# Copyright (C) 2015 Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# =============================================================================
# Preamble
# =============================================================================
""" This module contains functions for calculating and manipulating
coincident triggers.
import numpy
import logging
import copy
import time as timemod
import threading
import pycbc.pnutils
from pycbc.detector import Detector, ppdets
from pycbc import conversions as conv
from . import stat as pycbcstat
from .eventmgr_cython import coincbuffer_expireelements
from .eventmgr_cython import coincbuffer_numgreater
from .eventmgr_cython import timecoincidence_constructidxs
from .eventmgr_cython import timecoincidence_constructfold
from .eventmgr_cython import timecoincidence_getslideint
from .eventmgr_cython import timecoincidence_findidxlen
from .eventmgr_cython import timecluster_cython
logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.events.coinc')
def background_bin_from_string(background_bins, data):
""" Return template ids for each bin as defined by the format string
bins: list of strings
List of strings which define how a background bin is taken from the
list of templates.
data: dict of numpy.ndarrays
Dict with parameter key values and numpy.ndarray values which define
the parameters of the template bank to bin up.
bins: dict
Dictionary of location indices indexed by a bin name
used = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.uint32)
bins = {}
# Some duration/peak frequency functions are expensive.
# Do not want to recompute many times, if using lots of bins.
cached_values = {}
for mbin in background_bins:
locs = None
name, bin_type_list, boundary_list = tuple(mbin.split(':'))
bin_type_list = bin_type_list.split(',')
boundary_list = boundary_list.split(',')
for bin_type, boundary in zip(bin_type_list, boundary_list):
if boundary[0:2] == 'lt':
member_func = lambda vals, bd=boundary : vals < float(bd[2:])
elif boundary[0:2] == 'gt':
member_func = lambda vals, bd=boundary : vals > float(bd[2:])
raise RuntimeError("Can't parse boundary condition! Must begin "
"with 'lt' or 'gt'")
if bin_type in cached_values:
vals = cached_values[bin_type]
elif bin_type == 'component' and boundary[0:2] == 'lt':
# maximum component mass is less than boundary value
vals = numpy.maximum(data['mass1'], data['mass2'])
elif bin_type == 'component' and boundary[0:2] == 'gt':
# minimum component mass is greater than bdary
vals = numpy.minimum(data['mass1'], data['mass2'])
elif bin_type == 'total':
vals = data['mass1'] + data['mass2']
elif bin_type == 'chirp':
vals = pycbc.pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_mchirp_eta(
data['mass1'], data['mass2'])[0]
elif bin_type == 'ratio':
vals = conv.q_from_mass1_mass2(data['mass1'], data['mass2'])
elif bin_type == 'eta':
vals = pycbc.pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_mchirp_eta(
elif bin_type == 'chi_eff':
vals = conv.chi_eff(
elif bin_type.endswith('Peak'):
vals = pycbc.pnutils.get_freq(
'f' + bin_type,
cached_values[bin_type] = vals
elif bin_type.endswith('duration'):
vals = pycbc.pnutils.get_imr_duration(
approximant=bin_type.replace('duration', '')
cached_values[bin_type] = vals
raise ValueError('Invalid bin type %s' % bin_type)
sub_locs = member_func(vals)
sub_locs = numpy.where(sub_locs)[0]
if locs is not None:
# find intersection of boundary conditions
locs = numpy.intersect1d(locs, sub_locs)
locs = sub_locs
# make sure we don't reuse anything from an earlier bin
locs = numpy.delete(locs, numpy.where(numpy.in1d(locs, used))[0])
used = numpy.concatenate([used, locs])
bins[name] = locs
return bins
def timeslide_durations(start1, start2, end1, end2, timeslide_offsets):
""" Find the coincident time for each timeslide.
Find the coincident time for each timeslide, where the first time vector
is slid to the right by the offset in the given timeslide_offsets vector.
