Source code for pycbc.inference.models.gaussian_noise

# Copyright (C) 2018  Collin Capano
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

"""This module provides model classes that assume the noise is Gaussian.

import logging
import shlex
from abc import ABCMeta
from functools import wraps
import numpy

from pycbc import filter as pyfilter
from pycbc.waveform import (NoWaveformError, FailedWaveformError)
from pycbc.waveform import generator
from pycbc.types import FrequencySeries
from pycbc.strain import gates_from_cli
from pycbc.strain.calibration import Recalibrate
from pycbc.inject import InjectionSet
from import FieldArray
from pycbc.types.optparse import MultiDetOptionAction

from .base import ModelStats
from .base_data import BaseDataModel
from .data_utils import (data_opts_from_config, data_from_cli,
                         fd_data_from_strain_dict, gate_overwhitened_data)

[docs] def catch_waveform_error(method): """Decorator that will catch no waveform errors. This can be added to a method in an inference model. The decorator will call the model's `_nowaveform_return` method if either of the following happens when the wrapped method is executed: * A `NoWaveformError` is raised. * A `RuntimeError` or `FailedWaveformError` is raised and the model has an `ignore_failed_waveforms` attribute that is set to True. This requires the model to have a `_nowaveform_handler` method. """ # the functools.wroaps decorator preserves the original method's name # and docstring @wraps(method) def method_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: retval = method(self, *args, **kwargs) except NoWaveformError: retval = self._nowaveform_handler() except (RuntimeError, FailedWaveformError) as e: try: ignore_failed = self.ignore_failed_waveforms except AttributeError: ignore_failed = False if ignore_failed: retval = self._nowaveform_handler() else: raise e return retval return method_wrapper
[docs] class BaseGaussianNoise(BaseDataModel, metaclass=ABCMeta): r"""Model for analyzing GW data with assuming a wide-sense stationary Gaussian noise model. This model will load gravitational wave data and calculate the log noise likelihood ``_lognl`` and normalization. It also implements the ``_loglikelihood`` function as the sum of the log likelihood ratio and the ``lognl``. It does not implement a log likelihood ratio function ``_loglr``, however, since that can differ depending on the signal model. Models that analyze GW data assuming it is stationary Gaussian should therefore inherit from this class and implement their own ``_loglr`` function. For more details on the inner product used, the log likelihood of the noise, and the normalization factor, see :py:class:`GaussianNoise`. Parameters ---------- variable_params : (tuple of) string(s) A tuple of parameter names that will be varied. data : dict A dictionary of data, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the data (assumed to be unwhitened). All data must have the same frequency resolution. low_frequency_cutoff : dict A dictionary of starting frequencies, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the starting frequencies for the respective detectors to be used for computing inner products. psds : dict, optional A dictionary of FrequencySeries keyed by the detector names. The dictionary must have a psd for each detector specified in the data dictionary. If provided, the inner products in each detector will be weighted by 1/psd of that detector. high_frequency_cutoff : dict, optional A dictionary of ending frequencies, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the ending frequencies for the respective detectors to be used for computing inner products. If not provided, the minimum of the largest frequency stored in the data and a given waveform will be used. normalize : bool, optional If True, the normalization factor :math:`alpha` will be included in the log likelihood. See :py:class:`GaussianNoise` for details. Default is to not include it. static_params : dict, optional A dictionary of parameter names -> values to keep fixed. ignore_failed_waveforms : bool, optional If the waveform generator raises an error when it tries to generate, treat the point as having zero likelihood. This allows the parameter estimation to continue. Otherwise, an error will be raised, stopping the run. Default is False. \**kwargs : All other keyword arguments are passed to ``BaseDataModel``. Attributes ---------- ignore_failed_waveforms : bool If True, points in parameter space that cause waveform generation to fail (i.e., they raise a ``FailedWaveformError``) will be treated as points with zero likelihood. Otherwise, such points will cause the model to raise a ``FailedWaveformError``. """ def __init__(self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, normalize=False, static_params=None, ignore_failed_waveforms=False, no_save_data=False, **kwargs): # set up the boiler-plate attributes super(BaseGaussianNoise, self).