Source code for pycbc.inject.inject

# Copyright (C) 2012  Alex Nitz, Tito Dal Canton
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
"""This module provides utilities for injecting signals into data"""

import os
import numpy as np
import copy
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import lal
from ligo.lw import utils as ligolw_utils, ligolw, lsctables

from pycbc import waveform, frame, libutils
from pycbc.opt import LimitedSizeDict
from pycbc.waveform import (get_td_waveform, fd_det,
from pycbc.waveform import utils as wfutils
from pycbc.waveform import ringdown_td_approximants
from pycbc.types import float64, float32, TimeSeries, load_timeseries
from pycbc.detector import Detector
from pycbc.conversions import tau0_from_mass1_mass2
from pycbc.filter import resample_to_delta_t
from import LIGOLWContentHandler

logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.inject.inject')

sim = libutils.import_optional('lalsimulation')

injection_func_map = {
    np.dtype(float32): lambda *args: sim.SimAddInjectionREAL4TimeSeries(*args),
    np.dtype(float64): lambda *args: sim.SimAddInjectionREAL8TimeSeries(*args),

# Map parameter names used in pycbc to names used in the sim_inspiral
# table, if they are different
sim_inspiral_map = {
    'ra': 'longitude',
    'dec': 'latitude',
    'approximant': 'waveform',

[docs]def set_sim_data(inj, field, data): """Sets data of a SimInspiral instance.""" try: sim_field = sim_inspiral_map[field] except KeyError: sim_field = field # for tc, map to geocentric times if sim_field == 'tc': inj.geocent_end_time = int(data) inj.geocent_end_time_ns = int(1e9*(data % 1)) # for spin1 and spin2 we need data to be an array if sim_field in ['spin1', 'spin2']: setattr(inj, sim_field, [0, 0, data]) else: setattr(inj, sim_field, data)
[docs]def projector(detector_name, inj, hp, hc, distance_scale=1): """ Use the injection row to project the polarizations into the detector frame """ detector = Detector(detector_name) hp /= distance_scale hc /= distance_scale try: tc = ra = inj.ra dec = inj.dec except: tc = inj.time_geocent ra = inj.longitude dec = inj.latitude hp.start_time += tc hc.start_time += tc # taper the polarizations try: hp_tapered = wfutils.taper_timeseries(hp, inj.taper) hc_tapered = wfutils.taper_timeseries(hc, inj.taper) except AttributeError: hp_tapered = hp hc_tapered = hc projection_method = 'lal' if hasattr(inj, 'detector_projection_method'): projection_method = inj.detector_projection_method'Injecting at %s, method is %s', tc, projection_method) # compute the detector response and add it to the strain signal = detector.project_wave(hp_tapered, hc_tapered, ra, dec, inj.polarization, method=projection_method, reference_time=tc,) return signal
[docs]def legacy_approximant_name(apx): """Convert the old style xml approximant name to a name and phase_order. Alex: I hate this function. Please delete this when we use Collin's new tables. """ apx = str(apx) try: order = sim.GetOrderFromString(apx) except: print("Warning: Could not read phase order from string, using default") order = -1 name = sim.GetStringFromApproximant(sim.GetApproximantFromString(apx)) return name, order
class _XMLInjectionSet(object): """Manages sets of injections: reads injections from LIGOLW XML files and injects them into time series. Parameters ---------- sim_file : string Path to a LIGOLW XML file containing a SimInspiralTable with injection definitions. Attributes ---------- indoc table """ def __init__(self, sim_file, **kwds): self.indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename( sim_file, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler) self.table = lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table(self.indoc) self.extra_args = kwds def apply(self, strain, detector_name, f_lower=None, distance_scale=1, simulation_ids=None, inj_filter_rejector=None, injection_sample_rate=None,): """Add injections (as seen by a particular detector) to a time series. Parameters ---------- strain : TimeSeries Time series to inject signals into, of type float32 or float64. detector_name : string Name of the detector used for projecting injections. f_lower : {None, float}, optional Low-frequency cutoff for injected signals. If None, use value provided by each injection. distance_scale: {1, float}, optional Factor to scale the distance of an injection with. The default is no scaling. simulation_ids: iterable, optional If given, only inject signals with the given simulation IDs. inj_filter_rejector: InjFilterRejector instance; optional, default=None If given send each injected waveform to the