start1: numpy.ndarray
Array of the start of valid analyzed times for detector 1
start2: numpy.ndarray
Array of the start of valid analyzed times for detector 2
end1: numpy.ndarray
Array of the end of valid analyzed times for detector 1
end2: numpy.ndarray
Array of the end of valid analyzed times for detector 2
timseslide_offset: numpy.ndarray
Array of offsets (in seconds) for each timeslide
durations: numpy.ndarray
Array of coincident time for each timeslide in the offset array
from . import veto
durations = []
seg2 = veto.start_end_to_segments(start2, end2)
for offset in timeslide_offsets:
seg1 = veto.start_end_to_segments(start1 + offset, end1 + offset)
durations.append(abs((seg1 & seg2).coalesce()))
return numpy.array(durations)
def time_coincidence(t1, t2, window, slide_step=0):
""" Find coincidences by time window
t1 : numpy.ndarray
Array of trigger times from the first detector
t2 : numpy.ndarray
Array of trigger times from the second detector
window : float
Coincidence window maximum time difference, arbitrary units (usually s)
slide_step : float (default 0)
If calculating background coincidences, the interval between background
slides, arbitrary units (usually s)
idx1 : numpy.ndarray
Array of indices into the t1 array for coincident triggers
idx2 : numpy.ndarray
Array of indices into the t2 array
slide : numpy.ndarray
Array of slide ids
if slide_step:
length1 = len(t1)
length2 = len(t2)
fold1 = numpy.zeros(length1, dtype=numpy.float64)
fold2 = numpy.zeros(length2, dtype=numpy.float64)
timecoincidence_constructfold(fold1, fold2, t1, t2, slide_step,
length1, length2)
fold1 = t1
fold2 = t2
sort1 = fold1.argsort()
sort2 = fold2.argsort()
fold1 = fold1[sort1]
fold2 = fold2[sort2]
if slide_step:
# FIXME explain this
fold2 = numpy.concatenate([fold2 - slide_step, fold2,
fold2 + slide_step])
left = fold2.searchsorted(fold1 - window)
right = fold2.searchsorted(fold1 + window)
lenidx = timecoincidence_findidxlen(left, right, len(left))
idx1 = numpy.zeros(lenidx, dtype=numpy.uint32)
idx2 = numpy.zeros(lenidx, dtype=numpy.uint32)
timecoincidence_constructidxs(idx1, idx2, sort1, sort2, left, right,
len(left), len(sort2))
slide = numpy.zeros(lenidx, dtype=numpy.int32)
if slide_step:
timecoincidence_getslideint(slide, t1, t2, idx1, idx2, slide_step)
slide = numpy.zeros(len(idx1))
return idx1, idx2, slide
def time_multi_coincidence(times, slide_step=0, slop=.003,
pivot='H1', fixed='L1'):
""" Find multi detector coincidences.
times: dict of numpy.ndarrays
Dictionary keyed by ifo of single ifo trigger times
slide_step: float
Interval between time slides
slop: float
The amount of time to add to the TOF between detectors for coincidence
pivot: str
The ifo to which time shifts are applied in first stage coincidence
fixed: str
The other ifo used in first stage coincidence, subsequently used as a
time reference for additional ifos. All other ifos are not time shifted
relative to this ifo
ids: dict of arrays of int
Dictionary keyed by ifo with ids of trigger times forming coincidences.
Coincidence is tested for every pair of ifos that can be formed from
the input dict: only those tuples of times passing all tests are
slide: array of int
Slide ids of coincident triggers in pivot ifo
def win(ifo1, ifo2):
d1 = Detector(ifo1)
d2 = Detector(ifo2)
return d1.light_travel_time_to_detector(d2) + slop
# Find coincs between the 'pivot' and 'fixed' detectors as in 2-ifo case
pivot_id, fix_id, slide = time_coincidence(times[pivot], times[fixed],
win(pivot, fixed),
# Additional detectors do not slide independently of the 'fixed' one
# Each trigger in an additional detector must be concident with both
# triggers in an existing coincidence
# Slide 'pivot' trigger times to be coincident with trigger times in
# 'fixed' detector
fixed_time = times[fixed][fix_id]
pivot_time = times[pivot][pivot_id] - slide_step * slide
ctimes = {fixed: fixed_time, pivot: pivot_time}
ids = {fixed: fix_id, pivot: pivot_id}
dep_ifos = [ifo for ifo in times.keys() if ifo != fixed and ifo != pivot]
for ifo1 in dep_ifos:
# FIXME - make this loop into a function?
# otime is extra ifo time in original trigger order
otime = times[ifo1]
# tsort gives ordering from original order to time sorted order
tsort = otime.argsort()
time1 = otime[tsort]
# Find coincidences between dependent ifo triggers and existing coincs
# - Cycle over fixed and pivot
# - At the 1st iteration, the fixed and pivot triggers are reduced to
# those for which the first out of fixed/pivot forms a coinc with ifo1
# - At the 2nd iteration, we are left with triggers for which both
# fixed and pivot are coincident with ifo1
# - If there is more than 1 dependent ifo, ones that were previously
# tested against fixed and pivot are now present for testing with new
# dependent ifos
for ifo2 in ids:
logger.info('added ifo %s, testing against %s', ifo1, ifo2)
w = win(ifo1, ifo2)
left = time1.searchsorted(ctimes[ifo2] - w)
right = time1.searchsorted(ctimes[ifo2] + w)
# Any times within time1 coincident with the time in ifo2 have
# indices between 'left' and 'right'
# 'nz' indexes into times in ifo2 which have coincidences with ifo1
# times
nz = (right - left).nonzero()
if len(right - left):
rlmax = (right - left).max()
if len(nz[0]) and rlmax > 1:
