Source code for pycbc.population.rates_functions

A set of helper functions for evaluating rates.

import numpy as np
from numpy import log
from scipy import integrate, optimize
import scipy.stats as ss

from pycbc.conversions import mchirp_from_mass1_mass2
from import HFile

[docs] def process_full_data(fname, rhomin, mass1, mass2, lo_mchirp, hi_mchirp): """Read the zero-lag and time-lag triggers identified by templates in a specified range of chirp mass. Parameters ---------- hdfile: File that stores all the triggers rhomin: float Minimum value of SNR threhold (will need including ifar) mass1: array First mass of the waveform in the template bank mass2: array Second mass of the waveform in the template bank lo_mchirp: float Minimum chirp mass for the template hi_mchirp: float Maximum chirp mass for the template Returns ------- dictionary containing foreground triggers and background information """ with HFile(fname, 'r') as bulk: id_bkg = bulk['background_exc/template_id'][:] id_fg = bulk['foreground/template_id'][:] mchirp_bkg = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(mass1[id_bkg], mass2[id_bkg]) bound = np.sign((mchirp_bkg - lo_mchirp) * (hi_mchirp - mchirp_bkg)) idx_bkg = np.where(bound == 1) mchirp_fg = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(mass1[id_fg], mass2[id_fg]) bound = np.sign((mchirp_fg - lo_mchirp) * (hi_mchirp - mchirp_fg)) idx_fg = np.where(bound == 1) zerolagstat = bulk['foreground/stat'][:][idx_fg] cstat_back_exc = bulk['background_exc/stat'][:][idx_bkg] dec_factors = bulk['background_exc/decimation_factor'][:][idx_bkg] return {'zerolagstat': zerolagstat[zerolagstat > rhomin], 'dec_factors': dec_factors[cstat_back_exc > rhomin], 'cstat_back_exc': cstat_back_exc[cstat_back_exc > rhomin]}
[docs] def save_bkg_falloff(fname_statmap, fname_bank, path, rhomin, lo_mchirp, hi_mchirp): ''' Read the STATMAP files to derive snr falloff for the background events. Save the output to a txt file Bank file is also provided to restrict triggers to BBH templates. Parameters ---------- fname_statmap: string STATMAP file containing trigger information fname_bank: string File name of the template bank path: string Destination where txt file is saved rhomin: float Minimum value of SNR threhold (will need including ifar) lo_mchirp: float Minimum chirp mass for the template hi_mchirp: float Maximum chirp mass for template ''' with HFile(fname_bank, 'r') as bulk: mass1_bank = bulk['mass1'][:] mass2_bank = bulk['mass2'][:] full_data = process_full_data(fname_statmap, rhomin, mass1_bank, mass2_bank, lo_mchirp, hi_mchirp) max_bg_stat = np.max(full_data['cstat_back_exc']) bg_bins = np.linspace(rhomin, max_bg_stat, 76) bg_counts = np.histogram(full_data['cstat_back_exc'], weights=full_data['dec_factors'], bins=bg_bins)[0] zerolagstat = full_data['zerolagstat'] coincs = zerolagstat[zerolagstat >= rhomin] bkg = (bg_bins[:-1], bg_bins[1:], bg_counts) return bkg, coincs
[docs] def log_rho_fgmc(t, injstats, bins): counts, bins = np.histogram(injstats, bins) N = sum(counts) dens = counts / np.diff(bins) / float(N) assert np.min(t) >= np.min(bins) assert np.max(t) < np.max(bins) tinds = np.searchsorted(bins, t) - 1 return log(dens[tinds])
[docs] def fgmc(log_fg_ratios, mu_log_vt, sigma_log_vt, Rf, maxfg): ''' Function to fit the likelihood Fixme ''' Lb = np.random.uniform(0., maxfg, len(Rf)) pquit = 0 while pquit < 0.1: # quit when the posterior on Lf is very close to its prior nsamp = len(Lb) Rf_sel = np.random.choice(Rf, nsamp) vt = np.random.lognormal(mu_log_vt, sigma_log_vt, len(Rf_sel)) Lf = Rf_sel * vt log_Lf, log_Lb = log(Lf), log(Lb) plR = 0 for lfr in log_fg_ratios: plR += np.logaddexp(lfr + log_Lf, log_Lb) plR -= (Lf + Lb) plRn = plR - max(plR) idx = np.exp(plRn) > np.random.random(len(plRn)) pquit = ss.stats.ks_2samp(Lb, Lb[idx])[1] Lb = Lb[idx] return Rf_sel[idx], Lf[idx], Lb
