# Copyright (C) 2013 Ian Harry
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
This module contains functions to filter injections with only useful templates.
This module implements a set of checks to test for each segment and template
combination whether injections contained within the segment are sufficiently
"similar" to the template to require a matched-filter. There are a few ways of
testing the "similarity" of templates and injections.
* A chirp time threshold rejects templates if chirp time difference is large
* A coarse match threshold rejects templates if a coarse overlap is small
import numpy as np
from pycbc import DYN_RANGE_FAC
from pycbc.filter import match
from pycbc.pnutils import nearest_larger_binary_number
from pycbc.pnutils import mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3
from pycbc.types import FrequencySeries, zeros
from pycbc.types import MultiDetOptionAction
_injfilterrejector_group_help = \
("Options that, if injections are present in "
"this run, are responsible for performing pre-checks between injections "
"in the data being filtered and the current search template to determine "
"if the template has any chance of actually detecting the injection. "
"The parameters of this test are given by the various options below. "
"The --injection-filter-rejector-chirp-time-window and "
"--injection-filter-rejector-match-threshold options need to be provided "
"if those tests are desired. Other options will take default values "
"unless overriden. More details on these options follow.")
_injfilterer_cthresh_help = \
("If this value is not None and an "
"injection file is given then we will calculate the difference in "
"chirp time (tau_0) between the template and each injection in the "
"analysis segment. If the difference is greate than this threshold for "
"all injections then filtering is not performed. By default this will "
"be None.")
_injfilterer_mthresh_help = \
("If this value is not None and an "
"injection file is provided then we will calculate a 'coarse match' "
"between the template and each injection in the analysis segment. If the "
"match is less than this threshold for all injections then filtering is "
"not performed. Parameters for the 'coarse match' follow. By default "
"this value will be None.")
_injfilterer_deltaf_help = \
("If injections are present and a match threshold is "
"provided, this option specifies the frequency spacing that will be used "
"for injections, templates and PSD when computing the 'coarse match'. "
"Templates will be generated directly with this spacing. The PSD and "
"injections will be resampled.")
_injfilterer_fmax_help = \
("If injections are present and a match threshold is "
"provided, this option specifies the maximum frequency that will be used "
"for injections, templates and PSD when computing the 'coarse match'. "
"Templates will be generated directly with this max frequency. The PSD "
"and injections' frequency series will be truncated.")
_injfilterer_buffer_help = \
("If injections are present and either a match "
"threshold or a chirp-time window is given, we will determine if "
"injections are 'in' the specified analysis chunk by using the end "
"times. If this value is non-zero the analysis chunk is extended on both "
"sides by this amount before determining if injections are within the "
"given window.")
_injfilterer_flower_help = \
("If injections are present and either a match "
"threshold or a chirp-time window is given, this value is used to set "
"the lower frequency for determine chirp times or for calculating "
"matches. If this value is None the lower frequency used for the full "
"matched-filter is used. Otherwise this value is used.")
def insert_injfilterrejector_option_group(parser):
"""Add options for injfilterrejector to executable."""
injfilterrejector_group = \
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-chirp-time-window"
injfilterrejector_group.add_argument(curr_arg, type=float, default=None,
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-match-threshold"
injfilterrejector_group.add_argument(curr_arg, type=float, default=None,
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-coarsematch-deltaf"
injfilterrejector_group.add_argument(curr_arg, type=float, default=1.,
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-coarsematch-fmax"
injfilterrejector_group.add_argument(curr_arg, type=float, default=256.,
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-seg-buffer"
injfilterrejector_group.add_argument(curr_arg, type=int, default=10,
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-f-lower"
injfilterrejector_group.add_argument(curr_arg, type=int, default=None,
def insert_injfilterrejector_option_group_multi_ifo(parser):
"""Add options for injfilterrejector to executable."""
injfilterrejector_group = \
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-chirp-time-window"
curr_arg, type=float, default=None, nargs='+', metavar='IFO:VALUE',
action=MultiDetOptionAction, help=_injfilterer_cthresh_help)
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-match-threshold"
curr_arg, type=float, default=None, nargs='+', metavar='IFO:VALUE',
action=MultiDetOptionAction, help=_injfilterer_mthresh_help)
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-coarsematch-deltaf"
curr_arg, type=float, default=1., nargs='+', metavar='IFO:VALUE',
action=MultiDetOptionAction, help=_injfilterer_deltaf_help)
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-coarsematch-fmax"
curr_arg, type=float, default=256., nargs='+', metavar='IFO:VALUE',
action=MultiDetOptionAction, help=_injfilterer_fmax_help)
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-seg-buffer"
curr_arg, type=int, default=10, nargs='+', metavar='IFO:VALUE',
action=MultiDetOptionAction, help=_injfilterer_buffer_help)
curr_arg = "--injection-filter-rejector-f-lower"
curr_arg, type=int, default=None, help=_injfilterer_flower_help,
metavar='IFO:VALUE', action=MultiDetOptionAction, nargs='+')
class InjFilterRejector(object):
"""Class for holding parameters for using injection/template pre-filtering.