# We expect at most one coincident time in ifo1, assuming
# trigger spacing in ifo1 > time window.
# However there are rare corner cases at starts/ends of inspiral
# jobs. For these, arbitrarily keep the first trigger and
# discard the second (and any subsequent ones).
logger.warning('Triggers in %s are closer than coincidence '
'window, 1 or more coincs will be discarded. '
'This is a warning, not an error.' % ifo1)
# identify indices of times in ifo1 that form coincs with ifo2
dep_ids = left[nz]
# slide is array of slide ids attached to pivot ifo
slide = slide[nz]
for ifo in ctimes:
# cycle over fixed and pivot & any previous additional ifos
# reduce times and IDs to just those forming a coinc with ifo1
ctimes[ifo] = ctimes[ifo][nz]
ids[ifo] = ids[ifo][nz]
# undo time sorting on indices of ifo1 triggers, add ifo1 ids and times
# to dicts for testing against any additional detectrs
ids[ifo1] = tsort[dep_ids]
ctimes[ifo1] = otime[ids[ifo1]]
return ids, slide
def cluster_coincs(stat, time1, time2, timeslide_id, slide, window, **kwargs):
"""Cluster coincident events for each timeslide separately, across
templates, based on the ranking statistic
stat: numpy.ndarray
vector of ranking values to maximize
time1: numpy.ndarray
first time vector
time2: numpy.ndarray
second time vector
timeslide_id: numpy.ndarray
vector that determines the timeslide offset
slide: float
length of the timeslides offset interval
window: float
length to cluster over
cindex: numpy.ndarray
The set of indices corresponding to the surviving coincidences.
if len(time1) == 0 or len(time2) == 0:
logger.info('No coinc triggers in one, or both, ifos.')
return numpy.array([])
if numpy.isfinite(slide):
# for a time shifted coinc, time1 is greater than time2 by approximately timeslide_id*slide
# adding this quantity gives a mean coinc time located around time1
time = (time1 + time2 + timeslide_id * slide) / 2
time = 0.5 * (time2 + time1)
tslide = timeslide_id.astype(numpy.longdouble)
time = time.astype(numpy.longdouble)
span = (time.max() - time.min()) + window * 10
time = time + span * tslide
logger.info('Clustering events over %s s window', window)
cidx = cluster_over_time(stat, time, window, **kwargs)
logger.info('%d triggers remaining', len(cidx))
return cidx
def cluster_coincs_multiifo(stat, time_coincs, timeslide_id, slide, window,
"""Cluster coincident events for each timeslide separately, across
templates, based on the ranking statistic
stat: numpy.ndarray
vector of ranking values to maximize
time_coincs: tuple of numpy.ndarrays
trigger times for each ifo, or -1 if an ifo does not participate in a coinc
timeslide_id: numpy.ndarray
vector that determines the timeslide offset
slide: float
length of the timeslides offset interval
window: float
duration of clustering window in seconds
cindex: numpy.ndarray
The set of indices corresponding to the surviving coincidences
time_coinc_zip = list(zip(*time_coincs))
if len(time_coinc_zip) == 0:
logger.info('No coincident triggers.')
return numpy.array([])
time_avg_num = []
#find number of ifos and mean time over participating ifos for each coinc
for tc in time_coinc_zip:
time_avg, num_ifos = zip(*time_avg_num)
time_avg = numpy.array(time_avg)
num_ifos = numpy.array(num_ifos)
# shift all but the pivot ifo by (num_ifos-1) * timeslide_id * slide
# this leads to a mean coinc time located around pivot time
if numpy.isfinite(slide):
nifos_minusone = (num_ifos - numpy.ones_like(num_ifos))
time_avg = time_avg + (nifos_minusone * timeslide_id * slide)/num_ifos
tslide = timeslide_id.astype(numpy.longdouble)
time_avg = time_avg.astype(numpy.longdouble)
span = (time_avg.max() - time_avg.min()) + window * 10
time_avg = time_avg + span * tslide
logger.info('Clustering events over %s s window', window)
cidx = cluster_over_time(stat, time_avg, window, **kwargs)
logger.info('%d triggers remaining', len(cidx))
return cidx
def mean_if_greater_than_zero(vals):
""" Calculate mean over numerical values, ignoring values less than zero.
E.g. used for mean time over coincident triggers when timestamps are set
to -1 for ifos not included in the coincidence.
vals: iterator of numerical values
values to be mean averaged
mean: float
The mean of the values in the original vector which are
greater than zero
num_above_zero: int
The number of entries in the vector which are above zero
vals = numpy.array(vals)
above_zero = vals > 0
return vals[above_zero].mean(), above_zero.sum()
def cluster_over_time(stat, time, window, method='python',
"""Cluster generalized transient events over time via maximum stat over a
symmetric sliding window
stat: numpy.ndarray
vector of ranking values to maximize
time: numpy.ndarray
time to use for clustering
window: float
length to cluster over
method: string
Either "cython" to use the cython implementation, or "python" to use
the pure python version.
argmax: function
the function used to calculate the maximum value
cindex: numpy.ndarray
The set of indices corresponding to the surviving coincidences.
