# Copyright (C) 2016 Jolien Creighton
# (C) 2021 Jolien Creighton & Thomas Dent
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
Based ultimately on code used for O1 rate calculations, see
and technical documentation at https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T1700029/public
import numpy
import scipy.stats as sst
import scipy.special as ssp
import scipy.integrate as sig
import scipy.optimize as sop
class augmented_rv_continuous(sst.rv_continuous):
def __init__(self, unit='dimensionless', texunit=r'\mbox{dimensionless}',
texsymb=r'x', **kwargs):
unit : string, optional
units of independent variable
texunit : string, optional
units of independent variable, in tex format
texsymb : string, optional
symbol of independent variable, in tex format
super(augmented_rv_continuous, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._hpd_interval_vec = numpy.vectorize(self._hpd_interval_scalar)
self.unit = unit
self.texunit = texunit
self.texsymb = texsymb
def _hpd_interval_scalar(self, alpha):
def width(a):
return self.ppf(alpha + self.cdf(a)) - a
a = self.ppf(1e-6) # a is displaced slightly from 0
b = self.ppf(alpha)
if self.pdf(a) >= self.pdf(b): # upper limit
return self.a, b
a = sop.fminbound(width, a, self.ppf(1.0 - alpha))
b = self.ppf(alpha + self.cdf(a))
return a, b
def hpd_interval(self, alpha):
Confidence interval of highest probability density.
alpha : array_like of float
Probability that an rv will be drawn from the returned range.
Each value should be in the range [0, 1].
a, b : ndarray of float
end-points of range that contain ``100 * alpha %`` of the rv's
possible values.
if isinstance(alpha, (float, numpy.number)):
a, b = self._hpd_interval_scalar(alpha)
a, b = self._hpd_interval_vec(alpha)
return a, b
class count_posterior(augmented_rv_continuous):
Count posterior distribution.
def __init__(self, logbf, laguerre_n, Lambda0, prior=-0.5,
name='count posterior', unit='signals/experiment',
logbf : array_like
logs of normalized foreground over background pdf ratios of events
laguerre_n: int
degree of generalized Laguerre polynomial for quadrature formula
Lambda0 : float
background rate (default=len(bayesfac))
prior : float or count_posterior, optional
prior distribution power law of improper prior if float
or count posterior distribution if count_posterior
(default=-0.5: Jeffreys prior)
super(count_posterior, self).__init__(a=0.0, b=numpy.inf, name=name,
unit=unit, texunit=texunit,
self.Lambda0 = Lambda0
# weighted Bayes factor
self.k = numpy.exp(numpy.array(logbf)) / self.Lambda0
# power-law priors
self.alpha = prior
if prior == 0:
self.prior = lambda x: 1.0
elif prior > 0:
self.prior = lambda x: x ** prior
# regularize at x = 0
self.prior = lambda x: (x + self.xtol) ** prior
# pre-compute Gaussian-Generalized-Laguerre quadrature
# abscissas and weights, along with pdf at these abscissas
self.x, w = ssp.la_roots(laguerre_n, self.alpha)
self.p = numpy.array([ww * numpy.prod(1.0 + self.k * xx)
for xx, ww in zip(self.x, w)])
self.norm = 1.0 / sum(self.p)
self.p *= self.norm
def _pdf(self, x):
# discourage underflows by evaluating ln L and using ln(1+x) function
logL = -x + numpy.sum(numpy.log1p(self.k * x))
P = numpy.exp(logL) * self.prior(x)
return self.norm * P
def _cdf(self, x):
return sig.quad(self._pdf, 0.0, x)
def expect(self, func):
Calculate expected value of a function with respect to the
The expected value of a function ``f(x)`` with respect to a
distribution ``dist`` is defined as::
E[x] = Integral(f(x) * dist.pdf(x))
func : callable
Function for which integral is calculated. Takes only one argument.
expect : float
The calculated expected value.
# FIXME: not as feature rich as the expect method this overrides
return sum(pp * func(xx) for xx, pp in zip(self.x, self.p))
def _munp(self, n):
return self.expect(lambda x: x**n)
def p_bg(self, logbf):
Calculate the false alarm probabilities of the events.
logbf : array_like
Logs of foreground over background probability ratios of events.
# get weighted bayes factor
k = numpy.exp(numpy.asarray(logbf)) / self.Lambda0
P0 = numpy.dot(1./(1. + numpy.outer(k, self.x)), self.p)
if isinstance(k, (float, int, numpy.number)):
return P0.item()
if isinstance(k, numpy.ndarray) and k.ndim == 0:
return P0.item()
# except in special cases above, return array of values
return P0
__all__ = ['augmented_rv_continuous', 'count_posterior']