Source code for pycbc.waveform.generator

# Copyright (C) 2016  Collin Capano, Alex Nitz, Christopher Biwer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
This modules provides classes for generating waveforms.
import os
import logging

from abc import (ABCMeta, abstractmethod)

from . import waveform
from .waveform import (FailedWaveformError)
from . import ringdown
from . import supernovae
from . import waveform_modes
from pycbc import transforms
from pycbc.types import TimeSeries
from pycbc.waveform import parameters
from pycbc.waveform.utils import apply_fd_time_shift, taper_timeseries, \
from pycbc.detector import Detector
from pycbc.pool import use_mpi
import lal as _lal
from pycbc import strain

# utility functions/class
failed_counter = 0

[docs]class BaseGenerator(object): """A wrapper class to call a waveform generator with a set of frozen parameters and a set of variable parameters. The frozen parameters and values, along with a list of variable parameter names, are set at initialization. This way, repeated calls can be made to the underlying generator by simply passing a list of values for the variable parameters to this class's generate function. Parameters ---------- generator : function The function that is called for waveform generation. variable_args : {(), list} A tuple or list of strings giving the names and order of variable parameters that will be passed to the waveform generator when the generate function is called. record_failures : boolean Store output files containing the parameters of failed waveform generation. Default is False. \**frozen_params : These keyword arguments are the ones that will be frozen in the waveform generator. For a list of possible parameters, see pycbc.waveform.cbc_parameters. Attributes ---------- generator : function The function that is called for waveform generation. variable_args : tuple The list of names of variable arguments. frozen_params : dict A dictionary of the frozen keyword arguments that are always passed to the waveform generator function. current_params : dict A dictionary of the frozen keyword arguments and variable arguments that were last passed to the waveform generator. """ def __init__(self, generator, variable_args=(), record_failures=False, **frozen_params): self.generator = generator self.variable_args = tuple(variable_args) self.frozen_params = frozen_params # we'll keep a dictionary of the current parameters for fast # generation self.current_params = frozen_params.copy() # keep a list of functions to call before waveform generation self._pregenerate_functions = [] # If we are under mpi, then failed waveform will be stored by # mpi rank to avoid file writing conflicts. We'll check for this # upfront self.record_failures = (record_failures or ('PYCBC_RECORD_FAILED_WAVEFORMS' in os.environ)) self.mpi_enabled, _, self.mpi_rank = use_mpi() @property def static_args(self): """Returns a dictionary of the static arguments.""" return self.frozen_params
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generates a waveform from the keyword args. The current params are updated with the given kwargs, then the generator is called. """ self.current_params.update(kwargs) return self._generate_from_current()
def _add_pregenerate(self, func): """ Adds a function that will be called by the generator function before waveform generation. """ self._pregenerate_functions.append(func) def _postgenerate(self, res): """Allows the waveform returned by the generator function to be manipulated before returning. """ return res def _gdecorator(generate_func): """A decorator that allows for seemless pre/post manipulation of the waveform generator function. """ def dostuff(self): for func in self._pregenerate_functions: self.current_params = func(self.current_params) res = generate_func(self) # pylint:disable=not-callable return self._postgenerate(res) return dostuff @_gdecorator def _generate_from_current(self): """Generates a waveform from the current parameters. """ try: new_waveform = self.generator(**self.current_params) return new_waveform except RuntimeError as e: if self.record_failures: from import dump_state, HFile global failed_counter if self.mpi_enabled: outname = 'failed/params_%s.hdf' % self.mpi_rank else: outname = 'failed/params.hdf' if not os.path.exists('failed'): os.makedirs('failed') with HFile(outname) as f: dump_state(self.current_params, f, dsetname=str(failed_counter)) failed_counter += 1 # we'll get a RuntimeError if lalsimulation failed to generate # the waveform for whatever reason strparams = ' | '.join(['{}: {}'.format( p, str(val)) for p, val in self.current_params.items()]) raise FailedWaveformError("Failed to generate waveform with " "parameters:\n{}\nError was: {}" .format(strparams, e))
[docs]class BaseCBCGenerator(BaseGenerator): """Adds ability to convert from various derived parameters to parameters needed by the waveform generators. """ possible_args = set(parameters.td_waveform_params + parameters.fd_waveform_params + ['taper']) """set: The set of names of arguments that may be used in the `variable_args` or `frozen_params`. """ def __init__(self, generator, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(BaseCBCGenerator, self).__init__(generator, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params) # decorate the generator function with a list of functions that convert # parameters to those used by the waveform generation interface all_args = set(list(self.frozen_params.keys()) + list(self.variable_args)) # check that there are no unused (non-calibration) parameters calib_args = set([a for a in self.variable_args if a.startswith('calib_')]) all_args = all_args - calib_args unused_args = all_args - self.possible_args if len(unused_args): logging.warning("WARNING: The following parameters are generally " "not used by CBC waveform generators: %s. If you " "have provided a transform that converted these " "into known parameters (e.g., mchirp, q to " "mass1, mass2) or you are using a custom model " "that uses these parameters, you can safely " "ignore this message.", ', '.join(unused_args))
