Source code for pycbc.inference.sampler.base_mcmc

# Copyright (C) 2016  Christopher M. Biwer, Collin Capano
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
"""Provides constructor classes and convenience functions for MCMC samplers."""

import logging
from abc import (ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty)

import configparser as ConfigParser

import numpy

from pycbc.filter import autocorrelation
from import (validate_checkpoint_files, loadfile)
from import nsamples_in_chain
from .base import initial_dist_from_config

# =============================================================================
#                              Convenience functions
# =============================================================================

[docs] def raw_samples_to_dict(sampler, raw_samples): """Convenience function for converting ND array to a dict of samples. The samples are assumed to have dimension ``[sampler.base_shape x] niterations x len(sampler.sampling_params)``. Parameters ---------- sampler : sampler instance An instance of an MCMC sampler. raw_samples : array The array of samples to convert. Returns ------- dict : A dictionary mapping the raw samples to the variable params. If the sampling params are not the same as the variable params, they will also be included. Each array will have shape ``[sampler.base_shape x] niterations``. """ sampling_params = sampler.sampling_params # convert to dictionary samples = {param: raw_samples[..., ii] for ii, param in enumerate(sampling_params)} # apply boundary conditions samples = sampler.model.prior_distribution.apply_boundary_conditions( **samples) # apply transforms to go to model's variable params space if sampler.model.sampling_transforms is not None: samples = sampler.model.sampling_transforms.apply( samples, inverse=True) return samples
[docs] def blob_data_to_dict(stat_names, blobs): """Converts list of "blobs" to a dictionary of model stats. Samplers like ``emcee`` store the extra tuple returned by ``CallModel`` to a list called blobs. This is a list of lists of tuples with shape niterations x nwalkers x nstats, where nstats is the number of stats returned by the model's ``default_stats``. This converts that list to a dictionary of arrays keyed by the stat names. Parameters ---------- stat_names : list of str The list of the stat names. blobs : list of list of tuples The data to convert. Returns ------- dict : A dictionary mapping the model's ``default_stats`` to arrays of values. Each array will have shape ``nwalkers x niterations``. """ # get the dtypes of each of the stats; we'll just take this from the # first iteration and walker dtypes = [type(val) for val in blobs[0][0]] assert len(stat_names) == len(dtypes), ( "number of stat names must match length of tuples in the blobs") # convert to an array; to ensure that we get the dtypes correct, we'll # cast to a structured array raw_stats = numpy.array(blobs, dtype=list(zip(stat_names, dtypes))) # transpose so that it has shape nwalkers x niterations raw_stats = raw_stats.transpose() # now return as a dictionary return {stat: raw_stats[stat] for stat in stat_names}
[docs] def get_optional_arg_from_config(cp, section, arg, dtype=str): """Convenience function to retrieve an optional argument from a config file. Parameters ---------- cp : ConfigParser Open config parser to retrieve the argument from. section : str Name of the section to retrieve from. arg : str Name of the argument to retrieve. dtype : datatype, optional Cast the retrieved value (if it exists) to the given datatype. Default is ``str``. Returns ------- val : None or str If the argument is present, the value. Otherwise, None. """ if cp.has_option(section, arg): val = dtype(cp.get(section, arg)) else: val = None return val
# # ============================================================================= # # BaseMCMC definition # # ============================================================================= #
[docs] class BaseMCMC(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract base class that provides methods common to MCMCs. This is not a sampler class itself. Sampler classes can inherit from this along with ``BaseSampler``. This class provides ``set_initial_conditions``, ``run``, and ``checkpoint`` methods, which are some of the abstract methods required by ``BaseSampler``. This class introduces the following abstract properties and methods: * base_shape [`property`] Should give the shape of the samples arrays used by the sampler, excluding the iteraitons dimension. Needed for writing results. * run_mcmc(niterations) Should run the sampler for the given number of iterations. Called