Source code for pycbc.distributions.sky_location

# Copyright (C) 2016  Collin Capano
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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"""This modules provides classes for evaluating sky distributions in
right ascension and declination.

import logging
import warnings
import numpy
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from pycbc.distributions import angular
from pycbc import VARARGS_DELIM
from import FieldArray
from pycbc.types import angle_as_radians
from pycbc.libutils import import_optional

logger = logging.getLogger('pycbc.distributions.sky_location')

[docs] class UniformSky(angular.UniformSolidAngle): """A distribution that is uniform on the sky. This is the same as UniformSolidAngle, except that the polar angle varies from pi/2 (the north pole) to -pi/2 (the south pole) instead of 0 to pi. Also, the default names are "dec" (declination) for the polar angle and "ra" (right ascension) for the azimuthal angle, instead of "theta" and "phi". """ name = 'uniform_sky' _polardistcls = angular.CosAngle _default_polar_angle = 'dec' _default_azimuthal_angle = 'ra'
[docs] class FisherSky: """A distribution that returns a random angle drawn from an approximate `Von_Mises-Fisher distribution`_. Assumes that the Fisher concentration parameter is large, so that we can draw the samples from a simple rotationally-invariant distribution centered at the North Pole (which factors as a uniform distribution for the right ascension, and a Rayleigh distribution for the declination, as described in `Fabrycky and Winn 2009 ApJ 696 1230`) and then rotate the samples to be centered around the specified mean position. As in UniformSky, the declination varies from π/2 to -π/2 and the right ascension varies from 0 to 2π. .. _Von_Mises-Fisher distribution: .. _Fabrycky and Winn 2009 ApJ 696 1230: .. _Briggs et al 1999 ApJS 122 503: Parameters ---------- mean_ra: float or str RA of the center of the distribution. Use the rad or deg suffix to specify units, otherwise radians are assumed. mean_dec: float or str Declination of the center of the distribution. Use the rad or deg suffix to specify units, otherwise radians are assumed. sigma: float or str Spread of the distribution. For the precise interpretation, see Eq 8 of `Briggs et al 1999 ApJS 122 503`_. This should be smaller than about 20 deg for the approximation to be valid. Use the rad or deg suffix to specify units, otherwise radians are assumed. """ name = 'fisher_sky' _params = ['ra', 'dec'] def __init__(self, **params): mean_ra = angle_as_radians(params['mean_ra']) mean_dec = angle_as_radians(params['mean_dec']) sigma = angle_as_radians(params['sigma']) if mean_ra < 0 or mean_ra > 2 * numpy.pi: raise ValueError( f'The mean RA must be between 0 and 2π, {mean_ra} rad given' ) if mean_dec < -numpy.pi / 2 or mean_dec > numpy.pi / 2: raise ValueError( 'The mean declination must be between ' f'-π/2 and π/2, {mean_dec} rad given' ) if sigma < 0 or sigma > 2 * numpy.pi: raise ValueError( 'Sigma must be non-negative and smaller than 2π ' '(preferably much smaller)' ) if sigma > 0.35: logger.warning( 'Warning: sigma = %s rad is probably too large for the ' 'Fisher approximation to be valid', sigma, ) self.rayleigh_scale = 0.66 * sigma # Prepare a rotation that puts the North Pole at the mean position self.rotation = Rotation.from_euler( 'yz', [numpy.pi / 2 - mean_dec, mean_ra] ) @property def params(self): return self._params
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cp, section, variable_args): tag = variable_args variable_args = variable_args.split(VARARGS_DELIM) if set(variable_args) != set(cls._params): raise ValueError( "Not all parameters used by this distribution " "included in tag portion of section name" ) mean_ra = cp.get_opt_tag(section, 'mean_ra', tag) mean_dec = cp.get_opt_tag(section, 'mean_dec', tag) sigma = cp.get_opt_tag(section, 'sigma', tag) return cls( mean_ra=mean_ra, mean_dec=mean_dec, sigma=sigma, )
[docs] def rvs(self, size): # Draw samples from a distribution centered on the North pole np_ra = numpy.random.uniform(low=0, high=(2 * numpy.pi), size=size) np_dec = numpy.random.rayleigh(scale=self.rayleigh_scale, size=size) # Convert the samples to intermediate cartesian representation np_cart = numpy.empty(shape=(size, 3)) np_cart[:, 0] = numpy.cos(np_ra) * numpy.sin(np_dec) np_cart[:, 1] = numpy.sin(np_ra) * numpy.sin(np_dec) np_cart[:, 2] = numpy.cos(np_dec) # Rotate the samples according to our pre-built rotation rot_cart = self.rotation.apply(np_cart) # Convert the samples back to spherical coordinates. # Some unpleasant conditional operations are needed # to get the correct angle convention. rot_radec = FieldArray(size, dtype=[('ra', '<f8'), ('dec', '<f8')]) rot_radec['ra'] = numpy.arctan2(rot_cart[:, 1], rot_cart[:, 0]) neg_mask = rot_radec['ra'] < 0 rot_radec['ra'][neg_mask] += 2 * numpy.pi rot_radec['dec'] = numpy.arcsin(rot_cart[:, 2]) return rot_radec
