Source code for pycbc.inference.models.relbin

# Copyright (C) 2020  Daniel Finstad
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
"""This module provides model classes and functions for implementing
a relative binning likelihood for parameter estimation.

import logging
import numpy
import itertools
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from pycbc.waveform import (get_fd_waveform_sequence,
                            get_fd_det_waveform_sequence, fd_det_sequence)
from pycbc.detector import Detector
from pycbc.types import Array, TimeSeries

from .gaussian_noise import BaseGaussianNoise
from .relbin_cpu import (likelihood_parts, likelihood_parts_v,
                         likelihood_parts_multi, likelihood_parts_multi_v,
                         likelihood_parts_det, likelihood_parts_det_multi,
                         likelihood_parts_vectorp, snr_predictor,
from .tools import DistMarg

[docs]def setup_bins(f_full, f_lo, f_hi, chi=1.0, eps=0.1, gammas=None, ): """Construct frequency bins for use in a relative likelihood model. For details, see [Barak, Dai & Venumadhav 2018]. Parameters ---------- f_full : array The full resolution array of frequencies being used in the analysis. f_lo : float The starting frequency used in matched filtering. This will be the left edge of the first frequency bin. f_hi : float The ending frequency used in matched filtering. This will be the right edge of the last frequency bin. chi : float, optional Tunable parameter, see [Barak, Dai & Venumadhav 2018] eps : float, optional Tunable parameter, see [Barak, Dai & Venumadhav 2018]. Lower values result in larger number of bins. gammas : array, optional Frequency powerlaw indices to be used in computing bins. Returns ------- nbin : int Number of bins. fbin : numpy.array of floats Bin edge frequencies. fbin_ind : numpy.array of ints Indices of bin edges in full frequency array. """ f = numpy.linspace(f_lo, f_hi, 10000) # f^ga power law index ga = ( gammas if gammas is not None else numpy.array([-5.0 / 3, -2.0 / 3, 1.0, 5.0 / 3, 7.0 / 3]) )"Using powerlaw indices: %s", ga) dalp = chi * 2.0 * numpy.pi / numpy.absolute((f_lo ** ga) - (f_hi ** ga)) dphi = numpy.sum( numpy.array([numpy.sign(g) * d * (f ** g) for g, d in zip(ga, dalp)]), axis=0, ) dphi_diff = dphi - dphi[0] # now construct frequency bins nbin = int(dphi_diff[-1] / eps) dphi2f = interp1d( dphi_diff, f, kind="slinear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0 ) dphi_grid = numpy.linspace(dphi_diff[0], dphi_diff[-1], nbin + 1) # frequency grid points fbin = dphi2f(dphi_grid) # indices of frequency grid points in the FFT array fbin_ind = numpy.searchsorted(f_full, fbin) for idx_fbin, idx_f_full in enumerate(fbin_ind): if idx_f_full == 0: curr_idx = 0 elif idx_f_full == len(f_full): curr_idx = len(f_full) - 1 else: abs1 = abs(f_full[idx_f_full] - fbin[idx_fbin]) abs2 = abs(f_full[idx_f_full-1] - fbin[idx_fbin]) if abs1 > abs2: curr_idx = idx_f_full - 1 else: curr_idx = idx_f_full fbin_ind[idx_fbin] = curr_idx fbin_ind = numpy.unique(fbin_ind) return fbin_ind
[docs]class Relative(DistMarg, BaseGaussianNoise): r"""Model that assumes the likelihood in a region around the peak is slowly varying such that a linear approximation can be made, and likelihoods can be calculated at a coarser frequency resolution. For more details on the implementation, see This model requires the use of a fiducial waveform whose parameters are near the peak of the likelihood. The fiducial waveform and all template waveforms used in likelihood calculation are currently generated using the SPAtmplt approximant. For more details on initialization parameters and definition of terms, see :py:class:`BaseGaussianNoise`. Parameters ---------- variable_params : (tuple of) string(s) A tuple of parameter names that will be varied. data : dict A dictionary of data, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the