Source code for pycbc.fft.fftw

import os
from pycbc.types import zeros
import numpy as _np
import ctypes
import pycbc.scheme as _scheme
from pycbc.libutils import get_ctypes_library
from .core import _BaseFFT, _BaseIFFT
from ..types import check_aligned

# Because this module is loaded automatically when present, and because
# no FFTW function should be called until the user has had the chance
# to set the threading backend, it is ESSENTIAL that simply loading this
# module should not actually *call* ANY functions.

# When loading FFTW we use os.RTLD_DEEPBIND to avoid potential segfaults due
# to conflicts with MKL if both are present.
if hasattr(os, 'RTLD_DEEPBIND'):

#FFTW constants, these are pulled from fftw3.h


# Load the single and double precision libraries
# We need to construct them directly with CDLL so
# we can give the RTLD_GLOBAL mode, which we must do
# in order to use the threaded libraries as well.
double_lib = get_ctypes_library('fftw3', ['fftw3'], mode=FFTW_RTLD_MODE)
float_lib = get_ctypes_library('fftw3f', ['fftw3f'], mode=FFTW_RTLD_MODE)
if (double_lib is None) or (float_lib is None):
    raise ImportError("Unable to find FFTW libraries")

# Support for FFTW's two different threading backends
_fftw_threaded_lib = None
_fftw_threaded_set = False
_double_threaded_lib = None
_float_threaded_lib = None


# Although we set the number of threads based on the scheme,
# we need a private variable that records the last value used so
# we know whether we need to call plan_with_nthreads() again.
_fftw_current_nthreads = 0

# This function sets the number of threads used internally by FFTW
# in planning. It just takes a number of threads, rather than itself
# looking at scheme.mgr.num_threads, because it should not be called
# directly, but only by functions that get the value they use from
# scheme.mgr.num_threads

def _fftw_plan_with_nthreads(nthreads):
    global _fftw_current_nthreads
        if (nthreads > 1):
            raise ValueError("Threading is NOT enabled, but {0} > 1 threads specified".format(nthreads))
            _pycbc_current_threads = nthreads
        dplanwthr = _double_threaded_lib.fftw_plan_with_nthreads
        fplanwthr = _float_threaded_lib.fftwf_plan_with_nthreads
        dplanwthr.restype = None
        fplanwthr.restype = None
        _fftw_current_nthreads = nthreads

# This is a global dict-of-dicts used when initializing threads and
# setting the threading library

_fftw_threading_libnames = { 'unthreaded' : {'double' : None, 'float' : None},
                             'openmp' : {'double' : 'fftw3_omp', 'float' : 'fftw3f_omp'},
                             'pthreads' : {'double' : 'fftw3_threads', 'float' : 'fftw3f_threads'}}

def _init_threads(backend):
    # This function actually sets the backend and initializes. It returns zero on
    # success and 1 if given a valid backend but that cannot be loaded.  It raises
    # an exception if called after the threading backend has already been set, or
    # if given an invalid backend.
    global _fftw_threaded_set
    global _fftw_threaded_lib
    global _double_threaded_lib
    global _float_threaded_lib
    if _fftw_threaded_set:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Threading backend for FFTW already set to {0}; cannot be changed".format(_fftw_threaded_lib))
        double_threaded_libname = _fftw_threading_libnames[backend]['double']
        float_threaded_libname =  _fftw_threading_libnames[backend]['float']
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Backend {0} for FFTW threading does not exist!".format(backend))
    if double_threaded_libname is not None:
            # For reasons Ian doesn't understand we should not load libgomp
            # first using RTLD_DEEPBIND, so force loading it here if needed
            if backend == 'openmp':
                get_ctypes_library('gomp', [], mode=ctypes.DEFAULT_MODE)
            # Note that the threaded libraries don't have their own pkg-config
            # files we must look for them wherever we look for double or single
            # FFTW itself.
            _double_threaded_lib = get_ctypes_library(
            _float_threaded_lib =  get_ctypes_library(
            if (_double_threaded_lib is None) or (_float_threaded_lib is None):
                err_str = 'Unable to load threaded libraries'
                err_str += f'{double_threaded_libname} or '
                err_str += f'{float_threaded_libname}'
                raise RuntimeError(err_str)
            dret = _double_threaded_lib.fftw_init_threads()
            fret = _float_threaded_lib.fftwf_init_threads()
            # FFTW for some reason uses *0* to indicate failure.  In C.
            if (dret == 0) or (fret == 0):
                return 1
            HAVE_FFTW_THREADED = True
            _fftw_threaded_set = True
            _fftw_threaded_lib = backend
            return 0
            return 1
        # We get here when we were given the 'unthreaded' backend
        HAVE_FFTW_THREADED = False
        _fftw_threaded_set = True
        _fftw_threaded_lib = backend
        return 0

