# Copyright (C) 2013 Ian W. Harry
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import logging
import numpy
from pycbc.tmpltbank.lambda_mapping import get_chirp_params
from pycbc import conversions
from pycbc import pnutils
from pycbc.neutron_stars import load_ns_sequence
logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.tmpltbank.coord_utils')
def estimate_mass_range(numPoints, massRangeParams, metricParams, fUpper,\
This function will generate a large set of points with random masses and
spins (using pycbc.tmpltbank.get_random_mass) and translate these points
into the xi_i coordinate system for the given upper frequency cutoff.
numPoints : int
Number of systems to simulate
massRangeParams : massRangeParameters instance
Instance holding all the details of mass ranges and spin ranges.
metricParams : metricParameters instance
Structure holding all the options for construction of the metric
and the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and covariance matrix
needed to manipulate the space.
fUpper : float
The value of fUpper to use when getting the mu coordinates from the
lambda coordinates. This must be a key in metricParams.evals and
metricParams.evecs (ie. we must know how to do the transformation for
the given value of fUpper). It also must be a key in
metricParams.evecsCV if covary=True.
covary : boolean, optional (default = True)
If this is given then evecsCV will be used to rotate from the Cartesian
coordinate system into the principal coordinate direction (xi_i). If
not given then points in the original Cartesian coordinates are
xis : numpy.array
A list of the positions of each point in the xi_i coordinate system.
vals_set = get_random_mass(numPoints, massRangeParams)
mass1 = vals_set[0]
mass2 = vals_set[1]
spin1z = vals_set[2]
spin2z = vals_set[3]
if covary:
lambdas = get_cov_params(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, metricParams,
lambdas = get_conv_params(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, metricParams,
return numpy.array(lambdas)
def get_random_mass_point_particles(numPoints, massRangeParams):
This function will generate a large set of points within the chosen mass
and spin space. It will also return the corresponding PN spin coefficients
for ease of use later (though these may be removed at some future point).
numPoints : int
Number of systems to simulate
massRangeParams : massRangeParameters instance
Instance holding all the details of mass ranges and spin ranges.
mass1 : float
Mass of heavier body.
mass2 : float
Mass of lighter body.
spin1z : float
Spin of body 1.
spin2z : float
Spin of body 2.
# WARNING: We expect mass1 > mass2 ALWAYS
# First we choose the total masses from a unifrom distribution in mass
# to the -5/3. power.
mass = numpy.random.random(numPoints) * \
(massRangeParams.minTotMass**(-5./3.) \
- massRangeParams.maxTotMass**(-5./3.)) \
+ massRangeParams.maxTotMass**(-5./3.)
mass = mass**(-3./5.)
# Next we choose the mass ratios, this will take different limits based on
# the value of total mass
maxmass2 = numpy.minimum(mass/2., massRangeParams.maxMass2)
minmass1 = numpy.maximum(massRangeParams.minMass1, mass/2.)
mineta = numpy.maximum(massRangeParams.minCompMass \
* (mass-massRangeParams.minCompMass)/(mass*mass), \
massRangeParams.maxCompMass \
* (mass-massRangeParams.maxCompMass)/(mass*mass))
# Note that mineta is a numpy.array because mineta depends on the total
# mass. Therefore this is not precomputed in the massRangeParams instance
if massRangeParams.minEta:
mineta = numpy.maximum(massRangeParams.minEta, mineta)
# Eta also restricted by chirp mass restrictions
if massRangeParams.min_chirp_mass:
eta_val_at_min_chirp = massRangeParams.min_chirp_mass / mass
eta_val_at_min_chirp = eta_val_at_min_chirp**(5./3.)
mineta = numpy.maximum(mineta, eta_val_at_min_chirp)
maxeta = numpy.minimum(massRangeParams.maxEta, maxmass2 \
* (mass - maxmass2) / (mass*mass))
maxeta = numpy.minimum(maxeta, minmass1 \
* (mass - minmass1) / (mass*mass))
# max eta also affected by chirp mass restrictions
if massRangeParams.max_chirp_mass:
eta_val_at_max_chirp = massRangeParams.max_chirp_mass / mass
eta_val_at_max_chirp = eta_val_at_max_chirp**(5./3.)
