# Copyright (C) 2013 Ian Harry
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# =============================================================================
# Preamble
# =============================================================================
This module is responsible for setting up the segment generation stage of
workflows. For details about this module and its capabilities see here:
import os
import shutil
import itertools
import logging
import igwn_segments as segments
from igwn_segments import utils as segmentsUtils
from pycbc.workflow.core import SegFile, make_analysis_dir
from pycbc.workflow.core import resolve_url
logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.workflow.segment')
def save_veto_definer(cp, out_dir, tags=None):
""" Retrieve the veto definer file and save it locally
cp : ConfigParser instance
out_dir : path
tags : list of strings
Used to retrieve subsections of the ini file for
configuration options.
if tags is None:
tags = []
veto_def_url = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-segments",
"segments-veto-definer-url", tags)
veto_def_base_name = os.path.basename(veto_def_url)
veto_def_new_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(out_dir,
# Don't need to do this if already done
# and update location
cp.set("workflow-segments", "segments-veto-definer-file", veto_def_new_path)
return veto_def_new_path
def get_segments_file(workflow, name, option_name, out_dir, tags=None):
"""Get cumulative segments from option name syntax for each ifo.
Use syntax of configparser string to define the resulting segment_file
e.x. option_name = +up_flag1,+up_flag2,+up_flag3,-down_flag1,-down_flag2
Each ifo may have a different string and is stored separately in the file.
Flags which add time must precede flags which subtract time.
workflow: pycbc.workflow.Workflow
name: string
Name of the segment list being created
option_name: str
Name of option in the associated config parser to get the flag list
tags : list of strings
Used to retrieve subsections of the ini file for
configuration options.
seg_file: pycbc.workflow.SegFile
SegFile intance that points to the segment xml file on disk.
from pycbc.dq import query_str
cp = workflow.cp
start = workflow.analysis_time[0]
end = workflow.analysis_time[1]
if tags is None:
tags = []
# Check for veto definer file
veto_definer = None
if cp.has_option("workflow-segments", "segments-veto-definer-url"):
veto_definer = save_veto_definer(workflow.cp, out_dir)
# Check for provided server
server = "https://segments.ligo.org"
if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-segments", "segments-database-url", tags):
server = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-segments",
"segments-database-url", tags)
if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-segments", "segments-source", tags):
source = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-segments", "segments-source", tags)
source = "any"
if source == "file":
local_file_path = \
option_name+"-file", tags))
pfn = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(local_file_path))
shutil.move(local_file_path, pfn)
return SegFile.from_segment_xml(pfn)
segs = {}
for ifo in workflow.ifos:
flag_str = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-segments", option_name, [ifo])
key = ifo + ':' + name
if flag_str.upper() == "OFF":
segs[key] = segments.segmentlist([])
elif flag_str.upper() == "ON":
all_seg = segments.segment([start, end])
segs[key] = segments.segmentlist([all_seg])
segs[key] = query_str(ifo, flag_str, start, end,
source=source, server=server,
logger.info("%s: got %s flags", ifo, option_name)
return SegFile.from_segment_list_dict(name, segs,
def get_triggered_coherent_segment(workflow, sciencesegs):
Construct the coherent network on and off source segments. Can switch to
construction of segments for a single IFO search when coherent segments
are insufficient for a search.
workflow : pycbc.workflow.core.Workflow
The workflow instance that the calculated segments belong to.
sciencesegs : dict
Dictionary of all science segments within analysis time.
onsource : igwn_segments.segmentlistdict
A dictionary containing the on source segments for network IFOs
offsource : igwn_segments.segmentlistdict
A dictionary containing the off source segments for network IFOs
# Load parsed workflow config options
cp = workflow.cp
triggertime = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow', 'trigger-time')))
minduration = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
maxduration = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
onbefore = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
onafter = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
padding = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
if cp.has_option("workflow-condition_strain", "do-gating"):
padding += int(os.path.basename(cp.get("condition_strain",
quanta = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
# Check available data segments meet criteria specified in arguments
commonsegs = sciencesegs.extract_common(sciencesegs.keys())
offsrclist = commonsegs[tuple(commonsegs.keys())[0]]
if len(offsrclist) > 1:
logger.info("Removing network segments that do not contain trigger "
for seg in offsrclist:
if triggertime in seg:
offsrc = seg
offsrc = offsrclist[0]
if abs(offsrc) < minduration + 2 * padding:
fail = segments.segment([triggertime - minduration / 2. - padding,
triggertime + minduration / 2. + padding])
logger.warning("Available network segment shorter than minimum "
"allowed duration.")