InjFilterRejector instance so that it can store a reduced representation of that injection if necessary. injection_sample_rate: float, optional The sample rate to generate the signal before injection Returns ------- None Raises ------ TypeError For invalid types of `strain`. """ if strain.dtype not in (float32, float64): raise TypeError("Strain dtype must be float32 or float64, not " \ + str(strain.dtype)) lalstrain = strain.lal() earth_travel_time = lal.REARTH_SI / lal.C_SI t0 = float(strain.start_time) - earth_travel_time t1 = float(strain.end_time) + earth_travel_time # pick lalsimulation injection function add_injection = injection_func_map[strain.dtype] delta_t = strain.delta_t if injection_sample_rate is not None: delta_t = 1.0 / injection_sample_rate injections = self.table if simulation_ids: injections = [inj for inj in injections \ if inj.simulation_id in simulation_ids] injection_parameters = [] for inj in injections: f_l = inj.f_lower if f_lower is None else f_lower # roughly estimate if the injection may overlap with the segment # Add 2s to end_time to account for ringdown and light-travel delay end_time = inj.time_geocent + 2 inj_length = tau0_from_mass1_mass2(inj.mass1, inj.mass2, f_l) # Start time is taken as twice approx waveform length with a 1s # safety buffer start_time = inj.time_geocent - 2 * (inj_length + 1) if end_time < t0 or start_time > t1: continue signal = self.make_strain_from_inj_object(inj, delta_t, detector_name, f_lower=f_l, distance_scale=distance_scale) signal = resample_to_delta_t(signal, strain.delta_t, method='ldas') if float(signal.start_time) > t1: continue signal = signal.astype(strain.dtype) signal_lal = signal.lal() add_injection(lalstrain, signal_lal, None) injection_parameters.append(inj) if inj_filter_rejector is not None: sid = inj.simulation_id inj_filter_rejector.generate_short_inj_from_inj(signal, sid)[:] =[:] injected = copy.copy(self) injected.table = lsctables.SimInspiralTable() injected.table += injection_parameters if inj_filter_rejector is not None: inj_filter_rejector.injection_params = injected return injected def make_strain_from_inj_object(self, inj, delta_t, detector_name, f_lower=None, distance_scale=1): """Make a h(t) strain time-series from an injection object as read from a sim_inspiral table, for example. Parameters ----------- inj : injection object The injection object to turn into a strain h(t). delta_t : float Sample rate to make injection at. detector_name : string Name of the detector used for projecting injections. f_lower : {None, float}, optional Low-frequency cutoff for injected signals. If None, use value provided by each injection. distance_scale: {1, float}, optional Factor to scale the distance of an injection with. The default is no scaling. Returns -------- signal : float h(t) corresponding to the injection. """ f_l = inj.f_lower if f_lower is None else f_lower name, phase_order = legacy_approximant_name(inj.waveform) # compute the waveform time series hp, hc = get_td_waveform( inj, approximant=name, delta_t=delta_t, phase_order=phase_order, f_lower=f_l, distance=inj.distance, **self.extra_args) return projector(detector_name, inj, hp, hc, distance_scale=distance_scale) def end_times(self): """Return the end times of all injections""" return [inj.time_geocent for inj in self.table] @staticmethod def write(filename, samples, write_params=None, static_args=None): """Writes the injection samples to the given xml. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to write to. samples : io.FieldArray FieldArray of parameters. write_params : list, optional Only write the given parameter names. All given names must be keys in ``samples``. Default is to write all parameters in ``samples``. static_args : dict, optional Dictionary mapping static parameter names to values. These are written to the ``attrs``. """ xmldoc = ligolw.Document() xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) simtable = lsctables.New(lsctables.SimInspiralTable) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(simtable) if static_args is None: static_args = {} if write_params is None: write_params = samples.fieldnames for ii in range(samples.size): sim = lsctables.SimInspiral() # initialize all elements to None for col in sim.