__init__(variable_params, data, static_params=static_params, no_save_data=no_save_data, **kwargs) self.ignore_failed_waveforms = ignore_failed_waveforms self.no_save_data = no_save_data # check if low frequency cutoff has been provided for every IFO with # data for ifo in if low_frequency_cutoff[ifo] is None: raise ValueError( "A low-frequency-cutoff must be provided for every " "detector for which data has been provided. If " "loading the model settings from " "a config file, please provide " "`{DETECTOR}:low-frequency-cutoff` options for " "every detector in the `[model]` section, where " "`{DETECTOR} is the name of the detector," "or provide a single low-frequency-cutoff option" "which will be used for all detectors") # check that the data sets all have the same delta fs and delta ts dts = numpy.array([d.delta_t for d in]) dfs = numpy.array([d.delta_f for d in]) if all(dts == dts[0]) and all(dfs == dfs[0]): self.all_ifodata_same_rate_length = True else: self.all_ifodata_same_rate_length = False "You are using different data segment lengths or " "sampling rates for different IFOs") # store the number of samples in the time domain self._N = {} for (det, d) in self._data.items(): self._N[det] = int(1./(d.delta_f*d.delta_t)) # set lower/upper frequency cutoff if high_frequency_cutoff is None: high_frequency_cutoff = {ifo: None for ifo in} self._f_upper = high_frequency_cutoff self._f_lower = low_frequency_cutoff # Set the cutoff indices self._kmin = {} self._kmax = {} for (det, d) in self._data.items(): kmin, kmax = pyfilter.get_cutoff_indices(self._f_lower[det], self._f_upper[det], d.delta_f, self._N[det]) self._kmin[det] = kmin self._kmax[det] = kmax # store the psd segments self._psd_segments = {} if psds is not None: self.set_psd_segments(psds) # store the psds and calculate the inner product weight self._psds = {} self._invpsds = {} self._weight = {} self._lognorm = {} self._det_lognls = {} self._whitened_data = {} # set the normalization state self._normalize = False self.normalize = normalize # store the psds and whiten the data self.psds = psds # attribute for storing the current waveforms self._current_wfs = None @property def high_frequency_cutoff(self): """The high frequency cutoff of the inner product.""" return self._f_upper @property def low_frequency_cutoff(self): """The low frequency cutoff of the inner product.""" return self._f_lower @property def kmin(self): """Dictionary of starting indices for the inner product. This is determined from the lower frequency cutoff and the ``delta_f`` of the data using :py:func:`pycbc.filter.matchedfilter.get_cutoff_indices`. """ return self._kmin @property def kmax(self): """Dictionary of ending indices for the inner product. This is determined from the high frequency cutoff and the ``delta_f`` of the data using :py:func:`pycbc.filter.matchedfilter.get_cutoff_indices`. If no high frequency cutoff was provided, this will be the indice corresponding to the Nyquist frequency. """ return self._kmax @property def psds(self): """Dictionary of detectors -> PSD frequency series. If no PSD was provided for a detector, this will just be a frequency series of ones. """ return self._psds @psds.setter def psds(self, psds): """Sets the psds, and calculates the weight and norm from them. The data and the low and high frequency cutoffs must be set first. """ # check that the data has been set if self._data is None: raise ValueError("No data set") if self._f_lower is None: raise ValueError("low frequency cutoff not set") if self._f_upper is None: raise ValueError("high frequency cutoff not set") # make sure the relevant caches are cleared self._psds.clear() self._invpsds.clear() self._weight.clear() self._lognorm.clear() self._det_lognls.clear() self._whitened_data.clear() for det, d in self._data.items(): if psds is None: # No psd means assume white PSD p = FrequencySeries(numpy.ones(int(self._N[det]/2+1)), delta_f=d.delta_f) else: # copy for storage p = psds[det].copy() self._psds[det] = p # we'll store the weight to apply to the inner product # only set weight in band we will analyze kmin = self._kmin[det] kmax = self._kmax[det] invp = FrequencySeries(numpy.zeros(len(p)), delta_f=p.delta_f) invp[kmin:kmax] = 1./p[kmin:kmax] self._invpsds[det] = invp self._weight[det] = numpy.sqrt(4 * invp.delta_f * invp) self._whitened_data[det] = d.copy() self._whitened_data[det] *= self._weight[det] # set the lognl and lognorm; we'll get this by just calling lognl _ = self.lognl @property def psd_segments(self): """Dictionary giving times used for PSD estimation for each detector. If a detector's PSD was not estimated from data, or the segment wasn't provided, that detector will not be in the dictionary. """ return self._psd_segments
[docs] def set_psd_segments(self, psds): """Sets the PSD segments from a dictionary of PSDs. This attempts to get the PSD segment from a ``psd_segment`` attribute of each detector's PSD frequency series. If that attribute isn't set, then that detector is not added to the dictionary of PSD segments. Parameters ---------- psds : dict Dictionary of detector name -> PSD frequency series. The segment used for each PSD will try to be retrieved from the PSD's ``.psd_segment`` attribute. """ for det, p in psds.items(): try: self._psd_segments[det] = p.psd_segment except AttributeError: continue
@property def weight(self): r"""Dictionary of detectors -> frequency series of inner-product weights. The weights are :math:`\sqrt{4 \Delta f / S_n(f)}`. This is set when the PSDs are set. """ return self._weight @property def whitened_data(self): r"""Dictionary of detectors -> whitened data frequency series. The whitened data is the data multiplied by the inner-product weight. Note that this includes the :math:`\sqrt{4 \Delta f}` factor. This is set when the PSDs are set. """ return self._whitened_data