maxeta = numpy.minimum(maxeta, eta_val_at_max_chirp)
if (maxeta < mineta).any():
errMsg = "ERROR: Maximum eta is smaller than minimum eta!!"
raise ValueError(errMsg)
eta = numpy.random.random(numPoints) * (maxeta - mineta) + mineta
# Also calculate the component masses; mass1 > mass2
diff = (mass*mass * (1-4*eta))**0.5
mass1 = (mass + diff)/2.
mass2 = (mass - diff)/2.
# Check the masses are where we want them to be (allowing some floating
# point rounding error).
if (mass1 > massRangeParams.maxMass1*1.001).any() \
or (mass1 < massRangeParams.minMass1*0.999).any():
errMsg = "Mass1 is not within the specified mass range."
raise ValueError(errMsg)
if (mass2 > massRangeParams.maxMass2*1.001).any() \
or (mass2 < massRangeParams.minMass2*0.999).any():
errMsg = "Mass2 is not within the specified mass range."
raise ValueError(errMsg)
# Next up is the spins. First check if we have non-zero spins
if massRangeParams.maxNSSpinMag == 0 and massRangeParams.maxBHSpinMag == 0:
spin1z = numpy.zeros(numPoints,dtype=float)
spin2z = numpy.zeros(numPoints,dtype=float)
elif massRangeParams.nsbhFlag:
# Spin 1 first
mspin = numpy.zeros(len(mass1))
mspin += massRangeParams.maxBHSpinMag
spin1z = (2*numpy.random.random(numPoints) - 1) * mspin
# Then spin2
mspin = numpy.zeros(len(mass2))
mspin += massRangeParams.maxNSSpinMag
spin2z = (2*numpy.random.random(numPoints) - 1) * mspin
boundary_mass = massRangeParams.ns_bh_boundary_mass
# Spin 1 first
mspin = numpy.zeros(len(mass1))
mspin += massRangeParams.maxNSSpinMag
mspin[mass1 > boundary_mass] = massRangeParams.maxBHSpinMag
spin1z = (2*numpy.random.random(numPoints) - 1) * mspin
# Then spin 2
mspin = numpy.zeros(len(mass2))
mspin += massRangeParams.maxNSSpinMag
mspin[mass2 > boundary_mass] = massRangeParams.maxBHSpinMag
spin2z = (2*numpy.random.random(numPoints) - 1) * mspin
return mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z
def get_random_mass(numPoints, massRangeParams, eos='2H'):
This function will generate a large set of points within the chosen mass
and spin space, and with the desired minimum remnant disk mass (this applies
to NS-BH systems only). It will also return the corresponding PN spin
coefficients for ease of use later (though these may be removed at some
future point).
numPoints : int
Number of systems to simulate
massRangeParams : massRangeParameters instance
Instance holding all the details of mass ranges and spin ranges.
eos : string
Name of equation of state of neutron star.
mass1 : float
Mass of heavier body.
mass2 : float
Mass of lighter body.
spin1z : float
Spin of body 1.
spin2z : float
Spin of body 2.
# WARNING: We expect mass1 > mass2 ALWAYS
# Check if EM contraints are required, i.e. if the systems must produce
# a minimum remnant disk mass. If this is not the case, proceed treating
# the systems as point particle binaries
if massRangeParams.remnant_mass_threshold is None:
mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z = \
get_random_mass_point_particles(numPoints, massRangeParams)
# otherwise, load EOS dependent data, generate the EM constraint
# (i.e. compute the minimum symmetric mass ratio needed to
# generate a given remnant disk mass as a function of the NS
# mass and the BH spin along z) and then proceed by accepting
# only systems that can yield (at least) the desired remnant
# disk mass and that pass the mass and spin range cuts.
max_ns_g_mass = load_ns_sequence(massRangeParams.ns_eos)[1]
boundary_mass = massRangeParams.ns_bh_boundary_mass
if max_ns_g_mass < boundary_mass:
warn_msg = "WARNING: "
warn_msg += "Option of ns-bh-boundary-mass is %s " %(boundary_mass)
warn_msg += "which is higher than the maximum NS gravitational "
warn_msg += "mass admitted by the EOS that was prescribed "
warn_msg += "(%s). " %(max_ns_g_mass)
warn_msg += "The code will proceed using the latter value "
warn_msg += "as the boundary mass."