__slots__: setattr(sim, col, None) for field in write_params: data = samples[ii][field] set_sim_data(sim, field, data) # set any static args for (field, value) in static_args.items(): set_sim_data(sim, field, value) simtable.append(sim) ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, filename, compress='auto') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class _HDFInjectionSet(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Manages sets of injections: reads injections from hdf files and injects them into time series. Parameters ---------- sim_file : string Path to an hdf file containing injections. \**kwds : The rest of the keyword arguments are passed to the waveform generation function when generating injections. Attributes ---------- table static_args extra_args required_params : tuple Parameter names that must exist in the injection HDF file in order to create an injection of that type. """ _tableclass = injtype = None required_params = () def __init__(self, sim_file, hdf_group=None, **kwds): # open the file fp =, 'r') group = fp if hdf_group is None else fp[hdf_group] # get parameters parameters = list(group.keys()) # get all injection parameter values injvals = {param: group[param][()] for param in parameters} # make sure Numpy S strings are loaded as strings and not bytestrings # (which could mess with approximant names, for example) for k in injvals: if injvals[k].dtype.kind == 'S': injvals[k] = injvals[k].astype('U') # if there were no variable args, then we only have a single injection if len(parameters) == 0: numinj = 1 else: numinj = tuple(injvals.values())[0].size # add any static args in the file try: # ensure parameter names are string types self.static_args = group.attrs['static_args'].astype('U') except KeyError: self.static_args = [] parameters.extend(self.static_args) # we'll expand the static args to be arrays with the same size as # the other values for param in self.static_args: val = group.attrs[param] # if val is a list or numpy array, we need to store it as an # object; otherwise, we'll get a shape mismatch between fields if isinstance(val, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): arr = np.empty(numinj, dtype=object) for ii in range(numinj): arr[ii] = val else: # otherwise, we can just repeat the value the needed number of # times arr = np.repeat(val, numinj) # make sure any byte strings are stored as strings instead if arr.dtype.char == 'S': arr = arr.astype('U') injvals[param] = arr # make sure required parameters are provided missing = set(self.required_params) - set(injvals.keys()) if missing: raise ValueError("required parameter(s) {} not found in the given " "injection file".format(', '.join(missing))) # initialize the table self.table = self._tableclass.from_kwargs(**injvals) # save the extra arguments self.extra_args = kwds fp.close() @abstractmethod def apply(self, strain, detector_name, distance_scale=1, simulation_ids=None, inj_filter_rejector=None, **kwargs): """Adds injections to a detector's time series.""" pass @abstractmethod def make_strain_from_inj_object(self, inj, delta_t, detector_name, distance_scale=1, **kwargs): """Make a h(t) strain time-series from an injection object. """ pass @abstractmethod def end_times(self): """Return the end times of all injections""" pass @abstractmethod def supported_approximants(self): """Return a list of the supported approximants.""" pass @classmethod def write(cls, filename, samples, write_params=None, static_args=None, **metadata): """Writes the injection samples to the given hdf file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to write to. samples : io.FieldArray FieldArray of parameters. write_params : list, optional Only write the given parameter names. All given names must be keys in ``samples``. Default is to write all parameters in ``samples``. static_args : dict, optional Dictionary mapping static parameter names to values. These are written to the ``attrs``. \**metadata : All other keyword arguments will be written to the file's attrs. """ with, 'w') as fp: # write metadata if static_args is None: static_args = {} fp.attrs["static_args"] = list(map(str, static_args.keys())) fp.attrs['injtype'] = cls.injtype for key, val in metadata.items(): fp.attrs[key] = val if write_params is None: write_params = samples.fieldnames for arg, val in static_args.items(): try: fp.attrs[arg] = val except TypeError: # can get this in python 3 if the val was numpy.str_ type # try decoding it and writing fp.attrs[arg] = str(val) for field in write_params: try: fp[field] = samples[field] except TypeError as e: # can get this in python 3 if the val was a numpy.str_ type # we'll try again as a string type if samples[field].dtype.char == 'U': fp[field] = samples[field].astype('S') else: raise e
[docs]class CBCHDFInjectionSet(_HDFInjectionSet): """Manages CBC injections. """ _tableclass = injtype = 'cbc' required_params = ('tc',)