[docs]class FDomainCBCGenerator(BaseCBCGenerator): """Generates frequency-domain CBC waveforms in the radiation frame. Uses `waveform.get_fd_waveform` as a generator function to create frequency- domain CBC waveforms in the radiation frame; i.e., with no detector response function applied. For more details, see `BaseGenerator`. Examples -------- Initialize a generator: >>> from pycbc.waveform.generator import FDomainCBCGenerator >>> generator = FDomainCBCGenerator(variable_args=['mass1', 'mass2'], delta_f=1./32, f_lower=30., approximant='TaylorF2') Create a waveform with the variable arguments (in this case, mass1, mass2): >>> generator.generate(mass1=1.4, mass2=1.4) (<pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x1110c1450>, <pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x1110c1510>) """ def __init__(self, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(FDomainCBCGenerator, self).__init__(waveform.get_fd_waveform, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params)
[docs]class FDomainCBCModesGenerator(BaseCBCGenerator): """Generates frequency-domain CBC waveform modes. Uses :py:func:`waveform_modes.get_fd_waveform_modes` as a generator function to create frequency-domain CBC waveforms mode-by-mode, without applying spherical harmonics. For details, on methods and arguments, see :py:class:`BaseGenerator`. """ def __init__(self, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(FDomainCBCModesGenerator, self).__init__( waveform_modes.get_fd_waveform_modes, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params)
[docs]class TDomainCBCGenerator(BaseCBCGenerator): """Create time domain CBC waveforms in the radiation frame. Uses waveform.get_td_waveform as a generator function to create time- domain CBC waveforms in the radiation frame; i.e., with no detector response function applied. For more details, see `BaseGenerator`. Examples -------- Initialize a generator: >>> from pycbc.waveform.generator import TDomainCBCGenerator >>> generator = TDomainCBCGenerator(variable_args=['mass1', 'mass2'], delta_t=1./4096, f_lower=30., approximant='TaylorT4') Create a waveform with the variable arguments (in this case, mass1, mass2): >>> generator.generate(mass1=2., mass2=1.3) (<pycbc.types.timeseries.TimeSeries at 0x10e546710>, <pycbc.types.timeseries.TimeSeries at 0x115f37690>) """ def __init__(self, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(TDomainCBCGenerator, self).__init__(waveform.get_td_waveform, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params) def _postgenerate(self, res): """Applies a taper if it is in current params. """ hp, hc = res try: hp = taper_timeseries(hp, tapermethod=self.current_params['taper']) hc = taper_timeseries(hc, tapermethod=self.current_params['taper']) except KeyError: pass return hp, hc
[docs]class TDomainCBCModesGenerator(BaseCBCGenerator): """Generates time domain CBC waveform modes. Uses :py:func:`waveform_modes.get_td_waveform_modes` as a generator function to create time-domain CBC waveforms mode-by-mode, without applying spherical harmonics. The ``generate`` function returns a dictionary of modes -> (real, imag) part of the complex time series. For details, on methods and arguments, see :py:class:`BaseGenerator`. """ def __init__(self, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(TDomainCBCModesGenerator, self).__init__( waveform_modes.get_td_waveform_modes, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params) def _postgenerate(self, res): """Applies a taper if it is in current params. """ if 'taper' in self.current_params: tapermethod = self.current_params['taper'] for mode in res: ulm, vlm = res[mode] ulm = taper_timeseries(ulm, tapermethod=tapermethod) vlm = taper_timeseries(vlm, tapermethod=tapermethod) res[mode] = (ulm, vlm) return res
[docs]class FDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator(BaseGenerator): """Uses ringdown.get_fd_from_final_mass_spin as a generator function to create frequency-domain ringdown waveforms with higher modes in the radiation frame; i.e., with no detector response function applied. For more details, see BaseGenerator. Examples -------- Initialize a generator: >>> from pycbc.waveform.generator import FDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator >>> generator = FDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator(variable_args=['final_mass', 'final_spin','amp220','amp210','phi220','phi210'], lmns=['221','211'], delta_f=1./32, f_lower=30., f_final=500) Create a ringdown with the variable arguments: >>> generator.generate(final_mass=65., final_spin=0.7, amp220=1e-21, amp210=1./10, phi220=0., phi210=0.) (<pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x51614d0>, <pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x5161550>) """ def __init__(self, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(FDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator, self).__init__(ringdown.get_fd_from_final_mass_spin, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params)
