Source code for pycbc.waveform.ringdown

# Copyright (C) 2016 Miriam Cabero Mueller
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
"""Generate ringdown templates in the time and frequency domain.

import numpy, lal
    import pykerr
except ImportError:
    pykerr = None
from pycbc.types import (TimeSeries, FrequencySeries, float64, complex128,
from pycbc.waveform.waveform import get_obj_attrs
from pycbc.conversions import get_lm_f0tau_allmodes

qnm_required_args = ['f_0', 'tau', 'amp', 'phi']
mass_spin_required_args = ['final_mass','final_spin', 'lmns', 'inclination']
freqtau_required_args = ['lmns']
td_args = {'delta_t': None, 't_final': None, 'taper': False}
fd_args = {'t_0': 0, 'delta_f': None, 'f_lower': 0, 'f_final': None}

max_freq = 16384/2.
min_dt = 1. / (2 * max_freq)
pi = numpy.pi
two_pi = 2 * numpy.pi
pi_sq = numpy.pi * numpy.pi

# Input parameters ############################################################

[docs]def props(obj, required, domain_args, **kwargs): """ Return a dictionary built from the combination of defaults, kwargs, and the attributes of the given object. """ # Get the attributes of the template object pr = get_obj_attrs(obj) # Get the parameters to generate the waveform # Note that keyword arguments override values in the template object input_params = domain_args.copy() input_params.update(pr) input_params.update(kwargs) # Check if the required arguments are given for arg in required: if arg not in input_params: raise ValueError('Please provide ' + str(arg)) return input_params
[docs]def format_lmns(lmns): """Checks if the format of the parameter lmns is correct, returning the appropriate format if not, and raise an error if nmodes=0. The required format for the ringdown approximants is a list of lmn modes as a single whitespace-separated string, with n the number of overtones desired. Alternatively, a list object may be used, containing individual strings as elements for the lmn modes. For instance, lmns = '223 331' are the modes 220, 221, 222, and 330. Giving lmns = ['223', '331'] is equivalent. The ConfigParser of a workflow might convert that to a single string (case 1 below) or a list with a single string (case 2), and this function will return the appropriate list of strings. If a different format is given, raise an error. """ # Catch case of lmns given as float (as int injection values are cast # to float by pycbc_create_injections), cast to int, then string if isinstance(lmns, float): lmns = str(int(lmns)) # Case 1: the lmns are given as a string, e.g. '221 331' if isinstance(lmns, str): lmns = lmns.split(' ') # Case 2: the lmns are given as strings in a list, e.g. ['221', '331'] elif isinstance(lmns, list): pass else: raise ValueError('Format of parameter lmns not recognized. See ' 'approximant documentation for more info.') out = [] # Cycle over the lmns to ensure that we get back a list of strings that # are three digits long, and that nmodes!=0 for lmn in lmns: # The following line is to be used with Python3 if the lmns are stored # as a list of strings in the HDF files and the workflow converts that # to a string # lmn = lmn.strip(" b'") # Try to convert to int and then str, to ensure the right format lmn = str(int(lmn)) if len(lmn) != 3: raise ValueError('Format of parameter lmns not recognized. See ' 'approximant documentation for more info.') elif int(lmn[2]) == 0: raise ValueError('Number of overtones (nmodes) must be greater ' 'than zero in lmn={}.'.format(lmn)) out.append(lmn) return out
[docs]def parse_mode(lmn): """Extracts overtones from an lmn. """ lm, nmodes = lmn[0:2], int(lmn[2]) overtones = [] for n in range(nmodes): mode = lm + '{}'.format(n) overtones.append(mode) return overtones
[docs]def lm_amps_phases(**kwargs): r"""Takes input_params and return dictionaries with amplitudes and phases of each overtone of a specific lm mode, checking that all of them are given. Will also look for dbetas and dphis. If ``(dphi|dbeta)`` (i.e., without a mode suffix) are provided, they will be used for all modes that don't explicitly set a ``(dphi|dbeta){lmn}``. """ lmns = format_lmns(kwargs['lmns']) amps = {} phis = {} dbetas = {} dphis = {} # reference mode ref_amp = kwargs.pop('ref_amp', None) if ref_amp is None: # default to the 220 mode ref_amp = 'amp220' # check for reference dphi and dbeta ref_dbeta = kwargs.pop('dbeta', 0.) ref_dphi = kwargs.pop('dphi', 0.) if isinstance(ref_amp, str) and ref_amp.startswith('amp'): # assume a mode was provided; check if the mode exists ref_mode = ref_amp.replace('amp', '') try: ref_amp = kwargs.pop(ref_amp) amps[ref_mode] = ref_amp except KeyError: raise ValueError("Must provide an amplitude for the reference " "mode {}".format(ref_amp)) else: ref_mode = None # Get amplitudes and phases of the modes for lmn in lmns: overtones = parse_mode(lmn) for mode in overtones: # skip the reference mode if mode != ref_mode: try: amps[mode] = kwargs['amp' + mode] * ref_amp except KeyError: raise ValueError('amp{} is required'.format(mode)) try: phis[mode] = kwargs['phi' + mode] except KeyError: raise ValueError('phi{} is required'.format(mode)) dphis[mode] = kwargs.pop('dphi'+mode, ref_dphi) dbetas[mode] = kwargs.pop('dbeta'+mode, ref_dbeta) return amps, phis, dbetas, dphis
[docs]def lm_freqs_taus(**kwargs): """Take input_params and return dictionaries with frequencies and damping times of each overtone of a specific lm mode, checking that all of them are given. """ lmns = format_lmns(kwargs['lmns']) freqs, taus = {}, {} for lmn in lmns: overtones = parse_mode(lmn) for mode in overtones: try: freqs[mode] = kwargs['f_' + mode] except KeyError: raise ValueError('f_{} is required'.format(mode)) try: taus[mode] = kwargs['tau_' + mode] except KeyError: raise ValueError('tau_{} is required'.format(mode)) return freqs, taus