[docs] def apply(self, strain, detector_name, f_lower=None, distance_scale=1, simulation_ids=None, inj_filter_rejector=None, injection_sample_rate=None,): """Add injections (as seen by a particular detector) to a time series. Parameters ---------- strain : TimeSeries Time series to inject signals into, of type float32 or float64. detector_name : string Name of the detector used for projecting injections. f_lower : {None, float}, optional Low-frequency cutoff for injected signals. If None, use value provided by each injection. distance_scale: {1, float}, optional Factor to scale the distance of an injection with. The default is no scaling. simulation_ids: iterable, optional If given, only inject signals with the given simulation IDs. inj_filter_rejector: InjFilterRejector instance; optional, default=None If given send each injected waveform to the InjFilterRejector instance so that it can store a reduced representation of that injection if necessary. injection_sample_rate: float, optional The sample rate to generate the signal before injection Returns ------- None Raises ------ TypeError For invalid types of `strain`. """ if strain.dtype not in (float32, float64): raise TypeError("Strain dtype must be float32 or float64, not " \ + str(strain.dtype)) lalstrain = strain.lal() if self.table[0]['approximant'] in fd_det: t0 = float(strain.start_time) t1 = float(strain.end_time) else: earth_travel_time = lal.REARTH_SI / lal.C_SI t0 = float(strain.start_time) - earth_travel_time t1 = float(strain.end_time) + earth_travel_time # pick lalsimulation injection function add_injection = injection_func_map[strain.dtype] delta_t = strain.delta_t if injection_sample_rate is not None: delta_t = 1.0 / injection_sample_rate injections = self.table if simulation_ids: injections = injections[list(simulation_ids)] injected_ids = [] for ii, inj in enumerate(injections): f_l = inj.f_lower if f_lower is None else f_lower # roughly estimate if the injection may overlap with the segment # Add 2s to end_time to account for ringdown and light-travel delay end_time = + 2 inj_length = tau0_from_mass1_mass2(inj.mass1, inj.mass2, f_l) # Start time is taken as twice approx waveform length with a 1s # safety buffer start_time = - 2 * (inj_length + 1) if end_time < t0 or start_time > t1: continue signal = self.make_strain_from_inj_object(inj, delta_t, detector_name, f_lower=f_l, distance_scale=distance_scale) signal = resample_to_delta_t(signal, strain.delta_t, method='ldas') if float(signal.start_time) > t1: continue signal = signal.astype(strain.dtype) signal_lal = signal.lal() add_injection(lalstrain, signal_lal, None) injected_ids.append(ii) if inj_filter_rejector is not None: inj_filter_rejector.generate_short_inj_from_inj(signal, ii)[:] =[:] injected = copy.copy(self) injected.table = injections[np.array(injected_ids).astype(int)] if inj_filter_rejector is not None: if hasattr(inj_filter_rejector, 'injected'): prev_p = inj_filter_rejector.injection_params prev_id = inj_filter_rejector.injection_ids injected = np.concatenate([prev_p, injected]) injected_ids = np.concatenate([prev_id, injected_ids]) inj_filter_rejector.injection_params = injected inj_filter_rejector.injection_ids = injected_ids return injected
[docs] def make_strain_from_inj_object(self, inj, delta_t, detector_name, f_lower=None, distance_scale=1): """Make a h(t) strain time-series from an injection object. Parameters ----------- inj : injection object The injection object to turn into a strain h(t). Can be any object which has waveform parameters as attributes, such as an element in a ``WaveformArray``. delta_t : float Sample rate to make injection at. detector_name : string Name of the detector used for projecting injections. f_lower : {None, float}, optional Low-frequency cutoff for injected signals. If None, use value provided by each injection. distance_scale: {1, float}, optional Factor to scale the distance of an injection with. The default is no scaling. Returns -------- signal : float h(t) corresponding to the injection. """ if f_lower is None: f_l = inj.f_lower else: f_l = f_lower if inj['approximant'] in fd_det: strain = get_td_det_waveform_from_fd_det( inj, delta_t=delta_t, f_lower=f_l, ifos=detector_name, **self.extra_args)[detector_name] strain /= distance_scale else: # compute the waveform time series hp, hc = get_td_waveform(inj, delta_t=delta_t, f_lower=f_l, **self.extra_args) strain = projector(detector_name, inj, hp, hc, distance_scale=distance_scale) return strain
[docs] def end_times(self): """Return the end times of all injections""" return
