Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2023  Shichao Wu, Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
This module provides coordinate transformations related to space-borne
detectors, such as coordinate transformations between space-borne detectors
and ground-based detectors. Note that current LISA orbit used in this module
is a circular orbit, need to be replaced by a more realistic and general orbit
model in the near future.

import logging
import numpy as np

from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from astropy import units
from astropy.constants import c, au
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import BarycentricMeanEcliptic, PrecessedGeocentric
from astropy.coordinates import get_body_barycentric
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ecliptic_transforms

logger = logging.getLogger('')

# This constant makes sure LISA is behind the Earth by 19-23 degrees.
# Making this a stand-alone constant will also make it callable by
# the waveform plugin and PE config file. In the unit of 's'.
TIME_OFFSET_20_DEGREES = 7365189.431698299

# "rotation_matrix_ssb_to_lisa" and "lisa_position_ssb" should be
# more general for other detectors in the near future.

[docs] def rotation_matrix_ssb_to_lisa(alpha): """ The rotation matrix (of frame basis) from SSB frame to LISA frame. This function assumes the angle between LISA plane and the ecliptic is 60 degrees, and the period of LISA's self-rotation and orbital revolution is both one year. Parameters ---------- alpha : float The angular displacement of LISA in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. Returns ------- r_total : numpy.array A 3x3 rotation matrix from SSB frame to LISA frame. """ r = Rotation.from_rotvec([ [0, 0, alpha], [0, -np.pi/3, 0], [0, 0, -alpha] ]).as_matrix() r_total = np.array(r[0]) @ np.array(r[1]) @ np.array(r[2]) return r_total
[docs] def lisa_position_ssb(t_lisa, t0=TIME_OFFSET_20_DEGREES): """ Calculating the position vector and angular displacement of LISA in the SSB frame, at a given time. This function assumes LISA's barycenter is orbiting around a circular orbit within the ecliptic behind the Earth. The period of it is one year. Parameters ---------- t_lisa : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of LISA frame, or any other time you want. t0 : float The initial time offset of LISA, in the unit of 's', default is 7365189.431698299. This makes sure LISA is behind the Earth by 19-23 degrees. Returns ------- (p, alpha) : tuple p : numpy.array The position vector of LISA in the SSB frame. In the unit of 'm'. alpha : float The angular displacement of LISA in the SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. """ OMEGA_0 = 1.99098659277e-7 R_ORBIT = au.value alpha = np.mod(OMEGA_0 * (t_lisa + t0), 2*np.pi) p = np.array([[R_ORBIT * np.cos(alpha)], [R_ORBIT * np.sin(alpha)], [0]], dtype=object) return (p, alpha)
[docs] def localization_to_propagation_vector(longitude, latitude, use_astropy=True, frame=None): """ Converting the sky localization to the corresponding propagation unit vector of a GW signal. Parameters ---------- longitude : float The longitude, in the unit of 'radian'. latitude : float The latitude, in the unit of 'radian'. use_astropy : bool Using Astropy to calculate the sky localization or not. Default is True. frame : astropy.coordinates The frame from astropy.coordinates if use_astropy is True, the default is None. Returns ------- [[x], [y], [z]] : numpy.array The propagation unit vector of that GW signal. """ if use_astropy: x = -frame.cartesian.x.value y = -frame.cartesian.y.value z = -frame.cartesian.z.value else: x = -np.cos(latitude) * np.cos(longitude) y = -np.cos(latitude) * np.sin(longitude) z = -np.sin(latitude) v = np.array([[x], [y], [z]]) return v / np.linalg.norm(v)
[docs] def propagation_vector_to_localization(k, use_astropy=True, frame=None): """ Converting the propagation unit vector to the corresponding sky localization of a GW signal. Parameters ---------- k : numpy.array The propagation unit vector of a GW signal. use_astropy : bool Using Astropy to calculate the sky localization or not. Default is True. frame : astropy.coordinates The frame from astropy.coordinates if use_astropy is True, the default is None. Returns ------- (longitude, latitude) : tuple The sky localization of that GW signal. """ if use_astropy: try: longitude = frame.lon.rad latitude = except AttributeError: longitude = frame.ra.rad latitude = frame.dec.rad else: # latitude already within [-pi/2, pi/2] latitude = np.float64(np.arcsin(-k[2])) longitude = np.float64(np.arctan2(-k[1]/np.cos(latitude), -k[0]/np.cos(latitude))) # longitude should within [0, 2*pi) longitude = np.mod(longitude, 2*np.pi) return (longitude, latitude)
