Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2022 Gareth Cabourn Davies
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================

This module contains functions to calculate the significance
through different estimation methods of the background, and functions that
read in the associated options to do so.
import logging
import copy
import numpy as np
from import trigger_fits as trstats
from pycbc import conversions as conv

logger = logging.getLogger('')

[docs]def count_n_louder(bstat, fstat, dec, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate for each foreground event the number of background events that are louder than it. Parameters ---------- bstat: numpy.ndarray Array of the background statistic values fstat: numpy.ndarray or scalar Array of the foreground statistic values or single value dec: numpy.ndarray Array of the decimation factors for the background statistics Returns ------- cum_back_num: numpy.ndarray The cumulative array of background triggers. fore_n_louder: numpy.ndarray The number of background triggers above each foreground trigger """ sort = bstat.argsort() bstat = copy.deepcopy(bstat)[sort] dec = copy.deepcopy(dec)[sort] # calculate cumulative number of triggers louder than the trigger in # a given index. We need to subtract the decimation factor, as the cumsum # includes itself in the first sum (it is inclusive of the first value) n_louder = dec[::-1].cumsum()[::-1] - dec # Determine how many values are louder than the foreground ones # We need to subtract one from the index, to be consistent with definition # of n_louder, as here we do want to include the background value at the # found index idx = np.searchsorted(bstat, fstat, side='left') - 1 # If the foreground are *quieter* than the background or at the same value # then the search sorted algorithm will choose position -1, which does not # exist. We force it back to zero. if isinstance(idx, np.ndarray): # Case where our input is an array idx[idx < 0] = 0 else: # Case where our input is just a scalar value if idx < 0: idx = 0 fore_n_louder = n_louder[idx] unsort = sort.argsort() back_cum_num = n_louder[unsort] return back_cum_num, fore_n_louder
[docs]def n_louder_from_fit(back_stat, fore_stat, dec_facs, fit_function='exponential', fit_threshold=0, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Use a fit to events in back_stat in order to estimate the distribution for use in recovering the estimate count of louder background events. Below the fit threshold, use the n_louder method for these triggers back_stat: numpy.ndarray Array of the background statistic values fore_stat: numpy.ndarray or scalar Array of the foreground statistic values or single value dec_facs: numpy.ndarray Array of the decimation factors for the background statistics fit_function: str Name of the function to be used for the fit to background statistic values fit_threshold: float Threshold above which triggers use the fitted value, below this the counted number of louder events will be used Returns ------- bg_n_louder: numpy.ndarray The estimated number of background events louder than each background event fg_n_louder: numpy.ndarray The estimated number of background events louder than each foreground event """ # Calculate the fitting factor of the ranking statistic distribution alpha, _ = trstats.fit_above_thresh(fit_function, back_stat, thresh=fit_threshold, weights=dec_facs) # Count background events above threshold as the cum_fit is # normalised to 1 bg_above = back_stat > fit_threshold n_above = np.sum(dec_facs[bg_above]) fg_above = fore_stat > fit_threshold # These will be overwritten, but just to silence a warning # in the case where trstats.cum_fit returns zero bg_n_louder = np.zeros_like(back_stat) fg_n_louder = np.zeros_like(fore_stat) # Ue the fit above the threshold bg_n_louder[bg_above] = n_above * trstats.cum_fit(fit_function, back_stat[bg_above], alpha, fit_threshold) fg_n_louder[fg_above] = n_above * trstats.cum_fit(fit_function, fore_stat[fg_above], alpha, fit_threshold) # Below the fit threshold, we expect there to be sufficient events # to use the count_n_louder method, and the distribution may deviate # from the fit function fg_below = np.logical_not(fg_above) bg_below = np.logical_not(bg_above) # Count the number of below-threshold background events louder than the # bg and foreground bg_n_louder[bg_below], fg_n_louder[fg_below] = count_n_louder( back_stat[bg_below], fore_stat[fg_below], dec_facs[bg_below] ) # As we have only counted the louder below-threshold events, need to # add the above threshold events, which by definition are louder than # all the below-threshold events bg_n_louder[bg_below] += n_above fg_n_louder[fg_below] += n_above return bg_n_louder, fg_n_louder
