Source code for pycbc.psd.estimate

# Copyright (C) 2012 Tito Dal Canton
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
"""Utilites to estimate PSDs from data.

import numpy
from pycbc.types import Array, FrequencySeries, TimeSeries, zeros
from pycbc.types import real_same_precision_as, complex_same_precision_as
from pycbc.fft import fft, ifft

# Change to True in front-end if you want this function to use caching
# This is a mostly-hidden optimization option that most users will not want
# to use. It is used in PyCBC Live
# If using caching we want output to be unique if called at different places
# (and if called from different modules/functions), these unique IDs acheive
# that. The numbers are not significant, only that they are unique.
WELCH_UNIQUE_ID = 438716587

[docs]def median_bias(n): """Calculate the bias of the median average PSD computed from `n` segments. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of segments used in PSD estimation. Returns ------- ans : float Calculated bias. Raises ------ ValueError For non-integer or non-positive `n`. Notes ----- See arXiv:gr-qc/0509116 appendix B for details. """ if type(n) is not int or n <= 0: raise ValueError('n must be a positive integer') if n >= 1000: return numpy.log(2) ans = 1 for i in range(1, (n - 1) // 2 + 1): ans += 1.0 / (2*i + 1) - 1.0 / (2*i) return ans
[docs]def welch(timeseries, seg_len=4096, seg_stride=2048, window='hann', avg_method='median', num_segments=None, require_exact_data_fit=False): """PSD estimator based on Welch's method. Parameters ---------- timeseries : TimeSeries Time series for which the PSD is to be estimated. seg_len : int Segment length in samples. seg_stride : int Separation between consecutive segments, in samples. window : {'hann', numpy.ndarray} Function used to window segments before Fourier transforming, or a `numpy.ndarray` that specifies the window. avg_method : {'median', 'mean', 'median-mean'} Method used for averaging individual segment PSDs. Returns ------- psd : FrequencySeries Frequency series containing the estimated PSD. Raises ------ ValueError For invalid choices of `seg_len`, `seg_stride` `window` and `avg_method` and for inconsistent combinations of len(`timeseries`), `seg_len` and `seg_stride`. Notes ----- See arXiv:gr-qc/0509116 for details. """ from pycbc.strain.strain import execute_cached_fft window_map = { 'hann': numpy.hanning } # sanity checks if isinstance(window, numpy.ndarray) and window.size != seg_len: raise ValueError('Invalid window: incorrect window length') if not isinstance(window, numpy.ndarray) and window not in window_map: raise ValueError('Invalid window: unknown window {!r}'.format(window)) if avg_method not in ('mean', 'median', 'median-mean'): raise ValueError('Invalid averaging method') if type(seg_len) is not int or type(seg_stride) is not int \ or seg_len <= 0 or seg_stride <= 0: raise ValueError('Segment length and stride must be positive integers') if timeseries.precision == 'single': fs_dtype = numpy.complex64 elif timeseries.precision == 'double': fs_dtype = numpy.complex128 num_samples = len(timeseries) if num_segments is None: num_segments = int(num_samples // seg_stride) # NOTE: Is this not always true? if (num_segments - 1) * seg_stride + seg_len > num_samples: num_segments -= 1 if not require_exact_data_fit: data_len = (num_segments - 1) * seg_stride + seg_len # Get the correct amount of data if data_len < num_samples: diff = num_samples - data_len start = diff // 2 end = num_samples - diff // 2 # Want this to be integers so if diff is odd, catch it here. if diff % 2: start = start + 1 timeseries = timeseries[start:end] num_samples = len(timeseries) if data_len > num_samples: err_msg = "I was asked to estimate a PSD on %d " %(data_len) err_msg += "data samples. However the data provided only contains " err_msg += "%d data samples." %(num_samples) if num_samples != (num_segments - 1) * seg_stride + seg_len: raise ValueError('Incorrect choice of segmentation parameters') if not isinstance(window, numpy.ndarray): window = window_map[window](seg_len) w = Array(window.astype(timeseries.dtype)) # calculate psd of each segment delta_f = 1. / timeseries.delta_t / seg_len if not USE_CACHING_FOR_WELCH_FFTS: segment_tilde = FrequencySeries( numpy.zeros(int(seg_len / 2 + 1)), delta_f=delta_f, dtype=fs_dtype, ) segment_psds = [] for i in range(num_segments): segment_start = i * seg_stride segment_end = segment_start + seg_len segment = timeseries[segment_start:segment_end] assert len(segment) == seg_len if not USE_CACHING_FOR_WELCH_FFTS: fft(segment * w, segment_tilde) else: segment_tilde = execute_cached_fft(segment * w, uid=WELCH_UNIQUE_ID) seg_psd = abs(segment_tilde * segment_tilde.conj()).numpy() #halve the DC and Nyquist components to be consistent with TO10095 seg_psd[0] /= 2 seg_psd[-1] /= 2 segment_psds.append(seg_psd) segment_psds = numpy.array(segment_psds) if avg_method == 'mean': psd = numpy.mean(segment_psds, axis=0) elif avg_method == 'median': psd = numpy.median(segment_psds, axis=0) / median_bias(num_segments) elif avg_method == 'median-mean': odd_psds = segment_psds[::2] even_psds = segment_psds[1::2] odd_median = numpy.median(odd_psds, axis=0) / \ median_bias(len(odd_psds)) even_median = numpy.median(even_psds, axis=0) / \ median_bias(len(even_psds)) psd = (odd_median + even_median) / 2 psd *= 2 * delta_f * seg_len / (w*w).sum() return FrequencySeries(psd, delta_f=delta_f, dtype=timeseries.dtype, epoch=timeseries.start_time)