boundary_mass = max_ns_g_mass
# Empty arrays to store points that pass all cuts
mass1_out = []
mass2_out = []
spin1z_out = []
spin2z_out = []
# As the EM cut can remove several randomly generated
# binaries, track the number of accepted points that pass
# all cuts and stop only once enough of them are generated
numPointsFound = 0
while numPointsFound < numPoints:
# Generate the random points within the required mass
# and spin cuts
mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z = \
# Now proceed with cutting out EM dim systems
# Use a logical mask to track points that do not correspond to
# BBHs. The remaining points will be BNSs and NSBHs.
# Further down, EM-dim NSBHs will also be removed.
mask_not_bbh = numpy.zeros(len(mass1), dtype=bool)
# Keep a point if:
# 1) the secondary object is a not a BH (mass2 < boundary mass)
# [Store masses and spins of non BBH]
mask_not_bbh[mass2 < boundary_mass] = True
mass1_not_bbh = mass1[mask_not_bbh]
mass2_not_bbh = mass2[mask_not_bbh]
spin1z_not_bbh = spin1z[mask_not_bbh]
spin2z_not_bbh = spin2z[mask_not_bbh]
# 2) and if the primary mass is a NS (i.e., it is a BNS), or...
mask_nsbh = numpy.zeros(len(mass1_not_bbh), dtype=bool)
# [mask_nsbh identifies NSBH systems]
mask_nsbh[mass1_not_bbh > boundary_mass] = True
# [mask_bns identifies BNS systems]
mask_bns = ~mask_nsbh
# [Store masses and spins of BNSs]
mass1_bns = mass1_not_bbh[mask_bns]
mass2_bns = mass2_not_bbh[mask_bns]
spin1z_bns = spin1z_not_bbh[mask_bns]
spin2z_bns = spin2z_not_bbh[mask_bns]
# 3) ...it is an NS-BH with remnant mass greater than the threshold
# required to have a counterpart
# [Store masses and spins of all NSBHs]
mass1_nsbh = mass1_not_bbh[mask_nsbh]
mass2_nsbh = mass2_not_bbh[mask_nsbh]
spin1z_nsbh = spin1z_not_bbh[mask_nsbh]
spin2z_nsbh = spin2z_not_bbh[mask_nsbh]
# [Store etas of all NSBHs]
eta_nsbh = conversions.eta_from_mass1_mass2(mass1_nsbh, mass2_nsbh)
# [mask_bright_nsbh will identify NSBH systems with high enough
# threshold mass]
mask_bright_nsbh = numpy.zeros(len(mass1_nsbh), dtype=bool)
if eta_nsbh.size != 0:
remnant = conversions.remnant_mass_from_mass1_mass2_cartesian_spin_eos(
massRangeParams.remnant_mass_threshold] = True
# Keep only points that correspond to binaries that can produce an
# EM counterpart (i.e., BNSs and EM-bright NSBHs) and add their
# properties to the pile of accpeted points to output
mass1_out = numpy.concatenate((mass1_out, mass1_bns,
mass2_out = numpy.concatenate((mass2_out, mass2_bns,
spin1z_out = numpy.concatenate((spin1z_out, spin1z_bns,
spin2z_out = numpy.concatenate((spin2z_out, spin2z_bns,
# Number of points that survived all cuts
numPointsFound = len(mass1_out)
# Ready to go
mass1 = mass1_out
mass2 = mass2_out
spin1z = spin1z_out
spin2z = spin2z_out
return mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z
def get_cov_params(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, metricParams, fUpper,
lambda1=None, lambda2=None, quadparam1=None,
Function to convert between masses and spins and locations in the xi
parameter space. Xi = Cartesian metric and rotated to principal components.
