pycbc.frame package


pycbc.frame.frame module

This modules contains functions for reading in data from frame files or caches

class pycbc.frame.frame.DataBuffer(frame_src, channel_name, start_time, max_buffer=2048, force_update_cache=True, increment_update_cache=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]

Bases: object

A linear buffer that acts as a FILO for reading in frame data


Add blocksize seconds more to the buffer, push blocksize seconds from the beginning.


blocksize (int) – The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel

attempt_advance(blocksize, timeout=10)[source]

Attempt to advance the frame buffer. Retry upon failure, except if the frame file is beyond the timeout limit.

  • blocksize (int) – The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel

  • timeout ({int, 10}, Optional) – Number of seconds before giving up on reading a frame


data – TimeSeries containg ‘blocksize’ seconds of frame data

Return type:



Advance and insert zeros


blocksize (int) – The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel


Reset the lal cache. This can be used to update the cache if the result may change due to more files being added to the filesystem, for example.


Update the internal cache by starting from the first frame and incrementing.

Guess the next frame file name by incrementing from the first found one. This allows a pattern to be used for the GPS folder of the file, which is indicated by GPSX where x is the number of digits to use.


blocksize (int) – Number of seconds to increment the next frame file.

class pycbc.frame.frame.StatusBuffer(frame_src, channel_name, start_time, max_buffer=2048, valid_mask=3, force_update_cache=False, increment_update_cache=None, valid_on_zero=False)[source]

Bases: DataBuffer

Read state vector or DQ information from a frame file


Add blocksize seconds more to the buffer, push blocksize seconds from the beginning.


blocksize (int) – The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel


status – Returns True if all of the status information if valid, False if any is not.

Return type:


check_valid(values, flag=None)[source]

Check if the data contains any non-valid status information

  • values (pycbc.types.Array) – Array of status information

  • flag (str, optional) – Override the default valid mask with a user defined mask.



Returns True if all of the status information if valid,

False if any is not.

Return type:


indices_of_flag(start_time, duration, times, padding=0)[source]

Return the indices of the times lying in the flagged region

  • start_time (int) – Beginning time to request for

  • duration (int) – Number of seconds to check.

  • padding (float) – Number of seconds to add around flag inactive times to be considered

  • well. (inactive as) –


  • indices (numpy.ndarray) – Array of indices marking the location of triggers within valid

  • time.

is_extent_valid(start_time, duration, flag=None)[source]

Check if the duration contains any non-valid frames

  • start_time (int) – Beginning of the duration to check in gps seconds

  • duration (int) – Number of seconds after the start_time to check

  • flag (str, optional) – Override the default valid mask with a user defined mask.


status – Returns True if all of the status information if valid, False if any is not.

Return type:


pycbc.frame.frame.frame_paths(frame_type, start_time, end_time, server=None, url_type='file', site=None)[source]

Return the paths to a span of frame files.

  • frame_type (string) – The string representation of the frame type (ex. ‘H1_ER_C00_L1’).

  • start_time (int) – The start time that we need the frames to span.

  • end_time (int) – The end time that we need the frames to span.

  • server ({None, SERVER:PORT string}, optional) – Optional string to specify the datafind server to use. By default an attempt is made to use a local datafind server.

  • url_type (string) – Returns only frame URLs with a particular scheme or head such as “file” or “https”. Default is “file”, which queries locally stored frames. Option can be disabled if set to None.

  • site (string, optional) – One-letter string specifying which site you want data from (H, L, V, etc). If not given, the site is assumed to be the first letter of frame_type, which is usually (but not always) a safe assumption.


paths – The list of paths to the frame files.

Return type:

list of paths


>>> paths = frame_paths('H1_LDAS_C02_L2', 968995968, 968995968+2048)
class pycbc.frame.frame.iDQBuffer(frame_src, idq_channel_name, idq_status_channel_name, idq_threshold, start_time, max_buffer=512, force_update_cache=False, increment_update_cache=None)[source]

Bases: object

Read iDQ timeseries from a frame file


Add blocksize seconds more to the buffer, push blocksize seconds from the beginning.


blocksize (int) – The number of seconds to attempt to read


status – Returns True if advance is succesful, False if not.

Return type:


indices_of_flag(start_time, duration, times, padding=0)[source]

Return the indices of the times lying in the flagged region

  • start_time (int) – Beginning time to request for

  • duration (int) – Number of seconds to check.

  • padding (float) – Number of seconds to add around flag inactive times to be considered

  • well. (inactive as) –


  • indices (numpy.ndarray) – Array of indices marking the location of triggers within valid

  • time.


Advance and insert zeros


blocksize (int) – The number of seconds to advance the buffers

pycbc.frame.frame.locations_to_cache(locations, latest=False)[source]

Return a cumulative cache file build from the list of locations

  • locations (list) – A list of strings containing files, globs, or cache files used to build a combined lal cache file object.

  • latest (Optional, {False, Boolean}) – Only return a cache with the most recent frame in the locations. If false, all results are returned.


cache – A cumulative lal cache object containing the files derived from the list of locations.

Return type:


pycbc.frame.frame.query_and_read_frame(frame_type, channels, start_time, end_time, sieve=None, check_integrity=False)[source]

Read time series from frame data.