[docs] def det_lognorm(self, det): """The log of the likelihood normalization in the given detector. If ``self.normalize`` is False, will just return 0. """ if not self.normalize: return 0. try: return self._lognorm[det] except KeyError: # hasn't been calculated yet p = self._psds[det] dt = self._whitened_data[det].delta_t kmin = self._kmin[det] kmax = self._kmax[det] lognorm = -float(self._N[det]*numpy.log(numpy.pi*self._N[det]*dt)/2. + numpy.log(p[kmin:kmax]).sum()) self._lognorm[det] = lognorm return self._lognorm[det]
@property def normalize(self): """Determines if the loglikelihood includes the normalization term. """ return self._normalize @normalize.setter def normalize(self, normalize): """Clears the current stats if the normalization state is changed. """ if normalize != self._normalize: self._current_stats = ModelStats() self._lognorm.clear() self._det_lognls.clear() self._normalize = normalize @property def lognorm(self): """The log of the normalization of the log likelihood.""" return sum(self.det_lognorm(det) for det in self._data)
[docs] def det_lognl(self, det): r"""Returns the log likelihood of the noise in the given detector: .. math:: \log p(d_i|n_i) = \log \alpha_i - \frac{1}{2} \left<d_i | d_i\right>. Parameters ---------- det : str The name of the detector. Returns ------- float : The log likelihood of the noise in the requested detector. """ try: return self._det_lognls[det] except KeyError: # hasn't been calculated yet; calculate & store kmin = self._kmin[det] kmax = self._kmax[det] d = self._whitened_data[det] lognorm = self.det_lognorm(det) lognl = lognorm - 0.5 * d[kmin:kmax].inner(d[kmin:kmax]).real self._det_lognls[det] = lognl return self._det_lognls[det]
def _lognl(self): """Computes the log likelihood assuming the data is noise. Since this is a constant for Gaussian noise, this is only computed once then stored. """ return sum(self.det_lognl(det) for det in self._data)
[docs] def update(self, **params): # update super().update(**params) # reset current waveforms self._current_wfs = None
def _loglikelihood(self): r"""Computes the log likelihood of the paramaters, .. math:: \log p(d|\Theta, h) = \log \alpha -\frac{1}{2}\sum_i \left<d_i - h_i(\Theta) | d_i - h_i(\Theta)\right>, at the current parameter values :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood evaluated at the given point. """ # since the loglr has fewer terms, we'll call that, then just add # back the noise term that canceled in the log likelihood ratio return self.loglr + self.lognl
[docs] def write_metadata(self, fp, group=None): """Adds writing the psds, analyzed detectors, and lognl. The analyzed detectors, their analysis segments, and the segments used for psd estimation are written as ``analyzed_detectors``, ``{{detector}}_analysis_segment``, and ``{{detector}}_psd_segment``, respectively. These are either written to the specified ``group``'s attrs, or to the top level attrs if ``group`` is None. The total and each detector's lognl is written to the sample group's ``attrs``. If a group is specified, the group name will be prependend to the lognl labels with ``{group}__``, with any ``/`` in the group path replaced with ``__``. For example, if group is ``/a/b``, the ``lognl`` will be written as ``a__b__lognl`` in the sample's group attrs. Parameters ---------- fp : instance The inference file to write to. group : str, optional If provided, the metadata will be written to the attrs specified by group, i.e., to ``fp[group].attrs``. Otherwise, metadata is written to the top-level attrs (``fp.attrs``). """ super().write_metadata(fp, group=group) attrs = fp.getattrs(group=group) # write the analyzed detectors and times attrs['analyzed_detectors'] = self.detectors for det, data in key = '{}_analysis_segment'.format(det) attrs[key] = [float(data.start_time), float(data.end_time)] if self._psds is not None and not self.no_save_data: fp.write_psd(self._psds, group=group) # write the times used for psd estimation (if they were provided) for det in self.psd_segments: key = '{}_psd_segment'.format(det) attrs[key] = list(map(float, self.psd_segments[det])) # save the frequency cutoffs for det in self.detectors: attrs['{}_likelihood_low_freq'.format(det)] = self._f_lower[det] if self._f_upper[det] is not None: attrs['{}_likelihood_high_freq'.format(det)] = \ self._f_upper[det] # write the lognl to the samples group attrs sampattrs = fp.getattrs(group=fp.samples_group) # if a group is specified, prepend the lognl names with it if group is None or group == '/': prefix = '' else: prefix = group.replace('/', '__') if not prefix.endswith('__'): prefix += '__' sampattrs['{}lognl'.format(prefix)] = self.lognl # also save the lognl in each detector for det in self.detectors: sampattrs['{}{}_lognl'.format(prefix, det)] = self.det_lognl(det)
@staticmethod def _fd_data_from_strain_dict(opts, strain_dict, psd_strain_dict): """Wrapper around :py:func:`data_utils.fd_data_from_strain_dict`.""" return fd_data_from_strain_dict(opts, strain_dict, psd_strain_dict) def _nowaveform_handler(self): """Method that gets called if a NoWaveformError or FailedWaveformError is raised. See the :py:func:catch_waveform_error decorator for details. Here, this will just raise a NotImplementedError, since how this should be handled is model dependent. Models that wish to deal with this scenario should override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError( f"A waveform could not be generated, but this model does not know " f"how to handle that. The parameters were: {self.current_params}.")
