Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
This module contains functions for calculating coincident ranking statistic
import logging
from hashlib import sha1
from datetime import datetime as dt
import numpy
import h5py

from . import ranking
from . import coinc_rate
from .eventmgr_cython import logsignalrateinternals_computepsignalbins
from .eventmgr_cython import logsignalrateinternals_compute2detrate

logger = logging.getLogger('')

[docs]class Stat(object): """Base class which should be extended to provide a coincident statistic""" def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, **kwargs): """ Create a statistic class instance Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed for some statistics A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, needed for some statistics The list of detector names """ self.files = {} files = files or [] for filename in files: with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: stat = f.attrs['stat'] if hasattr(stat, 'decode'): stat = stat.decode() if stat in self.files: raise RuntimeError("We already have one file with stat attr =" " %s. Can't provide more than one!" % stat)"Found file %s for stat %s", filename, stat) self.files[stat] = filename # Keep track of when stat files hashes so it can be # reloaded if it has changed self.file_hashes = self.get_file_hashes() # Provide the dtype of the single detector method's output # This is used by background estimation codes that need to maintain # a buffer of such values. self.single_dtype = numpy.float32 # True if a larger single detector statistic will produce a larger # coincident statistic self.single_increasing = True self.ifos = ifos or [] self.sngl_ranking = sngl_ranking self.sngl_ranking_kwargs = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key.startswith('sngl_ranking_'): self.sngl_ranking_kwargs[key[13:]] = value
[docs] def get_file_hashes(self): """ Get sha1 hashes for all the files """ logger.debug( "Getting file hashes" ) start = file_hashes = {} for stat, filename in self.files.items(): with open(filename, 'rb') as file_binary: file_hashes[stat] = sha1( logger.debug( "Got file hashes for %d files, took %.3es", len(self.files), ( - start).total_seconds() ) return file_hashes
[docs] def files_changed(self): """ Compare hashes of files now with the ones we have cached """ changed_file_hashes = self.get_file_hashes() for stat, old_hash in self.file_hashes.items(): if changed_file_hashes[stat] != old_hash: "%s statistic file %s has changed", ''.join(self.ifos), stat, ) else: # Remove the dataset from the dictionary of hashes del changed_file_hashes[stat] if changed_file_hashes == {}: logger.debug( "No %s statistic files have changed", ''.join(self.ifos) ) return list(changed_file_hashes.keys())
[docs] def check_update_files(self): """ Check whether files associated with the statistic need updated, then do so for each file which needs changing """ files_changed = self.files_changed() for file_key in files_changed: self.update_file(file_key) self.file_hashes = self.get_file_hashes()
[docs] def update_file(self, key): """ Update file used in this statistic referenced by key. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden by the " err_msg += "sub-classes. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
[docs] def get_sngl_ranking(self, trigs): """ Returns the ranking for the single detector triggers. Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector values """ return ranking.get_sngls_ranking_from_trigs( trigs, self.sngl_ranking, **self.sngl_ranking_kwargs )
[docs] def single(self, trigs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the necessary single detector information Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector values """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden by the " err_msg += "sub-classes. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the statistic for a single detector candidate Parameters ---------- single_info: tuple Tuple containing two values. The first is the ifo (str) and the second is the single detector triggers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector statistics """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden by the " err_msg += "sub-classes. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
[docs] def rank_stat_coinc(self, s, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the coincident detection statistic. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden by the " err_msg += "sub-classes. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
def _check_coinc_lim_subclass(self, allowed_names): """ Check that we are not using coinc_lim_for_thresh when not valid. coinc_lim_for_thresh is only defined for the statistic it is present in. If we subclass, we must check explicitly that it is still valid and indicate this in the code. If the code does not have this explicit check you will see the failure message here. Parameters ----------- allowed_names : list list of allowed classes for the specific sub-classed method. """ if type(self).__name__ not in allowed_names: err_msg = "This is being called from a subclass which has not " err_msg += "been checked for validity with this method. If it is " err_msg += "valid for the subclass to come here, include in the " err_msg += "list of allowed_names above." raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input triggers. """ err_msg = "This function is a stub that should be overridden by the " err_msg += "sub-classes. You shouldn't be seeing this error!" raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
[docs]class QuadratureSumStatistic(Stat): """Calculate the quadrature sum coincident detection statistic"""
[docs] def single(self, trigs): """ Calculate the necessary single detector information Here just the ranking is computed and returned. Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector values """ return self.get_sngl_ranking(trigs)
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the statistic for a single detector candidate For this statistic this is just passing through the single value, which will be the second entry in the tuple. Parameters ---------- single_info: tuple Tuple containing two values. The first is the ifo (str) and the second is the single detector triggers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector statistics """ return single_info[1]
[docs] def rank_stat_coinc(self, sngls_list, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the coincident detection statistic. Parameters ---------- sngls_list: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples slide: (unused in this statistic) step: (unused in this statistic) to_shift: list List of integers indicating what multiples of the time shift will be applied (unused in this statistic) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of coincident ranking statistic values """ cstat = sum(sngl[1] ** 2. for sngl in sngls_list) ** 0.5 # For single-detector "cuts" the single ranking is set to -1 for sngls in sngls_list: cstat[sngls == -1] = 0 return cstat
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input triggers. Parameters ---------- s: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples for all detectors except limifo. thresh: float The threshold on the coincident statistic. limifo: string The ifo for which the limit is to be found. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of limits on the limifo single statistic to exceed thresh. """ # Safety against subclassing and not rethinking this allowed_names = ['QuadratureSumStatistic'] self._check_coinc_lim_subclass(allowed_names) s0 = thresh ** 2. - sum(sngl[1] ** 2. for sngl in s) s0[s0 < 0] = 0 return s0 ** 0.5
[docs]class PhaseTDStatistic(QuadratureSumStatistic): """ Statistic that re-weights combined newsnr using coinc parameters. The weighting is based on the PDF of time delays, phase differences and amplitude ratios between triggers in different ifos. """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, pregenerate_hist=True, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, unused here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, needed here The list of detector names pregenerate_hist: bool, optional If False, do not pregenerate histogram on class instantiation. Default is True. """ QuadratureSumStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) self.single_dtype = [ ('snglstat', numpy.float32), ('coa_phase', numpy.float32), ('end_time', numpy.float64), ('sigmasq', numpy.float32), ('snr', numpy.float32) ] # Assign attribute so that it can be replaced with other functions self.has_hist = False self.hist_ifos = None self.ref_snr = 5. self.relsense = {} self.swidth = self.pwidth = self.twidth = None self.srbmin = self.srbmax = None self.max_penalty = None self.pdtype = [] self.weights = {} self.param_bin = {} self.two_det_flag = (len(ifos) == 2) self.two_det_weights = {} # Some memory self.pdif = numpy.zeros(128, dtype=numpy.float64) self.tdif = numpy.zeros(128, dtype=numpy.float64) self.sdif = numpy.zeros(128, dtype=numpy.float64) self.tbin = numpy.zeros(128, dtype=numpy.int32) self.pbin = numpy.zeros(128, dtype=numpy.int32) self.sbin = numpy.zeros(128, dtype=numpy.int32) if pregenerate_hist and not len(ifos) == 1: self.get_hist() elif len(ifos) == 1: # remove all phasetd files from self.files and self.file_hashes, # as they are not needed for k in list(self.files.keys()): if 'phasetd_newsnr' in k: del self.files[k] del self.file_hashes[k]