Query for the location of physical frames matching the frame type. Return a time series containing the channel between the given start and end times.

  • frame_type (string) – The type of frame file that we are looking for. The string should begin with S: or SN:, in which case S is taken as the site to query. If this is not the case, the site will be guessed from the channel name or from the type in a different way, which may not work.

  • channels (string or list of strings) – Either a string that contains the channel name or a list of channel name strings.

  • start_time (LIGOTimeGPS or int) – The gps start time of the time series. Defaults to reading from the beginning of the available frame(s).

  • end_time (LIGOTimeGPS or int) – The gps end time of the time series. Defaults to the end of the frame.

  • sieve (string, optional) – Selects only frames where the frame URL matches the regular expression sieve

  • check_integrity (boolean) – Do an expensive checksum of the file before returning.


Frame Data – A TimeSeries or a list of TimeSeries, corresponding to the data from the frame file/cache for a given channel or channels.

Return type:

TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries


>>> ts = query_and_read_frame('H1_LDAS_C02_L2', 'H1:LDAS-STRAIN',
>>>                               968995968, 968995968+2048)
pycbc.frame.frame.read_frame(location, channels, start_time=None, end_time=None, duration=None, check_integrity=False, sieve=None)[source]

Read time series from frame data.

Using the location, which can either be a frame file “.gwf” or a frame cache “.gwf”, read in the data for the given channel(s) and output as a TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries.

  • location (string) – A source of gravitational wave frames. Either a frame filename (can include pattern), a list of frame files, or frame cache file.

  • channels (string or list of strings) – Either a string that contains the channel name or a list of channel name strings.

  • start_time ({None, LIGOTimeGPS}, optional) – The gps start time of the time series. Defaults to reading from the beginning of the available frame(s).

  • end_time ({None, LIGOTimeGPS}, optional) – The gps end time of the time series. Defaults to the end of the frame. Note, this argument is incompatible with duration.

  • duration ({None, float}, optional) – The amount of data to read in seconds. Note, this argument is incompatible with end.

  • check_integrity ({True, bool}, optional) – Test the frame files for internal integrity.

  • sieve (string, optional) – Selects only frames where the frame URL matches the regular expression sieve


Frame Data – A TimeSeries or a list of TimeSeries, corresponding to the data from the frame file/cache for a given channel or channels.

Return type:

TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries

pycbc.frame.frame.write_frame(location, channels, timeseries)[source]

Write a list of time series to a single frame file.

  • location (string) – A frame filename.

  • channels (string or list of strings) – Either a string that contains the channel name or a list of channel name strings.

  • timeseries (TimeSeries) – A TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries, corresponding to the data to be written to the frame file for a given channel.

pycbc.frame.gwosc module

This modules contains functions for getting data from the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center (GWOSC).

pycbc.frame.gwosc.get_run(time, ifo=None)[source]

Return the run name for a given time.

  • time (int) – The GPS time.

  • ifo (str) – The interferometer prefix string. Optional and normally unused, except for some special times where data releases were made for a single detector under unusual circumstances. For example, to get the data around GW170608 in the Hanford detector.

pycbc.frame.gwosc.gwosc_frame_json(ifo, start_time, end_time)[source]

Get the information about the public data files in a duration of time.

  • ifo (str) – The name of the interferometer to find the information about.

  • start_time (int) – The start time in GPS seconds.

  • end_time (int) – The end time in GPS seconds.


info – A dictionary containing information about the files that span the requested times.

Return type:


pycbc.frame.gwosc.gwosc_frame_urls(ifo, start_time, end_time)[source]

Get a list of URLs to GWOSC frame files.

  • ifo (str) – The name of the interferometer to find the information about.

  • start_time (int) – The start time in GPS seconds.

  • end_time (int) – The end time in GPS seconds.


frame_files – A dictionary containing information about the files that span the requested times.

Return type:


pycbc.frame.gwosc.read_frame_gwosc(channels, start_time, end_time)[source]

Read channels from GWOSC data.

  • channels (str or list) – The channel name to read or list of channel names.

  • start_time (int) – The start time in GPS seconds.

  • end_time (int) – The end time in GPS seconds.


ts – Returns a timeseries or list of timeseries with the requested data.

Return type:


pycbc.frame.gwosc.read_strain_gwosc(ifo, start_time, end_time)[source]

Get the strain data from the GWOSC data.

  • ifo (str) – The name of the interferometer to read data for. Ex. ‘H1’, ‘L1’, ‘V1’.

  • start_time (int) – The start time in GPS seconds.

  • end_time (int) – The end time in GPS seconds.


ts – Returns a timeseries with the strain data.

Return type:

TimeSeries module

This modules contains functions for reading in data from hdf stores, channel, start_time, end_time)[source]

Read time series data from hdf store

  • fname (str) – Name of hdf store file

  • channel (str) – Channel name to read

  • start_time (int) – GPS time to start reading from

  • end_time (int) – GPS time to end time series


ts – Time series containing the requested data

Return type:


Module contents


Takes a list of flag names corresponding to bits in a status channel and returns the corresponding bit mask.