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cp, data_section='data', data=None, psds=None, **kwargs): r"""Initializes an instance of this class from the given config file. In addition to ``[model]``, a ``data_section`` (default ``[data]``) must be in the configuration file. The data section specifies settings for loading data and estimating PSDs. See the `online documentation <>`_ for more details. The following options are read from the ``[model]`` section, in addition to ``name`` (which must be set): * ``{{DET}}-low-frequency-cutoff = FLOAT`` : The low frequency cutoff to use for each detector {{DET}}. A cutoff must be provided for every detector that may be analyzed (any additional detectors are ignored). * ``{{DET}}-high-frequency-cutoff = FLOAT`` : (Optional) A high frequency cutoff for each detector. If not provided, the Nyquist frequency is used. * ``check-for-valid-times =`` : (Optional) If provided, will check that there are no data quality flags on during the analysis segment and the segment used for PSD estimation in each detector. To check for flags, :py:func:`pycbc.dq.query_flag` is used, with settings pulled from the ``dq-*`` options in the ``[data]`` section. If a detector has bad data quality during either the analysis segment or PSD segment, it will be removed from the analysis. * ``shift-psd-times-to-valid =`` : (Optional) If provided, the segment used for PSD estimation will automatically be shifted left or right until a continous block of data with no data quality issues can be found. If no block can be found with a maximum shift of +/- the requested psd segment length, the detector will not be analyzed. * ``err-on-missing-detectors =`` : Raises an error if any detector is removed from the analysis because a valid time could not be found. Otherwise, a warning is printed to screen and the detector is removed from the analysis. * ``normalize =`` : (Optional) Turn on the normalization factor. * ``ignore-failed-waveforms =`` : Sets the ``ignore_failed_waveforms`` attribute. Parameters ---------- cp : WorkflowConfigParser Config file parser to read. data_section : str, optional The name of the section to load data options from. \**kwargs : All additional keyword arguments are passed to the class. Any provided keyword will override what is in the config file. """ # get the injection file, to replace any FROM_INJECTION settings if 'injection-file' in cp.options('data'): injection_file = cp.get('data', 'injection-file') else: injection_file = None # update any values that are to be retrieved from the injection # Note: this does nothing if there are FROM_INJECTION values get_values_from_injection(cp, injection_file, update_cp=True) args = cls._init_args_from_config(cp) # add the injection file args['injection_file'] = injection_file # check if normalize is set if cp.has_option('model', 'normalize'): args['normalize'] = True if cp.has_option('model', 'ignore-failed-waveforms'): args['ignore_failed_waveforms'] = True if cp.has_option('model', 'det-frame-waveform'): args['det_frame_waveform'] = True if cp.has_option('model', 'no-save-data'): args['no_save_data'] = True # get any other keyword arguments provided in the model section ignore_args = [ 'name', 'normalize', 'ignore-failed-waveforms', 'no-save-data', 'det-frame-waveform' ] for option in cp.options("model"): if option in ("low-frequency-cutoff", "high-frequency-cutoff"): ignore_args.append(option) name = option.replace('-', '_') args[name] = cp.get_cli_option('model', name, nargs='+', type=float, action=MultiDetOptionAction) if 'low_frequency_cutoff' not in args: raise ValueError("low-frequency-cutoff must be provided in the" " model section, but is not found!") # data args bool_args = ['check-for-valid-times', 'shift-psd-times-to-valid', 'err-on-missing-detectors'] data_args = {arg.replace('-', '_'): True for arg in bool_args if cp.has_option('model', arg)} ignore_args += bool_args # load the data opts = data_opts_from_config(cp, data_section, args['low_frequency_cutoff']) if data is None or psds is None: strain_dict, psd_strain_dict = data_from_cli(opts, **data_args) # convert to frequency domain and get psds stilde_dict, psds = cls._fd_data_from_strain_dict( opts, strain_dict, psd_strain_dict) # save the psd data segments if the psd was estimated from data if opts.psd_estimation: _tdict = psd_strain_dict or strain_dict for det in psds: psds[det].psd_segment = (_tdict[det].start_time, _tdict[det].end_time) # gate overwhitened if desired if opts.gate_overwhitened and opts.gate is not None: stilde_dict = gate_overwhitened_data( stilde_dict, psds, opts.gate) data = stilde_dict args.update({'data': data, 'psds': psds}) # any extra args args.update(cls.extra_args_from_config(cp, "model", skip_args=ignore_args)) # get ifo-specific instances of calibration model if cp.has_section('calibration'):"Initializing calibration model") recalib = { ifo: Recalibrate.from_config(cp, ifo, section='calibration') for ifo in opts.instruments} args['recalibration'] = recalib # get gates for templates gates = gates_from_cli(opts) if gates: args['gates'] = gates args.update(kwargs) return cls(**args)