[docs] @staticmethod def supported_approximants(): all_apprxs = [] for d in [waveform.waveform.td_wav, waveform.waveform.fd_wav]: for key in d: all_apprxs.extend(d[key]) all_apprxs.extend(waveform.waveform.fd_det) return list(set(all_apprxs))
[docs]class RingdownHDFInjectionSet(_HDFInjectionSet): """Manages a ringdown injection: reads injection from hdf file and injects it into time series. """ injtype = 'ringdown' required_params = ('tc',)
[docs] def apply(self, strain, detector_name, distance_scale=1, simulation_ids=None, inj_filter_rejector=None, injection_sample_rate=None): """Add injection (as seen by a particular detector) to a time series. Parameters ---------- strain : TimeSeries Time series to inject signals into, of type float32 or float64. detector_name : string Name of the detector used for projecting injections. distance_scale: float, optional Factor to scale the distance of an injection with. The default (=1) is no scaling. simulation_ids: iterable, optional If given, only inject signals with the given simulation IDs. inj_filter_rejector: InjFilterRejector instance, optional Not implemented. If not ``None``, a ``NotImplementedError`` will be raised. injection_sample_rate: float, optional The sample rate to generate the signal before injection Returns ------- None Raises ------ NotImplementedError If an ``inj_filter_rejector`` is provided. TypeError For invalid types of `strain`. """ if inj_filter_rejector is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Ringdown injections do not support " "inj_filter_rejector") if strain.dtype not in (float32, float64): raise TypeError("Strain dtype must be float32 or float64, not " \ + str(strain.dtype)) lalstrain = strain.lal() # pick lalsimulation injection function add_injection = injection_func_map[strain.dtype] delta_t = strain.delta_t if injection_sample_rate is not None: delta_t = 1.0 / injection_sample_rate injections = self.table if simulation_ids: injections = injections[list(simulation_ids)] for ii in range(injections.size): injection = injections[ii] signal = self.make_strain_from_inj_object( injection, delta_t, detector_name, distance_scale=distance_scale) signal = resample_to_delta_t(signal, strain.delta_t, method='ldas') signal = signal.astype(strain.dtype) signal_lal = signal.lal() add_injection(lalstrain, signal_lal, None)[:] =[:]
[docs] def make_strain_from_inj_object(self, inj, delta_t, detector_name, distance_scale=1): """Make a h(t) strain time-series from an injection object as read from an hdf file. Parameters ----------- inj : injection object The injection object to turn into a strain h(t). delta_t : float Sample rate to make injection at. detector_name : string Name of the detector used for projecting injections. distance_scale: float, optional Factor to scale the distance of an injection with. The default (=1) is no scaling. Returns -------- signal : float h(t) corresponding to the injection. """ # compute the waveform time series hp, hc = ringdown_td_approximants[inj['approximant']]( inj, delta_t=delta_t, **self.extra_args) return projector(detector_name, inj, hp, hc, distance_scale=distance_scale)
[docs] def end_times(self): """Return the approximate end times of all injections. Currently, this just assumes all ringdowns are 2 seconds long. """ # the start times are the tcs tcs = # FIXME: this could be figured out using the ringdown module return tcs + 2
[docs] @staticmethod def supported_approximants(): return list(waveform.ringdown_td_approximants.keys())
[docs]class IncoherentFromFileHDFInjectionSet(_HDFInjectionSet): """Manages injecting an arbitrary time series loaded from a file. The injections must have the following attributes set: * ``filename``: (str) the name of the file to load containing the time series. The file type and format can be a frame file or anything understood by :py:func:`pycbc.types.timeseries.load_timeseries`. If a frame file (ends in ``.gwf``) is specified, a ``channel`` attribute must also be set. * ``DETECTOR_gps_time``: (float) The GPS time at which the time series should be added to the ``DETECTOR`` data, where ``DETECTOR`` is the name of the instrument to inject into (e.g., ``h1_gps_time``). **The time series will only be injected into a detector if a GPS time is given for that detector.