[docs]class FDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator(BaseGenerator): """Uses ringdown.get_fd_from_freqtau as a generator function to create frequency-domain ringdown waveforms with higher modes in the radiation frame; i.e., with no detector response function applied. For more details, see BaseGenerator. Examples -------- Initialize a generator: >>> from pycbc.waveform.generator import FDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator >>> generator = FDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator(variable_args=['f_220', 'tau_220','f_210','tau_210','amp220','amp210','phi220','phi210'], lmns=['221','211'], delta_f=1./32, f_lower=30., f_final=500) Create a ringdown with the variable arguments: >>> generator.generate(f_220=317., tau_220=0.003, f_210=274., tau_210=0.003, amp220=1e-21, amp210=1./10, phi220=0., phi210=0.) (<pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x51614d0>, <pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x5161550>) """ def __init__(self, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(FDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator, self).__init__(ringdown.get_fd_from_freqtau, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params)
[docs]class TDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator(BaseGenerator): """Uses ringdown.get_td_from_final_mass_spin as a generator function to create time-domain ringdown waveforms with higher modes in the radiation frame; i.e., with no detector response function applied. For more details, see BaseGenerator. Examples -------- Initialize a generator: >>> from pycbc.waveform.generator import TDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator >>> generator = TDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator(variable_args=['final_mass', 'final_spin','amp220','amp210','phi220','phi210'], lmns=['221','211'], delta_t=1./2048) Create a ringdown with the variable arguments: >>> generator.generate(final_mass=65., final_spin=0.7, amp220=1e-21, amp210=1./10, phi220=0., phi210=0.) (<pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x51614d0>, <pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x5161550>) """ def __init__(self, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(TDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator, self).__init__(ringdown.get_td_from_final_mass_spin, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params)
[docs]class TDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator(BaseGenerator): """Uses ringdown.get_td_from_freqtau as a generator function to create time-domain ringdown waveforms with higher modes in the radiation frame; i.e., with no detector response function applied. For more details, see BaseGenerator. Examples -------- Initialize a generator: >>> from pycbc.waveform.generator import FDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator >>> generator = TDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator(variable_args=['f_220', 'tau_220','f_210','tau_210','amp220','amp210','phi220','phi210'], lmns=['221','211'], delta_t=1./2048) Create a ringdown with the variable arguments: >>> generator.generate(f_220=317., tau_220=0.003, f_210=274., tau_210=0.003, amp220=1e-21, amp210=1./10, phi220=0., phi210=0.) (<pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x51614d0>, <pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x5161550>) """ def __init__(self, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(TDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator, self).__init__(ringdown.get_td_from_freqtau, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params)
[docs]class TDomainSupernovaeGenerator(BaseGenerator): """Uses to create time domain core-collapse supernovae waveforms using a set of Principal Components provided in a .hdf file. """ def __init__(self, variable_args=(), **frozen_params): super(TDomainSupernovaeGenerator, self).__init__(supernovae.get_corecollapse_bounce, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params)
# # ============================================================================= # # Detector-frame generators # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]class BaseFDomainDetFrameGenerator(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base generator for frquency-domain waveforms in a detector frame. Parameters ---------- rFrameGeneratorClass : class The class to use for generating the waveform in the radiation frame, e.g., FDomainCBCGenerator. This should be the class, not an instance of the class (the class will be initialized with the appropriate arguments internally). detectors : {None, list of strings} The names of the detectors to use. If provided, all location parameters must be included in either the variable args or the frozen params. If None, the generate function will just return the plus polarization returned by the rFrameGeneratorClass shifted by any desired time shift. epoch : {float, lal.LIGOTimeGPS The epoch start time to set the waveform to. A time shift = tc - epoch is applied to waveforms before returning. variable_args : {(), list or tuple} A list or tuple of strings giving the names and order of parameters that will be passed to the generate function. \**frozen_params Keyword arguments setting the parameters that will not be changed from call-to-call of the generate function. Attributes ---------- detectors : dict The dictionary of detectors that antenna patterns are calculated for on each call of generate. If no detectors were provided, will be ``{'RF': None}``, where "RF" means "radiation frame". detector_names : list The list of detector names. If no detectors were provided, then this will be ['RF'] for "radiation frame". current_params : dict A dictionary of name, value pairs of the arguments that were last used by the generate function. rframe_generator : instance of rFrameGeneratorClass The instance of the radiation-frame generator that is used for waveform generation. All parameters in current_params except for the location params are passed to this class's generate function. frozen_location_args : dict Any location parameters that were included in the frozen_params. variable_args : tuple The list of names of arguments that are passed to the generate function. """ location_args = set([]) """Set: Should be overriden by children classes with a set of parameters that set the binary's location. """ def __init__(self, rFrameGeneratorClass, epoch, detectors=None, variable_args=(), recalib=None, gates=None, **frozen_params): # initialize frozen & current parameters: self.current_params = frozen_params.copy() self._static_args = frozen_params.copy() # we'll separate out frozen location parameters from the frozen # parameters that are sent to the rframe generator self.frozen_location_args = {} loc_params = set(frozen_params.keys()) & self.location_args for param in loc_params: self.frozen_location_args[param] = frozen_params.pop(param) # set the order of the variable parameters self.variable_args = tuple(variable_args) # variables that are sent to the rFrame generator rframe_variables = list(set(self.variable_args) - self.location_args) # initialize the radiation frame generator self.rframe_generator = rFrameGeneratorClass( variable_args=rframe_variables, **frozen_params) self.set_epoch(epoch) # set calibration model self.recalib = recalib # if detectors are provided, convert to detector type; also ensure that # location variables are specified if detectors is not None: self.detectors = {det: Detector(det) for det in detectors} missing_args = [arg for arg in self.location_args if not (arg in self.current_params or arg in self.variable_args)] if any(missing_args): raise ValueError("detectors provided, but missing location " "parameters %s. " %(', '.join(missing_args)) + "These must be either in the frozen params or the " "variable args.") else: self.detectors = {'RF': None} self.detector_names = sorted(self.detectors.keys()) self.gates = gates
[docs] def set_epoch(self, epoch): """Sets the epoch; epoch should be a float or a LIGOTimeGPS.""" self._epoch = float(epoch)
@property def static_args(self): """Returns a dictionary of the static arguments.""" return self._static_args @property def epoch(self): """The GPS start time of the frequency series returned by the generate function. A time shift is applied to the waveform equal to tc-epoch. Update by using ``set_epoch`` """ return _lal.LIGOTimeGPS(self._epoch)
[docs] @abstractmethod def generate(self, **kwargs): """The function that generates the waveforms. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def select_rframe_generator(self, approximant): """Method to select waveform generator based on an approximant.""" pass
[docs]class FDomainDetFrameGenerator(BaseFDomainDetFrameGenerator): """Generates frequency-domain waveform in a specific frame. Generates a waveform using the given radiation frame generator class, and applies the detector response function and appropriate time offset. Parameters ---------- rFrameGeneratorClass : class The class to use for generating the waveform in the radiation frame, e.g., FDomainCBCGenerator. This should be the class, not an instance of the class (the class will be initialized with the appropriate arguments internally). detectors : {None, list of strings} The names of the detectors to use. If provided, all location parameters must be included in either the variable args or the frozen params. If None, the generate function will just return the plus polarization returned by the rFrameGeneratorClass shifted by any desired time shift. epoch : {float, lal.LIGOTimeGPS The epoch start time to set the waveform to. A time shift = tc - epoch is applied to waveforms before returning. variable_args : {(), list or tuple} A list or tuple of strings giving the names and order of parameters that will be passed to the generate function. \**frozen_params Keyword arguments setting the parameters that will not be changed from call-to-call of the generate function. Attributes ---------- detectors : dict The dictionary of detectors that antenna patterns are calculated for on each call of generate. If no detectors were provided, will be ``{'RF': None}``, where "RF" means "radiation frame". detector_names : list The list of detector names. If no detectors were provided, then this will be ['RF'] for "radiation frame". epoch : lal.LIGOTimeGPS The GPS start time of the frequency series returned by the generate function. A time shift is applied to the waveform equal to tc-epoch. Update by using ``set_epoch``. current_params : dict A dictionary of name, value pairs of the arguments that were last used by the generate function. rframe_generator : instance of rFrameGeneratorClass The instance of the radiation-frame generator that is used for waveform generation. All parameters in current_params except for the location params are passed to this class's generate function. frozen_location_args : dict Any location parameters that were included in the frozen_params. variable_args : tuple The list of names of arguments that are passed to the generate function. Examples -------- Initialize a generator: >>> from pycbc.waveform.generator import FDomainDetFrameGenerator >>> generator = FDomainDetFrameGenerator(waveform.FDomainCBCGenerator, 0., variable_args=['mass1', 