[docs] class HealpixSky: """Sky-location distribution given by a HEALPix map from an external file. The declination (delta) varies from π/2 to -π/2 and the right ascension (alpha) varies from 0 to 2π. Parameters ---------- healpix_file : str Path to a FITS file containing a probability distribution encoded in a HEALPix scheme. """ name = 'healpix_sky' _params = ['ra', 'dec'] def __init__(self, **params): # Read the map file. file_name = params['healpix_file'] mhealpy = import_optional('mhealpy') self.healpix_map = mhealpy.HealpixMap.read_map(file_name) # Get the probabilities at each pixel. if self.healpix_map.density(): # If the map stores a probability density, then we must convert to # a probability per pixel. We assume that the angular variation # scale of the density function is much larger than the pixel area, # so that we can just scale the density by the pixel area. pix_areas = self.healpix_map.pixarea( numpy.arange(self.healpix_map.npix) ) self.pix_probs = (self.healpix_map * pix_areas).data else: # The map stores directly a probability per pixel. self.pix_probs = # Sanity-check the probabilities, and ensure they are normalized # correctly (sum to one). assert type(self.pix_probs) == numpy.ndarray sum_pix_probs = sum(self.pix_probs) if not numpy.isclose(sum_pix_probs, 1): warnings.warn( f'Sum of probs in HEALPix map is {sum(self.pix_probs)}, ' 'far from 1. Something might be wrong with that map' ) self.pix_probs /= sum_pix_probs @property def params(self): return self._params
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cp, section, variable_args): tag = variable_args variable_args = variable_args.split(VARARGS_DELIM) if set(variable_args) != set(cls._params): raise ValueError( "Not all parameters used by this distribution " "included in tag portion of section name" ) healpix_file = str(cp.get_opt_tag(section, 'healpix_file', tag)) return cls(healpix_file=healpix_file)
[docs] def pixel_corners(self, indices): """Return the Cartesian vectors corresponding to the corners of one or more HEALPix pixels. Dimension 0 is the pixel index, 1 is the Cartesian coordinate, 2 is the corner index. """ return numpy.array( [self.healpix_map.boundaries(pi, step=1) for pi in indices] )
[docs] def normalize_azimuth(self, phi): """Helper function to ensure the azimuthal coordinate stays within [0,2π). """ phi[phi < 0] += 2 * numpy.pi phi[phi >= 2 * numpy.pi] -= 2 * numpy.pi return phi
[docs] def rvs(self, size): # First of all, draw a random sample of pixel indices following the # given probabilities. This is the trivial part of the algorithm. pix_indices = numpy.random.choice( self.healpix_map.npix, p=self.pix_probs, size=size ) # Then comes the nasty part of the algorithm. For each selected pixel, # we need to draw a random point uniformly distributed on the patch of # the sky defined by that pixel. We cannot skip points, every pixel # (index) needs precisely one point. We do this via rejection sampling: # we find the (theta,phi) box that encloses the corners of a pixel, # then draw a uniform point inside that box and repeat until the point # falls inside the pixel. The acceptance rate is always around 50% due # to the orientation of the HEALPix pixels. The result seems correct # visually and by checking the acceptance rates. This method is # relatively slow due to the calls to `boundaries()`, which is slow # especially for MOC maps. For MOC maps, I obtain around one million # samples per minute. boundaries_vec = self.pixel_corners(pix_indices) boundaries_z_min = boundaries_vec[:,2,:].min(axis=1) boundaries_z_max = boundaries_vec[:,2,:].max(axis=1) # Find ranges of azimuthal angle. `arctan2()` produces angles in the # range [-π,π] which is not the right convention, so fix that right # away. boundaries_phi = numpy.arctan2( boundaries_vec[:,1,:], boundaries_vec[:,0,:] ) del boundaries_vec boundaries_phi[boundaries_phi < 0] += 2 * numpy.pi boundaries_phi_min = boundaries_phi.min(axis=1) boundaries_phi_max = boundaries_phi.max(axis=1) # Pixels that straddle phi = 0 need a special treatment :( Shift them # by 90 deg so that they are not straddlers for the time being. # We will shift the corresponding samples back after drawing them. straddler_mask = (boundaries_phi_max - boundaries_phi_min) > numpy.pi / 2 boundaries_phi[straddler_mask,:] -= numpy.pi / 2 boundaries_phi[straddler_mask,:] = self.normalize_azimuth( boundaries_phi[straddler_mask,:] ) boundaries_phi_min[straddler_mask] = boundaries_phi[straddler_mask,:].min(axis=1) boundaries_phi_max[straddler_mask] = boundaries_phi[straddler_mask,:].max(axis=1) del boundaries_phi final_thetas = numpy.array([]) final_phis = numpy.array([]) # Here comes the rejection sampling. while len(pix_indices) > 0: random_thetas = numpy.arccos( numpy.random.uniform(boundaries_z_min, boundaries_z_max) ) random_phis = numpy.random.uniform( boundaries_phi_min, boundaries_phi_max ) # Now we can undo the shift for the straddlers. Ugly! random_phis[straddler_mask] += numpy.pi / 2 random_phis[straddler_mask] = self.normalize_azimuth( random_phis[straddler_mask] ) # Find which points fall inside their pixels. sampled_indices = self.healpix_map.ang2pix( random_thetas, random_phis ) acceptance_mask = sampled_indices == pix_indices final_thetas = numpy.concatenate( (final_thetas, random_thetas[acceptance_mask]) ) final_phis = numpy.concatenate( (final_phis, random_phis[acceptance_mask]) ) # Iterate if we are still missing some pixels. rej_mask = numpy.logical_not(acceptance_mask) pix_indices = pix_indices[rej_mask] boundaries_z_min = boundaries_z_min[rej_mask] boundaries_z_max = boundaries_z_max[rej_mask] boundaries_phi_min = boundaries_phi_min[rej_mask] boundaries_phi_max = boundaries_phi_max[rej_mask] straddler_mask = straddler_mask[rej_mask] # Convert back to the radec convention radec = FieldArray(size, dtype=[('ra', '<f8'), ('dec', '<f8')]) radec['ra'] = final_phis radec['dec'] = numpy.pi / 2 - final_thetas return radec
__all__ = ['UniformSky', 'FisherSky', 'HealpixSky']