** Set to -inf, nan, or do not provide a GPS time for a particular detector if you do not want to inject into that detector. * ``ref_point``: (str or float) What to use as the reference time of the injected time series. The time series will be injected into the detector such that the ``ref_point`` in the time series occurs at the specifed ``DETECTOR_gps_time``. Options are: ``'start'``, ``'end'``, ``'center'``, ``'absmax'``, or a float giving the number of seconds into the time series. In addition, the following attributes may optionally be provided: * ``channel``: (str): If the filename points to a frame file, the channel to load in that file. Must be provided for frame files. * ``DETECTOR_phase_shift``: (float) Apply a phase shift to the time series before adding it to detector ``DETECTOR``. * ``DETECTOR_amp_scale``: (float) Scale the amplitude by the given amount before adding it to detector ``DETECTOR``. * ``slice_start``: (float) Slice the time series starting at ``ref_point + slice_start`` before injecting into the data. Measured in seconds. * ``slice_end``: (float) Slice the time series ending at ``ref_point + slice_end`` before injecting into the data. Measured in seconds. * ``left_taper_width``: (float) Taper the start of the time series (after slicing) using half a kaiser window over the given number of seconds. See `:py:func:waveform.utils.td_taper` for more details. * ``right_taper_width``: (float) Taper the end of the time series (after slicing) using half a kaiser window over the given number of seconds. See `:py:func:waveform.utils.td_taper` for more details. The signal will be resampled to the same sample rate as the data it is being injected into. In order to use with ``pycbc_create_injections``, set the ``approximant`` name to ``'incoherent_from_file'``. """ injtype = 'incoherent_from_file' required_params = ('filename', 'ref_point') _buffersize = 10 _buffer = None _rtbuffer = None
[docs] def end_times(self): raise NotImplementedError("IncoherentFromFile times cannot be " "determined without loading time series")
[docs] @staticmethod def supported_approximants(): return ['incoherent_from_file']
[docs] def loadts(self, inj): """Loads an injection time series. After the first time a time series is loaded it will be added to an internal buffer for faster in case another injection uses the same series. """ if self._buffer is None: # create the buffer self._buffer = LimitedSizeDict(size_limit=self._buffersize) try: return self._buffer[inj.filename] except KeyError: pass # not in buffer, so load if inj.filename.endswith('.gwf'): try: channel = except AttributeError as _err: # Py3.XX: uncomment the "from _err" when we drop 2.7 raise ValueError("Must provide a channel for " "frame files") #from _err ts = frame.read_frame(inj.filename, channel) else: ts = load_timeseries(inj.filename) # cache self._buffer[inj.filename] = ts return ts
[docs] def set_ref_time(self, inj, ts): """Sets t=0 of the given time series based on what the given injection's ``ref_point`` is. """ try: ref_point = inj.ref_point except AttributeError as _err: # Py3.XX: uncomment the "from _err" when we drop 2.7 raise ValueError("Must provide a ref_point for {} injections" .format(self.injtype)) #from _err # try to get from buffer if self._rtbuffer is None: self._rtbuffer = LimitedSizeDict(size_limit=self._buffersize) try: reftime = self._rtbuffer[inj.filename, ref_point] except KeyError: if ref_point == "start": reftime = 0. elif ref_point == "end": reftime = -len(ts)*ts.delta_t elif ref_point == "center": reftime = -len(ts)*ts.delta_t/2. elif ref_point == "absmax": reftime = -ts.abs_arg_max()*ts.delta_t elif isinstance(ref_point, (float, int)): reftime = -float(ref_point) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized ref_point {} provided" .format(ref_point)) self._rtbuffer[inj.filename, ref_point] = reftime ts._epoch = reftime
[docs] @staticmethod def slice_and_taper(inj, ts): """Slices and tapers a timeseries based on the injection settings. This assumes that ``set_ref_time`` has been applied to the timeseries first. A copy of the time series will be returned even if no slicing or tapering is done. """ try: tstart = inj.slice_start except AttributeError: tstart = ts.start_time try: tend = inj.slice_end except AttributeError: tend = ts.end_time ts = ts.time_slice(tstart, tend).copy() # now taper try: twidth = inj.left_taper_width except AttributeError: twidth = 0 if twidth: ts = wfutils.td_taper(ts, ts.start_time, ts.start_time+twidth, side='left') try: twidth = inj.right_taper_width except AttributeError: twidth = 0 if twidth: ts = wfutils.td_taper(ts, ts.end_time-twidth, ts.end_time, side='right') return ts
