Source code for pycbc.population.fgmc_plots

# Copyright (C) 2021 Jolien Creighton & Thomas Dent
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.

import json
import numpy

from matplotlib import figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas

def plot_setup(*args):
    # reduce scale of codeclimate complaints
    fig = figure.Figure()
    ax = fig.gca()
    return fig, ax

def plotodds(rankstats, p_b):
    # odds vs ranking stat
    fig, ax = plot_setup()
    ax.plot(rankstats, (1.0 - p_b) / p_b, 'k.')
    ax.plot([rankstats.min(), rankstats.max()], [1.0, 1.0], 'c--')
    ax.set_title(r'Foreground/Background Odds')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'ranking statistic')
    ax.set_xlim(0.99 * rankstats.min(), 1.2 * rankstats.max())
    return fig

def plotpbg(rankstats, p_b):
    # p_terr vs ranking stat
    fig, ax = plot_setup()
    ax.plot(rankstats, p_b, 'k.')
    ax.set_title(r'Probability of background origin')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'ranking statistic')
    ax.set_xlim(0.99 * rankstats.min(), 1.2 * rankstats.max())
    return fig

def plotoddsifar(ifar, p_b):
    # odds vs IFAR
    fig, ax = plot_setup()
    ax.plot(ifar, (1.0 - p_b) / p_b, 'k.')
    ax.plot([ifar.min(), ifar.max()], [1.0, 1.0], 'c--')
    ax.set_title(r'Foreground/Background Odds')
    ax.set_xlim(0.9 * ifar.min(), 1.1 * ifar.max())
    return fig

def plotfdr(p_b, ntop):
    # False dismissal rate vs p_terr
    fig, ax = plot_setup()
    # get smallest N p_terr values
    p_b = numpy.sort(p_b)[:ntop]
    # cumulative probable noise/signal counts
    cum_false = p_b.cumsum()
    cum_true = (1. - p_b).cumsum()
    ax.plot(p_b, cum_false / cum_true, 'b+')
    ax.plot(p_b, 1. / (numpy.arange(len(p_b)) + 1), 'c--', label=r'1 noise event')
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$p_{\rm terr}$')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'Cumulative $p_{\rm terr}$ / Cumulative $p_{\rm astro}$')
    ax.set_xlim(0., 1.05 * p_b.max())
    return fig

def finalize_plot(fig, args, extensions, name, pltype, tag):
    # Helper function
    for extn in extensions:
        filename = args.pldir + '_'.join(name.split()) + '_' + pltype + tag + extn
        if args.verbose:
            print('writing %s ...' % filename)