[docs] def polarization_newframe(polarization, k, rotation_matrix, use_astropy=True, old_frame=None, new_frame=None): """ Converting a polarization angle from a frame to a new frame by using rotation matrix method. Parameters ---------- polarization : float The polarization angle in the old frame, in the unit of 'radian'. k : numpy.array The propagation unit vector of a GW signal in the old frame. rotation_matrix : numpy.array The rotation matrix (of frame basis) from the old frame to the new frame. use_astropy : bool Using Astropy to calculate the sky localization or not. Default is True. old_frame : astropy.coordinates The frame from astropy.coordinates if use_astropy is True, the default is None. new_frame : astropy.coordinates The frame from astropy.coordinates if use_astropy is True, the default is None. The new frame for the new polarization angle. Returns ------- polarization_new_frame : float The polarization angle in the new frame of that GW signal. """ longitude, _ = propagation_vector_to_localization( k, use_astropy, old_frame) u = np.array([[np.sin(longitude)], [-np.cos(longitude)], [0]]) rotation_vector = polarization * k rotation_polarization = Rotation.from_rotvec(rotation_vector.T[0]) p = rotation_polarization.apply(u.T[0]).reshape(3, 1) p_newframe = rotation_matrix.T @ p k_newframe = rotation_matrix.T @ k longitude_newframe, latitude_newframe = \ propagation_vector_to_localization(k_newframe, use_astropy, new_frame) u_newframe = np.array([[np.sin(longitude_newframe)], [-np.cos(longitude_newframe)], [0]]) v_newframe = np.array([ [-np.sin(latitude_newframe) * np.cos(longitude_newframe)], [-np.sin(latitude_newframe) * np.sin(longitude_newframe)], [np.cos(latitude_newframe)]]) p_dot_u_newframe = np.vdot(p_newframe, u_newframe) p_dot_v_newframe = np.vdot(p_newframe, v_newframe) polarization_new_frame = np.arctan2(p_dot_v_newframe, p_dot_u_newframe) polarization_new_frame = np.mod(polarization_new_frame, 2*np.pi) # avoid the round error if polarization_new_frame == 2*np.pi: polarization_new_frame = 0 return polarization_new_frame
[docs] def t_lisa_from_ssb(t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, t0=TIME_OFFSET_20_DEGREES): """ Calculating the time when a GW signal arrives at the barycenter of LISA, by using the time and sky localization in SSB frame. Parameters ---------- t_ssb : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of SSB frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_ssb : float The ecliptic longitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_ssb : float The ecliptic latitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. t0 : float The initial time offset of LISA, in the unit of 's', default is 7365189.431698299. This makes sure LISA is behind the Earth by 19-23 degrees. Returns ------- t_lisa : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of LISA frame. """ k = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, use_astropy=False) def equation(t_lisa): # LISA is moving, when GW arrives at LISA center, # time is t_lisa, not t_ssb. p = lisa_position_ssb(t_lisa, t0)[0] return t_lisa - t_ssb - np.vdot(k, p) / c.value return fsolve(equation, t_ssb)[0]
[docs] def t_ssb_from_t_lisa(t_lisa, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, t0=TIME_OFFSET_20_DEGREES): """ Calculating the time when a GW signal arrives at the barycenter of SSB, by using the time in LISA frame and sky localization in SSB frame. Parameters ---------- t_lisa : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of LISA frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_ssb : float The ecliptic longitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_ssb : float The ecliptic latitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. t0 : float The initial time offset of LISA, in the unit of 's', default is 7365189.431698299. This makes sure LISA is behind the Earth by 19-23 degrees. Returns ------- t_ssb : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of SSB frame. """ k = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, use_astropy=False) # LISA is moving, when GW arrives at LISA center, # time is t_lisa, not t_ssb. p = lisa_position_ssb(t_lisa, t0)[0] def equation(t_ssb): return t_lisa - t_ssb - np.vdot(k, p) / c.value return fsolve(equation, t_lisa)[0]