[docs] def set_threads_backend(backend=None): # This is the user facing function. If given a backend it just # calls _init_threads and lets it do the work. If not (the default) # then it cycles in order through threaded backends, if backend is not None: retval = _init_threads(backend) # Since the user specified this backend raise an exception if the above failed if retval != 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not initialize FFTW threading backend {0}".format(backend)) else: # Note that we pop() from the end, so 'pthreads' # is the first thing tried _backend_list = ['unthreaded','openmp', 'pthreads'] while not _fftw_threaded_set: _next_backend = _backend_list.pop() retval = _init_threads(_next_backend)
# Function to import system-wide wisdom files.
[docs] def import_sys_wisdom(): if not _fftw_threaded_set: set_threads_backend() double_lib.fftw_import_system_wisdom() float_lib.fftwf_import_system_wisdom()
# We provide an interface for changing the "measure level" # By default this is 0, which does no planning, # but we provide functions to read and set it _default_measurelvl = 0
[docs] def get_measure_level(): """ Get the current 'measure level' used in deciding how much effort to put into creating FFTW plans. From least effort (and shortest planning time) to most they are 0 to 3. No arguments. """ return _default_measurelvl
[docs] def set_measure_level(mlvl): """ Set the current 'measure level' used in deciding how much effort to expend creating FFTW plans. Must be an integer from 0 (least effort, shortest time) to 3 (most effort and time). """ global _default_measurelvl if mlvl not in (0,1,2,3): raise ValueError("Measure level can only be one of 0, 1, 2, or 3") _default_measurelvl = mlvl
[docs] def get_flag(mlvl,aligned): if aligned: return _flag_dict[mlvl] else: return (_flag_dict[mlvl]|FFTW_UNALIGNED)
# Add the ability to read/store wisdom to filenames
[docs] def wisdom_io(filename, precision, action): """Import or export an FFTW plan for single or double precision. """ if not _fftw_threaded_set: set_threads_backend() fmap = {('float', 'import'): float_lib.fftwf_import_wisdom_from_filename, ('float', 'export'): float_lib.fftwf_export_wisdom_to_filename, ('double', 'import'): double_lib.fftw_import_wisdom_from_filename, ('double', 'export'): double_lib.fftw_export_wisdom_to_filename} f = fmap[(precision, action)] f.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p] retval = f(filename.encode()) if retval == 0: raise RuntimeError(('Could not {0} wisdom ' 'from file {1}').format(action, filename))
[docs] def import_single_wisdom_from_filename(filename): wisdom_io(filename, 'float', 'import')
[docs] def import_double_wisdom_from_filename(filename): wisdom_io(filename, 'double', 'import')
[docs] def export_single_wisdom_to_filename(filename): wisdom_io(filename, 'float', 'export')
[docs] def export_double_wisdom_to_filename(filename): wisdom_io(filename, 'double', 'export')
[docs] def set_planning_limit(time): if not _fftw_threaded_set: set_threads_backend() f = double_lib.fftw_set_timelimit f.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double] f(time) f = float_lib.fftwf_set_timelimit f.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double] f(time)
# Create function maps for the dtypes plan_function = {'float32': {'complex64': float_lib.fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_1d}, 'float64': {'complex128': double_lib.fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d}, 'complex64': {'float32': float_lib.fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_1d, 'complex64': float_lib.fftwf_plan_dft_1d}, 'complex128': {'float64': double_lib.fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d, 'complex128': double_lib.fftw_plan_dft_1d} } execute_function = {'float32': {'complex64': float_lib.fftwf_execute_dft_r2c}, 'float64': {'complex128': double_lib.fftw_execute_dft_r2c}, 'complex64': {'float32': float_lib.fftwf_execute_dft_c2r, 'complex64': float_lib.fftwf_execute_dft}, 'complex128': {'float64': double_lib.fftw_execute_dft_c2r, 'complex128': double_lib.fftw_execute_dft} }
[docs] def plan(size, idtype, odtype, direction, mlvl, aligned, nthreads, inplace): if not _fftw_threaded_set: set_threads_backend() if nthreads != _fftw_current_nthreads: _fftw_plan_with_nthreads(nthreads) # Convert a measure-level to flags flags = get_flag(mlvl,aligned) # We make our arrays