'mass2', 'spin1z', 'spin2z', 'tc', 'ra', 'dec', 'polarization'], detectors=['H1', 'L1'], delta_f=1./64, f_lower=20., approximant='SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin') Generate a waveform: >>> generator.generate(mass1=38.6, mass2=29.3, spin1z=0.33, spin2z=-0.94, tc=2.43, ra=1.37, dec=-1.26, polarization=2.76) {'H1': <pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x116637350>, 'L1': <pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries at 0x116637a50>} """ location_args = set(['tc', 'ra', 'dec', 'polarization']) """set(['tc', 'ra', 'dec', 'polarization']): The set of location parameters. These are not passed to the rFrame generator class; instead, they are used to apply the detector response function and/or shift the waveform in time. The parameters are: * tc: The GPS time of coalescence (should be geocentric time). * ra: Right ascension. * dec: declination * polarization: polarization. All of these must be provided in either the variable args or the frozen params if detectors is not None. If detectors is None, tc may optionally be provided. """
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generates a waveform, applies a time shift and the detector response function from the given kwargs. """ self.current_params.update(kwargs) rfparams = {param: self.current_params[param] for param in kwargs if param not in self.location_args} hp, hc = self.rframe_generator.generate(**rfparams) if isinstance(hp, TimeSeries): df = self.current_params['delta_f'] hp = hp.to_frequencyseries(delta_f=df) hc = hc.to_frequencyseries(delta_f=df) # time-domain waveforms will not be shifted so that the peak amp # happens at the end of the time series (as they are for f-domain), # so we add an additional shift to account for it tshift = 1./df - abs(hp._epoch) else: tshift = 0. hp._epoch = hc._epoch = self._epoch h = {} if self.detector_names != ['RF']: for detname, det in self.detectors.items(): # apply detector response function fp, fc = det.antenna_pattern(self.current_params['ra'], self.current_params['dec'], self.current_params['polarization'], self.current_params['tc']) thish = fp*hp + fc*hc # apply the time shift tc = self.current_params['tc'] + \ det.time_delay_from_earth_center(self.current_params['ra'], self.current_params['dec'], self.current_params['tc']) h[detname] = apply_fd_time_shift(thish, tc+tshift, copy=False) if self.recalib: # recalibrate with given calibration model h[detname] = \ self.recalib[detname].map_to_adjust(h[detname], **self.current_params) else: # no detector response, just use the + polarization if 'tc' in self.current_params: hp = apply_fd_time_shift(hp, self.current_params['tc']+tshift, copy=False) h['RF'] = hp if self.gates is not None: # resize all to nearest power of 2 for d in h.values(): d.resize(ceilpow2(len(d)-1) + 1) h = strain.apply_gates_to_fd(h, self.gates) return h
[docs] @staticmethod def select_rframe_generator(approximant): """Returns a radiation frame generator class based on the approximant string. """ return select_waveform_generator(approximant)
[docs]class FDomainDetFrameTwoPolGenerator(BaseFDomainDetFrameGenerator): """Generates frequency-domain waveform in a specific frame. Generates both polarizations of a waveform using the given radiation frame generator class, and applies the time shift. Detector response functions are not applied. Parameters ---------- rFrameGeneratorClass : class The class to use for generating the waveform in the radiation frame, e.g., FDomainCBCGenerator. This should be the class, not an instance of the class (the class will be initialized with the appropriate arguments internally). detectors : {None, list of strings} The names of the detectors to use. If provided, all location parameters must be included in either the variable args or the frozen params. If None, the generate function will just return the plus polarization returned by the rFrameGeneratorClass shifted by any desired time shift. epoch : {float, lal.LIGOTimeGPS The epoch start time to set the waveform to. A time shift = tc - epoch is applied to waveforms before returning. variable_args : {(), list or tuple} A list or tuple of strings giving the names and order of parameters that will be passed to the generate function. \**frozen_params Keyword arguments setting the parameters that will not be changed from call-to-call of the generate function. Attributes ---------- detectors : dict The dictionary of detectors that antenna patterns are calculated for on each call of generate. If no detectors were provided, will be ``{'RF': None}``, where "RF" means "radiation frame". detector_names : list The list of detector names. If no detectors were provided, then this will be ['RF'] for "radiation frame". epoch : lal.LIGOTimeGPS The GPS start time of the frequency series returned by the generate function. A time shift is applied to the waveform equal to tc-epoch. Update by using ``set_epoch``. current_params : dict A dictionary of name, value pairs of the arguments that were last used by the generate function. rframe_generator : instance of rFrameGeneratorClass The instance of the radiation-frame generator that is used for waveform generation. All parameters in current_params except for the location params are passed to this class's generate function. frozen_location_args : dict Any location parameters that were included in the frozen_params. variable_args : tuple The list of names of arguments that are passed to the generate function. """ location_args = set(['tc', 'ra', 'dec']) """ set(['tc', 'ra', 'dec']): The set of location parameters. These are not passed to the rFrame generator class; instead, they are used to apply the detector response function and/or shift the waveform in time. The parameters are: * tc: The GPS time of coalescence (should be geocentric time). * ra: Right ascension. * dec: declination All of these must be provided in either the variable args or the frozen params if detectors is not None. If detectors is None, tc may optionally be provided. """
