Source code for pycbc.frame.frame

# Copyright (C) 2014 Andrew Miller, Alex Nitz, Tito Dal Canton, Christopher M. Biwer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
This modules contains functions for reading in data from frame files or caches

import logging
import warnings
import os.path
import glob
import time
import math
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import numpy

import lalframe
import lal
from gwdatafind import find_urls as find_frame_urls

import pycbc
from pycbc.types import TimeSeries, zeros

logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.frame.frame')

# map LAL series types to corresponding functions and Numpy types
_fr_type_map = {
    lal.S_TYPE_CODE: [
        lalframe.FrStreamReadREAL4TimeSeries, numpy.float32,
    lal.D_TYPE_CODE: [
        lalframe.FrStreamReadREAL8TimeSeries, numpy.float64,
    lal.C_TYPE_CODE: [
        lalframe.FrStreamReadCOMPLEX8TimeSeries, numpy.complex64,
    lal.Z_TYPE_CODE: [
        lalframe.FrStreamReadCOMPLEX16TimeSeries, numpy.complex128,
    lal.U4_TYPE_CODE: [
        lalframe.FrStreamReadUINT4TimeSeries, numpy.uint32,
    lal.I4_TYPE_CODE: [
        lalframe.FrStreamReadINT4TimeSeries, numpy.int32,

def _read_channel(channel, stream, start, duration):
    """ Get channel using lalframe """
    channel_type = lalframe.FrStreamGetTimeSeriesType(channel, stream)
    read_func = _fr_type_map[channel_type][0]
    d_type = _fr_type_map[channel_type][1]
    data = read_func(stream, channel, start, duration, 0)
    return TimeSeries(, delta_t=data.deltaT, epoch=start,

def _is_gwf(file_path):
    """Test if a file is a frame file by checking if its contents begins with
    the magic string 'IGWD'."""
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            if == b'IGWD':
                return True
    except IOError:
    return False

[docs] def locations_to_cache(locations, latest=False): """ Return a cumulative cache file build from the list of locations Parameters ---------- locations : list A list of strings containing files, globs, or cache files used to build a combined lal cache file object. latest : Optional, {False, Boolean} Only return a cache with the most recent frame in the locations. If false, all results are returned. Returns ------- cache : lal.Cache A cumulative lal cache object containing the files derived from the list of locations. """ cum_cache = lal.Cache() for source in locations: flist = glob.glob(source) if latest: def relaxed_getctime(fn): # when building a cache from a directory of temporary # low-latency frames, files might disappear between # the glob() and getctime() calls try: return os.path.getctime(fn) except OSError: return 0 if not flist: raise ValueError('no frame or cache files found in ' + source) flist = [max(flist, key=relaxed_getctime)] for file_path in flist: dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(file_path) _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) if file_extension in [".lcf", ".cache"]: cache = lal.CacheImport(file_path) elif file_extension == ".gwf" or _is_gwf(file_path): cache = lalframe.FrOpen(str(dir_name), str(file_name)).cache else: raise TypeError("Invalid location name") cum_cache = lal.CacheMerge(cum_cache, cache) return cum_cache
[docs] def read_frame(location, channels, start_time=None, end_time=None, duration=None, check_integrity=False, sieve=None): """Read time series from frame data. Using the `location`, which can either be a frame file ".gwf" or a frame cache ".gwf", read in the data for the given channel(s) and output as a TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries. Parameters ---------- location : string A source of gravitational wave frames. Either a frame filename (can include pattern), a list of frame files, or frame cache file. channels : string or list of strings Either a string that contains the channel name or a list of channel name strings. start_time : {None, LIGOTimeGPS}, optional The gps start time of the time series. Defaults to reading from the beginning of the available frame(s). end_time : {None, LIGOTimeGPS}, optional The gps end time of the time series. Defaults to the end of the frame. Note, this argument is incompatible with `duration`. duration : {None, float}, optional The amount of data to read in seconds. Note, this argument is incompatible with `end`. check_integrity : {True, bool}, optional Test the frame files for internal integrity. sieve : string, optional Selects only frames where the frame URL matches the regular expression sieve Returns ------- Frame Data: TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries A TimeSeries or a