indices = []
time_sorting = time.argsort()
stat = stat[time_sorting]
time = time[time_sorting]
left = time.searchsorted(time - window)
right = time.searchsorted(time + window)
indices = numpy.zeros(len(left), dtype=numpy.uint32)
logger.debug('%d triggers before clustering', len(time))
if method == 'cython':
j = timecluster_cython(indices, left, right, stat, len(left))
elif method == 'python':
# i is the index we are inspecting, j is the next one to save
i = 0
j = 0
while i < len(left):
l = left[i]
r = right[i]
# If there are no other points to compare it is obviously the max
if (r - l) == 1:
indices[j] = i
j += 1
i += 1
# Find the location of the maximum within the time interval
# around i
max_loc = argmax(stat[l:r]) + l
# If this point is the max, we can skip to the right boundary
if max_loc == i:
indices[j] = i
i = r
j += 1
# If the max is later than i, we can skip to it
elif max_loc > i:
i = max_loc
elif max_loc < i:
i += 1
raise ValueError(f'Do not recognize method {method}')
indices = indices[:j]
logger.debug('%d triggers remaining', len(indices))
return time_sorting[indices]
class MultiRingBuffer(object):
"""Dynamic size n-dimensional ring buffer that can expire elements."""
def __init__(self, num_rings, max_time, dtype, min_buffer_size=16,
buffer_increment=8, resize_invalid_fraction=0.4):
num_rings: int
The number of ring buffers to create. They all will have the same
intrinsic size and will expire at the same time.
max_time: int
The maximum "time" an element can exist in each ring.
dtype: numpy.dtype
The type of each element in the ring buffer.
min_buffer_size: int (optional: default=16)
All ring buffers will be initialized to this length. If a buffer is
made larger it will no smaller than this value. Buffers may become
smaller than this length at any given time as triggers are expired.
buffer_increment: int (optional: default=8)
When increasing ring buffers, add this many points. Be careful if
changing this and min_buffer_size from default values, it is
possible to get stuck in a mode where the buffers are always being
resize_invalid_fraction: float (optional:default=0.4)
If this fraction of any buffer contains unused data points then
resize it to contain only valid points. As with the previous two
options, be careful changing default values, it is
possible to get stuck in a mode where the buffers are always being
self.max_time = max_time
self.buffer = []
self.buffer_expire = []
self.valid_ends = []
self.valid_starts = []
self.min_buffer_size = min_buffer_size
self.buffer_increment = buffer_increment
self.resize_invalid_fraction = resize_invalid_fraction
for _ in range(num_rings):
self.buffer.append(numpy.zeros(self.min_buffer_size, dtype=dtype))
self.time = 0
def filled_time(self):
return min(self.time, self.max_time)
def num_elements(self):
count = 0
for idx, a in enumerate(self.buffer):
vals = self.valid_starts[idx]
vale = self.valid_ends[idx]
count += len(a[vals:vale])
return count
def nbytes(self):
return sum([a.nbytes for a in self.buffer])
def discard_last(self, indices):
"""Discard the triggers added in the latest update"""
for i in indices:
self.valid_ends[i] -= 1
def advance_time(self):
"""Advance the internal time increment by 1, expiring any triggers
that are now too old.
self.time += 1
def add(self, indices, values):
"""Add triggers in 'values' to the buffers indicated by the indices
for i, v in zip(indices, values):
# Expand ring buffer size if needed
if self.valid_ends[i] == len(self.buffer[i]):
# First clear out any old triggers before resizing
# Then increase arrays by buffer_increment
self.buffer[i] = numpy.resize(
len(self.buffer[i]) + self.buffer_increment,
self.buffer_expire[i] = numpy.resize(
len(self.buffer[i]) + self.buffer_increment,
curr_pos = self.valid_ends[i]
self.buffer[i][curr_pos] = v
self.buffer_expire[i][curr_pos] = self.time
self.valid_ends[i] = self.valid_ends[i] + 1
def valid_slice(self, buffer_index):
"""Return the valid slice for this buffer index"""
ret_slice = slice(
return ret_slice
def expire_vector(self, buffer_index):
"""Return the expiration vector of a given ring buffer """
return self.buffer_expire[buffer_index][self.valid_slice(buffer_index)]
def update_valid_start(self, buffer_index):
"""Update the valid_start for the given buffer index"""
expired = self.time - self.max_time
exp = self.buffer_expire[buffer_index]
j = self.valid_starts[buffer_index]
while j < self.valid_ends[buffer_index]:
# Everything before this j must be expired
if exp[j] >= expired:
j += 1
self.valid_starts[buffer_index] = j
def check_expired_triggers(self, buffer_index):
"""Check if we should free memory for this buffer index.
Check what fraction of triggers are expired in the specified buffer
and if it is more than the allowed fraction (set by
self.resize_invalid_fraction) resize the array to remove them.
val_start = self.valid_starts[buffer_index]
val_end = self.valid_ends[buffer_index]
buf_len = len(self.buffer[buffer_index])
invalid_limit = self.resize_invalid_fraction * buf_len
if (buf_len - val_end) + val_start > invalid_limit:
# If self.resize_invalid_fraction of stored triggers are expired
# or are not set, free up memory
self.buffer_expire[buffer_index] = self.buffer_expire[buffer_index][val_start:val_end].copy()
self.buffer[buffer_index] = self.buffer[buffer_index][val_start:val_end].copy()
self.valid_ends[buffer_index] -= val_start
self.valid_starts[buffer_index] = 0
def data(self, buffer_index):
"""Return the data vector for a given ring buffer"""
return self.buffer[buffer_index][self.valid_slice(buffer_index)]
class CoincExpireBuffer(object):
"""Unordered dynamic sized buffer that handles
multiple expiration vectors.