data (assumed to be unwhitened). All data must have the same frequency resolution. low_frequency_cutoff : dict A dictionary of starting frequencies, in which the keys are the detector names and the values are the starting frequencies for the respective detectors to be used for computing inner products. figucial_params : dict A dictionary of waveform parameters to be used for generating the fiducial waveform. Keys must be parameter names in the form 'PARAM_ref' where PARAM is a recognized extrinsic parameter or an intrinsic parameter compatible with the chosen approximant. gammas : array of floats, optional Frequency powerlaw indices to be used in computing frequency bins. epsilon : float, optional Tuning parameter used in calculating the frequency bins. Lower values will result in higher resolution and more bins. earth_rotation: boolean, optional Default is False. If True, then vary the fp/fc polarization values as a function of frequency bin, using a predetermined PN approximation for the time offsets. \**kwargs : All other keyword arguments are passed to :py:class:`BaseGaussianNoise`. """ name = "relative" def __init__( self, variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, fiducial_params=None, gammas=None, epsilon=0.5, earth_rotation=False, earth_rotation_mode=2, marginalize_phase=True, **kwargs ): variable_params, kwargs = self.setup_marginalization( variable_params, marginalize_phase=marginalize_phase, **kwargs) super(Relative, self).__init__( variable_params, data, low_frequency_cutoff, **kwargs ) # If the waveform needs us to apply the detector response, # set flag to true (most cases for ground-based observatories). self.still_needs_det_response = False if self.static_params['approximant'] in fd_det_sequence: self.still_needs_det_response = True # reference waveform and bin edges self.f, self.df, self.end_time, self.det = {}, {}, {}, {} self.h00, self.h00_sparse = {}, {} self.fedges, self.edges = {}, {} self.ta, self.antenna_time = {}, {} # filtered summary data for linear approximation self.sdat = {} # store fiducial waveform params self.fid_params = self.static_params.copy() self.fid_params.update(fiducial_params) # the flag used in `_loglr` self.return_sh_hh = False for k in self.static_params: if self.fid_params[k] == 'REPLACE': self.fid_params.pop(k) for ifo in data: # store data and frequencies d0 =[ifo] self.f[ifo] = numpy.array(d0.sample_frequencies) self.df[ifo] = d0.delta_f self.end_time[ifo] = float(d0.end_time) # generate fiducial waveform f_lo = self.kmin[ifo] * self.df[ifo] f_hi = self.kmax[ifo] * self.df[ifo] "%s: Generating fiducial waveform from %s to %s Hz", ifo, f_lo, f_hi, ) # prune low frequency samples to avoid waveform errors fpoints = Array(self.f[ifo].astype(numpy.float64)) fpoints = fpoints[self.kmin[ifo]:self.kmax[ifo]+1] if self.still_needs_det_response: wave = get_fd_det_waveform_sequence(ifos=ifo, sample_points=fpoints, **self.fid_params) curr_wav = wave[ifo] self.ta[ifo] = 0. else: fid_hp, fid_hc = get_fd_waveform_sequence(sample_points=fpoints, **self.fid_params) # Apply detector response if not handled by # the waveform generator self.det[ifo] = Detector(ifo) dt = self.det[ifo].time_delay_from_earth_center( self.fid_params["ra"], self.fid_params["dec"], self.fid_params["tc"], ) self.ta[ifo] = self.fid_params["tc"] + dt fp, fc = self.det[ifo].antenna_pattern( self.fid_params["ra"], self.fid_params["dec"], self.fid_params["polarization"], self.fid_params["tc"]) curr_wav = (fid_hp * fp + fid_hc * fc) # check for zeros at low and high frequencies # make sure only nonzero samples are included in bins numzeros_lo = list(curr_wav != 0j).index(True) if numzeros_lo > 0: new_kmin = self.kmin[ifo] + numzeros_lo f_lo = new_kmin * self.df[ifo] "WARNING! Fiducial waveform starts above " "low-frequency-cutoff, initial bin frequency " "will be %s Hz", f_lo) numzeros_hi = list(curr_wav[::-1] != 