[docs] class GaussianNoise(BaseGaussianNoise): r"""Model that assumes data is stationary Gaussian noise. With Gaussian noise the log likelihood functions for signal :math:`\log p(d|\Theta, h)` and for noise :math:`\log p(d|n)` are given by: .. math:: \log p(d|\Theta, h) &= \log\alpha -\frac{1}{2} \sum_i \left< d_i - h_i(\Theta) | d_i - h_i(\Theta) \right> \\ \log p(d|n) &= \log\alpha -\frac{1}{2} \sum_i \left<d_i | d_i\right> where the sum is over the number of detectors, :math:`d_i` is the data in each detector, and :math:`h_i(\Theta)` is the model signal in each detector. The (discrete) inner product is given by: .. math:: \left<a_i | b_i\right> = 4\Re \Delta f \sum_{k=k_{\mathrm{min}}}^{k_{\mathrm{max}}} \frac{\tilde{a}_i^{*}[k] \tilde{b}_i[k]}{S^{(i)}_n[k]}, where :math:`\Delta f` is the frequency resolution (given by 1 / the observation time :math:`T`), :math:`k` is an index over the discretely sampled frequencies :math:`f = k \Delta_f`, and :math:`S^{(i)}_n[k]` is the PSD in the given detector. The upper cutoff on the inner product :math:`k_{\max}` is by default the Nyquist frequency :math:`k_{\max} = N/2+1`, where :math:`N = \lfloor T/\Delta t \rfloor` is the number of samples in the time domain, but this can be set manually to a smaller value. The normalization factor :math:`\alpha` is: .. math:: \alpha = \prod_{i} \frac{1}{\left(\pi T\right)^{N/2} \prod_{k=k_\mathrm{min}}^{k_{\mathrm{max}}} S^{(i)}_n[k]}, where the product is over the number of detectors. By default, the normalization constant is not included in the log likelihood, but it can be turned on using the ``normalize`` keyword argument. Note that the log likelihood ratio has fewer terms than the log likelihood, since the normalization and :math:`\left<d_i|d_i\right>` terms cancel: .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = \sum_i \left[ \left<h_i(\Theta)|d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2} \left<h_i(\Theta)|h_i(\Theta)\right> \right] Upon initialization, the data is whitened using the given PSDs. If no PSDs are given the data and waveforms returned by the waveform generator are assumed to be whitened. For more details on initialization parameters and definition of terms, see :py:class:`models.BaseDataModel`. Parameters ---------- variable_params : (tuple of) string(s) A tuple of parameter names that will be varied. data : dict A dictionary of data, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the data (assumed to be unwhitened). The list of keys must match the waveform generator's detectors keys, and the epoch of every data set must be the same as the waveform generator's epoch. low_frequency_cutoff : dict A dictionary of starting frequencies, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the starting frequencies for the respective detectors to be used for computing inner products. psds : dict, optional A dictionary of FrequencySeries keyed by the detector names. The dictionary must have a psd for each detector specified in the data dictionary. If provided, the inner products in each detector will be weighted by 1/psd of that detector. high_frequency_cutoff : dict, optional A dictionary of ending frequencies, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the ending frequencies for the respective detectors to be used for computing inner products. If not provided, the minimum of the largest frequency stored in the data and a given waveform will be used. normalize : bool, optional If True, the normalization factor :math:`alpha` will be included in the log likelihood. Default is to not include it. static_params : dict, optional A dictionary of parameter names -> values to keep fixed. det_frame_waveform : bool If True, the waveform will be generated directly in the detector frame using the :py:class:`~pycbc.waveform.generator.FDomainDirectDetFrameGenerator`. This requires the approximant be implemented in :py:func:`~pycbc.waveform.get_fd_det_waveform`. If False, the :py:class:`~pycbc.waveform.generator.FDomainDetFrameGenerator` will be used instead. Defaults to :code:`False`. \**kwargs : All other keyword arguments are passed to ``BaseDataModel``. Examples -------- Create a signal, and set up the model using that signal: >>> from pycbc import psd as pypsd >>> from pycbc.inference.models import GaussianNoise >>> from pycbc.waveform.generator import (FDomainDetFrameGenerator, ... FDomainCBCGenerator) >>> seglen = 4 >>> sample_rate = 2048 >>> N = seglen*sample_rate/2+1 >>> fmin = 30. >>> static_params = {'approximant': 'IMRPhenomD', 'f_lower': fmin, ... 'mass1': 38.6, 'mass2': 29.3, ... 'spin1z': 0., 'spin2z': 0., 'ra': 1.37, 'dec': -1.26, ... 'polarization': 2.76, 'distance': 3*500.