[docs]def lm_arbitrary_harmonics(**kwargs): """Take input_params and return dictionaries with arbitrary harmonics for each mode. """ lmns = format_lmns(kwargs['lmns']) pols = {} polnms = {} for lmn in lmns: overtones = parse_mode(lmn) for mode in overtones: pols[mode] = kwargs.pop('pol{}'.format(mode), None) polnms[mode] = kwargs.pop('polnm{}'.format(mode), None) return pols, polnms
# Functions to obtain t_final, f_final and output vector ######################
[docs]def qnm_time_decay(tau, decay): """Return the time at which the amplitude of the ringdown falls to decay of the peak amplitude. Parameters ---------- tau : float The damping time of the sinusoid. decay : float The fraction of the peak amplitude. Returns ------- t_decay : float The time at which the amplitude of the time-domain ringdown falls to decay of the peak amplitude. """ return -tau * numpy.log(decay)
[docs]def qnm_freq_decay(f_0, tau, decay): """Return the frequency at which the amplitude of the ringdown falls to decay of the peak amplitude. Parameters ---------- f_0 : float The ringdown-frequency, which gives the peak amplitude. tau : float The damping time of the sinusoid. decay : float The fraction of the peak amplitude. Returns ------- f_decay : float The frequency at which the amplitude of the frequency-domain ringdown falls to decay of the peak amplitude. """ q_0 = pi * f_0 * tau alpha = 1. / decay alpha_sq = 1. / decay / decay # Expression obtained analytically under the assumption # that 1./alpha_sq, q_0^2 >> 1 q_sq = (alpha_sq + 4*q_0*q_0 + alpha*numpy.sqrt(alpha_sq + 16*q_0*q_0))/4. return numpy.sqrt(q_sq) / pi / tau
[docs]def lm_tfinal(damping_times): """Return the maximum t_final of the modes given, with t_final the time at which the amplitude falls to 1/1000 of the peak amplitude """ if isinstance(damping_times, dict): t_max = {} for lmn in damping_times.keys(): t_max[lmn] = qnm_time_decay(damping_times[lmn], 1./1000) t_final = max(t_max.values()) else: t_final = qnm_time_decay(damping_times, 1./1000) return t_final
[docs]def lm_deltat(freqs, damping_times): """Return the minimum delta_t of all the modes given, with delta_t given by the inverse of the frequency at which the amplitude of the ringdown falls to 1/1000 of the peak amplitude. """ if isinstance(freqs, dict) and isinstance(damping_times, dict): dt = {} for lmn in freqs.keys(): dt[lmn] = 1. / qnm_freq_decay(freqs[lmn], damping_times[lmn], 1./1000) delta_t = min(dt.values()) elif isinstance(freqs, dict) and not isinstance(damping_times, dict): raise ValueError('Missing damping times.') elif isinstance(damping_times, dict) and not isinstance(freqs, dict): raise ValueError('Missing frequencies.') else: delta_t = 1. / qnm_freq_decay(freqs, damping_times, 1./1000) if delta_t < min_dt: delta_t = min_dt return delta_t
[docs]def lm_ffinal(freqs, damping_times): """Return the maximum f_final of the modes given, with f_final the frequency at which the amplitude falls to 1/1000 of the peak amplitude """ if isinstance(freqs, dict) and isinstance(damping_times, dict): f_max = {} for lmn in freqs.keys(): f_max[lmn] = qnm_freq_decay(freqs[lmn], damping_times[lmn], 1./1000) f_final = max(f_max.values()) elif isinstance(freqs, dict) and not isinstance(damping_times, dict): raise ValueError('Missing damping times.') elif isinstance(damping_times, dict) and not isinstance(freqs, dict): raise ValueError('Missing frequencies.') else: f_final = qnm_freq_decay(freqs, damping_times, 1./1000) if f_final > max_freq: f_final = max_freq return f_final
[docs]def lm_deltaf(damping_times): """Return the minimum delta_f of all the modes given, with delta_f given by the inverse of the time at which the amplitude of the ringdown falls to 1/1000 of the peak amplitude. """ if isinstance(damping_times, dict): df = {} for lmn in damping_times.keys(): df[lmn] = 1. / qnm_time_decay(damping_times[lmn], 1./1000) delta_f = min(df.values()) else: delta_f = 1. / qnm_time_decay(damping_times, 1./1000) return delta_f
[docs]def td_output_vector(freqs, damping_times, taper=False, delta_t=None, t_final=None): """Return an empty TimeSeries with the appropriate size to fit all the quasi-normal modes present in freqs, damping_times """ if not delta_t: delta_t = lm_deltat(freqs, damping_times) if not t_final: t_final = lm_tfinal(damping_times) kmax = int(t_final / delta_t) + 1 # Different modes will have different tapering window-size # Find maximum window size to create long enough output vector if taper: max_tau = max(damping_times.values()) if \ isinstance(damping_times, dict) else damping_times kmax += int(max_tau/delta_t) outplus = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax, dtype=float64), delta_t=delta_t) outcross = TimeSeries(zeros(kmax, dtype=float64), delta_t=delta_t) if taper: # Change epoch of output vector if tapering will be applied start = - max_tau # To ensure that t=0 is still in output vector start -= start % delta_t outplus._epoch, outcross._epoch = start, start return outplus, outcross
[docs]def fd_output_vector(freqs, damping_times, delta_f=None, f_final=None): """Return an empty FrequencySeries with the appropriate size to fit all the quasi-normal modes present in freqs, damping_times """ if not delta_f: delta_f = lm_deltaf(damping_times) if not f_final: f_final = lm_ffinal(freqs, damping_times) kmax = int(f_final / delta_f) + 1 outplus = FrequencySeries(zeros(kmax, dtype=complex128), delta_f=delta_f) outcross = FrequencySeries(zeros(kmax, dtype=complex128), delta_f=delta_f) return outplus, outcross