0j).index(True) if numzeros_hi > 0: new_kmax = self.kmax[ifo] - numzeros_hi f_hi = new_kmax * self.df[ifo] "WARNING! Fiducial waveform terminates below " "high-frequency-cutoff, final bin frequency " "will be %s Hz", f_hi) self.ta[ifo] -= self.end_time[ifo] curr_wav.resize(len(self.f[ifo])) curr_wav = numpy.roll(curr_wav, self.kmin[ifo]) # We'll apply this to the data, in lieu of the ref waveform # This makes it easier to compare target signal to reference later tshift = numpy.exp(-2.0j * numpy.pi * self.f[ifo] * self.ta[ifo]) self.h00[ifo] = numpy.array(curr_wav) # * tshift data_shifted =[ifo] * numpy.conjugate(tshift)"Computing frequency bins") fbin_ind = setup_bins( f_full=self.f[ifo], f_lo=f_lo, f_hi=f_hi, gammas=gammas, eps=float(epsilon), )"Using %s bins for this model", len(fbin_ind)) self.fedges[ifo] = self.f[ifo][fbin_ind] self.edges[ifo] = fbin_ind self.init_from_frequencies(data_shifted, self.h00, fbin_ind, ifo) self.antenna_time[ifo] = self.setup_antenna( earth_rotation, int(earth_rotation_mode), self.fedges[ifo]) self.combine_layout()
[docs] def init_from_frequencies(self, data, h00, fbin_ind, ifo): bins = numpy.array( [ (fbin_ind[i], fbin_ind[i + 1]) for i in range(len(fbin_ind) - 1) ] ) # store low res copy of fiducial waveform self.h00_sparse[ifo] = h00[ifo].copy().take(fbin_ind) # compute summary data "Calculating summary data at frequency resolution %s Hz", self.df[ifo], ) a0, a1 = self.summary_product(data, h00[ifo], bins, ifo) b0, b1 = self.summary_product(h00[ifo], h00[ifo], bins, ifo) self.sdat[ifo] = {"a0": a0, "a1": a1, "b0": abs(b0), "b1": abs(b1)}
[docs] def combine_layout(self): # determine the unique ifo layouts self.edge_unique = [] self.ifo_map = {} for ifo in self.fedges: if len(self.edge_unique) == 0: self.ifo_map[ifo] = 0 self.edge_unique.append(Array(self.fedges[ifo])) else: for i, edge in enumerate(self.edge_unique): if numpy.array_equal(edge, self.fedges[ifo]): self.ifo_map[ifo] = i break else: self.ifo_map[ifo] = len(self.edge_unique) self.edge_unique.append(Array(self.fedges[ifo]))"%s unique ifo layouts", len(self.edge_unique))
[docs] def setup_antenna(self, earth_rotation, mode, fedges): # Calculate the times to evaluate fp/fc self.earth_rotation = earth_rotation if earth_rotation is not False:"Enabling frequency-dependent earth rotation") from pycbc.waveform.spa_tmplt import spa_length_in_time times = spa_length_in_time( phase_order=-1, mass1=self.fid_params["mass1"], mass2=self.fid_params["mass2"], f_lower=numpy.array(fedges) / mode * 2.0, ) atimes = self.fid_params["tc"] - times self.lik = likelihood_parts_v self.mlik = likelihood_parts_multi_v else: atimes = self.fid_params["tc"] if self.still_needs_det_response: self.lik = likelihood_parts_det self.mlik = likelihood_parts_det_multi else: self.lik = likelihood_parts self.mlik = likelihood_parts_multi return atimes
@property def likelihood_function(self): self.lformat = None if self.marginalize_vector_params: p = self.current_params vmarg = set(k for k in self.marginalize_vector_params if not numpy.isscalar(p[k])) if self.earth_rotation: if set(['tc', 'polarization']).issubset(vmarg): self.lformat = 'earth_time_pol' return likelihood_parts_v_pol_time elif set(['polarization']).issubset(vmarg): self.lformat = 'earth_pol' return likelihood_parts_v_pol elif set(['tc']).issubset(vmarg): self.lformat = 'earth_time' return likelihood_parts_v_time else: if set(['ra', 'dec', 'tc']).issubset(vmarg): return likelihood_parts_vector elif set(['tc', 'polarization']).issubset(vmarg): return likelihood_parts_vector elif set(['tc']).issubset(vmarg): return likelihood_parts_vectort elif set(['polarization']).issubset(vmarg): return likelihood_parts_vectorp return self.lik