} >>> variable_params = ['tc'] >>> tsig = 3.1 >>> generator = FDomainDetFrameGenerator( ... FDomainCBCGenerator, 0., detectors=['H1', 'L1'], ... variable_args=variable_params, ... delta_f=1./seglen, **static_params) >>> signal = generator.generate(tc=tsig) >>> psd = pypsd.aLIGOZeroDetHighPower(N, 1./seglen, 20.) >>> psds = {'H1': psd, 'L1': psd} >>> low_frequency_cutoff = {'H1': fmin, 'L1': fmin} >>> model = GaussianNoise(variable_params, signal, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=psds, static_params=static_params) Set the current position to the coalescence time of the signal: >>> model.update(tc=tsig) Now compute the log likelihood ratio and prior-weighted likelihood ratio; since we have not provided a prior, these should be equal to each other: >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(model.loglr)) 282.43 >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(model.logplr)) 282.43 Print all of the default_stats: >>> print(',\n'.join(['{}: {:.2f}'.format(s, v) ... for (s, v) in sorted(model.current_stats.items())])) H1_cplx_loglr: 177.76+0.00j, H1_optimal_snrsq: 355.52, L1_cplx_loglr: 104.67+0.00j, L1_optimal_snrsq: 209.35, logjacobian: 0.00, loglikelihood: 0.00, loglr: 282.43, logprior: 0.00 Compute the SNR; for this system and PSD, this should be approximately 24: >>> from pycbc.conversions import snr_from_loglr >>> x = snr_from_loglr(model.loglr) >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(x)) 23.77 Since there is no noise, the SNR should be the same as the quadrature sum of the optimal SNRs in each detector: >>> x = (model.det_optimal_snrsq('H1') + ... model.det_optimal_snrsq('L1'))**0.5 >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(x)) 23.77 Toggle on the normalization constant: >>> model.normalize = True >>> model.loglikelihood 835397.8757405131 Using the same model, evaluate the log likelihood ratio at several points in time and check that the max is at tsig: >>> import numpy >>> times = numpy.linspace(tsig-1, tsig+1, num=101) >>> loglrs = numpy.zeros(len(times)) >>> for (ii, t) in enumerate(times): ... model.update(tc=t) ... loglrs[ii] = model.loglr >>> print('tsig: {:.2f}, time of max loglr: {:.2f}'.format( ... tsig, times[loglrs.argmax()])) tsig: 3.10, time of max loglr: 3.10 Create a prior and use it (see distributions module for more details): >>> from pycbc import distributions >>> uniform_prior = distributions.Uniform(tc=(tsig-0.2,tsig+0.2)) >>> prior = distributions.JointDistribution(variable_params, uniform_prior) >>> model = GaussianNoise(variable_params, ... signal, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=psds, prior=prior, ... static_params=static_params) >>> model.update(tc=tsig) >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(model.logplr)) 283.35 >>> print(',\n'.join(['{}: {:.2f}'.format(s, v) ... for (s, v) in sorted(model.current_stats.items())])) H1_cplx_loglr: 177.76+0.00j, H1_optimal_snrsq: 355.52, L1_cplx_loglr: 104.67+0.00j, L1_optimal_snrsq: 209.35, logjacobian: 0.00, loglikelihood: 0.00, loglr: 282.43, logprior: 0.92 """ name = 'gaussian_noise' def __init__(self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, normalize=False, static_params=None, det_frame_waveform=False, **kwargs): # set up the boiler-plate attributes super(GaussianNoise, self).__init__( variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=psds, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff, normalize=normalize, static_params=static_params, **kwargs) # Determine if all data have the same sampling rate and segment length if det_frame_waveform: generator_class = generator.FDomainDirectDetFrameGenerator else: generator_class = generator.FDomainDetFrameGenerator if self.all_ifodata_same_rate_length: # create a waveform generator for all ifos self.waveform_generator = create_waveform_generator( self.variable_params,, generator_class=generator_class, waveform_transforms=self.waveform_transforms, recalibration=self.recalibration, gates=self.gates, **self.static_params) else: # create a waveform generator for each ifo respestively self.waveform_generator = {} for det in self.waveform_generator[det] = create_waveform_generator( self.variable_params, {det:[det]}, generator_class=generator_class, waveform_transforms=self.waveform_transforms, recalibration=self.recalibration, gates=self.gates, **self.static_params) @property def _extra_stats(self): """Adds ``loglr``, plus ``cplx_loglr`` and ``optimal_snrsq`` in each detector.""" return ['loglr'] + \ ['{}_cplx_loglr'.format(det) for det in self._data] + \ ['{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det) for det in self._data] def _nowaveform_handler(self): """Convenience function to set loglr values if no waveform generated. """ for det in self._data: setattr(self._current_stats, 'loglikelihood', -numpy.inf) setattr(self._current_stats, '{}_cplx_loglr'.format(det), -numpy.inf) # snr can't be < 0 by definition, so return 0 setattr(self._current_stats, '{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det), 0.) return -numpy.inf @property def multi_signal_support(self): """ The list of classes that this model supports in a multi-signal likelihood """ return [type(self)]