def __init__(self, expiration, ifos,
initial_size=2**20, dtype=numpy.float32):
expiration: int
The 'time' in arbitrary integer units to allow to pass before
removing an element.
ifos: list of strs
List of strings to identify the multiple data expiration times.
initial_size: int, optional
The initial size of the buffer.
dtype: numpy.dtype
The dtype of each element of the buffer.
self.expiration = expiration
self.buffer = numpy.zeros(initial_size, dtype=dtype)
self.index = 0
self.ifos = ifos
self.time = {}
self.timer = {}
for ifo in self.ifos:
self.time[ifo] = 0
self.timer[ifo] = numpy.zeros(initial_size, dtype=numpy.int32)
def __len__(self):
return self.index
def nbytes(self):
"""Returns the approximate memory usage of self.
nbs = [self.timer[ifo].nbytes for ifo in self.ifos]
return sum(nbs)
def increment(self, ifos):
"""Increment without adding triggers"""
self.add([], [], ifos)
def remove(self, num):
"""Remove the the last 'num' elements from the buffer"""
self.index -= num
def add(self, values, times, ifos):
"""Add values to the internal buffer
values: numpy.ndarray
Array of elements to add to the internal buffer.
times: dict of arrays
The current time to use for each element being added.
ifos: list of strs
The set of timers to be incremented.
for ifo in ifos:
self.time[ifo] += 1
# Resize the internal buffer if we need more space
if self.index + len(values) >= len(self.buffer):
newlen = len(self.buffer) * 2
for ifo in self.ifos:
self.buffer.resize(newlen, refcheck=False)
self.buffer[self.index:self.index+len(values)] = values
if len(values) > 0:
for ifo in self.ifos:
self.timer[ifo][self.index:self.index+len(values)] = times[ifo]
self.index += len(values)
# Remove the expired old elements
if len(ifos) == 2:
# Cython version for two ifo case
self.index = coincbuffer_expireelements(
# Numpy version for >2 ifo case
keep = None
for ifo in ifos:
kt = self.timer[ifo][:self.index] >= self.time[ifo] - self.expiration
keep = numpy.logical_and(keep, kt) if keep is not None else kt
self.buffer[:keep.sum()] = self.buffer[:self.index][keep]
for ifo in self.ifos:
self.timer[ifo][:keep.sum()] = self.timer[ifo][:self.index][keep]
self.index = keep.sum()
def num_greater(self, value):
"""Return the number of elements larger than 'value'"""
return coincbuffer_numgreater(self.buffer, self.index, value)
def data(self):
"""Return the array of elements"""
return self.buffer[:self.index]
class LiveCoincTimeslideBackgroundEstimator(object):
"""Rolling buffer background estimation."""
def __init__(self, num_templates, analysis_block, background_statistic,
sngl_ranking, stat_files, ifos,
num_templates: int
The size of the template bank
analysis_block: int
The number of seconds in each analysis segment
background_statistic: str
The name of the statistic to rank coincident events.
sngl_ranking: str
The single detector ranking to use with the background statistic
stat_files: list of strs
List of filenames that contain information used to construct
various coincident statistics.
ifos: list of strs
List of ifo names that are being analyzed. At the moment this must
be two items such as ['H1', 'L1'].
ifar_limit: float
The largest inverse false alarm rate in years that we would like to
timeslide_interval: float
The time in seconds between consecutive timeslide offsets.
coinc_window_pad: float
Amount of time allowed to form a coincidence in addition to the
time of flight in seconds.
statistic_refresh_rate: float
How regularly to run the update_files method on the statistic
class (in seconds), default not do do this
return_background: boolean
If true, background triggers will also be included in the file
kwargs: dict
Additional options for the statistic to use. See stat.py
for more details on statistic options.
self.num_templates = num_templates
self.analysis_block = analysis_block
stat_class = pycbcstat.get_statistic(background_statistic)
self.stat_calculator = stat_class(
self.time_stat_refreshed = timemod.time()
self.stat_calculator_lock = threading.Lock()
self.statistic_refresh_rate = statistic_refresh_rate
self.timeslide_interval = timeslide_interval
self.return_background = return_background
self.coinc_window_pad = coinc_window_pad
self.ifos = ifos
if len(self.ifos) != 2:
raise ValueError("Only a two ifo analysis is supported at this time")
self.lookback_time = (ifar_limit / conv.sec_to_year(1.) * timeslide_interval) ** 0.5
self.buffer_size = int(numpy.ceil(self.lookback_time / analysis_block))
self.dets = {ifo: Detector(ifo) for ifo in ifos}
self.time_window = self.dets[ifos[0]].light_travel_time_to_detector(
self.dets[ifos[1]]) + coinc_window_pad
self.coincs = CoincExpireBuffer(self.buffer_size, self.ifos)
self.singles = {}
# temporary array used in `_find_coincs()` to turn `trig_stat`
# into an array much faster than using `numpy.resize()`
self.trig_stat_memory = None
def pick_best_coinc(cls, coinc_results):
"""Choose the best two-ifo coinc by ifar first, then statistic if needed.