[docs] def get_hist(self, ifos=None): """ Read in a signal density file for the ifo combination Parameters ---------- ifos: list The list of ifos. Needed if not given when initializing the class instance. """ ifos = ifos or self.ifos selected = None for name in self.files: # Pick out the statistic files that provide phase / time/ amp # relationships and match to the ifos in use if 'phasetd_newsnr' in name: ifokey = name.split('_')[2] num = len(ifokey) / 2 if num != len(ifos): continue match = [ifo in ifokey for ifo in ifos] if False in match: continue selected = name break # If there are other phasetd_newsnr files, they aren't needed. # So tidy them out of the self.files dictionary rejected = [key for key in self.files.keys() if 'phasetd_newsnr' in key and not key == selected] for k in rejected: del self.files[k] del self.file_hashes[k] if selected is None and len(ifos) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't figure out which stat file to use") if len(ifos) == 1: # We dont need the histogram file, but we are trying to get one # just skip it in this case return"Using signal histogram %s for ifos %s", selected, ifos) weights = {} param = {} with h5py.File(self.files[selected], 'r') as histfile: self.hist_ifos = histfile.attrs['ifos'] # Patch for pre-hdf5=3.0 histogram files try:"Decoding hist ifos ..") self.hist_ifos = [i.decode('UTF-8') for i in self.hist_ifos] except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): pass # Histogram bin attributes self.twidth = histfile.attrs['twidth'] self.pwidth = histfile.attrs['pwidth'] self.swidth = histfile.attrs['swidth'] self.srbmin = histfile.attrs['srbmin'] self.srbmax = histfile.attrs['srbmax'] relfac = histfile.attrs['sensitivity_ratios'] for ifo in self.hist_ifos: weights[ifo] = histfile[ifo]['weights'][:] param[ifo] = histfile[ifo]['param_bin'][:] n_ifos = len(self.hist_ifos) bin_volume = (self.twidth * self.pwidth * self.swidth) ** (n_ifos - 1) self.hist_max = - 1. * numpy.inf # Read histogram for each ifo, to use if that ifo has smallest SNR in # the coinc for ifo in self.hist_ifos: # renormalise to PDF self.weights[ifo] = \ weights[ifo] / (weights[ifo].sum() * bin_volume) if param[ifo].dtype == numpy.int8: # Older style, incorrectly sorted histogram file ncol = param[ifo].shape[1] self.pdtype = [('c%s' % i, param[ifo].dtype) for i in range(ncol)] self.param_bin[ifo] = numpy.zeros(len(self.weights[ifo]), dtype=self.pdtype) for i in range(ncol): self.param_bin[ifo]['c%s' % i] = param[ifo][:, i] lsort = self.param_bin[ifo].argsort() self.param_bin[ifo] = self.param_bin[ifo][lsort] self.weights[ifo] = self.weights[ifo][lsort] else: # New style, efficient histogram file # param bin and weights have already been sorted self.param_bin[ifo] = param[ifo] self.pdtype = self.param_bin[ifo].dtype # Max_penalty is a small number to assigned to any bins without # histogram entries. All histograms in a given file have the same # min entry by design, so use the min of the last one read in. self.max_penalty = self.weights[ifo].min() self.hist_max = max(self.hist_max, self.weights[ifo].max()) if self.two_det_flag: # The density of signals is computed as a function of 3 binned # parameters: time difference (t), phase difference (p) and # SNR ratio (s). These are computed for each combination of # detectors, so for detectors 6 differences are needed. However # many combinations of these parameters are highly unlikely and # no instances of these combinations occurred when generating # the statistic files. Rather than storing a bunch of 0s, these # values are just not stored at all. This reduces the size of # the statistic file, but means we have to identify the correct # value to read for every trigger. For 2 detectors we can # expand the weights lookup table here, basically adding in all # the "0" values. This makes looking up a value in the # "weights" table a O(N) rather than O(NlogN) operation. It # sacrifices RAM to do this, so is a good tradeoff for 2 # detectors, but not for 3! if not hasattr(self, 'c0_size'): self.c0_size = {} self.c1_size = {} self.c2_size = {} self.c0_size[ifo] = numpy.int32( 2 * (abs(self.param_bin[ifo]['c0']).max() + 1) ) self.c1_size[ifo] = numpy.int32( 2 * (abs(self.param_bin[ifo]['c1']).max() + 1) ) self.c2_size[ifo] = numpy.int32( 2 * (abs(self.param_bin[ifo]['c2']).max() + 1) ) array_size = [self.c0_size[ifo], self.c1_size[ifo], self.c2_size[ifo]] dtypec = self.weights[ifo].dtype self.two_det_weights[ifo] = \ numpy.zeros(array_size, dtype=dtypec) + self.max_penalty id0 = self.param_bin[ifo]['c0'].astype(numpy.int32) \ + self.c0_size[ifo] // 2 id1 = self.param_bin[ifo]['c1'].astype(numpy.int32) \ + self.c1_size[ifo] // 2 id2 = self.param_bin[ifo]['c2'].astype(numpy.int32) \ + self.c2_size[ifo] // 2 self.two_det_weights[ifo][id0, id1, id2] = self.weights[ifo] for ifo, sense in zip(self.hist_ifos, relfac): self.relsense[ifo] = sense self.has_hist = True
[docs] def update_file(self, key): """ Update file used in this statistic. If others are used (i.e. this statistic is inherited), they will need updated separately """ if 'phasetd_newsnr' in key and not len(self.ifos) == 1: if ''.join(sorted(self.ifos)) not in key: logger.debug( "%s file is not used for %s statistic", key, ''.join(self.ifos) ) return False "Updating %s statistic %s file", ''.join(self.ifos), key ) # This is a PhaseTDStatistic file which needs updating self.get_hist() return True return False
[docs] def logsignalrate(self, stats, shift, to_shift): """ Calculate the normalized log rate density of signals via lookup Parameters ---------- stats: dict of dicts Single-detector quantities for each detector shift: numpy array of float Time shift vector for each coinc to be ranked to_shift: list of ints Multiple of the time shift to apply, ordered as self.ifos Returns ------- value: log of coinc signal rate density for the given single-ifo triggers and time shifts """ # Convert time shift vector to dict, as hist ifos and self.ifos may # not be in same order to_shift = {ifo: s for ifo, s in zip(self.ifos, to_shift)} if not self.has_hist: self.get_hist() # Figure out which ifo of the contributing ifos has the smallest SNR, # to use as reference for choosing the signal histogram. snrs = numpy.array([numpy.array(stats[ifo]['snr'], ndmin=1) for ifo in self.ifos]) smin = snrs.argmin(axis=0) # Store a list of the triggers using each ifo as reference rtypes = {ifo: numpy.where(smin == j)[0] for j, ifo in enumerate(self.ifos)} # Get reference ifo information rate = numpy.zeros(len(shift), dtype=numpy.float32) ps = {ifo: numpy.array(stats[ifo]['coa_phase'], ndmin=1) for ifo in self.ifos} ts = {ifo: numpy.array(stats[ifo]['end_time'], ndmin=1) for ifo in self.ifos} ss = {ifo: numpy.array(stats[ifo]['snr'], ndmin=1) for ifo in self.ifos} sigs = {ifo: numpy.array(stats[ifo]['sigmasq'], ndmin=1) for ifo in self.ifos} for ref_ifo in self.ifos: rtype = rtypes[ref_ifo] pref = ps[ref_ifo] tref = ts[ref_ifo] sref = ss[ref_ifo] sigref = sigs[ref_ifo] senseref = self.relsense[self.hist_ifos[0]] binned = [] other_ifos = [ifo for ifo in self.ifos if ifo != ref_ifo] for ifo in other_ifos: # Assign cached memory length = len(rtype) while length > len(self.pdif): newlen = len(self.pdif) * 2 self.pdif = numpy.zeros(newlen, dtype=numpy.float64) self.tdif = numpy.zeros(newlen, dtype=numpy.float64) self.sdif = numpy.zeros(newlen, dtype=numpy.float64) self.pbin = numpy.zeros(newlen, dtype=numpy.int32) self.tbin = numpy.zeros(newlen, dtype=numpy.int32) self.sbin = numpy.zeros(newlen, dtype=numpy.int32) # Calculate differences logsignalrateinternals_computepsignalbins( self.pdif, self.tdif, self.sdif, self.pbin, self.tbin, self.sbin, ps[ifo], ts[ifo], ss[ifo], sigs[ifo], pref, tref, sref, sigref, shift, rtype, self.relsense[ifo], senseref, self.twidth, self.pwidth, self.swidth, to_shift[ref_ifo], to_shift[ifo], length ) binned += [ self.tbin[:length], self.pbin[:length], self.sbin[:length] ] # Read signal weight from precalculated histogram if self.two_det_flag: # High-RAM, low-CPU option for two-det logsignalrateinternals_compute2detrate( binned[0], binned[1], binned[2], self.c0_size[ref_ifo], self.c1_size[ref_ifo], self.c2_size[ref_ifo], rate, rtype, sref, self.two_det_weights[ref_ifo], self.max_penalty, self.ref_snr, len(rtype) ) else: # Low[er]-RAM, high[er]-CPU option for >two det # Convert binned to same dtype as stored in hist nbinned = numpy.zeros(len(binned[1]), dtype=self.pdtype) for i, b in enumerate(binned): nbinned[f'c{i}'] = b loc = numpy.searchsorted(self.param_bin[ref_ifo], nbinned) loc[loc == len(self.weights[ref_ifo])] = 0 rate[rtype] = self.weights[ref_ifo][loc] # These weren't in our histogram so give them max penalty # instead of random value missed = numpy.where( self.param_bin[ref_ifo][loc] != nbinned )[0] rate[rtype[missed]] = self.max_penalty # Scale by signal population SNR rate[rtype] *= (sref[rtype] / self.ref_snr) ** -4. return numpy.log(rate)