This class is responsible for identifying where a matched-filter operation
between templates and data is unncessary because the injections contained
in the data will not match well with the given template.
def __init__(self, injection_file, chirp_time_window,
match_threshold, f_lower, coarsematch_deltaf=1.,
coarsematch_fmax=256, seg_buffer=10):
"""Initialise InjFilterRejector instance."""
# Determine if InjFilterRejector is to be enabled
if injection_file is None or injection_file == 'False' or\
(chirp_time_window is None and match_threshold is None):
self.enabled = False
self.enabled = True
# Store parameters
self.chirp_time_window = chirp_time_window
self.match_threshold = match_threshold
self.coarsematch_deltaf = coarsematch_deltaf
self.coarsematch_fmax = coarsematch_fmax
self.seg_buffer = seg_buffer
self.f_lower = f_lower
assert(self.f_lower is not None)
# Variables for storing arrays (reduced injections, memory
# for templates, reduced PSDs ...)
self.short_injections = {}
self._short_template_mem = None
self._short_psd_storage = {}
self._short_template_id = None
def from_cli(cls, opt):
"""Create an InjFilterRejector instance from command-line options."""
injection_file = opt.injection_file
chirp_time_window = \
match_threshold = opt.injection_filter_rejector_match_threshold
coarsematch_deltaf = opt.injection_filter_rejector_coarsematch_deltaf
coarsematch_fmax = opt.injection_filter_rejector_coarsematch_fmax
seg_buffer = opt.injection_filter_rejector_seg_buffer
if opt.injection_filter_rejector_f_lower is not None:
f_lower = opt.injection_filter_rejector_f_lower
# NOTE: Uses main low-frequency cutoff as default option. This may
# need some editing if using this in multi_inspiral, which I
# leave for future work, or if this is being used in another
# code which doesn't have --low-frequency-cutoff
f_lower = opt.low_frequency_cutoff
return cls(injection_file, chirp_time_window, match_threshold,
f_lower, coarsematch_deltaf=coarsematch_deltaf,
def from_cli_single_ifo(cls, opt, ifo):
"""Create an InjFilterRejector instance from command-line options."""
injection_file = opt.injection_file[ifo]
chirp_time_window = \
match_threshold = opt.injection_filter_rejector_match_threshold[ifo]
coarsematch_deltaf = \
coarsematch_fmax = opt.injection_filter_rejector_coarsematch_fmax[ifo]
seg_buffer = opt.injection_filter_rejector_seg_buffer[ifo]
if opt.injection_filter_rejector_f_lower[ifo] is not None:
f_lower = opt.injection_filter_rejector_f_lower[ifo]
# NOTE: Uses main low-frequency cutoff as default option. This may
# need some editing if using this in multi_inspiral, which I
# leave for future work, or if this is being used in another
# code which doesn't have --low-frequency-cutoff
f_lower = opt.low_frequency_cutoff
return cls(injection_file, chirp_time_window,
match_threshold, f_lower,
coarsematch_deltaf, coarsematch_fmax,
def from_cli_multi_ifos(cls, opt, ifos):
"""Create an InjFilterRejector instance from command-line options."""
inj_filter_rejectors = {}
for ifo in ifos:
inj_filter_rejectors[ifo] = cls.from_cli_single_ifo(opt, ifo)
return inj_filter_rejectors
def generate_short_inj_from_inj(self, inj_waveform, simulation_id):
"""Generate and a store a truncated representation of inj_waveform."""
if not self.enabled or not self.match_threshold:
# Do nothing!
if simulation_id in self.short_injections:
err_msg = "An injection with simulation id "
err_msg += str(simulation_id)
err_msg += " has already been added. This suggests "
err_msg += "that your injection file contains injections with "
err_msg += "duplicate simulation_ids. This is not allowed."