of the necessary type and size. Things can be # tricky, especially for in-place transforms with one of input or # output real. if (idtype == odtype): # We're in the complex-to-complex case, so lengths are the same ip = zeros(size, dtype=idtype) if inplace: op = ip else: op = zeros(size, dtype=odtype) elif (idtype.kind == 'c') and (odtype.kind == 'f'): # Complex-to-real (reverse), so size is length of real array. # However the complex array may be larger (in bytes) and # should therefore be allocated first and reused for an in-place # transform ip = zeros(size/2+1, dtype=idtype) if inplace: op = ip.view(dtype=odtype)[0:size] else: op = zeros(size, dtype=odtype) else: # Real-to-complex (forward), and size is still that of real. # However it is still true that the complex array may be larger # (in bytes) and should therefore be allocated first and reused # for an in-place transform op = zeros(size/2+1, dtype=odtype) if inplace: ip = op.view(dtype=idtype)[0:size] else: ip = zeros(size, dtype=idtype) # Get the plan function idtype = _np.dtype(idtype) odtype = _np.dtype(odtype) f = plan_function[str(idtype)][str(odtype)] f.restype = ctypes.c_void_p # handle the C2C cases (forward and reverse) if idtype.kind == odtype.kind: f.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int] theplan = f(size, ip.ptr, op.ptr, direction, flags) # handle the R2C and C2R case else: f.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int] theplan = f(size, ip.ptr, op.ptr, flags) # We don't need ip or op anymore del ip, op # Make the destructors if idtype.char in ['f', 'F']: destroy = float_lib.fftwf_destroy_plan else: destroy = double_lib.fftw_destroy_plan destroy.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] return theplan, destroy
# Note that we don't need to check whether we've set the threading backend # in the following functions, since execute is not called directly and # the fft and ifft will call plan first.
[docs] def execute(plan, invec, outvec): f = execute_function[str(invec.dtype)][str(outvec.dtype)] f.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] f(plan, invec.ptr, outvec.ptr)
[docs] def fft(invec, outvec, prec, itype, otype): theplan, destroy = plan(len(invec), invec.dtype, outvec.dtype, FFTW_FORWARD, get_measure_level(),(check_aligned( and check_aligned(, _scheme.mgr.state.num_threads, (invec.ptr == outvec.ptr)) execute(theplan, invec, outvec) destroy(theplan)
[docs] def ifft(invec, outvec, prec, itype, otype): theplan, destroy = plan(len(outvec), invec.dtype, outvec.dtype, FFTW_BACKWARD, get_measure_level(),(check_aligned( and check_aligned(, _scheme.mgr.state.num_threads, (invec.ptr == outvec.ptr)) execute(theplan, invec, outvec) destroy(theplan)
# Class based API # First, set up a lot of different ctypes functions: plan_many_c2c_f = float_lib.fftwf_plan_many_dft plan_many_c2c_f.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_uint] plan_many_c2c_f.restype = ctypes.c_void_p plan_many_c2c_d = double_lib.fftw_plan_many_dft plan_many_c2c_d.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_uint] plan_many_c2c_d.restype = ctypes.c_void_p plan_many_c2r_f = float_lib.fftwf_plan_many_dft_c2r plan_many_c2r_f.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_uint] plan_many_c2r_f.restype = ctypes.c_void_p plan_many_c2r_d = double_lib.fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r plan_many_c2r_d.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_uint] plan_many_c2r_d.restype = ctypes.c_void_p plan_many_r2c_f = float_lib.fftwf_plan_many_dft_r2c plan_many_r2c_f.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_uint] plan_many_r2c_f.restype = ctypes.c_void_p plan_many_r2c_d = double_lib.fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c plan_many_r2c_d.