[docs] def summary_product(self, h1, h2, bins, ifo): """ Calculate the summary values for the inner product <h1|h2> """ # calculate coefficients h12 = numpy.conjugate(h1) * h2 / self.psds[ifo] # constant terms a0 = numpy.array([ 4.0 * self.df[ifo] * h12[l:h].sum() for l, h in bins ]) # linear terms a1 = numpy.array([ 4.0 / (h - l) * (h12[l:h] * (self.f[ifo][l:h] - self.f[ifo][l])).sum() for l, h in bins]) return a0, a1
[docs] def get_waveforms(self, params): """ Get the waveform polarizations for each ifo """ if self.still_needs_det_response: wfs = {} for ifo in wfs.update(get_fd_det_waveform_sequence( ifos=ifo, sample_points=self.fedges[ifo], **params)) return wfs wfs = [] for edge in self.edge_unique: hp, hc = get_fd_waveform_sequence(sample_points=edge, **params) hp = hp.numpy() hc = hc.numpy() wfs.append((hp, hc)) wf_ret = {ifo: wfs[self.ifo_map[ifo]] for ifo in} self.wf_ret = wf_ret return wf_ret
@property def multi_signal_support(self): """ The list of classes that this model supports in a multi-signal likelihood """ # Check if this model *can* be included in a multi-signal model. # All marginalizations must currently be disabled to work! if (self.marginalize_vector_params or self.marginalize_distance or self.marginalize_phase):"Cannot use single template model inside of" "multi_signal if marginalizations are enabled") return [type(self)]
[docs] def calculate_hihjs(self, models): """ Pre-calculate the hihj inner products on a grid """ self.hihj = {} for m1, m2 in itertools.combinations(models, 2): self.hihj[(m1, m2)] = {} for ifo in h1 = m1.h00[ifo] h2 = m2.h00[ifo] # Combine the grids edge = numpy.unique([m1.edges[ifo], m2.edges[ifo]]) # Remove any points where either reference is zero keep = numpy.where((h1[edge] != 0) | (h2[edge] != 0))[0] edge = edge[keep] fedge = m1.f[ifo][edge] bins = numpy.array([ (edge[i], edge[i + 1]) for i in range(len(edge) - 1) ]) a0, a1 = self.summary_product(h1, h2, bins, ifo) self.hihj[(m1, m2)][ifo] = a0, a1, fedge
[docs] def multi_loglikelihood(self, models): """ Calculate a multi-model (signal) likelihood """ models = [self] + models loglr = 0 # handle sum[<d|h_i> - 0.5 <h_i|h_i>] for m in models: loglr += m.loglr if not hasattr(self, 'hihj'): self.calculate_hihjs(models) if self.still_needs_det_response: for m1, m2 in itertools.combinations(models, 2): for det in a0, a1, fedge = self.hihj[(m1, m2)][det] dtc, channel, h00 = m1._current_wf_parts[det] dtc2, channel2, h002 = m2._current_wf_parts[det] c1c2 = self.mlik(fedge, dtc, channel, h00, dtc2, channel2, h002, a0, a1) loglr += - c1c2.real # This is -0.5 * re(<h1|h2> + <h2|h1>) else: # finally add in the lognl term from this model for m1, m2 in itertools.combinations(models, 2): for det in a0, a1, fedge = self.hihj[(m1, m2)][det] fp, fc, dtc, hp, hc, h00 = m1._current_wf_parts[det] fp2, fc2, dtc2, hp2, hc2, h002 = m2._current_wf_parts[det] h1h2 = self.mlik(fedge, fp, fc, dtc, hp, hc, h00, fp2, fc2, dtc2, hp2, hc2, h002, a0, a1) loglr += - h1h2.real # This is -0.5 * re(<h1|h2> + <h2|h1>) return loglr + self.lognl
def _loglr(self): r"""Computes the log likelihood ratio, or inner product <s|h> and <h|h> if `self.return_sh_hh` is True. .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = \sum_i \left<h_i(\Theta)|d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<h_i(\Theta)|h_i(\Theta)\right>, at the current parameter values :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio. or tuple The inner product (<s|h>, <h|h>). """ # get model params p = self.current_params wfs = self.get_waveforms(p) lik = self.likelihood_function norm = 0.0 filt = 0j self._current_wf_parts = {} pol_phase = numpy.exp(-2.0j * p['polarization']) for ifo in freqs = self.fedges[ifo] sdat = self.sdat[ifo] h00 = self.h00_sparse[ifo] end_time = self.end_time[ifo] times = self.antenna_time[ifo] # project waveform to detector frame if waveform does not deal # with detector response. Otherwise, skip detector response. if self.still_needs_det_response: dtc = 0. channel = wfs[ifo].numpy() filter_i, norm_i = lik(freqs, dtc, channel, h00, sdat['a0'], sdat['a1'], sdat['b0'], sdat['b1']) self._current_wf_parts[ifo] = (dtc, channel, h00) else: hp, hc = wfs[ifo] det = self.det[ifo] fp, fc = det.antenna_pattern(p["ra"], p["dec"], 0.0, times) dt = det.time_delay_from_earth_center(p["ra"], p["dec"], times) dtc = p["tc"] + dt - end_time - self.ta[ifo] if self.lformat == 'earth_pol': filter_i, norm_i = lik(freqs, fp, fc, dtc, pol_phase, hp, hc, h00, sdat['a0'], sdat['a1'], sdat['b0'], sdat['b1']) else: f = (fp + 1.0j * fc) * pol_phase fp = f.real.copy() fc = f.imag.copy() filter_i, norm_i = lik(freqs, fp, fc, dtc, hp, hc, h00, sdat['a0'], sdat['a1'], sdat['b0'], sdat['b1']) self._current_wf_parts[ifo] = (fp, fc, dtc, hp, hc, h00) filt += filter_i norm += norm_i if self.return_sh_hh: results = (filt, norm) else: results = self.marginalize_loglr(filt, norm) return results
[docs] def write_metadata(self, fp, group=None): """Adds writing the fiducial parameters and epsilon to file's attrs. Parameters ---------- fp : instance The inference file to write to. group : str, optional If provided, the metadata will be written to the attrs specified by group, i.e., to ``fp[group].attrs``. Otherwise, metadata is written to the top-level attrs (``fp.attrs``). """ super().write_metadata(fp, group=group) if group is None: attrs = fp.attrs else: attrs = fp[group].attrs for p, v in self.fid_params.items(): attrs["{}_ref".format(p)] = v
[docs] def max_curvature_from_reference(self): """ Return the maximum change in slope between frequency bins relative to the reference waveform. """ dmax = 0 for ifo in r = self.wf_ret[ifo][0] / self.h00_sparse[ifo] d = abs(numpy.diff(r / abs(r).min(), n=2)).max() dmax = d if dmax < d else dmax return dmax
[docs] @staticmethod def extra_args_from_config(cp, section, skip_args=None, dtypes=None): """Adds reading fiducial waveform parameters from config file.""" # add fiducial params to skip list skip_args += [ option for option in cp.options(section) if option.endswith("_ref") ] # get frequency power-law indices if specified # NOTE these should be supplied in units of 1/3 gammas = None if cp.has_option(section, "gammas"): skip_args.append("gammas") gammas = numpy.array( [float(g) / 3.0 for g in cp.get(section, "gammas").split()] ) args = super(Relative, Relative).extra_args_from_config( cp, section, skip_args=skip_args, dtypes=dtypes ) # get fiducial params from config fid_params = { p.replace("_ref", ""): float(cp.get("model", p)) for p in cp.options("model") if p.endswith("_ref") } # add optional params with default values if not specified opt_params = { "ra": numpy.pi, "dec": 0.0, "inclination": 0.0, "polarization": numpy.pi, } fid_params.update( {p: opt_params[p] for p in opt_params if p not in fid_params} ) args.update({"fiducial_params": fid_params, "gammas": gammas}) return args
[docs]class RelativeTime(Relative): """ Heterodyne likelihood optimized for time marginalization. In addition it supports phase (dominant-mode), sky location, and polarization marginalization. """ name = "relative_time" def __init__(self, *args, sample_rate=4096, **kwargs): super(RelativeTime, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sample_rate = float(sample_rate) self.setup_peak_lock(sample_rate=self.sample_rate, **kwargs) self.draw_ifos(self.ref_snr, **kwargs) @property def ref_snr(self): if not hasattr(self, '_ref_snr'): wfs = {ifo: (self.h00_sparse[ifo], self.h00_sparse[ifo]) for ifo in self.h00_sparse} self._ref_snr = self.get_snr(wfs) return self._ref_snr
[docs] def get_snr(self, wfs): """ Return hp/hc maximized SNR time series """ delta_t = 1.0 / self.sample_rate snrs = {} for ifo in wfs: sdat = self.sdat[ifo] dtc = self.tstart[ifo] - self.end_time[ifo] - self.ta[ifo] snr = snr_predictor(self.fedges[ifo], dtc - delta_t * 2.0, delta_t, self.num_samples[ifo] + 4, wfs[ifo][0], wfs[ifo][1], self.h00_sparse[ifo], sdat['a0'], sdat['a1'], sdat['b0'], sdat['b1']) snrs[ifo] = TimeSeries(snr, delta_t=delta_t, epoch=self.tstart[ifo] - delta_t * 2.0) return snrs
