Calculating the Effectualness (Fitting Factor) of Template Banks
This page describes how to use the banksim
facilities within PyCBC.
The banksim
tools calculate the matches, maximized over a set of templates,
for a list of injections waveforms to measure the effectualness (fitting
factor) of a template bank.
The purpose of this test is to allow the user to investigate the construction of new template banks, as well as act as a sanity check of the template bank generation methodology and code. Therefore the tests run over the same parameter ranges used to generate the bank and using the same sensitivity curve. The tests described here may not be optimal or exhaustive, but should be used to gain confidence that a bank is recovering signals it is designed to recover at an acceptable match.
Creating a configuration file
All the choices when setting up a banksim are contained in a single configuration file.
Below is an example.
f-lower = 15
i-distr = fixed
fixed-inc = 0
min-mass1 = 1
max-mass1 = 3
m-distr = componentMass
disable-milkyway =
min-mass2 = 3
max-mass2 = 15
min-distance = 1000
l-distr = random
min-mtotal = 4
waveform = SpinTaylorT4
aligned =
enable-spin =
max-mtotal = 18
min-spin1 = 0
max-spin1 = 0.05
min-spin2 = 0
max-spin2 = 0.6
max-distance = 1000
d-distr = uniform
gps-start-time = 1000000000
gps-end-time = 1000010000
time-interval = 0.
time-step = 1.
seed = 3
banksim = /home/ahnitz/local/pycbc/bin/pycbc_banksim
log-path = /usr1/ahnitz
;use-gpus =
bank-file = bank.xml
injections-per-job = 50
templates-per-job = 100
psd = iLIGOModel
template-approximant = TaylorF2
template-phase-order = 7
template-amplitude-order = 0
template-spin-order = 7
template-start-frequency = 40
signal-approximant = SpinTaylorT4
signal-phase-order = 7
signal-amplitude-order = 0
signal-spin-order = 7
signal-start-frequency = 30
filter-low-frequency = 40
filter-sample-rate = 4096
filter-signal-length = 256
mchirp-window = 0.10
There are four sections that must be present [inspinj]/[external_injection], [executables], [workflow], and [banksim].
This section sets the paramaters of all of the injection waveforms. The arguments in the configuration file are fed directly to the lalapps_inspinj program to create an injection file. The same arguments are available, and the same restrictions apply. The number of injections can be set by using the gps start and end time options along with the time step. Note, however, that the waveform name is required but does not determine the actual approximants that will be compared. That is set in the [banksim] section.
If you want to use another method to create injections (Eg.
), instead of using [inspinj], you can name the section [external_injection] and specify the path of the injection file.[external_injection] inj-file = /path/to/inj.xmlNote: The injection file should be in the sim_inspiral table (.xml) format.
This section lists the location of the pycbc_banksim script. Make note that the script is copied to the executables folder and that is the version that will be used.
This section has options that configure the workflow. The required options are ‘log-path’, ‘bank-file’, ‘injections-per-job’, and ‘templates-per-job’. The ‘log-path’ specifies the directory to store condor log files. ‘bank-file’ sets the template bank over which to maximize matches. It must be either a sngl or sim inspiral table in xml format. ‘injections-per-job’ as its name suggests determines the maximum number of injections that each job has to calculate fitting factors for.
The injection file generated from the [inspinj] section or provided externally is split into smaller pieces to satisfy this requirement. Note that this option has a direct effect on the memory requirements of each banksim job, as each injection is pregenerated at the beginning of the program.
The ‘templates-per-job’ will cause the given template bank to be split into smaller portions. This option is directly proportional to the running time of each job.
An optional value ‘use-gpus’ can be set. This will set up the workflow to choose condor nodes with GPUS and sets the options so that the banksim program will use the GPU for accelerated processing. Note that the default is to treat all results from a GPU as unreliable. As such, each job is automatically run twice. The results are compared and only kept if they equivelant. Only the GPUs on SUGAR and ATLAS are supported at this time.
Bank simulations running on LDG clusters must include the ‘accounting-group’ option in the workflow section. The value must be choosen according to the Accounting information web page.
This section corresponds to the arguments sent to the banksim executable. The notable exeption is that the correct flag for GPU support will be set if the ‘use-gpus’ option is set in the [workflow] section. The actual signal and template approximants, along with their PN order paramters (if relevant), are set here. Note that the option filter-buffer-length must be set to a value greater than the duration of the longest generated approximant.
Generating the workflow
Once a configuration file as been made, create a workspace directory and place the file into it. Running the following command will generate a dag that will submit the required jobs.
pycbc_make_banksim --conf YOUR_INI_FILE.ini
The workflow can then be submitted by running the generated shell script.
Understanding the results
The main results of the banksim is a single file called ‘results.dat’. This is a space separated ASCII file.
Early (incomplete) results can be generated at any time by executing the following script.
Some basic plots are also generated automatically and placed into the ‘plots’ folder.
