Source code for pycbc.results.pygrb_plotting_utils

# Copyright (C) 2019 Francesco Pannarale, Gino Contestabile, Cameron Mills
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
# Preamble
# =============================================================================

Module to generate PyGRB figures: scatter plots and timeseries.

import copy
import numpy
from ligo import segments
from pycbc.results import save_fig_with_metadata

# =============================================================================
# Used locally: plot contours in a scatter plot with SNR as horizontal axis
# =============================================================================
[docs] def contour_plotter(axis, snr_vals, contours, colors, vert_spike=False): """Plot contours in a scatter plot where SNR is on the horizontal axis""" for i, _ in enumerate(contours): plot_vals_x = [] plot_vals_y = [] if vert_spike: for j, _ in enumerate(snr_vals): # Workaround to ensure vertical spike is shown on veto plots if contours[i][j] > 1E-15 and not plot_vals_x: plot_vals_x.append(snr_vals[j]) plot_vals_y.append(0.1) if contours[i][j] > 1E-15 and plot_vals_x: plot_vals_x.append(snr_vals[j]) plot_vals_y.append(contours[i][j]) else: plot_vals_x = snr_vals plot_vals_y = contours[i] axis.plot(plot_vals_x, plot_vals_y, colors[i])
# # Functions used in executables # # ============================================================================= # Plot trigger time and offsource extent over segments # Courtesy of Alex Dietz # =============================================================================
[docs] def make_grb_segments_plot(wkflow, science_segs, trigger_time, trigger_name, out_dir, coherent_seg=None, fail_criterion=None): """Plot trigger time and offsource extent over segments""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from pycbc.results.color import ifo_color ifos = wkflow.ifos if len(science_segs.keys()) == 0: extent = segments.segment(int(wkflow.cp.get("workflow", "start-time")), int(wkflow.cp.get("workflow", "end-time"))) else: pltpad = [science_segs.extent_all()[1] - trigger_time, trigger_time - science_segs.extent_all()[0]] extent = segments.segmentlist([science_segs.extent_all(), segments.segment(trigger_time - pltpad[0], trigger_time + pltpad[1])]).extent() ifo_colors = {} for ifo in ifos: ifo_colors[ifo] = ifo_color(ifo) if ifo not in science_segs.keys(): science_segs[ifo] = segments.segmentlist([]) # Make plot fig, subs = plt.subplots(len(ifos), sharey=True) if len(ifos) == 1: subs = [subs] plt.xticks(rotation=20, ha='right') for sub, ifo in zip(subs, ifos): for seg in science_segs[ifo]: sub.add_patch(Rectangle((seg[0], 0.1), abs(seg), 0.8, facecolor=ifo_colors[ifo], edgecolor='none')) if coherent_seg: if len(science_segs[ifo]) > 0 and \ coherent_seg in science_segs[ifo]: sub.plot([trigger_time, trigger_time], [0, 1], '-', c='orange') sub.add_patch(Rectangle((coherent_seg[0], 0), abs(coherent_seg), 1, alpha=0.5, facecolor='orange', edgecolor='none')) else: sub.plot([trigger_time, trigger_time], [0, 1], ':', c='orange') sub.plot([coherent_seg[0], coherent_seg[0]], [0, 1], '--', c='orange', alpha=0.5) sub.plot([coherent_seg[1], coherent_seg[1]], [0, 1], '--', c='orange', alpha=0.5) else: sub.plot([trigger_time, trigger_time], [0, 1], ':k') if fail_criterion: if len(science_segs[ifo]) > 0: style_str = '--' else: style_str = '-' sub.plot([fail_criterion[0], fail_criterion[0]], [0, 1], style_str, c='black', alpha=0.5) sub.plot([fail_criterion[1], fail_criterion[1]], [0, 1], style_str, c='black', alpha=0.5) sub.set_frame_on(False) sub.set_yticks([]) sub.set_ylabel(ifo, rotation=45) sub.set_ylim([0, 1]) sub.set_xlim([float(extent[0]), float(extent[1])]) sub.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) sub.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) sub.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() if sub is subs[-1]: sub.tick_params(labelsize=10, pad=1) else: sub.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) sub.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) xmin, xmax = fig.axes[-1].get_xaxis().get_view_interval() ymin, _ = fig.axes[-1].get_yaxis().get_view_interval() fig.axes[-1].add_artist(Line2D((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymin), color='black', linewidth=2)) fig.axes[-1].set_xlabel('GPS Time') fig.axes[0].set_title('Science Segments for GRB%s' % trigger_name) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) plot_name = 'GRB%s_segments.png' % trigger_name plot_url = 'file://localhost%s/%s' % (out_dir, plot_name) fig.savefig('%s/%s' % (out_dir, plot_name)) return [ifos, plot_name, extent, plot_url]
# ============================================================================= # Given the trigger and injection values of a quantity, determine the maximum # =============================================================================
[docs] def axis_max_value(trig_values, inj_values, inj_file): """Deterime the maximum of a quantity in the trigger and injection data""" axis_max = trig_values.max() if inj_file and inj_values.size and inj_values.max() > axis_max: axis_max = inj_values.max() return axis_max
# ============================================================================= # Given the trigger and injection values of a quantity, determine the minimum # =============================================================================
[docs] def axis_min_value(trig_values, inj_values, inj_file): """Deterime the minimum of a quantity in the trigger and injection data""" axis_min = trig_values.min() if inj_file and inj_values.size and inj_values.min() < axis_min: axis_min = inj_values.min() return axis_min
# ============================================================================= # Master plotting function: fits all plotting needs in for PyGRB results # =============================================================================
[docs] def pygrb_plotter(trigs, injs, xlabel, ylabel, opts, snr_vals=None, conts=None, shade_cont_value=None, colors=None, vert_spike=False, cmd=None): """Master function to plot PyGRB results""" from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Set up plot fig = plt.figure() cax = fig.gca() # Plot trigger-related and (if present) injection-related quantities cax_plotter = cax.loglog if opts.use_logs else cax.plot cax_plotter(trigs[0], trigs[1], 'bx') if not (injs[0] is None and injs[1] is None): cax_plotter(injs[0], injs[1], 'r+') cax.grid() # Plot contours if conts is not None: contour_plotter(cax, snr_vals, conts, colors, vert_spike=vert_spike) # Add shading above a specific contour (typically used for vetoed area) if shade_cont_value is not None: limy = cax.get_ylim()[1] polyx = copy.deepcopy(snr_vals) polyy = copy.deepcopy(conts[shade_cont_value]) polyx = numpy.append(polyx, [max(snr_vals), min(snr_vals)]) polyy = numpy.append(polyy, [limy, limy]) cax.fill(polyx, polyy, color='#dddddd') # Axes: labels and limits cax.set_xlabel(xlabel) cax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if opts.x_lims: x_lims = map(float, opts.x_lims.split(',')) cax.set_xlim(x_lims) if opts.y_lims: y_lims = map(float, opts.y_lims.split(',')) cax.set_ylim(y_lims) # Wrap up plt.tight_layout() save_fig_with_metadata(fig, opts.output_file, cmd=cmd, title=opts.plot_title, caption=opts.plot_caption) plt.close()