list of TimeSeries, corresponding to the data from the frame file/cache for a given channel or channels. """ if end_time and duration: raise ValueError("end time and duration are mutually exclusive") if type(location) is list: locations = location else: locations = [location] cum_cache = locations_to_cache(locations) if sieve:"Using frames that match regexp: %s", sieve) lal.CacheSieve(cum_cache, 0, 0, None, None, sieve) if start_time is not None and end_time is not None: # Before sieving, check if this is sane. Otherwise it will fail later. if (int(math.ceil(end_time)) - int(start_time)) <= 0: raise ValueError("Negative or null duration") lal.CacheSieve(cum_cache, int(start_time), int(math.ceil(end_time)), None, None, None) stream = lalframe.FrStreamCacheOpen(cum_cache) stream.mode = lalframe.FR_STREAM_VERBOSE_MODE if check_integrity: stream.mode = (stream.mode | lalframe.FR_STREAM_CHECKSUM_MODE) lalframe.FrStreamSetMode(stream, stream.mode) # determine duration of data if type(channels) is list: first_channel = channels[0] else: first_channel = channels data_length = lalframe.FrStreamGetVectorLength(first_channel, stream) channel_type = lalframe.FrStreamGetTimeSeriesType(first_channel, stream) create_series_func = _fr_type_map[channel_type][2] get_series_metadata_func = _fr_type_map[channel_type][3] series = create_series_func(first_channel, stream.epoch, 0, 0, lal.ADCCountUnit, 0) get_series_metadata_func(series, stream) data_duration = (data_length + 0.5) * series.deltaT if start_time is None: start_time = stream.epoch*1 if end_time is None: end_time = start_time + data_duration if type(start_time) is not lal.LIGOTimeGPS: start_time = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(start_time) if type(end_time) is not lal.LIGOTimeGPS: end_time = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(end_time) if duration is None: duration = float(end_time - start_time) else: duration = float(duration) # lalframe behaves dangerously with invalid duration so catch it here if duration <= 0: raise ValueError("Negative or null duration") #if duration > data_duration: # raise ValueError("Requested duration longer than available data") if type(channels) is list: all_data = [] for channel in channels: channel_data = _read_channel(channel, stream, start_time, duration) lalframe.FrStreamSeek(stream, start_time) all_data.append(channel_data) return all_data else: return _read_channel(channels, stream, start_time, duration)
[docs] def frame_paths( frame_type, start_time, end_time, server=None, url_type='file', site=None ): """Return the paths to a span of frame files. Parameters ---------- frame_type : string The string representation of the frame type (ex. 'H1_ER_C00_L1'). start_time : int The start time that we need the frames to span. end_time : int The end time that we need the frames to span. server : {None, SERVER:PORT string}, optional Optional string to specify the datafind server to use. By default an attempt is made to use a local datafind server. url_type : string Returns only frame URLs with a particular scheme or head such as "file" or "https". Default is "file", which queries locally stored frames. Option can be disabled if set to None. site : string, optional One-letter string specifying which site you want data from (H, L, V, etc). If not given, the site is assumed to be the first letter of `frame_type`, which is usually (but not always) a safe assumption. Returns ------- paths : list of paths The list of paths to the frame files. Examples -------- >>> paths = frame_paths('H1_LDAS_C02_L2', 968995968, 968995968+2048) """ if site is None: # this case is tolerated for backward compatibility site = frame_type[0] warnings.warn( f'Guessing site {site} from frame type {frame_type}', DeprecationWarning ) cache = find_frame_urls(site, frame_type, start_time, end_time, urltype=url_type, host=server) return [urlparse(entry).path for entry in cache]
def get_site_from_type_or_channel(frame_type, channels): """Determine the site for querying gwdatafind (H, L, V, etc) based on substrings of the frame type and channel(s). The type should begin with S: or SN:, in which case S is taken as the site. Otherwise, the same is done with the channel (with the first channel if more than one are given). If that also fails, the site is taken to be the first letter of the frame type, which is usually (but not always) a correct assumption. Parameters ---------- frame_type : string The frame type, ideally prefixed by the site indicator. channels : string or list of strings The channel name or names. Returns ------- site : string The site letter. frame_type : string The frame type with the site prefix (if any) removed. """ site_re = '^([^:])[^:]?:' m = re.match(site_re, frame_type) if m: return m.groups(1)[0], frame_type[m.end():] chan = channels if isinstance(chan, list): chan = channels[0] m = re.match(site_re, chan) if m: return m.groups(1)[0], frame_type warnings.warn( f'Guessing site {frame_type[0]} from frame type {frame_type}', DeprecationWarning ) return frame_type[0], frame_type
