Source code for pycbc.inference.jump.normal

# Copyright (C) 2019  Collin Capano
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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"""Jump proposals that use a normal distribution."""

import numpy

from epsie import proposals as epsie_proposals
from epsie.proposals import Boundaries

from pycbc import VARARGS_DELIM

[docs] class EpsieNormal(epsie_proposals.Normal): """Adds ``from_config`` method to epsie's normal proposal."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cp, section, tag): """Loads a proposal from a config file. This calls :py:func:`epsie_from_config` with ``cls`` set to :py:class:`epsie.proposals.Normal` and ``with_boundaries`` set to False. See that function for details on options that can be read. Example:: [jump_proposal-mchrip+q] name = normal var-q = 0.1 Parameters ---------- cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance Config file to read from. section : str The name of the section to look in. tag : str :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names to create proposals for. Returns ------- :py:class:`epsie.proposals.Normal`: A normal proposal for use with ``epsie`` samplers. """ return epsie_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag, with_boundaries=False)
[docs] class EpsieAdaptiveNormal(epsie_proposals.AdaptiveNormal): """Adds ``from_config`` method to epsie's adaptive normal proposal."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cp, section, tag): """Loads a proposal from a config file. This calls :py:func:`epsie_adaptive_from_config` with ``cls`` set to :py:class:`epsie.proposals.AdaptiveNormal`. See that function for details on options that can be read. Example:: [jump_proposal-mchirp+q] name = adaptive_normal adaptation-duration = 1000 min-q = 1 max-q = 8 min-mchirp = 20 max-mchirp = 80 Parameters ---------- cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance Config file to read from. section : str The name of the section to look in. tag : str :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names to create proposals for. Returns ------- :py:class:`epsie.proposals.AdaptiveNormal`: An adaptive normal proposal for use with ``epsie`` samplers. """ return epsie_adaptive_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag, boundary_arg_name='prior_widths')
[docs] class EpsieATAdaptiveNormal(epsie_proposals.ATAdaptiveNormal): """Adds ``from_config`` method to epsie's ATAdaptiveProposal."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cp, section, tag): """Loads a proposal from a config file. This calls :py:func:`epsie_from_config` with ``cls`` set to :py:class:`epsie.proposals.AdaptiveProposal` and ``with_boundaries`` set to False. See that function for details on options that can be read. Example:: [jump_proposal-mchrip+q] name = adaptive_proposal diagonal = Parameters ---------- cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance Config file to read from. section : str The name of the section to look in. tag : str :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names to create proposals for. Returns ------- :py:class:`epsie.proposals.AdaptiveProposal`: An adaptive proposal for use with ``epsie`` samplers. """ return epsie_at_adaptive_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag, with_boundaries=False)
[docs] def epsie_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag, with_boundaries=False): r"""Generic function for loading epsie proposals from a config file. This should be used for proposals that are not adaptive. The section that is read should have the format ``[{section}-{tag}]``, where ``{tag}`` is a :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of the parameters to create the jump proposal for. Options that are read: * name : str Required. Must match the name of the proposal. * var-{param} : float Optional. Variance to use for parameter {param}. If ``with_boundaries`` is True, then any parameter not specified will use a default variance of :math:`(\Delta p/10)^2`, where :math:`\Delta p` is the boundary width for that parameter. If ``with_boundaries`` is False, will use a default value of 1. * min-{param} : float * max-{param} : float The bounds on each parameter. Required if ``with_boundaries`` is set to True, in which case bounds must be provided for every parameter. Parameters ---------- cls : epsie.proposals.BaseProposal The epsie proposal class to initialize. cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance Config file to read from. section : str The name of the section to look in. tag : str :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names to create proposals for. with_boundaries : bool, optional Try to load boundaries from the section and pass a ``boundaries`` argument to the class's initialization. This should be set to true for bounded proposals. Default is False. Returns ------- cls : The class initialized with the options read from the config file. """ # check that the name matches assert cp.get_opt_tag(section, "name", tag) ==, ( "name in specified section must match mine") params, opts = load_opts(cp, section, tag, skip=['name']) args = {'parameters': params} if with_boundaries: boundaries = get_param_boundaries(params, opts) args['boundaries'] = boundaries if 'discrete' in'_'): args.update({'successive': get_epsie_discrete_successive_settings(params, opts)}) # if there are any options left, assume they are for setting the variance if opts: cov = get_variance(params, opts) elif with_boundaries: cov = numpy.array([abs(boundaries[p])/10. for p in params])**2. else: cov = None args['cov'] = cov # no other options should remain if opts: raise ValueError("unrecognized options {}" .format(', '.join(opts.keys()))) return cls(**args)