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generates a waveform polarizations and applies a time shift. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of ``detector names -> (hp, hc)``, where ``hp, hc`` are the plus and cross polarization, respectively. """ self.current_params.update(kwargs) rfparams = {param: self.current_params[param] for param in kwargs if param not in self.location_args} hp, hc = self.rframe_generator.generate(**rfparams) if isinstance(hp, TimeSeries): df = self.current_params['delta_f'] hp = hp.to_frequencyseries(delta_f=df) hc = hc.to_frequencyseries(delta_f=df) # time-domain waveforms will not be shifted so that the peak amp # happens at the end of the time series (as they are for f-domain), # so we add an additional shift to account for it tshift = 1./df - abs(hp._epoch) else: tshift = 0. hp._epoch = hc._epoch = self._epoch h = {} if self.detector_names != ['RF']: for detname, det in self.detectors.items(): # apply the time shift tc = self.current_params['tc'] + \ det.time_delay_from_earth_center(self.current_params['ra'], self.current_params['dec'], self.current_params['tc']) dethp = apply_fd_time_shift(hp, tc+tshift, copy=True) dethc = apply_fd_time_shift(hc, tc+tshift, copy=True) if self.recalib: # recalibrate with given calibration model dethp = self.recalib[detname].map_to_adjust( dethp, **self.current_params) dethc = self.recalib[detname].map_to_adjust( dethc, **self.current_params) h[detname] = (dethp, dethc) else: # no detector response, just use the + polarization if 'tc' in self.current_params: hp = apply_fd_time_shift(hp, self.current_params['tc']+tshift, copy=False) hc = apply_fd_time_shift(hc, self.current_params['tc']+tshift, copy=False) h['RF'] = (hp, hc) if self.gates is not None: # resize all to nearest power of 2 hps = {} hcs = {} for det in h: hp = h[det] hc = h[det] hp.resize(ceilpow2(len(hp)-1) + 1) hc.resize(ceilpow2(len(hc)-1) + 1) hps[det] = hp hcs[det] = hc hps = strain.apply_gates_to_fd(hps, self.gates) hcs = strain.apply_gates_to_fd(hps, self.gates) h = {det: (hps[det], hcs[det]) for det in h} return h
[docs] @staticmethod def select_rframe_generator(approximant): """Returns a radiation frame generator class based on the approximant string. """ return select_waveform_generator(approximant)
[docs]class FDomainDetFrameTwoPolNoRespGenerator(BaseFDomainDetFrameGenerator): """Generates frequency-domain waveform in a specific frame. Generates both polarizations of a waveform using the given radiation frame generator class, and applies the time shift. Detector response functions are not applied. Parameters ---------- rFrameGeneratorClass : class The class to use for generating the waveform in the radiation frame, e.g., FDomainCBCGenerator. This should be the class, not an instance of the class (the class will be initialized with the appropriate arguments internally). detectors : {None, list of strings} The names of the detectors to use. If provided, all location parameters must be included in either the variable args or the frozen params. If None, the generate function will just return the plus polarization returned by the rFrameGeneratorClass shifted by any desired time shift. epoch : {float, lal.LIGOTimeGPS The epoch start time to set the waveform to. A time shift = tc - epoch is applied to waveforms before returning. variable_args : {(), list or tuple} A list or tuple of strings giving the names and order of parameters that will be passed to the generate function. \**frozen_params Keyword arguments setting the parameters that will not be changed from call-to-call of the generate function. Attributes ---------- detectors : dict The dictionary of detectors that antenna patterns are calculated for on each call of generate. If no detectors were provided, will be ``{'RF': None}``, where "RF" means "radiation frame". detector_names : list The list of detector names. If no detectors were provided, then this will be ['RF'] for "radiation frame". epoch : lal.LIGOTimeGPS The GPS start time of the frequency series returned by the generate function. A time shift is applied to the waveform equal to tc-epoch. Update by using ``set_epoch``. current_params : dict A dictionary of name, value pairs of the arguments that were last used by the generate function. rframe_generator : instance of rFrameGeneratorClass The instance of the radiation-frame generator that is used for waveform generation. All parameters in current_params except for the location params are passed to this class's generate function. frozen_location_args : dict Any location parameters that were included in the frozen_params. variable_args : tuple The list of names of arguments that are passed to the generate function. """
