Source code for pycbc.workflow.plotting

# Copyright (C) 2015  Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
This module is responsible for setting up plotting jobs.

import logging
from urllib.request import pathname2url
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from pycbc.workflow.core import File, FileList, makedir, Executable

logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.workflow.plotting')

[docs] def excludestr(tags, substr): if substr is None: return tags if isinstance(substr, list): if len(substr) > 1: tags = excludestr(tags, substr[1:]) substr = substr[0] return [tag for tag in tags if substr not in tag]
[docs] def requirestr(tags, substr): if substr is None: return tags return [tag for tag in tags if substr in tag]
[docs] class PlotExecutable(Executable): """ plot executable """ current_retention_level = Executable.FINAL_RESULT # plots and final results should get the highest priority # on the job queue
[docs] def create_node(self, **kwargs): node = Executable.create_node(self, **kwargs) node.set_priority(1000) return node
[docs] def make_template_plot(workflow, bank_file, out_dir, bins=None, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_bank', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_opt('--bank-file', bank_file) if workflow.cp.has_option_tags('workflow-coincidence', 'background-bins', tags=tags): bins = workflow.cp.get_opt_tags('workflow-coincidence', 'background-bins', tags=tags) if bins: node.add_opt('--background-bins', bins) node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_range_plot(workflow, psd_files, out_dir, exclude=None, require=None, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) secs = requirestr(workflow.cp.get_subsections('plot_range'), require) secs = excludestr(secs, exclude) secs = excludestr(secs, workflow.ifo_combinations) files = FileList([]) for tag in secs: node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_range', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=[tag] + tags).create_node() node.add_input_list_opt('--psd-files', psd_files) node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node files += node.output_files return files
[docs] def make_spectrum_plot(workflow, psd_files, out_dir, tags=None, hdf_group=None, precalc_psd_files=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_spectrum', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_list_opt('--psd-files', psd_files) node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.png', '--output-file') if hdf_group is not None: node.add_opt('--hdf-group', hdf_group) if precalc_psd_files is not None and len(precalc_psd_files) == 1: node.add_input_list_opt('--psd-file', precalc_psd_files) workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_segments_plot(workflow, seg_files, out_dir, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_segments', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_list_opt('--segment-files', seg_files) node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.html', '--output-file') workflow += node
[docs] def make_gating_plot(workflow, insp_files, out_dir, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_gating', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_list_opt('--input-file', insp_files) node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.html', '--output-file') workflow += node
[docs] def make_throughput_plot(workflow, insp_files, out_dir, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_throughput', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_list_opt('--input-file', insp_files) node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node
[docs] def make_foreground_table(workflow, trig_file, bank_file, out_dir, singles=None, extension='.html', tags=None, hierarchical_level=None): if hierarchical_level is not None and tags: tags = [("HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL_{:02d}".format( hierarchical_level))] + tags elif hierarchical_level is not None and not tags: tags = ["HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL_{:02d}".format(hierarchical_level)] elif hierarchical_level is None and not tags: tags = [] makedir(out_dir) exe = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'page_foreground', ifos=trig_file.ifo_list, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags) node = exe.create_node() node.add_input_opt('--bank-file', bank_file) node.add_input_opt('--trigger-file', trig_file) if hierarchical_level is not None: node.add_opt('--use-hierarchical-level', hierarchical_level) if singles is not None: node.add_input_list_opt('--single-detector-triggers', singles) node.new_output_file_opt(bank_file.segment, extension, '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_sensitivity_plot(workflow, inj_file, out_dir, exclude=None, require=None, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) secs = requirestr(workflow.cp.get_subsections('plot_sensitivity'), require) secs = excludestr(secs, exclude) secs = excludestr(secs, workflow.ifo_combinations) files = FileList([]) for tag in secs: node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_sensitivity', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=[tag] + tags).create_node() node.add_input_opt('--injection-file', inj_file) node.new_output_file_opt(inj_file.segment, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node files += node.output_files return files