return None, fail
# Will segment duration be the maximum desired length or not?
if abs(offsrc) >= maxduration + 2 * padding:
logger.info("Available network science segment duration (%ds) is "
"greater than the maximum allowed segment length (%ds). "
"Truncating...", abs(offsrc), maxduration)
logger.info("Available network science segment duration (%ds) is "
"less than the maximum allowed segment length (%ds).",
abs(offsrc), maxduration)
logger.info("%ds of padding applied at beginning and end of segment.",
# Construct on-source
onstart = triggertime - onbefore
onend = triggertime + onafter
oncentre = onstart + ((onbefore + onafter) / 2)
onsrc = segments.segment(onstart, onend)
logger.info("Constructed ON-SOURCE: duration %ds (%ds before to %ds after"
" trigger).", abs(onsrc), triggertime - onsrc[0],
onsrc[1] - triggertime)
onsrc = segments.segmentlist([onsrc])
# Maximal, centred coherent network segment
idealsegment = segments.segment(int(oncentre - padding -
0.5 * maxduration),
int(oncentre + padding +
0.5 * maxduration))
# Construct off-source
if (idealsegment in offsrc):
offsrc = idealsegment
elif idealsegment[1] not in offsrc:
offsrc &= segments.segment(offsrc[1] - maxduration - 2 * padding,
elif idealsegment[0] not in offsrc:
offsrc &= segments.segment(offsrc[0],
offsrc[0] + maxduration + 2 * padding)
# Trimming off-source
excess = (abs(offsrc) - 2 * padding) % quanta
if excess != 0:
logger.info("Trimming %ds excess time to make OFF-SOURCE duration a "
"multiple of %ds", excess, quanta)
offset = (offsrc[0] + abs(offsrc) / 2.) - oncentre
if 2 * abs(offset) > excess:
if offset < 0:
offsrc &= segments.segment(offsrc[0] + excess,
elif offset > 0:
offsrc &= segments.segment(offsrc[0],
offsrc[1] - excess)
assert abs(offsrc) % quanta == 2 * padding
logger.info("This will make OFF-SOURCE symmetrical about trigger "
start = int(offsrc[0] - offset + excess / 2)
end = int(offsrc[1] - offset - round(float(excess) / 2))
offsrc = segments.segment(start, end)
assert abs(offsrc) % quanta == 2 * padding
logger.info("Constructed OFF-SOURCE: duration %ds (%ds before to %ds "
"after trigger).", abs(offsrc) - 2 * padding,
triggertime - offsrc[0] - padding,
offsrc[1] - triggertime - padding)
offsrc = segments.segmentlist([offsrc])
# Put segments into segmentlistdicts
onsource = segments.segmentlistdict()
offsource = segments.segmentlistdict()
ifos = ''
for iifo in sciencesegs.keys():
ifos += str(iifo)
onsource[iifo] = onsrc
offsource[iifo] = offsrc
return onsource, offsource
def generate_triggered_segment(workflow, out_dir, sciencesegs):
cp = workflow.cp
if cp.has_option("workflow", "allow-single-ifo-search"):
min_ifos = 1
min_ifos = 2
triggertime = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow', 'trigger-time')))
minbefore = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
minafter = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
minduration = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
onbefore = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
onafter = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
padding = int(os.path.basename(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
if cp.has_option("workflow-condition_strain", "do-gating"):
padding += int(os.path.basename(cp.get("condition_strain",
# How many IFOs meet minimum data requirements?
min_seg = segments.segment(triggertime - onbefore - minbefore - padding,
triggertime + onafter + minafter + padding)
scisegs = segments.segmentlistdict({ifo: sciencesegs[ifo]
for ifo in sciencesegs.keys() if min_seg in sciencesegs[ifo]
and abs(sciencesegs[ifo]) >= minduration})
# Find highest number of IFOs that give an acceptable coherent segment
num_ifos = len(scisegs)
while num_ifos >= min_ifos:
# Consider all combinations for a given number of IFOs
ifo_combos = itertools.combinations(scisegs, num_ifos)
onsource = {}
offsource = {}
for ifo_combo in ifo_combos:
ifos = "".join(ifo_combo)
logger.info("Calculating optimal segment for %s.", ifos)
segs = segments.segmentlistdict({ifo: scisegs[ifo]
for ifo in ifo_combo})
onsource[ifos], offsource[ifos] = get_triggered_coherent_segment(\
workflow, segs)