[docs] def single(self, trigs): """ Calculate the necessary single detector information Here the ranking as well as phase, endtime and sigma-squared values. Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. 'snr', 'chisq', 'chisq_dof', 'coa_phase', 'end_time', and 'sigmasq' are required keys. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of single detector parameter values """ sngl_stat = self.get_sngl_ranking(trigs) singles = numpy.zeros(len(sngl_stat), dtype=self.single_dtype) singles['snglstat'] = sngl_stat singles['coa_phase'] = trigs['coa_phase'][:] singles['end_time'] = trigs['end_time'][:] singles['sigmasq'] = trigs['sigmasq'][:] singles['snr'] = trigs['snr'][:] return numpy.array(singles, ndmin=1)
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the statistic for a single detector candidate For this statistic this is just passing through the single value, which will be the second entry in the tuple. Parameters ---------- single_info: tuple Tuple containing two values. The first is the ifo (str) and the second is the single detector triggers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector statistics """ return single_info[1]['snglstat']
[docs] def rank_stat_coinc(self, sngls_list, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the coincident detection statistic, defined in Eq 2 of [Nitz et al, 2017]( """ rstat = sum(s[1]['snglstat'] ** 2 for s in sngls_list) cstat = rstat + 2. * self.logsignalrate(dict(sngls_list), slide * step, to_shift) cstat[cstat < 0] = 0 return cstat ** 0.5
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, sngls_list, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest. Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input triggers. """ # Safety against subclassing and not rethinking this allowed_names = ['PhaseTDStatistic'] self._check_coinc_lim_subclass(allowed_names) if not self.has_hist: self.get_hist() fixed_statsq = sum( [b['snglstat'] ** 2 for a, b in sngls_list if a != limifo] ) s1 = thresh ** 2. - fixed_statsq # Assume best case scenario and use maximum signal rate s1 -= 2. * self.hist_max s1[s1 < 0] = 0 return s1 ** 0.5
[docs]class ExpFitStatistic(QuadratureSumStatistic): """ Detection statistic using an exponential falloff noise model. Statistic approximates the negative log noise coinc rate density per template over single-ifo newsnr values. """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, not used here The list of detector names """ if not files: raise RuntimeError("Statistic files not specified") QuadratureSumStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) # the stat file attributes are hard-coded as '%{ifo}-fit_coeffs' parsed_attrs = [f.split('-') for f in self.files.keys()] self.bg_ifos = [at[0] for at in parsed_attrs if (len(at) == 2 and at[1] == 'fit_coeffs')] if not len(self.bg_ifos): raise RuntimeError("None of the statistic files has the required " "attribute called {ifo}-fit_coeffs !") self.fits_by_tid = {} self.alphamax = {} for i in self.bg_ifos: self.fits_by_tid[i] = self.assign_fits(i) self.get_ref_vals(i) self.single_increasing = False
[docs] def assign_fits(self, ifo): """ Extract fits from fit files Parameters ----------- ifo: str The detector to get fits for. Returns ------- rate_dict: dict A dictionary containing the fit information in the `alpha`, `rate` and `thresh` keys. """ coeff_file = h5py.File(self.files[f'{ifo}-fit_coeffs'], 'r') template_id = coeff_file['template_id'][:] # the template_ids and fit coeffs are stored in an arbitrary order # create new arrays in template_id order for easier recall tid_sort = numpy.argsort(template_id) fits_by_tid_dict = {} fits_by_tid_dict['smoothed_fit_coeff'] = \ coeff_file['fit_coeff'][:][tid_sort] fits_by_tid_dict['smoothed_rate_above_thresh'] = \ coeff_file['count_above_thresh'][:][tid_sort].astype(float) fits_by_tid_dict['smoothed_rate_in_template'] = \ coeff_file['count_in_template'][:][tid_sort].astype(float) # The by-template fits may have been stored in the smoothed fits file if 'fit_by_template' in coeff_file: coeff_fbt = coeff_file['fit_by_template'] fits_by_tid_dict['fit_by_fit_coeff'] = \ coeff_fbt['fit_coeff'][:][tid_sort] fits_by_tid_dict['fit_by_rate_above_thresh'] = \ coeff_fbt['count_above_thresh'][:][tid_sort].astype(float) fits_by_tid_dict['fit_by_rate_in_template'] = \ coeff_file['count_in_template'][:][tid_sort].astype(float) # Keep the fit threshold in fits_by_tid fits_by_tid_dict['thresh'] = coeff_file.attrs['stat_threshold'] coeff_file.close() return fits_by_tid_dict
[docs] def update_file(self, key): """ Update file used in this statistic. If others are used (i.e. this statistic is inherited), they will need updated separately """ if key.endswith('-fit_coeffs'): # This is a ExpFitStatistic file which needs updating # Which ifo is it? ifo = key[:2] self.fits_by_tid[ifo] = self.assign_fits(ifo) self.get_ref_vals(ifo) "Updating %s statistic %s file", ''.join(self.ifos), key ) return True return False
[docs] def get_ref_vals(self, ifo): """ Get the largest `alpha` value over all templates for given ifo. This is stored in `self.alphamax[ifo]` in the class instance. Parameters ----------- ifo: str The detector to get fits for. """ self.alphamax[ifo] = self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['smoothed_fit_coeff'].max()
[docs] def find_fits(self, trigs): """ Get fit coeffs for a specific ifo and template id(s) Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. The coincidence executable will always call this using a bunch of trigs from a single template, there template_num is stored as an attribute and we just return the single value for all templates. If multiple templates are in play we must return arrays. Returns -------- alphai: float or numpy array The alpha fit value(s) ratei: float or numpy array The rate fit value(s) thresh: float or numpy array The thresh fit value(s) """ try: # Exists where trigs is a class with the template num attribute tnum = trigs.template_num except AttributeError: # Exists where trigs is dict-like tnum = trigs['template_id'] try: ifo = trigs.ifo except AttributeError: ifo = trigs.get('ifo', None) if ifo is None: ifo = self.ifos[0] assert ifo in self.ifos # fits_by_tid is a dictionary of dictionaries of arrays # indexed by ifo / coefficient name / template_id alphai = self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['smoothed_fit_coeff'][tnum] ratei = self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['smoothed_rate_above_thresh'][tnum] thresh = self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['thresh'] return alphai, ratei, thresh
[docs] def lognoiserate(self, trigs): """ Calculate the log noise rate density over single-ifo ranking Read in single trigger information, compute the ranking and rescale by the fitted coefficients alpha and rate Parameters ----------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns --------- lognoisel: numpy.array Array of log noise rate density for each input trigger. """ alphai, ratei, thresh = self.find_fits(trigs) sngl_stat = self.get_sngl_ranking(trigs) # alphai is constant of proportionality between single-ifo newsnr and # negative log noise likelihood in given template # ratei is rate of trigs in given template compared to average # thresh is stat threshold used in given ifo lognoisel = - alphai * (sngl_stat - thresh) + numpy.log(alphai) + \ numpy.log(ratei) return numpy.array(lognoisel, ndmin=1, dtype=numpy.float32)
[docs] def single(self, trigs): """ Calculate the necessary single detector information In this case the ranking rescaled (see the lognoiserate method here). Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector values """ return self.lognoiserate(trigs)
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the statistic for a single detector candidate Parameters ---------- single_info: tuple Tuple containing two values. The first is the ifo (str) and the second is the single detector triggers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector statistics """ err_msg = "Sorry! No-one has implemented this method yet! " raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
[docs] def rank_stat_coinc(self, s, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the coincident detection statistic. """ err_msg = "Sorry! No-one has implemented this method yet! " raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest """ err_msg = "Sorry! No-one has implemented this method yet! " raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