[docs] def epsie_adaptive_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag, with_boundaries=True, boundary_arg_name='boundaries'): """Generic function for loading adaptive epsie proposals from a config file. The section that is read should have the format ``[{section}-{tag}]``, where ``{tag}`` is a :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of the parameters to create the jump proposal for. Options that are read: * name : str Required. Must match the name of the proposal. * adaptation-duration : int Required. Sets the ``adaptation_duration``. * min-{param} : float * max-{param} : float The bounds on each parameter. Required if ``with_boundaries`` is set to True, in which case bounds must be provided for every parameter. * var-{param} : float Optional. Initial variance to use. If not provided, will use a default based on the bounds (see :py:class:`epsie.proposals.AdaptiveSupport` for details). * adaptation-decay : int Optional. Sets the ``adaptation_decay``. If not provided, will use the class's default. * start-iteration : int Optional. Sets the ``start_iteration``.If not provided, will use the class's default. * target-rate : float Optional. Sets the ``target_rate``. If not provided, will use the class's default. Parameters ---------- cls : epsie.proposals.BaseProposal The epsie proposal class to initialize. The class should have :py:class:`epsie.proposals.normal.AdaptiveSupport`. cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance Config file to read from. section : str The name of the section to look in. tag : str :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names to create proposals for. with_boundaries : bool, optional Try to load boundaries from the section and pass a ``boundaries`` argument to the class's initialization. Default is True. boundary_arg_name : str, optional The name of the argument for the boundaries (only used if ``with_boundaries`` is True). Provided because some adaptive proposals that only need the boundary widths call this ``prior_widths``. Default is ``'boundaries'``. Returns ------- cls : The class initialized with the options read from the config file. """ # check that the name matches assert cp.get_opt_tag(section, "name", tag) ==, ( "name in specified section must match mine") params, opts = load_opts(cp, section, tag, skip=['name']) args = {'parameters': params} # get the bounds if with_boundaries: args[boundary_arg_name] = get_param_boundaries(params, opts) if 'discrete' in'_'): args.update({'successive': get_epsie_discrete_successive_settings(params, opts)}) # get the adaptation parameters args.update(get_epsie_adaptation_settings(opts)) # if there are any other options, assume they are for setting the # initial standard deviation if opts: var = get_variance(params, opts) args['initial_std'] = var**0.5 # at this point, there should be no options left if opts: raise ValueError('unrecognized options {} in section {}' .format(', '.join(opts.keys()), '-'.join([section, tag]))) return cls(**args)
[docs] def epsie_at_adaptive_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag, with_boundaries=False): """Generic function for loading AT Adaptive Normal proposals from a config file. The section that is read should have the format ``[{section}-{tag}]``, where ``{tag}`` is a :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of the parameters to create the jump proposal for. Options that are read: * name : str Required. Must match the name of the proposal. * adaptation-duration : int Sets the ``adaptation_duration``. If not provided will use the class's default. * diagonal : bool, optional Determines whether only to adapt the variance. If True will only train the diagonal elements. * componentwise : bool, optional Whether to include a componentwise scaling of the parameters. By default set to False. Componentwise scaling `ndim` times more expensive than global scaling. * min-{param} : float * max-{param} : float The bounds on each parameter. Required if ``with_boundaries`` is set to True, in which case bounds must be provided for every parameter. * start-iteration : int Optional. Sets the ``start_iteration``. If not provided, will use the class's default. * target-rate : float Optional. Sets the ``target_rate``. If not provided, will use the class's default. Parameters ---------- cls : epsie.proposals.BaseProposal The epsie proposal class to initialize. The class should have :py:class:`epsie.proposals.normal.AdaptiveSupport`. cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance Config file to read from. section : str The name of the section to look in. tag : str :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names to create proposals for. with_boundaries : bool, optional Try to load boundaries from the section and pass a ``boundaries`` argument to the class's initialization. Default is True. Returns ------- cls : The class initialized with the options read from the config file. """ # check that the name matches assert cp.get_opt_tag(section, "name", tag) ==, ( "name in specified section must match mine") params, opts = load_opts(cp, section, tag, skip=['name']) args = {'parameters': params} # get the bounds if with_boundaries: args['boundaries'] = get_param_boundaries(params, opts) if 'discrete' in'_'): args.update({'successive': get_epsie_discrete_successive_settings(params, opts)}) # get the adaptation parameters args.update(get_epsie_adaptation_settings(opts, # bounded and angular adaptive proposals support diagonal-only diagonal = opts.pop('diagonal', None) if not any(p in'_') for p in ['bounded', 'angular']): args.update({'diagonal': diagonal is not None}) componentwise = opts.pop('componentwise', None) if componentwise is not None: args.update({'componentwise': True}) if opts: raise ValueError("unrecognized options {}" .format(', '.join(opts.keys()))) return cls(**args)