This function picks which of the available double-ifo coincs to use.
It chooses the best (highest) ifar. The ranking statistic is used as
a tie-breaker.
A trials factor is applied if multiple types of coincs are possible
at this time given the active ifos.
coinc_results: list of coinc result dicts
Dictionary by detector pair of coinc result dicts.
best: coinc results dict
If there is a coinc, this will contain the 'best' one. Otherwise
it will return the provided dict.
mstat = 0
mifar = 0
mresult = None
# record the trials factor from the possible coincs we could
# maximize over
trials = 0
for result in coinc_results:
# Check that a coinc was possible. See the 'add_singles' method
# to see where this flag was added into the results dict
if 'coinc_possible' in result:
trials += 1
# Check that a coinc exists
if 'foreground/ifar' in result:
ifar = result['foreground/ifar']
stat = result['foreground/stat']
if ifar > mifar or (ifar == mifar and stat > mstat):
mifar = ifar
mstat = stat
mresult = result
# apply trials factor for the best coinc
if mresult:
mresult['foreground/ifar'] = mifar / float(trials)
logger.info('Found %s coinc with ifar %s',
return mresult
# If no coinc, just return one of the results dictionaries. They will
# all contain the same results (i.e. single triggers) in this case.
return coinc_results[0]
def from_cli(cls, args, num_templates, analysis_chunk, ifos):
# Allow None inputs
stat_files = args.statistic_files or []
stat_keywords = args.statistic_keywords or []
# flatten the list of lists of filenames to a single list (may be empty)
stat_files = sum(stat_files, [])
kwargs = pycbcstat.parse_statistic_keywords_opt(stat_keywords)
return cls(num_templates, analysis_chunk,
def insert_args(parser):
group = parser.add_argument_group('Coincident Background Estimation')
group.add_argument('--store-background', action='store_true',
help="Return background triggers with zerolag coincidencs")
group.add_argument('--background-ifar-limit', type=float,
help="The limit on inverse false alarm rate to calculate "
"background in years", default=100.0)
group.add_argument('--timeslide-interval', type=float,
help="The interval between timeslides in seconds", default=0.1)
group.add_argument('--ifar-remove-threshold', type=float,
help="NOT YET IMPLEMENTED", default=100.0)
def verify_args(args, parser):
"""Verify that psd-var-related options are consistent"""
if ((hasattr(args, 'psd_variation') and not args.psd_variation)
and 'psdvar' in args.sngl_ranking):
parser.error(f"The single ifo ranking stat {args.sngl_ranking} "
"requires --psd-variation.")
def background_time(self):
"""Return the amount of background time that the buffers contain"""
time = 1.0 / self.timeslide_interval
for ifo in self.singles:
time *= self.singles[ifo].filled_time * self.analysis_block
return time
def save_state(self, filename):
"""Save the current state of the background buffers"""
import pickle
pickle.dump(self, filename)
def restore_state(filename):
"""Restore state of the background buffers from a file"""
import pickle
return pickle.load(filename)
def ifar(self, coinc_stat):
"""Map a given value of the coincident ranking statistic to an inverse
false-alarm rate (IFAR) using the interally stored background sample.
coinc_stat: float
Value of the coincident ranking statistic to be converted.
ifar: float
Inverse false-alarm rate in unit of years.
ifar_saturated: bool
True if `coinc_stat` is larger than all the available background,
in which case `ifar` is to be considered an upper limit.
n = self.coincs.num_greater(coinc_stat)
ifar = conv.sec_to_year(self.background_time) / (n + 1)
return ifar, n == 0
def set_singles_buffer(self, results):
"""Create the singles buffer
This creates the singles buffer for each ifo. The dtype is determined
by a representative sample of the single triggers in the results.
results: dict of dict
Dict indexed by ifo and then trigger column.
# Determine the dtype from a sample of the data.
self.singles_dtype = []
data = False
for ifo in self.ifos:
if ifo in results and results[ifo] is not False \
and len(results[ifo]['snr']):
data = results[ifo]
if data is False:
for key in data:
self.singles_dtype.append((key, data[key].dtype))
if 'stat' not in data:
self.singles_dtype.append(('stat', self.stat_calculator.single_dtype))
# Create a ring buffer for each template ifo combination
for ifo in self.ifos:
self.singles[ifo] = MultiRingBuffer(self.num_templates,
def _add_singles_to_buffer(self, results, ifos):
"""Add single detector triggers to the internal buffer
results: dict
Dictionary of dictionaries indexed by ifo and keys such as 'snr',
'chisq', etc. The specific format is determined by the
LiveBatchMatchedFilter class.
updated_singles: dict of numpy.ndarrays
Array of indices that have been just updated in the internal
buffers of single detector triggers.