# Keeping this here to help write the new coinc method.
[docs] def coinc_OLD(self, s0, s1, slide, step): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """Calculate the final coinc ranking statistic""" # Approximate log likelihood ratio by summing single-ifo negative # log noise likelihoods loglr = - s0 - s1 # add squares of threshold stat values via idealized Gaussian formula threshes = [self.fits_by_tid[i]['thresh'] for i in self.bg_ifos] loglr += sum([t ** 2. / 2. for t in threshes]) # convert back to a coinc-SNR-like statistic # via log likelihood ratio \propto rho_c^2 / 2 return (2. * loglr) ** 0.5
# Keeping this here to help write the new coinc_lim method
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh_OLD(self, s0, thresh): """Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input triggers. Parameters ---------- s0: numpy.ndarray Single detector ranking statistic for the first detector. thresh: float The threshold on the coincident statistic. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of limits on the second detector single statistic to exceed thresh. """ s1 = - (thresh ** 2.) / 2. - s0 threshes = [self.fits_by_tid[i]['thresh'] for i in self.bg_ifos] s1 += sum([t ** 2. / 2. for t in threshes]) return s1
[docs]class ExpFitCombinedSNR(ExpFitStatistic): """ Reworking of ExpFitStatistic designed to resemble network SNR Use a monotonic function of the negative log noise rate density which approximates combined (new)snr for coincs with similar newsnr in each ifo """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, not used here The list of detector names """ ExpFitStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) # for low-mass templates the exponential slope alpha \approx 6 self.alpharef = 6. self.single_increasing = True self.single_dtype = numpy.float32
[docs] def use_alphamax(self): """ Compute the reference alpha from the fit files. Use the harmonic mean of the maximum individual ifo slopes as the reference value of alpha. """ inv_alphas = [1. / self.alphamax[i] for i in self.bg_ifos] self.alpharef = 1. / (sum(inv_alphas) / len(inv_alphas))
[docs] def single(self, trigs): """ Calculate the necessary single detector information Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector values """ logr_n = self.lognoiserate(trigs) _, _, thresh = self.find_fits(trigs) # shift by log of reference slope alpha logr_n += -1. * numpy.log(self.alpharef) # add threshold and rescale by reference slope stat = thresh - (logr_n / self.alpharef) return numpy.array(stat, ndmin=1, dtype=numpy.float32)
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the statistic for single detector candidates Parameters ---------- single_info: tuple Tuple containing two values. The first is the ifo (str) and the second is the single detector triggers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector statistics """ if self.single_increasing: sngl_multiifo = single_info[1] else: sngl_multiifo = -1. * single_info[1] return sngl_multiifo
[docs] def rank_stat_coinc(self, s, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the coincident detection statistic. Parameters ---------- sngls_list: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples slide: (unused in this statistic) step: (unused in this statistic) to_shift: list List of integers indicating what multiples of the time shift will be applied (unused in this statistic) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of coincident ranking statistic values """ # scale by 1/sqrt(number of ifos) to resemble network SNR return sum(sngl[1] for sngl in s) / (len(s) ** 0.5)
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input triggers. Parameters ---------- s: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples for all detectors except limifo. thresh: float The threshold on the coincident statistic. limifo: string The ifo for which the limit is to be found. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of limits on the limifo single statistic to exceed thresh. """ # Safety against subclassing and not rethinking this allowed_names = ['ExpFitCombinedSNR'] self._check_coinc_lim_subclass(allowed_names) return thresh * ((len(s) + 1) ** 0.5) - sum(sngl[1] for sngl in s)
[docs]class PhaseTDExpFitStatistic(PhaseTDStatistic, ExpFitCombinedSNR): """ Statistic combining exponential noise model with signal histogram PDF """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, needed here The list of detector names """ # read in both foreground PDF and background fit info ExpFitCombinedSNR.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) # need the self.single_dtype value from PhaseTDStatistic PhaseTDStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs)
[docs] def update_file(self, key): """ Update file used in this statistic. If others are used (i.e. this statistic is inherited), they will need updated separately """ # Here we inherit the PhaseTD and ExpFit file checks, # nothing else needs doing uf_exp_fit = ExpFitCombinedSNR.update_file(self, key) uf_phasetd = PhaseTDStatistic.update_file(self, key) return uf_exp_fit or uf_phasetd
[docs] def single(self, trigs): """ Calculate the necessary single detector information In this case the ranking rescaled (see the lognoiserate method here) with the phase, end time, sigma and SNR values added in. Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector values """ # same single-ifo stat as ExpFitCombinedSNR sngl_stat = ExpFitCombinedSNR.single(self, trigs) singles = numpy.zeros(len(sngl_stat), dtype=self.single_dtype) singles['snglstat'] = sngl_stat singles['coa_phase'] = trigs['coa_phase'][:] singles['end_time'] = trigs['end_time'][:] singles['sigmasq'] = trigs['sigmasq'][:] singles['snr'] = trigs['snr'][:] return numpy.array(singles, ndmin=1)
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the statistic for a single detector candidate Parameters ---------- single_info: tuple Tuple containing two values. The first is the ifo (str) and the second is the single detector triggers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector statistics """ err_msg = "Sorry! No-one has implemented this method yet! " raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
[docs] def rank_stat_coinc(self, s, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the coincident detection statistic. """ err_msg = "Sorry! No-one has implemented this method yet! " raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input triggers. """ err_msg = "Sorry! No-one has implemented this method yet! " raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
# Keeping the old statistic code here for now to help with reimplementing
[docs] def coinc_OLD(self, s0, s1, slide, step): # logsignalrate function inherited from PhaseTDStatistic logr_s = self.logsignalrate(s0, s1, slide * step) # rescale by ExpFitCombinedSNR reference slope as for sngl stat cstat = s0['snglstat'] + s1['snglstat'] + logr_s / self.alpharef # cut off underflowing and very small values cstat[cstat < 8.] = 8. # scale to resemble network SNR return cstat / (2. ** 0.5)
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh_OLD(self, s0, thresh): # if the threshold is below this value all triggers will # pass because of rounding in the coinc method if thresh <= (8. / (2. ** 0.5)): return -1. * numpy.ones(len(s0['snglstat'])) * numpy.inf if not self.has_hist: self.get_hist() # Assume best case scenario and use maximum signal rate logr_s = self.hist_max s1 = (2 ** 0.5) * thresh - s0['snglstat'] - logr_s / self.alpharef return s1
[docs]class ExpFitBgRateStatistic(ExpFitStatistic): """ Detection statistic using an exponential falloff noise model. Statistic calculates the log noise coinc rate for each template over single-ifo newsnr values. """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, benchmark_lograte=-14.6, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, not used here The list of detector names benchmark_lograte: float, default=-14.6 benchmark_lograte is log of a representative noise trigger rate. The default comes from H1L1 (O2) and is 4.5e-7 Hz. """ super(ExpFitBgRateStatistic, self).__init__(sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) self.benchmark_lograte = benchmark_lograte # Reassign the rate to be number per time rather than an arbitrarily # normalised number for ifo in self.bg_ifos: self.reassign_rate(ifo)
[docs] def reassign_rate(self, ifo): """ Reassign the rate to be number per time rather Reassign the rate to be number per time rather than an arbitrarily normalised number. Parameters ----------- ifo: str The ifo to consider. """ with h5py.File(self.files[f'{ifo}-fit_coeffs'], 'r') as coeff_file: analysis_time = float(coeff_file.attrs['analysis_time']) fbt = 'fit_by_template' in coeff_file self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['smoothed_rate_above_thresh'] /= analysis_time self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['smoothed_rate_in_template'] /= analysis_time # The by-template fits may have been stored in the smoothed fits file if fbt: self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['fit_by_rate_above_thresh'] /= analysis_time self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['fit_by_rate_in_template'] /= analysis_time
