Source code for pycbc.vetoes.chisq

# Copyright (C) 2012  Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
import numpy, logging, math, pycbc.fft

from pycbc.types import zeros, real_same_precision_as, TimeSeries, complex_same_precision_as
from pycbc.filter import sigmasq_series, make_frequency_series, matched_filter_core, get_cutoff_indices
from pycbc.scheme import schemed
import pycbc.pnutils


[docs]def power_chisq_bins_from_sigmasq_series(sigmasq_series, num_bins, kmin, kmax): """Returns bins of equal power for use with the chisq functions Parameters ---------- sigmasq_series: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the cumulative power of a filter template preweighted by a psd. num_bins: int The number of chisq bins to calculate. kmin: int DOCUMENTME kmax: int DOCUMENTME Returns ------- bins: List of ints A list of the edges of the chisq bins is returned. """ sigmasq = sigmasq_series[kmax - 1] edge_vec = numpy.arange(0, num_bins) * sigmasq / num_bins bins = numpy.searchsorted(sigmasq_series[kmin:kmax], edge_vec, side='right') bins += kmin return numpy.append(bins, kmax)
[docs]def power_chisq_bins(htilde, num_bins, psd, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None): """Returns bins of equal power for use with the chisq functions Parameters ---------- htilde: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the template waveform num_bins: int The number of chisq bins to calculate. psd: FrequencySeries A frequency series containing the psd. Its length must be commensurate with the template waveform. low_frequency_cutoff: {None, float}, optional The low frequency cutoff to apply high_frequency_cutoff: {None, float}, optional The high frequency cutoff to apply Returns ------- bins: List of ints A list of the edges of the chisq bins is returned. """ sigma_vec = sigmasq_series(htilde, psd, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff).numpy() kmin, kmax = get_cutoff_indices(low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, htilde.delta_f, (len(htilde)-1)*2) return power_chisq_bins_from_sigmasq_series(sigma_vec, num_bins, kmin, kmax)
[docs]@schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def chisq_accum_bin(chisq, q): err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using the " err_msg += "scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs]@schemed(BACKEND_PREFIX) def shift_sum(v1, shifts, bins): """ Calculate the time shifted sum of the FrequencySeries """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden using the " err_msg += "scheme. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs]def power_chisq_at_points_from_precomputed(corr, snr, snr_norm, bins, indices): """Calculate the chisq timeseries from precomputed values for only select points. This function calculates the chisq at each point by explicitly time shifting and summing each bin. No FFT is involved. Parameters ---------- corr: FrequencySeries The product of the template and data in the frequency domain. snr: numpy.ndarray The unnormalized array of snr values at only the selected points in `indices`. snr_norm: float The normalization of the snr (EXPLAINME : refer to Findchirp paper?) bins: List of integers The edges of the equal power bins indices: Array The indices where we will calculate the chisq. These must be relative to the given `corr` series. Returns ------- chisq: Array An array containing only the chisq at the selected points. """ num_bins = len(bins) - 1 chisq = shift_sum(corr, indices, bins) # pylint:disable=assignment-from-no-return return (chisq * num_bins - (snr.conj() * snr).real) * (snr_norm ** 2.0)
_q_l = None _qtilde_l = None _chisq_l = None
[docs]def power_chisq_from_precomputed(corr, snr, snr_norm, bins, indices=None, return_bins=False): """Calculate the chisq timeseries from precomputed values. This function calculates the chisq at all times by performing an inverse FFT of each bin. Parameters ---------- corr: FrequencySeries The produce of the template and data in the frequency domain. snr: TimeSeries The unnormalized snr time series. snr_norm: The snr normalization factor (true snr = snr * snr_norm) EXPLAINME - define 'true snr'? bins: List of integers The edges of the chisq bins. indices: {Array, None}, optional Index values into snr that indicate where to calculate chisq values. If none, calculate chisq for all possible indices. return_bins: {boolean, False}, optional Return a list of the SNRs for each chisq bin. Returns ------- chisq: TimeSeries """ # Get workspace memory global _q_l, _qtilde_l, _chisq_l bin_snrs = [] if _q_l is None or len(_q_l) != len(snr): q = zeros(len(snr), dtype=complex_same_precision_as(snr)) qtilde = zeros(len(snr), dtype=complex_same_precision_as(snr)) _q_l = q _qtilde_l = qtilde else: q = _q_l qtilde = _qtilde_l if indices is not None: snr = snr.take(indices) if _chisq_l is None or len(_chisq_l) < len(snr): chisq = zeros(len(snr), dtype=real_same_precision_as(snr)) _chisq_l = chisq else: chisq = _chisq_l[0:len(snr)] chisq.clear() num_bins = len(bins) - 1 for j in range(num_bins): k_min = int(bins[j]) k_max = int(bins[j+1]) qtilde[k_min:k_max] = corr[k_min:k_max] pycbc.fft.ifft(qtilde, q) qtilde[k_min:k_max].clear() if return_bins: bin_snrs.append(TimeSeries(q * snr_norm * num_bins ** 0.5, delta_t=snr.delta_t, epoch=snr.start_time)) if indices is not None: chisq_accum_bin(chisq, q.take(indices)) else: chisq_accum_bin(chisq, q) chisq = (chisq * num_bins - snr.squared_norm()) * (snr_norm ** 2.0) if indices is None: chisq = TimeSeries(chisq, delta_t=snr.delta_t, epoch=snr.start_time, copy=False) if return_bins: return chisq, bin_snrs else: return chisq
[docs]def fastest_power_chisq_at_points(corr, snr, snrv, snr_norm, bins, indices): """Calculate the chisq values for only selected points. This function looks at the number of points to be evaluated and selects the fastest method (FFT, or direct time shift and sum). In either case, only the selected points are returned. Parameters ---------- corr: FrequencySeries The product of the template and data in the frequency domain. snr: Array The unnormalized snr snr_norm: float The snr normalization factor --- EXPLAINME bins: List of integers The edges of the equal power bins indices: Array The indices where we will calculate the chisq. These must be relative to the given `snr` series. Returns ------- chisq: Array An array containing only the chisq at the selected points. """ import pycbc.scheme if isinstance(pycbc.scheme.mgr.state, pycbc.scheme.CPUScheme): # We don't have that many points so do the direct time shift. return power_chisq_at_points_from_precomputed(corr, snrv, snr_norm, bins, indices) else: # We have a lot of points so it is faster to use the fourier transform return power_chisq_from_precomputed(corr, snr, snr_norm, bins, indices=indices)
[docs]def power_chisq(template, data, num_bins, psd, low_frequency_cutoff=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, return_bins=False): """Calculate the chisq timeseries Parameters ---------- template: FrequencySeries or TimeSeries A time or frequency series that contains the filter template. data: FrequencySeries or TimeSeries A time or frequency series that contains the data to filter. The length must be commensurate with the template. (EXPLAINME - does this mean 'the same as' or something else?) num_bins: int The number of frequency bins used for chisq. The number of statistical degrees of freedom ('dof') is 2*num_bins-2. psd: FrequencySeries The psd of the data. low_frequency_cutoff: {None, float}, optional The low frequency cutoff for the filter high_frequency_cutoff: {None, float}, optional The high frequency cutoff for the filter return_bins: {boolean, False}, optional Return a list of the individual chisq bins Returns ------- chisq: TimeSeries TimeSeries containing the chisq values for all times. """ htilde = make_frequency_series(template) stilde = make_frequency_series(data) bins = power_chisq_bins(htilde, num_bins, psd, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff) corra = zeros((len(htilde) - 1) * 2, dtype=htilde.dtype) total_snr, corr, tnorm = matched_filter_core(htilde, stilde, psd, low_frequency_cutoff, high_frequency_cutoff, corr_out=corra) return power_chisq_from_precomputed(corr, total_snr, tnorm, bins, return_bins=return_bins)
[docs]class SingleDetPowerChisq(object): """Class that handles precomputation and memory management for efficiently running the power chisq in a single detector inspiral analysis. """ def __init__(self, num_bins=0, snr_threshold=None): if not (num_bins == "0" or num_bins == 0): = True self.column_name = "chisq" self.table_dof_name = "chisq_dof" self.num_bins = num_bins else: = False self.snr_threshold = snr_threshold
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_option(row, arg): safe_dict = {'max': max, 'min': min} safe_dict.update(row.__dict__) safe_dict.update(math.__dict__) safe_dict.update(pycbc.pnutils.__dict__) return eval(arg, {"__builtins__":None}, safe_dict)
[docs] def cached_chisq_bins(self, template, psd): from pycbc.opt import LimitedSizeDict key = id(psd) if not hasattr(psd, '_chisq_cached_key'): psd._chisq_cached_key = {} if not hasattr(template, '_bin_cache'): template._bin_cache = LimitedSizeDict(size_limit=2**2) if key not in template._bin_cache or id(template.params) not in psd._chisq_cached_key: psd._chisq_cached_key[id(template.params)] = True num_bins = int(self.parse_option(template, self.num_bins)) if hasattr(psd, 'sigmasq_vec') and \ template.approximant in psd.sigmasq_vec: kmin = int(template.f_lower / psd.delta_f) kmax = template.end_idx bins = power_chisq_bins_from_sigmasq_series( psd.sigmasq_vec[template.approximant], num_bins, kmin, kmax ) else: bins = power_chisq_bins(template, num_bins, psd, template.f_lower) template._bin_cache[key] = bins return template._bin_cache[key]