[docs] def ssb_to_lisa(t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb, t0=TIME_OFFSET_20_DEGREES): """ Converting the arrive time, the sky localization, and the polarization from the SSB frame to the LISA frame. Parameters ---------- t_ssb : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of SSB frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_ssb : float or numpy.array The ecliptic longitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_ssb : float or numpy.array The ecliptic latitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. polarization_ssb : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. t0 : float The initial time offset of LISA, in the unit of 's', default is 7365189.431698299. This makes sure LISA is behind the Earth by 19-23 degrees. Returns ------- (t_lisa, longitude_lisa, latitude_lisa, polarization_lisa) : tuple t_lisa : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of LISA frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_lisa : float or numpy.array The longitude of a GW signal in LISA frame, in the unit of 'radian'. latitude_lisa : float or numpy.array The latitude of a GW signal in LISA frame, in the unit of 'radian'. polarization_lisa : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in LISA frame. In the unit of 'radian'. """ if not isinstance(t_ssb, np.ndarray): t_ssb = np.array([t_ssb]) if not isinstance(longitude_ssb, np.ndarray): longitude_ssb = np.array([longitude_ssb]) if not isinstance(latitude_ssb, np.ndarray): latitude_ssb = np.array([latitude_ssb]) if not isinstance(polarization_ssb, np.ndarray): polarization_ssb = np.array([polarization_ssb]) num = len(t_ssb) t_lisa, longitude_lisa = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num) latitude_lisa, polarization_lisa = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num) for i in range(num): if longitude_ssb[i] < 0 or longitude_ssb[i] >= 2*np.pi: raise ValueError("Longitude should within [0, 2*pi).") if latitude_ssb[i] < -np.pi/2 or latitude_ssb[i] > np.pi/2: raise ValueError("Latitude should within [-pi/2, pi/2].") if polarization_ssb[i] < 0 or polarization_ssb[i] >= 2*np.pi: raise ValueError("Polarization angle should within [0, 2*pi).") t_lisa[i] = t_lisa_from_ssb(t_ssb[i], longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i], t0) k_ssb = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i], use_astropy=False) # Although t_lisa calculated above using the corrected LISA position # vector by adding t0, it corresponds to the true t_ssb, not t_ssb+t0, # we need to include t0 again to correct LISA position. alpha = lisa_position_ssb(t_lisa[i], t0)[1] rotation_matrix_lisa = rotation_matrix_ssb_to_lisa(alpha) k_lisa = rotation_matrix_lisa.T @ k_ssb longitude_lisa[i], latitude_lisa[i] = \ propagation_vector_to_localization(k_lisa, use_astropy=False) polarization_lisa[i] = polarization_newframe( polarization_ssb[i], k_ssb, rotation_matrix_lisa, use_astropy=False) if num == 1: params_lisa = (t_lisa[0], longitude_lisa[0], latitude_lisa[0], polarization_lisa[0]) else: params_lisa = (t_lisa, longitude_lisa, latitude_lisa, polarization_lisa) return params_lisa
[docs] def lisa_to_ssb(t_lisa, longitude_lisa, latitude_lisa, polarization_lisa, t0=TIME_OFFSET_20_DEGREES): """ Converting the arrive time, the sky localization, and the polarization from the LISA frame to the SSB frame. Parameters ---------- t_lisa : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of LISA frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_lisa : float or numpy.array The longitude of a GW signal in LISA frame, in the unit of 'radian'. latitude_lisa : float or numpy.array The latitude of a GW signal in LISA frame, in the unit of 'radian'. polarization_lisa : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in LISA frame. In the unit of 'radian'. t0 : float The initial time offset of LISA, in the unit of 's', default is 7365189.431698299. This makes sure LISA is behind the Earth by 19-23 degrees. Returns ------- (t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb) : tuple t_ssb : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of SSB frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_ssb : float or numpy.array The ecliptic longitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_ssb : float or numpy.array The ecliptic latitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. polarization_ssb : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. """ if not isinstance(t_lisa, np.ndarray): t_lisa = np.array([t_lisa]) if not isinstance(longitude_lisa, np.ndarray): longitude_lisa = np.array([longitude_lisa]) if not isinstance(latitude_lisa, np.ndarray): latitude_lisa = np.array([latitude_lisa]) if not isinstance(polarization_lisa, np.ndarray): polarization_lisa = np.array([polarization_lisa]) num = len(t_lisa) t_ssb, longitude_ssb = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num) latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb = np.zeros(num), np.zeros(num) for i in range(num): if longitude_lisa[i] < 0 or longitude_lisa[i] >= 2*np.pi: raise ValueError("Longitude should within [0, 2*pi).") if latitude_lisa[i] < -np.pi/2 or latitude_lisa[i] > np.pi/2: raise ValueError("Latitude should within [-pi/2, pi/2].") if polarization_lisa[i] < 0 or polarization_lisa[i] >= 2*np.pi: raise ValueError("Polarization angle should within [0, 2*pi).") k_lisa = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_lisa[i], latitude_lisa[i], use_astropy=False) alpha = lisa_position_ssb(t_lisa[i], t0)[1] rotation_matrix_lisa = rotation_matrix_ssb_to_lisa(alpha) k_ssb = rotation_matrix_lisa @ k_lisa longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i] = \ propagation_vector_to_localization(k_ssb, use_astropy=False) t_ssb[i] = t_ssb_from_t_lisa(t_lisa[i], longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i], t0) polarization_ssb[i] = polarization_newframe( polarization_lisa[i], k_lisa, rotation_matrix_lisa.T, use_astropy=False) if num == 1: params_ssb = (t_ssb[0], longitude_ssb[0], latitude_ssb[0], polarization_ssb[0]) else: params_ssb = (t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb) return params_ssb
[docs] def rotation_matrix_ssb_to_geo(epsilon=np.deg2rad(23.439281)): """ The rotation matrix (of frame basis) from SSB frame to geocentric frame. Parameters ---------- epsilon : float The Earth's axial tilt (obliquity), in the unit of 'radian'. Returns ------- r : numpy.array A 3x3 rotation matrix from SSB frame to geocentric frame. """ r = Rotation.from_rotvec([ [-epsilon, 0, 0] ]).as_matrix() return np.array(r[0])
[docs] def earth_position_ssb(t_geo): """ Calculating the position vector and angular displacement of the Earth in the SSB frame, at a given time. By using Astropy. Parameters ---------- t_geo : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of geocentric frame, or any other time you want. Returns ------- (p, alpha) : tuple p : numpy.array The position vector of the Earth in the SSB frame. In the unit of 'm'. alpha : float The angular displacement of the Earth in the SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. """ t = Time(t_geo, format='gps') pos = get_body_barycentric('earth', t) # BarycentricMeanEcliptic doesn't have obstime attribute, # it's a good inertial frame, but ICRS is not. icrs_coord = SkyCoord(pos, frame='icrs', obstime=t) bme_coord = icrs_coord.transform_to( BarycentricMeanEcliptic(equinox='J2000')) x = y = z = p = np.array([[x], [y], [z]]) alpha = bme_coord.lon.rad return (p, alpha)
[docs] def t_geo_from_ssb(t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, use_astropy=True, frame=None): """ Calculating the time when a GW signal arrives at the barycenter of the Earth, by using the time and sky localization in SSB frame. Parameters ---------- t_ssb : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of SSB frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_ssb : float The ecliptic longitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_ssb : float The ecliptic latitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. Returns ------- t_geo : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of geocentric frame. """ k = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, use_astropy, frame) def equation(t_geo): # Earth is moving, when GW arrives at Earth center, # time is t_geo, not t_ssb. p = earth_position_ssb(t_geo)[0] return t_geo - t_ssb - np.vdot(k, p) / c.value return fsolve(equation, t_ssb)[0]