[docs] def update_file(self, key): """ Update file used in this statistic. If others are used (i.e. this statistic is inherited), they will need updated separately """ # Check if the file to update is an ExpFit file uf_expfit = ExpFitStatistic.update_file(self, key) # If this has been updated we must do the reassign_rate step here # on top of the file update from earlier if uf_expfit: # This is a fit coeff file which needs updating # Which ifo is it? ifo = key[:2] self.reassign_rate(ifo) return True return False
[docs] def rank_stat_coinc(self, s, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the coincident detection statistic. Parameters ---------- sngls_list: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples slide: (unused in this statistic) step: (unused in this statistic) to_shift: list List of integers indicating what multiples of the time shift will be applied (unused in this statistic) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of coincident ranking statistic values """ # ranking statistic is -ln(expected rate density of noise triggers) # plus normalization constant sngl_dict = {sngl[0]: sngl[1] for sngl in s} ln_noise_rate = coinc_rate.combination_noise_lograte( sngl_dict, kwargs['time_addition']) loglr = - ln_noise_rate + self.benchmark_lograte return loglr
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input triggers. Parameters ---------- s: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples for all detectors except limifo. thresh: float The threshold on the coincident statistic. limifo: string The ifo for which the limit is to be found. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of limits on the limifo single statistic to exceed thresh. """ # Safety against subclassing and not rethinking this allowed_names = ['ExpFitBgRateStatistic'] self._check_coinc_lim_subclass(allowed_names) sngl_dict = {sngl[0]: sngl[1] for sngl in s} sngl_dict[limifo] = numpy.zeros(len(s[0][1])) ln_noise_rate = coinc_rate.combination_noise_lograte( sngl_dict, kwargs['time_addition']) loglr = - thresh - ln_noise_rate + self.benchmark_lograte return loglr
[docs]class ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic(PhaseTDStatistic, ExpFitBgRateStatistic): """ Statistic combining PhaseTD, ExpFitBg and additional foreground info. """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, reference_ifos='H1,L1', **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs The list of detector names reference_ifos: string of comma separated ifo prefixes Detectors to be used as the reference network for network sensitivity comparisons. Each must be in fits_by_tid """ # read in background fit info and store it ExpFitBgRateStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) # if ifos not already set, determine via background fit info self.ifos = self.ifos or self.bg_ifos # PhaseTD statistic single_dtype plus network sensitivity benchmark PhaseTDStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=self.ifos, **kwargs) self.single_dtype.append(('benchmark_logvol', numpy.float32)) for ifo in self.bg_ifos: self.assign_median_sigma(ifo) self.ref_ifos = reference_ifos.split(',') self.benchmark_logvol = None self.assign_benchmark_logvol() self.single_increasing = False # Initialize variable to hold event template id(s) self.curr_tnum = None
[docs] def assign_median_sigma(self, ifo): """ Read and sort the median_sigma values from input files. Parameters ---------- ifo: str The ifo to consider. """ with h5py.File(self.files[f'{ifo}-fit_coeffs'], 'r') as coeff_file: template_id = coeff_file['template_id'][:] tid_sort = numpy.argsort(template_id) self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['median_sigma'] = \ coeff_file['median_sigma'][:][tid_sort]
[docs] def assign_benchmark_logvol(self): """ Assign the benchmark log-volume used by the statistic. This is the sensitive log-volume of each template in the network of reference IFOs """ # benchmark_logvol is a benchmark sensitivity array over template id bench_net_med_sigma = numpy.amin( [self.fits_by_tid[ifo]['median_sigma'] for ifo in self.ref_ifos], axis=0, ) self.benchmark_logvol = 3. * numpy.log(bench_net_med_sigma)
[docs] def update_file(self, key): """ Update file used in this statistic. If others are used (i.e. this statistic is inherited), they will need updated separately """ # Here we inherit the PhaseTD file checks uf_phasetd = PhaseTDStatistic.update_file(self, key) uf_exp_fit = ExpFitBgRateStatistic.update_file(self, key) if uf_phasetd: # The key to update refers to a PhaseTDStatistic file return True if uf_exp_fit: # The key to update refers to a ExpFitBgRateStatistic file # In this case we must reload some statistic information # Which ifo is it? ifo = key[:2] self.assign_median_sigma(ifo) self.assign_benchmark_logvol() return True return False
[docs] def lognoiserate(self, trigs, alphabelow=6): """ Calculate the log noise rate density over single-ifo ranking Read in single trigger information, make the newsnr statistic and rescale by the fitted coefficients alpha and rate Parameters ----------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. alphabelow: float, default=6 Use this slope to fit the noise triggers below the point at which fits are present in the input files. Returns --------- lognoisel: numpy.array Array of log noise rate density for each input trigger. """ alphai, ratei, thresh = self.find_fits(trigs) newsnr = self.get_sngl_ranking(trigs) # Above the threshold we use the usual fit coefficient (alpha) # below threshold use specified alphabelow bt = newsnr < thresh lognoisel = - alphai * (newsnr - thresh) + numpy.log(alphai) + \ numpy.log(ratei) lognoiselbt = - alphabelow * (newsnr - thresh) + \ numpy.log(alphabelow) + numpy.log(ratei) lognoisel[bt] = lognoiselbt[bt] return numpy.array(lognoisel, ndmin=1, dtype=numpy.float32)
[docs] def single(self, trigs): """ Calculate the necessary single detector information In this case the ranking rescaled (see the lognoiserate method here) with the phase, end time, sigma, SNR, template_id and the benchmark_logvol values added in. Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector values """ # single-ifo stat = log of noise rate sngl_stat = self.lognoiserate(trigs) # populate other fields to calculate phase/time/amp consistency # and sigma comparison singles = numpy.zeros(len(sngl_stat), dtype=self.single_dtype) singles['snglstat'] = sngl_stat singles['coa_phase'] = trigs['coa_phase'][:] singles['end_time'] = trigs['end_time'][:] singles['sigmasq'] = trigs['sigmasq'][:] singles['snr'] = trigs['snr'][:] try: # exists if accessed via coinc_findtrigs self.curr_tnum = trigs.template_num except AttributeError: # exists for SingleDetTriggers & pycbc_live get_coinc self.curr_tnum = trigs['template_id'] # Store benchmark log volume as single-ifo information since the coinc # method does not have access to template id singles['benchmark_logvol'] = self.benchmark_logvol[self.curr_tnum] return numpy.array(singles, ndmin=1)
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the statistic for single detector candidates Parameters ---------- single_info: tuple Tuple containing two values. The first is the ifo (str) and the second is the single detector triggers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector statistics """ sngls = single_info[1] ln_noise_rate = sngls['snglstat'] ln_noise_rate -= self.benchmark_lograte network_sigmasq = sngls['sigmasq'] network_logvol = 1.5 * numpy.log(network_sigmasq) benchmark_logvol = sngls['benchmark_logvol'] network_logvol -= benchmark_logvol ln_s = -4 * numpy.log(sngls['snr'] / self.ref_snr) loglr = network_logvol - ln_noise_rate + ln_s # cut off underflowing and very small values loglr[loglr < -30.] = -30. return loglr