[docs] def odds_summary(args, rankstats, ifars, p_b, ntop, times=None, mchirps=None, name='events', plot_extensions=None): print('\nSummary of Top %i %s' % (ntop, name.title())) # do sort in reverse order statsort = numpy.argsort(1. / numpy.array(rankstats)) topn = statsort[:ntop] # indices giving top n topgps = [] topstat = [] topifar = [] toppastro = [] for n, i in enumerate(topn): gps = times[i] if times is not None else '' ifar = ifars[i] stat = rankstats[i] mchirpstring = 'mchirp %.3F' % mchirps[i] if mchirps is not None else '' topgps.append(gps) topstat.append(stat) topifar.append(ifar) print('#%d event:' % (n + 1), str(gps), mchirpstring) print(' rankstat = %-8.3f' % stat) print(' IFAR = %.2f' % ifar) print(' odds = %g' % ((1. - p_b[i]) / p_b[i])) toppastro.append(1. - p_b[i]) if args.p_astro_txt is not None: numpy.savetxt(args.p_astro_txt, numpy.column_stack((topgps, topstat, topifar, toppastro)), fmt=['%.3F', '%.2F', '%.2F', '%.5F'], delimiter=',', header='GPS seconds, stat, IFAR/yr, p_astro') if hasattr(args, 'json_tag') and args.json_tag is not None: # save to catalog-style files def dump_json(gps, p_a, p_b): jfile = args.plot_dir + 'H1L1V1-PYCBC_%s-%s-1.json' % \ (args.json_tag, str(int(gps))) # truncate to integer GPS with open(jfile, 'w') as jf: json.dump({'Astro': p_a, 'Terrestrial': p_b}, jf) if hasattr(args, 'json_min_ifar') and args.json_min_ifar is not None: for g, ifar, pt in zip(times, ifars, p_b): if ifar < args.json_min_ifar: continue dump_json(g, 1. - pt, pt) else: for g, pa in zip(topgps, toppastro): dump_json(g, pa, 1. - pa) if plot_extensions is not None: plottag = args.plot_tag or '' if plottag != '': plottag = '_' + plottag fig = plotodds(rankstats, p_b) finalize_plot(fig, args, plot_extensions, name, 'odds', plottag) fig = plotpbg(rankstats, p_b) finalize_plot(fig, args, plot_extensions, name, 'pbg', plottag) fig = plotoddsifar(ifars, p_b) finalize_plot(fig, args, plot_extensions, name, 'ifarodds', plottag) fig = plotfdr(p_b, ntop) finalize_plot(fig, args, plot_extensions, name, 'fdr', plottag)
[docs] def plotdist(rv, plot_lim=None, middle=None, credible_intervals=None, style='linear'): fig = figure.Figure() FigureCanvas(fig) ax = fig.gca() name = if hasattr(rv, 'name') else None symb = rv.texsymb if hasattr(rv, 'texsymb') else r'x' unit = rv.texunit if hasattr(rv, 'texunit') else None xlabel = r'$' + symb + '$' if unit is not None: xlabel += r' ($' + unit + r'$)' a, b = rv.interval(0.9999) if style == 'loglog': ax.loglog() ylabel = r'$p(' + symb + r')$' space = lambda a, b: numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(a), numpy.log10(b), 100) func = numpy.vectorize(rv.pdf) xmin = a ymin = rv.pdf(b) elif style == 'semilogx': ax.semilogx() ylabel = r'$' + symb + r'\,p(' + symb + r')$' space = lambda a, b: numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(a), numpy.log10(b), 100) func = numpy.vectorize(lambda x: x * rv.pdf(x)) xmin = a ymin = 0.0 else: # linear ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ylabel = r'$p(' + symb + r')$' space = lambda a, b: numpy.linspace(a, b, 100) func = numpy.vectorize(rv.pdf) xmin = 0.0 ymin = 0.0 x = space(a, b) y = func(x) ax.plot(x, y, color='k', linestyle='-') if plot_lim is not None: xmin, xmax = plot_lim ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) else: ax.set_xlim(xmin=xmin) ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin) if y.max() < 2 and y.max() > 1: ax.set_ylim(ymax=2.) if name is not None: ax.set_title(name.title()) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if middle is not None: ax.plot([middle, middle], [ymin, func(middle)], 'k--') if credible_intervals is not None: # alpha : density of fill shading alpha = 1.0 / (1.0 + len(credible_intervals)) for lo, hi in credible_intervals.values(): lo = max(a, lo) hi = min(b, hi) x = space(lo, hi) y = func(x) ax.fill_between(x, y, ymin, color='k', alpha=alpha) return fig
[docs] def dist_summary(args, rv, plot_styles=('linear', 'loglog', 'semilogx'), plot_extensions=None, middle=None, credible_intervals=None): name = if hasattr(rv, 'name') else 'posterior' unit = rv.unit if hasattr(rv, 'unit') else '' median = rv.median() mode = rv.mode() if hasattr(rv, 'mode') else None print('Summary of ' + name.title()) print('mean =', rv.mean(), unit) print('median =', median, unit) if mode is not None: print('mode =', mode, unit) print('stddev =', rv.std(), unit) if credible_intervals is not None and len(credible_intervals) > 0: print('equal-tailed credible intervals:') equal_tailed_credible_intervals = {} for cred in credible_intervals: lo, hi = rv.interval(cred) equal_tailed_credible_intervals[cred] = (lo, hi) print('%g%%' % (cred * 100), 'credible interval =', '[%g, %g]' % (lo, hi), unit) if hasattr(rv, 'hpd_interval'): print('highest probability density credible intervals:') hpd_credible_intervals = {} for cred in credible_intervals: hpdlo, hpdhi = rv.hpd_interval(cred) hpd_credible_intervals[cred] = (hpdlo, hpdhi) print('%g%%' % (cred * 100), 'credible interval =', '[%g, %g]' % (hpdlo, hpdhi), unit) else: hpd_credible_intervals = None if len(credible_intervals) == 0: credible_intervals = None intervals = None if middle == 'mode' and mode is not None: middle = mode if credible_intervals is not None: # use hpd intervals with mode intervals = hpd_credible_intervals else: middle = median if credible_intervals is not None: # use equal tailed intervals with median intervals = equal_tailed_credible_intervals # plot distributions if plot_extensions is not None: plottag = args.plot_tag or '' if plottag != '': plottag = '_' + plottag for style in plot_styles: fig = plotdist(rv, plot_lim=args.plot_limits, middle=middle, credible_intervals=intervals, style=style) finalize_plot(fig, args, plot_extensions, name, style, plottag) if credible_intervals is not None and len(credible_intervals) == 1: return median, lo - median, hi - median # keep codeclimate happy with explicit return statement return None
__all__ = ['plotdist', 'odds_summary', 'dist_summary']