# Spherical harmonics and Kerr factor #########################################
[docs]def spher_harms(harmonics='spherical', l=None, m=None, n=0, inclination=0., azimuthal=0., spin=None, pol=None, polnm=None): r"""Return the +/-m harmonic polarizations. This will return either spherical, spheroidal, or an arbitrary complex number depending on what ``harmonics`` is set to. If harmonics is set to arbitrary, then the "(+/-)m" harmonic will be :math:`e^{i \psi_(+/-)}`, where :math:`\psi_{+/-}` are arbitrary angles provided by the user (using the ``pol(nm)`` arguments). Parameters ---------- harmonics : {'spherical', 'spheroidal', 'arbitrary'}, optional The type of harmonic to generate. Default is spherical. l : int, optional The l index. Must be provided if harmonics is 'spherical' or 'spheroidal'. m : int, optional The m index. Must be provided if harmonics is 'spherical' or 'spheroidal'. n : int, optional The overtone number. Only used if harmonics is 'spheroidal'. Default is 0. inclination : float, optional The inclination angle. Only used if harmonics is 'spherical' or 'spheroidal'. Default is 0. azimuthal : float, optional The azimuthal angle. Only used if harmonics is 'spherical' or 'spheroidal'. Default is 0. spin : float, optional The dimensionless spin of the black hole. Must be provided if harmonics is 'spheroidal'. Ignored otherwise. pol : float, optional Angle (in radians) to use for arbitrary "+m" harmonic. Must be provided if harmonics is 'arbitrary'. Ignored otherwise. polnm : float, optional Angle (in radians) to use for arbitrary "-m" harmonic. Must be provided if harmonics is 'arbitrary'. Ignored otherwise. Returns ------- xlm : complex The harmonic of the +m mode. xlnm : complex The harmonic of the -m mode. """ if harmonics == 'spherical': xlm = lal.SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonic(inclination, azimuthal, -2, l, m) xlnm = lal.SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonic(inclination, azimuthal, -2, l, -m) elif harmonics == 'spheroidal': if spin is None: raise ValueError("must provide a spin for spheroidal harmonics") if pykerr is None: raise ImportError("pykerr must be installed for spheroidal " "harmonics") xlm = pykerr.spheroidal(inclination, spin, l, m, n, phi=azimuthal) xlnm = pykerr.spheroidal(inclination, spin, l, -m, n, phi=azimuthal) elif harmonics == 'arbitrary': if pol is None or polnm is None: raise ValueError('must provide a pol and a polnm for arbitrary ' 'harmonics') xlm = numpy.exp(1j*pol) xlnm = numpy.exp(1j*polnm) else: raise ValueError("harmonics must be either spherical, spheroidal, " "or arbitrary") return xlm, xlnm
[docs]def Kerr_factor(final_mass, distance): """Return the factor final_mass/distance (in dimensionless units) for Kerr ringdowns """ # Convert solar masses to meters mass = final_mass * lal.MSUN_SI * lal.G_SI / lal.C_SI**2 # Convert Mpc to meters dist = distance * 1e6 * lal.PC_SI return mass / dist
###################################################### #### Basic functions to generate damped sinusoid ######################################################
[docs]def td_damped_sinusoid(f_0, tau, amp, phi, times, l=2, m=2, n=0, inclination=0., azimuthal=0., dphi=0., dbeta=0., harmonics='spherical', final_spin=None, pol=None, polnm=None): r"""Return a time domain damped sinusoid (plus and cross polarizations) with central frequency f_0, damping time tau, amplitude amp and phase phi. This returns the plus and cross polarization of the QNM, defined as :math:`h^{+,\times}_{l|m|n} = (\Re, \Im) \{ h_{l|m|n}(t)\right}`, where .. math:: h_{l|m|n}(t) &:= A_{lmn} X_{lmn}(\theta, \varphi) e^{-t/\tau_{lmn} + i(2\pi f_{lmn}t + \phi_{lmn})} \\ & + A_{l-mn} X_{l-mn}(\theta, \varphi) e^{-t/\tau_{lmn} - i(2\pi f_{lmn}t + \phi_{l-mn})} Here, the :math:`X_{lmn}(\theta, \varphi)` are either the spherical or spheroidal harmonics, or an arbitrary complex number, depending on the input arguments. This uses the convention that the +/-m modes are related to each other via :math:`f_{l-mn} = -f_{lmn}` and :math:`\tau_{l-mn} = \tau_{lmn}`. The amplitudes :math:`A_{l(-)mn}` and phases :math:`\phi_{l(-)mn}` of the +/-m modes are related to each other by: .. math:: \phi_{l-mn} = l\pi + \Delta \phi_{lmn} - \phi_{lmn} and .. math:: A_{lmn} &= A^0_{lmn} \sqrt{2} \cos(\pi/4 + \Delta \beta_{lmn})\\ A_{lmn} &= A^0_{lmn} \sqrt{2} \sin(\pi/4 + \Delta \beta_{lmn}). Here, :math:`A^0_{lmn}` is an overall fiducial amplitude (set by the ``amp``) parameter, and .. math:: \Delta \beta_{lmn} &\in [-pi/4, pi/4], \\ \Delta \phi_{lmn} &\in (-pi, pi) are parameters that define the deviation from circular polarization. Circular polarization occurs when both :math:`\Delta \beta_{lmn}` and :math:`\Delta \phi_{lmn}` are zero (this is equivalent to assuming that :math:`h_{l-mn} = (-1)^l h_{lmn}^*`). Parameters ---------- f_0 : float The central frequency of the damped sinusoid, in Hz. tau : float The damping time, in seconds. amp : float The intrinsic amplitude of the QNM (:math:`A^0_{lmn}` in the above). phi : float The reference phase of the QNM (:math:`\phi_{lmn}`) in the above. times : array Array of times to use, where t=0 is considered the start of the ringdown. Times are assumed to be monotonically increasing. A taper of 10x the damping time will be used for any negative times. l : int, optional The l index; default is 2. m : int, optional The m index; default is 2. n : int, optional The overtone index; default is 0. inclination : float, optional The inclination angle (:math:`\theta` in the above). Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Default is 0. azimuthal : float, optional The azimuthal angle (:math:`\varphi` in the above). Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Default is 0. dphi : float, optional The difference in phase between the +m and -m mode (:math:`\Delta \phi_{lmn}` in the above). Default is 0. dbeta : float, optional The angular difference in the amplitudes of the +m and -m mode (:math:`\Delta \beta_{lmn}` in the above). Default is 0. If this and dphi are both 0, will have circularly polarized waves. harmonics : {'spherical', 'spheroidal', 'arbitrary'}, optional Which harmonics to use. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. Default is spherical. final_spin : float, optional The dimensionless spin of the black hole. Only needed if ``harmonics='spheroidal'``. pol : float, optional Angle to use for +m arbitrary harmonics. Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. polnm : float, optional Angle to use for -m arbitrary harmonics. Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. Returns ------- hplus : numpy.ndarray The plus polarization. hcross : numpy.ndarray The cross polarization. """ # evaluate the harmonics xlm, xlnm = spher_harms(harmonics=harmonics, l=l, m=m, n=n, inclination=inclination, azimuthal=azimuthal, spin=final_spin, pol=pol, polnm=polnm) # generate the +/-m modes # we measure things as deviations from circular polarization, which occurs # when h_{l-m} = (-1)^l h_{lm}^*; that implies that # phi_{l-m} = - phi_{lm} and A_{l-m} = (-1)^l A_{lm} omegalm = two_pi * f_0 * times damping = -times/tau # check for negative times mask = times < 0 if mask.any(): damping[mask] = 10*times[mask]/tau if m == 0: # no -m, just calculate hlm = xlm * amp * numpy.exp(damping + 1j*(omegalm + phi)) else: # amplitude if dbeta == 0: alm = alnm = amp else: beta = pi/4 + dbeta alm = 2**0.5 * amp * numpy.cos(beta) alnm = 2**0.5 * amp * numpy.sin(beta) # phase phinm = l*pi + dphi - phi hlm = xlm * alm * numpy.exp(damping + 1j*(omegalm + phi)) \ + xlnm * alnm * numpy.exp(damping - 1j*(omegalm - phinm)) return hlm.real, hlm.imag
[docs]def fd_damped_sinusoid(f_0, tau, amp, phi, freqs, t_0=0., l=2, m=2, n=0, inclination=0., azimuthal=0., harmonics='spherical', final_spin=None, pol=None, polnm=None): r"""Return the frequency domain version of a damped sinusoid. This is the frequency domain version :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` without a taper if an infinite sample rate were used to resolve the step function that turns on the damped sinusoid. See :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` for details. .. note:: This function currently does not support using a different amplitude and phase for the -m modes (equivalent to setting ``dphi = dbeta = 0`` in :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid`. Parameters ---------- f_0 : float The central frequency of the damped sinusoid, in Hz. tau : float The damping time, in seconds. amp : float The intrinsic amplitude of the QNM (:math:`A^0_{lmn}` in the above). phi : float The reference phase of the QNM (:math:`\phi_{lmn}`) in the above. freqs : array Array of frequencies to evaluate the damped sinusoid over. t_0 : float, optional The start time of ringdown. Default (0.) corresponds to the ringdown starting at the beginning of the equivalent segment in the time domain. A non-zero value for ``t_0`` will shift the ringdown in time to the corresponding number of seconds from the start of the segment. l : int, optional The l index; default is 2. m : int, optional The m index; default is 2. n : int, optional The overtone index; default is 0. inclination : float, optional The inclination angle (:math:`\theta` in the above). Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Default is 0. azimuthal : float, optional The azimuthal angle (:math:`\varphi` in the above). Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Default is 0. harmonics : {'spherical', 'spheroidal', 'arbitrary'}, optional Which harmonics to use. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. Default is spherical. final_spin : float, optional The dimensionless spin of the black hole. Only needed if ``harmonics='spheroidal'``. pol : float, optional Angle to use for +m arbitrary harmonics. Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. polnm : float, optional Angle to use for -m arbitrary harmonics. Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. Returns ------- hptilde : numpy.ndarray The plus polarization. hctilde : numpy.ndarray The cross polarization. """ # evaluate the harmonics if inclination is None: inclination = 0. if azimuthal is None: azimuthal = 0. xlm, xlnm = spher_harms(harmonics=harmonics, l=l, m=m, n=n, inclination=inclination, azimuthal=azimuthal, spin=final_spin, pol=pol, polnm=polnm) # we'll assume circular polarization xp = xlm + (-1)**l * xlnm xc = xlm - (-1)**l * xlnm denominator = 1 + (4j * pi * freqs * tau) - \ (4 * pi_sq * (freqs*freqs - f_0*f_0) * tau*tau) norm = amp * tau / denominator if t_0 != 0: time_shift = numpy.exp(-1j * two_pi * freqs * t_0) norm *= time_shift A1 = (1 + 2j * pi * freqs * tau) A2 = two_pi * f_0 * tau # Analytical expression for the Fourier transform of the ringdown hptilde = norm * xp * (A1 * numpy.cos(phi) - A2 * numpy.sin(phi)) hctilde = norm * xc * (A1 * numpy.sin(phi) + A2 * numpy.cos(phi)) return hptilde, hctilde
###################################################### #### Base multi-mode for all approximants ######################################################
[docs]def multimode_base(input_params, domain, freq_tau_approximant=False): """Return a superposition of damped sinusoids in either time or frequency domains with parameters set by input_params. Parameters ---------- input_params : dict Dictionary of parameters to generate the ringdowns with. See :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` and :py:func:`fd_damped_sinusoid` for supported parameters. domain : string Choose domain of the waveform, either 'td' for time domain or 'fd' for frequency domain. If 'td' ('fd'), the damped sinusoids will be generated with :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` (:py:func:`fd_damped_sinusoid`). freq_tau_approximant : {False, bool}, optional Choose choose the waveform approximant to use. Either based on mass/spin (set to False, default), or on frequencies/damping times of the modes (set to True). Returns ------- hplus : TimeSeries The plus phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in the chosen domain (time or frequency). hcross : TimeSeries The cross phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in the chosen domain (time or frequency). """ input_params['lmns'] = format_lmns(input_params['lmns']) amps, phis, dbetas, dphis = lm_amps_phases(**input_params) pols, polnms = lm_arbitrary_harmonics(**input_params) # get harmonics argument try: harmonics = input_params['harmonics'] except KeyError: harmonics = 'spherical' # we'll need the final spin for spheroidal harmonics if harmonics == 'spheroidal': final_spin = input_params['final_spin'] else: final_spin = None # add inclination and azimuthal if they aren't provided if 'inclination' not in input_params: input_params['inclination'] = 0. if 'azimuthal' not in input_params: input_params['azimuthal'] = 0. # figure out the frequencies and damping times if freq_tau_approximant: freqs, taus = lm_freqs_taus(**input_params) norm = 1. else: freqs, taus = get_lm_f0tau_allmodes(input_params['final_mass'], input_params['final_spin'], input_params['lmns']) norm = Kerr_factor(input_params['final_mass'], input_params['distance']) if 'distance' in input_params.keys() \ else 1. for mode, freq in freqs.items(): if 'delta_f{}'.format(mode) in input_params: freqs[mode] += input_params['delta_f{}'.format(mode)]*freq for mode, tau in taus.items(): if 'delta_tau{}'.format(mode) in input_params: taus[mode] += input_params['delta_tau{}'.format(mode)]*tau # setup the output if domain == 'td': outplus, outcross = td_output_vector(freqs, taus, input_params['taper'], input_params['delta_t'], input_params['t_final']) sample_times = outplus.sample_times.numpy() elif domain == 'fd': outplus, outcross = fd_output_vector(freqs, taus, input_params['delta_f'], input_params['f_final']) kmin = int(input_params['f_lower'] / input_params['delta_f']) sample_freqs = outplus.sample_frequencies.numpy()[kmin:] else: raise ValueError('unrecognised domain argument {}; ' 'must be either fd or td'.format(domain)) # cyclce over the modes, generating the waveforms for lmn in freqs: if amps[lmn] == 0.: # skip continue if domain == 'td': hplus, hcross = td_damped_sinusoid( freqs[lmn], taus[lmn], amps[lmn], phis[lmn], sample_times, l=int(lmn[0]), m=int(lmn[1]), n=int(lmn[2]), inclination=input_params['inclination'], azimuthal=input_params['azimuthal'], dphi=dphis[lmn], dbeta=dbetas[lmn], harmonics=harmonics, final_spin=final_spin, pol=pols[lmn], polnm=polnms[lmn]) outplus += hplus outcross += hcross elif domain == 'fd': hplus, hcross = fd_damped_sinusoid( freqs[lmn], taus[lmn], amps[lmn], phis[lmn], sample_freqs, l=int(lmn[0]), m=int(lmn[1]), n=int(lmn[2]), inclination=input_params['inclination'], azimuthal=input_params['azimuthal'], harmonics=harmonics, final_spin=final_spin, pol=pols[lmn], polnm=polnms[lmn]) outplus[kmin:] += hplus outcross[kmin:] += hcross return norm * outplus, norm * outcross
###################################################### #### Approximants ######################################################
[docs]def get_td_from_final_mass_spin(template=None, **kwargs): """Return time domain ringdown with all the modes specified. Parameters ---------- template : object An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table. final_mass : float Mass of the final black hole in solar masses. final_spin : float Dimensionless spin of the final black hole. distance : {None, float}, optional Luminosity distance of the system. If specified, the returned ringdown will include the Kerr factor (final_mass/distance). lmns : list Desired lmn modes as strings. All modes up to l = m = 7 are available. The n specifies the number of overtones desired for the corresponding lm pair, not the overtone number; maximum n=8. Example: lmns = ['223','331'] are the modes 220, 221, 222, and 330 ref_amp : str, optional Which mode to use as the reference for computing amplitudes. Must be 'amp220' if distance is given. Default is 'amp220'. The amplitude of the reference mode should be specified directly, while all other amplitudes are specified as ratios with respect to that mode. For example, if ``ref_amp = 'amp220'``, ``lmns = ['221', '331']``, and no distance is provided, then ``amp220 = 1e-22, amp330 = 0.1`` would result in the 220 mode having a strain amplitude of 1e-22 and the 330 mode having a strain amplitude of 1e-23. If distance is given, the amplitude of the reference mode will have a completely different order of magnitude. See table II in for an estimate. An amplitude for the reference mode must always be provided, even if that mode is not being generated. For example, if ``ref_amp = 'amp220'`` and ``lmns = ['331']`` then both a ``amp220`` and ``amp330`` must be provided even though only the 330 mode will be created. amplmn : float The amplitude of each mode, required for all modes specifed plus the reference mode. As described above, amplitudes should be specified relative to the reference mode. philmn : float Phase of the lmn overtone, as many as the number of modes. inclination : float Inclination of the system in radians. Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Default is 0. azimuthal : float, optional The azimuthal angle in radians. Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Usually this is not necessary to specify since it is degenerate with initial phase ``philmn``; i.e., this is only useful if you have an expectation for what the phase of each mode is. Default is 0. dphi[lmn] : float, optional The difference in phase between the +m and -m mode. See the documentation for ``dphi`` in :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` for details. You may specify a ``dphi{lmn}`` (ex. ``dphi220``) separately for each mode, and/or a single ``dphi`` (without any lmn) for all modes that do not have ``dphi`` specified. Default is to use 0 for all modes. dbeta[lmn] : float, optional The angular difference in the amplitudes of the +m and -m mode. See the documentation for ``dbeta`` in :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` for details. You may specify a ``dbeta{lmn}`` (ex. ``dbeta220``) separately for each mode, and/or a single ``dbeta`` (without any lmn) for all modes that do not have ``dbeta`` specified. Default is to use 0 for all modes. pollmn : float, optional Angle to use for +m arbitrary harmonics of the lmn mode in radians (example: ``pol220 = 0.1``. Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``, ignored otherwise. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. polnmlmn : float, optional Angle to use for -m arbitrary harmonics of the lmn mode in radians (example: ``polnm220 = 0.1``). Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``, ignored otherwise. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. harmonics : {'spherical', 'spheroidal', 'arbitrary'}, optional Which harmonics to use. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. Default is spherical. delta_flmn: {None, float}, optional GR deviation for the frequency of the lmn mode. If given, the lmn frequency will be converted to new_flmn = flmn + delta_flmn * flmn, with flmn the GR predicted value for the corresponding mass and spin. delta_taulmn: {None, float}, optional GR deviation for the damping time of the lmn mode. If given, the lmn tau will be converted to new_taulmn = taulmn + delta_taulmn * taulmn, with taulmn the GR predicted value for the corresponding mass and spin. delta_t : {None, float}, optional The time step used to generate the ringdown. If None, it will be set to the inverse of the frequency at which the amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the minimum of all modes). t_final : {None, float}, optional The ending time of the output frequency series. If None, it will be set to the time at which the amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the maximum of all modes). taper : bool, optional Add a rapid ringup with timescale tau/10 at the beginning of the waveform to avoid the abrupt turn on of the ringdown. Each mode and overtone will have a different taper depending on its tau, the final taper being the superposition of all the tapers. Default is False. Returns ------- hplus : TimeSeries The plus phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in time domain. hcross : TimeSeries The cross phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in time domain. """ input_params = props(template, mass_spin_required_args, td_args, **kwargs) return multimode_base(input_params, domain='td')
[docs]def get_fd_from_final_mass_spin(template=None, **kwargs): """Return frequency domain ringdown with all the modes specified. Parameters ---------- template : object An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table. final_mass : float Mass of the final black hole in solar masses. final_spin : float Dimensionless spin of the final black hole. distance : {None, float}, optional Luminosity distance of the system. If specified, the returned ringdown will include the Kerr factor (final_mass/distance). lmns : list Desired lmn modes as strings. All modes up to l = m = 7 are available. The n specifies the number of overtones desired for the corresponding lm pair, not the overtone number; maximum n=8. Example: lmns = ['223','331'] are the modes 220, 221, 222, and 330 ref_amp : str, optional Which mode to use as the reference for computing amplitudes. Must be 'amp220' if distance is given. Default is 'amp220'. The amplitude of the reference mode should be specified directly, while all other amplitudes are specified as ratios with respect to that mode. For example, if ``ref_amp = 'amp220'``, ``lmns = ['221', '331']``, and no distance is provided, then ``amp220 = 1e-22, amp330 = 0.1`` would result in the 220 mode having a strain amplitude of 1e-22 and the 330 mode having a strain amplitude of 1e-23. If distance is given, the amplitude of the reference mode will have a completely different order of magnitude. See table II in for an estimate. An amplitude for the reference mode must always be provided, even if that mode is not being generated. For example, if ``ref_amp = 'amp220'`` and ``lmns = ['331']`` then both a ``amp220`` and ``amp330`` must be provided even though only the 330 mode will be created. amplmn : float The amplitude of each mode, required for all modes specifed plus the reference mode. As described above, amplitudes should be specified relative to the reference mode. philmn : float Phase of the lmn overtone, as many as the number of modes. inclination : float Inclination of the system in radians. Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Default is 0. azimuthal : float, optional The azimuthal angle in radians. Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Usually this is not necessary to specify since it is degenerate with initial phase ``philmn``; i.e., this is only useful if you have an expectation for what the phase of each mode is. Default is 0. pollmn : float, optional Angle to use for +m arbitrary harmonics of the lmn mode in radians (example: ``pol220 = 0.1``. Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``, ignored otherwise. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. polnmlmn : float, optional Angle to use for -m arbitrary harmonics of the lmn mode in radians (example: ``polnm220 = 0.1``). Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``, ignored otherwise. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. harmonics : {'spherical', 'spheroidal', 'arbitrary'}, optional Which harmonics to use. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. Default is spherical. delta_flmn: {None, float}, optional GR deviation for the frequency of the lmn mode. If given, the lmn frequency will be converted to new_flmn = flmn + delta_flmn * flmn, with flmn the GR predicted value for the corresponding mass and spin. delta_taulmn: {None, float}, optional GR deviation for the damping time of the lmn mode. If given, the lmn tau will be converted to new_taulmn = taulmn + delta_taulmn * taulmn, with taulmn the GR predicted value for the corresponding mass and spin. delta_f : {None, float}, optional The frequency step used to generate the ringdown (not to be confused with the delta_flmn parameter that simulates GR violations). If None, it will be set to the inverse of the time at which the amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the minimum of all modes). f_lower : {None, float}, optional The starting frequency of the output frequency series. If None, it will be set to delta_f. f_final : {None, float}, optional The ending frequency of the output frequency series. If None, it will be set to the frequency at which the amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the maximum of all modes). Returns ------- hplustilde : FrequencySeries The plus phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in frequency domain. hcrosstilde : FrequencySeries The cross phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in frequency domain. """ input_params = props(template, mass_spin_required_args, fd_args, **kwargs) return multimode_base(input_params, domain='fd')
[docs]def get_td_from_freqtau(template=None, **kwargs): """Return time domain ringdown with all the modes specified. Parameters ---------- template : object An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table. lmns : list Desired lmn modes as strings. All modes up to l = m = 7 are available. The n specifies the number of overtones desired for the corresponding lm pair, not the overtone number; maximum n=8. Example: lmns = ['223','331'] are the modes 220, 221, 222, and 330 f_lmn : float Central frequency of the lmn overtone, as many as number of modes. tau_lmn : float Damping time of the lmn overtone, as many as number of modes. ref_amp : str, optional Which mode to use as the reference for computing amplitudes. Must be 'amp220' if distance is given. Default is 'amp220'. The amplitude of the reference mode should be specified directly, while all other amplitudes are specified as ratios with respect to that mode. For example, if ``ref_amp = 'amp220'``, ``lmns = ['221', '331']``, and no distance is provided, then ``amp220 = 1e-22, amp330 = 0.1`` would result in the 220 mode having a strain amplitude of 1e-22 and the 330 mode having a strain amplitude of 1e-23. If distance is given, the amplitude of the reference mode will have a completely different order of magnitude. See table II in for an estimate. An amplitude for the reference mode must always be provided, even if that mode is not being generated. For example, if ``ref_amp = 'amp220'`` and ``lmns = ['331']`` then both a ``amp220`` and ``amp330`` must be provided even though only the 330 mode will be created. amplmn : float The amplitude of each mode, required for all modes specifed plus the reference mode. As described above, amplitudes should be specified relative to the reference mode. philmn : float Phase of the lmn overtone, as many as the number of modes. inclination : float Inclination of the system in radians. Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Default is 0. azimuthal : float, optional The azimuthal angle in radians. Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Usually this is not necessary to specify since it is degenerate with initial phase ``philmn``; i.e., this is only useful if you have an expectation for what the phase of each mode is. Default is 0. dphi[lmn] : float, optional The difference in phase between the +m and -m mode. See the documentation for ``dphi`` in :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` for details. You may specify a ``dphi{lmn}`` (ex. ``dphi220``) separately for each mode, and/or a single ``dphi`` (without any lmn) for all modes that do not have ``dphi`` specified. Default is to use 0 for all modes. dbeta[lmn] : float, optional The angular difference in the amplitudes of the +m and -m mode. See the documentation for ``dbeta`` in :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` for details. You may specify a ``dbeta{lmn}`` (ex. ``dbeta220``) separately for each mode, and/or a single ``dbeta`` (without any lmn) for all modes that do not have ``dbeta`` specified. Default is to use 0 for all modes. pollmn : float, optional Angle to use for +m arbitrary harmonics of the lmn mode in radians (example: ``pol220 = 0.1``. Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``, ignored otherwise. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. polnmlmn : float, optional Angle to use for -m arbitrary harmonics of the lmn mode in radians (example: ``polnm220 = 0.1``). Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``, ignored otherwise. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. harmonics : {'spherical', 'spheroidal', 'arbitrary'}, optional Which harmonics to use. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. Default is spherical. final_spin : float, optional Dimensionless spin of the final black hole. This is required if ``harmonics='spheroidal'``. Ignored otherwise. delta_t : {None, float}, optional The time step used to generate the ringdown. If None, it will be set to the inverse of the frequency at which the amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the minimum of all modes). t_final : {None, float}, optional The ending time of the output frequency series. If None, it will be set to the time at which the amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the maximum of all modes). taper : bool, optional Add a rapid ringup with timescale tau/10 at the beginning of the waveform to avoid the abrupt turn on of the ringdown. Each mode and overtone will have a different taper depending on its tau, the final taper being the superposition of all the tapers. Default is False. Returns ------- hplus : TimeSeries The plus phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in time domain. hcross : TimeSeries The cross phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in time domain. """ input_params = props(template, freqtau_required_args, td_args, **kwargs) return multimode_base(input_params, domain='td', freq_tau_approximant=True)