[docs] def t_ssb_from_t_geo(t_geo, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, use_astropy=True, frame=None): """ Calculating the time when a GW signal arrives at the barycenter of SSB, by using the time in geocentric frame and sky localization in SSB frame. Parameters ---------- t_geo : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of geocentric frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_ssb : float The ecliptic longitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_ssb : float The ecliptic latitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. Returns ------- t_ssb : float The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of SSB frame. """ k = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, use_astropy, frame) # Earth is moving, when GW arrives at Earth center, # time is t_geo, not t_ssb. p = earth_position_ssb(t_geo)[0] def equation(t_ssb): return t_geo - t_ssb - np.vdot(k, p) / c.value return fsolve(equation, t_geo)[0]
[docs] def ssb_to_geo(t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb, use_astropy=True): """ Converting the arrive time, the sky localization, and the polarization from the SSB frame to the geocentric frame. Parameters ---------- t_ssb : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of SSB frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_ssb : float or numpy.array The ecliptic longitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_ssb : float or numpy.array The ecliptic latitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. polarization_ssb : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. use_astropy : bool Using Astropy to calculate the sky localization or not. Default is True. Returns ------- (t_geo, longitude_geo, latitude_geo, polarization_geo) : tuple t_geo : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of geocentric frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_geo : float or numpy.array The longitude of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_geo : float or numpy.array The latitude of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. polarization_geo : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. """ if not isinstance(t_ssb, np.ndarray): t_ssb = np.array([t_ssb]) if not isinstance(longitude_ssb, np.ndarray): longitude_ssb = np.array([longitude_ssb]) if not isinstance(latitude_ssb, np.ndarray): latitude_ssb = np.array([latitude_ssb]) if not isinstance(polarization_ssb, np.ndarray): polarization_ssb = np.array([polarization_ssb]) num = len(t_ssb) t_geo = np.full(num, np.nan) longitude_geo = np.full(num, np.nan) latitude_geo = np.full(num, np.nan) polarization_geo = np.full(num, np.nan) for i in range(num): if longitude_ssb[i] < 0 or longitude_ssb[i] >= 2*np.pi: raise ValueError("Longitude should within [0, 2*pi).") if latitude_ssb[i] < -np.pi/2 or latitude_ssb[i] > np.pi/2: raise ValueError("Latitude should within [-pi/2, pi/2].") if polarization_ssb[i] < 0 or polarization_ssb[i] >= 2*np.pi: raise ValueError("Polarization angle should within [0, 2*pi).") if use_astropy: # BarycentricMeanEcliptic doesn't have obstime attribute, # it's a good inertial frame, but PrecessedGeocentric is not. bme_coord = BarycentricMeanEcliptic( lon=longitude_ssb[i]*units.radian, lat=latitude_ssb[i]*units.radian, equinox='J2000') t_geo[i] = t_geo_from_ssb(t_ssb[i], longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i], use_astropy, bme_coord) geo_sky = bme_coord.transform_to(PrecessedGeocentric( equinox='J2000', obstime=Time(t_geo[i], format='gps'))) longitude_geo[i] = geo_sky.ra.rad latitude_geo[i] = geo_sky.dec.rad k_geo = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_geo[i], latitude_geo[i], use_astropy, geo_sky) k_ssb = localization_to_propagation_vector( None, None, use_astropy, bme_coord) rotation_matrix_geo = \ ecliptic_transforms.icrs_to_baryecliptic( from_coo=None, to_frame=BarycentricMeanEcliptic(equinox='J2000')) polarization_geo[i] = polarization_newframe( polarization_ssb[i], k_ssb, rotation_matrix_geo, use_astropy, old_frame=bme_coord, new_frame=geo_sky) else: t_geo[i] = t_geo_from_ssb(t_ssb[i], longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i], use_astropy) rotation_matrix_geo = rotation_matrix_ssb_to_geo() k_ssb = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i], use_astropy) k_geo = rotation_matrix_geo.T @ k_ssb longitude_geo[i], latitude_geo[i] = \ propagation_vector_to_localization(k_geo, use_astropy) polarization_geo[i] = polarization_newframe( polarization_ssb[i], k_ssb, rotation_matrix_geo, use_astropy) # As mentioned in LDC manual, the p,q vectors are opposite between # LDC and LAL conventions, see Sec 4.1.5 in <LISA-LCST-SGS-MAN-001>. polarization_geo[i] = np.mod(polarization_geo[i]+np.pi, 2*np.pi) if num == 1: params_geo = (t_geo[0], longitude_geo[0], latitude_geo[0], polarization_geo[0]) else: params_geo = (t_geo, longitude_geo, latitude_geo, polarization_geo) return params_geo
[docs] def geo_to_ssb(t_geo, longitude_geo, latitude_geo, polarization_geo, use_astropy=True): """ Converting the arrive time, the sky localization, and the polarization from the geocentric frame to the SSB frame. Parameters ---------- t_geo : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of geocentric frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_geo : float or numpy.array The longitude of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_geo : float or numpy.array The latitude of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. polarization_geo : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. use_astropy : bool Using Astropy to calculate the sky localization or not. Default is True. Returns ------- (t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb) : tuple t_ssb : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of SSB frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_ssb : float or numpy.array The ecliptic longitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_ssb : float or numpy.array The ecliptic latitude of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. polarization_ssb : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in SSB frame. In the unit of 'radian'. """ if not isinstance(t_geo, np.ndarray): t_geo = np.array([t_geo]) if not isinstance(longitude_geo, np.ndarray): longitude_geo = np.array([longitude_geo]) if not isinstance(latitude_geo, np.ndarray): latitude_geo = np.array([latitude_geo]) if not isinstance(polarization_geo, np.ndarray): polarization_geo = np.array([polarization_geo]) num = len(t_geo) t_ssb = np.full(num, np.nan) longitude_ssb = np.full(num, np.nan) latitude_ssb = np.full(num, np.nan) polarization_ssb = np.full(num, np.nan) for i in range(num): if longitude_geo[i] < 0 or longitude_geo[i] >= 2*np.pi: raise ValueError("Longitude should within [0, 2*pi).") if latitude_geo[i] < -np.pi/2 or latitude_geo[i] > np.pi/2: raise ValueError("Latitude should within [-pi/2, pi/2].") if polarization_geo[i] < 0 or polarization_geo[i] >= 2*np.pi: raise ValueError("Polarization angle should within [0, 2*pi).") if use_astropy: # BarycentricMeanEcliptic doesn't have obstime attribute, # it's a good inertial frame, but PrecessedGeocentric is not. geo_coord = PrecessedGeocentric( ra=longitude_geo[i]*units.radian, dec=latitude_geo[i]*units.radian, equinox='J2000', obstime=Time(t_geo[i], format='gps')) ssb_sky = geo_coord.transform_to( BarycentricMeanEcliptic(equinox='J2000')) longitude_ssb[i] = ssb_sky.lon.rad latitude_ssb[i] = k_ssb = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i], use_astropy, ssb_sky) k_geo = localization_to_propagation_vector( None, None, use_astropy, geo_coord) rotation_matrix_geo = \ ecliptic_transforms.icrs_to_baryecliptic( from_coo=None, to_frame=BarycentricMeanEcliptic(equinox='J2000')) t_ssb[i] = t_ssb_from_t_geo(t_geo[i], longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i], use_astropy, ssb_sky) polarization_ssb[i] = polarization_newframe( polarization_geo[i], k_geo, rotation_matrix_geo.T, use_astropy, old_frame=geo_coord, new_frame=ssb_sky) else: rotation_matrix_geo = rotation_matrix_ssb_to_geo() k_geo = localization_to_propagation_vector( longitude_geo[i], latitude_geo[i], use_astropy) k_ssb = rotation_matrix_geo @ k_geo longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i] = \ propagation_vector_to_localization(k_ssb, use_astropy) t_ssb[i] = t_ssb_from_t_geo(t_geo[i], longitude_ssb[i], latitude_ssb[i], use_astropy) polarization_ssb[i] = polarization_newframe( polarization_geo[i], k_geo, rotation_matrix_geo.T, use_astropy) # As mentioned in LDC manual, the p,q vectors are opposite between # LDC and LAL conventions, see Sec 4.1.5 in <LISA-LCST-SGS-MAN-001>. polarization_ssb[i] = np.mod(polarization_ssb[i]-np.pi, 2*np.pi) if num == 1: params_ssb = (t_ssb[0], longitude_ssb[0], latitude_ssb[0], polarization_ssb[0]) else: params_ssb = (t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb) return params_ssb
