Source code for pycbc.inference.models.marginalized_gaussian_noise

# Copyright (C) 2018  Charlie Hoy, Collin Capano
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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"""This module provides model classes that assume the noise is Gaussian and
allows for the likelihood to be marginalized over phase and/or time and/or

import itertools
import logging
import numpy
from scipy import special

from pycbc.waveform import generator
from pycbc.waveform import (NoWaveformError, FailedWaveformError)
from pycbc.detector import Detector
from .gaussian_noise import (BaseGaussianNoise,
from .tools import marginalize_likelihood, DistMarg

[docs]class MarginalizedPhaseGaussianNoise(GaussianNoise): r"""The likelihood is analytically marginalized over phase. This class can be used with signal models that can be written as: .. math:: \tilde{h}(f; \Theta, \phi) = A(f; \Theta)e^{i\Psi(f; \Theta) + i \phi}, where :math:`\phi` is an arbitrary phase constant. This phase constant can be analytically marginalized over with a uniform prior as follows: assuming the noise is stationary and Gaussian (see `GaussianNoise` for details), the posterior is: .. math:: p(\Theta,\phi|d) &\propto p(\Theta)p(\phi)p(d|\Theta,\phi) \\ &\propto p(\Theta)\frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left[ -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i}^{N_D} \left< h_i(\Theta,\phi) - d_i, h_i(\Theta,\phi) - d_i \right>\right]. Here, the sum is over the number of detectors :math:`N_D`, :math:`d_i` and :math:`h_i` are the data and signal in detector :math:`i`, respectively, and we have assumed a uniform prior on :math:`\phi \in [0, 2\pi)`. With the form of the signal model given above, the inner product in the exponent can be written as: .. math:: -\frac{1}{2}\left<h_i - d_i, h_i- d_i\right> &= \left<h_i, d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<h_i, h_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<d_i, d_i\right> \\ &= \Re\left\{O(h^0_i, d_i)e^{-i\phi}\right\} - \frac{1}{2}\left<h^0_i, h^0_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<d_i, d_i\right>, where: .. math:: h_i^0 &\equiv \tilde{h}_i(f; \Theta, \phi=0); \\ O(h^0_i, d_i) &\equiv 4 \int_0^\infty \frac{\tilde{h}_i^*(f; \Theta,0)\tilde{d}_i(f)}{S_n(f)}\mathrm{d}f. Gathering all of the terms that are not dependent on :math:`\phi` together: .. math:: \alpha(\Theta, d) \equiv \exp\left[-\frac{1}{2}\sum_i \left<h^0_i, h^0_i\right> + \left<d_i, d_i\right>\right], we can marginalize the posterior over :math:`\phi`: .. math:: p(\Theta|d) &\propto p(\Theta)\alpha(\Theta,d)\frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{0}^{2\pi}\exp\left[\Re \left\{ e^{-i\phi} \sum_i O(h^0_i, d_i) \right\}\right]\mathrm{d}\phi \\ &\propto p(\Theta)\alpha(\Theta, d)\frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{0}^{2\pi}\exp\left[ x(\Theta,d)\cos(\phi) + y(\Theta, d)\sin(\phi) \right]\mathrm{d}\phi. The integral in the last line is equal to :math:`2\pi I_0(\sqrt{x^2+y^2})`, where :math:`I_0` is the modified Bessel function of the first kind. Thus the marginalized posterior is: .. math:: p(\Theta|d) \propto I_0\left(\left|\sum_i O(h^0_i, d_i)\right|\right) p(\Theta)\exp\left[\frac{1}{2}\sum_i\left( \left<h^0_i, h^0_i\right> - \left<d_i, d_i\right> \right)\right] """ name = 'marginalized_phase' def __init__(self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, normalize=False, static_params=None, **kwargs): # set up the boiler-plate attributes super(MarginalizedPhaseGaussianNoise, self).__init__( variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=psds, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff, normalize=normalize, static_params=static_params, **kwargs) @property def _extra_stats(self): """Adds ``loglr``, plus ``cplx_loglr`` and ``optimal_snrsq`` in each detector.""" return ['loglr', 'maxl_phase'] + \ ['{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det) for det in self._data] def _nowaveform_loglr(self): """Convenience function to set loglr values if no waveform generated. """ setattr(self._current_stats, 'loglikelihood', -numpy.inf) # maxl phase doesn't exist, so set it to nan setattr(self._current_stats, 'maxl_phase', numpy.nan) for det in self._data: # snr can't be < 0 by definition, so return 0 setattr(self._current_stats, '{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det), 0.) return -numpy.inf def _loglr(self): r"""Computes the log likelihood ratio, .