Catalog of Observed Gravitational-wave Mergers

Information about the growing catalog of gravitational-wave mergers can be accessed through the pycbc.catalog package.

Which mergers do we have information about?

import pycbc.catalog

c = pycbc.catalog.Catalog(source='gwtc-2')

# Names of mergers in the catalog

# Approximate GPS time of the mergers
print([c[m].time for m in c])
$ python ../examples/catalog/
No CuPy
No CuPy or GPU PhenomHM module.
No CuPy or GPU response available.
No CuPy or GPU interpolation available.
dict_keys(['GW190930_133541-v1', 'GW190929_012149-v1', 'GW190924_021846-v1', 'GW190915_235702-v1', 'GW190910_112807-v1', 'GW190909_114149-v1', 'GW190828_065509-v1', 'GW190828_063405-v1', 'GW190814-v2', 'GW190803_022701-v1', 'GW190731_140936-v1', 'GW190728_064510-v1', 'GW190727_060333-v1', 'GW190720_000836-v1', 'GW190719_215514-v1', 'GW190708_232457-v1', 'GW190707_093326-v1', 'GW190706_222641-v1', 'GW190701_203306-v1', 'GW190630_185205-v1', 'GW190620_030421-v1', 'GW190602_175927-v1', 'GW190527_092055-v1', 'GW190521_074359-v1', 'GW190521-v3', 'GW190519_153544-v1', 'GW190517_055101-v1', 'GW190514_065416-v1', 'GW190513_205428-v1', 'GW190512_180714-v1', 'GW190503_185404-v1', 'GW190426_152155-v1', 'GW190425-v2', 'GW190424_180648-v1', 'GW190421_213856-v1', 'GW190413_134308-v1', 'GW190413_052954-v1', 'GW190412-v3', 'GW190408_181802-v1'])
[1253885759.2, 1253755327.5, 1253326744.8, 1252627040.7, 1252150105.3, 1252064527.7, 1251010527.9, 1251009263.8, 1249852257.0, 1248834439.9, 1248617394.6, 1248331528.5, 1248242632.0, 1247616534.7, 1247608532.9, 1246663515.4, 1246527224.2, 1246487219.3, 1246048404.6, 1245955943.2, 1245035079.3, 1243533585.1, 1242984073.8, 1242459857.5, 1242442967.4, 1242315362.4, 1242107479.8, 1241852074.8, 1241816086.8, 1241719652.4, 1240944862.3, 1240327333.3, 1240215503.0, 1240164426.1, 1239917954.3, 1239198206.7, 1239168612.5, 1239082262.2, 1238782700.3]

Plotting some key statistics from the catalog

import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
import pycbc.catalog

c = pycbc.catalog.Catalog(source='gwtc-2')
mchirp, elow, ehigh = c.median1d('mchirp', return_errors=True)
spin = c.median1d('chi_eff')

pp.errorbar(mchirp, spin, xerr=[-elow, ehigh], fmt='o', markersize=7)
pp.xlabel('Chirp Mass')
pp.ylabel('Effective Spin')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Accessing data around each event

Data around each event can also be easily accessed for any detector.

import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
import pycbc.catalog

m = pycbc.catalog.Merger("GW170817", source='gwtc-1')

fig, axs = pp.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True)
for ifo, ax in zip(["L1", "H1"], axs):
    # Retreive data around the BNS merger
    ts = m.strain(ifo).time_slice(m.time - 15, m.time + 6)

    # Whiten the data with a 4s filter
    white = ts.whiten(4, 4)

    times, freqs, power = white.qtransform(.01, logfsteps=200,
                                        qrange=(110, 110),
                                        frange=(20, 512))
    pp.pcolormesh(times, freqs, power**0.5, vmax=5)

pp.ylabel("Frequency (Hz)")
pp.xlabel("Time (s)")

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