[docs] def rank_stat_coinc(self, s, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the coincident detection statistic. Parameters ---------- sngls_list: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples slide: (unused in this statistic) step: (unused in this statistic) to_shift: list List of integers indicating what multiples of the time shift will be applied (unused in this statistic) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of coincident ranking statistic values """ sngl_rates = {sngl[0]: sngl[1]['snglstat'] for sngl in s} # Find total volume of phase-time-amplitude space occupied by # noise coincs if 'dets' in kwargs: ln_noise_rate = coinc_rate.combination_noise_lograte( sngl_rates, kwargs['time_addition'], kwargs['dets']) # Extent of time-difference space occupied noise_twindow = coinc_rate.multiifo_noise_coincident_area( self.hist_ifos, kwargs['time_addition'], kwargs['dets']) else: ln_noise_rate = coinc_rate.combination_noise_lograte( sngl_rates, kwargs['time_addition']) noise_twindow = coinc_rate.multiifo_noise_coincident_area( self.hist_ifos, kwargs['time_addition']) ln_noise_rate -= self.benchmark_lograte # Network sensitivity for a given coinc type is approximately # determined by the least sensitive ifo network_sigmasq = numpy.amin([sngl[1]['sigmasq'] for sngl in s], axis=0) # Volume \propto sigma^3 or sigmasq^1.5 network_logvol = 1.5 * numpy.log(network_sigmasq) # Get benchmark log volume as single-ifo information : # benchmark_logvol for a given template is not ifo-dependent, so # choose the first ifo for convenience benchmark_logvol = s[0][1]['benchmark_logvol'] network_logvol -= benchmark_logvol # Use prior histogram to get Bayes factor for signal vs noise # given the time, phase and SNR differences between IFOs # First get signal PDF logr_s stat = {ifo: st for ifo, st in s} logr_s = self.logsignalrate(stat, slide * step, to_shift) # Volume is the allowed time difference window, multiplied by 2pi for # each phase difference dimension and by allowed range of SNR ratio # for each SNR ratio dimension : there are (n_ifos - 1) dimensions # for both phase and SNR n_ifos = len(self.hist_ifos) hist_vol = noise_twindow * \ (2. * numpy.pi * (self.srbmax - self.srbmin) * self.swidth) ** \ (n_ifos - 1) # Noise PDF is 1/volume, assuming a uniform distribution of noise # coincs logr_n = - numpy.log(hist_vol) # Combine to get final statistic: log of # ((rate of signals / rate of noise) * PTA Bayes factor) loglr = network_logvol - ln_noise_rate + logr_s - logr_n # cut off underflowing and very small values loglr[loglr < -30.] = -30. return loglr
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input triggers. Parameters ---------- s: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples for all detectors except limifo. thresh: float The threshold on the coincident statistic. limifo: string The ifo for which the limit is to be found. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of limits on the limifo single statistic to exceed thresh. """ # Safety against subclassing and not rethinking this allowed_names = ['ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic', 'ExpFitFgBgNormBBHStatistic', 'DQExpFitFgBgNormStatistic', 'DQExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic', 'ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic'] self._check_coinc_lim_subclass(allowed_names) if not self.has_hist: self.get_hist() # if the threshold is below this value all triggers will # pass because of rounding in the coinc method if thresh <= -30.: return numpy.ones(len(s[0][1]['snglstat'])) * numpy.inf sngl_rates = {sngl[0]: sngl[1]['snglstat'] for sngl in s} # Add limifo to singles dict so that overlap time is calculated correctly sngl_rates[limifo] = numpy.zeros(len(s[0][1])) ln_noise_rate = coinc_rate.combination_noise_lograte( sngl_rates, kwargs['time_addition']) ln_noise_rate -= self.benchmark_lograte # Assume best case and use the maximum sigma squared from all triggers network_sigmasq = numpy.ones(len(s[0][1])) * kwargs['max_sigmasq'] # Volume \propto sigma^3 or sigmasq^1.5 network_logvol = 1.5 * numpy.log(network_sigmasq) # Get benchmark log volume as single-ifo information : # benchmark_logvol for a given template is not ifo-dependent, so # choose the first ifo for convenience benchmark_logvol = s[0][1]['benchmark_logvol'] network_logvol -= benchmark_logvol # Assume best case scenario and use maximum signal rate logr_s = numpy.log(self.hist_max * (kwargs['min_snr'] / self.ref_snr) ** -4.) # Find total volume of phase-time-amplitude space occupied by noise # coincs # Extent of time-difference space occupied noise_twindow = coinc_rate.multiifo_noise_coincident_area( self.hist_ifos, kwargs['time_addition']) # Volume is the allowed time difference window, multiplied by 2pi for # each phase difference dimension and by allowed range of SNR ratio # for each SNR ratio dimension : there are (n_ifos - 1) dimensions # for both phase and SNR n_ifos = len(self.hist_ifos) hist_vol = noise_twindow * \ (2. * numpy.pi * (self.srbmax - self.srbmin) * self.swidth) ** \ (n_ifos - 1) # Noise PDF is 1/volume, assuming a uniform distribution of noise # coincs logr_n = - numpy.log(hist_vol) loglr = - thresh + network_logvol - ln_noise_rate + logr_s - logr_n return loglr
[docs]class ExpFitFgBgNormBBHStatistic(ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic): """ The ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic with a mass weighting factor. This is the same as the ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic except the likelihood is multiplied by a signal rate prior modelled as uniform over chirp mass. As templates are distributed roughly according to mchirp^(-11/3) we weight by the inverse of this. This ensures that quiet signals at high mass where template density is sparse are not swamped by events at lower masses where template density is high. """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, max_chirp_mass=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, not used here The list of detector names max_chirp_mass: float, default=None If given, if a template's chirp mass is above this value it will be reweighted as if it had this chirp mass. This is to avoid the problem where the distribution fails to be accurate at high mass and we can have a case where a single highest-mass template might produce *all* the loudest background (and foreground) events. """ ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) self.mcm = max_chirp_mass self.curr_mchirp = None
[docs] def logsignalrate(self, stats, shift, to_shift): """ Calculate the normalized log rate density of signals via lookup This calls back to the Parent class and then applies the chirp mass weighting factor. Parameters ---------- stats: list of dicts giving single-ifo quantities, ordered as self.ifos shift: numpy array of float, size of the time shift vector for each coinc to be ranked to_shift: list of int, multiple of the time shift to apply ordered as self.ifos Returns ------- value: log of coinc signal rate density for the given single-ifo triggers and time shifts """ # Model signal rate as uniform over chirp mass, background rate is # proportional to mchirp^(-11/3) due to density of templates logr_s = ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.logsignalrate( self, stats, shift, to_shift ) logr_s += numpy.log((self.curr_mchirp / 20.) ** (11. / 3.)) return logr_s
[docs] def single(self, trigs): """ Calculate the necessary single detector information In this case the ranking rescaled (see the lognoiserate method here) with the phase, end time, sigma, SNR, template_id and the benchmark_logvol values added in. This also stored the current chirp mass for use when computing the coinc statistic values. Parameters ---------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector values """ from pycbc.conversions import mchirp_from_mass1_mass2 try: mass1 = trigs.param['mass1'] mass2 = trigs.param['mass2'] except AttributeError: mass1 = trigs['mass1'] mass2 = trigs['mass2'] self.curr_mchirp = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(mass1, mass2) if self.mcm is not None: # Careful - input might be a str, so cast to float self.curr_mchirp = min(self.curr_mchirp, float(self.mcm)) return ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.single(self, trigs)
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the statistic for a single detector candidate This calls back to the Parent class and then applies the chirp mass weighting factor. Parameters ---------- single_info: tuple Tuple containing two values. The first is the ifo (str) and the second is the single detector triggers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector statistics """ rank_sngl = ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.rank_stat_single( self, single_info, **kwargs) rank_sngl += numpy.log((self.curr_mchirp / 20.) ** (11. / 3.)) return rank_sngl
[docs] def rank_stat_coinc(self, sngls_list, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs): """ Calculate the coincident detection statistic. Parameters ---------- sngls_list: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples slide: (unused in this statistic) step: (unused in this statistic) to_shift: list List of integers indicating what multiples of the time shift will be applied (unused in this statistic) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of coincident ranking statistic values """ if 'mchirp' in kwargs: self.curr_mchirp = kwargs['mchirp'] return ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.rank_stat_coinc(self, sngls_list, slide, step, to_shift, **kwargs)