[docs] @catch_waveform_error def multi_loglikelihood(self, models): """ Calculate a multi-model (signal) likelihood """ # Generate the waveforms for each submodel wfs = [] for m in models + [self]: wfs.append(m.get_waveforms()) # combine into a single waveform combine = {} for det in mlen = max([len(x[det]) for x in wfs]) [x[det].resize(mlen) for x in wfs] combine[det] = sum([x[det] for x in wfs]) self._current_wfs = combine loglr = self._loglr() self._current_wfs = None return loglr + self.lognl
[docs] def get_waveforms(self): """The waveforms generated using the current parameters. If the waveforms haven't been generated yet, they will be generated. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of detector names -> FrequencySeries. """ if self._current_wfs is None: params = self.current_params if self.all_ifodata_same_rate_length: wfs = self.waveform_generator.generate(**params) else: wfs = {} for det in wfs.update(self.waveform_generator[det].generate(**params)) self._current_wfs = wfs return self._current_wfs
@catch_waveform_error def _loglr(self): r"""Computes the log likelihood ratio, .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = \sum_i \left<h_i(\Theta)|d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<h_i(\Theta)|h_i(\Theta)\right>, at the current parameter values :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio. """ wfs = self.get_waveforms() lr = 0. for det, h in wfs.items(): # the kmax of the waveforms may be different than internal kmax kmax = min(len(h), self._kmax[det]) if self._kmin[det] >= kmax: # if the waveform terminates before the filtering low frequency # cutoff, then the loglr is just 0 for this detector cplx_hd = 0j hh = 0. else: slc = slice(self._kmin[det], kmax) # whiten the waveform h[self._kmin[det]:kmax] *= self._weight[det][slc] # the inner products cplx_hd = h[slc].inner(self._whitened_data[det][slc]) # <h, d> hh = h[slc].inner(h[slc]).real # < h, h> cplx_loglr = cplx_hd - 0.5 * hh # store setattr(self._current_stats, '{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det), hh) setattr(self._current_stats, '{}_cplx_loglr'.format(det), cplx_loglr) lr += cplx_loglr.real # also store the loglikelihood, to ensure it is populated in the # current stats even if loglikelihood is never called self._current_stats.loglikelihood = lr + self.lognl return float(lr)
[docs] def det_cplx_loglr(self, det): """Returns the complex log likelihood ratio in the given detector. Parameters ---------- det : str The name of the detector. Returns ------- complex float : The complex log likelihood ratio. """ # try to get it from current stats try: return getattr(self._current_stats, '{}_cplx_loglr'.format(det)) except AttributeError: # hasn't been calculated yet; call loglr to do so self._loglr() # now try returning again return getattr(self._current_stats, '{}_cplx_loglr'.format(det))
[docs] def det_optimal_snrsq(self, det): """Returns the opitmal SNR squared in the given detector. Parameters ---------- det : str The name of the detector. Returns ------- float : The opimtal SNR squared. """ # try to get it from current stats try: return getattr(self._current_stats, '{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det)) except AttributeError: # hasn't been calculated yet; call loglr to do so self._loglr() # now try returning again return getattr(self._current_stats, '{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det))
# # ============================================================================= # # Support functions # # ============================================================================= #
[docs] def get_values_from_injection(cp, injection_file, update_cp=True): """Replaces all FROM_INJECTION values in a config file with the corresponding value from the injection. This looks for any options that start with ``FROM_INJECTION[:ARG]`` in a config file. It then replaces that value with the corresponding value from the injection file. An argument may be optionally provided, in which case the argument will be retrieved from the injection file. Functions of parameters in the injection file may be used; the syntax and functions available is the same as the ``--parameters`` argument in executables such as ``pycbc_inference_extract_samples``. If no ``ARG`` is provided, then the option name will try to be retrieved from the injection. For example, .. code-block:: ini mass1 = FROM_INJECTION will cause ``mass1`` to be retrieved from the injection file, while: .. code-block:: ini mass1 = FROM_INJECTION:'primary_mass(mass1, mass2)' will cause the larger of mass1 and mass2 to be retrieved from the injection file. Note that if spaces are in the argument, it must be encased in single quotes. The injection file may contain only one injection. Otherwise, a ValueError will be raised. Parameters ---------- cp : ConfigParser The config file within which to replace values. injection_file : str or None The injection file to get values from. A ValueError will be raised if there are any ``FROM_INJECTION`` values in the config file, and injection file is None, or if there is more than one injection. update_cp : bool, optional Update the config parser with the replaced