[docs] def make_coinc_snrchi_plot(workflow, inj_file, inj_trig, stat_file, trig_file, out_dir, exclude=None, require=None, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) secs = requirestr(workflow.cp.get_subsections('plot_coinc_snrchi'), require) secs = excludestr(secs, exclude) secs = excludestr(secs, workflow.ifo_combinations) files = FileList([]) for tag in secs: exe = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_coinc_snrchi', ifos=inj_trig.ifo_list, out_dir=out_dir, tags=[tag] + tags) node = exe.create_node() node.add_input_opt('--found-injection-file', inj_file) node.add_input_opt('--single-injection-file', inj_trig) node.add_input_opt('--coinc-statistic-file', stat_file) node.add_input_opt('--single-trigger-file', trig_file) node.new_output_file_opt(inj_file.segment, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node files += node.output_files return files
[docs] def make_inj_table(workflow, inj_file, out_dir, missed=False, singles=None, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'page_injections', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_opt('--injection-file', inj_file) if missed: node.add_opt('--show-missed') if singles is not None: node.add_multiifo_input_list_opt('--single-trigger-files', singles) node.new_output_file_opt(inj_file.segment, '.html', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_seg_table(workflow, seg_files, seg_names, out_dir, tags=None, title_text=None, description=None): """ Creates a node in the workflow for writing the segment summary table. Returns a File instances for the output file. """ seg_files = list(seg_files) seg_names = list(seg_names) if tags is None: tags = [] makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'page_segtable', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_list_opt('--segment-files', seg_files) quoted_seg_names = [] for s in seg_names: quoted_seg_names.append("'" + s + "'") node.add_opt('--segment-names', ' '.join(quoted_seg_names)) node.add_opt('--ifos', ' '.join(workflow.ifos)) if description: node.add_opt('--description', "'" + description + "'") if title_text: node.add_opt('--title-text', "'" + title_text + "'") node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.html', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_veto_table(workflow, out_dir, vetodef_file=None, tags=None): """ Creates a node in the workflow for writing the veto_definer table. Returns a File instances for the output file. """ if vetodef_file is None: if not workflow.cp.has_option_tags("workflow-segments", "segments-veto-definer-file", []): return None vetodef_file = workflow.cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-segments", "segments-veto-definer-file", []) file_url = urljoin('file:', pathname2url(vetodef_file)) vdf_file = File(workflow.ifos, 'VETO_DEFINER', workflow.analysis_time, file_url=file_url) vdf_file.add_pfn(file_url, site='local') else: vdf_file = vetodef_file if tags is None: tags = [] makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'page_vetotable', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_opt('--veto-definer-file', vdf_file) node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.html', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_seg_plot(workflow, seg_files, out_dir, seg_names=None, tags=None): """ Creates a node in the workflow for plotting science, and veto segments. """ seg_files = list(seg_files) if tags is None: tags = [] makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'page_segplot', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_list_opt('--segment-files', seg_files) quoted_seg_names = [] for s in seg_names: quoted_seg_names.append("'" + s + "'") node.add_opt('--segment-names', ' '.join(quoted_seg_names)) node.add_opt('--ifos', ' '.join(workflow.ifos)) node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.html', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_ifar_plot(workflow, trigger_file, out_dir, tags=None, hierarchical_level=None, executable='page_ifar'): """ Creates a node in the workflow for plotting cumulative histogram of IFAR values. """ if hierarchical_level is not None and tags: tags = [("HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL_{:02d}".format( hierarchical_level))] + tags elif hierarchical_level is not None and not tags: tags = ["HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL_{:02d}".format(hierarchical_level)] elif hierarchical_level is None and not tags: tags = [] makedir(out_dir) exe = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, executable, ifos=trigger_file.ifo_list, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags) node = exe.create_node() node.add_input_opt('--trigger-file', trigger_file) if hierarchical_level is not None: node.add_opt('--use-hierarchical-level', hierarchical_level) node.new_output_file_opt(workflow.analysis_time, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_snrchi_plot(workflow, trig_files, veto_file, veto_name, out_dir, exclude=None, require=None, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) secs = requirestr(workflow.cp.get_subsections('plot_snrchi'), require) secs = excludestr(secs, exclude) secs = excludestr(secs, workflow.ifo_combinations) files = FileList([]) for tag in secs: for trig_file in trig_files: exe = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_snrchi', ifos=trig_file.ifo_list, out_dir=out_dir, tags=[tag] + tags) node = exe.create_node() node.set_memory(15000) node.add_input_opt('--trigger-file', trig_file) if veto_file is not None: node.add_input_opt('--veto-file', veto_file) node.add_opt('--segment-name', veto_name) node.new_output_file_opt(trig_file.segment, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node files += node.output_files return files
[docs] def make_foundmissed_plot(workflow, inj_file, out_dir, exclude=None, require=None, tags=None): if tags is None: tags = [] makedir(out_dir) secs = requirestr(workflow.cp.get_subsections('plot_foundmissed'), require) secs = excludestr(secs, exclude) secs = excludestr(secs, workflow.ifo_combinations) files = FileList([]) for tag in secs: exe = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_foundmissed', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=[tag] + tags) node = exe.create_node() ext = '.html' if exe.has_opt('dynamic') else '.png' node.add_input_opt('--injection-file', inj_file) node.new_output_file_opt(inj_file.segment, ext, '--output-file') workflow += node files += node.output_files return files
[docs] def make_snrratehist_plot(workflow, bg_file, out_dir, closed_box=False, tags=None, hierarchical_level=None): if hierarchical_level is not None and tags: tags = [("HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL_{:02d}".format( hierarchical_level))] + tags elif hierarchical_level is not None and not tags: tags = ["HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL_{:02d}".format(hierarchical_level)] elif hierarchical_level is None and not tags: tags = [] makedir(out_dir) exe = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_snrratehist', ifos=bg_file.ifo_list, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags) node = exe.create_node() node.add_input_opt('--trigger-file', bg_file) if hierarchical_level is not None: node.add_opt('--use-hierarchical-level', hierarchical_level) if closed_box: node.add_opt('--closed-box') node.new_output_file_opt(bg_file.segment, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_snrifar_plot(workflow, bg_file, out_dir, closed_box=False, cumulative=True, tags=None, hierarchical_level=None): if hierarchical_level is not None and tags: tags = [("HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL_{:02d}".format( hierarchical_level))] + tags elif hierarchical_level is not None and not tags: tags = ["HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL_{:02d}".format(hierarchical_level)] elif hierarchical_level is None and not tags: tags = [] makedir(out_dir) exe = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_snrifar', ifos=bg_file.ifo_list, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags) node = exe.create_node() node.add_input_opt('--trigger-file', bg_file) if hierarchical_level is not None: node.add_opt('--use-hierarchical-level', hierarchical_level) if closed_box: node.add_opt('--closed-box') if not cumulative: node.add_opt('--not-cumulative') node.new_output_file_opt(bg_file.segment, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_results_web_page(workflow, results_dir, template='orange', explicit_dependencies=None): template_path = 'templates/'+template+'.html' out_dir = workflow.cp.get('results_page', 'output-path') makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'results_page', ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir).create_node() node.add_opt('--plots-dir', results_dir) node.add_opt('--template-file', template_path) workflow += node if explicit_dependencies is not None: for dep in explicit_dependencies: workflow.add_explicit_dependancy(dep, node)
