# Copyright (C) 2019 Collin Capano
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
"""Jump proposals that use a normal distribution."""
import numpy
from epsie import proposals as epsie_proposals
from epsie.proposals import Boundaries
from pycbc import VARARGS_DELIM
class EpsieNormal(epsie_proposals.Normal):
"""Adds ``from_config`` method to epsie's normal proposal."""
def from_config(cls, cp, section, tag):
"""Loads a proposal from a config file.
This calls :py:func:`epsie_from_config` with ``cls`` set to
:py:class:`epsie.proposals.Normal` and ``with_boundaries`` set to
False. See that function for details on options that can be read.
name = normal
var-q = 0.1
cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance
Config file to read from.
section : str
The name of the section to look in.
tag : str
:py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names
to create proposals for.
A normal proposal for use with ``epsie`` samplers.
return epsie_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag, with_boundaries=False)
class EpsieAdaptiveNormal(epsie_proposals.AdaptiveNormal):
"""Adds ``from_config`` method to epsie's adaptive normal proposal."""
def from_config(cls, cp, section, tag):
"""Loads a proposal from a config file.
This calls :py:func:`epsie_adaptive_from_config` with ``cls`` set to
:py:class:`epsie.proposals.AdaptiveNormal`. See that function for
details on options that can be read.
name = adaptive_normal
adaptation-duration = 1000
min-q = 1
max-q = 8
min-mchirp = 20
max-mchirp = 80
cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance
Config file to read from.
section : str
The name of the section to look in.
tag : str
:py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names
to create proposals for.
An adaptive normal proposal for use with ``epsie`` samplers.
return epsie_adaptive_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag,
class EpsieATAdaptiveNormal(epsie_proposals.ATAdaptiveNormal):
"""Adds ``from_config`` method to epsie's ATAdaptiveProposal."""
def from_config(cls, cp, section, tag):
"""Loads a proposal from a config file.
This calls :py:func:`epsie_from_config` with ``cls`` set to
:py:class:`epsie.proposals.AdaptiveProposal` and ``with_boundaries``
set to False. See that function for details on options that can be
name = adaptive_proposal
diagonal =
cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance
Config file to read from.
section : str
The name of the section to look in.
tag : str
:py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names
to create proposals for.
An adaptive proposal for use with ``epsie`` samplers.
return epsie_at_adaptive_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag,
def epsie_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag, with_boundaries=False):
r"""Generic function for loading epsie proposals from a config file.
This should be used for proposals that are not adaptive.
The section that is read should have the format ``[{section}-{tag}]``,
where ``{tag}`` is a :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list
of the parameters to create the jump proposal for.
Options that are read:
* name : str
Required. Must match the name of the proposal.
* var-{param} : float
Optional. Variance to use for parameter {param}. If ``with_boundaries``
is True, then any parameter not specified will use a default variance
of :math:`(\Delta p/10)^2`, where :math:`\Delta p` is the boundary
width for that parameter. If ``with_boundaries`` is False, will use
a default value of 1.
* min-{param} : float
* max-{param} : float
The bounds on each parameter. Required if ``with_boundaries`` is set to
True, in which case bounds must be provided for every parameter.
cls : epsie.proposals.BaseProposal
The epsie proposal class to initialize.
cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance
Config file to read from.
section : str
The name of the section to look in.
tag : str
:py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names
to create proposals for.
with_boundaries : bool, optional
Try to load boundaries from the section and pass a ``boundaries``
argument to the class's initialization. This should be set to true
for bounded proposals. Default is False.
cls :
The class initialized with the options read from the config file.
# check that the name matches
assert cp.get_opt_tag(section, "name", tag) == cls.name, (
"name in specified section must match mine")
params, opts = load_opts(cp, section, tag, skip=['name'])
args = {'parameters': params}
if with_boundaries:
boundaries = get_param_boundaries(params, opts)
args['boundaries'] = boundaries
if 'discrete' in cls.name.split('_'):
get_epsie_discrete_successive_settings(params, opts)})
# if there are any options left, assume they are for setting the variance
if opts:
cov = get_variance(params, opts)
elif with_boundaries:
cov = numpy.array([abs(boundaries[p])/10. for p in params])**2.
cov = None
args['cov'] = cov
# no other options should remain
if opts:
raise ValueError("unrecognized options {}"
.format(', '.join(opts.keys())))
return cls(**args)
def epsie_adaptive_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag, with_boundaries=True,
"""Generic function for loading adaptive epsie proposals from a config
The section that is read should have the format ``[{section}-{tag}]``,
where ``{tag}`` is a :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list
of the parameters to create the jump proposal for.