parameters. If False, will just retrieve the parameter values to update, without updating the config file. Default is True. Returns ------- list The parameters that were replaced, as a tuple of section name, option, value. """ lookfor = 'FROM_INJECTION' # figure out what parameters need to be set replace_params = [] for sec in cp.sections(): for opt in cp.options(sec): val = cp.get(sec, opt) splitvals = shlex.split(val) replace_this = [] for ii, subval in enumerate(splitvals): if subval.startswith(lookfor): # determine what we should retrieve from the injection subval = subval.split(':', 1) if len(subval) == 1: subval = opt else: subval = subval[1] replace_this.append((ii, subval)) if replace_this: replace_params.append((sec, opt, splitvals, replace_this)) if replace_params: # check that we have an injection file if injection_file is None: raise ValueError("One or values are set to {}, but no injection " "file provided".format(lookfor)) # load the injection file inj = InjectionSet(injection_file).table.view(type=FieldArray) # make sure there's only one injection provided if inj.size > 1: raise ValueError("One or more values are set to {}, but more than " "one injection exists in the injection file." .format(lookfor)) # get the injection values to replace for ii, (sec, opt, splitvals, replace_this) in enumerate(replace_params): # replace the value in the shlex-splitted string with the value # from the injection for jj, arg in replace_this: splitvals[jj] = str(inj[arg][0]) # now rejoin the string... # shlex will strip quotes around arguments; this can be problematic # when rejoining if the the argument had a space in it. In python 3.8 # there is a shlex.join function which properly rejoins things taking # that into account. Since we need to continue to support earlier # versions of python, the following kludge tries to account for that. # If/when we drop support for all earlier versions of python, then the # following can just be replaced by: # replace_val = shlex.join(splitvals) for jj, arg in enumerate(splitvals): if ' ' in arg: arg = "'" + arg + "'" splitvals[jj] = arg replace_val = ' '.join(splitvals) replace_params[ii] = (sec, opt, replace_val) # replace in the config file if update_cp: for (sec, opt, replace_val) in replace_params: cp.set(sec, opt, replace_val) return replace_params
[docs] def create_waveform_generator( variable_params, data, waveform_transforms=None, recalibration=None, gates=None, generator_class=generator.FDomainDetFrameGenerator, **static_params): r"""Creates a waveform generator for use with a model. Parameters ---------- variable_params : list of str The names of the parameters varied. data : dict Dictionary mapping detector names to either a :py:class:`<pycbc.types.TimeSeries TimeSeries>` or :py:class:`<pycbc.types.FrequencySeries FrequencySeries>`. waveform_transforms : list, optional The list of transforms applied to convert variable parameters into parameters that will be understood by the waveform generator. recalibration : dict, optional Dictionary mapping detector names to :py:class:`<pycbc.calibration.Recalibrate>` instances for recalibrating data. gates : dict of tuples, optional Dictionary of detectors -> tuples of specifying gate times. The sort of thing returned by :py:func:`pycbc.gate.gates_from_cli`. generator_class : detector-frame fdomain generator, optional Class to use for generating waveforms. Default is :py:class:`waveform.generator.FDomainDetFrameGenerator`. \**static_params : All other keyword arguments are passed as static parameters to the waveform generator. Returns ------- pycbc.waveform.FDomainDetFrameGenerator A waveform generator for frequency domain generation. """ # the waveform generator will get the variable_params + the output # of the waveform transforms, so we'll add them to the list of # parameters if waveform_transforms is not None: wfoutputs = set.union(*[t.outputs for t in waveform_transforms]) else: wfoutputs = set() variable_params = list(variable_params) + list(wfoutputs) # figure out what generator to use based on the approximant try: approximant = static_params['approximant'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("no approximant provided in the static args") dm = static_params.get('preferred_domain', None) if isinstance(dm, str) and dm.lower() == 'none': dm = None gen_function = generator_class.select_rframe_generator(approximant, dm) # get data parameters; we'll just use one of the data to get the # values, then check that all the others are the same delta_f = None for d in data.values(): if delta_f is None: delta_f = d.delta_f delta_t = d.delta_t start_time = d.start_time else: if not all([d.delta_f == delta_f, d.delta_t == delta_t, d.start_time == start_time]): raise ValueError("data must all have the same delta_t, " "delta_f, and start_time") waveform_generator = generator_class( gen_function, epoch=start_time, variable_args=variable_params, detectors=list(data.keys()), delta_f=delta_f, delta_t=delta_t, recalib=recalibration, gates=gates, **static_params) return waveform_generator