mass1 : float
Mass of heavier body.
mass2 : float
Mass of lighter body.
spin1z : float
Spin of body 1.
spin2z : float
Spin of body 2.
metricParams : metricParameters instance
Structure holding all the options for construction of the metric
and the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and covariance matrix
needed to manipulate the space.
fUpper : float
The value of fUpper to use when getting the mu coordinates from the
lambda coordinates. This must be a key in metricParams.evals,
metricParams.evecs and metricParams.evecsCV
(ie. we must know how to do the transformation for
the given value of fUpper)
xis : list of floats or numpy.arrays
Position of the system(s) in the xi coordinate system
# Do this by doing masses - > lambdas -> mus
mus = get_conv_params(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, metricParams, fUpper,
lambda1=lambda1, lambda2=lambda2,
quadparam1=quadparam1, quadparam2=quadparam2)
# and then mus -> xis
xis = get_covaried_params(mus, metricParams.evecsCV[fUpper])
return xis
def get_conv_params(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, metricParams, fUpper,
lambda1=None, lambda2=None, quadparam1=None,
Function to convert between masses and spins and locations in the mu
parameter space. Mu = Cartesian metric, but not principal components.
mass1 : float
Mass of heavier body.
mass2 : float
Mass of lighter body.
spin1z : float
Spin of body 1.
spin2z : float
Spin of body 2.
metricParams : metricParameters instance
Structure holding all the options for construction of the metric
and the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and covariance matrix
needed to manipulate the space.
fUpper : float
The value of fUpper to use when getting the mu coordinates from the
lambda coordinates. This must be a key in metricParams.evals and
metricParams.evecs (ie. we must know how to do the transformation for
the given value of fUpper)
mus : list of floats or numpy.arrays
Position of the system(s) in the mu coordinate system
# Do this by masses -> lambdas
lambdas = get_chirp_params(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z,
metricParams.f0, metricParams.pnOrder,
lambda1=lambda1, lambda2=lambda2,
quadparam1=quadparam1, quadparam2=quadparam2)
# and lambdas -> mus
mus = get_mu_params(lambdas, metricParams, fUpper)
return mus
def get_mu_params(lambdas, metricParams, fUpper):
Function to rotate from the lambda coefficients into position in the mu
coordinate system. Mu = Cartesian metric, but not principal components.
lambdas : list of floats or numpy.arrays
Position of the system(s) in the lambda coefficients
metricParams : metricParameters instance
Structure holding all the options for construction of the metric
and the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and covariance matrix
needed to manipulate the space.
fUpper : float
The value of fUpper to use when getting the mu coordinates from the
lambda coordinates. This must be a key in metricParams.evals and
metricParams.evecs (ie. we must know how to do the transformation for
the given value of fUpper)
mus : list of floats or numpy.arrays
Position of the system(s) in the mu coordinate system
lambdas = numpy.asarray(lambdas)
# If original inputs were floats we need to make this a 2D array
if len(lambdas.shape) == 1:
resize_needed = True
lambdas = lambdas[:,None]
resize_needed = False
evecs = metricParams.evecs[fUpper]
evals = metricParams.evals[fUpper]
evecs = numpy.asarray(evecs)
mus = ((lambdas.T).dot(evecs)).T
mus = mus * numpy.sqrt(evals)[:,None]
if resize_needed:
mus = numpy.ndarray.flatten(mus)
return mus
def get_covaried_params(mus, evecsCV):
Function to rotate from position(s) in the mu_i coordinate system into the
position(s) in the xi_i coordinate system
mus : list of floats or numpy.arrays
Position of the system(s) in the mu coordinate system
evecsCV : numpy.matrix
This matrix is used to perform the rotation to the xi_i
coordinate system.
