Source code for pycbc.psd.analytical_space

# Copyright (C) 2022  Shichao Wu, Alex Nitz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================
This module provides (semi-)analytical PSDs and sensitivity curves for space
borne detectors, such as LISA, Taiji, and TianQin. Based on LISA technical note
paper <10.1088/1361-6382/ab1101>, <10.1088/0264-9381/33/3/035010>,
<10.1103/PhysRevD.102.063021>, <10.1103/PhysRevD.100.043003>,
and <10.1103/PhysRevD.107.064021>.

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy.constants import c
from import from_numpy_arrays

def _psd_acc_noise(f, acc_noise_level=None):
    """ The PSD of TDI-based space-borne GW
    detectors' acceleration noise. Note that
    this is suitable for LISA and Taiji, TianQin
    has a different form.

    f : float or numpy.array
        The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz".
    acc_noise_level : float
        The level of acceleration noise.

    s_acc_nu : float or numpy.array
        The PSD value or array for acceleration noise.
        Please see Eq.(11-13) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details.
    s_acc = acc_noise_level**2 * (1+(4e-4/f)**2)*(1+(f/8e-3)**4)
    s_acc_d = s_acc * (2*np.pi*f)**(-4)
    s_acc_nu = (2*np.pi*f/c.value)**2 * s_acc_d

    return s_acc_nu

[docs]def psd_lisa_acc_noise(f, acc_noise_level=3e-15): """ The PSD of LISA's acceleration noise. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. Returns ------- s_acc_nu : float or numpy.array The PSD value or array for acceleration noise. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(11-13) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ s_acc_nu = _psd_acc_noise(f, acc_noise_level) return s_acc_nu
[docs]def psd_tianqin_acc_noise(f, acc_noise_level=1e-15): """ The PSD of TianQin's acceleration noise. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. Returns ------- s_acc_nu : float or numpy.array The PSD value or array for acceleration noise. Notes ----- Please see Table(1) in <10.1088/0264-9381/33/3/035010> and that paper for more details. """ s_acc_d = acc_noise_level**2 * (2*np.pi*f)**(-4) * (1+1e-4/f) s_acc_nu = (2*np.pi*f/c.value)**2 * s_acc_d return s_acc_nu
[docs]def psd_taiji_acc_noise(f, acc_noise_level=3e-15): """ The PSD of Taiji's acceleration noise. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. Returns ------- s_acc_nu : float or numpy.array The PSD value or array for acceleration noise. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(2) in <10.1103/PhysRevD.107.064021> for more details. """ s_acc_nu = _psd_acc_noise(f, acc_noise_level) return s_acc_nu
def _psd_oms_noise(f, oms_noise_level=None): """ The PSD of TDI-based space-borne GW detectors' OMS noise. Note that this is suitable for LISA and Taiji, TianQin has a different form. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- s_oms_nu : float or numpy.array The PSD value or array for OMS noise. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(9-10) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ s_oms_d = oms_noise_level**2 * (1+(2e-3/f)**4) s_oms_nu = s_oms_d * (2*np.pi*f/c.value)**2 return s_oms_nu
[docs]def psd_lisa_oms_noise(f, oms_noise_level=15e-12): """ The PSD of LISA's OMS noise. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- s_oms_nu : float or numpy.array The PSD value or array for OMS noise. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(9-10) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ s_oms_nu = _psd_oms_noise(f, oms_noise_level) return s_oms_nu
[docs]def psd_tianqin_oms_noise(f, oms_noise_level=1e-12): """ The PSD of TianQin's OMS noise. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- s_oms_nu : float or numpy.array The PSD value or array for OMS noise. Notes ----- Please see Table(1) in <10.1088/0264-9381/33/3/035010> and that paper for more details. """ s_oms_d = oms_noise_level**2 s_oms_nu = s_oms_d * (2*np.pi*f/c.value)**2 return s_oms_nu
[docs]def psd_taiji_oms_noise(f, oms_noise_level=8e-12): """ The PSD of Taiji's OMS noise. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- s_oms_nu : float or numpy.array The PSD value or array for OMS noise. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(1) in <10.1103/PhysRevD.107.064021> for more details. """ s_oms_nu = _psd_oms_noise(f, oms_noise_level) return s_oms_nu
[docs]def lisa_psd_components(f, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=15e-12): """ The PSD of LISA's acceleration and OMS noise. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- low_freq_component, high_freq_component : The PSD value or array for acceleration and OMS noise. """ acc_noise_level = np.float64(acc_noise_level) oms_noise_level = np.float64(oms_noise_level) low_freq_component = psd_lisa_acc_noise(f, acc_noise_level) high_freq_component = psd_lisa_oms_noise(f, oms_noise_level) return low_freq_component, high_freq_component
[docs]def tianqin_psd_components(f, acc_noise_level=1e-15, oms_noise_level=1e-12): """ The PSD of TianQin's acceleration and OMS noise. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- low_freq_component, high_freq_component : The PSD value or array for acceleration and OMS noise. """ acc_noise_level = np.float64(acc_noise_level) oms_noise_level = np.float64(oms_noise_level) low_freq_component = psd_tianqin_acc_noise(f, acc_noise_level) high_freq_component = psd_tianqin_oms_noise(f, oms_noise_level) return low_freq_component, high_freq_component