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input triggers. Parameters ---------- s: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples for all detectors except limifo. thresh: float The threshold on the coincident statistic. limifo: string The ifo for which the limit is to be found. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of limits on the limifo single statistic to exceed thresh. """ loglr = ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.coinc_lim_for_thresh( self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs) loglr += numpy.log((self.curr_mchirp / 20.) ** (11. / 3.)) return loglr
[docs]class ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic(ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic): """ The ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic with an additional mass and spin weighting factor determined by KDE statistic files. This is the same as the ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic except the likelihood ratio is multiplied by the ratio of signal KDE to template KDE over some parameters covering the bank. """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, not used here The list of detector names """ ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) self.kde_names = [] self.find_kdes() self.kde_by_tid = {} for kname in self.kde_names: self.assign_kdes(kname)
[docs] def find_kdes(self): """ Find which associated files are for the KDE reweighting """ # The stat file attributes are hard-coded as 'signal-kde_file' # and 'template-kde_file' parsed_attrs = [f.split('-') for f in self.files.keys()] self.kde_names = [at[0] for at in parsed_attrs if (len(at) == 2 and at[1] == 'kde_file')] assert sorted(self.kde_names) == ['signal', 'template'], \ "Two stat files are required, they should have stat attr " \ "'signal-kde_file' and 'template-kde_file' respectively"
[docs] def assign_kdes(self, kname): """ Extract values from KDE files Parameters ----------- kname: str Used to label the kde files. """ with h5py.File(self.files[kname + '-kde_file'], 'r') as kde_file: self.kde_by_tid[kname + '_kdevals'] = kde_file['data_kde'][:]
[docs] def update_file(self, key): """ Update file used in this statistic. If others are used (i.e. this statistic is inherited), they will need updated separately """ # Inherit from ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic uf_expfit = ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.update_file(self, key) if uf_expfit: # The key to update refers to a ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic file return True # Is the key a KDE statistic file that we update here? if key.endswith('kde_file'): "Updating %s statistic %s file", ''.join(self.ifos), key ) kde_style = key.split('-')[0] self.assign_kdes(kde_style) return True return False
[docs] def kde_ratio(self): """ Calculate the weighting factor according to the ratio of the signal and template KDE lookup tables """ signal_kde = self.kde_by_tid["signal_kdevals"][self.curr_tnum] template_kde = self.kde_by_tid["template_kdevals"][self.curr_tnum] return numpy.log(signal_kde / template_kde)
[docs] def logsignalrate(self, stats, shift, to_shift): """ Calculate the normalized log rate density of signals via lookup. This calls back to the parent class and then applies the ratio_kde weighting factor. Parameters ---------- stats: list of dicts giving single-ifo quantities, ordered as self.ifos shift: numpy array of float, size of the time shift vector for each coinc to be ranked to_shift: list of int, multiple of the time shift to apply ordered as self.ifos Returns ------- value: log of coinc signal rate density for the given single-ifo triggers and time shifts """ logr_s = ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.logsignalrate(self, stats, shift, to_shift) logr_s += self.kde_ratio() return logr_s
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Calculate the statistic for a single detector candidate Parameters ---------- single_info: tuple Tuple containing two values. The first is the ifo (str) and the second is the single detector triggers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The array of single detector statistics """ rank_sngl = ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.rank_stat_single( self, single_info, **kwargs) rank_sngl += self.kde_ratio() return rank_sngl
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): """ Optimization function to identify coincs too quiet to be of interest Calculate the required single detector statistic to exceed the threshold for each of the input trigers. Parameters ---------- s: list List of (ifo, single detector statistic) tuples for all detectors except limifo. thresh: float The threshold on the coincident statistic. limifo: string The ifo for which the limit is to be found. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of limits on the limifo single statistic to exceed thresh. """ loglr = ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.coinc_lim_for_thresh( self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs) signal_kde = self.kde_by_tid["signal_kdevals"][self.curr_tnum] template_kde = self.kde_by_tid["template_kdevals"][self.curr_tnum] loglr += numpy.log(signal_kde / template_kde) return loglr
[docs]class DQExpFitFgBgNormStatistic(ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic): """ The ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic with DQ-based reranking. This is the same as the ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic except the likelihood ratio is corrected via estimating relative noise trigger rates based on the DQ time series. """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, not used here The list of detector names """ ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) self.dq_rates_by_state = {} self.dq_bin_by_tid = {} self.dq_state_segments = {} for ifo in self.ifos: key = f'{ifo}-dq_stat_info' if key in self.files.keys(): self.dq_rates_by_state[ifo] = self.assign_dq_rates(key) self.dq_bin_by_tid[ifo] = self.assign_template_bins(key) self.dq_state_segments[ifo] = self.setup_segments(key)
[docs] def assign_template_bins(self, key): """ Assign bin ID values Assign each template id to a bin name based on a referenced statistic file. Parameters ---------- key: str statistic file key string Returns --------- bin_dict: dict of strs Dictionary containing the bin name for each template id """ ifo = key.split('-')[0] with h5py.File(self.files[key], 'r') as dq_file: tids = [] bin_nums = [] bin_grp = dq_file[f'{ifo}/bins'] for bin_name in bin_grp.keys(): bin_tids = bin_grp[f'{bin_name}/tids'][:] tids = list(tids) + list(bin_tids.astype(int)) bin_nums = list(bin_nums) + list([bin_name] * len(bin_tids)) bin_dict = dict(zip(tids, bin_nums)) return bin_dict
[docs] def assign_dq_rates(self, key): """ Assign dq values to each time for every bin based on a referenced statistic file. Parameters ---------- key: str statistic file key string Returns --------- dq_dict: dict of {time: dq_value} dicts for each bin Dictionary containing the mapping between the time and the dq value for each individual bin. """ ifo = key.split('-')[0] with h5py.File(self.files[key], 'r') as dq_file: bin_grp = dq_file[f'{ifo}/bins'] dq_dict = {} for bin_name in bin_grp.keys(): dq_dict[bin_name] = bin_grp[f'{bin_name}/dq_rates'][:] return dq_dict
[docs] def setup_segments(self, key): """ Check if segments definitions are in stat file If they are, we are running offline and need to store them If they aren't, we are running online """ ifo = key.split('-')[0] with h5py.File(self.files[key], 'r') as dq_file: ifo_grp = dq_file[ifo] dq_state_segs_dict = {} for k in ifo_grp['dq_segments'].keys(): seg_dict = {} seg_dict['start'] = \ ifo_grp[f'dq_segments/{k}/segment_starts'][:] seg_dict['end'] = \ ifo_grp[f'dq_segments/{k}/segment_ends'][:] dq_state_segs_dict[k] = seg_dict return dq_state_segs_dict
[docs] def update_file(self, key): """ Update file used in this statistic. If others are used (i.e. this statistic is inherited), they will need updated separately """ # Inherit from ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic uf_expfit = ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.update_file(self, key) if uf_expfit: # We have updated a ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic file already return True # We also need to check if the DQ files have updated if key.endswith('dq_stat_info'): "Updating %s statistic %s file", ''.join(self.ifos), key ) self.assign_dq_rates(key) self.assign_template_bins(key) self.setup_segments(key) return True return False
[docs] def find_dq_noise_rate(self, trigs, dq_state): """Get dq values for a specific ifo and dq states""" try: tnum = trigs.template_num except AttributeError: tnum = trigs['template_id'] try: ifo = trigs.ifo except AttributeError: ifo = trigs['ifo'] assert len(numpy.unique(ifo)) == 1 # Should be exactly one ifo provided ifo = ifo[0] dq_val = numpy.zeros(len(dq_state)) if ifo in self.dq_rates_by_state: for (i, st) in enumerate(dq_state): if isinstance(tnum, numpy.ndarray): bin_name = self.dq_bin_by_tid[ifo][tnum[i]] else: bin_name = self.dq_bin_by_tid[ifo][tnum] dq_val[i] = self.dq_rates_by_state[ifo][bin_name][st] return dq_val