xis : list of floats or numpy.arrays
Position of the system(s) in the xi coordinate system
mus = numpy.asarray(mus)
# If original inputs were floats we need to make this a 2D array
if len(mus.shape) == 1:
resize_needed = True
mus = mus[:,None]
resize_needed = False
xis = ((mus.T).dot(evecsCV)).T
if resize_needed:
xis = numpy.ndarray.flatten(xis)
return xis
def rotate_vector(evecs, old_vector, rescale_factor, index):
Function to find the position of the system(s) in one of the xi_i or mu_i
evecs : numpy.matrix
Matrix of the eigenvectors of the metric in lambda_i coordinates. Used
to rotate to a Cartesian coordinate system.
old_vector : list of floats or numpy.arrays
The position of the system(s) in the original coordinates
rescale_factor : float
Scaling factor to apply to resulting position(s)
index : int
The index of the final coordinate system that is being computed. Ie.
if we are going from mu_i -> xi_j, this will give j.
positions : float or numpy.array
Position of the point(s) in the resulting coordinate.
temp = 0
for i in range(len(evecs)):
temp += (evecs[i,index] * rescale_factor) * old_vector[i]
return temp
def get_point_distance(point1, point2, metricParams, fUpper):
Function to calculate the mismatch between two points, supplied in terms
of the masses and spins, using the xi_i parameter space metric to
approximate the mismatch of the two points. Can also take one of the points
as an array of points and return an array of mismatches (but only one can
be an array!)
point1 : List of floats or numpy.arrays
point1[0] contains the mass(es) of the heaviest body(ies).
point1[1] contains the mass(es) of the smallest body(ies).
point1[2] contains the spin(es) of the heaviest body(ies).
point1[3] contains the spin(es) of the smallest body(ies).
point2 : List of floats
point2[0] contains the mass of the heaviest body.
point2[1] contains the mass of the smallest body.
point2[2] contains the spin of the heaviest body.
point2[3] contains the spin of the smallest body.
metricParams : metricParameters instance
Structure holding all the options for construction of the metric
and the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and covariance matrix
needed to manipulate the space.
fUpper : float
The value of fUpper to use when getting the mu coordinates from the
lambda coordinates. This must be a key in metricParams.evals,
metricParams.evecs and metricParams.evecsCV
(ie. we must know how to do the transformation for
the given value of fUpper)
dist : float or numpy.array
Distance between the point2 and all points in point1
xis1 : List of floats or numpy.arrays
Position of the input point1(s) in the xi_i parameter space
xis2 : List of floats
Position of the input point2 in the xi_i parameter space
aMass1 = point1[0]
aMass2 = point1[1]
aSpin1 = point1[2]
aSpin2 = point1[3]
bMass1 = point2[0]
bMass2 = point2[1]
bSpin1 = point2[2]
bSpin2 = point2[3]
aXis = get_cov_params(aMass1, aMass2, aSpin1, aSpin2, metricParams, fUpper)
bXis = get_cov_params(bMass1, bMass2, bSpin1, bSpin2, metricParams, fUpper)
dist = (aXis[0] - bXis[0])**2
for i in range(1,len(aXis)):
dist += (aXis[i] - bXis[i])**2
return dist, aXis, bXis
def calc_point_dist(vsA, entryA):
This function is used to determine the distance between two points.
vsA : list or numpy.array or similar
An array of point 1's position in the \chi_i coordinate system
entryA : list or numpy.array or similar
An array of point 2's position in the \chi_i coordinate system
MMdistA : float
The minimal mismatch allowed between the points
val : float
The metric distance between the two points.
chi_diffs = vsA - entryA
val = ((chi_diffs)*(chi_diffs)).sum()
return val
def test_point_dist(point_1_chis, point_2_chis, distance_threshold):
This function tests if the difference between two points in the chi
parameter space is less than a distance threshold. Returns True if it is
and False if it is not.
point_1_chis : numpy.array
An array of point 1's position in the \chi_i coordinate system
point_2_chis : numpy.array
An array of point 2's position in the \chi_i coordinate system
distance_threshold : float
The distance threshold to use.
