms: list of floats
The normalization factors for the list of bank veto templates
(usually this will be the same for all bank veto templates)
tmplt_bank_matches: list of floats
The complex overlap between the search template and each
of the bank templates
indices: {None, Array}, optional
Array of indices into the snr time series. If given, the bank chisq
will only be calculated at these values.
bank_chisq: TimeSeries of the bank vetos
if indices is not None:
tmplt_snr = Array(tmplt_snr, copy=False)
bank_snrs_tmp = []
for bank_snr in bank_snrs:
# Initialise bank_chisq as 0s everywhere
bank_chisq = zeros(len(tmplt_snr), dtype=real_same_precision_as(tmplt_snr))
# Loop over all the bank templates
for i in range(len(bank_snrs)):
bank_match = tmplt_bank_matches[i]
if (abs(bank_match) > 0.99):
# Not much point calculating bank_chisquared if the bank template
# is very close to the filter template. Can also hit numerical
# error due to approximations made in this calculation.
# The value of 2 is the expected addition to the chisq for this
# template
bank_chisq += 2.
bank_norm = sqrt((1 - bank_match*bank_match.conj()).real)
bank_SNR = bank_snrs[i] * (bank_norms[i] / bank_norm)
tmplt_SNR = tmplt_snr * (bank_match.conj() * tmplt_norm / bank_norm)
bank_SNR = Array(bank_SNR, copy=False)
tmplt_SNR = Array(tmplt_SNR, copy=False)
bank_chisq += (bank_SNR - tmplt_SNR).squared_norm()
if indices is not None:
return bank_chisq
return TimeSeries(bank_chisq, delta_t=tmplt_snr.delta_t,
epoch=tmplt_snr.start_time, copy=False)
class SingleDetBankVeto(object):
"""This class reads in a template bank file for a bank veto, handles the
memory management of its filters internally, and calculates the bank
veto TimeSeries.
def __init__(self, bank_file, flen, delta_f, f_low, cdtype, approximant=None, **kwds):
if bank_file is not None:
self.do = True
self.column_name = "bank_chisq"
self.table_dof_name = "bank_chisq_dof"
self.cdtype = cdtype
self.delta_f = delta_f
self.f_low = f_low
self.seg_len_freq = flen
self.seg_len_time = (self.seg_len_freq-1)*2
logging.info("Read in bank veto template bank")
bank_veto_bank = FilterBank(bank_file,
self.delta_f, self.cdtype,
approximant=approximant, **kwds)
self.filters = list(bank_veto_bank)
self.dof = len(bank_veto_bank) * 2
self._overlaps_cache = {}
self._segment_snrs_cache = {}
self.do = False
def cache_segment_snrs(self, stilde, psd):
key = (id(stilde), id(psd))
if key not in self._segment_snrs_cache:
logging.info("Precalculate the bank veto template snrs")
data = segment_snrs(self.filters, stilde, psd, self.f_low)
self._segment_snrs_cache[key] = data
return self._segment_snrs_cache[key]
def cache_overlaps(self, template, psd):
key = (id(template.params), id(psd))
if key not in self._overlaps_cache:
logging.info("...Calculate bank veto overlaps")
o = template_overlaps(self.filters, template, psd, self.f_low)
self._overlaps_cache[key] = o
return self._overlaps_cache[key]
def values(self, template, psd, stilde, snrv, norm, indices):
bank_chisq_from_filters: TimeSeries of bank veto values - if indices
is None then evaluated at all time samples, if not then only at
requested sample indices
bank_chisq_dof: int, approx number of statistical degrees of freedom
if self.do:
logging.info("...Doing bank veto")
overlaps = self.cache_overlaps(template, psd)
bank_veto_snrs, bank_veto_norms = self.cache_segment_snrs(stilde, psd)
chisq = bank_chisq_from_filters(snrv, norm, bank_veto_snrs,
bank_veto_norms, overlaps, indices)
dof = numpy.repeat(self.dof, len(chisq))
return chisq, dof
return None, None
class SingleDetSkyMaxBankVeto(SingleDetBankVeto):
"""Stub for precessing bank veto if anyone ever wants to code it up.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
super(SingleDetSkyMaxBankVeto, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
def values(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.do:
err_msg = "Precessing single detector sky-max bank veto has not "
err_msg += "been written. If you want to use it, why not help "
err_msg += "write it?"
raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
return None, None