Source code for

""" This module contains utilities to manipulate trigger lists based on
import logging
import numpy
from igwn_segments import segment, segmentlist
from ligo.lw import table, lsctables, utils as ligolw_utils

logger = logging.getLogger('')

[docs] def start_end_to_segments(start, end): return segmentlist([segment(s, e) for s, e in zip(start, end)])
[docs] def segments_to_start_end(segs): segs.coalesce() return (numpy.array([s[0] for s in segs]), numpy.array([s[1] for s in segs]))
[docs] def start_end_from_segments(segment_file): """ Return the start and end time arrays from a segment file. Parameters ---------- segment_file: xml segment file Returns ------- start: numpy.ndarray end: numpy.ndarray """ from import LIGOLWContentHandler as h indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(segment_file, False, contenthandler=h) segment_table = lsctables.SegmentTable.get_table(indoc) start = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time')) start_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time_ns')) end = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time')) end_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time_ns')) return start + start_ns * 1e-9, end + end_ns * 1e-9
[docs] def indices_within_times(times, start, end): """ Return an index array into times that lie within the durations defined by start end arrays Parameters ---------- times: numpy.ndarray Array of times start: numpy.ndarray Array of duration start times end: numpy.ndarray Array of duration end times Returns ------- indices: numpy.ndarray Array of indices into times """ # coalesce the start/end segments start, end = segments_to_start_end(start_end_to_segments(start, end).coalesce()) tsort = times.argsort() times_sorted = times[tsort] left = numpy.searchsorted(times_sorted, start) right = numpy.searchsorted(times_sorted, end) if len(left) == 0: return numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.uint32) return tsort[numpy.hstack([numpy.r_[s:e] for s, e in zip(left, right)])]
[docs] def indices_outside_times(times, start, end): """ Return an index array into times that like outside the durations defined by start end arrays Parameters ---------- times: numpy.ndarray Array of times start: numpy.ndarray Array of duration start times end: numpy.ndarray Array of duration end times Returns ------- indices: numpy.ndarray Array of indices into times """ exclude = indices_within_times(times, start, end) indices = numpy.arange(0, len(times)) return numpy.delete(indices, exclude)
[docs] def select_segments_by_definer(segment_file, segment_name=None, ifo=None): """ Return the list of segments that match the segment name Parameters ---------- segment_file: str path to segment xml file segment_name: str Name of segment ifo: str, optional Returns ------- seg: list of segments """ from import LIGOLWContentHandler as h indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(segment_file, False, contenthandler=h) segment_table = table.Table.get_table(indoc, 'segment') seg_def_table = table.Table.get_table(indoc, 'segment_definer') def_ifos = seg_def_table.getColumnByName('ifos') def_names = seg_def_table.getColumnByName('name') def_ids = seg_def_table.getColumnByName('segment_def_id') valid_id = [] for def_ifo, def_name, def_id in zip(def_ifos, def_names, def_ids): if ifo and ifo != def_ifo: continue if segment_name and segment_name != def_name: continue valid_id += [def_id] start = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time')) start_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('start_time_ns')) end = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time')) end_ns = numpy.array(segment_table.getColumnByName('end_time_ns')) start, end = start + 1e-9 * start_ns, end + 1e-9 * end_ns did = segment_table.getColumnByName('segment_def_id') keep = numpy.array([d in valid_id for d in did]) if sum(keep) > 0: return start_end_to_segments(start[keep], end[keep]) else: return segmentlist([])
[docs] def indices_within_segments(times, segment_files, ifo=None, segment_name=None): """ Return the list of indices that should be vetoed by the segments in the list of veto_files. Parameters ---------- times: numpy.ndarray of integer type Array of gps start times segment_files: string or list of strings A string or list of strings that contain the path to xml files that contain a segment table ifo: string, optional The ifo to retrieve segments for from the segment files segment_name: str, optional name of segment Returns ------- indices: numpy.ndarray The array of index values within the segments segmentlist: The segment list corresponding to the selected time. """ veto_segs = segmentlist([]) indices = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.uint32) for veto_file in segment_files: veto_segs += select_segments_by_definer(veto_file, segment_name, ifo) veto_segs.coalesce() start, end = segments_to_start_end(veto_segs) if len(start) > 0: idx = indices_within_times(times, start, end) indices = numpy.union1d(indices, idx) return indices, veto_segs.coalesce()
[docs] def indices_outside_segments(times, segment_files, ifo=None, segment_name=None): """ Return the list of indices that are outside the segments in the list of segment files. Parameters ---------- times: numpy.ndarray of integer type Array of gps start times segment_files: string or list of strings A string or list of strings that contain the path to xml files that contain a segment table ifo: string, optional The ifo to retrieve segments for from the segment files segment_name: str, optional name of segment Returns -------- indices: numpy.ndarray The array of index values outside the segments segmentlist: The segment list corresponding to the selected time. """ exclude, segs = indices_within_segments(times, segment_files, ifo=ifo, segment_name=segment_name) indices = numpy.arange(0, len(times)) return numpy.delete(indices, exclude), segs
[docs] def get_segment_definer_comments(xml_file, include_version=True): """Returns a dict with the comment column as the value for each segment""" from import LIGOLWContentHandler as h # read segment definer table xmldoc = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj(xml_file, compress='auto', contenthandler=h) seg_def_table = lsctables.SegmentDefTable.get_table(xmldoc) # put comment column into a dict comment_dict = {} for seg_def in seg_def_table: if include_version: full_channel_name = ':'.join([str(seg_def.ifos), str(, str(seg_def.version)]) else: full_channel_name = ':'.join([str(seg_def.ifos), str(]) comment_dict[full_channel_name] = seg_def.comment return comment_dict