_significance_meth_dict = { 'trigger_fit': n_louder_from_fit, 'n_louder': count_n_louder } _default_opt_dict = { 'method': 'n_louder', 'fit_threshold': None, 'fit_function': None, 'far_limit': 0.}
[docs]def get_n_louder(back_stat, fore_stat, dec_facs, method=_default_opt_dict['method'], **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Wrapper to find the correct n_louder calculation method using standard inputs """ return _significance_meth_dict[method]( back_stat, fore_stat, dec_facs, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_far(back_stat, fore_stat, dec_facs, background_time, method=_default_opt_dict['method'], **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Return the appropriate FAR given the significance calculation method If the n_louder method is used, find the IFAR according to Eq.17-18 of Usman et al., arXiv:1508.02357. The p-value of a candidate in a search of duration T, with n_bg louder time shifted events over a total background time T_bg is `p = 1 - exp(-T * (n_bg + 1) / T_bg)` corresponding to an effective false alarm rate of (n_bg + 1) / T_bg. If the trigger_fit method is used, we are extrapolating the background for the specific aim of FAR not being limited to 1 / T_bg, and so we do not add 1 to n_bg Parameters ---------- See description in get_n_louder for most parameters background_time: float The amount of time to convert the number of louder events into a FAR """ bg_n_louder, fg_n_louder = get_n_louder( back_stat, fore_stat, dec_facs, method=method, **kwargs ) # If we are counting the number of louder events in the background, # we add one. This is part of the p-value calculation in Usman 2015. # If we are doing trigger fit extrapolation, this is not needed if method == 'n_louder': bg_n_louder += 1 fg_n_louder += 1 bg_far = bg_n_louder / background_time fg_far = fg_n_louder / background_time return bg_far, fg_far
[docs]def insert_significance_option_group(parser): """ Add some options for use when a significance is being estimated from events or event distributions. """ parser.add_argument('--far-calculation-method', nargs='+', default=[], help="Method used for FAR calculation in each " "detector combination, given as " "combination:method pairs, i.e. " "H1:trigger_fit H1L1:n_louder H1L1V1:n_louder " "etc. Method options are [" + ",".join(_significance_meth_dict.keys()) + "]. Default = n_louder for all not given") parser.add_argument('--fit-threshold', nargs='+', default=[], help="Trigger statistic fit thresholds for FAN " "estimation, given as combination-value pairs " "ex. H1:0 L1:0 V1:-4 for all combinations with " "--far-calculation-method = trigger_fit") parser.add_argument("--fit-function", nargs='+', default=[], help="Functional form for the statistic slope fit if " "--far-calculation-method is 'trigger_fit'. " "Given as combination:function pairs, i.e. " "H1:exponential H1L1:n_louder H1L1V1:n_louder. " "Options: [" + ",".join(trstats.fitalpha_dict.keys()) + "]. " "Default = exponential for all") parser.add_argument('--limit-ifar', nargs='+', default=[], help="Impose upper limits on IFAR values (years)" ". Given as combination:value pairs, eg " "H1L1:10000 L1:1000. Used to avoid under/" "overflows for loud signals and injections " "using the fit extrapolation method. A value" " 0 or no value means unlimited IFAR")
[docs]def positive_float(inp): """ Wrapper around float conversion which ensures that the float must be positive or zero """ fl_in = float(inp) if fl_in < 0: logger.warning("Value provided to positive_float is less than zero, " "this is not allowed") raise ValueError return fl_in
[docs]def check_significance_options(args, parser): """ Check the significance group options """ # Check that the combo:method/function/threshold are in the # right format, and are in allowed combinations lists_to_check = [(args.far_calculation_method, str, _significance_meth_dict.keys()), (args.fit_function, str, trstats.fitalpha_dict.keys()), (args.fit_threshold, float, None), (args.limit_ifar, positive_float, None)] for list_to_check, type_to_convert, allowed_values in lists_to_check: combo_list = [] for combo_value in list_to_check: try: combo, value = tuple(combo_value.split(':')) except ValueError: parser.error("Need combo:value format, got %s" % combo_value) if combo in combo_list: parser.error("Duplicate combo %s in a significance " "option" % combo) combo_list.append(combo) try: type_to_convert(value) except ValueError: err_fmat = "Value {} of combo {} can't be converted" parser.error(err_fmat.format(value, combo)) if allowed_values is not None and \ type_to_convert(value) not in allowed_values: err_fmat = "Value {} of combo {} is not in allowed values: {}" parser.error(err_fmat.format(value, combo, allowed_values)) # Are the functions/thresholds appropriate for the methods given? methods = {} # A method has been specified for combo_value in args.far_calculation_method: combo, value = tuple(combo_value.split(':')) methods[combo] = value # A function or threshold has been specified function_or_thresh_given = [] for combo_value in args.fit_function + args.fit_threshold: combo, _ = tuple(combo_value.split(':')) if combo not in methods: # Assign the default method for use in further tests methods[combo] = _default_opt_dict['method'] function_or_thresh_given.append(combo) for combo, value in methods.items(): if value != 'trigger_fit' and combo in function_or_thresh_given: # Function/Threshold given for combo not using trigger_fit method parser.error("--fit-function and/or --fit-threshold given for " + combo + " which has method " + value) elif value == 'trigger_fit' and combo not in function_or_thresh_given: # Threshold not given for trigger_fit combo parser.error("Threshold required for combo " + combo)
[docs]def ifar_opt_to_far_limit(ifar_str): """ Convert the string of an IFAR limit in years into a float FAR limit in Hz. Parameters ---------- ifar_str: string Upper limit on IFAR in years. Zero indicates no upper limit """ ifar_float = positive_float(ifar_str) far_hz = 0. if (ifar_float == 0.) else conv.sec_to_year(1. / ifar_float) return far_hz
[docs]def digest_significance_options(combo_keys, args): """ Read in information from the significance option group and ensure it makes sense before putting into a dictionary Parameters ---------- combo_keys: list of strings list of detector combinations for which options are needed args: parsed arguments from argparse ArgumentParser parse_args() Returns ------- significance_dict: dictionary Dictionary containing method, threshold and function for trigger fits as appropriate, and any limit on FAR (Hz) """ lists_to_unpack = [('method', args.far_calculation_method, str), ('fit_function', args.fit_function, str), ('fit_threshold', args.fit_threshold, float), ('far_limit', args.limit_ifar, ifar_opt_to_far_limit)] significance_dict = {} # Set everything as a default to start with: for combo in combo_keys: significance_dict[combo] = copy.deepcopy(_default_opt_dict) # Unpack everything from the arguments into the dictionary for argument_key, arg_to_unpack, conv_func in lists_to_unpack: for combo_value in arg_to_unpack: combo, value = tuple(combo_value.split(':')) if combo not in significance_dict: # Allow options for detector combos that are not actually # used/required for a given job. Such options have # no effect, but emit a warning for (e.g.) diagnostic checks logger.warning("Key %s not used by this code, uses %s", combo, combo_keys) significance_dict[combo] = copy.deepcopy(_default_opt_dict) significance_dict[combo][argument_key] = conv_func(value) return significance_dict
[docs]def apply_far_limit(far, significance_dict, combo=None): """ Apply a FAR limit to events according to command line options. If far_limit in significance_dict is zero, no limit is applied. Parameters ---------- far: numpy array significance_dict: dictionary Dictionary containing any limit on FAR (Hz), made by digest_significance_options active_combination: numpy.array or string Array of IFO combinations given as utf-8 encoded strings, or a string which defines the IFO combination for all events Returns ------- far_out: numpy array FARs with far limit applied as appropriate """ far_out = copy.deepcopy(far) if isinstance(combo, str): # Single IFO combo used if significance_dict[combo]['far_limit'] == 0: return far_out far_limit_str = f"{significance_dict[combo]['far_limit']:.3e}""Applying FAR limit of %s to %s events", far_limit_str, combo) far_out = np.maximum(far, significance_dict[combo]['far_limit']) else: # IFO combo supplied as an array, by e.g. pycbc_add_statmap # Need to check which events are in which IFO combo in order to # apply the right limit to each for ifo_combo in significance_dict: if significance_dict[ifo_combo]['far_limit'] == 0: continue far_limit_str = f"{significance_dict[ifo_combo]['far_limit']:.3e}""Applying FAR limit of %s to %s events", far_limit_str, ifo_combo) this_combo_idx = combo == ifo_combo.encode('utf-8') far_out[this_combo_idx] = np.maximum( far[this_combo_idx], significance_dict[ifo_combo]['far_limit'] ) return far_out