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generates a waveform polarizations Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of ``detector names -> (hp, hc)``, where ``hp, hc`` are the plus and cross polarization, respectively. """ self.current_params.update(kwargs) hp, hc = self.rframe_generator.generate(**self.current_params) if isinstance(hp, TimeSeries): df = self.current_params['delta_f'] hp = hp.to_frequencyseries(delta_f=df) hc = hc.to_frequencyseries(delta_f=df) # time-domain waveforms will not be shifted so that the peak amp # happens at the end of the time series (as they are for f-domain), # so we add an additional shift to account for it tshift = 1./df - abs(hp._epoch) hp = apply_fd_time_shift(hp, tshift, copy=True) hc = apply_fd_time_shift(hc, tshift, copy=True) hp._epoch = hc._epoch = self._epoch h = {} for detname in self.detectors: if self.recalib: # recalibrate with given calibration model hp = self.recalib[detname].map_to_adjust( hp, **self.current_params) hc = self.recalib[detname].map_to_adjust( hc, **self.current_params) h[detname] = (hp.copy(), hc.copy()) return h
[docs] @staticmethod def select_rframe_generator(approximant): """Returns a radiation frame generator class based on the approximant string. """ return select_waveform_generator(approximant)
[docs]class FDomainDetFrameModesGenerator(BaseFDomainDetFrameGenerator): """Generates frequency-domain waveform modes in a specific frame. Generates both polarizations of every waveform mode using the given radiation frame generator class, and applies the time shift. Detector response functions are not applied. Parameters ---------- rFrameGeneratorClass : class The class to use for generating the waveform modes in the radiation frame, e.g., :py:class:`FDomainCBCModesGenerator`. This should be the class, not an instance of the class (the class will be initialized with the appropriate arguments internally). The class should have a generate function that returns a dictionary of waveforms keyed by the modes. detectors : {None, list of strings} The names of the detectors to use. If provided, all location parameters must be included in either the variable args or the frozen params. If None, the generate function will just return the plus polarization returned by the rFrameGeneratorClass shifted by any desired time shift. epoch : {float, lal.LIGOTimeGPS The epoch start time to set the waveform to. A time shift = tc - epoch is applied to waveforms before returning. variable_args : {(), list or tuple} A list or tuple of strings giving the names and order of parameters that will be passed to the generate function. \**frozen_params Keyword arguments setting the parameters that will not be changed from call-to-call of the generate function. Attributes ---------- detectors : dict The dictionary of detectors that antenna patterns are calculated for on each call of generate. If no detectors were provided, will be ``{'RF': None}``, where "RF" means "radiation frame". detector_names : list The list of detector names. If no detectors were provided, then this will be ['RF'] for "radiation frame". epoch : lal.LIGOTimeGPS The GPS start time of the frequency series returned by the generate function. A time shift is applied to the waveform equal to tc-epoch. Update by using ``set_epoch``. current_params : dict A dictionary of name, value pairs of the arguments that were last used by the generate function. rframe_generator : instance of rFrameGeneratorClass The instance of the radiation-frame generator that is used for waveform generation. All parameters in current_params except for the location params are passed to this class's generate function. frozen_location_args : dict Any location parameters that were included in the frozen_params. variable_args : tuple The list of names of arguments that are passed to the generate function. """ location_args = set(['tc', 'ra', 'dec']) """ set(['tc', 'ra', 'dec']): The set of location parameters. These are not passed to the rFrame generator class; instead, they are used to apply the detector response function and/or shift the waveform in time. The parameters are: * tc: The GPS time of coalescence (should be geocentric time). * ra: Right ascension. * dec: declination All of these must be provided in either the variable args or the frozen params if detectors is not None. If detectors is None, tc may optionally be provided. """
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generates and returns a waveform decompsed into separate modes. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of ``detector names -> modes -> (ulm, vlm)``, where ``ulm, vlm`` are the frequency-domain representations of the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the complex time series representation of the ``hlm``. """ self.current_params.update(kwargs) rfparams = {param: self.current_params[param] for param in kwargs if param not in self.location_args} hlms = self.rframe_generator.generate(**rfparams) h = {det: {} for det in self.detectors} for mode in hlms: ulm, vlm = hlms[mode] if isinstance(ulm, TimeSeries): df = self.current_params['delta_f'] ulm = ulm.to_frequencyseries(delta_f=df) vlm = vlm.to_frequencyseries(delta_f=df) # time-domain waveforms will not be shifted so that the peak # amplitude happens at the end of the time series (as they are # for f-domain), so we add an additional shift to account for # it tshift = 1./df - abs(ulm._epoch) else: tshift = 0. ulm._epoch = vlm._epoch = self._epoch if self.detector_names != ['RF']: for detname, det in self.detectors.items(): # apply the time shift tc = self.current_params['tc'] + \ det.time_delay_from_earth_center( self.current_params['ra'], self.current_params['dec'], self.current_params['tc']) detulm = apply_fd_time_shift(ulm, tc+tshift, copy=True) detvlm = apply_fd_time_shift(vlm, tc+tshift, copy=True) if self.recalib: # recalibrate with given calibration model detulm = self.recalib[detname].map_to_adjust( detulm, **self.current_params) detvlm = self.recalib[detname].map_to_adjust( detvlm, **self.current_params) h[detname][mode] = (detulm, detvlm) else: # no detector response, just apply time shift if 'tc' in self.current_params: ulm = apply_fd_time_shift(ulm, self.current_params['tc']+tshift, copy=False) vlm = apply_fd_time_shift(vlm, self.current_params['tc']+tshift, copy=False) h['RF'][mode] = (ulm, vlm) if self.gates is not None: # resize all to nearest power of 2 ulms = {} vlms = {} for det in h: ulm, vlm = h[det][mode] ulm.resize(ceilpow2(len(ulm)-1) + 1) vlm.resize(ceilpow2(len(vlm)-1) + 1) ulms[det] = ulm vlms[det] = vlm ulms = strain.apply_gates_to_fd(ulms, self.gates) vlms = strain.apply_gates_to_fd(ulms, self.gates) for det in ulms: h[det][mode] = (ulms[det], vlms[det]) return h