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = I_0 \left(\left|\sum_i O(h^0_i, d_i)\right|\right) - \frac{1}{2}\left<h^0_i, h^0_i\right>, at the current point in parameter space :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio evaluated at the given point. """ params = self.current_params try: if self.all_ifodata_same_rate_length: wfs = self.waveform_generator.generate(**params) else: wfs = {} for det in wfs.update(self.waveform_generator[det].generate(**params)) except NoWaveformError: return self._nowaveform_loglr() except FailedWaveformError as e: if self.ignore_failed_waveforms: return self._nowaveform_loglr() else: raise e hh = 0. hd = 0j for det, h in wfs.items(): # the kmax of the waveforms may be different than internal kmax kmax = min(len(h), self._kmax[det]) if self._kmin[det] >= kmax: # if the waveform terminates before the filtering low frequency # cutoff, then the loglr is just 0 for this detector hh_i = 0. hd_i = 0j else: # whiten the waveform h[self._kmin[det]:kmax] *= \ self._weight[det][self._kmin[det]:kmax] # calculate inner products hh_i = h[self._kmin[det]:kmax].inner( h[self._kmin[det]:kmax]).real hd_i = h[self._kmin[det]:kmax].inner( self._whitened_data[det][self._kmin[det]:kmax]) # store setattr(self._current_stats, '{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det), hh_i) hh += hh_i hd += hd_i self._current_stats.maxl_phase = numpy.angle(hd) return marginalize_likelihood(hd, hh, phase=True)
[docs]class MarginalizedTime(DistMarg, BaseGaussianNoise): r""" This likelihood numerically marginalizes over time This likelihood is optimized for marginalizing over time, but can also handle marginalization over polarization, phase (where appropriate), and sky location. The time series is interpolated using a quadratic apparoximation for sub-sample times. """ name = 'marginalized_time' def __init__(self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, normalize=False, sample_rate=None, **kwargs): self.sample_rate = float(sample_rate) self.kwargs = kwargs variable_params, kwargs = self.setup_marginalization( variable_params, **kwargs) # set up the boiler-plate attributes super(MarginalizedTime, self).__init__( variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=psds, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff, normalize=normalize, **kwargs) # Determine if all data have the same sampling rate and segment length if self.all_ifodata_same_rate_length: # create a waveform generator for all ifos self.waveform_generator = create_waveform_generator( self.variable_params,, waveform_transforms=self.waveform_transforms, recalibration=self.recalibration, generator_class=generator.FDomainDetFrameTwoPolNoRespGenerator, gates=self.gates, **kwargs['static_params']) else: # create a waveform generator for each ifo respectively self.waveform_generator = {} for det in self.waveform_generator[det] = create_waveform_generator( self.variable_params, {det:[det]}, waveform_transforms=self.waveform_transforms, recalibration=self.recalibration, generator_class=generator.FDomainDetFrameTwoPolNoRespGenerator, gates=self.gates, **kwargs['static_params']) self.dets = {} if sample_rate is not None: for ifo in if self.sample_rate <[ifo].sample_rate: raise ValueError("Model sample rate was set less than the" " data. ")"Using %s sample rate for marginalization", sample_rate) def _nowaveform_loglr(self): """Convenience function to set loglr values if no waveform generated. """ return -numpy.inf def _loglr(self): r"""Computes the log likelihood ratio, .