The pycbc_banksim_plots script located in the scripts folder is an example of how to read the results file.
Validating template banks for production analysis
To validate the uberbanks used in LIGO searches, we the BNS, NSBH and BBH regions, with separate banksim runs. Therefore there will be some overlap between the signals tested. For technical reasons, it is also convenient to split the NSBH and BBH tests up into a run with signals below a total mass of 50 and signals with a total mass above 50.
We propose to select test signals from mass distributions that a flat in component masses in the respective regions; NS masses between 1 and 3 and BH masses between 2 and 99, with a total mass limit of 100. In addition, we select aligned spin magnitudes uniform in the respective regions; -0.05 to 0.05 for NS and -0.99 to 0.99 for BH.
We propose to test with 10,000 injection signals in each of the BNS, NSBH and BBH regions, for a total of 30,000. This number is much less than the total number of templates in the bank.
We propose to use SEOBNRv2 as the test signals, even though the uberbank uses TaylorF2 and SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin templates for recovery. This is because we believe that SEOBNRv2 is a more accurate waveform than either TaylorF2 or the ROMs.
The bank generation can be verified using the pycbc_banksim code. To run this follow the instructions for running the banksim code. An example ini file to run the NSBH banksim for total masses below 50 is given here
time-step = 50
time-interval = 5
waveform = SEOBNRv2
i-distr = uniform
l-distr = random
dchirp-distr = uniform
min-distance = 1000
max-distance = 150000
m-distr = componentMass
min-mass1 = 2.0
max-mass1 = 99.0
min-mass1 = 1.0
max-mass1 = 3.0
min-mtotal = 3.0
max-mtotal = 50.0
enable-spin =
aligned =
min-spin1 = 0.0
max-spin1 = 0.99
min-spin2 = 0.0
max-spin2 = 0.05
f-lower = 25.0
gps-start-time = 1000000000
gps-end-time = 1000250000
banksim = /home/alex.nielsen/local/pysparedir/bin/pycbc_banksim
log-path = /local/user/alex.nielsen/log
accounting-group = ligo.sim.o1.cbc.nsbh.pycbcoffline
bank-file = /home/alex.nielsen/aligned_spin/template_banks/TitosBanks/hyperbank_parallel_phenomd2.xml.gz
injections-per-job = 10
templates-per-job = 10000
processing-scheme = mkl
asd-file = /home/alex.nielsen/asds/H1L1-ER7_HARM_MEAN_ASD-1116700672-1630208.dat
template-approximant = TaylorF2
total-mass-divide = 4.0
highmass-approximant = SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin
template-start-frequency = 30
signal-approximant = SEOBNRv2
signal-sample-rate = 16384
signal-start-frequency = 25
filter-low-frequency = 30
filter-sample-rate = 4096
filter-signal-length = 1024
mchirp-window = 0.10
To run this you will need to change the banksim option to your local version of pycbc_banksim, the log-path option to a suitable location for your log files on your cluster, the locations of the bank and noise curve and possibly whatever processing_scheme is best on your cluster (mkl works on Atlas with /opt/intel/2015/ sourced).
Injected spins are up to 0.99, not 0.9895 and the injections are uniform in component mass from 1 to 50 and uniform in spin magnitude (so it contains some highly spinning BNS). Injections are generated from 25Hz but matches are calculated from 30Hz, this gives the signal some “burn-in” time. Source location l-distr is random over the sky and inclination i-distr is uniformly distributed over arccos(i) - although this should not matter for aligned signals.
A stochastic placement method (like sbank) will not be able to guarantee that all points in parameter space are covered at better than 0.97 fitting factor. A convenient measure of the success of the bank generation is if the bank is able to recover 99% of injected signals using the same parameters and templates as the bank is designed for with a fitting factor of 0.97 or better. Further requirements might be that there should be no fitting factors with matches less than 0.95 or that the fitting factors below 0.97 should not be clustered in a particular part of parameter space. To cover all source groups we can run such tests separately for simulated BNS, NSBH and BBH signals when testing a bank that covers all three parameter ranges.
While such tests do not guarantee that the bank will successfully recover all possible signals in the parameter region (for example due different sensitivites in the two detectors, different waveform approximants, precession effects, tidal deformation and disruption etc.) these tests do indicate with a reasonable level of confidence that the template generation has been successful at what it was designed to do.
Known issues
The coverage of the high-mass (>70) and anti-aligned (<-0.5) NSBH region is known to be sparse in some versions.
The mchirp-window size may need to be changed if it is too tight. This is particularly a problem at higher masses.
If speed is an issue, the banksims can be sped up by reducing the number of injection signals, using ROMs instead of SEOBNRv2 as injection signals, reducing the signal-sample-rate or tightening the mchirp-window. Code is being developed to do this dynamically.
The option total-mass-divide is needed to replicate the uberbank switching from using TaylorF2 below total mass of 4 to using ROMs above. This may not exist on current master of pycbc_banksim.