[docs] def query_and_read_frame(frame_type, channels, start_time, end_time, sieve=None, check_integrity=False): """Read time series from frame data. Query for the location of physical frames matching the frame type. Return a time series containing the channel between the given start and end times. Parameters ---------- frame_type : string The type of frame file that we are looking for. The string should begin with S: or SN:, in which case S is taken as the site to query. If this is not the case, the site will be guessed from the channel name or from the type in a different way, which may not work. channels : string or list of strings Either a string that contains the channel name or a list of channel name strings. start_time : LIGOTimeGPS or int The gps start time of the time series. Defaults to reading from the beginning of the available frame(s). end_time : LIGOTimeGPS or int The gps end time of the time series. Defaults to the end of the frame. sieve : string, optional Selects only frames where the frame URL matches the regular expression sieve check_integrity : boolean Do an expensive checksum of the file before returning. Returns ------- Frame Data: TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries A TimeSeries or a list of TimeSeries, corresponding to the data from the frame file/cache for a given channel or channels. Examples -------- >>> ts = query_and_read_frame('H1_LDAS_C02_L2', 'H1:LDAS-STRAIN', >>> 968995968, 968995968+2048) """ site, frame_type = get_site_from_type_or_channel(frame_type, channels) # Allows compatibility with our standard tools # We may want to place this into a higher level frame getting tool if frame_type in ['LOSC_STRAIN', 'GWOSC_STRAIN']: from pycbc.frame.gwosc import read_strain_gwosc if not isinstance(channels, list): channels = [channels] data = [read_strain_gwosc(c[:2], start_time, end_time) for c in channels] return data if len(data) > 1 else data[0] if frame_type in ['LOSC', 'GWOSC']: from pycbc.frame.gwosc import read_frame_gwosc return read_frame_gwosc(channels, start_time, end_time)'Querying datafind server') paths = frame_paths( frame_type, int(start_time), int(numpy.ceil(end_time)), site=site )'Found frame file paths: %s', ' '.join(paths)) return read_frame( paths, channels, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, sieve=sieve, check_integrity=check_integrity )
[docs] def write_frame(location, channels, timeseries): """Write a list of time series to a single frame file. Parameters ---------- location : string A frame filename. channels : string or list of strings Either a string that contains the channel name or a list of channel name strings. timeseries: TimeSeries A TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries, corresponding to the data to be written to the frame file for a given channel. """ # check if a single channel or a list of channels if type(channels) is list and type(timeseries) is list: channels = channels timeseries = timeseries else: channels = [channels] timeseries = [timeseries] # check that timeseries have the same start and end time gps_start_times = {series.start_time for series in timeseries} gps_end_times = {series.end_time for series in timeseries} if len(gps_start_times) != 1 or len(gps_end_times) != 1: raise ValueError("Start and end times of TimeSeries must be identical.") # check that start, end time, and duration are integers gps_start_time = gps_start_times.pop() gps_end_time = gps_end_times.pop() duration = int(gps_end_time - gps_start_time) if gps_start_time % 1 or gps_end_time % 1: raise ValueError("Start and end times of TimeSeries must be integer seconds.") # create frame frame = lalframe.FrameNew(epoch=gps_start_time, duration=duration, project='', run=1, frnum=1, detectorFlags=lal.LALDETECTORTYPE_ABSENT) for i,tseries in enumerate(timeseries): # get data type for seriestype in _fr_type_map.keys(): if _fr_type_map[seriestype][1] == tseries.dtype: create_series_func = _fr_type_map[seriestype][2] create_sequence_func = _fr_type_map[seriestype][4] add_series_func = _fr_type_map[seriestype][5] break # add time series to frame series = create_series_func(channels[i], tseries.start_time, 0, tseries.delta_t, lal.ADCCountUnit, len(tseries.numpy())) = create_sequence_func(len(tseries.numpy())) = tseries.numpy() add_series_func(frame, series) # write frame lalframe.FrameWrite(frame, location)
