Source code for

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
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""" This module contains functions for calculating expected rates of noise
    and signal coincidences.

import itertools
import logging
import numpy
import pycbc.detector

logger = logging.getLogger('')

[docs]def multiifo_noise_lograte(log_rates, slop): """ Calculate the expected rate of noise coincidences for multiple combinations of detectors Parameters ---------- log_rates: dict Key: ifo string, Value: sequence of log single-detector trigger rates, units assumed to be Hz slop: float time added to maximum time-of-flight between detectors to account for timing error Returns ------- expected_log_rates: dict Key: ifo combination string Value: expected log coincidence rate in the combination, units log Hz """ expected_log_rates = {} # Order of ifos must be stable in output dict keys, so sort them ifos = sorted(list(log_rates.keys())) ifostring = ' '.join(ifos) # Calculate coincidence for all-ifo combination expected_log_rates[ifostring] = \ combination_noise_lograte(log_rates, slop) # If more than one possible coincidence type exists, # calculate coincidence for subsets through recursion if len(ifos) > 2: # Calculate rate for each 'miss-one-out' detector combination subsets = itertools.combinations(ifos, len(ifos) - 1) for subset in subsets: rates_subset = {} for ifo in subset: rates_subset[ifo] = log_rates[ifo] sub_coinc_rates = multiifo_noise_lograte(rates_subset, slop) # add these sub-coincidences to the overall dictionary for sub_coinc in sub_coinc_rates: expected_log_rates[sub_coinc] = sub_coinc_rates[sub_coinc] return expected_log_rates
[docs]def combination_noise_rate(rates, slop): """ Calculate the expected rate of noise coincidences for a combination of detectors WARNING: for high stat values, numerical underflow can occur Parameters ---------- rates: dict Key: ifo string, Value: sequence of single-detector trigger rates, units assumed to be Hz slop: float time added to maximum time-of-flight between detectors to account for timing error Returns ------- numpy array Expected coincidence rate in the combination, units Hz """ logger.warning('combination_noise_rate() is liable to numerical ' 'underflows, use combination_noise_lograte ' 'instead') log_rates = {k: numpy.log(r) for (k, r) in rates.items()} # exp may underflow return numpy.exp(combination_noise_lograte(log_rates, slop))
[docs]def combination_noise_lograte(log_rates, slop, dets=None): """ Calculate the expected rate of noise coincidences for a combination of detectors given log of single detector noise rates Parameters ---------- log_rates: dict Key: ifo string, Value: sequence of log single-detector trigger rates, units assumed to be Hz slop: float time added to maximum time-of-flight between detectors to account for timing error dets: dict Key: ifo string, Value: pycbc.detector.Detector object If not provided, will be created from ifo strings Returns ------- numpy array Expected log coincidence rate in the combination, units Hz """ # multiply product of trigger rates by the overlap time allowed_area = multiifo_noise_coincident_area(list(log_rates), slop, dets=dets) # list(dict.values()) is python-3-proof rateprod = numpy.sum(list(log_rates.values()), axis=0) return numpy.log(allowed_area) + rateprod
[docs]def multiifo_noise_coincident_area(ifos, slop, dets=None): """ Calculate the total extent of time offset between 2 detectors, or area of the 2d space of time offsets for 3 detectors, for which a coincidence can be generated Cannot yet handle more than 3 detectors. Parameters ---------- ifos: list of strings list of interferometers slop: float extra time to add to maximum time-of-flight for timing error dets: dict Key: ifo string, Value: pycbc.detector.Detector object If not provided, will be created from ifo strings Returns ------- allowed_area: float area in units of seconds^(n_ifos-1) that coincident values can fall in """ # set up detector objects if dets is None: dets = {ifo: pycbc.detector.Detector(ifo) for ifo in ifos} n_ifos = len(ifos) if n_ifos == 2: allowed_area = 2. * \ (dets[ifos[0]].light_travel_time_to_detector(dets[ifos[1]]) + slop) elif n_ifos == 3: tofs = numpy.zeros(n_ifos) ifo2_num = [] # calculate travel time between detectors (plus extra for timing error) # TO DO: allow for different timing errors between different detectors for i, ifo in enumerate(ifos): ifo2_num.append(int(numpy.mod(i + 1, n_ifos))) det0 = dets[ifo] det1 = dets[ifos[ifo2_num[i]]] tofs[i] = det0.light_travel_time_to_detector(det1) + slop # combine these to calculate allowed area allowed_area = 0 for i, _ in enumerate(ifos): allowed_area += 2 * tofs[i] * tofs[ifo2_num[i]] - tofs[i]**2 else: raise NotImplementedError("Not able to deal with more than 3 ifos") return allowed_area
[docs]def multiifo_signal_coincident_area(ifos): """ Calculate the area in which signal time differences are physically allowed Parameters ---------- ifos: list of strings list of interferometers Returns ------- allowed_area: float area in units of seconds^(n_ifos-1) that coincident signals will occupy """ n_ifos = len(ifos) if n_ifos == 2: det0 = pycbc.detector.Detector(ifos[0]) det1 = pycbc.detector.Detector(ifos[1]) allowed_area = 2 * det0.light_travel_time_to_detector(det1) elif n_ifos == 3: dets = {} tofs = numpy.zeros(n_ifos) ifo2_num = [] # set up detector objects for ifo in ifos: dets[ifo] = pycbc.detector.Detector(ifo) # calculate travel time between detectors for i, ifo in enumerate(ifos): ifo2_num.append(int(numpy.mod(i + 1, n_ifos))) det0 = dets[ifo] det1 = dets[ifos[ifo2_num[i]]] tofs[i] = det0.light_travel_time_to_detector(det1) # calculate allowed area phi_12 = numpy.arccos((tofs[0]**2 + tofs[1]**2 - tofs[2]**2) / (2 * tofs[0] * tofs[1])) allowed_area = numpy.pi * tofs[0] * tofs[1] * numpy.sin(phi_12) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not able to deal with more than 3 ifos") return allowed_area