[docs] def apply(self, strain, detector_name, distance_scale=1, injection_sample_rate=None, inj_filter_rejector=None): if inj_filter_rejector is not None: raise NotImplementedError("IncoherentFromFile injections do not " "support inj_filter_rejector") if injection_sample_rate is not None: delta_t = 1./injection_sample_rate else: delta_t = strain.delta_t injections = self.table for inj in injections: # Check if we should inject or not... # loading the time series like this is a bit brute-force, since # we really only need to know the delta_t and length of the # timeseries if the ref_point is anything but absmax, but that # would require adding logic to figure out how to get that metadata # based on the filetype and ref_point ts = self.loadts(inj) # set the ref time self.set_ref_time(inj, ts) # determine if we inject or not based on the times try: injtime = inj['{}_gps_time'.format(detector_name).lower()] except ValueError: injtime = -np.inf if np.isnan(injtime): # nan means don't inject injtime = -np.inf start_time = injtime + ts.start_time end_time = injtime + ts.end_time inject = (start_time < strain.end_time and end_time > strain.start_time) if inject: ts = self.make_strain_from_inj_object( inj, delta_t, detector_name, distance_scale=distance_scale, ts=ts) if ts.delta_t != strain.delta_t: ts = resample_to_delta_t(ts, strain.delta_t, method='ldas') strain.inject(ts, copy=False)
[docs] def make_strain_from_inj_object(self, inj, delta_t, detector_name, distance_scale=1, ts=None): if ts is None: ts = load_timeseries(inj.filename) self.set_ref_time(inj, ts) # slice and taper ts = self.slice_and_taper(inj, ts) # shift reference to the detector time ts._epoch += inj['{}_gps_time'.format(detector_name).lower()] # resample ts = resample_to_delta_t(ts, delta_t, method='ldas') # apply any phase shift try: phase_shift = inj[ '{}_phase_shift'.format(detector_name).lower()] except ValueError: phase_shift = 0 if phase_shift: fs = ts.to_frequencyseries() fs *= np.exp(1j*phase_shift) ts = fs.to_timeseries() # apply any scaling try: amp_scale = inj[ '{}_amp_scale'.format(detector_name).lower()] except ValueError: amp_scale = 1. amp_scale /= distance_scale ts *= amp_scale return ts
hdfinjtypes = { CBCHDFInjectionSet.injtype: CBCHDFInjectionSet, RingdownHDFInjectionSet.injtype: RingdownHDFInjectionSet, IncoherentFromFileHDFInjectionSet.injtype: IncoherentFromFileHDFInjectionSet, }
[docs]def get_hdf_injtype(sim_file): """Gets the HDFInjectionSet class to use with the given file. This looks for the ``injtype`` in the given file's top level ``attrs``. If that attribute isn't set, will default to :py:class:`CBCHDFInjectionSet`. Parameters ---------- sim_file : str Name of the file. The file must already exist. Returns ------- HDFInjectionSet : The type of HDFInjectionSet to use. """ with, 'r') as fp: try: ftype = fp.attrs['injtype'] except KeyError: ftype = CBCHDFInjectionSet.injtype try: return hdfinjtypes[ftype] except KeyError: # may get a key error if the file type was stored as unicode instead # of string; if so, try decoding it try: ftype = str(ftype.decode()) except AttributeError: # not actually a byte error; passing will reraise the KeyError pass return hdfinjtypes[ftype]
[docs]def hdf_injtype_from_approximant(approximant): """Gets the HDFInjectionSet class to use with the given approximant. Parameters ---------- approximant : str Name of the approximant. Returns ------- HDFInjectionSet : The type of HDFInjectionSet to use. """ retcls = None for cls in hdfinjtypes.values(): if approximant in cls.supported_approximants(): retcls = cls if retcls is None: # none were found, raise an error raise ValueError("Injection file type unknown for approximant {}" .format(approximant)) return retcls
[docs]class InjectionSet(object): """Manages sets of injections and injects them into time series. Injections are read from either LIGOLW XML files or HDF files. Parameters ---------- sim_file : string Path to an hdf file or a LIGOLW XML file that contains a SimInspiralTable. \**kwds : The rest of the keyword arguments are passed to the waveform generation function when generating injections. Attributes ---------- table """ def __init__(self, sim_file, **kwds): ext = os.path.basename(sim_file) if ext.endswith(('.xml', '.xml.gz', '.xmlgz')): self._injhandler = _XMLInjectionSet(sim_file, **kwds) self.indoc = self._injhandler.indoc else: # assume hdf file self._injhandler = get_hdf_injtype(sim_file)(sim_file, **kwds) self.table = self._injhandler.table self.extra_args = self._injhandler.extra_args self.apply = self._injhandler.apply self.make_strain_from_inj_object = \ self._injhandler.make_strain_from_inj_object self.end_times = self._injhandler.end_times