if len(self.singles.keys()) == 0:
# If this *still* didn't work, no triggers in first set, try next time
if len(self.singles.keys()) == 0:
return {}
# convert to single detector trigger values
# FIXME Currently configured to use pycbc live output
# where chisq is the reduced chisq and chisq_dof is the actual DOF
logger.info("adding singles to the background estimate...")
updated_indices = {}
for ifo in ifos:
trigs = results[ifo]
if len(trigs['snr'] > 0):
trigsc = copy.copy(trigs)
trigsc['ifo'] = ifo
trigsc['chisq'] = trigs['chisq'] * trigs['chisq_dof']
trigsc['chisq_dof'] = (trigs['chisq_dof'] + 2) / 2
single_stat = self.stat_calculator.single(trigsc)
del trigsc['ifo']
single_stat = numpy.array([], ndmin=1,
trigs['stat'] = single_stat
# add each single detector trigger to the and advance the buffer
data = numpy.zeros(len(single_stat), dtype=self.singles_dtype)
for key, value in trigs.items():
data[key] = value
self.singles[ifo].add(trigs['template_id'], data)
updated_indices[ifo] = trigs['template_id']
return updated_indices
def _find_coincs(self, results, valid_ifos):
"""Look for coincs within the set of single triggers
results: dict
Dictionary of dictionaries indexed by ifo and keys such as 'snr',
'chisq', etc. The specific format is determined by the
LiveBatchMatchedFilter class.
valid_ifos: list of strs
List of ifos for which new triggers might exist. This must be a
subset of self.ifos. If an ifo is in self.ifos but not in this list
either the ifo is down, or its data has been flagged as "bad".
num_background: int
Number of time shifted coincidences found.
coinc_results: dict of arrays
A dictionary of arrays containing the coincident results.
# For each new single detector trigger find the allowed coincidences
# Record the template and the index of the single trigger that forms
# each coincidence
# Initialize
cstat = [[]]
offsets = []
ctimes = {self.ifos[0]:[], self.ifos[1]:[]}
single_expire = {self.ifos[0]:[], self.ifos[1]:[]}
template_ids = [[]]
trigger_ids = {self.ifos[0]:[[]], self.ifos[1]:[[]]}
# Calculate all the permutations of coincident triggers for each
# new single detector trigger collected
# Currently only two detectors are supported.
# For each ifo, check its newly added triggers for (zerolag and time
# shift) coincs with all currently stored triggers in the other ifo.
# Do this by keeping the ifo with new triggers fixed and time shifting
# the other ifo. The list 'shift_vec' must be in the same order as
# self.ifos and contain -1 for the shift_ifo / 0 for the fixed_ifo.
for fixed_ifo, shift_ifo, shift_vec in zip(
[self.ifos[0], self.ifos[1]],
[self.ifos[1], self.ifos[0]],
[[0, -1], [-1, 0]]
if fixed_ifo not in valid_ifos:
# This ifo is not online now, so no new triggers or coincs
# Find newly added triggers in fixed_ifo
trigs = results[fixed_ifo]
# Calculate mchirp as a vectorized operation
mchirps = conv.mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(
trigs['mass1'], trigs['mass2']
# Loop over them one trigger at a time
for i in range(len(trigs['end_time'])):
trig_stat = trigs['stat'][i]
trig_time = trigs['end_time'][i]
template = trigs['template_id'][i]
mchirp = mchirps[i]
# Get current shift_ifo triggers in the same template
times = self.singles[shift_ifo].data(template)['end_time']
stats = self.singles[shift_ifo].data(template)['stat']
# Perform coincidence. i1 is the list of trigger indices in the
# shift_ifo which make coincs, slide is the corresponding slide
# index.
# (The second output would just be a list of zeroes as we only
# have one trigger in the fixed_ifo.)
i1, _, slide = time_coincidence(times,
numpy.array(trig_time, ndmin=1,
# Make a copy of the fixed ifo trig_stat for each coinc.
# NB for some statistics the "stat" entry holds more than just
# a ranking number. E.g. for the phase time consistency test,
# it must also contain the phase, time and sensitivity.
if self.trig_stat_memory is None:
self.trig_stat_memory = numpy.zeros(
while len(self.trig_stat_memory) < len(i1):
self.trig_stat_memory = numpy.resize(
self.trig_stat_memory[:len(i1)] = trig_stat
# Force data into form needed by stat.py and then compute the
# ranking statistic values.
sngls_list = [[fixed_ifo, self.trig_stat_memory[:len(i1)]],
[shift_ifo, stats[i1]]]