def _loglr(self): r"""Computes the log likelihood ratio, .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = \sum_i \left<h_i(\Theta)|d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<h_i(\Theta)|h_i(\Theta)\right>, at the current parameter values :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio. """ # get model params p = self.current_params wfs = self.get_waveforms(p) lik = self.likelihood_function norm = 0.0 filt = 0j pol_phase = numpy.exp(-2.0j * p['polarization']) self.snr_draw(wfs) p = self.current_params for ifo in freqs = self.fedges[ifo] sdat = self.sdat[ifo] h00 = self.h00_sparse[ifo] end_time = self.end_time[ifo] times = self.antenna_time[ifo] hp, hc = wfs[ifo] det = self.det[ifo] fp, fc = det.antenna_pattern(p["ra"], p["dec"], 0, times) times = det.time_delay_from_earth_center(p["ra"], p["dec"], times) dtc = p["tc"] - end_time - self.ta[ifo] if self.lformat == 'earth_time_pol': filter_i, norm_i = lik( freqs, fp, fc, times, dtc, pol_phase, hp, hc, h00, sdat['a0'], sdat['a1'], sdat['b0'], sdat['b1']) else: f = (fp + 1.0j * fc) * pol_phase fp = f.real.copy() fc = f.imag.copy() if self.lformat == 'earth_time': filter_i, norm_i = lik( freqs, fp, fc, times, dtc, hp, hc, h00, sdat['a0'], sdat['a1'], sdat['b0'], sdat['b1']) else: filter_i, norm_i = lik(freqs, fp, fc, times + dtc, hp, hc, h00, sdat['a0'], sdat['a1'], sdat['b0'], sdat['b1']) filt += filter_i norm += norm_i loglr = self.marginalize_loglr(filt, norm) return loglr
[docs]class RelativeTimeDom(RelativeTime): """ Heterodyne likelihood optimized for time marginalization and only dominant-mode waveforms. This enables the ability to do inclination marginalization in addition to the other forms supportedy by RelativeTime. """ name = "relative_time_dom"
[docs] def get_snr(self, wfs): """ Return hp/hc maximized SNR time series """ delta_t = 1.0 / self.sample_rate snrs = {} = {} self.hh = {} for ifo in wfs: sdat = self.sdat[ifo] dtc = self.tstart[ifo] - self.end_time[ifo] - self.ta[ifo] sh, hh = snr_predictor_dom(self.fedges[ifo], dtc - delta_t * 2.0, delta_t, self.num_samples[ifo] + 4, wfs[ifo][0], self.h00_sparse[ifo], sdat['a0'], sdat['a1'], sdat['b0'], sdat['b1']) snr = TimeSeries(abs(sh[2:-2]) / hh ** 0.5, delta_t=delta_t, epoch=self.tstart[ifo])[ifo] = TimeSeries(sh, delta_t=delta_t, epoch=self.tstart[ifo] - delta_t * 2.0) self.hh[ifo] = hh snrs[ifo] = snr return snrs
def _loglr(self): r"""Computes the log likelihood ratio, or inner product <s|h> and <h|h> if `self.return_sh_hh` is True. .. math:: \log \mathcal{L}(\Theta) = \sum_i \left<h_i(\Theta)|d_i\right> - \frac{1}{2}\left<h_i(\Theta)|h_i(\Theta)\right>, at the current parameter values :math:`\Theta`. Returns ------- float The value of the log likelihood ratio. or tuple The inner product (<s|h>, <h|h>). """ # calculate <d-h|d-h> = <h|h> - 2<h|d> + <d|d> up to a constant p = self.current_params p2 = p.copy() p2.pop('inclination') wfs = self.get_waveforms(p2) sh_total = hh_total = 0 ic = numpy.cos(p['inclination']) ip = 0.5 * (1.0 + ic * ic) pol_phase = numpy.exp(-2.0j * p['polarization']) snrs = self.get_snr(wfs) self.snr_draw(snrs=snrs) for ifo in if self.precalc_antenna_factors: fp, fc, dt = self.get_precalc_antenna_factors(ifo) else: dt = self.det[ifo].time_delay_from_earth_center(p['ra'], p['dec'], p['tc']) fp, fc = self.det[ifo].antenna_pattern(p['ra'], p['dec'], 0, p['tc']) dts = p['tc'] + dt f = (fp + 1.0j * fc) * pol_phase # Note, this includes complex conjugation already # as our stored inner products were hp* x data htf = (f.real * ip + 1.0j * f.imag * ic) sh =[ifo].at_time(dts, interpolate='quadratic', extrapolate=0.0j) sh_total += sh * htf hh_total += self.hh[ifo] * abs(htf) ** 2.0 loglr = self.marginalize_loglr(sh_total, hh_total) if self.return_sh_hh: results = (sh_total, hh_total) else: results = loglr return results