return calc_point_dist(point_1_chis, point_2_chis) < distance_threshold
def calc_point_dist_vary(mus1, fUpper1, mus2, fUpper2, fMap, norm_map, MMdistA):
Function to determine if two points, with differing upper frequency cutoffs
have a mismatch < MMdistA for *both* upper frequency cutoffs.
mus1 : List of numpy arrays
mus1[i] will give the array of point 1's position in the \chi_j
coordinate system. The i element corresponds to varying values of the
upper frequency cutoff. fMap is used to map between i and actual
fUpper1 : float
The upper frequency cutoff of point 1.
mus2 : List of numpy arrays
mus2[i] will give the array of point 2's position in the \chi_j
coordinate system. The i element corresponds to varying values of the
upper frequency cutoff. fMap is used to map between i and actual
fUpper2 : float
The upper frequency cutoff of point 2.
fMap : dictionary
fMap[fUpper] will give the index needed to get the \chi_j coordinates
in the two sets of mus
norm_map : dictionary
norm_map[fUpper] will give the relative frequency domain template
amplitude (sigma) at the given value of fUpper.
The minimal mismatch allowed between the points
True if the points have a mismatch < MMdistA
False if the points have a mismatch > MMdistA
f_upper = min(fUpper1, fUpper2)
f_other = max(fUpper1, fUpper2)
idx = fMap[f_upper]
vecs1 = mus1[idx]
vecs2 = mus2[idx]
val = ((vecs1 - vecs2)*(vecs1 - vecs2)).sum()
if (val > MMdistA):
return False
# Reduce match to account for normalization.
norm_fac = norm_map[f_upper] / norm_map[f_other]
val = 1 - (1 - val)*norm_fac
return (val < MMdistA)
def find_max_and_min_frequencies(name, mass_range_params, freqs):
cutoff_fns = pnutils.named_frequency_cutoffs
if name not in cutoff_fns.keys():
err_msg = "%s not recognized as a valid cutoff frequency choice." %name
err_msg += "Recognized choices: " + " ".join(cutoff_fns.keys())
raise ValueError(err_msg)
# Can I do this quickly?
total_mass_approxs = {
"SchwarzISCO": pnutils.f_SchwarzISCO,
"LightRing" : pnutils.f_LightRing,
"ERD" : pnutils.f_ERD
if name in total_mass_approxs.keys():
# This can be done quickly if the cutoff only depends on total mass
# Assumes that lower total mass = higher cutoff frequency
upper_f_cutoff = total_mass_approxs[name](mass_range_params.minTotMass)
lower_f_cutoff = total_mass_approxs[name](mass_range_params.maxTotMass)
# Do this numerically
# FIXME: Is 1000000 the right choice? I think so, but just highlighting
mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z = \
get_random_mass(1000000, mass_range_params)
mass_dict = {}
mass_dict['mass1'] = mass1
mass_dict['mass2'] = mass2
mass_dict['spin1z'] = spin1z
mass_dict['spin2z'] = spin2z
tmp_freqs = cutoff_fns[name](mass_dict)
upper_f_cutoff = tmp_freqs.max()
lower_f_cutoff = tmp_freqs.min()
cutoffs = numpy.array([lower_f_cutoff,upper_f_cutoff])
if lower_f_cutoff < freqs.min():
warn_msg = "WARNING: "
warn_msg += "Lowest frequency cutoff is %s Hz " %(lower_f_cutoff,)
warn_msg += "which is lower than the lowest frequency calculated "
warn_msg += "for the metric: %s Hz. " %(freqs.min())
warn_msg += "Distances for these waveforms will be calculated at "
warn_msg += "the lowest available metric frequency."
if upper_f_cutoff > freqs.max():
warn_msg = "WARNING: "
warn_msg += "Highest frequency cutoff is %s Hz " %(upper_f_cutoff,)
warn_msg += "which is larger than the highest frequency calculated "
warn_msg += "for the metric: %s Hz. " %(freqs.max())
warn_msg += "Distances for these waveforms will be calculated at "
warn_msg += "the largest available metric frequency."