[docs] @staticmethod def write(filename, samples, write_params=None, static_args=None, injtype=None, **metadata): """Writes the injection samples to the given hdf file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to write to. samples : io.FieldArray FieldArray of parameters. write_params : list, optional Only write the given parameter names. All given names must be keys in ``samples``. Default is to write all parameters in ``samples``. static_args : dict, optional Dictionary mapping static parameter names to values. These are written to the ``attrs``. injtype : str, optional Specify which `HDFInjectionSet` class to use for writing. If not provided, will try to determine it by looking for an approximant in the ``static_args``, followed by the ``samples``. \**metadata : All other keyword arguments will be written to the file's attrs. """ # DELETE the following "if" once xml is dropped ext = os.path.basename(filename) if ext.endswith(('.xml', '.xml.gz', '.xmlgz')): _XMLInjectionSet.write(filename, samples, write_params, static_args) else: # try determine the injtype if it isn't given if injtype is None: if static_args is not None and 'approximant' in static_args: injcls = hdf_injtype_from_approximant( static_args['approximant']) elif 'approximant' in samples.fieldnames: apprxs = np.unique(samples['approximant']) # make sure they all correspond to the same injection type injcls = [hdf_injtype_from_approximant(a) for a in apprxs] if not all(c == injcls[0] for c in injcls): raise ValueError("injections must all be of the same " "type") injcls = injcls[0] else: raise ValueError("Could not find an approximant in the " "static args or samples to determine the " "injection type. Please specify an " "injtype instead.") else: injcls = hdfinjtypes[injtype] injcls.write(filename, samples, write_params, static_args, **metadata)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_cli(opt): """Return an instance of InjectionSet configured as specified on the command line. """ if opt.injection_file is None: return None kwa = {} if opt.injection_f_ref is not None: kwa['f_ref'] = opt.injection_f_ref if opt.injection_f_final is not None: kwa['f_final'] = opt.injection_f_final return InjectionSet(opt.injection_file, **kwa)
[docs]class SGBurstInjectionSet(object): """Manages sets of sine-Gaussian burst injections: reads injections from LIGOLW XML files and injects them into time series. Parameters ---------- sim_file : string Path to a LIGOLW XML file containing a SimBurstTable with injection definitions. Attributes ---------- indoc table """ def __init__(self, sim_file, **kwds): self.indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename( sim_file, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler) self.table = lsctables.SimBurstTable.get_table(self.indoc) self.extra_args = kwds
[docs] def apply(self, strain, detector_name, f_lower=None, distance_scale=1): """Add injections (as seen by a particular detector) to a time series. Parameters ---------- strain : TimeSeries Time series to inject signals into, of type float32 or float64. detector_name : string Name of the detector used for projecting injections. f_lower : {None, float}, optional Low-frequency cutoff for injected signals. If None, use value provided by each injection. distance_scale: {1, foat}, optional Factor to scale the distance of an injection with. The default is no scaling. Returns ------- None Raises ------ TypeError For invalid types of `strain`. """ if strain.dtype not in (float32, float64): raise TypeError("Strain dtype must be float32 or float64, not " \ + str(strain.dtype)) lalstrain = strain.lal() #detector = Detector(detector_name) earth_travel_time = lal.REARTH_SI / lal.C_SI t0 = float(strain.start_time) - earth_travel_time t1 = float(strain.end_time) + earth_travel_time # pick lalsimulation injection function add_injection = injection_func_map[strain.dtype] for inj in self.table: # roughly estimate if the injection may overlap with the segment end_time = inj.time_geocent #CHECK: This is a hack (10.0s); replace with an accurate estimate inj_length = 10.0 eccentricity = 0.0 polarization = 0.0 start_time = end_time - 2 * inj_length if end_time < t0 or start_time > t1: continue # compute the waveform time series hp, hc = sim.SimBurstSineGaussian(float(inj.q), float(inj.frequency),float(inj.hrss),float(eccentricity), float(polarization),float(strain.delta_t)) hp = TimeSeries([:], delta_t=hp.deltaT, epoch=hp.epoch) hc = TimeSeries([:], delta_t=hc.deltaT, epoch=hc.epoch) hp._epoch += float(end_time) hc._epoch += float(end_time) if float(hp.start_time) > t1: continue # compute the detector response, taper it if requested # and add it to the strain strain = wfutils.taper_timeseries(strain, inj.taper) signal_lal = hp.astype(strain.dtype).lal() add_injection(lalstrain, signal_lal, None)[:] =[:]