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = \sum_i \left<h_i(\Theta)|d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<h_i(\Theta)|h_i(\Theta)\right>, at the current parameter values :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio. """ from pycbc.filter import matched_filter_core params = self.current_params try: if self.all_ifodata_same_rate_length: wfs = self.waveform_generator.generate(**params) else: wfs = {} for det in wfs.update(self.waveform_generator[det].generate(**params)) except NoWaveformError: return self._nowaveform_loglr() except FailedWaveformError as e: if self.ignore_failed_waveforms: return self._nowaveform_loglr() else: raise e sh_total = hh_total = 0. snr_estimate = {} cplx_hpd = {} cplx_hcd = {} hphp = {} hchc = {} hphc = {} for det, (hp, hc) in wfs.items(): # the kmax of the waveforms may be different than internal kmax kmax = min(max(len(hp), len(hc)), self._kmax[det]) slc = slice(self._kmin[det], kmax) # whiten both polarizations hp[self._kmin[det]:kmax] *= self._weight[det][slc] hc[self._kmin[det]:kmax] *= self._weight[det][slc] # Use a higher sample rate if requested if self.sample_rate is not None: tlen = int(round(self.sample_rate * self.whitened_data[det].duration)) flen = tlen // 2 + 1 hp.resize(flen) hc.resize(flen) self._whitened_data[det].resize(flen) cplx_hpd[det], _, _ = matched_filter_core( hp, self._whitened_data[det], low_frequency_cutoff=self._f_lower[det], high_frequency_cutoff=self._f_upper[det], h_norm=1) cplx_hcd[det], _, _ = matched_filter_core( hc, self._whitened_data[det], low_frequency_cutoff=self._f_lower[det], high_frequency_cutoff=self._f_upper[det], h_norm=1) hphp[det] = hp[slc].inner(hp[slc]).real hchc[det] = hc[slc].inner(hc[slc]).real hphc[det] = hp[slc].inner(hc[slc]).real snr_proxy = ((cplx_hpd[det] / hphp[det] ** 0.5).squared_norm() + (cplx_hcd[det] / hchc[det] ** 0.5).squared_norm()) snr_estimate[det] = (0.5 * snr_proxy) ** 0.5 self.draw_ifos(snr_estimate, log=False, **self.kwargs) self.snr_draw(snrs=snr_estimate) for det in wfs: if det not in self.dets: self.dets[det] = Detector(det) if self.precalc_antenna_factors: fp, fc, dt = self.get_precalc_antenna_factors(det) else: fp, fc = self.dets[det].antenna_pattern( params['ra'], params['dec'], params['polarization'], params['tc']) dt = self.dets[det].time_delay_from_earth_center(params['ra'], params['dec'], params['tc']) dtc = params['tc'] + dt cplx_hd = fp * cplx_hpd[det].at_time(dtc, interpolate='quadratic') cplx_hd += fc * cplx_hcd[det].at_time(dtc, interpolate='quadratic') hh = (fp * fp * hphp[det] + fc * fc * hchc[det] + 2.0 * fp * fc * hphc[det]) sh_total += cplx_hd hh_total += hh loglr = self.marginalize_loglr(sh_total, hh_total) return loglr
[docs]class MarginalizedPolarization(DistMarg, BaseGaussianNoise): r""" This likelihood numerically marginalizes over polarization angle This class implements the Gaussian likelihood with an explicit numerical marginalization over polarization angle. This is accomplished using a fixed set of integration points distribution uniformation between 0 and 2pi. By default, 1000 integration points are used. The 'polarization_samples' argument can be passed to set an alternate number of integration points. """ name = 'marginalized_polarization' def __init__(self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, normalize=False, polarization_samples=1000, **kwargs): variable_params, kwargs = self.setup_marginalization( variable_params, polarization_samples=polarization_samples, **kwargs) # set up the boiler-plate attributes super(MarginalizedPolarization, self).__init__( variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=psds, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff, normalize=normalize, **kwargs) # Determine if all data have the same sampling rate and segment length if self.all_ifodata_same_rate_length: # create a waveform generator for all ifos self.waveform_generator = create_waveform_generator( self.variable_params,, waveform_transforms=self.waveform_transforms, recalibration=self.recalibration, generator_class=generator.FDomainDetFrameTwoPolGenerator, gates=self.gates, **kwargs['static_params']) else: # create a waveform generator for each ifo respectively self.waveform_generator = {} for det in self.waveform_generator[det] = create_waveform_generator( self.variable_params, {det:[det]}, waveform_transforms=self.waveform_transforms, recalibration=self.recalibration, generator_class=generator.FDomainDetFrameTwoPolGenerator, gates=self.gates, **kwargs['static_params']) self.dets = {} @property def _extra_stats(self): """Adds ``loglr``, ``maxl_polarization``, and the ``optimal_snrsq`` in each detector. """ return ['loglr', 'maxl_polarization', 'maxl_loglr'] + \ ['{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det) for det in self._data] def _nowaveform_loglr(self): """Convenience function to set loglr values if no waveform generated. """ setattr(self._current_stats, 'loglr', -numpy.inf) # maxl phase doesn't exist, so set it to nan setattr(self._current_stats, 'maxl_polarization', numpy.nan) for det in self._data: # snr can't be < 0 by definition, so return 0 setattr(self._current_stats, '{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det), 0.) return -numpy.inf def _loglr(self): r"""Computes the log likelihood ratio, .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = \sum_i \left<h_i(\Theta)|d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<h_i(\Theta)|h_i(\Theta)\right>, at the current parameter values :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio. """ params = self.current_params try: if self.all_ifodata_same_rate_length: wfs = self.waveform_generator.generate(**params) else: wfs = {} for det in wfs.update(self.waveform_generator[det].generate(**params)) except NoWaveformError: return self._nowaveform_loglr() except FailedWaveformError as e: if self.ignore_failed_waveforms: return self._nowaveform_loglr() else: raise e lr = sh_total = hh_total = 0. for det, (hp, hc) in wfs.items(): if det not in self.dets: self.dets[det] = Detector(det) fp, fc = self.dets[det].antenna_pattern( params['ra'], params['dec'], params['polarization'], params['tc']) # the kmax of the waveforms may be different than internal kmax kmax = min(max(len(hp), len(hc)), self._kmax[det]) slc = slice(self._kmin[det], kmax) # whiten both polarizations hp[self._kmin[det]:kmax] *= self._weight[det][slc] hc[self._kmin[det]:kmax] *= self._weight[det][slc] # h = fp * hp + hc * hc # <h, d> = fp * <hp,d> + fc * <hc,d> # the inner products cplx_hpd = hp[slc].inner(self._whitened_data[det][slc]) # <hp, d> cplx_hcd = hc[slc].inner(self._whitened_data[det][slc]) # <hc, d> cplx_hd = fp * cplx_hpd + fc * cplx_hcd # <h, h> = <fp * hp + fc * hc, fp * hp + fc * hc> # = Real(fpfp * <hp,hp> + fcfc * <hc,hc> + \ # fphc * (<hp, hc> + <hc, hp>)) hphp = hp[slc].inner(hp[slc]).real # < hp, hp> hchc = hc[slc].inner(hc[slc]).real # <hc, hc> # Below could be combined, but too tired to figure out # if there should be a sign applied if so hphc = hp[slc].inner(hc[slc]).real # <hp, hc> hchp = hc[slc].inner(hp[slc]).real # <hc, hp> hh = fp * fp * hphp + fc * fc * hchc + fp * fc * (hphc + hchp) # store setattr(self._current_stats, '{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det), hh) sh_total += cplx_hd hh_total += hh lr, idx, maxl = self.marginalize_loglr(sh_total, hh_total, return_peak=True) # store the maxl polarization setattr(self._current_stats, 'maxl_polarization', params['polarization']) setattr(self._current_stats, 'maxl_loglr', maxl) # just store the maxl optimal snrsq for det in wfs: p = '{}_optimal_snrsq'.format(det) setattr(self._current_stats, p, getattr(self._current_stats, p)[idx]) return lr
[docs]class MarginalizedHMPolPhase(BaseGaussianNoise): r"""Numerically marginalizes waveforms with higher modes over polarization `and` phase. This class implements the Gaussian likelihood with an explicit numerical marginalization over polarization angle and orbital phase. This is accomplished using a fixed set of integration points distributed uniformly between 0 and 2:math:`\pi` for both the polarization and phase. By default, 100 integration points are used for each parameter, giving :math:`10^4` evaluation points in total. This can be modified using the ``polarization_samples`` and ``coa_phase_samples`` arguments. This only works with waveforms that return separate spherical harmonic modes for each waveform. For a list of currently supported approximants, see :py:func:`pycbc.waveform.waveform_modes.fd_waveform_mode_approximants` and :py:func:`pycbc.waveform.waveform_modes.td_waveform_mode_approximants`. Parameters ---------- variable_params : (tuple of) string(s) A tuple of parameter names that will be varied. data : dict A dictionary of data, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the data (assumed to be unwhitened). All data must have the same frequency resolution. low_frequency_cutoff : dict A dictionary of starting frequencies, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the starting frequencies for the respective detectors to be used for computing inner products. psds : dict, optional A dictionary of FrequencySeries keyed by the detector names. The dictionary must have a psd for each detector specified in the data dictionary. If provided, the inner products in each detector will be weighted by 1/psd of that detector. high_frequency_cutoff : dict, optional A dictionary of ending frequencies, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the ending frequencies for the respective detectors to be used for computing inner products. If not provided, the minimum of the largest frequency stored in the data and a given waveform will be used. normalize : bool, optional If True, the normalization factor :math:`alpha` will be included in the log likelihood. See :py:class:`GaussianNoise` for details. Default is to not include it. polarization_samples : int, optional How many points to use in polarization. Default is 100. coa_phase_samples : int, optional How many points to use in phase. Defaults is 100. \**kwargs : All other keyword arguments are passed to :py:class:`BaseGaussianNoise <pycbc.inference.models.gaussian_noise.BaseGaussianNoise>`. """ name = 'marginalized_hmpolphase' def __init__(self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=None, high_frequency_cutoff=None, normalize=False, polarization_samples=100, coa_phase_samples=100, static_params=None, **kwargs): # set up the boiler-plate attributes super(MarginalizedHMPolPhase, self).__init__( variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, psds=psds, high_frequency_cutoff=high_frequency_cutoff, normalize=normalize, static_params=static_params, **kwargs) # create the waveform generator self.waveform_generator = create_waveform_generator( self.variable_params,, waveform_transforms=self.waveform_transforms, recalibration=self.recalibration, generator_class=generator.FDomainDetFrameModesGenerator, gates=self.gates, **self.static_params) pol = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, polarization_samples) phase = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, coa_phase_samples) # remap to every combination of the parameters # this gets every combination by mappin them to an NxM grid # one needs to be transposed so that they run allong opposite # dimensions n = coa_phase_samples * polarization_samples self.nsamples = n self.pol = numpy.resize(pol, n) phase = numpy.resize(phase, n) phase = phase.reshape(coa_phase_samples, polarization_samples) self.phase = phase.T.flatten() self._phase_fac = {} self.dets = {}
[docs] def phase_fac(self, m): r"""The phase :math:`\exp[i m \phi]`.""" try: return self._phase_fac[m] except KeyError: # hasn't been computed yet, calculate it self._phase_fac[m] = numpy.exp(1.0j * m * self.phase) return self._phase_fac[m]
@property def _extra_stats(self): """Adds ``maxl_polarization`` and the ``maxl_phase`` """ return ['maxl_polarization', 'maxl_phase', ] def _nowaveform_loglr(self): """Convenience function to set loglr values if no waveform generated. """ # maxl phase doesn't exist, so set it to nan setattr(self._current_stats, 'maxl_polarization', numpy.nan) setattr(self._current_stats, 'maxl_phase', numpy.nan) return -numpy.inf def _loglr(self, return_unmarginalized=False): r"""Computes the log likelihood ratio, .