def _optm(x, alpha, mu, sigma): '''Return probability density of skew-lognormal See scipy.optimize.curve_fit ''' return ss.skewnorm.pdf(x, alpha, mu, sigma)
[docs] def fit(R): ''' Fit skew - lognormal to the rate samples achived from a prior analysis Parameters ---------- R: array Rate samples Returns ------- ff[0]: float The skewness ff[1]: float The mean ff[2]: float The standard deviation ''' lR = np.log(R) mu_norm, sigma_norm = np.mean(lR), np.std(lR) xs = np.linspace(min(lR), max(lR), 200) kde = ss.gaussian_kde(lR) pxs = kde(xs) # Initial guess has been taken as the mean and std-dev of the data # And a guess assuming small skewness ff = optimize.curve_fit(_optm, xs, pxs, p0 = [0.1, mu_norm, sigma_norm])[0] return ff[0], ff[1], ff[2]
[docs] def skew_lognormal_samples(alpha, mu, sigma, minrp, maxrp): ''' Returns a large number of Skew lognormal samples Parameters ---------- alpha: float Skewness of the distribution mu: float Mean of the distribution sigma: float Scale of the distribution minrp: float Minimum value for the samples maxrp: float Maximum value for the samples Returns ------- Rfs: array Large number of samples (may need fixing) ''' nsamp = 100000000 lRu = np.random.uniform(minrp, maxrp, nsamp) plRu = ss.skewnorm.pdf(lRu, alpha, mu, sigma) rndn = np.random.random(nsamp) maxp = max(plRu) idx = np.where(plRu/maxp > rndn) log_Rf = lRu[idx] Rfs = np.exp(log_Rf) return Rfs
# The flat in log and power-law mass distribution models # # PDF for the two canonical models plus flat in mass model
[docs] def prob_lnm(m1, m2, s1z, s2z, **kwargs): ''' Return probability density for uniform in log Parameters ---------- m1: array Component masses 1 m2: array Component masses 2 s1z: array Aligned spin 1(Not in use currently) s2z: Aligned spin 2(Not in use currently) **kwargs: string Keyword arguments as model parameters Returns ------- p_m1_m2: array The probability density for m1, m2 pair ''' min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.) max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.) max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass m1, m2 = np.array(m1), np.array(m2) C_lnm = integrate.quad(lambda x: (log(max_mtotal - x) - log(min_mass))/x, min_mass, max_mass)[0] xx = np.minimum(m1, m2) m1 = np.maximum(m1, m2) m2 = xx bound = np.sign(max_mtotal - m1 - m2) bound += np.sign(max_mass - m1) * np.sign(m2 - min_mass) idx = np.where(bound != 2) p_m1_m2 = (1/C_lnm)*(1./m1)*(1./m2) p_m1_m2[idx] = 0 return p_m1_m2
[docs] def prob_imf(m1, m2, s1z, s2z, **kwargs): ''' Return probability density for power-law Parameters ---------- m1: array Component masses 1 m2: array Component masses 2 s1z: array Aligned spin 1(Not in use currently) s2z: Aligned spin 2(Not in use currently) **kwargs: string Keyword arguments as model parameters Returns ------- p_m1_m2: array the probability density for m1, m2 pair ''' min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.) max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.) alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', -2.35) max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass m1, m2 = np.array(m1), np.array(m2) C_imf = max_mass**(alpha + 1)/(alpha + 1) C_imf -= min_mass**(alpha + 1)/(alpha + 1) xx = np.minimum(m1, m2) m1 = np.maximum(m1, m2) m2 = xx bound = np.sign(max_mtotal - m1 - m2) bound += np.sign(max_mass - m1) * np.sign(m2 - min_mass) idx = np.where(bound != 2) p_m1_m2 = np.zeros_like(m1) idx = np.where(m1 <= max_mtotal/2.) p_m1_m2[idx] = (1./C_imf) * m1[idx]**alpha /(m1[idx] - min_mass) idx = np.where(m1 > max_mtotal/2.) p_m1_m2[idx] = (1./C_imf) * m1[idx]**alpha /(max_mass - m1[idx]) p_m1_m2[idx] = 0 return p_m1_m2/2.
