# Copyright (C) 2021 Shichao Wu, Alex Nitz, Collin Capano
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# =============================================================================
# Preamble
# =============================================================================
This module provides functions for star formation rate models, time delay
models, merger rate density, and population models of BBH/BNS/NSBH.
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as scipy_integrate
import scipy.interpolate as scipy_interpolate
from astropy import units
from pycbc.cosmology import get_cosmology
from pycbc.cosmology import cosmological_quantity_from_redshift
def sfr_grb_2008(z):
r""" The star formation rate (SFR) calibrated by high-z GRBs data.
z : float
The redshift.
rho_z : float
The SFR at redshift z, in unit of "Msolar/Mpc^3/yr".
Please see Eq.(5) in <arXiv:0804.4008> for more details.
rho_local = 0.02 # Msolar/yr/Mpc^3
eta = -10
rho_z = rho_local*((1+z)**(3.4*eta) + ((1+z)/5000)**(-0.3*eta) +
return rho_z
def sfr_madau_dickinson_2014(z):
r""" The madau-dickinson 2014 star formation rate (SFR).
z : float
The redshift.
rho_z : float
The SFR at redshift z, in unit of "Msolar/Mpc^3/yr".
Pease see Eq.(15) in <arXiv:1403.0007> for more details.
rho_z = 0.015 * (1+z)**2.7 / (1 + ((1+z)/2.9)**5.6)
return rho_z
def sfr_madau_fragos_2017(z, k_imf=0.66, mode='high'):
r""" The madau-fragos 2017 star formation rate (SFR),
which updates madau-dickinson 2014 SFR by better reproducing
a number of recent 4 < z < 10 results.
z : float
The redshift.
k_imf : float
The correction factor KIMF adjusts the SFR for the assumed IMF,
for the Salpeter IMF, k_imf=1.0, for the three component broken
power-law Kroupa IMF, k_imf=0.66, here we choose Kroupa IMF as default.
model : string
The model of SFR, choose from 'high' and 'low'. Default to 'high'.
rho_z : float
The SFR at redshift z, in unit of "Msolar/Mpc^3/yr".
Pease see <arXiv:1606.07887> and <arXiv:1706.07053> for more details.
if mode == 'low':
factor_a = 2.6
factor_b = 3.2
factor_c = 6.2
elif mode == 'high':
factor_a = 2.7
factor_b = 3.0
factor_c = 5.35
raise ValueError("'mode' must choose from 'high' or 'low'.")
rho_z = k_imf * 0.015 * (1+z)**factor_a / (1 + ((1+z)/factor_b)**factor_c)
return rho_z
def diff_lookback_time(z, **kwargs):
r""" The derivative of lookback time t(z)
with respect to redshit z.
z : float
The redshift.
dt_dz : float
The value of dt/dz at the redshift z.
\**kwargs :
All other keyword args are passed to :py:func:`get_cosmology` to
select a cosmology. If none provided, will use
Pease see Eq.(A3) in <arXiv:2011.02717v3> for more details.
from sympy import sqrt
cosmology = get_cosmology(**kwargs)
H0 = cosmology.H0.value * \
(3.0856776E+19)**(-1)/(1/24/3600/365*1e-9) # Gyr^-1
dt_dz = 1/H0/(1+z)/sqrt((cosmology.Ode0+cosmology.Om0*(1+z)**3))
return dt_dz
def p_tau(tau, td_model="inverse"):
r""" The probability distribution of the time delay.
tau : float
The merger delay time from the
formation of the binary system and the orbital
decay timescale through gravitational wave radiation.
td_model : str
The time delay model.
p_t : float
The probability at time delay tau.
Pease see the Appendix in <arXiv:2011.02717v3> for more details.
from sympy import sqrt, exp, log
if td_model == "log_normal":
t_ln = 2.9 # Gyr
sigma_ln = 0.2
p_t = exp(-(log(tau)-log(t_ln))**2/(2*sigma_ln**2)) / \
elif td_model == "gaussian":
t_g = 2 # Gyr
sigma_g = 0.3
p_t = exp(-(tau-t_g)**2/(2*sigma_g**2)) / (sqrt(2*np.pi)*sigma_g)
elif td_model == "power_law":
alpha_t = 0.81
p_t = tau**(-alpha_t)
elif td_model == "inverse":
p_t = tau**(-0.999) # Try to avoid dividing zero.
raise ValueError("'model' must choose from \
['log_normal', 'gaussian', 'power_law', 'inverse'].")
return p_t
def convolution_trans(sfr, diff_lookback_t, model_td, **kwargs):
r""" This function is used in a symbolic integral, which to calculate
the merger rate density of CBC sources. This function converts the
convolution of the star formation rate SFR(tau) and the time delay
probability P(tau) on the time delay 'tau' into the convolution on
the redshift 'z'.
sfr : function
The star formation rate function used in the convolution.
diff_lookback_t : function
The derivative of lookback time t(z)
with respect to redshit z.
model_td : str
The name of time delay model.