by ``run``. * clear_samples() Should clear samples from memory. Called by ``run``. * set_state_from_file(filename) Should set the random state of the sampler using the given filename. Called by ``set_initial_conditions``. * write_results(filename) Writes results to the given filename. Called by ``checkpoint``. * compute_acf(filename, \**kwargs) [`classmethod`] Should compute the autocorrelation function using the given filename. Also allows for other keyword arguments. * compute_acl(filename, \**kwargs) [`classmethod`] Should compute the autocorrelation length using the given filename. Also allows for other keyword arguments. """ _lastclear = None # the iteration when samples were cleared from memory _itercounter = None # the number of iterations since the last clear _pos = None _p0 = None _nchains = None _burn_in = None _acls = None _checkpoint_interval = None _checkpoint_signal = None _target_niterations = None _target_eff_nsamples = None _thin_interval = 1 _max_samples_per_chain = None @abstractproperty def base_shape(self): """What shape the sampler's samples arrays are in, excluding the iterations dimension. For example, if a sampler uses 20 chains and 3 temperatures, this would be ``(3, 20)``. If a sampler only uses a single walker and no temperatures this would be ``()``. """ pass @property def nchains(self): """The number of chains used.""" if self._nchains is None: raise ValueError("number of chains not set") return self._nchains @nchains.setter def nchains(self, value): """Sets the number of chains.""" # we'll actually store it to the nchains attribute self._nchains = int(value) @property def niterations(self): """The current number of iterations.""" itercounter = self._itercounter if itercounter is None: itercounter = 0 lastclear = self._lastclear if lastclear is None: lastclear = 0 return itercounter + lastclear @property def checkpoint_interval(self): """The number of iterations to do between checkpoints.""" return self._checkpoint_interval @property def checkpoint_signal(self): """The signal to use when checkpointing.""" return self._checkpoint_signal @property def target_niterations(self): """The number of iterations the sampler should run for.""" return self._target_niterations @property def target_eff_nsamples(self): """The target number of effective samples the sampler should get.""" return self._target_eff_nsamples @property def thin_interval(self): """Returns the thin interval being used.""" return self._thin_interval @thin_interval.setter def thin_interval(self, interval): """Sets the thin interval to use. If ``None`` provided, will default to 1. """ if interval is None: interval = 1 if interval < 1: raise ValueError("thin interval must be >= 1") self._thin_interval = interval @property def thin_safety_factor(self): """The minimum value that ``max_samples_per_chain`` may be set to.""" return 100 @property def max_samples_per_chain(self): """The maximum number of samplers per chain that is written to disk.""" return self._max_samples_per_chain @max_samples_per_chain.setter def max_samples_per_chain(self, n): if n is not None: n = int(n) if n < self.thin_safety_factor: raise ValueError("max samples per chain must be >= {}" .format(self.thin_safety_factor)) # also check that this is consistent with the target number of # effective samples if self.target_eff_nsamples is not None: target_samps_per_chain = int(numpy.ceil( self.target_eff_nsamples / self.nchains)) if n <= target_samps_per_chain: raise ValueError("max samples per chain must be > target " "effective number of samples per walker " "({})".format(target_samps_per_chain)) self._max_samples_per_chain = n
[docs] def get_thin_interval(self): """Gets the thin interval to use. If ``max_samples_per_chain`` is set, this will figure out what thin interval is needed to satisfy that criteria. In that case, the thin interval used must be a multiple of the currently used thin interval. """ if self.max_samples_per_chain is not None: # the extra factor of 2 is to account for the fact that the thin # interval will need to be at least twice as large as a previously # used interval thinfactor = 2*(self.niterations // self.max_samples_per_chain) # make sure it's at least 1 thinfactor = max(thinfactor, 1) # make the new interval is a multiple of the previous, to ensure # that any samples currently on disk can be thinned accordingly if thinfactor < self.thin_interval: thin_interval = self.thin_interval else: thin_interval = (thinfactor // self.thin_interval) * \ self.thin_interval else: thin_interval = self.thin_interval return thin_interval