[docs]def get_fd_from_freqtau(template=None, **kwargs): """Return frequency domain ringdown with all the modes specified. Parameters ---------- template : object An object that has attached properties. This can be used to substitute for keyword arguments. A common example would be a row in an xml table. lmns : list Desired lmn modes as strings. All modes up to l = m = 7 are available. The n specifies the number of overtones desired for the corresponding lm pair, not the overtone number; maximum n=8. Example: lmns = ['223','331'] are the modes 220, 221, 222, and 330 f_lmn : float Central frequency of the lmn overtone, as many as number of modes. tau_lmn : float Damping time of the lmn overtone, as many as number of modes. ref_amp : str, optional Which mode to use as the reference for computing amplitudes. Must be 'amp220' if distance is given. Default is 'amp220'. The amplitude of the reference mode should be specified directly, while all other amplitudes are specified as ratios with respect to that mode. For example, if ``ref_amp = 'amp220'``, ``lmns = ['221', '331']``, and no distance is provided, then ``amp220 = 1e-22, amp330 = 0.1`` would result in the 220 mode having a strain amplitude of 1e-22 and the 330 mode having a strain amplitude of 1e-23. If distance is given, the amplitude of the reference mode will have a completely different order of magnitude. See table II in for an estimate. An amplitude for the reference mode must always be provided, even if that mode is not being generated. For example, if ``ref_amp = 'amp220'`` and ``lmns = ['331']`` then both a ``amp220`` and ``amp330`` must be provided even though only the 330 mode will be created. amplmn : float The amplitude of each mode, required for all modes specifed plus the reference mode. As described above, amplitudes should be specified relative to the reference mode. philmn : float Phase of the lmn overtone, as many as the number of modes. inclination : float Inclination of the system in radians. Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Default is 0. azimuthal : float, optional The azimuthal angle in radians. Ignored if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``. Usually this is not necessary to specify since it is degenerate with initial phase ``philmn``; i.e., this is only useful if you have an expectation for what the phase of each mode is. Default is 0. dphi[lmn] : float, optional The difference in phase between the +m and -m mode. See the documentation for ``dphi`` in :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` for details. You may specify a ``dphi{lmn}`` (ex. ``dphi220``) separately for each mode, and/or a single ``dphi`` (without any lmn) for all modes that do not have ``dphi`` specified. Default is to use 0 for all modes. dbeta[lmn] : float, optional The angular difference in the amplitudes of the +m and -m mode. See the documentation for ``dbeta`` in :py:func:`td_damped_sinusoid` for details. You may specify a ``dbeta{lmn}`` (ex. ``dbeta220``) separately for each mode, and/or a single ``dbeta`` (without any lmn) for all modes that do not have ``dbeta`` specified. Default is to use 0 for all modes. pollmn : float, optional Angle to use for +m arbitrary harmonics of the lmn mode in radians (example: ``pol220 = 0.1``. Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``, ignored otherwise. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. polnmlmn : float, optional Angle to use for -m arbitrary harmonics of the lmn mode in radians (example: ``polnm220 = 0.1``). Only needed if ``harmonics='arbitrary'``, ignored otherwise. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. harmonics : {'spherical', 'spheroidal', 'arbitrary'}, optional Which harmonics to use. See :py:func:`spher_harms` for details. Default is spherical. final_spin : float, optional Dimensionless spin of the final black hole. This is required if ``harmonics='spheroidal'``. Ignored otherwise. delta_f : {None, float}, optional The frequency step used to generate the ringdown. If None, it will be set to the inverse of the time at which the amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the minimum of all modes). f_lower : {None, float}, optional The starting frequency of the output frequency series. If None, it will be set to delta_f. f_final : {None, float}, optional The ending frequency of the output frequency series. If None, it will be set to the frequency at which the amplitude is 1/1000 of the peak amplitude (the maximum of all modes). Returns ------- hplustilde : FrequencySeries The plus phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in frequency domain. hcrosstilde : FrequencySeries The cross phase of a ringdown with the lm modes specified and n overtones in frequency domain. """ input_params = props(template, freqtau_required_args, fd_args, **kwargs) return multimode_base(input_params, domain='fd', freq_tau_approximant=True)
# Approximant names ########################################################### ringdown_fd_approximants = { 'FdQNMfromFinalMassSpin': get_fd_from_final_mass_spin, 'FdQNMfromFreqTau': get_fd_from_freqtau} ringdown_td_approximants = { 'TdQNMfromFinalMassSpin': get_td_from_final_mass_spin, 'TdQNMfromFreqTau': get_td_from_freqtau}