Options that are read:
* name : str
Required. Must match the name of the proposal.
* adaptation-duration : int
Required. Sets the ``adaptation_duration``.
* min-{param} : float
* max-{param} : float
The bounds on each parameter. Required if ``with_boundaries`` is set to
True, in which case bounds must be provided for every parameter.
* var-{param} : float
Optional. Initial variance to use. If not provided, will use a
default based on the bounds (see
:py:class:`epsie.proposals.AdaptiveSupport` for details).
* adaptation-decay : int
Optional. Sets the ``adaptation_decay``. If not provided, will use
the class's default.
* start-iteration : int
Optional. Sets the ``start_iteration``.If not provided, will use
the class's default.
* target-rate : float
Optional. Sets the ``target_rate``. If not provided, will use
the class's default.
cls : epsie.proposals.BaseProposal
The epsie proposal class to initialize. The class should have
cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance
Config file to read from.
section : str
The name of the section to look in.
tag : str
:py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names
to create proposals for.
with_boundaries : bool, optional
Try to load boundaries from the section and pass a ``boundaries``
argument to the class's initialization. Default is True.
boundary_arg_name : str, optional
The name of the argument for the boundaries (only used if
``with_boundaries`` is True). Provided because some adaptive proposals
that only need the boundary widths call this ``prior_widths``. Default
is ``'boundaries'``.
cls :
The class initialized with the options read from the config file.
# check that the name matches
assert cp.get_opt_tag(section, "name", tag) == cls.name, (
"name in specified section must match mine")
params, opts = load_opts(cp, section, tag, skip=['name'])
args = {'parameters': params}
# get the bounds
if with_boundaries:
args[boundary_arg_name] = get_param_boundaries(params, opts)
if 'discrete' in cls.name.split('_'):
get_epsie_discrete_successive_settings(params, opts)})
# get the adaptation parameters
# if there are any other options, assume they are for setting the
# initial standard deviation
if opts:
var = get_variance(params, opts)
args['initial_std'] = var**0.5
# at this point, there should be no options left
if opts:
raise ValueError('unrecognized options {} in section {}'
.format(', '.join(opts.keys()),
'-'.join([section, tag])))
return cls(**args)
def epsie_at_adaptive_from_config(cls, cp, section, tag,
"""Generic function for loading AT Adaptive Normal proposals from a config
The section that is read should have the format ``[{section}-{tag}]``,
where ``{tag}`` is a :py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list
of the parameters to create the jump proposal for.
Options that are read:
* name : str
Required. Must match the name of the proposal.
* adaptation-duration : int
Sets the ``adaptation_duration``. If not provided will use the class's
* diagonal : bool, optional
Determines whether only to adapt the variance. If True will only train
the diagonal elements.
* componentwise : bool, optional
Whether to include a componentwise scaling of the parameters.
By default set to False. Componentwise scaling `ndim` times more
expensive than global scaling.
* min-{param} : float
* max-{param} : float
The bounds on each parameter. Required if ``with_boundaries`` is set to
True, in which case bounds must be provided for every parameter.
* start-iteration : int
Optional. Sets the ``start_iteration``. If not provided, will use
the class's default.
* target-rate : float
Optional. Sets the ``target_rate``. If not provided, will use
the class's default.
cls : epsie.proposals.BaseProposal
The epsie proposal class to initialize. The class should have
cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance
Config file to read from.
section : str
The name of the section to look in.
tag : str
:py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names
to create proposals for.
with_boundaries : bool, optional
Try to load boundaries from the section and pass a ``boundaries``
argument to the class's initialization. Default is True.
cls :
The class initialized with the options read from the config file.
# check that the name matches
assert cp.get_opt_tag(section, "name", tag) == cls.name, (
"name in specified section must match mine")
params, opts = load_opts(cp, section, tag, skip=['name'])
args = {'parameters': params}
# get the bounds
if with_boundaries:
args['boundaries'] = get_param_boundaries(params, opts)
if 'discrete' in cls.name.split('_'):
get_epsie_discrete_successive_settings(params, opts)})
# get the adaptation parameters
args.update(get_epsie_adaptation_settings(opts, cls.name))
# bounded and angular adaptive proposals support diagonal-only
diagonal = opts.pop('diagonal', None)
if not any(p in cls.name.split('_') for p in ['bounded', 'angular']):
args.update({'diagonal': diagonal is not None})
componentwise = opts.pop('componentwise', None)
if componentwise is not None:
args.update({'componentwise': True})
if opts:
raise ValueError("unrecognized options {}"
.format(', '.join(opts.keys())))
return cls(**args)
def load_opts(cp, section, tag, skip=None):
"""Loads config options for jump proposals.