[docs] def set_target(self, niterations=None, eff_nsamples=None): """Sets the target niterations/nsamples for the sampler. One or the other must be provided, not both. """ if niterations is None and eff_nsamples is None: raise ValueError("Must provide a target niterations or " "eff_nsamples") if niterations is not None and eff_nsamples is not None: raise ValueError("Must provide a target niterations or " "eff_nsamples, not both") self._target_niterations = int(niterations) \ if niterations is not None else None self._target_eff_nsamples = int(eff_nsamples) \ if eff_nsamples is not None else None
[docs] @abstractmethod def clear_samples(self): """A method to clear samples from memory.""" pass
@property def pos(self): """A dictionary of the current walker positions. If the sampler hasn't been run yet, returns p0. """ pos = self._pos if pos is None: return self.p0 # convert to dict pos = {param: self._pos[..., k] for (k, param) in enumerate(self.sampling_params)} return pos @property def p0(self): """A dictionary of the initial position of the chains. This is set by using ``set_p0``. If not set yet, a ``ValueError`` is raised when the attribute is accessed. """ if self._p0 is None: raise ValueError("initial positions not set; run set_p0") # convert to dict p0 = {param: self._p0[..., k] for (k, param) in enumerate(self.sampling_params)} return p0
[docs] def set_p0(self, samples_file=None, prior=None): """Sets the initial position of the chains. Parameters ---------- samples_file : InferenceFile, optional If provided, use the last iteration in the given file for the starting positions. prior : JointDistribution, optional Use the given prior to set the initial positions rather than ``model``'s prior. Returns ------- p0 : dict A dictionary maping sampling params to the starting positions. """ # if samples are given then use those as initial positions if samples_file is not None: with, 'r') as fp: samples = fp.read_samples(self.variable_params, iteration=-1, flatten=False) # remove the (length 1) niterations dimension samples = samples[..., 0] # make sure we have the same shape assert samples.shape == self.base_shape, ( "samples in file {} have shape {}, but I have shape {}". format(samples_file, samples.shape, self.base_shape)) # transform to sampling parameter space if self.model.sampling_transforms is not None: samples = self.model.sampling_transforms.apply(samples) # draw random samples if samples are not provided else: nsamples = samples = self.model.prior_rvs(size=nsamples, prior=prior).reshape( self.base_shape) # store as ND array with shape [base_shape] x nparams ndim = len(self.variable_params) p0 = numpy.ones(list(self.base_shape)+[ndim]) for i, param in enumerate(self.sampling_params): p0[..., i] = samples[param] self._p0 = p0 return self.p0
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_state_from_file(self, filename): """Sets the state of the sampler to the instance saved in a file. """ pass
[docs] def set_start_from_config(self, cp): """Sets the initial state of the sampler from config file """ if cp.has_option('sampler', 'start-file'): start_file = cp.get('sampler', 'start-file')"Using file %s for initial positions", start_file) init_prior = None else: start_file = None init_prior = initial_dist_from_config( cp, self.variable_params, self.static_params) self.set_p0(samples_file=start_file, prior=init_prior)
[docs] def resume_from_checkpoint(self): """Resume the sampler from the checkpoint file """ with, "r") as fp: self._lastclear = fp.niterations self.set_p0(samples_file=self.checkpoint_file) self.set_state_from_file(self.checkpoint_file)
[docs] def run(self): """Runs the sampler.""" if self.target_eff_nsamples and self.checkpoint_interval is None: raise ValueError("A checkpoint interval must be set if " "targetting an effective number of samples") # get the starting number of samples: # "nsamples" keeps track of the number of samples we've obtained (if # target_eff_nsamples is not None, this is the effective number of # samples; otherwise, this is the total number of samples). # contains (either due to sampler burn-in, or a previous checkpoint) if self.new_checkpoint: self._lastclear = 0 else: with, "r") as fp: self._lastclear = fp.niterations self.thin_interval = fp.thinned_by if self.target_eff_nsamples is not None: target_nsamples = self.target_eff_nsamples with, "r") as fp: nsamples = fp.effective_nsamples elif self.target_niterations is not None: # the number of samples is the number of iterations times the # number of chains target_nsamples = self.nchains * self.target_niterations nsamples = self._lastclear * self.nchains else: raise ValueError("must set either target_eff_nsamples or " "target_niterations; see set_target") self._itercounter = 0 # figure out the interval to use iterinterval = self.checkpoint_interval if iterinterval is None: iterinterval = self.target_niterations # run sampler until we have the desired number of samples while nsamples < target_nsamples: # adjust the interval if we would go past the number of iterations if self.target_niterations is not None and ( self.niterations + iterinterval > self.target_niterations): iterinterval = self.target_niterations - self.niterations # run sampler and set initial values to None so that sampler # picks up from where it left off next call"Running sampler for {} to {} iterations".format( self.niterations, self.niterations + iterinterval)) # run the underlying sampler for the desired interval self.run_mcmc(iterinterval) # update the itercounter self._itercounter = self._itercounter + iterinterval # dump the current results self.checkpoint() # update nsamples for next loop if self.target_eff_nsamples is not None: nsamples = self.effective_nsamples"Have {} effective samples post burn in".format( nsamples)) else: nsamples += iterinterval * self.nchains
@property def burn_in(self): """The class for doing burn-in tests (if specified).""" return self._burn_in
[docs] def set_burn_in(self, burn_in): """Sets the object to use for doing burn-in tests.""" self._burn_in = burn_in
[docs] @abstractmethod def effective_nsamples(self): """The effective number of samples post burn-in that the sampler has acquired so far. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def run_mcmc(self, niterations): """Run the MCMC for the given number of iterations.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def write_results(self, filename): """Should write all samples currently in memory to the given file.""" pass
[docs] def checkpoint(self): """Dumps current samples to the checkpoint file.""" # thin and write new samples # get the updated thin interval to use thin_interval = self.get_thin_interval() for fn in [self.checkpoint_file, self.backup_file]: with, "a") as fp: # write the current number of iterations fp.write_niterations(self.niterations) # thin samples on disk if it changed if thin_interval > 1: # if this is the first time writing, set the file's # thinned_by if fp.last_iteration() == 0: fp.thinned_by = thin_interval elif thin_interval < fp.thinned_by: # whatever was done previously resulted in a larger # thin interval, so we'll set it to the file's thin_interval = fp.thinned_by elif thin_interval > fp.thinned_by: # we need to thin the samples on disk"Thinning samples in %s by a factor " "of %i", fn, int(thin_interval)) fp.thin(thin_interval) fp_lastiter = fp.last_iteration()"Writing samples to %s with thin interval %i", fn, thin_interval) self.write_results(fn) # update the running thin interval self.thin_interval = thin_interval # see if we had anything to write after thinning; if not, don't try # to compute anything with, "r") as fp: nsamples_written = fp.last_iteration() - fp_lastiter if nsamples_written == 0:"No samples written due to thinning") else: # check for burn in, compute the acls self.raw_acls = None if self.burn_in is not None:"Updating burn in") self.burn_in.evaluate(self.checkpoint_file) # write for fn in [self.checkpoint_file, self.backup_file]: with, "a") as fp: self.burn_in.write(fp)"Computing autocorrelation time") self.raw_acls = self.compute_acl(self.checkpoint_file) # write acts, effective number of samples for fn in [self.checkpoint_file, self.backup_file]: with, "a") as fp: if self.raw_acls is not None: fp.raw_acls = self.raw_acls fp.acl = self.acl # write effective number of samples fp.write_effective_nsamples(self.effective_nsamples) # write history for fn in [self.checkpoint_file, self.backup_file]: with, "a") as fp: fp.update_checkpoint_history() # check validity"Validating checkpoint and backup files") checkpoint_valid = validate_checkpoint_files( self.checkpoint_file, self.backup_file) if not checkpoint_valid: raise IOError("error writing to checkpoint file") elif self.checkpoint_signal: # kill myself with the specified signal"Exiting with SIG{}".format(self.checkpoint_signal)) kill_cmd="os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIG{})".format( self.checkpoint_signal) exec(kill_cmd) # clear the in-memory chain to save memory"Clearing samples from memory") self.clear_samples()
[docs] @staticmethod def checkpoint_from_config(cp, section): """Gets the checkpoint interval from the given config file. This looks for 'checkpoint-interval' in the section. Parameters ---------- cp : ConfigParser Open config parser to retrieve the argument from. section : str Name of the section to retrieve from. Return ------ int or None : The checkpoint interval, if it is in the section. Otherw """ return get_optional_arg_from_config(cp, section, 'checkpoint-interval', dtype=int)
