Source code for

import logging
import os
import pathlib
import datetime
import numpy

from lal import gpstime as lalgps

logger = logging.getLogger('')

def maximum_string(numbers):
    Find the maximum possible length string to match
    all values between two numbers

    numbers : list of integers
        A list of integers from which to determine the longest
        common string prefix. E.g. '12345', '12346', '12356'
        returns '123'
    # The max length of the number will be the integer above log10
    # of the biggest number
    maxlen = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(max(numbers))))
    # Convert the numbers to (possibly leading zero-padded) strings
    strings = [f"{{n:0{maxlen:d}d}}".format(n=n) for n in numbers]
    # Count how many digits are the same:
    n_digits = 0
    for str_digit in zip(*strings):
        if len(numpy.unique(str_digit)) == 1:
            # This digit is the same for all numbers
            n_digits += 1
    return strings[0][:n_digits]

def filter_file(filename, start_time, end_time):
    Indicate whether the filename indicates that the file is within the
    start and end times
    filename : string
        Filename which matches the format
    start_time : float
        Start of search window, i.e. GPS time of when the
        file cannot end before
    end_time : float
        End of search window, i.e. GPS time of when the
        file cannot start after

        Does any of the file lie within the start/end times
    # FIX ME eventually - this uses the gps time and duration from the filename
    # Is there a better way? (i.e. trigger gps times in the file or
    # add an attribute)
    fend = filename.split('-')[-2:]
    file_start = float(fend[0])
    duration = float(fend[1][:-4])

    return ((file_start + duration) >= start_time) and (file_start <= end_time)

[docs] def add_live_trigger_selection_options(parser): """ Add options required for obtaining the right set of PyCBC live triggers into an argument parser """ finding_group = parser.add_argument_group('Trigger Finding') finding_group.add_argument( "--trigger-directory", metavar="PATH", required=True, help="Directory containing trigger files, directory " "can contain subdirectories. Required." ) finding_group.add_argument( "--gps-start-time", type=int, required=True, help="Start time of the analysis. Integer, required" ) finding_group.add_argument( "--gps-end-time", type=int, required=True, help="End time of the analysis. Integer, required" ) finding_group.add_argument( "--date-directories", action="store_true", help="Indicate if the trigger files are stored in " "directories by date." ) default_dd_format = "%Y_%m_%d" finding_group.add_argument( "--date-directory-format", default=default_dd_format, help="Format of date, see datetime strftime " "documentation for details. Default: " "%%Y_%%m_%%d" ) finding_group.add_argument( "--file-identifier", default="H1L1V1-Live", help="String required in filename to be considered for " "analysis. Default: 'H1L1V1-Live'." )
[docs] def find_trigger_files(directory, gps_start_time, gps_end_time, id_string='*', date_directories=False, date_directory_format="%Y_%m_%d"): """ Find a list of PyCBC live trigger files which are between the gps start and end times given """ # Find the string at the start of the gps time which will match all # files in this range - this helps to cut which ones we need to # compare later num_match = maximum_string([gps_start_time, gps_end_time]) # ** means recursive, so for large directories, this is expensive. # It is not too bad if date_directories is set, as we don't waste time # in directories where there cant be any files. glob_string = f'**/*{id_string}*{num_match}*.hdf' if date_directories: # convert the GPS times into dates, and only use the directories # of those dates to search # Add a day on either side to ensure we get files which straddle # the boundary one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1) date_check = lalgps.gps_to_utc(gps_start_time) - one_day date_end = lalgps.gps_to_utc(gps_end_time) + one_day matching_files = [] while date_check < date_end: date_dir = date_check.strftime(date_directory_format) subdir = os.path.join(directory, date_dir) matching_files_gen = pathlib.Path(subdir).glob(glob_string) matching_files += [f.as_posix() for f in matching_files_gen] date_check += one_day else: # Grab all hdf files in the directory matching_files_gen = pathlib.Path(directory).glob(glob_string) matching_files = [f.as_posix() for f in matching_files_gen] # Is the file in the time window? matching_files = [f for f in matching_files if filter_file(f, gps_start_time, gps_end_time)] return sorted(matching_files)
[docs] def find_trigger_files_from_cli(args): """ Wrapper around the find_trigger_files function to use when called using options from the add_live_trigger_selection_options function """ return find_trigger_files( args.trigger_directory, args.gps_start_time, args.gps_end_time, id_string=args.file_identifier, date_directories=args.date_directories, date_directory_format=args.date_directory_format )
__all__ = [ 'add_live_trigger_selection_options', 'find_trigger_files', 'find_trigger_files_from_cli', ]