[docs]def taiji_psd_components(f, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=8e-12): """ The PSD of Taiji's acceleration and OMS noise. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- low_freq_component, high_freq_component : The PSD value or array for acceleration and OMS noise. """ acc_noise_level = np.float64(acc_noise_level) oms_noise_level = np.float64(oms_noise_level) low_freq_component = psd_taiji_acc_noise(f, acc_noise_level) high_freq_component = psd_taiji_oms_noise(f, oms_noise_level) return low_freq_component, high_freq_component
[docs]def omega_length(f, len_arm=None): """ The function to calculate 2*pi*f*arm_length. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, TianQin, or Taiji. The default value here is None. Returns ------- omega_len : float or numpy.array The value of 2*pi*f*arm_length. """ omega_len = 2*np.pi*f * len_arm/c.value return omega_len
def _analytical_psd_tdi_XYZ(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=None, psd_components=None, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 analytical PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for TDI-based space-borne GW detectors. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of the detector, in the unit of "m". psd_components : numpy.array The PSDs of acceleration noise and OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel). Notes ----- Please see Eq.(19-20) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ len_arm = np.float64(len_arm) fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) s_acc_nu, s_oms_nu = psd_components omega_len = omega_length(fr, len_arm) psd = 16*(np.sin(omega_len))**2 * (s_oms_nu + s_acc_nu*(3+np.cos(2*omega_len))) if str(tdi) not in ["1.5", "2.0"]: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") if str(tdi) == "2.0": tdi2_factor = 4*(np.sin(2*omega_len))**2 psd *= tdi2_factor fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, psd, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_lisa_tdi_XYZ(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=2.5e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=15e-12, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 analytical PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for LISA. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for LISA. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(19-20) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(lisa_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_psd_tdi_XYZ(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_tianqin_tdi_XYZ(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=np.sqrt(3)*1e8, acc_noise_level=1e-15, oms_noise_level=1e-12, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 analytical PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for TianQin. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of TianQin, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for TianQin. Notes ----- Please see Table(1) in <10.1088/0264-9381/33/3/035010> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(tianqin_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_psd_tdi_XYZ(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_taiji_tdi_XYZ(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=3e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=8e-12, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 analytical PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for Taiji. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of Taiji, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for Taiji. Notes ----- Please see <10.1103/PhysRevD.107.064021> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(taiji_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_psd_tdi_XYZ(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
def _analytical_csd_tdi_XY(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=None, psd_components=None, tdi=None): """ The cross-spectrum density between TDI channel X and Y. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of the detector, in the unit of "m". psd_components : numpy.array The PSDs of acceleration noise and OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The CSD between TDI-1.5/2.0 channel X and Y. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(56) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-MAN-001(Radler)> for more details. """ len_arm = np.float64(len_arm) fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) s_acc_nu, s_oms_nu = psd_components omega_len = omega_length(fr, len_arm) csd = (-8*np.sin(omega_len)**2 * np.cos(omega_len) * (s_oms_nu+4*s_acc_nu)) if str(tdi) not in ["1.5", "2.0"]: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") if str(tdi) == "2.0": tdi2_factor = 4*(np.sin(2*omega_len))**2 csd *= tdi2_factor fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, csd, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_csd_lisa_tdi_XY(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=2.5e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=15e-12, tdi=None): """ The cross-spectrum density between LISA's TDI channel X and Y. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The CSD between LISA's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel X and Y. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(56) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-MAN-001(Radler)> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(lisa_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_csd_tdi_XY(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