[docs] @staticmethod def ckpt_signal_from_config(cp, section): """Gets the checkpoint signal from the given config file. This looks for 'checkpoint-signal' in the section. Parameters ---------- cp : ConfigParser Open config parser to retrieve the argument from. section : str Name of the section to retrieve from. Return ------ int or None : The checkpoint interval, if it is in the section. Otherw """ return get_optional_arg_from_config(cp, section, 'checkpoint-signal', dtype=str)
[docs] def set_target_from_config(self, cp, section): """Sets the target using the given config file. This looks for ``niterations`` to set the ``target_niterations``, and ``effective-nsamples`` to set the ``target_eff_nsamples``. Parameters ---------- cp : ConfigParser Open config parser to retrieve the argument from. section : str Name of the section to retrieve from. """ if cp.has_option(section, "niterations"): niterations = int(cp.get(section, "niterations")) else: niterations = None if cp.has_option(section, "effective-nsamples"): nsamples = int(cp.get(section, "effective-nsamples")) else: nsamples = None self.set_target(niterations=niterations, eff_nsamples=nsamples)
[docs] def set_burn_in_from_config(self, cp): """Sets the burn in class from the given config file. If no burn-in section exists in the file, then this just set the burn-in class to None. """ try: bit = self.burn_in_class.from_config(cp, self) except ConfigParser.Error: bit = None self.set_burn_in(bit)
[docs] def set_thin_interval_from_config(self, cp, section): """Sets thinning options from the given config file. """ if cp.has_option(section, "thin-interval"): thin_interval = int(cp.get(section, "thin-interval"))"Will thin samples using interval %i", thin_interval) else: thin_interval = None if cp.has_option(section, "max-samples-per-chain"): max_samps_per_chain = int(cp.get(section, "max-samples-per-chain"))"Setting max samples per chain to %i", max_samps_per_chain) else: max_samps_per_chain = None # check for consistency if thin_interval is not None and max_samps_per_chain is not None: raise ValueError("provide either thin-interval or " "max-samples-per-chain, not both") # check that the thin interval is < then the checkpoint interval if thin_interval is not None and self.checkpoint_interval is not None \ and thin_interval >= self.checkpoint_interval: raise ValueError("thin interval must be less than the checkpoint " "interval") self.thin_interval = thin_interval self.max_samples_per_chain = max_samps_per_chain
@property def raw_acls(self): """Dictionary of parameter names -> autocorrelation lengths. Depending on the sampler, the ACLs may be an integer, or an arrray of values per chain and/or per temperature. Returns ``None`` if no ACLs have been calculated. """ return self._acls @raw_acls.setter def raw_acls(self, acls): """Sets the raw acls.""" self._acls = acls
[docs] @abstractmethod def acl(self): """The autocorrelation length. This method should convert the raw ACLs into an integer or array that can be used to extract independent samples from a chain. """ pass
@property def raw_acts(self): """Dictionary of parameter names -> autocorrelation time(s). Returns ``None`` if no ACLs have been calculated. """ acls = self.raw_acls if acls is None: return None return {p: acl * self.thin_interval for (p, acl) in acls.items()} @property def act(self): """The autocorrelation time(s). The autocorrelation time is defined as the autocorrelation length times the ``thin_interval``. It gives the number of iterations between independent samples. Depending on the sampler, this may either be a single integer or an array of values. Returns ``None`` if no ACLs have been calculated. """ acl = self.acl if acl is None: return None return acl * self.thin_interval
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_acf(cls, filename, **kwargs): """A method to compute the autocorrelation function of samples in the given file.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_acl(cls, filename, **kwargs): """A method to compute the autocorrelation length of samples in the given file.""" pass