return find_closest_calculated_frequencies(cutoffs, freqs)
def return_nearest_cutoff(name, mass_dict, freqs):
Given an array of total mass values and an (ascending) list of
frequencies, this will calculate the specified cutoff formula for each
mtotal and return the nearest frequency to each cutoff from the input
Currently only supports cutoffs that are functions of the total mass
and no other parameters (SchwarzISCO, LightRing, ERD)
name : string
Name of the cutoff formula to be approximated
mass_dict : Dictionary where the keys are used to call the functions
returned by tmpltbank.named_frequency_cutoffs. The values can be
numpy arrays or single values.
freqs : list of floats
A list of frequencies (must be sorted ascending)
The frequencies closest to the cutoff for each value of totmass.
# A bypass for the redundant case
if len(freqs) == 1:
return numpy.zeros(len(mass_dict['m1']), dtype=float) + freqs[0]
cutoff_fns = pnutils.named_frequency_cutoffs
if name not in cutoff_fns.keys():
err_msg = "%s not recognized as a valid cutoff frequency choice." %name
err_msg += "Recognized choices: " + " ".join(cutoff_fns.keys())
raise ValueError(err_msg)
f_cutoff = cutoff_fns[name](mass_dict)
return find_closest_calculated_frequencies(f_cutoff, freqs)
def find_closest_calculated_frequencies(input_freqs, metric_freqs):
Given a value (or array) of input frequencies find the closest values in
the list of frequencies calculated in the metric.
input_freqs : numpy.array or float
The frequency(ies) that you want to find the closest value in
metric_freqs : numpy.array
The list of frequencies calculated by the metric
output_freqs : numpy.array or float
The list of closest values to input_freqs for which the metric was
refEv = numpy.zeros(len(input_freqs),dtype=float)
except TypeError:
refEv = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float)
input_freqs = numpy.array([input_freqs])
if len(metric_freqs) == 1:
refEv[:] = metric_freqs[0]
return refEv
# FIXME: This seems complicated for what is a simple operation. Is there
# a simpler *and* faster way of doing this?
# NOTE: This function assumes a sorted list of frequencies
# NOTE: totmass and f_cutoff are both numpy arrays as this function is
# designed so that the cutoff can be calculated for many systems
# simulataneously
for i in range(len(metric_freqs)):
if i == 0:
# If frequency is lower than halfway between the first two entries
# use the first (lowest) value
logicArr = input_freqs < ((metric_freqs[0] + metric_freqs[1])/2.)
elif i == (len(metric_freqs)-1):
# If frequency is larger than halfway between the last two entries
# use the last (highest) value
logicArr = input_freqs > ((metric_freqs[-2] + metric_freqs[-1])/2.)
# For frequencies within the range in freqs, check which points
# should use the frequency corresponding to index i.
logicArrA = input_freqs > ((metric_freqs[i-1] + metric_freqs[i])/2.)
logicArrB = input_freqs < ((metric_freqs[i] + metric_freqs[i+1])/2.)
logicArr = numpy.logical_and(logicArrA,logicArrB)
if logicArr.any():
refEv[logicArr] = metric_freqs[i]
return refEv
def outspiral_loop(N):
Return a list of points that will loop outwards in a 2D lattice in terms
of distance from a central point. So if N=2 this will be [0,0], [0,1],
[0,-1],[1,0],[-1,0],[1,1] .... This is useful when you want to loop over
a number of bins, but want to start in the center and work outwards.
# Create a 2D lattice of all points
X,Y = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(-N,N+1), numpy.arange(-N,N+1))
# Flatten it
X = numpy.ndarray.flatten(X)
Y = numpy.ndarray.flatten(Y)
# Force to an integer
X = numpy.array(X, dtype=int)
Y = numpy.array(Y, dtype=int)
# Calculate distances
G = numpy.sqrt(X**2+Y**2)
# Combine back into an array
out_arr = numpy.array([X,Y,G])
# And order correctly
sorted_out_arr = out_arr[:,out_arr[2].argsort()]
return sorted_out_arr[:2,:].T