[docs] def values(self, corr, snrv, snr_norm, psd, indices, template): """ Calculate the chisq at points given by indices. Returns ------- chisq: Array Chisq values, one for each sample index, or zero for points below the specified SNR threshold chisq_dof: Array Number of statistical degrees of freedom for the chisq test in the given template, equal to 2 * num_bins - 2 """ if num_above = len(indices) if self.snr_threshold: above = abs(snrv * snr_norm) > self.snr_threshold num_above = above.sum()'%s above chisq activation threshold' % num_above) above_indices = indices[above] above_snrv = snrv[above] chisq_out = numpy.zeros(len(indices), dtype=numpy.float32) dof = -100 else: above_indices = indices above_snrv = snrv if num_above > 0: bins = self.cached_chisq_bins(template, psd) # len(bins) is number of bin edges, num_bins = len(bins) - 1 dof = (len(bins) - 1) * 2 - 2 _chisq = power_chisq_at_points_from_precomputed(corr, above_snrv, snr_norm, bins, above_indices) if self.snr_threshold: if num_above > 0: chisq_out[above] = _chisq else: chisq_out = _chisq return chisq_out, numpy.repeat(dof, len(indices))# dof * numpy.ones_like(indices) else: return None, None
[docs]class SingleDetSkyMaxPowerChisq(SingleDetPowerChisq): """Class that handles precomputation and memory management for efficiently running the power chisq in a single detector inspiral analysis when maximizing analytically over sky location. """ def __init__(self, **kwds): super(SingleDetSkyMaxPowerChisq, self).__init__(**kwds) self.template_mem = None self.corr_mem = None
[docs] def calculate_chisq_bins(self, template, psd): """ Obtain the chisq bins for this template and PSD. """ num_bins = int(self.parse_option(template, self.num_bins)) if hasattr(psd, 'sigmasq_vec') and \ template.approximant in psd.sigmasq_vec: kmin = int(template.f_lower / psd.delta_f) kmax = template.end_idx bins = power_chisq_bins_from_sigmasq_series( psd.sigmasq_vec[template.approximant], num_bins, kmin, kmax) else: bins = power_chisq_bins(template, num_bins, psd, template.f_lower) return bins
[docs] def values(self, corr_plus, corr_cross, snrv, psd, indices, template_plus, template_cross, u_vals, hplus_cross_corr, hpnorm, hcnorm): """ Calculate the chisq at points given by indices. Returns ------- chisq: Array Chisq values, one for each sample index chisq_dof: Array Number of statistical degrees of freedom for the chisq test in the given template """ if num_above = len(indices) if self.snr_threshold: above = abs(snrv) > self.snr_threshold num_above = above.sum()'%s above chisq activation threshold' % num_above) above_indices = indices[above] above_snrv = snrv[above] u_vals = u_vals[above] rchisq = numpy.zeros(len(indices), dtype=numpy.float32) dof = -100 else: above_indices = indices above_snrv = snrv if num_above > 0: chisq = [] curr_tmplt_mult_fac = 0. curr_corr_mult_fac = 0. if self.template_mem is None or \ (not len(self.template_mem) == len(template_plus)): self.template_mem = zeros(len(template_plus), dtype=complex_same_precision_as(corr_plus)) if self.corr_mem is None or \ (not len(self.corr_mem) == len(corr_plus)): self.corr_mem = zeros(len(corr_plus), dtype=complex_same_precision_as(corr_plus)) tmplt_data = corr_data = numpy.copyto(, numpy.copyto(, template_cross._data = corr_cross._data = for lidx, index in enumerate(above_indices): above_local_indices = numpy.array([index]) above_local_snr = numpy.array([above_snrv[lidx]]) local_u_val = u_vals[lidx] # Construct template from _plus and _cross # Note that this modifies in place, so we store that and # revert on the next pass. template = template_cross.multiply_and_add(template_plus, local_u_val-curr_tmplt_mult_fac) curr_tmplt_mult_fac = local_u_val template.f_lower = template_plus.f_lower template.params = template_plus.params # Construct the corr vector norm_fac = local_u_val*local_u_val + 1 norm_fac += 2 * local_u_val * hplus_cross_corr norm_fac = hcnorm / (norm_fac**0.5) hp_fac = local_u_val * hpnorm / hcnorm corr = corr_cross.multiply_and_add(corr_plus, hp_fac - curr_corr_mult_fac) curr_corr_mult_fac = hp_fac bins = self.calculate_chisq_bins(template, psd) dof = (len(bins) - 1) * 2 - 2 curr_chisq = power_chisq_at_points_from_precomputed(corr, above_local_snr/ norm_fac, norm_fac, bins, above_local_indices) chisq.append(curr_chisq[0]) chisq = numpy.array(chisq) # Must reset corr and template to original values! template_cross._data = tmplt_data corr_cross._data = corr_data if self.snr_threshold: if num_above > 0: rchisq[above] = chisq else: rchisq = chisq return rchisq, numpy.repeat(dof, len(indices))# dof * numpy.ones_like(indices) else: return None, None