All `-` in option names are converted to `_` before returning.
cp : WorkflowConfigParser instance
Config file to read from.
section : str
The name of the section to look in.
tag : str
:py:const:`pycbc.VARARGS_DELIM` separated list of parameter names
to create proposals for.
skip : list, optional
List of option names to skip loading.
params : list
List of parameter names the jump proposal is for.
opts : dict
Dictionary of option names -> values, where all values are strings.
if skip is None:
skip = []
params = tag.split(VARARGS_DELIM)
# get options
readsection = '-'.join([section, tag])
opts = {opt.replace('-', '_'): cp.get(readsection, opt)
for opt in cp.options(readsection) if opt not in skip}
return params, opts
def get_variance(params, opts, default=1.):
"""Gets variance for jump proposals from the dictionary of options.
This looks for ``var_{param}`` for every parameter listed in ``params``.
If found, the argument is popped from the given ``opts`` dictionary. If not
found, ``default`` will be used.
params : list of str
List of parameter names to look for.
opts : dict
Dictionary of option -> value that was loaded from a config file
default : float, optional
Default value to use for parameters that do not have variances
provided. Default is 1.
Array of variances to use. Order is the same as the parameter names
given in ``params``.
varfmt = 'var_{}'
cov = numpy.array([float(opts.pop(varfmt.format(param), default))
for param in params])
return cov
def get_param_boundaries(params, opts):
"""Gets parameter boundaries for jump proposals.
The syntax for the options should be ``(min|max)_{param} = value``. Both
a minimum and maximum should be provided for every parameter in ``params``.
If the opts are created using ``load_opts``, then the options can be
formatted as ``(min|max)-{param}``, since that function will turn all ``-``
to ``_`` in option names.
Arguments will be popped from the given ``opts`` dictionary.
params : list of str
List of parameter names to get boundaries for.
opts : dict
Dictionary of option -> value that was loaded from a config file
dict :
Dictionary of parameter names -> :py:class:`epsie.proposals.Boundaries`
boundaries = {}
for param in params:
minbound = opts.pop('min_{}'.format(param), None)
if minbound is None:
raise ValueError("Must provide a minimum bound for {p}."
"Syntax is min_{p} = val".format(p=param))
maxbound = opts.pop('max_{}'.format(param), None)
if maxbound is None:
raise ValueError("Must provide a maximum bound for {p}."
"Syntax is max_{p} = val".format(p=param))
boundaries[param] = Boundaries((float(minbound), float(maxbound)))
return boundaries
def get_epsie_adaptation_settings(opts, name=None):
"""Get settings for Epsie adaptive proposals from a config file.
This requires that ``adaptation_duration`` is in the given dictionary.
It will also look for ``adaptation_decay``, ``start_iteration``, and
``target_rate``, but these are optional. Arguments will be popped from the
given dictionary.
opts : dict
Dictionary of option -> value that was loaded from a config file
name : str (optional)
Proposal name
dict :
Dictionary of argument name -> values.
args = {}
adaptation_duration = opts.pop('adaptation_duration', None)
if adaptation_duration is None:
if name is not None:
if all(p in name.split('_') for p in ['at', 'adaptive']):
args.update({'adaptation_duration': None})
raise ValueError("No adaptation_duration specified")
args.update({'adaptation_duration': int(adaptation_duration)})
# optional args
adaptation_decay = opts.pop('adaptation_decay', None)
if adaptation_decay is not None:
args.update({'adaptation_decay': int(adaptation_decay)})
start_iteration = opts.pop('start_iteration', None)
if start_iteration is not None:
args.update({'start_iteration': int(start_iteration)})
target_rate = opts.pop('target_rate', None)
if target_rate is not None:
args.update({'target_rate': float(target_rate)})
return args
def get_epsie_discrete_successive_settings(params, opts):
"""Get settings for Epsie successive discrete proposal successive jumps
from a config file.
If ``successive`` is not defined for a parameter then assumes successive
jumps are not allowed (i.e. jumps from an integer to the same integer).
Arguments will be popped from the given dictionary.
name = discrete
successive-k =
This example sets successive jumps for ``k`` but does not do so for ``n``.
params : list of str
List of parameter names to get the successive option for.
opts : dict
Dictionary of option -> value that was loaded from a config file
dict :
Dictionary of parameter names -> bools
successive = {}
for param in params:
{param: opts.pop('successive_{}'.format(param), None) is not None})
return successive