[docs] def lisa_to_geo(t_lisa, longitude_lisa, latitude_lisa, polarization_lisa, t0=TIME_OFFSET_20_DEGREES, use_astropy=True): """ Converting the arrive time, the sky localization, and the polarization from the LISA frame to the geocentric frame. Parameters ---------- t_lisa : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of LISA frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_lisa : float or numpy.array The longitude of a GW signal in LISA frame, in the unit of 'radian'. latitude_lisa : float or numpy.array The latitude of a GW signal in LISA frame, in the unit of 'radian'. polarization_lisa : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in LISA frame. In the unit of 'radian'. t0 : float The initial time offset of LISA, in the unit of 's', default is 7365189.431698299. This makes sure LISA is behind the Earth by 19-23 degrees. use_astropy : bool Using Astropy to calculate the sky localization or not. Default is True. Returns ------- (t_geo, longitude_geo, latitude_geo, polarization_geo) : tuple t_geo : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of geocentric frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_geo : float or numpy.array The ecliptic longitude of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_geo : float or numpy.array The ecliptic latitude of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. polarization_geo : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. """ t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb = lisa_to_ssb( t_lisa, longitude_lisa, latitude_lisa, polarization_lisa, t0) t_geo, longitude_geo, latitude_geo, polarization_geo = ssb_to_geo( t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb, use_astropy) return (t_geo, longitude_geo, latitude_geo, polarization_geo)
[docs] def geo_to_lisa(t_geo, longitude_geo, latitude_geo, polarization_geo, t0=TIME_OFFSET_20_DEGREES, use_astropy=True): """ Converting the arrive time, the sky localization, and the polarization from the geocentric frame to the LISA frame. Parameters ---------- t_geo : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of geocentric frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_geo : float or numpy.array The longitude of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. latitude_geo : float or numpy.array The latitude of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. polarization_geo : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in geocentric frame. In the unit of 'radian'. t0 : float The initial time offset of LISA, in the unit of 's', default is 7365189.431698299. This makes sure LISA is behind the Earth by 19-23 degrees. use_astropy : bool Using Astropy to calculate the sky localization or not. Default is True. Returns ------- (t_lisa, longitude_lisa, latitude_lisa, polarization_lisa) : tuple t_lisa : float or numpy.array The time when a GW signal arrives at the origin of LISA frame. In the unit of 's'. longitude_lisa : float or numpy.array The longitude of a GW signal in LISA frame, in the unit of 'radian'. latitude_lisa : float or numpy.array The latitude of a GW signal in LISA frame, in the unit of 'radian'. polarization_geo : float or numpy.array The polarization angle of a GW signal in LISA frame. In the unit of 'radian'. """ t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb = geo_to_ssb( t_geo, longitude_geo, latitude_geo, polarization_geo, use_astropy) t_lisa, longitude_lisa, latitude_lisa, polarization_lisa = ssb_to_lisa( t_ssb, longitude_ssb, latitude_ssb, polarization_ssb, t0) return (t_lisa, longitude_lisa, latitude_lisa, polarization_lisa)
__all__ = ['TIME_OFFSET_20_DEGREES', 'localization_to_propagation_vector', 'propagation_vector_to_localization', 'polarization_newframe', 't_lisa_from_ssb', 't_ssb_from_t_lisa', 'ssb_to_lisa', 'lisa_to_ssb', 'rotation_matrix_ssb_to_lisa', 'rotation_matrix_ssb_to_geo', 'lisa_position_ssb', 'earth_position_ssb', 't_geo_from_ssb', 't_ssb_from_t_geo', 'ssb_to_geo', 'geo_to_ssb', 'lisa_to_geo', 'geo_to_lisa', ]