# Which combination gives the longest coherent segment?
valid_combs = [iifos for iifos in onsource.keys()
if onsource[iifos] is not None]
if len(valid_combs) == 0:
# If none, offsource dict will contain segments showing criteria
# that have not been met, for use in plotting
if len(offsource.keys()) > 1:
seg_lens = {ifos: abs(next(offsource[ifos].values())[0])
for ifos in offsource.keys()}
best_comb = max(seg_lens.iterkeys(),
key=(lambda key: seg_lens[key]))
best_comb = tuple(offsource.keys())[0]
logger.info("No combination of %d IFOs with suitable science "
"segment.", num_ifos)
# Identify best analysis segment
if len(valid_combs) > 1:
seg_lens = {ifos: abs(next(offsource[ifos].values())[0])
for ifos in valid_combs}
best_comb = max(seg_lens.iterkeys(),
key=(lambda key: seg_lens[key]))
best_comb = valid_combs[0]
logger.info("Calculated science segments.")
offsourceSegfile = os.path.join(out_dir, "offSourceSeg.txt")
segmentsUtils.tosegwizard(open(offsourceSegfile, "w"),
onsourceSegfile = os.path.join(out_dir, "onSourceSeg.txt")
segmentsUtils.tosegwizard(open(onsourceSegfile, "w"),
bufferleft = int(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
bufferright = int(cp.get('workflow-exttrig_segments',
onlen = onbefore + onafter
bufferSegment = segments.segment(\
triggertime - onbefore - bufferleft * onlen,
triggertime + onafter + bufferright * onlen)
bufferSegfile = os.path.join(out_dir, "bufferSeg.txt")
segmentsUtils.tosegwizard(open(bufferSegfile, "w"),
return onsource[best_comb], offsource[best_comb], bufferSegment
num_ifos -= 1
logger.warning("No suitable science segments available.")
return None, offsource[best_comb], None
except UnboundLocalError:
return None, min_seg, None
def get_flag_segments_file(workflow, name, option_name, out_dir, tags=None):
"""Get segments from option name syntax for each ifo for indivudal flags.
Use syntax of configparser string to define the resulting segment_file
e.x. option_name = +up_flag1,+up_flag2,+up_flag3,-down_flag1,-down_flag2
Each ifo may have a different string and is stored separately in the file.
Each flag is stored separately in the file.
Flags which add time must precede flags which subtract time.
workflow: pycbc.workflow.Workflow
name: string
Name of the segment list being created
option_name: str
Name of option in the associated config parser to get the flag list
tags : list of strings
Used to retrieve subsections of the ini file for
configuration options.
seg_file: pycbc.workflow.SegFile
SegFile intance that points to the segment xml file on disk.
from pycbc.dq import query_str
cp = workflow.cp
start = workflow.analysis_time[0]
end = workflow.analysis_time[1]
if tags is None:
tags = []
# Check for veto definer file
veto_definer = None
if cp.has_option("workflow-segments", "segments-veto-definer-url"):
veto_definer = save_veto_definer(workflow.cp, out_dir)
# Check for provided server
server = "https://segments.ligo.org"
if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-segments", "segments-database-url", tags):
server = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-segments",
"segments-database-url", tags)
source = "any"
if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-segments", "segments-source", tags):
source = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-segments", "segments-source", tags)
if source == "file":
local_file_path = \
option_name+"-file", tags))
pfn = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(local_file_path))
shutil.move(local_file_path, pfn)
return SegFile.from_segment_xml(pfn)
segs = {}
for ifo in workflow.ifos:
if cp.has_option_tags("workflow-segments", option_name, [ifo]):
flag_str = cp.get_opt_tags("workflow-segments", option_name, [ifo])
flag_list = flag_str.split(',')
for flag in flag_list:
flag_name = flag[1:]
if len(flag_name.split(':')) > 1:
flag_name = name.split(':')[1]
key = ifo + ':' + flag_name
segs[key] = query_str(ifo, flag, start, end,
source=source, server=server,
logger.info("%s: got %s segments", ifo, flag_name)
logger.info("%s: no segments requested", ifo)
return SegFile.from_segment_list_dict(name, segs,