[docs] def load_opts(cp, section, tag, skip=None): """Loads config options for jump proposals. All `-` in option names are converted to `_` before returning. Parameters ---------- cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance Config file to read from. section : str The name of the section to look in. tag : str :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names to create proposals for. skip : list, optional List of option names to skip loading. Returns ------- params : list List of parameter names the jump proposal is for. opts : dict Dictionary of option names -> values, where all values are strings. """ if skip is None: skip = [] params = tag.split(VARARGS_DELIM) # get options readsection = '-'.join([section, tag]) opts = {opt.replace('-', '_'): cp.get(readsection, opt) for opt in cp.options(readsection) if opt not in skip} return params, opts
[docs] def get_variance(params, opts, default=1.): """Gets variance for jump proposals from the dictionary of options. This looks for ``var_{param}`` for every parameter listed in ``params``. If found, the argument is popped from the given ``opts`` dictionary. If not found, ``default`` will be used. Parameters ---------- params : list of str List of parameter names to look for. opts : dict Dictionary of option -> value that was loaded from a config file section. default : float, optional Default value to use for parameters that do not have variances provided. Default is 1. Returns ------- numpy.array Array of variances to use. Order is the same as the parameter names given in ``params``. """ varfmt = 'var_{}' cov = numpy.array([float(opts.pop(varfmt.format(param), default)) for param in params]) return cov
[docs] def get_param_boundaries(params, opts): """Gets parameter boundaries for jump proposals. The syntax for the options should be ``(min|max)_{param} = value``. Both a minimum and maximum should be provided for every parameter in ``params``. If the opts are created using ``load_opts``, then the options can be formatted as ``(min|max)-{param}``, since that function will turn all ``-`` to ``_`` in option names. Arguments will be popped from the given ``opts`` dictionary. Parameters ---------- params : list of str List of parameter names to get boundaries for. opts : dict Dictionary of option -> value that was loaded from a config file section. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of parameter names -> :py:class:`epsie.proposals.Boundaries` """ boundaries = {} for param in params: minbound = opts.pop('min_{}'.format(param), None) if minbound is None: raise ValueError("Must provide a minimum bound for {p}." "Syntax is min_{p} = val".format(p=param)) maxbound = opts.pop('max_{}'.format(param), None) if maxbound is None: raise ValueError("Must provide a maximum bound for {p}." "Syntax is max_{p} = val".format(p=param)) boundaries[param] = Boundaries((float(minbound), float(maxbound))) return boundaries
[docs] def get_epsie_adaptation_settings(opts, name=None): """Get settings for Epsie adaptive proposals from a config file. This requires that ``adaptation_duration`` is in the given dictionary. It will also look for ``adaptation_decay``, ``start_iteration``, and ``target_rate``, but these are optional. Arguments will be popped from the given dictionary. Parameters ---------- opts : dict Dictionary of option -> value that was loaded from a config file section. name : str (optional) Proposal name Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of argument name -> values. """ args = {} adaptation_duration = opts.pop('adaptation_duration', None) if adaptation_duration is None: if name is not None: if all(p in name.split('_') for p in ['at', 'adaptive']): args.update({'adaptation_duration': None}) else: raise ValueError("No adaptation_duration specified") else: args.update({'adaptation_duration': int(adaptation_duration)}) # optional args adaptation_decay = opts.pop('adaptation_decay', None) if adaptation_decay is not None: args.update({'adaptation_decay': int(adaptation_decay)}) start_iteration = opts.pop('start_iteration', None) if start_iteration is not None: args.update({'start_iteration': int(start_iteration)}) target_rate = opts.pop('target_rate', None) if target_rate is not None: args.update({'target_rate': float(target_rate)}) return args
[docs] def get_epsie_discrete_successive_settings(params, opts): """Get settings for Epsie successive discrete proposal successive jumps from a config file. If ``successive`` is not defined for a parameter then assumes successive jumps are not allowed (i.e. jumps from an integer to the same integer). Arguments will be popped from the given dictionary. Example:: [jump_proposal-k+n] name = discrete successive-k = This example sets successive jumps for ``k`` but does not do so for ``n``. Parameters ---------- params : list of str List of parameter names to get the successive option for. opts : dict Dictionary of option -> value that was loaded from a config file section. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of parameter names -> bools """ successive = {} for param in params: successive.update( {param: opts.pop('successive_{}'.format(param), None) is not None}) return successive