\**kwargs :
All other keyword args are passed to :py:func:`get_cosmology` to
select a cosmology. If none provided, will use
func : sympy.core.symbol.Symbol
The product of SFR(z), P(tau(z)) and dt(z)/dz.
Pease see Eq.(A2) in <arXiv:2011.02717v3> for more details.
from sympy import integrate, symbols
if model_td not in ['log_normal', 'gaussian', 'power_law', 'inverse']:
raise ValueError("'model_td' must choose from \
['log_normal', 'gaussian', 'power_law', 'inverse'].")
# Fix the cosmology, set 'z/z_0' to be the only
# parameter in the symbolic integration.
diff_lookback_time_z = partial(diff_lookback_t, **kwargs)
z = symbols('z')
z_0 = symbols('z_0')
tau = integrate(diff_lookback_time_z(z), (z, z_0, z))
func = sfr(z) * p_tau(tau, model_td) * diff_lookback_time_z(z)
return func
def merger_rate_density(sfr_func, td_model, rho_local, maxz=10.0,
npoints=10000, z_array=None, **kwargs):
r""" This function uses the symbolic integral to calculate
the merger rate density of CBC sources. This function converts the
convolution of the star formation rate SFR(tau) and the time delay
probability P(tau) on the time delay 'tau' into the convolution on
the redshift 'z'. This function relies on `convolution_trans`.
sfr_func : function
The star formation rate function used in the convolution.
td_model : str
The name of time delay model.
rho_local : float
The local merger rate of a certain type of CBC source.
In the unit of "Mpc^-3yr^-1".
maxz : float
The max redshift. The default value is 10.
npoints : int
The number of points used in the interpolation. The default
value is 10000.
z_array : numpy.array
The array of redshift. The default value is None.
\**kwargs :
All other keyword args are passed to :py:func:`get_cosmology` to
select a cosmology. If none provided, will use
rho_z : scipy.interpolate.interp1d
The merger rate density.
Pease see Eq.(A1), Eq.(A2) in <arXiv:2011.02717v3> for more details.
from sympy import symbols, lambdify
if z_array is None:
z_array = np.linspace(0, maxz, npoints)
if td_model not in ['log_normal', 'gaussian', 'power_law', 'inverse']:
raise ValueError("'td_model' must choose from \
['log_normal', 'gaussian', 'power_law', 'inverse'].")
z = symbols('z')
z_0 = symbols('z_0')
f_z = np.zeros(len(z_array))
func_1 = convolution_trans(
sfr=sfr_func, diff_lookback_t=diff_lookback_time,
model_td=td_model, **kwargs)
for i in range(len(z_array)):
func_2 = lambdify(z, func_1.subs(z_0, z_array[i]), 'scipy')
f_z[i] = scipy_integrate.quad(
func_2, z_array[i], np.inf, epsabs=1.49e-3)[0]
f_z = f_z/f_z[0]*rho_local # Normalize & Rescale
rho_z = scipy_interpolate.interp1d(z_array, f_z)
return rho_z
def coalescence_rate(rate_den, maxz=10.0, npoints=10000,
z_array=None, **kwargs):
r""" This function calculates the coalescence(merger) rate at the redshift z.
rate_den : function or scipy.interpolate.interp1d
The merger rate density as a function of redshift. In the unit of
"Mpc^-3yr^-1". Use `merger_rate_density` function to calculate.
maxz : float
The max redshift. The default value is 10.
npoints : int
The number of points used in the interpolation. The default
value is 10000.
z_array : numpy.array or list
The redshift range. The default value is None.
\**kwargs :
All other keyword args are passed to :py:func:`get_cosmology` to
select a cosmology. If none provided, will use
coalescence_rate_interp : scipy.interpolate.interp1d
The coalescence rate.
