Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2023 Arthur Tolley, Gareth Cabourn Davies
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
""" This module contains functions for optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio
of triggers produced by PyCBC Live. Also contained within this module are the
command line arguments required and options group for the SNR optimization.
This module is primarily used in the pycbc_optimize_snr program.

import time
import logging
import types
import numpy
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution, shgo
from pycbc import (
    DYN_RANGE_FAC, waveform
from pycbc.types import zeros
from pycbc.filter import matched_filter_core
import pycbc.conversions as cv

logger = logging.getLogger('')

    import pyswarms as ps
    ps = None

# Set a minimum mass for points tried in optimization allowing for
# minimal slop relative to the lightest template

# Set a large maximum total mass

Nfeval = 0
start_time = time.time()

[docs] def callback_func(Xi, convergence=0): global Nfeval"Currently at %d %s", Nfeval, convergence) # Time out if the optimization takes longer than 6 minutes if (time.time() - start_time) > 360: return True Nfeval += 1
[docs] def compute_network_snr_core(v, data, coinc_times, ifos, flen, approximant, flow, f_end, delta_f, sample_rate, raise_err=False): """ Compute network SNR as a function over mchirp, eta, and two aligned spin components, stored in that order in the sequence v. Parameters ---------- v : list A list containing the input values for mchirp, eta, and spin components. data : dict A dictionary containing keys of ifos ('H1', 'L1') and values of the frequency series data for those ifos coinc_times : dict A dictionary containing the coincidence times for the network. ifos : list A list of the ifos, e.g. ['H1', 'L1'] flen : float The length of the data. approximant : str The approximant used for the waveform model. flow : float The lower frequency bound. f_end : float The upper frequency bound. delta_f : float The frequency spacing. sample_rate : float The sampling rate of the data. raise_err : bool, optional A flag indicating whether to raise an error if an exception occurs during the computation. Defaults to False. Returns ------- network_snr : float The computed network SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) value. snr_series_dict : dict A dictionary containing the snr timeseries from each ifo. """ distance = 1.0 / DYN_RANGE_FAC mtotal = cv.mtotal_from_mchirp_eta(v[0], v[1]) mass1 = cv.mass1_from_mtotal_eta(mtotal, v[1]) mass2 = cv.mass2_from_mtotal_eta(mtotal, v[1]) # enforce broadly accepted search space boundaries if mass1 < MIN_CPT_MASS or mass2 < MIN_CPT_MASS or mtotal > MAX_MTOTAL: return -numpy.inf, {} try: htilde = waveform.get_waveform_filter( zeros(flen, dtype=numpy.complex64), approximant=approximant, mass1=mass1, mass2=mass2, spin1z=v[2], spin2z=v[3], f_lower=flow, f_final=f_end, delta_f=delta_f, delta_t=1./sample_rate, distance=distance) except RuntimeError: if raise_err: raise # Assume a failure in the waveform approximant # due to the choice of parameters and carry on return -numpy.inf, {} if not hasattr(htilde, 'params'): htilde.params = dict(mass1=mass1, mass2=mass2, spin1z=v[2], spin2z=v[3]) if not hasattr(htilde, 'end_idx'): htilde.end_idx = int(f_end / htilde.delta_f) htilde.approximant = approximant htilde.sigmasq = types.MethodType(, htilde) htilde.min_f_lower = flow htilde.end_frequency = f_end htilde.f_lower = flow network_snrsq = 0 snr_series_dict = {} for ifo in ifos: sigmasq = htilde.sigmasq(data[ifo].psd) snr, _, norm = matched_filter_core(htilde, data[ifo], h_norm=sigmasq) duration = 0.095 half_dur_samples = int(snr.sample_rate * duration / 2) onsource_idx = (float(coinc_times[ifo] - snr.start_time) * snr.sample_rate) onsource_idx = int(round(onsource_idx)) onsource_slice = slice(onsource_idx - half_dur_samples, onsource_idx + half_dur_samples + 1) snr_series = snr[onsource_slice] * norm snr_series_dict[ifo] = snr * norm snr_series_dict['sigmasq_' + ifo] = sigmasq network_snrsq += max(abs(snr_series._data)) ** 2. return network_snrsq ** 0.5, snr_series_dict
[docs] def compute_minus_network_snr(v, *argv): if len(argv) == 1: argv = argv[0] nsnr, _ = compute_network_snr_core(v, *argv) logger.debug('snr: %s', nsnr) return -nsnr
[docs] def compute_minus_network_snr_pso(v, *argv, **kwargs): argv = kwargs['args'] nsnr_array = numpy.array([ compute_network_snr_core(v_i, *argv)[0] for v_i in v]) return -nsnr_array
[docs] def optimize_di(bounds, cli_args, extra_args, initial_point): # Convert from dict to array with parameters in a given order bounds = numpy.array([ bounds['mchirp'], bounds['eta'], bounds['spin1z'], bounds['spin2z'] ]) # Initialize the population with random values within specified bounds population = numpy.random.uniform( bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1], size=(int(cli_args.snr_opt_di_popsize), len(bounds)) ) if cli_args.snr_opt_include_candidate: # add the initial point to the population population = numpy.concatenate((population[:-1], initial_point)) logger.debug('Initial population: %s', population) results = differential_evolution( compute_minus_network_snr, bounds, maxiter=int(cli_args.snr_opt_di_maxiter), workers=(cli_args.cores or -1), popsize=int(cli_args.snr_opt_di_popsize), mutation=(0.5, 1), recombination=0.7, callback=callback_func, args=extra_args, init=population ) return results.x