[docs] @staticmethod def select_rframe_generator(approximant): """Returns a radiation frame generator class based on the approximant string. """ return select_waveform_modes_generator(approximant)
[docs]class FDomainDirectDetFrameGenerator(BaseCBCGenerator): """Generates frequency-domain waveforms directly in the detector frame. Uses :py:func:`waveform.get_fd_det_waveform` as a generator function to create frequency-domain CBC waveforms that include the detector response. For details, on methods and arguments, see :py:class:`BaseCBCGenerator`. """ def __init__( self, rFrameGeneratorClass=None, epoch=None, detectors=None, variable_args=(), gates=None, recalib=None, **frozen_params ): if rFrameGeneratorClass is not None: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not supprt using a radiation " "frame generator class." ) self.set_epoch(epoch) self.detectors = detectors if gates is not None: raise RuntimeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not support `gates`" ) if recalib is not None: raise RuntimeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not support `recalib`" ) if detectors is None: raise ValueError( f"Must specify detectors to use {self.__class__.__name__}." ) super().__init__( waveform.get_fd_det_waveform, variable_args=variable_args, **frozen_params )
[docs] def set_epoch(self, epoch): """Sets the epoch; epoch should be a float or a LIGOTimeGPS.""" self._epoch = float(epoch)
@property def epoch(self): """The GPS start time of the frequency series returned by the generate function. A time shift is applied to the waveform equal to tc-epoch. Update by using ``set_epoch`` """ return _lal.LIGOTimeGPS(self._epoch)
[docs] @staticmethod def select_rframe_generator(approximant): """Returns the radiation frame generator. Returns ``None`` since this class does not support generating waveforms in the radiation frame. """ return None
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generates and returns a waveform in the detector frame. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of ``detector names -> h``, where is the waveform in the specified detector. """ wfs = super().generate(ifos=self.detectors, **kwargs) for det in self.detectors: wfs[det]._epoch = self._epoch wfs[det] = apply_fd_time_shift(wfs[det], kwargs["tc"], copy=False) return wfs
# # ============================================================================= # # Helper functions # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]def select_waveform_generator(approximant): """Returns the single-IFO generator for the approximant. Parameters ---------- approximant : str Name of waveform approximant. Valid names can be found using ``pycbc.waveform`` methods. Returns ------- generator : (PyCBC generator instance) A waveform generator object. Examples -------- Get a list of available approximants: >>> from pycbc import waveform >>> waveform.fd_approximants() >>> waveform.td_approximants() >>> from pycbc.waveform import ringdown >>> ringdown.ringdown_fd_approximants.keys() Get generator object: >>> from pycbc.waveform.generator import select_waveform_generator >>> select_waveform_generator(waveform.fd_approximants()[0]) """ # check if frequency-domain CBC waveform if approximant in waveform.fd_approximants(): return FDomainCBCGenerator # check if time-domain CBC waveform elif approximant in waveform.td_approximants(): return TDomainCBCGenerator # check if frequency-domain ringdown waveform elif approximant in ringdown.ringdown_fd_approximants: if approximant == 'FdQNMfromFinalMassSpin': return FDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator elif approximant == 'FdQNMfromFreqTau': return FDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator elif approximant in ringdown.ringdown_td_approximants: if approximant == 'TdQNMfromFinalMassSpin': return TDomainMassSpinRingdownGenerator elif approximant == 'TdQNMfromFreqTau': return TDomainFreqTauRingdownGenerator # check if supernovae waveform: elif approximant in supernovae.supernovae_td_approximants: if approximant == 'CoreCollapseBounce': return TDomainSupernovaeGenerator # otherwise waveform approximant is not supported else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid approximant." % approximant)
[docs]def select_waveform_modes_generator(approximant): """Returns the single-IFO modes generator for the approximant. Parameters ---------- approximant : str Name of waveform approximant. Valid names can be found using ``pycbc.waveform`` methods. Returns ------- generator : (PyCBC generator instance) A waveform generator object. """ # check if frequency-domain CBC waveform if approximant in waveform.fd_approximants(): return FDomainCBCModesGenerator # check if time-domain CBC waveform elif approximant in waveform.td_approximants(): return TDomainCBCModesGenerator # otherwise waveform approximant is not supported raise ValueError("%s is not a valid approximant." % approximant)