[docs] class EnsembleSupport(object): """Adds support for ensemble MCMC samplers.""" @property def nwalkers(self): """The number of walkers used. Alias of ``nchains``. """ return self.nchains @nwalkers.setter def nwalkers(self, value): """Sets the number of walkers.""" # we'll actually store it to the nchains attribute self.nchains = value @property def acl(self): """The autocorrelation length of the ensemble. This is calculated by taking the maximum over all of the ``raw_acls``. This works for both single and parallel-tempered ensemble samplers. Returns ``None`` if no ACLs have been set. """ acls = self.raw_acls if acls is None: return None return numpy.array(list(acls.values())).max() @property def effective_nsamples(self): """The effective number of samples post burn-in that the sampler has acquired so far. """ if self.burn_in is not None and not self.burn_in.is_burned_in: # not burned in, so there's no effective samples return 0 act = self.act if act is None: act = numpy.inf if self.burn_in is None: start_iter = 0 else: start_iter = self.burn_in.burn_in_iteration nperwalker = nsamples_in_chain(start_iter, act, self.niterations) if self.burn_in is not None: # after burn in, we always have atleast 1 sample per walker nperwalker = max(nperwalker, 1) return int(self.nwalkers * nperwalker)
# # ============================================================================= # # Functions for computing autocorrelation lengths # # ============================================================================= #
[docs] def ensemble_compute_acf(filename, start_index=None, end_index=None, per_walker=False, walkers=None, parameters=None): """Computes the autocorrleation function for an ensemble MCMC. By default, parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration. The ACF is then calculated over the averaged chain. An ACF per-walker will be returned instead if ``per_walker=True``. Parameters ----------- filename : str Name of a samples file to compute ACFs for. start_index : int, optional The start index to compute the acl from. If None (the default), will try to use the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start at the first sample. end_index : int, optional The end index to compute the acl to. If None (the default), will go to the end of the current iteration. per_walker : bool, optional Return the ACF for each walker separately. Default is False. walkers : int or array, optional Calculate the ACF using only the given walkers. If None (the default) all walkers will be used. parameters : str or array, optional Calculate the ACF for only the given parameters. If None (the default) will calculate the ACF for all of the model params. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of arrays giving the ACFs for each parameter. If ``per-walker`` is True, the arrays will have shape ``nwalkers x niterations``. """ acfs = {} with loadfile(filename, 'r') as fp: if parameters is None: parameters = fp.variable_params if isinstance(parameters, str): parameters = [parameters] for param in parameters: if per_walker: # just call myself with a single walker if walkers is None: walkers = numpy.arange(fp.nwalkers) arrays = [ ensemble_compute_acf(filename, start_index=start_index, end_index=end_index, per_walker=False, walkers=ii, parameters=param)[param] for ii in walkers] acfs[param] = numpy.vstack(arrays) else: samples = fp.read_raw_samples( param, thin_start=start_index, thin_interval=1, thin_end=end_index, walkers=walkers, flatten=False)[param] samples = samples.mean(axis=0) acfs[param] = autocorrelation.calculate_acf( samples).numpy() return acfs
[docs] def ensemble_compute_acl(filename, start_index=None, end_index=None, min_nsamples=10): """Computes the autocorrleation length for an ensemble MCMC. Parameter values are averaged over all walkers at each iteration. The ACL is then calculated over the averaged chain. If an ACL cannot be calculated because there are not enough samples, it will be set to ``inf``. Parameters ----------- filename : str Name of a samples file to compute ACLs for. start_index : int, optional The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start at the first sample. end_index : int, optional The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end of the current iteration. min_nsamples : int, optional Require a minimum number of samples to compute an ACL. If the number of samples per walker is less than this, will just set to ``inf``. Default is 10. Returns ------- dict A dictionary giving the ACL for each parameter. """ acls = {} with loadfile(filename, 'r') as fp: for param in fp.variable_params: samples = fp.read_raw_samples( param, thin_start=start_index, thin_interval=1, thin_end=end_index, flatten=False)[param] samples = samples.mean(axis=0) # if < min number of samples, just set to inf if samples.size < min_nsamples: acl = numpy.inf else: acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples) if acl <= 0: acl = numpy.inf acls[param] = acl maxacl = numpy.array(list(acls.values())).max()"ACT: %s", str(maxacl*fp.thinned_by)) return acls