c = self.stat_calculator.rank_stat_coinc(
# Store data about new triggers: slide index, stat value and
# times.
# As background triggers are removed after a certain time, we
# need to log when this will be for new background triggers.
self.singles[fixed_ifo].time - 1
# Save the template and trigger ids to keep association
# to singles. The trigger was just added so it must be in
# the last position: we mark this with -1 so the
# slicing picks the right point
template_ids.append(numpy.zeros(len(c)) + template)
trigger_ids[fixed_ifo].append(numpy.zeros(len(c)) - 1)
cstat = numpy.concatenate(cstat)
template_ids = numpy.concatenate(template_ids).astype(numpy.int32)
for ifo in valid_ifos:
trigger_ids[ifo] = numpy.concatenate(trigger_ids[ifo]).astype(numpy.int32)
"%s: %s background and zerolag coincs",
ppdets(self.ifos, "-"), len(cstat)
# Cluster the triggers we've found
# (both zerolag and shifted are handled together)
num_zerolag = 0
num_background = 0
if len(cstat) > 0:
offsets = numpy.concatenate(offsets)
ctime0 = numpy.concatenate(ctimes[self.ifos[0]]).astype(numpy.float64)
ctime1 = numpy.concatenate(ctimes[self.ifos[1]]).astype(numpy.float64)
logger.info("Clustering %s coincs", ppdets(self.ifos, "-"))
cidx = cluster_coincs(cstat, ctime0, ctime1, offsets,
self.analysis_block + 2*self.time_window,
offsets = offsets[cidx]
zerolag_idx = (offsets == 0)
bkg_idx = (offsets != 0)
for ifo in self.ifos:
single_expire[ifo] = numpy.concatenate(single_expire[ifo])
single_expire[ifo] = single_expire[ifo][cidx][bkg_idx]
self.coincs.add(cstat[cidx][bkg_idx], single_expire, valid_ifos)
num_zerolag = zerolag_idx.sum()
num_background = bkg_idx.sum()
elif len(valid_ifos) > 0:
# Collect coinc results for saving
coinc_results = {}
# Save information about zerolag triggers
if num_zerolag > 0:
idx = cidx[zerolag_idx][0]
zerolag_cstat = cstat[cidx][zerolag_idx]
ifar, ifar_sat = self.ifar(zerolag_cstat)
zerolag_results = {
'foreground/ifar': ifar,
'foreground/ifar_saturated': ifar_sat,
'foreground/stat': zerolag_cstat,
'foreground/type': '-'.join(self.ifos)
template = template_ids[idx]
for ifo in self.ifos:
trig_id = trigger_ids[ifo][idx]
single_data = self.singles[ifo].data(template)[trig_id]
for key in single_data.dtype.names:
path = f'foreground/{ifo}/{key}'
zerolag_results[path] = single_data[key]
# Save some summary statistics about the background
coinc_results['background/time'] = numpy.array([self.background_time])
coinc_results['background/count'] = len(self.coincs.data)
# Save all the background triggers
if self.return_background:
coinc_results['background/stat'] = self.coincs.data
return num_background, coinc_results
def backout_last(self, updated_singles, num_coincs):
"""Remove the recently added singles and coincs
updated_singles: dict of numpy.ndarrays
Array of indices that have been just updated in the internal
buffers of single detector triggers.
num_coincs: int
The number of coincs that were just added to the internal buffer
of coincident triggers
for ifo in updated_singles:
def add_singles(self, results):
"""Add singles to the background estimate and find candidates
results: dict
Dictionary of dictionaries indexed by ifo and keys such as 'snr',
'chisq', etc. The specific format is determined by the
LiveBatchMatchedFilter class.
coinc_results: dict of arrays
A dictionary of arrays containing the coincident results.
# Let's see how large everything is
"%s: %s coincs, %s bytes",
ppdets(self.ifos, "-"), len(self.coincs), self.coincs.nbytes
# If there are no results just return
valid_ifos = [k for k in results.keys() if results[k] and k in self.ifos]
if len(valid_ifos) == 0: return {}
with self.stat_calculator_lock:
# Add single triggers to the internal buffer
self._add_singles_to_buffer(results, ifos=valid_ifos)
# Calculate zerolag and background coincidences
_, coinc_results = self._find_coincs(results, valid_ifos=valid_ifos)
# record if a coinc is possible in this chunk
if len(valid_ifos) == 2:
coinc_results['coinc_possible'] = True
return coinc_results
def start_refresh_thread(self):
Start a thread managing whether the stat_calculator will be updated
if self.statistic_refresh_rate is None:
"Statistic refresh disabled for %s", ppdets(self.ifos, "-")
thread = threading.Thread(
name="Stat refresh " + ppdets(self.ifos, "-")
"Starting %s statistic refresh thread", ppdets(self.ifos, "-")
def refresh_statistic(self):
Function to refresh the stat_calculator at regular intervals
while True:
# How long since the statistic was last updated?
since_stat_refresh = timemod.time() - self.time_stat_refreshed
if since_stat_refresh > self.statistic_refresh_rate:
self.time_stat_refreshed = timemod.time()
"Checking %s statistic for updated files",
ppdets(self.ifos, "-"),
with self.stat_calculator_lock:
# Sleep one second for safety
# Now include the time it took the check / update the statistic
since_stat_refresh = timemod.time() - self.time_stat_refreshed
"%s statistic: Waiting %.3fs for next refresh",
ppdets(self.ifos, "-"),
self.statistic_refresh_rate - since_stat_refresh,
timemod.sleep(self.statistic_refresh_rate - since_stat_refresh + 1)
__all__ = [