[docs] class DataBuffer(object): """A linear buffer that acts as a FILO for reading in frame data """ def __init__(self, frame_src, channel_name, start_time, max_buffer=2048, force_update_cache=True, increment_update_cache=None, dtype=numpy.float64): """ Create a rolling buffer of frame data Parameters --------- frame_src: str of list of strings Strings that indicate where to read from files from. This can be a list of frame files, a glob, etc. channel_name: str Name of the channel to read from the frame files start_time: Time to start reading from. max_buffer: {int, 2048}, Optional Length of the buffer in seconds dtype: {dtype, numpy.float32}, Optional Data type to use for the interal buffer """ self.frame_src = frame_src self.channel_name = channel_name self.read_pos = start_time self.force_update_cache = force_update_cache self.increment_update_cache = increment_update_cache self.detector = channel_name.split(':')[0] self.update_cache() self.channel_type, self.raw_sample_rate = self._retrieve_metadata(, self.channel_name) raw_size = self.raw_sample_rate * max_buffer self.raw_buffer = TimeSeries(zeros(raw_size, dtype=dtype), copy=False, epoch=start_time - max_buffer, delta_t=1.0/self.raw_sample_rate)
[docs] def update_cache(self): """Reset the lal cache. This can be used to update the cache if the result may change due to more files being added to the filesystem, for example. """ cache = locations_to_cache(self.frame_src, latest=True) stream = lalframe.FrStreamCacheOpen(cache) = stream
@staticmethod def _retrieve_metadata(stream, channel_name): """Retrieve basic metadata by reading the first file in the cache Parameters ---------- stream: lal stream object Stream containing a channel we want to learn about channel_name: str The name of the channel we want to know the dtype and sample rate of Returns ------- channel_type: lal type enum Enum value which indicates the dtype of the channel sample_rate: int The sample rate of the data within this channel """ lalframe.FrStreamGetVectorLength(channel_name, stream) channel_type = lalframe.FrStreamGetTimeSeriesType(channel_name, stream) create_series_func = _fr_type_map[channel_type][2] get_series_metadata_func = _fr_type_map[channel_type][3] series = create_series_func(channel_name, stream.epoch, 0, 0, lal.ADCCountUnit, 0) get_series_metadata_func(series, stream) return channel_type, int(1.0/series.deltaT) def _read_frame(self, blocksize): """Try to read the block of data blocksize seconds long Parameters ---------- blocksize: int The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel Returns ------- data: TimeSeries TimeSeries containg 'blocksize' seconds of frame data Raises ------ RuntimeError: If data cannot be read for any reason """ try: read_func = _fr_type_map[self.channel_type][0] dtype = _fr_type_map[self.channel_type][1] data = read_func(, self.channel_name, self.read_pos, int(blocksize), 0) return TimeSeries(, delta_t=data.deltaT, epoch=self.read_pos, dtype=dtype) except Exception: raise RuntimeError('Cannot read {0} frame data'.format(self.channel_name))
[docs] def null_advance(self, blocksize): """Advance and insert zeros Parameters ---------- blocksize: int The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel """ self.raw_buffer.roll(-int(blocksize * self.raw_sample_rate)) self.read_pos += blocksize self.raw_buffer.start_time += blocksize
[docs] def advance(self, blocksize): """Add blocksize seconds more to the buffer, push blocksize seconds from the beginning. Parameters ---------- blocksize: int The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel """ ts = self._read_frame(blocksize) self.raw_buffer.roll(-len(ts)) self.raw_buffer[-len(ts):] = ts[:] self.read_pos += blocksize self.raw_buffer.start_time += blocksize return ts
[docs] def update_cache_by_increment(self, blocksize): """Update the internal cache by starting from the first frame and incrementing. Guess the next frame file name by incrementing from the first found one. This allows a pattern to be used for the GPS folder of the file, which is indicated by `GPSX` where x is the number of digits to use. Parameters ---------- blocksize: int Number of seconds to increment the next frame file. """ start = float(self.raw_buffer.end_time) end = float(start + blocksize) if not hasattr(self, 'dur'): fname = glob.glob(self.frame_src[0])[0] fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0].split('-') self.beg = '-'.join([fname[0], fname[1]]) self.ref = int(fname[2]) self.dur = int(fname[3]) fstart = int(self.ref + numpy.floor((start - self.ref) / float(self.dur)) * self.dur) starts = numpy.arange(fstart, end, self.dur).astype(int) keys = [] for s in starts: pattern = self.increment_update_cache if 'GPS' in pattern: n = int(pattern[int(pattern.index('GPS') + 3)]) pattern = pattern.replace('GPS%s' % n, str(s)[0:n]) name = f'{pattern}/{self.beg}-{s}-{self.dur}.gwf' # check that file actually exists, else abort now if not os.path.exists(name): raise RuntimeError keys.append(name) cache = locations_to_cache(keys) stream = lalframe.FrStreamCacheOpen(cache) = stream self.channel_type, self.raw_sample_rate = \ self._retrieve_metadata(, self.channel_name)