Pease see Eq.(1) in <arXiv:2011.02717v3> for more details.
if z_array is None:
z_array = np.linspace(0, maxz, npoints)
dr_dz = []
cosmology = get_cosmology(**kwargs)
for z in z_array:
dr = cosmology.differential_comoving_volume(z) / (1+z)
coalescence_rate_interp = scipy_interpolate.interp1d(
z_array, dr_dz, fill_value='extrapolate')
return coalescence_rate_interp
def total_rate_upto_redshift(z, merger_rate):
r"""Total rate of occurrences out to some redshift.
z : int, float, tuple, numpy.ndarray or list
The redshift.
merger_rate : scipy.interpolate.interp1d or function
The merger or coalescence rate. Function should take the
redshift as a single argument. Provided by users or
calculated by the `coalescence_rate` function.
rate: float or list
The total rate of occurrences out to some redshift. In the
unit of "yr^-1".
if isinstance(z, (float, int)):
total_rate = scipy_integrate.quad(
merger_rate, 0, z,
epsabs=2.00e-4, epsrel=2.00e-4, limit=1000)[0]
elif isinstance(z, (tuple, np.ndarray, list)):
total_rate = []
for redshift in z:
merger_rate, 0, redshift,
epsabs=2.00e-4, epsrel=2.00e-4, limit=1000)[0]
raise ValueError("'z' must be 'int', 'float', 'tuple', \
'numpy.ndarray' or 'list'.")
return total_rate
def average_time_between_signals(z_array, merger_rate):
r""" This function calculates the average time interval
of a certain type of CBC source.
z_array : numpy.array
The array of redshift.
merger_rate : scipy.interpolate.interp1d or function
The coalescence rate. Provided by users or calculated by
the `coalescence_rate` function.
average_time : float
The average time interval (s).
total_rate = total_rate_upto_redshift(
z_array[-1], merger_rate) # yr^-1
average_time = 1./total_rate * 365*24*3600 # s
return average_time
def norm_redshift_distribution(z_array, merger_rate):
r""" This function calculates the normalized redshift distribution
of a certain type of CBC source.
z_array : numpy.array
The array of redshift.
merger_rate : scipy.interpolate.interp1d or function
The coalescence rate. Provided by users or calculated by
the `coalescence_rate` function.
norm_coalescence_rate : numpy.array
The normalized redshift distribution.
The can be used as a population-informed prior for redshift
and luminosity distance of CBC sources.
lambd = average_time_between_signals(z_array, merger_rate)
norm_coalescence_rate = lambd/(365*24*3600) * merger_rate(z_array)
return norm_coalescence_rate
def distance_from_rate(
total_rate, merger_rate, maxz=10, npoints=10000, **kwargs):
r"""Returns the luminosity distance from the given total rate value.
total_rate : float
The total rate.
merger_rate : scipy.interpolate.interp1d or function
The coalescence rate. Provided by users or calculated by
the `coalescence_rate` function.
maxz : float
The max redshift in the interpolation, the default value is 10.
Please use the same `maxz` as in `merger_rate`.
npoints : int
The number of points used in the interpolation, the default value
is 10000.
\**kwargs :
All other keyword args are passed to :py:func:`get_cosmology` to
select a cosmology. If none provided, will use
dl : float
The luminosity distance at the given total rate value.
In the unit of "Mpc".
This can be used in a population-informed prior for redshift
and luminosity distance of CBC sources. When this used in
high redshift range, please first use the `total_rate_upto_redshift`
function to plot the curve and find the point where the curve
starts to stay almost horizontal, then set `maxz` to the
corresponding value and change `npoints` to a reasonable value.
cosmology = get_cosmology(**kwargs)
if not hasattr(merger_rate, 'dist_interp'):
merger_rate.dist_interp = {}
if ((cosmology.name not in merger_rate.dist_interp) or
(len(merger_rate.dist_interp[cosmology.name].x) != npoints)):
def rate_func(redshift):
return total_rate_upto_redshift(redshift, merger_rate)
z_array = np.linspace(0, maxz, npoints)
dists = cosmological_quantity_from_redshift(
z_array, 'luminosity_distance', **kwargs)
total_rates = rate_func(z_array)
interp = scipy_interpolate.interp1d(total_rates, dists)
merger_rate.dist_interp[cosmology.name] = interp
dl = merger_rate.dist_interp[cosmology.name](total_rate)
if np.isscalar(dl):
dl = float(dl)
return dl
__all__ = ['sfr_grb_2008', 'sfr_madau_dickinson_2014',
'sfr_madau_fragos_2017', 'diff_lookback_time',
'p_tau', 'merger_rate_density', 'coalescence_rate',
'norm_redshift_distribution', 'total_rate_upto_redshift',
'distance_from_rate', 'average_time_between_signals']