[docs] def make_single_hist(workflow, trig_file, veto_file, veto_name, out_dir, bank_file=None, exclude=None, require=None, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) secs = requirestr(workflow.cp.get_subsections('plot_hist'), require) secs = excludestr(secs, exclude) secs = excludestr(secs, workflow.ifo_combinations) files = FileList([]) for tag in secs: node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_hist', ifos=trig_file.ifo, out_dir=out_dir, tags=[tag] + tags).create_node() if veto_file is not None: node.add_opt('--segment-name', veto_name) node.add_input_opt('--veto-file', veto_file) node.add_input_opt('--trigger-file', trig_file) if bank_file: node.add_input_opt('--bank-file', bank_file) node.new_output_file_opt(trig_file.segment, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node files += node.output_files return files
[docs] def make_binned_hist(workflow, trig_file, veto_file, veto_name, out_dir, bank_file, exclude=None, require=None, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) secs = requirestr(workflow.cp.get_subsections('plot_binnedhist'), require) secs = excludestr(secs, exclude) secs = excludestr(secs, workflow.ifo_combinations) files = FileList([]) for tag in secs: node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_binnedhist', ifos=trig_file.ifo, out_dir=out_dir, tags=[tag] + tags).create_node() node.add_opt('--ifo', trig_file.ifo) if veto_file is not None: node.add_opt('--veto-segment-name', veto_name) node.add_input_opt('--veto-file', veto_file) node.add_input_opt('--trigger-file', trig_file) node.add_input_opt('--bank-file', bank_file) node.new_output_file_opt(trig_file.segment, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node files += node.output_files return files
[docs] def make_singles_plot(workflow, trig_files, bank_file, veto_file, veto_name, out_dir, exclude=None, require=None, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) secs = requirestr(workflow.cp.get_subsections('plot_singles'), require) secs = excludestr(secs, exclude) secs = excludestr(secs, workflow.ifo_combinations) files = FileList([]) for tag in secs: for trig_file in trig_files: node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_singles', ifos=trig_file.ifo, out_dir=out_dir, tags=[tag] + tags).create_node() node.set_memory(15000) node.add_input_opt('--bank-file', bank_file) if veto_file is not None: node.add_input_opt('--veto-file', veto_file) node.add_opt('--segment-name', veto_name) node.add_opt('--detector', trig_file.ifo) node.add_input_opt('--single-trig-file', trig_file) node.new_output_file_opt(trig_file.segment, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node files += node.output_files return files
[docs] def make_dq_flag_trigger_rate_plot(workflow, dq_file, dq_label, out_dir, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'plot_dq_flag_likelihood', ifos=dq_file.ifo, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_opt('--dq-file', dq_file) node.add_opt('--dq-label', dq_label) node.add_opt('--ifo', dq_file.ifo) node.new_output_file_opt(dq_file.segment, '.png', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_dq_segment_table(workflow, dq_file, out_dir, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'page_dq_table', ifos=dq_file.ifo, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_opt('--dq-file', dq_file) node.add_opt('--ifo', dq_file.ifo) node.new_output_file_opt(dq_file.segment, '.html', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_template_bin_table(workflow, dq_file, out_dir, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) node = PlotExecutable(workflow.cp, 'page_template_bin_table', ifos=dq_file.ifo, out_dir=out_dir, tags=tags).create_node() node.add_input_opt('--dq-file', dq_file) node.add_opt('--ifo', dq_file.ifo) node.new_output_file_opt(dq_file.segment, '.html', '--output-file') workflow += node return node.output_files[0]
[docs] def make_bank_compression_plots(workflow, bank_files, out_dir, tags=None): tags = [] if tags is None else tags makedir(out_dir) secs = workflow.cp.get_subsections("plot_bank_compression") files = FileList([]) for tag in secs: node = PlotExecutable( workflow.cp, "plot_bank_compression", ifos=workflow.ifos, out_dir=out_dir, tags=[tag] + tags ).create_node() node.add_input_list_opt( "--bank-files", bank_files ) node.new_output_file_opt( workflow.analysis_time, '.png', '--output' ) workflow += node files += node.output_files return files