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = \sum_i \left<h_i(\Theta)|d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<h_i(\Theta)|h_i(\Theta)\right>, at the current parameter values :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio. """ params = self.current_params try: wfs = self.waveform_generator.generate(**params) except NoWaveformError: return self._nowaveform_loglr() except FailedWaveformError as e: if self.ignore_failed_waveforms: return self._nowaveform_loglr() else: raise e # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some optimizations not yet taken: # * higher m calculations could have a lot of redundancy # * fp/fc need not be calculated except where polarization is different # * may be possible to simplify this by making smarter use of real/imag # --------------------------------------------------------------------- lr = 0. hds = {} hhs = {} for det, modes in wfs.items(): if det not in self.dets: self.dets[det] = Detector(det) fp, fc = self.dets[det].antenna_pattern(params['ra'], params['dec'], self.pol, params['tc']) # loop over modes and prepare the waveform modes # we will sum up zetalm = glm <ulm, d> + i glm <vlm, d> # over all common m so that we can apply the phase once zetas = {} rlms = {} slms = {} for mode in modes: l, m = mode ulm, vlm = modes[mode] # whiten the waveforms # the kmax of the waveforms may be different than internal kmax kmax = min(max(len(ulm), len(vlm)), self._kmax[det]) slc = slice(self._kmin[det], kmax) ulm[self._kmin[det]:kmax] *= self._weight[det][slc] vlm[self._kmin[det]:kmax] *= self._weight[det][slc] # the inner products # <ulm, d> ulmd = ulm[slc].inner(self._whitened_data[det][slc]).real # <vlm, d> vlmd = vlm[slc].inner(self._whitened_data[det][slc]).real # add inclination, and pack into a complex number import lal glm = lal.SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonic( params['inclination'], 0, -2, l, m).real if m not in zetas: zetas[m] = 0j zetas[m] += glm * (ulmd + 1j*vlmd) # Get condense set of the parts of the waveform that only diff # by m, this is used next to help calculate <h, h> r = glm * ulm s = glm * vlm if m not in rlms: rlms[m] = r slms[m] = s else: rlms[m] += r slms[m] += s # now compute all possible <hlm, hlm> rr_m = {} ss_m = {} rs_m = {} sr_m = {} combos = itertools.combinations_with_replacement(rlms.keys(), 2) for m, mprime in combos: r = rlms[m] s = slms[m] rprime = rlms[mprime] sprime = slms[mprime] rr_m[mprime, m] = r[slc].inner(rprime[slc]).real ss_m[mprime, m] = s[slc].inner(sprime[slc]).real rs_m[mprime, m] = s[slc].inner(rprime[slc]).real sr_m[mprime, m] = r[slc].inner(sprime[slc]).real # store the conjugate for easy retrieval later rr_m[m, mprime] = rr_m[mprime, m] ss_m[m, mprime] = ss_m[mprime, m] rs_m[m, mprime] = sr_m[mprime, m] sr_m[m, mprime] = rs_m[mprime, m] # now apply the phase to all the common ms hpd = 0. hcd = 0. hphp = 0. hchc = 0. hphc = 0. for m, zeta in zetas.items(): phase_coeff = self.phase_fac(m) # <h+, d> = (exp[i m phi] * zeta).real() # <hx, d> = -(exp[i m phi] * zeta).imag() z = phase_coeff * zeta hpd += z.real hcd -= z.imag # now calculate the contribution to <h, h> cosm = phase_coeff.real sinm = phase_coeff.imag for mprime in zetas: pcprime = self.phase_fac(mprime) cosmprime = pcprime.real sinmprime = pcprime.imag # needed components rr = rr_m[m, mprime] ss = ss_m[m, mprime] rs = rs_m[m, mprime] sr = sr_m[m, mprime] # <hp, hp> hphp += rr * cosm * cosmprime \ + ss * sinm * sinmprime \ - rs * cosm * sinmprime \ - sr * sinm * cosmprime # <hc, hc> hchc += rr * sinm * sinmprime \ + ss * cosm * cosmprime \ + rs * sinm * cosmprime \ + sr * cosm * sinmprime # <hp, hc> hphc += -rr * cosm * sinmprime \ + ss * sinm * cosmprime \ + sr * sinm * sinmprime \ - rs * cosm * cosmprime # Now apply the polarizations and calculate the loglr # We have h = Fp * hp + Fc * hc # loglr = <h, d> - <h, h>/2 # = Fp*<hp, d> + Fc*<hc, d> # - (1/2)*(Fp*Fp*<hp, hp> + Fc*Fc*<hc, hc> # + 2*Fp*Fc<hp, hc>) # (in the last line we have made use of the time series being # real, so that <a, b> = <b, a>). hd = fp * hpd + fc * hcd hh = fp * fp * hphp + fc * fc * hchc + 2 * fp * fc * hphc hds[det] = hd hhs[det] = hh lr += hd - 0.5 * hh if return_unmarginalized: return self.pol, self.phase, lr, hds, hhs lr_total = special.logsumexp(lr) - numpy.log(self.nsamples) # store the maxl values idx = lr.argmax() setattr(self._current_stats, 'maxl_polarization', self.pol[idx]) setattr(self._current_stats, 'maxl_phase', self.phase[idx]) return float(lr_total)