[docs] def attempt_advance(self, blocksize, timeout=10): """ Attempt to advance the frame buffer. Retry upon failure, except if the frame file is beyond the timeout limit. Parameters ---------- blocksize: int The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel timeout: {int, 10}, Optional Number of seconds before giving up on reading a frame Returns ------- data: TimeSeries TimeSeries containg 'blocksize' seconds of frame data """ if self.force_update_cache: self.update_cache() while True: try: if self.increment_update_cache: self.update_cache_by_increment(blocksize) return DataBuffer.advance(self, blocksize) except RuntimeError: if pycbc.gps_now() > timeout + self.raw_buffer.end_time: # The frame is not there and it should be by now, # so we give up and treat it as zeros DataBuffer.null_advance(self, blocksize) return None # I am too early to give up on this frame, # so we should try again time.sleep(0.1)
[docs] class StatusBuffer(DataBuffer): """ Read state vector or DQ information from a frame file """ def __init__(self, frame_src, channel_name, start_time, max_buffer=2048, valid_mask=3, force_update_cache=False, increment_update_cache=None, valid_on_zero=False): """ Create a rolling buffer of status data from a frame Parameters --------- frame_src: str of list of strings Strings that indicate where to read from files from. This can be a list of frame files, a glob, etc. channel_name: str Name of the channel to read from the frame files start_time: Time to start reading from. max_buffer: {int, 2048}, Optional Length of the buffer in seconds valid_mask: {int, HOFT_OK | SCIENCE_INTENT}, Optional Set of flags that must be on to indicate valid frame data. valid_on_zero: bool If True, `valid_mask` is ignored and the status is considered "good" simply when the channel is zero. """ DataBuffer.__init__(self, frame_src, channel_name, start_time, max_buffer=max_buffer, force_update_cache=force_update_cache, increment_update_cache=increment_update_cache, dtype=numpy.int32) self.valid_mask = valid_mask self.valid_on_zero = valid_on_zero
[docs] def check_valid(self, values, flag=None): """Check if the data contains any non-valid status information Parameters ---------- values: pycbc.types.Array Array of status information flag: str, optional Override the default valid mask with a user defined mask. Returns ------- status: boolean Returns True if all of the status information if valid, False if any is not. """ if self.valid_on_zero: valid = values.numpy() == 0 else: if flag is None: flag = self.valid_mask valid = numpy.bitwise_and(values.numpy(), flag) == flag return bool(numpy.all(valid))
[docs] def is_extent_valid(self, start_time, duration, flag=None): """Check if the duration contains any non-valid frames Parameters ---------- start_time: int Beginning of the duration to check in gps seconds duration: int Number of seconds after the start_time to check flag: str, optional Override the default valid mask with a user defined mask. Returns ------- status: boolean Returns True if all of the status information if valid, False if any is not. """ sr = self.raw_buffer.sample_rate s = int((start_time - self.raw_buffer.start_time) * sr) e = s + int(duration * sr) + 1 data = self.raw_buffer[s:e] return self.check_valid(data, flag=flag)
[docs] def indices_of_flag(self, start_time, duration, times, padding=0): """ Return the indices of the times lying in the flagged region Parameters ---------- start_time: int Beginning time to request for duration: int Number of seconds to check. padding: float Number of seconds to add around flag inactive times to be considered inactive as well. Returns ------- indices: numpy.ndarray Array of indices marking the location of triggers within valid time. """ from import indices_outside_times sr = self.raw_buffer.sample_rate s = int((start_time - self.raw_buffer.start_time - padding) * sr) - 1 e = s + int((duration + padding) * sr) + 1 data = self.raw_buffer[s:e] stamps = data.sample_times.numpy() if self.valid_on_zero: invalid = data.numpy() != 0 else: invalid = numpy.bitwise_and(data.numpy(), self.valid_mask) \ != self.valid_mask starts = stamps[invalid] - padding ends = starts + 1.0 / sr + padding * 2.0 idx = indices_outside_times(times, starts, ends) return idx