[docs] def find_dq_state_by_time(self, ifo, times): """Get the dq state for an ifo at times""" dq_state = numpy.zeros(len(times), dtype=numpy.uint8) if ifo in self.dq_state_segments: from import indices_within_times for k in self.dq_state_segments[ifo]: starts = self.dq_state_segments[ifo][k]['start'] ends = self.dq_state_segments[ifo][k]['end'] inds = indices_within_times(times, starts, ends) # states are named in file as 'dq_state_N', need to extract N dq_state[inds] = int(k[9:]) return dq_state
[docs] def lognoiserate(self, trigs): """ Calculate the log noise rate density over single-ifo ranking Read in single trigger information, compute the ranking and rescale by the fitted coefficients alpha and rate Parameters ----------- trigs: dict of numpy.ndarrays, h5py group or similar dict-like object Object holding single detector trigger information. Returns --------- lognoiserate: numpy.array Array of log noise rate density for each input trigger. """ # make sure every trig has a dq state try: ifo = trigs.ifo except AttributeError: ifo = trigs['ifo'] assert len(numpy.unique(ifo)) == 1 # Should be exactly one ifo provided ifo = ifo[0] dq_state = self.find_dq_state_by_time(ifo, trigs['end_time'][:]) dq_rate = self.find_dq_noise_rate(trigs, dq_state) dq_rate = numpy.maximum(dq_rate, 1) logr_n = ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.lognoiserate( self, trigs) logr_n += numpy.log(dq_rate) return logr_n
[docs]class DQExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic(DQExpFitFgBgNormStatistic): """ The ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic with DQ-based reranking. This is the same as the DQExpFitFgBgNormStatistic except the signal rate is adjusted according to the KDE statistic files """ def __init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=None, ifos=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sngl_ranking: str The name of the ranking to use for the single-detector triggers. files: list of strs, needed here A list containing the filenames of hdf format files used to help construct the coincident statistics. The files must have a 'stat' attribute which is used to associate them with the appropriate statistic class. ifos: list of strs, not used here The list of detector names """ DQExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.__init__(self, sngl_ranking, files=files, ifos=ifos, **kwargs) self.kde_names = [] ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.find_kdes(self) self.kde_by_tid = {} for kname in self.kde_names: ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.assign_kdes(self, kname)
[docs] def update_file(self, key): """ Update file used in this statistic. If others are used (i.e. this statistic is inherited), they will need updated separately """ # Inherit from DQExpFitFgBgNormStatistic and ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic uf_dq = DQExpFitFgBgNormStatistic.update_file(self, key) uf_kde = ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.update_file(self, key) return uf_dq or uf_kde
[docs] def kde_ratio(self): """ Inherited, see docstring for ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.kde_signalrate """ return ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.kde_ratio(self)
[docs] def logsignalrate(self, stats, shift, to_shift): """ Inherited, see docstring for ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.logsignalrate """ return ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.logsignalrate(self, stats, shift, to_shift)
[docs] def rank_stat_single(self, single_info, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Inherited, see docstring for ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.rank_stat_single """ return ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.rank_stat_single( self, single_info, **kwargs)
[docs] def coinc_lim_for_thresh(self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs): """ Inherited, see docstring for ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.coinc_lim_for_thresh """ return ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic.coinc_lim_for_thresh( self, s, thresh, limifo, **kwargs)
statistic_dict = { 'quadsum': QuadratureSumStatistic, 'single_ranking_only': QuadratureSumStatistic, 'phasetd': PhaseTDStatistic, 'exp_fit_stat': ExpFitStatistic, 'exp_fit_csnr': ExpFitCombinedSNR, 'phasetd_exp_fit_stat': PhaseTDExpFitStatistic, 'dq_phasetd_exp_fit_fgbg_norm': DQExpFitFgBgNormStatistic, 'exp_fit_bg_rate': ExpFitBgRateStatistic, 'phasetd_exp_fit_fgbg_norm': ExpFitFgBgNormStatistic, 'phasetd_exp_fit_fgbg_bbh_norm': ExpFitFgBgNormBBHStatistic, 'phasetd_exp_fit_fgbg_kde': ExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic, 'dq_phasetd_exp_fit_fgbg_kde': DQExpFitFgBgKDEStatistic, }
[docs]def get_statistic(stat): """ Error-handling sugar around dict lookup for coincident statistics Parameters ---------- stat : string Name of the coincident statistic Returns ------- class Subclass of Stat base class Raises ------ RuntimeError If the string is not recognized as corresponding to a Stat subclass """ try: return statistic_dict[stat] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError('%s is not an available detection statistic' % stat)
[docs]def insert_statistic_option_group(parser, default_ranking_statistic=None): """ Add ranking statistic options to the optparser object. Adds the options used to initialize a PyCBC Stat class. Parameters ----------- parser : object OptionParser instance. default_ranking_statisic : str Allows setting a default statistic for the '--ranking-statistic' option. The option is no longer required if a default is provided. Returns -------- strain_opt_group : optparser.argument_group The argument group that is added to the parser. """ statistic_opt_group = parser.add_argument_group( "Options needed to initialize a PyCBC Stat class for computing the " "ranking of events from a PyCBC search." ) statistic_opt_group.add_argument( "--ranking-statistic", default=default_ranking_statistic, choices=statistic_dict.keys(), required=True if default_ranking_statistic is None else False, help="The coinc ranking statistic to calculate" ) statistic_opt_group.add_argument( "--sngl-ranking", choices=ranking.sngls_ranking_function_dict.keys(), required=True, help="The single-detector trigger ranking to use." ) statistic_opt_group.add_argument( "--statistic-files", nargs='*', action='append', default=[], help="Files containing ranking statistic info" ) statistic_opt_group.add_argument( "--statistic-keywords", nargs='*', default=[], help="Provide additional key-word arguments to be sent to " "the statistic class when it is initialized. Should " "be given in format --statistic-keywords " "KWARG1:VALUE1 KWARG2:VALUE2 KWARG3:VALUE3 ..." ) return statistic_opt_group
[docs]def parse_statistic_keywords_opt(stat_kwarg_list): """ Parse the list of statistic keywords into an appropriate dictionary. Take input from the input argument ["KWARG1:VALUE1", "KWARG2:VALUE2", "KWARG3:VALUE3"] and convert into a dictionary. Parameters ---------- stat_kwarg_list : list Statistic keywords in list format Returns ------- stat_kwarg_dict : dict Statistic keywords in dict format """ stat_kwarg_dict = {} for inputstr in stat_kwarg_list: try: key, value = inputstr.split(':') stat_kwarg_dict[key] = value except ValueError: err_txt = "--statistic-keywords must take input in the " \ "form KWARG1:VALUE1 KWARG2:VALUE2 KWARG3:VALUE3 ... " \ "Received {}".format(' '.join(stat_kwarg_list)) raise ValueError(err_txt) return stat_kwarg_dict
[docs]def get_statistic_from_opts(opts, ifos): """ Return a Stat class from an optparser object. This will assume that the options in the statistic_opt_group are present and will use these options to call stat.get_statistic and initialize the appropriate Stat subclass with appropriate kwargs. Parameters ---------- opts : optparse.OptParser instance The command line options ifos : list The list of detector names Returns ------- class Subclass of Stat base class """ # Allow None inputs if opts.statistic_files is None: opts.statistic_files = [] if opts.statistic_keywords is None: opts.statistic_keywords = [] # flatten the list of lists of filenames to a single list (may be empty) # if needed (e.g. not calling get_statistic_from_opts in a loop) if len(opts.statistic_files) > 0 and \ isinstance(opts.statistic_files[0], list): opts.statistic_files = sum(opts.statistic_files, []) extra_kwargs = parse_statistic_keywords_opt(opts.statistic_keywords) stat_class = get_statistic(opts.ranking_statistic)( opts.sngl_ranking, opts.statistic_files, ifos=ifos, **extra_kwargs ) return stat_class