raise ValueError(err_msg)
curr_length = len(inj_waveform)
new_length = int(nearest_larger_binary_number(curr_length))
# Don't want length less than 1/delta_f
while new_length * inj_waveform.delta_t < 1./self.coarsematch_deltaf:
new_length = new_length * 2
inj_tilde = inj_waveform.to_frequencyseries()
# Dynamic range is important here!
inj_tilde_np = inj_tilde.numpy() * DYN_RANGE_FAC
delta_f = inj_tilde.get_delta_f()
new_freq_len = int(self.coarsematch_fmax / delta_f + 1)
# This shouldn't be a problem if injections are generated at
# 16384 Hz ... It is only a problem of injection sample rate
# gives a lower Nyquist than the trunc_f_max. If this error is
# ever raised one could consider zero-padding the injection.
assert(new_freq_len <= len(inj_tilde))
df_ratio = int(self.coarsematch_deltaf/delta_f)
inj_tilde_np = inj_tilde_np[:new_freq_len:df_ratio]
new_inj = FrequencySeries(inj_tilde_np, dtype=np.complex64,
self.short_injections[simulation_id] = new_inj
def template_segment_checker(self, bank, t_num, segment):
"""Test if injections in segment are worth filtering with template.
Using the current template, current segment, and injections within that
segment. Test if the injections and sufficiently "similar" to any of
the injections to justify actually performing a matched-filter call.
Ther are two parts to this test: First we check if the chirp time of
the template is within a provided window of any of the injections. If
not then stop here, it is not worth filtering this template, segment
combination for this injection set. If this check passes we compute a
match between a coarse representation of the template and a coarse
representation of each of the injections. If that match is above a
user-provided value for any of the injections then filtering can
proceed. This is currently only available if using frequency-domain
if not self.enabled:
# If disabled, always filter (ie. return True)
return True
# Get times covered by segment analyze and add buffer
seg_start_time = segment.start_time - self.seg_buffer
seg_end_time = segment.end_time + self.seg_buffer
# Chirp time test
if self.chirp_time_window is not None:
m1 = bank.table[t_num]['mass1']
m2 = bank.table[t_num]['mass2']
tau0_temp, _ = mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(m1, m2, self.f_lower)
for inj in self.injection_params.table:
if isinstance(inj, np.record):
# hdf format file
end_time = inj['tc']
# must be an xml file originally
end_time = inj.geocent_end_time + \
1E-9 * inj.geocent_end_time_ns
if not(seg_start_time <= end_time <= seg_end_time):
tau0_inj, _ = \
mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(inj.mass1, inj.mass2,
tau_diff = abs(tau0_temp - tau0_inj)
if tau_diff <= self.chirp_time_window:
# Get's here if all injections are outside chirp-time window
return False
# Coarse match test
if self.match_threshold:
if self._short_template_mem is None:
# Set the memory for the short templates
wav_len = 1 + int(self.coarsematch_fmax /
self._short_template_mem = zeros(wav_len, dtype=np.complex64)
# Set the current short PSD to red_psd
red_psd = self._short_psd_storage[id(segment.psd)]
except KeyError:
# PSD doesn't exist yet, so make it!
curr_psd = segment.psd.numpy()
step_size = int(self.coarsematch_deltaf / segment.psd.delta_f)
max_idx = int(self.coarsematch_fmax / segment.psd.delta_f) + 1
red_psd_data = curr_psd[:max_idx:step_size]
red_psd = FrequencySeries(red_psd_data, #copy=False,
self._short_psd_storage[id(curr_psd)] = red_psd
# Set htilde to be the current short template
if not t_num == self._short_template_id:
# Set the memory for the short templates if unset
if self._short_template_mem is None:
wav_len = 1 + int(self.coarsematch_fmax /
self._short_template_mem = zeros(wav_len,
# Generate short waveform
htilde = bank.generate_with_delta_f_and_max_freq(
t_num, self.coarsematch_fmax, self.coarsematch_deltaf,
self._short_template_id = t_num
self._short_template_wav = htilde
htilde = self._short_template_wav
for ii, inj in enumerate(self.injection_params.table):
if isinstance(inj, np.record):
# hdf format file
end_time = inj['tc']
sim_id = self.injection_ids[ii]
# must be an xml file originally
end_time = inj.geocent_end_time + \
1E-9 * inj.geocent_end_time_ns
sim_id = inj.simulation_id
if not(seg_start_time < end_time < seg_end_time):
curr_inj = self.short_injections[sim_id]
o, _ = match(htilde, curr_inj, psd=red_psd,
if o > self.match_threshold:
# Get's here if all injections are outside match threshold
return False
return True