[docs] def advance(self, blocksize): """ Add blocksize seconds more to the buffer, push blocksize seconds from the beginning. Parameters ---------- blocksize: int The number of seconds to attempt to read from the channel Returns ------- status: boolean Returns True if all of the status information if valid, False if any is not. """ try: if self.increment_update_cache: self.update_cache_by_increment(blocksize) ts = DataBuffer.advance(self, blocksize) return self.check_valid(ts) except RuntimeError: self.null_advance(blocksize) return False
[docs] class iDQBuffer(object): """ Read iDQ timeseries from a frame file """ def __init__(self, frame_src, idq_channel_name, idq_status_channel_name, idq_threshold, start_time, max_buffer=512, force_update_cache=False, increment_update_cache=None): """ Parameters ---------- frame_src: str of list of strings Strings that indicate where to read from files from. This can be a list of frame files, a glob, etc. idq_channel_name: str Name of the channel to read the iDQ statistic from idq_status_channel_name: str Name of the channel to read the iDQ status from idq_threshold: float Threshold which triggers a veto if iDQ channel falls below this threshold start_time: Time to start reading from. max_buffer: {int, 512}, Optional Length of the buffer in seconds force_update_cache: {boolean, True}, Optional Re-check the filesystem for frame files on every attempt to read more data. increment_update_cache: {str, None}, Optional Pattern to look for frame files in a GPS dependent directory. This is an alternate to the forced updated of the frame cache, and apptempts to predict the next frame file name without probing the filesystem. """ self.threshold = idq_threshold self.idq = DataBuffer(frame_src, idq_channel_name, start_time, max_buffer=max_buffer, force_update_cache=force_update_cache, increment_update_cache=increment_update_cache) self.idq_state = DataBuffer(frame_src, idq_status_channel_name, start_time, max_buffer=max_buffer, force_update_cache=force_update_cache, increment_update_cache=increment_update_cache)
[docs] def flag_at_times(self, start_time, duration, times, padding=0): """ Check whether the idq flag was on at given times Parameters ---------- start_time: int Beginning time to request for duration: int Number of seconds to check. times: array of floats Times to check for an active flag padding: float Amount of time in seconds to flag around samples below the iDQ FAP threshold Returns ------- flag_state: numpy.ndarray Boolean array of whether flag was on at given times """ from import indices_within_times # convert start and end times to buffer indices sr = self.idq.raw_buffer.sample_rate s = int((start_time - self.idq.raw_buffer.start_time - padding) * sr) - 1 e = s + int((duration + padding) * sr) + 1 # find samples when iDQ FAP is below threshold and state is valid idq_fap = self.idq.raw_buffer[s:e] low_fap = idq_fap.numpy() <= self.threshold idq_valid = self.idq_state.raw_buffer[s:e] idq_valid = idq_valid.numpy().astype(bool) valid_low_fap = numpy.logical_and(idq_valid, low_fap) # find times corresponding to the valid low FAP samples glitch_idx = numpy.flatnonzero(valid_low_fap) stamps = idq_fap.sample_times.numpy() glitch_times = stamps[glitch_idx] # construct start and end times of flag segments starts = glitch_times - padding ends = starts + 1.0 / sr + padding * 2.0 # check if times were flagged idx = indices_within_times(times, starts, ends) flagged_bool = numpy.zeros(len(times), dtype=bool) flagged_bool[idx] = True return flagged_bool
[docs] def advance(self, blocksize): """ Add blocksize seconds more to the buffer, push blocksize seconds from the beginning. Parameters ---------- blocksize: int The number of seconds to attempt to read Returns ------- status: boolean Returns True if advance is succesful, False if not. """ idq_ts = self.idq.attempt_advance(blocksize) idq_state_ts = self.idq_state.attempt_advance(blocksize) return (idq_ts is not None) and (idq_state_ts is not None)
[docs] def null_advance(self, blocksize): """Advance and insert zeros Parameters ---------- blocksize: int The number of seconds to advance the buffers """ self.idq.null_advance(blocksize) self.idq_state.null_advance(blocksize)
__all__ = [ 'locations_to_cache', 'read_frame', 'query_and_read_frame', 'frame_paths', 'write_frame', 'DataBuffer', 'StatusBuffer', 'iDQBuffer' ]