[docs] def prob_flat(m1, m2, s1z, s2z, **kwargs): ''' Return probability density for uniform in component mass Parameters ---------- m1: array Component masses 1 m2: array Component masses 2 s1z: array Aligned spin 1 (not in use currently) s2z: Aligned spin 2 (not in use currently) **kwargs: string Keyword arguments as model parameters Returns ------- p_m1_m2: array the probability density for m1, m2 pair ''' min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 1.) max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 2.) bound = np.sign(m1 - m2) bound += np.sign(max_mass - m1) * np.sign(m2 - min_mass) idx = np.where(bound != 2) p_m1_m2 = 2. / (max_mass - min_mass)**2 p_m1_m2[idx] = 0 return p_m1_m2
# Generate samples for the two canonical models plus flat in mass model
[docs] def draw_imf_samples(**kwargs): ''' Draw samples for power-law model Parameters ---------- **kwargs: string Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples Returns ------- array The first mass array The second mass ''' alpha_salpeter = kwargs.get('alpha', -2.35) nsamples = kwargs.get('nsamples', 1) min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.) max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.) max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass a = (max_mass/min_mass)**(alpha_salpeter + 1.0) - 1.0 beta = 1.0 / (alpha_salpeter + 1.0) k = nsamples * int(1.5 + log(1 + 100./nsamples)) aa = min_mass * (1.0 + a * np.random.random(k))**beta bb = np.random.uniform(min_mass, aa, k) idx = np.where(aa + bb < max_mtotal) m1, m2 = (np.maximum(aa, bb))[idx], (np.minimum(aa, bb))[idx] return np.resize(m1, nsamples), np.resize(m2, nsamples)
[docs] def draw_lnm_samples(**kwargs): ''' Draw samples for uniform-in-log model Parameters ---------- **kwargs: string Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples Returns ------- array The first mass array The second mass ''' #PDF doesnt match with sampler nsamples = kwargs.get('nsamples', 1) min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.) max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.) max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass lnmmin = log(min_mass) lnmmax = log(max_mass) k = nsamples * int(1.5 + log(1 + 100./nsamples)) aa = np.exp(np.random.uniform(lnmmin, lnmmax, k)) bb = np.exp(np.random.uniform(lnmmin, lnmmax, k)) idx = np.where(aa + bb < max_mtotal) m1, m2 = (np.maximum(aa, bb))[idx], (np.minimum(aa, bb))[idx] return np.resize(m1, nsamples), np.resize(m2, nsamples)
[docs] def draw_flat_samples(**kwargs): ''' Draw samples for uniform in mass Parameters ---------- **kwargs: string Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples Returns ------- array The first mass array The second mass ''' #PDF doesnt match with sampler nsamples = kwargs.get('nsamples', 1) min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 1.) max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 2.) m1 = np.random.uniform(min_mass, max_mass, nsamples) m2 = np.random.uniform(min_mass, max_mass, nsamples) return np.maximum(m1, m2), np.minimum(m1, m2)
# Functions to generate chirp mass samples for the two canonical models
[docs] def mchirp_sampler_lnm(**kwargs): ''' Draw chirp mass samples for uniform-in-log model Parameters ---------- **kwargs: string Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples Returns ------- mchirp-astro: array The chirp mass samples for the population ''' m1, m2 = draw_lnm_samples(**kwargs) mchirp_astro = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(m1, m2) return mchirp_astro
[docs] def mchirp_sampler_imf(**kwargs): ''' Draw chirp mass samples for power-law model Parameters ---------- **kwargs: string Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples Returns ------- mchirp-astro: array The chirp mass samples for the population ''' m1, m2 = draw_imf_samples(**kwargs) mchirp_astro = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(m1, m2) return mchirp_astro
[docs] def mchirp_sampler_flat(**kwargs): ''' Draw chirp mass samples for flat in mass model Parameters ---------- **kwargs: string Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples Returns ------- mchirp-astro: array The chirp mass samples for the population ''' m1, m2 = draw_flat_samples(**kwargs) mchirp_astro = mchirp_from_mass1_mass2(m1, m2) return mchirp_astro