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_uint] plan_many_r2c_d.restype = ctypes.c_void_p # Now set up a dictionary indexed by (str(input_dtype), str(output_dtype)) to # translate input and output dtypes into the correct planning function. _plan_funcs_dict = { ('complex64', 'complex64') : plan_many_c2c_f, ('float32', 'complex64') : plan_many_r2c_f, ('complex64', 'float32') : plan_many_c2r_f, ('complex128', 'complex128') : plan_many_c2c_d, ('float64', 'complex128') : plan_many_r2c_d, ('complex128', 'float64') : plan_many_c2r_d } # To avoid multiple-inheritance, we set up a function that returns much # of the initialization that will need to be handled in __init__ of both # classes. def _fftw_setup(fftobj): n = _np.asarray([fftobj.size], dtype=_np.int32) inembed = _np.asarray([len(fftobj.invec)], dtype=_np.int32) onembed = _np.asarray([len(fftobj.outvec)], dtype=_np.int32) nthreads = _scheme.mgr.state.num_threads if not _fftw_threaded_set: set_threads_backend() if nthreads != _fftw_current_nthreads: _fftw_plan_with_nthreads(nthreads) mlvl = get_measure_level() aligned = check_aligned( and check_aligned( flags = get_flag(mlvl, aligned) plan_func = _plan_funcs_dict[ (str(fftobj.invec.dtype), str(fftobj.outvec.dtype)) ] tmpin = zeros(len(fftobj.invec), dtype = fftobj.invec.dtype) tmpout = zeros(len(fftobj.outvec), dtype = fftobj.outvec.dtype) # C2C if fftobj.outvec.kind == 'complex' and fftobj.invec.kind == 'complex': if fftobj.forward: ffd = FFTW_FORWARD else: ffd = FFTW_BACKWARD plan = plan_func(1,, fftobj.nbatch, tmpin.ptr,, 1, fftobj.idist, tmpout.ptr,, 1, fftobj.odist, ffd, flags) # R2C or C2R (hence no direction argument for plan creation) else: plan = plan_func(1,, fftobj.nbatch, tmpin.ptr,, 1, fftobj.idist, tmpout.ptr,, 1, fftobj.odist, flags) del tmpin del tmpout return plan
[docs] class FFT(_BaseFFT): def __init__(self, invec, outvec, nbatch=1, size=None): super(FFT, self).__init__(invec, outvec, nbatch, size) self.iptr = self.invec.ptr self.optr = self.outvec.ptr self._efunc = execute_function[str(self.invec.dtype)][str(self.outvec.dtype)] self._efunc.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] self.plan = _fftw_setup(self)
[docs] def execute(self): self._efunc(self.plan, self.iptr, self.optr)
[docs] class IFFT(_BaseIFFT): def __init__(self, invec, outvec, nbatch=1, size=None): super(IFFT, self).__init__(invec, outvec, nbatch, size) self.iptr = self.invec.ptr self.optr = self.outvec.ptr self._efunc = execute_function[str(self.invec.dtype)][str(self.outvec.dtype)] self._efunc.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] self.plan = _fftw_setup(self)
[docs] def execute(self): self._efunc(self.plan, self.iptr, self.optr)
[docs] def insert_fft_options(optgroup): """ Inserts the options that affect the behavior of this backend Parameters ---------- optgroup: fft_option OptionParser argument group whose options are extended """ optgroup.add_argument("--fftw-measure-level", help="Determines the measure level used in planning " "FFTW FFTs; allowed values are: " + str([0,1,2,3]), type=int, default=_default_measurelvl) optgroup.add_argument("--fftw-threads-backend", help="Give 'openmp', 'pthreads' or 'unthreaded' to specify which threaded FFTW to use", default=None) optgroup.add_argument("--fftw-input-float-wisdom-file", help="Filename from which to read single-precision wisdom", default=None) optgroup.add_argument("--fftw-input-double-wisdom-file", help="Filename from which to read double-precision wisdom", default=None) optgroup.add_argument("--fftw-output-float-wisdom-file", help="Filename to which to write single-precision wisdom", default=None) optgroup.add_argument("--fftw-output-double-wisdom-file", help="Filename to which to write double-precision wisdom", default=None) optgroup.add_argument("--fftw-import-system-wisdom", help = "If given, call fftw[f]_import_system_wisdom()", action = "store_true")
[docs] def verify_fft_options(opt,parser): """Parses the FFT options and verifies that they are reasonable. Parameters ---------- opt : object Result of parsing the CLI with OptionParser, or any object with the required attributes. parser : object OptionParser instance. """ if opt.fftw_measure_level not in [0,1,2,3]: parser.error("{0} is not a valid FFTW measure level.".format(opt.fftw_measure_level)) if opt.fftw_import_system_wisdom and ((opt.fftw_input_float_wisdom_file is not None) or (opt.fftw_input_double_wisdom_file is not None)): parser.error("If --fftw-import-system-wisdom is given, then you cannot give" " either of --fftw-input-float-wisdom-file or --fftw-input-double-wisdom-file") if opt.fftw_threads_backend is not None: if opt.fftw_threads_backend not in ['openmp','pthreads','unthreaded']: parser.error("Invalid threads backend; must be 'openmp', 'pthreads' or 'unthreaded'")
[docs] def from_cli(opt): # Since opt.fftw_threads_backend defaults to None, the following is always # appropriate: set_threads_backend(opt.fftw_threads_backend) # Set the user-provided measure level set_measure_level(opt.fftw_measure_level)