[docs]def inverse_spectrum_truncation(psd, max_filter_len, low_frequency_cutoff=None, trunc_method=None): """Modify a PSD such that the impulse response associated with its inverse square root is no longer than `max_filter_len` time samples. In practice this corresponds to a coarse graining or smoothing of the PSD. Parameters ---------- psd : FrequencySeries PSD whose inverse spectrum is to be truncated. max_filter_len : int Maximum length of the time-domain filter in samples. low_frequency_cutoff : {None, int} Frequencies below `low_frequency_cutoff` are zeroed in the output. trunc_method : {None, 'hann'} Function used for truncating the time-domain filter. None produces a hard truncation at `max_filter_len`. Returns ------- psd : FrequencySeries PSD whose inverse spectrum has been truncated. Raises ------ ValueError For invalid types or values of `max_filter_len` and `low_frequency_cutoff`. Notes ----- See arXiv:gr-qc/0509116 for details. """ from pycbc.strain.strain import execute_cached_fft, execute_cached_ifft # sanity checks if type(max_filter_len) is not int or max_filter_len <= 0: raise ValueError('max_filter_len must be a positive integer') if low_frequency_cutoff is not None and \ (low_frequency_cutoff < 0 or low_frequency_cutoff > psd.sample_frequencies[-1]): raise ValueError('low_frequency_cutoff must be within the bandwidth of the PSD') N = (len(psd)-1)*2 inv_asd = FrequencySeries(zeros(len(psd)), delta_f=psd.delta_f, \ dtype=complex_same_precision_as(psd)) kmin = 1 if low_frequency_cutoff: kmin = int(low_frequency_cutoff / psd.delta_f) inv_asd[kmin:N//2] = (1.0 / psd[kmin:N//2]) ** 0.5 if not USE_CACHING_FOR_INV_SPEC_TRUNC: q = TimeSeries( numpy.zeros(N), delta_t=(N / psd.delta_f), dtype=real_same_precision_as(psd) ) ifft(inv_asd, q) else: q = execute_cached_ifft(inv_asd, copy_output=False, uid=INVSPECTRUNC_UNIQUE_ID) trunc_start = max_filter_len // 2 trunc_end = N - max_filter_len // 2 if trunc_end < trunc_start: raise ValueError('Invalid value in inverse_spectrum_truncation') if trunc_method == 'hann': trunc_window = Array(numpy.hanning(max_filter_len), dtype=q.dtype) q[0:trunc_start] *= trunc_window[-trunc_start:] q[trunc_end:N] *= trunc_window[0:max_filter_len//2] if trunc_start < trunc_end: q[trunc_start:trunc_end] = 0 if not USE_CACHING_FOR_INV_SPEC_TRUNC: psd_trunc = FrequencySeries( numpy.zeros(len(psd)), delta_f=psd.delta_f, dtype=complex_same_precision_as(psd) ) fft(q, psd_trunc) else: psd_trunc = execute_cached_fft(q, copy_output=False, uid=INVSPECTRUNC_UNIQUE_ID) psd_trunc *= psd_trunc.conj() psd_out = 1. / abs(psd_trunc) return psd_out
[docs]def interpolate(series, delta_f, length=None): """Return a new PSD that has been interpolated to the desired delta_f. Parameters ---------- series : FrequencySeries Frequency series to be interpolated. delta_f : float The desired delta_f of the output length : None or int The desired number of frequency samples. The default is None, so it will be calculated from the given `series` and `delta_f`. But this will cause an inconsistency issue of length sometimes, so if `length` is given, then just use it. Returns ------- interpolated series : FrequencySeries A new FrequencySeries that has been interpolated. """ if length is None: new_n = (len(series)-1) * series.delta_f / delta_f + 1 else: new_n = length samples = numpy.arange(0, numpy.rint(new_n)) * delta_f interpolated_series = numpy.interp(samples, series.sample_frequencies.numpy(), series.numpy()) return FrequencySeries(interpolated_series, epoch=series.epoch, delta_f=delta_f, dtype=series.dtype)
[docs]def bandlimited_interpolate(series, delta_f): """Return a new PSD that has been interpolated to the desired delta_f. Parameters ---------- series : FrequencySeries Frequency series to be interpolated. delta_f : float The desired delta_f of the output Returns ------- interpolated series : FrequencySeries A new FrequencySeries that has been interpolated. """ series = FrequencySeries(series, dtype=complex_same_precision_as(series), delta_f=series.delta_f) N = (len(series) - 1) * 2 delta_t = 1.0 / series.delta_f / N new_N = int(1.0 / (delta_t * delta_f)) new_n = new_N // 2 + 1 series_in_time = TimeSeries(zeros(N), dtype=real_same_precision_as(series), delta_t=delta_t) ifft(series, series_in_time) padded_series_in_time = TimeSeries(zeros(new_N), dtype=series_in_time.dtype, delta_t=delta_t) padded_series_in_time[0:N//2] = series_in_time[0:N//2] padded_series_in_time[new_N-N//2:new_N] = series_in_time[N//2:N] interpolated_series = FrequencySeries(zeros(new_n), dtype=series.dtype, delta_f=delta_f) fft(padded_series_in_time, interpolated_series) return interpolated_series