[docs] def optimize_shgo(bounds, cli_args, extra_args, initial_point): # pylint: disable=unused-argument bounds = [ bounds['mchirp'], bounds['eta'], bounds['spin1z'], bounds['spin2z'] ] results = shgo( compute_minus_network_snr, bounds=bounds, args=extra_args, iters=cli_args.snr_opt_shgo_iters, n=cli_args.snr_opt_shgo_samples, sampling_method="sobol" ) return results.x
[docs] def optimize_pso(bounds, cli_args, extra_args, initial_point): options = { 'c1': cli_args.snr_opt_pso_c1, 'c2': cli_args.snr_opt_pso_c2, 'w': cli_args.snr_opt_pso_w } min_bounds = numpy.array([ bounds['mchirp'][0], bounds['eta'][0], bounds['spin1z'][0], bounds['spin2z'][0] ]) max_bounds = numpy.array([ bounds['mchirp'][1], bounds['eta'][1], bounds['spin1z'][1], bounds['spin2z'][1] ]) # Initialize the population with random values within specified bounds population = numpy.random.uniform( min_bounds, max_bounds, size=(int(cli_args.snr_opt_pso_particles), len(bounds)) ) if cli_args.snr_opt_include_candidate: # add the initial point to the population population = numpy.concatenate((population[:-1], initial_point)) logger.debug('Initial population: %s', population) optimizer = ps.single.GlobalBestPSO( n_particles=int(cli_args.snr_opt_pso_particles), dimensions=4, options=options, bounds=(min_bounds, max_bounds), init_pos=population ) _, results = optimizer.optimize( compute_minus_network_snr_pso, iters=int(cli_args.snr_opt_pso_iters), n_processes=cli_args.cores, args=extra_args ) return results
optimize_funcs = { 'differential_evolution': optimize_di, 'shgo': optimize_shgo, 'pso': optimize_pso } # The following sets the default values of the options, but allows us to check # if the option has been given on the command line # For each optimizer, we have a dictionary of the options, its help # message and default value option_dict = { 'differential_evolution': { 'maxiter': ('The maximum number of generations over which the entire ' 'population is evolved.', 50), 'popsize': ('A multiplier for setting the total population size.', 100), }, 'shgo': { 'samples': ('Number of sampling points used in the construction of ' 'the simplicial complex.', 76), 'iters': ('Number of iterations used in the construction of the ' 'simplicial complex.', 3), }, 'pso': { 'iters': ('Number of iterations used in the particle swarm ' 'optimization.', 5), 'particles': ('Number of particles used in the swarm.', 250), 'c1': ('The hyperparameter c1: the cognitive parameter.', 0.5), 'c2': ('The hyperparameter c2: the social parameter.', 2.0), 'w': ('The hyperparameter w: the inertia parameter.', 0.01), } }
[docs] def insert_snr_optimizer_options(parser): opt_opt_group = parser.add_argument_group("SNR optimizer configuration " "options.") # Option to choose which optimizer to use: optimizer_choices = sorted(list(option_dict.keys())) opt_opt_group.add_argument('--snr-opt-method', default='differential_evolution', choices=optimizer_choices, help='SNR Optimizer choices: ' + ', '.join(optimizer_choices)) # Add the generic options opt_opt_group.add_argument('--snr-opt-include-candidate', action='store_true', help='Include parameters of the candidate event in the initialized ' 'array for the optimizer. Only relevant for --snr-opt-method pso ' 'or differential_evolution') opt_opt_group.add_argument('--snr-opt-seed', default='42', help='Seed to supply to the random generation of initial array to ' 'pass to the optimizer. Only relevant for --snr-opt-method pso ' 'or differential_evolution. Set to ''random'' for a random seed') # For each optimizer, add the possible options for optimizer, option_subdict in option_dict.items(): optimizer_name = optimizer.replace('_', '-') if optimizer_name == 'differential-evolution': optimizer_name = 'di' for opt_name, opt_help_default in option_subdict.items(): option_name = f"--snr-opt-{optimizer_name}-{opt_name}" opt_opt_group.add_argument(option_name, type=float, help=f'Only relevant for --snr-opt-method {optimizer}: ' + opt_help_default[0] + f' Default = {opt_help_default[1]}')
[docs] def check_snr_optimizer_options(args, parser): """ Deal with default options and required parameters given optimizer option """ options = {} options['differential_evolution'] = [args.snr_opt_di_maxiter, args.snr_opt_di_popsize] options['shgo'] = [args.snr_opt_shgo_samples, args.snr_opt_shgo_iters] options['pso'] = [args.snr_opt_pso_iters, args.snr_opt_pso_particles, args.snr_opt_pso_c1, args.snr_opt_pso_c2, args.snr_opt_pso_w] if args.snr_opt_method == 'pso' and ps is None: parser.error('You need to install pyswarms to use the pso optimizer.') # Check all the options are suitable for the chosen optimizer for k in options.keys(): if args.snr_opt_method == k: continue if any(options[k]): parser.error("Argument has been supplied which is not suitable " + f"for the optimizer given ({args.snr_opt_method})") # Give the arguments the default values according to the dictionary optimizer_name = args.snr_opt_method.replace('_', '-') if optimizer_name == 'differential-evolution': optimizer_name = 'di' for key, value in option_dict[args.snr_opt_method].items(): key_name = f'snr_opt_{optimizer_name}_{key}' if not getattr(args, key_name): setattr(args, key_name, value[1])