def _analytical_psd_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=None, psd_components=None, tdi=None): """ The PSD of TDI-1.5/2.0 channel A and E. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of the detector, in the unit of "m". psd_components : numpy.array The PSDs of acceleration noise and OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The PSD of TDI-1.5/2.0 channel A and E. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(58) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-MAN-001(Radler)> for more details. """ len_arm = np.float64(len_arm) fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) s_acc_nu, s_oms_nu = psd_components omega_len = omega_length(fr, len_arm) psd = (8*(np.sin(omega_len))**2 * (4*(1+np.cos(omega_len)+np.cos(omega_len)**2)*s_acc_nu + (2+np.cos(omega_len))*s_oms_nu)) if str(tdi) not in ["1.5", "2.0"]: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") if str(tdi) == "2.0": tdi2_factor = 4*(np.sin(2*omega_len))**2 psd *= tdi2_factor fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, psd, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_lisa_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=2.5e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=15e-12, tdi=None): """ The PSD of LISA's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel A and E. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The PSD of LISA's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel A and E. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(58) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-MAN-001(Radler)> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(lisa_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_psd_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_tianqin_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=np.sqrt(3)*1e8, acc_noise_level=1e-15, oms_noise_level=1e-12, tdi=None): """ The PSD of TianQin's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel A and E. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of TianQin, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The PSD of TianQin's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel A and E. Notes ----- Please see Table(1) in <10.1088/0264-9381/33/3/035010> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(tianqin_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_psd_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_taiji_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=3e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=8e-12, tdi=None): """ The PSD of Taiji's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel A and E. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of Taiji, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The PSD of Taiji's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel A and E. Notes ----- Please see <10.1103/PhysRevD.107.064021> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(taiji_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_psd_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
def _analytical_psd_tdi_T(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=None, psd_components=None, tdi=None): """ The PSD of TDI-1.5/2.0 channel T. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of the detector, in the unit of "m". psd_components : numpy.array The PSDs of acceleration noise and OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The PSD of TDI-1.5/2.0 channel T. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(59) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-MAN-001(Radler)> for more details. """ len_arm = np.float64(len_arm) fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) s_acc_nu, s_oms_nu = psd_components omega_len = omega_length(fr, len_arm) psd = (32*np.sin(omega_len)**2 * np.sin(omega_len/2)**2 * (4*s_acc_nu*np.sin(omega_len/2)**2 + s_oms_nu)) if str(tdi) not in ["1.5", "2.0"]: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") if str(tdi) == "2.0": tdi2_factor = 4*(np.sin(2*omega_len))**2 psd *= tdi2_factor fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, psd, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_lisa_tdi_T(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=2.5e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=15e-12, tdi=None): """ The PSD of LISA's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel T. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The PSD of LISA's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel T. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(59) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-MAN-001(Radler)> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(lisa_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_psd_tdi_T(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_tianqin_tdi_T(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=np.sqrt(3)*1e8, acc_noise_level=1e-15, oms_noise_level=1e-12, tdi=None): """ The PSD of TianQin's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel T. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of TianQin, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The PSD of TianQin's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel T. Notes ----- Please see Table(1) in <10.1088/0264-9381/33/3/035010> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(tianqin_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_psd_tdi_T(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_taiji_tdi_T(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=3e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=8e-12, tdi=None): """ The PSD of Taiji's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel T. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of Taiji, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The PSD of Taiji's TDI-1.5/2.0 channel T. Notes ----- Please see <10.1103/PhysRevD.107.064021> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) psd_components = np.array(taiji_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level)) fseries = _analytical_psd_tdi_T(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, psd_components, tdi) return fseries
[docs]def averaged_lisa_fplus_sq_numerical(f, len_arm=2.5e9): """ A numerical fit for LISA's squared antenna response function, averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". Returns ------- fp_sq_numerical : float or numpy.array The sky and polarization angle averaged squared antenna response. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(36) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ from import download_file if len_arm != 2.5e9: raise ValueError("Currently only support 'len_arm=2.5e9'.") # Download the numerical LISA averaged response. url = "" file_path = download_file(url, cache=True) freqs, fp_sq = np.load(file_path) # Padding the end. freqs = np.append(freqs, 2) fp_sq = np.append(fp_sq, 0.0012712348970728724) fp_sq_interp = interp1d(freqs, fp_sq, kind='linear', fill_value="extrapolate") fp_sq_numerical = fp_sq_interp(f)/16 return fp_sq_numerical
[docs]def averaged_fplus_sq_approximated(f, len_arm=None): r""" A simplified fit for TDI-based space-borne GW detectors' squared antenna response function, averaged over sky and polarization angle. .. math:: <\left(F_{X}^{+}\right)^{2}>\approx \frac{3}{20} \frac{1}{ 1+0.6(\omega L)^{2}} Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". len_arm : float The arm length of the detector, in the unit of "m". Returns ------- fp_sq_approx : float or numpy.array The sky and polarization angle averaged squared antenna response. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(9) in <10.1088/1361-6382/ab1101> for more details. """ fp_sq_approx = (3./20.)*(1./(1.+0.6*omega_length(f, len_arm)**2)) return fp_sq_approx
[docs]def averaged_tianqin_fplus_sq_numerical(f, len_arm=np.sqrt(3)*1e8): """ A numerical fit for TianQin's squared antenna response function, averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". len_arm : float The arm length of TianQin, in the unit of "m". Returns ------- fp_sq_numerical : float or numpy.array The sky and polarization angle averaged squared antenna response. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(15-16) in <10.1103/PhysRevD.100.043003> for more details. """ base = averaged_fplus_sq_approximated(f, len_arm) a = [1, 1e-4, 2639e-4, 231/5*1e-4, -2093/1.25*1e-4, 2173e-5, 2101e-6, 3027/2*1e-5, -42373/5*1e-6, 176087e-8, -8023/5*1e-7, 5169e-9] omega_len = omega_length(f, len_arm) omega_len_low_f = omega_len[omega_len < 4.1] omega_len_high_f = omega_len[omega_len >= 4.1] base_low_f = base[:len(omega_len_low_f)] base_high_f = base[len(omega_len_low_f):] low_f_modulation = np.polyval(a[::-1], omega_len_low_f) high_f_modulation = np.exp( -0.322 * np.sin(2*omega_len_high_f-4.712) + 0.078 ) low_f_result = np.multiply(base_low_f, low_f_modulation) high_f_result = np.multiply(base_high_f, high_f_modulation) fp_sq_numerical = np.concatenate((low_f_result, high_f_result)) return fp_sq_numerical
[docs]def averaged_response_lisa_tdi(f, len_arm=2.5e9, tdi=None): """ LISA's TDI-1.5/2.0 response function to GW, averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- response_tdi : float or numpy.array The sky and polarization angle averaged TDI-1.5/2.0 response to GW. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(39-40) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ omega_len = omega_length(f, len_arm) ave_fp2 = averaged_lisa_fplus_sq_numerical(f, len_arm) response_tdi = (4*omega_len)**2 * np.sin(omega_len)**2 * ave_fp2 if str(tdi) not in ["1.5", "2.0"]: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") if str(tdi) == "2.0": tdi2_factor = 4*(np.sin(2*omega_len))**2 response_tdi *= tdi2_factor return response_tdi
[docs]def averaged_response_tianqin_tdi(f, len_arm=np.sqrt(3)*1e8, tdi=None): """ TianQin's TDI-1.5/2.0 response function to GW, averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". len_arm : float The arm length of TianQin, in the unit of "m". tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- response_tdi : float or numpy.array The sky and polarization angle averaged TDI-1.5/2.0 response to GW. """ omega_len = omega_length(f, len_arm) ave_fp2 = averaged_tianqin_fplus_sq_numerical(f, len_arm) response_tdi = (4*omega_len)**2 * np.sin(omega_len)**2 * ave_fp2 if str(tdi) not in ["1.5", "2.0"]: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") if str(tdi) == "2.0": tdi2_factor = 4*(np.sin(2*omega_len))**2 response_tdi *= tdi2_factor return response_tdi
[docs]def averaged_response_taiji_tdi(f, len_arm=3e9, tdi=None): """ Taiji's TDI-1.5/2.0 response function to GW, averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- f : float or numpy.array The frequency or frequency range, in the unit of "Hz". len_arm : float The arm length of Taiji, in the unit of "m". tdi : str The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- response_tdi : float or numpy.array The sky and polarization angle averaged TDI-1.5/2.0 response to GW. """ omega_len = omega_length(f, len_arm) ave_fp2 = averaged_fplus_sq_approximated(f, len_arm) response_tdi = (4*omega_len)**2 * np.sin(omega_len)**2 * ave_fp2 if str(tdi) not in ["1.5", "2.0"]: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") if str(tdi) == "2.0": tdi2_factor = 4*(np.sin(2*omega_len))**2 response_tdi *= tdi2_factor return response_tdi
[docs]def sensitivity_curve_lisa_semi_analytical(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=2.5e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=15e-12): """ The semi-analytical LISA's sensitivity curve (6-links), averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged semi-analytical LISA's sensitivity curve (6-links). Notes ----- Please see Eq.(42-43) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ len_arm = np.float64(len_arm) acc_noise_level = np.float64(acc_noise_level) oms_noise_level = np.float64(oms_noise_level) fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) fp_sq = averaged_lisa_fplus_sq_numerical(fr, len_arm) s_acc_nu, s_oms_nu = lisa_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level) omega_len = omega_length(fr, len_arm) sense_curve = ((s_oms_nu + s_acc_nu*(3+np.cos(2*omega_len))) / (omega_len**2*fp_sq)) fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, sense_curve/2, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def sensitivity_curve_tianqin_analytical(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=np.sqrt(3)*1e8, acc_noise_level=1e-15, oms_noise_level=1e-12): """ The analytical TianQin's sensitivity curve (6-links), averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of TianQin, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged analytical TianQin's sensitivity curve (6-links). """ len_arm = np.float64(len_arm) acc_noise_level = np.float64(acc_noise_level) oms_noise_level = np.float64(oms_noise_level) fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) fp_sq = averaged_tianqin_fplus_sq_numerical(fr, len_arm) s_acc_nu, s_oms_nu = tianqin_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level) omega_len = omega_length(fr, len_arm) sense_curve = ((s_oms_nu + s_acc_nu*(3+np.cos(2*omega_len))) / (omega_len**2*fp_sq)) fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, sense_curve/2, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def sensitivity_curve_taiji_analytical(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=3e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=8e-12): """ The analytical Taiji's sensitivity curve (6-links), averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of Taiji, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged analytical Taiji's sensitivity curve (6-links). """ len_arm = np.float64(len_arm) acc_noise_level = np.float64(acc_noise_level) oms_noise_level = np.float64(oms_noise_level) fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) fp_sq = averaged_fplus_sq_approximated(fr, len_arm) s_acc_nu, s_oms_nu = taiji_psd_components( fr, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level) omega_len = omega_length(fr, len_arm) sense_curve = ((s_oms_nu + s_acc_nu*(3+np.cos(2*omega_len))) / (omega_len**2*fp_sq)) fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, sense_curve/2, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def sensitivity_curve_lisa_SciRD(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff): """ The analytical LISA's sensitivity curve in SciRD, averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged analytical LISA's sensitivity curve in SciRD. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(114) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) s_I = 5.76e-48 * (1+(4e-4/fr)**2) s_II = 3.6e-41 R = 1 + (fr/2.5e-2)**2 sense_curve = 10/3 * (s_I/(2*np.pi*fr)**4+s_II) * R fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, sense_curve, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def confusion_fit_lisa(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, duration=1.0): """ The LISA's sensitivity curve for Galactic confusion noise, averaged over sky and polarization angle. No instrumental noise. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 10, in the unit of years. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged LISA's sensitivity curve for Galactic confusion noise. No instrumental noise. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(85-86) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) f1 = 10**(-0.25*np.log10(duration)-2.7) fk = 10**(-0.27*np.log10(duration)-2.47) sh_confusion = (0.5*1.14e-44*fr**(-7/3)*np.exp(-(fr/f1)**1.8) * (1.0+np.tanh((fk-fr)/0.31e-3))) fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, sh_confusion, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def confusion_fit_tianqin(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, duration=1.0): """ The TianQin's sensitivity curve for Galactic confusion noise, averaged over sky and polarization angle. No instrumental noise. Only valid for 0.5 mHz < f < 10 mHz. Note that the results between 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 5 years are extrapolated, might be non-physical. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 5, in the unit of years. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged TianQin's sensitivity curve for Galactic confusion noise. No instrumental noise. Notes ----- Please see Table(II) in <10.1103/PhysRevD.102.063021> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) t_obs = [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 5] a0 = [-18.6, -18.6, -18.6, -18.6, -18.6] a1 = [-1.22, -1.13, -1.45, -1.43, -1.51] a2 = [0.009, -0.945, 0.315, -0.687, -0.710] a3 = [-1.87, -1.02, -1.19, 0.24, -1.13] a4 = [0.65, 4.05, -4.48, -0.15, -0.83] a5 = [3.6, -4.5, 10.8, -1.8, 13.2] a6 = [-4.6, -0.5, -9.4, -3.2, -19.1] fit_a0 = interp1d(t_obs, a0, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a1 = interp1d(t_obs, a1, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a2 = interp1d(t_obs, a2, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a3 = interp1d(t_obs, a3, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a4 = interp1d(t_obs, a4, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a5 = interp1d(t_obs, a5, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a6 = interp1d(t_obs, a6, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") if duration not in t_obs: raise Warning("Note that the results between " + "0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 5 years are extrapolated, " + "might be non-physical.") # 10/3 is the factor for sky-average, the original fit in the paper # is not sky-averaged. sh_confusion = 10./3 * np.power( 10, fit_a0(duration) + fit_a1(duration) * np.log10(fr*1e3) + fit_a2(duration) * np.log10(fr*1e3)**2 + fit_a3(duration) * np.log10(fr*1e3)**3 + fit_a4(duration) * np.log10(fr*1e3)**4 + fit_a5(duration) * np.log10(fr*1e3)**5 + fit_a6(duration) * np.log10(fr*1e3)**6 )**2 # avoid the jump of values sh_confusion[(fr > 3e-4) & (fr < 5e-4)] = \ sh_confusion[(np.abs(fr - 5e-4)).argmin()] sh_confusion[(fr < 3e-4) | (fr > 1e-2)] = 0 fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, sh_confusion, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def confusion_fit_taiji(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, duration=1.0): """ The Taiji's sensitivity curve for Galactic confusion noise, averaged over sky and polarization angle. No instrumental noise. Only valid for 0.1 mHz < f < 10 mHz. Note that the results between 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 years are extrapolated, might be non-physical. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 4, in the unit of years. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged Taiji's sensitivity curve for Galactic confusion noise. No instrumental noise. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(6) and Table(I) in <10.1103/PhysRevD.107.064021> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) t_obs = [0.5, 1, 2, 4] a0 = [-85.3498, -85.4336, -85.3919, -85.5448] a1 = [-2.64899, -2.46276, -2.69735, -3.23671] a2 = [-0.0699707, -0.183175, -0.749294, -1.64187] a3 = [-0.478447, -0.884147, -1.15302, -1.14711] a4 = [-0.334821, -0.427176, -0.302761, 0.0325887] a5 = [0.0658353, 0.128666, 0.175521, 0.187854] fit_a0 = interp1d(t_obs, a0, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a1 = interp1d(t_obs, a1, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a2 = interp1d(t_obs, a2, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a3 = interp1d(t_obs, a3, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a4 = interp1d(t_obs, a4, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") fit_a5 = interp1d(t_obs, a5, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate") if duration not in t_obs: raise Warning("Note that the results between " + "0.5, 1, 2, and 4 years are extrapolated, " + "might be non-physical.") sh_confusion = np.exp( fit_a0(duration) + fit_a1(duration) * np.log(fr*1e3) + fit_a2(duration) * np.log(fr*1e3)**2 + fit_a3(duration) * np.log(fr*1e3)**3 + fit_a4(duration) * np.log(fr*1e3)**4 + fit_a5(duration) * np.log(fr*1e3)**5 ) sh_confusion[(fr < 1e-4) | (fr > 1e-2)] = 0 fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fr, sh_confusion, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def sensitivity_curve_lisa_confusion(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=2.5e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=15e-12, base_model="semi", duration=1.0): """ The LISA's sensitivity curve with Galactic confusion noise, averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. base_model : string The base model of sensitivity curve, chosen from "semi" or "SciRD". duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 10, in the unit of years. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged LISA's sensitivity curve with Galactic confusion noise. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(85-86) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ if base_model == "semi": base_curve = sensitivity_curve_lisa_semi_analytical( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level) elif base_model == "SciRD": base_curve = sensitivity_curve_lisa_SciRD( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) else: raise ValueError("Must choose from 'semi' or 'SciRD'.") if duration < 0 or duration > 10: raise ValueError("Must between 0 and 10.") fseries_confusion = confusion_fit_lisa( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, duration) fseries = from_numpy_arrays(base_curve.sample_frequencies, base_curve+fseries_confusion, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def sensitivity_curve_tianqin_confusion(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=np.sqrt(3)*1e8, acc_noise_level=1e-15, oms_noise_level=1e-12, duration=1.0): """ The TianQin's sensitivity curve with Galactic confusion noise, averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of TianQin, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 5, in the unit of years. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged TianQin's sensitivity curve with Galactic confusion noise. """ base_curve = sensitivity_curve_tianqin_analytical( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level) if duration < 0 or duration > 5: raise ValueError("Must between 0 and 5.") fseries_confusion = confusion_fit_tianqin( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, duration) fseries = from_numpy_arrays(base_curve.sample_frequencies, base_curve+fseries_confusion, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def sensitivity_curve_taiji_confusion(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=3e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=8e-12, duration=1.0): """ The Taiji's sensitivity curve with Galactic confusion noise, averaged over sky and polarization angle. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of Taiji, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 4, in the unit of years. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The sky and polarization angle averaged Taiji's sensitivity curve with Galactic confusion noise. """ base_curve = sensitivity_curve_taiji_analytical( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level) if duration < 0 or duration > 4: raise ValueError("Must between 0 and 4.") fseries_confusion = confusion_fit_taiji( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, duration) fseries = from_numpy_arrays(base_curve.sample_frequencies, base_curve+fseries_confusion, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def sh_transformed_psd_lisa_tdi_XYZ(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=2.5e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=15e-12, base_model="semi", duration=1.0, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for LISA with Galactic confusion noise, transformed from LISA sensitivity curve. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. base_model : string The base model of sensitivity curve, chosen from "semi" or "SciRD". duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 10, in the unit of years. tdi : string The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for LISA with Galactic confusion noise, transformed from LISA sensitivity curve. Notes ----- Please see Eq.(7,41-43) in <LISA-LCST-SGS-TN-001> for more details. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) if str(tdi) in ["1.5", "2.0"]: response = averaged_response_lisa_tdi(fr, len_arm, tdi) else: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") fseries_response = from_numpy_arrays(fr, np.array(response), length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) sh = sensitivity_curve_lisa_confusion(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level, base_model, duration) psd = 2* * fseries = from_numpy_arrays(sh.sample_frequencies, psd, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def semi_analytical_psd_lisa_confusion_noise(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=2.5e9, duration=1.0, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for LISA Galactic confusion noise, no instrumental noise. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 10, in the unit of years. tdi : string The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0. Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for LISA Galactic confusion noise, no instrumental noise. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) if str(tdi) in ["1.5", "2.0"]: response = averaged_response_lisa_tdi(fr, len_arm, tdi) else: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") fseries_response = from_numpy_arrays(fr, np.array(response), length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) fseries_confusion = confusion_fit_lisa( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, duration) psd_confusion = 2* * fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fseries_confusion.sample_frequencies, psd_confusion, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_tianqin_confusion_noise(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=np.sqrt(3)*1e8, duration=1.0, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for TianQin Galactic confusion noise, no instrumental noise. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of TianQin, in the unit of "m". duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 5, in the unit of years. tdi : string The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for TianQin Galactic confusion noise, no instrumental noise. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) if str(tdi) in ["1.5", "2.0"]: response = averaged_response_tianqin_tdi(fr, len_arm, tdi) else: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") fseries_response = from_numpy_arrays(fr, np.array(response), length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) fseries_confusion = confusion_fit_tianqin( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, duration) psd_confusion = 2* * fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fseries_confusion.sample_frequencies, psd_confusion, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_taiji_confusion_noise(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=3e9, duration=1.0, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for Taiji Galactic confusion noise, no instrumental noise. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of Taiji, in the unit of "m". duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 4, in the unit of years. tdi : string The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (X,Y,Z channel) for Taiji Galactic confusion noise, no instrumental noise. """ fr = np.linspace(low_freq_cutoff, (length-1)*2*delta_f, length) if str(tdi) in ["1.5", "2.0"]: response = averaged_response_taiji_tdi(fr, len_arm, tdi) else: raise ValueError("The version of TDI, currently only for 1.5 or 2.0.") fseries_response = from_numpy_arrays(fr, np.array(response), length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) fseries_confusion = confusion_fit_taiji( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, duration) psd_confusion = 2* * fseries = from_numpy_arrays(fseries_confusion.sample_frequencies, psd_confusion, length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff) return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_lisa_tdi_AE_confusion(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=2.5e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=15e-12, duration=1.0, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (A,E channel) for LISA with Galactic confusion noise. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of LISA, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 10, in the unit of years. tdi : string The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (A,E channel) for LISA with Galactic confusion noise. """ psd_AE = analytical_psd_lisa_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level, tdi) psd_X_confusion = semi_analytical_psd_lisa_confusion_noise( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, duration, tdi) # S_A = S_E = S_X - S_XY, confusion noise's contribution to # S_XY is -0.5 * psd_X_confusion, while for S_X is psd_X_confusion. # S_T = S_X + 2*S_XY, so S_T keeps the same. fseries = psd_AE + 1.5 * psd_X_confusion return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_tianqin_tdi_AE_confusion(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=np.sqrt(3)*1e8, acc_noise_level=1e-15, oms_noise_level=1e-12, duration=1.0, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (A,E channel) for TianQin with Galactic confusion noise. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of TianQin, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 5, in the unit of years. tdi : string The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (A,E channel) for TianQin with Galactic confusion noise. """ psd_AE = analytical_psd_tianqin_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level, tdi) psd_X_confusion = analytical_psd_tianqin_confusion_noise( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, duration, tdi) # S_A = S_E = S_X - S_XY, confusion noise's contribution to # S_XY is -0.5 * psd_X_confusion, while for S_X is psd_X_confusion. # S_T = S_X + 2*S_XY, so S_T keeps the same. fseries = psd_AE + 1.5 * psd_X_confusion return fseries
[docs]def analytical_psd_taiji_tdi_AE_confusion(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm=3e9, acc_noise_level=3e-15, oms_noise_level=8e-12, duration=1.0, tdi=None): """ The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (A,E channel) for Taiji with Galactic confusion noise. Parameters ---------- length : int Length of output Frequencyseries. delta_f : float Frequency step for output FrequencySeries. low_freq_cutoff : float Low-frequency cutoff for output FrequencySeries. len_arm : float The arm length of Taiji, in the unit of "m". acc_noise_level : float The level of acceleration noise. oms_noise_level : float The level of OMS noise. duration : float The duration of observation, between 0 and 4, in the unit of years. tdi : string The version of TDI. Choose from "1.5" or "2.0". Returns ------- fseries : FrequencySeries The TDI-1.5/2.0 PSD (A,E channel) for Taiji with Galactic confusion noise. """ psd_AE = analytical_psd_taiji_tdi_AE(length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, acc_noise_level, oms_noise_level, tdi) psd_X_confusion = analytical_psd_taiji_confusion_noise( length, delta_f, low_freq_cutoff, len_arm, duration, tdi) # S_A = S_E = S_X - S_XY, confusion noise's contribution to # S_XY is -0.5 * psd_X_confusion, while for S_X is psd_X_confusion. # S_T = S_X + 2*S_XY, so S_T keeps the same. fseries = psd_AE + 1.5 * psd_X_confusion return fseries